Om Namasivaya Nama:
Upasamhara continues....
Sloka: 574
In Reality, you are Brahman Itself, therefore nothing exists other than Brahman. Even the state narrated as Liberation/Mukthi itself not exists. Until you realize that "you are THAT" everything there.
Blessed disciple liberated! (Moksha Prapthi):
Sloka 575:
Though it is the most secret knowledge (Vedantha Rahasya being the crest of the thoughts of the Vedas - The Viveka Choodamani), I (your Guru) narrated to you as I would do to my own Son because of your obedience and eagerness to learn with reverence. This learning will help you to remove all impurities of Vasanas (Kali) that would make you completely free from desires!
Sloka 576:
Hearing the words of (Upadesa) the Teacher, the disciple prostate to him with reverence and left without any bondage in every aspect (Manasa/Vacha/Karmana). At this minute, the disciple has realized that He and His Teacher are the same Athma (Brahman). This is what realization!
Sloka 577:
After disciple left, Guru steeped in the ocean of Bliss. Indeed blessed the whole world.
Anubandha Chathushtayam / Chathurvida Lakshnapoorthy (The glory of Vivekachudamani)
Sloka 578:
The logical thought of Vedantha has been explained in a comprehensive manner through the dialogue between Guru-Sishya (Teacher and Disciple) so that this will help the seekers (Mumukshu) of liberation from all bondage. Sankaracharya further explains 4 important qualification/signs of pillars to learn Vivekachudamani. They are:
1. Adhikari - Who is eligible? Ans - Mumukshu (Those who seek liberation)
2. Vishaya - The Subject? Ans - Athma-gnanam (Real Self Knowledge)
3. Sambandha - Relationship? Ans - Niroopa Niroopakam (Disciplined learning)
4. Prayojana - Purpose? Ans - Sukha Bodha (Easily attain true Self-knowledge)
Sloka 579:
This Vivekachudamani is useful or achievable only to those seekers for liberation under the specified 6 qualifications. According to Acharya, others cannot appreciate it due to the Maya afflicted in them.
1. Those who have completely purged the impurities of the mind. (Vihitha-Nirastha-Samastha-Chitha-Dosha). For purification, Acharya recommended Sama, Dama, Uparathi, Thitiksha, Sradha and Samadhana.
2. Those who are averse to the pleasure of the ever-changing world. (Bhava-Sukha-Virata).
3. Those whose minds are quiet and calm because of reduction of Vasanas (Prasantha Chitham)
4. Those who seriously study the scriptures with faith i.e. mental attitude towards learning the Upanishads (Sruthi Rasikas).
5. Those who are putting forth the efforts to learn the true knowledge (Yataya/Yathi).
6. Those who have a burning desire for liberation (Mumukhuva).
Sloka 580: (Last Sloka):
For those who afflicted in this Samsara by the burning pains caused by the scorching sun rays of the three-fold sorrows (Aadhyathmika, Aadhi-Dhaivika & Aadhi-Bhowthika), and those who in delusion, roam in a desert in search of water, for them here is the glorious message of Adhi Sankara Charya Bharathi. The message is simple and straight forward - Ocean of Nectar, the non-dual Brahman, within easy reach, in order to lead them to Liberation (Mukthi).
In other words, the final result of Spiritual Self re-discovery is a total liberation of the mortal individuality from all its physical, mental and intellectual involvements. Acharya says this is called LIberation (Mukthi), Self-Realization (Athma Sakshathkara) or God Realisation (Easwara-Sakshathkara).
Subham Bhavathu....Om Thath Sath.
I am thankful for my Manasika Guru Sri Adhi Sankara Bharathi Bhagathpadhar for rendering this service to the needy through me. I am blessed indeed because he has chosen me to do this nish-kamya-karma. My pranams to my heavenly living parents and all Gurus and spiritual seekers.
Let me start with next project....
Om Namasivaya Nama:
Welcome to Venky's Blog.
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My Humble Pranaams to you.
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Have a Good day and God bless you.
