Jeevan Muktha Lakshnam continues....
Sloka 436:
Live with an attitude of indifference
Sloka 437:
Have deep rooted Knowledge that the Self is Brahman!
Sloka 438:
No ego with regard to body, sense-organs nor outside things. Everything Brahman alone... and not judging others.
Sloka 439:
Never distinguish between the Jeeva and Brahman and between the Universe and Brahman.
Sloka 440:
Feel the same when his body is worshiped or tortured.
Sloka 441:
All sense objects will be merged in him even if it attacked; like rivers in to the ocean!
Sloka 442:
If anyone's senses are still outgoing then he is not realized the essence Brahman.
Sloka 443:
Vasanaas get weakened when there is a realization of oneness with Brahman.
Sloka 444:
There are no more any worldly propensities in one who has realized the knowledge of Brahman. For example one cannot indulge in sensuous actions in the presence of his own mother.
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