R V Venkiteswaran (Venky)
My Humble Pranaams to you.
Please feel free to post your comments through comments link.
Have a Good day and God bless you.
R V Venkiteswaran (Venky)
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Saturday, October 28, 2017
Saturday, October 21, 2017
Om Namasivaya Nama:
Upasamhara continues...
Sloka 571:
Bondage and liberation are attributes of the intellect (Budhi) which foolish people superimpose upon the Reality (Athma) and get confused. Immutable Reality is absolute knowledge, non-dual and unattached. All the declarations of the scriptures are mere blabberings. The Reality has to be realized by an individual, not by words or readings.
Sloka 572:
The intellect is the main culprit for all kind of un-wanted attributes! Whatever one attribute to the Reality (Athman) is not belong to eternal Paramathman! it is only a self-satisfying play. The Infinite has no qualities nor space nor time bound, it is beyond everything.
Sloka 573:
Bondage and Liberation are the creations of the non-apprehension of Reality, in the Self (Athma) they don't exist. Maya which creates bondage and liberation
Please download full discourse from the link.
Upasamhara continues...
Sloka 571:
Bondage and liberation are attributes of the intellect (Budhi) which foolish people superimpose upon the Reality (Athma) and get confused. Immutable Reality is absolute knowledge, non-dual and unattached. All the declarations of the scriptures are mere blabberings. The Reality has to be realized by an individual, not by words or readings.
Sloka 572:
The intellect is the main culprit for all kind of un-wanted attributes! Whatever one attribute to the Reality (Athman) is not belong to eternal Paramathman! it is only a self-satisfying play. The Infinite has no qualities nor space nor time bound, it is beyond everything.
Sloka 573:
Bondage and Liberation are the creations of the non-apprehension of Reality, in the Self (Athma) they don't exist. Maya which creates bondage and liberation
Please download full discourse from the link.
Saturday, October 14, 2017
Om Namasivaya Nama:
Upsamhara continues....
Sloka 568:
By realizing the oneness of the Jeeva and Brahman, his/her bodies (Gross/Sthoola, Subtle/Sookshma and Casual/Para), consisting of ignorance will be burnt. Due to which he/she will realize that I am Brahman itself, therefore no transmigration! When you think you are That there is no trouble otherwise all sort of trouble will arise.
Sloka 569:
May does not exist in the Self (Real!). No bondage or liberation to Self. It is always unafflicted and ever living.
Sloka 570:
There can be no veiling for Brahman!. Because it is absolute, Infinite Supreme and Non-dual.
Please download full discourse from the link.
Upsamhara continues....
Sloka 568:
By realizing the oneness of the Jeeva and Brahman, his/her bodies (Gross/Sthoola, Subtle/Sookshma and Casual/Para), consisting of ignorance will be burnt. Due to which he/she will realize that I am Brahman itself, therefore no transmigration! When you think you are That there is no trouble otherwise all sort of trouble will arise.
Sloka 569:
May does not exist in the Self (Real!). No bondage or liberation to Self. It is always unafflicted and ever living.
Sloka 570:
There can be no veiling for Brahman!. Because it is absolute, Infinite Supreme and Non-dual.
Please download full discourse from the link.
Saturday, October 7, 2017
Dear Browsers / Commentators
First of all, I would like to thank you for your valuable comments, suggestions, opinions, wishes, and greetings. May God bless everyone to be happy in life.
I would like to dedicate this section to answer and clarify those issues raised by some of you within my limited knowledge. This information may or may not be the ultimate however I will try my best. You can send me your personal questions to my email id: As and when I find the time, I will surely reply to you.
Please regularly check this section in case you are expecting any reply from my side with regard to your specific question.
Year 2017:
Q. Sri Devi Bhagavatham some links are not working?
A. I am sorry, due to file corruption I am unable to retrieve old recordings. However, I am trying to fix this and if I could succeed I will upload again.
Q. Poorvadha husband and Chitra4 wife, compatibility issue?
A. My compatibility chart is based on quantitative grading. Any matching that can achieve 5+ then i would like to consider them as potentially matchable horoscopes. All marriage matching has to be done from female to male side only. The Poorvashada girl can get Chitra boy matched...not vice versa. Anyway, this is only a preliminary test 1 out of 3. {Three tests are: Quantity match (Characteristics), Dosham (Poisonous Chemicals that miss the match with opposite sex chemical combination) then Dasa Sandhi (Clash of ruling period change) }I give more importance for Qualitative grade and Mana Porutham. There are total 21 poruthams are prescribed by the Sasthra. Chithra girls are more experimenting than Poorvashada boys, therefore, don't bother much since you have already married. Now live happily with removing all negative reasonings...May God bless you.
Q. Same star marriage - Chathayam and Chathayam?
A. Please refer my blog itself. It has an answer. Only the following stars will get matching of the same stars.
Aswini, Krithika, Mrugaseersha, Punarvasu, Poorva-phalghuni, Uthira-phalghuni, Chithra, Swathi, Visaka, Anuradha, Uthrashadam, Sravanam, Poorva-proshtapada, Uthra-proshtapada and Revathy.
Please note : 108th paada (the nakshthra paada of boy, from the paada of girl, i.e. the one pada before the paada of girl) is to be rejected according to Dina Porutham (which is very important for Brahmins due to religious rituals). in other words 4th paada of girl and 3rd paada of boy of same star to be rejected.
Please note : 108th paada (the nakshthra paada of boy, from the paada of girl, i.e. the one pada before the paada of girl) is to be rejected according to Dina Porutham (which is very important for Brahmins due to religious rituals). in other words 4th paada of girl and 3rd paada of boy of same star to be rejected.
Q. Makam girl and a Revathy boy matching?
A. Kindly note they are having Shashtashtama Dosham and less porutham obtainable. Therefore not a great matching. Another reason Makam is Kethu rep and Revathy Budha...both star lords are extremely powerful in terms of knowledge. Therefore, they will have less attraction towards material goals and comforts. Moreover, both star lords are Reps of knowledge, wisdom, and liberation. Therefore husband and wife will have ego clash and difference of opinion. So it is better to avoid such matching.
Q. Revathi boy and Rohini girl.
A. They can get decent matching. Moreover, they will fall under Guru Chandra yogam like Gaja Kesari yogam will be achieved.
Q. Krithika girl Punartham boy?
A. Difficult to get quantitative porutham. However good mana porutham can be achieved because Punatham fellow knows how to love and convince his life partner.
Q. Krithika girl and Rohini boy?
A. Better to avoid this matching why because of no porutham, more over Star Lords Sun+Moon = Amavasya. So imagine how the life will be.
Q. Uthradam girl and Revathy boy?
A. No porutham. Kindly note if set stars are not getting porutham as per Jyothi Sashtram I can't help it. no need to ask me again.
Q. Visakam boy and Moolam girl. Whether the boy's father will die if son married a Moolam girl?
A. No need. Detailed horoscope reading a must before a conclusion. Only 4th pada of Moola star girl has this poison effect because she will upset boy's father quite often and she will shun him...eventually even if he is alive it is as good as a dead man walking. Lots of myth involved but in reality no need to get scared. Nowadays most of the newly married couples are living separately, therefore, a direct interaction with father-in-law is highly minimized. So logically we can get away with this rule. Also, see his lifespan in the horoscope before a final exchange of a word. For your information, Lordess Saraswathy's start is Moola star. Her father in law is Maha Vishnu...did he dies after Brahma's marriage?
Q. Dina porutham is missing. Is there any problem in marriage?
A. Not to worry. Dina portham is actually meant for knowing the partner's mindset. It is more applicable to Brahmins who do more rituals than other work (Husband and Wife together). This is especially for rituals and even during intercourse. If the mind is different then the result of the product will be inferior. You may not achieve 100% fruitful end result. Now you know why Dina porutham is important to consider. So you couple make sure that this mistake does not knowingly happen so that you can overcome. Also, compensation is suggested for Dina porutham is: If Rasi, Yoni and Mahendra poruthams are obtained.
Q. Kettai boy and Poorottathi girl match? can they match?
A. Interesting question raised, you claim you are in love for 5 years (hats off to you) and now you are seeking horoscope guidance is a kind of shame! May God bless you. According to Jyothi Sasthra, there is no quantitative matching but out of 24 poruthams, one is called Mana Porutham which is very important in marriage life, which you both have. Now, what do you want? Thank God and move to next stage. Just ensure by reading both your horoscopes with a non-commercial astrologer to ensure any future misfortune! All the best.
Q. Why Siva's name is not mentioned in the Sandhya Vandan?
A. It is mentioned in a subtle way. First of all there is no difference between Siva and Vishnu. They are same. People differentiate them due to ignorance. Of course, this can be explained in many ways. First, Sandhya Vandan is meant for casual people not renounced ones. Usually, Siva devotees are renounced and monks and they don't need to perform Sandhya Vandan. Siva signifies NO ACTIVITY whereas Vishnu means FULL OF ACTIVITIES. Another point of view.Vishnu represents Administration of the life (Sthithi) Thri-Vruthi. By doing Vruthi/Kriya, people are committing more and more sins. So one needs to pray to Lord Vishnu more because Sandhya Vandan is to wash out our sins. Sandhya Vandhan is not a Bakthi is a duty-oriented. Let me also explain Karma and Kriya/Vruthi. Karma is Nish-kamya work whereas Kriya/Vruthi is Kamya work. We all know 99% of the work we engaged is to gain or lose something with a desireful goal in front of us, this includes even to the most well known Asrams!.
Yet, for your knowledge, i would like to point this area so that you will be happy and clarified. Remembering Siva is mentioned in the Devatha Namaskar in the Upasthana manthra. When you face North direction and say "Ruthagum sathyam para-brahmmam Purusham Krishna-Pingalam". The meaning for this is "I BOW DOWN TO HARI-HARA, who is Parabhraman, the base of beauty in all visible thing, Who dwells in all bodies, who is the confluence of the dark-hued VISHNU and the redness of SIVA, Who transcends sex, Who is three-eyed, and Who assumes all forms."
A. It is mentioned in a subtle way. First of all there is no difference between Siva and Vishnu. They are same. People differentiate them due to ignorance. Of course, this can be explained in many ways. First, Sandhya Vandan is meant for casual people not renounced ones. Usually, Siva devotees are renounced and monks and they don't need to perform Sandhya Vandan. Siva signifies NO ACTIVITY whereas Vishnu means FULL OF ACTIVITIES. Another point of view.Vishnu represents Administration of the life (Sthithi) Thri-Vruthi. By doing Vruthi/Kriya, people are committing more and more sins. So one needs to pray to Lord Vishnu more because Sandhya Vandan is to wash out our sins. Sandhya Vandhan is not a Bakthi is a duty-oriented. Let me also explain Karma and Kriya/Vruthi. Karma is Nish-kamya work whereas Kriya/Vruthi is Kamya work. We all know 99% of the work we engaged is to gain or lose something with a desireful goal in front of us, this includes even to the most well known Asrams!.
Yet, for your knowledge, i would like to point this area so that you will be happy and clarified. Remembering Siva is mentioned in the Devatha Namaskar in the Upasthana manthra. When you face North direction and say "Ruthagum sathyam para-brahmmam Purusham Krishna-Pingalam". The meaning for this is "I BOW DOWN TO HARI-HARA, who is Parabhraman, the base of beauty in all visible thing, Who dwells in all bodies, who is the confluence of the dark-hued VISHNU and the redness of SIVA, Who transcends sex, Who is three-eyed, and Who assumes all forms."
Q. What is Chovva/Kuja/Mars Dosham?
A. According to astrology when Mars posited in Lagna, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th in the natal horoscope they are afflicted by the impurities or wrath of Kuja. Scientifically and medically Mars is containing poisonous chemical components than other planets. So, when Mars occupy these positions it disturbs the normal life. These houses are very important for a person's successful married life, therefore for marriage purpose, one must clarify and scrutinize proportionately with his/her spouse horoscope.
Please don't think that those who have Mangal dosha are untouchable or unfit for living. It is an explosive chemical in the wrong places of the body which can cause life threat or sickness or loss on undertakings etc.. However, this can be cured with proper gross and subtle medication. Subtle treatment is Prayers and Gross is proper matchmaking.
Another basic problem of Kuja Dosha is that those who have this Dosha (Affliction), they should not curse anyone particularly husband or wife or children. The curse will eventually happen which can cause sorrows. Even if you curse unintentionally it will happen why because Mars's malefic effects will encourage you to curse and fight, that is why elders use to avoid Mangali horoscopes. Now you know why learned ones are avoiding in the selection of Mangali horoscopes.
Now let me tell you the importance of these houses where it is afflicted due to the inappropriate digestive chemical that causes trouble in life.
Lagna - Head, 2nd house face/education/wealth, 4th heart, breast, family & mind, 7th genital area, 8th discharge area and longevity and 12th foot and loss. Imagine, for a successful married life these said areas has to perform well otherwise the life will be doomed!
However, there are 100s of compensation for Kuja Dosha suggested by the Astrology. One of the best and immediate solution is getting aspect from Jupiter/Guru. (Basically, a Doctor is always with you don't worry much about your health.). This Doctor is Vaidhyanathan the God himself. Jupiter is considered as Lord Mahavishnu & Dhanvanthari who will cure all deceases. Please note innumerable explanations can be given in this regard, due to space and time limit I would like to stop here. May God bless you.
Q. What is the difference between Sahasrara Pathmam and Brahma Randhram?
A. Though are the same however there is a slight difference in it. Randhram means "Hole", Brahma means Ultimate Absolute. Whereas Sahasraaram is the whole and Brahma Randhram is the centre of Sahasrara Padhmam. Exactly like a lotus flower is Sahasraara Padhmam and the centre bud area is the Brahma Randhram, just like entire head and centre of the head.
Q. Which is the best suitable stars for my Son/Daughter is a common question raised.
A. Please go through my latest publication "Dasa Porutham Matching Guide" in this blog itself. All your questions are answered in it.
Q. Can the Narasimha Gayathri and Garuda Gayathri mantra chant by anyone regardless of gender and age? Is it necessary to get this mantra from a guru? Please also mention the best time to chant these mantras...
A. Both these Gayathri Manthras are meant for a specific Upasana purpose. General Gayathri is the Savithri Gayathri which you often hear even from the street. However, all Gayathri Manthras must be received only from a practising Guru. Guru must initiate this Manthra procedure since all Gayathri Manthra will be effective only when you say with Nyasam that includes Rishi-Chhandhas & Devatha. Thrikala Sandhyas (Cusp) is the best time for chanting Gayathri Manthras. Narasimha Gayathri will ward off Fear and Uncurable illness and Garuda Gayathri will nullify Sarpa Dosham and Sapam also poison attack.
=============== and when questions/comments are raised I will keep updating this section! Sivoham.....
Please don't think that those who have Mangal dosha are untouchable or unfit for living. It is an explosive chemical in the wrong places of the body which can cause life threat or sickness or loss on undertakings etc.. However, this can be cured with proper gross and subtle medication. Subtle treatment is Prayers and Gross is proper matchmaking.
Another basic problem of Kuja Dosha is that those who have this Dosha (Affliction), they should not curse anyone particularly husband or wife or children. The curse will eventually happen which can cause sorrows. Even if you curse unintentionally it will happen why because Mars's malefic effects will encourage you to curse and fight, that is why elders use to avoid Mangali horoscopes. Now you know why learned ones are avoiding in the selection of Mangali horoscopes.
Now let me tell you the importance of these houses where it is afflicted due to the inappropriate digestive chemical that causes trouble in life.
Lagna - Head, 2nd house face/education/wealth, 4th heart, breast, family & mind, 7th genital area, 8th discharge area and longevity and 12th foot and loss. Imagine, for a successful married life these said areas has to perform well otherwise the life will be doomed!
However, there are 100s of compensation for Kuja Dosha suggested by the Astrology. One of the best and immediate solution is getting aspect from Jupiter/Guru. (Basically, a Doctor is always with you don't worry much about your health.). This Doctor is Vaidhyanathan the God himself. Jupiter is considered as Lord Mahavishnu & Dhanvanthari who will cure all deceases. Please note innumerable explanations can be given in this regard, due to space and time limit I would like to stop here. May God bless you.
Q. What is the difference between Sahasrara Pathmam and Brahma Randhram?
A. Though are the same however there is a slight difference in it. Randhram means "Hole", Brahma means Ultimate Absolute. Whereas Sahasraaram is the whole and Brahma Randhram is the centre of Sahasrara Padhmam. Exactly like a lotus flower is Sahasraara Padhmam and the centre bud area is the Brahma Randhram, just like entire head and centre of the head.
Q. Which is the best suitable stars for my Son/Daughter is a common question raised.
A. Please go through my latest publication "Dasa Porutham Matching Guide" in this blog itself. All your questions are answered in it.
Q. Can the Narasimha Gayathri and Garuda Gayathri mantra chant by anyone regardless of gender and age? Is it necessary to get this mantra from a guru? Please also mention the best time to chant these mantras...
A. Both these Gayathri Manthras are meant for a specific Upasana purpose. General Gayathri is the Savithri Gayathri which you often hear even from the street. However, all Gayathri Manthras must be received only from a practising Guru. Guru must initiate this Manthra procedure since all Gayathri Manthra will be effective only when you say with Nyasam that includes Rishi-Chhandhas & Devatha. Thrikala Sandhyas (Cusp) is the best time for chanting Gayathri Manthras. Narasimha Gayathri will ward off Fear and Uncurable illness and Garuda Gayathri will nullify Sarpa Dosham and Sapam also poison attack.
=============== and when questions/comments are raised I will keep updating this section! Sivoham.....
General Notes:
I am trying to give free service to needy people, whereas some commercial people are trying to put their advertisement on comments. I do respect "Professionals" and they need to be compensated for their time spent...but don't make use of my platform for that. A sincere request to you to stay away. This is one of the main reason I am not publishing your comments. Thanks.
Om Namasivaya Nama:
Upasamhara continues...
Sloka 563:
Under fire everything get destroyed like wise in the fire of knowledge all body related issues also get destroyed. Therefore meditate on True Knowledge and conjoins with Supreme Brahman.
Sloka 564:
The entire objective universe will vanish just like darkness disappears infront of Sun light. That Sun light in our body is nothing but Athma Jyothi (Knowledge of Supreme Brahman).
Sloka 565:
When the conditioning get destroyed, the knower of Brahman becomes Brahman itself.
Sloka 566:
He who has realized the Atman becomes one with the Atman like when similar items mixes with the same it removes its duality and become one.
Sloka 567:
One does not suffer transmigration after experiencing the state of Oneness (Kaivalya). This Oneness is nothing but Non Attachment with the mortal body!
Kindly download full discourse from the link;
Upasamhara continues...
Sloka 563:
Under fire everything get destroyed like wise in the fire of knowledge all body related issues also get destroyed. Therefore meditate on True Knowledge and conjoins with Supreme Brahman.
Sloka 564:
The entire objective universe will vanish just like darkness disappears infront of Sun light. That Sun light in our body is nothing but Athma Jyothi (Knowledge of Supreme Brahman).
Sloka 565:
When the conditioning get destroyed, the knower of Brahman becomes Brahman itself.
Sloka 566:
He who has realized the Atman becomes one with the Atman like when similar items mixes with the same it removes its duality and become one.
Sloka 567:
One does not suffer transmigration after experiencing the state of Oneness (Kaivalya). This Oneness is nothing but Non Attachment with the mortal body!
Kindly download full discourse from the link;
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