Om Namasivaya Nama:
Sri Lalitha Sahasranama Adhyaya Saram - Preliminary discourse - 04 continues..
28. Pancha Easwara Kruthyam / 5 fundamental functions of divine mother Paramathma.
Creation (Srushti), Sustain (Sthithi), Withdrawal (Samhara), Concealing (Thirodhana), Divine Gracious (Anugraha). Keeping this as its primary object - in Sri Lalitha Sahasranama Sthothram all these five functions were signified in five Manthras itself, viz: Sri Matha (Srusthi), Sri Maharagni (Sthithi), Sri Madh-Simhasaneswari (Samhara), fourth to nine hundred ninety nine mathras signifies Thirodhana and finally Sri Lalithambika, the 1000th Manthra representing Anugraham.
29. Brahmam / Maya / Jeeva
Due to the influence of Maya (Delusion), Brahman becomes Jeeva / changing its status to (Soul). The Jeeva has 3 main bad qualities viz: Ego (Anavam), Delusion (Manyika) and Action (Karmic) which bound the Jeeva to not realize that it is Brahman itself, who is none other than Siva / Parasivan itself. In other words, afflicted Siva himself is Jeeva.
30. Conclusion of Adhvaitha Vedantham
Nothing exists other than Brahman, however, when the Brahman manifest (being its duty) it joins hands with un-true Jeeva and Universe (Prapancham). When Jeevan starts its journey to reverse these phenomena it will become Brahman again. This means the transmigration is absolutely over.
31. Section of Sri Lithopakhyanam
There 6 main sections viz: 1) Mantha Ghantam, 2) Nyasa Ghantam, 3) Pooja Ghantam, 4) Homa Ghantam, 5) Rahasya Ghantam and 6) Sthothra Ghantam. Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam is narrated in the Sthothra Ghantam.
32. Classification of Sri Puram (Residing place of Divine Mother)
1. Thrikonas (Triangle points) in Sri Chakram, 2) Three parts of Pancha Dhasakhari Manthram 5+6+4=15 letters, 3) Three forms of Kundalini Sakthi (Ghnaana, Ghnaathru Ghneyam).
33. Thre portions of Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam
1. Poorva Bhaga = 51 (pair) slokas, 2. Madhya Bhaga = 182 1/2 (pair), and 3. Phala Sruthi = 86 1/2 (pair) Sruthi. Total 640 lines.
34. Where is the source of Thri Puram (Residing place of Divine Mother) / physical place?
1) Beyond all Universal Boundaries (Brahmaandas), 2) Summit of mighty mount Meru (Meru Parvath), 3) Center of Milky Ocean (Ksheera Samudram).
35. What is Nyasam?
A function of cleansing to adore/imbibe divine power within our physical body. So that the entire body can be under the influence of divine influence. Mainly Head, Lip, Heart, Neval, Rear side of Head, Feet, Shoulders, Eyes, Anal Area etc..
36. What are the main course of Nyasam?
Two types:
1) Laghu, where, Ganapathy, Navagrahas, Nakshathras, Yoginis, Raasis, Pindas are worshipped.
2) Maha, where, Prancha, Bhuvanam, Moothaas, Manthras, Devathas, Maathruka are worshipped.
37. Three types of Sri Lalitha Sahasranama Pooja
1. Anthar-yagam (inside heart or in mind), 2) Bahir-yagam (Outside with the help of Pooja items) and 3) Mahayagam (8 elaborative manners with Pooja items in open Mandap or Anahatha Chakram).
38. According to Sri Hayagriva's advise to Sri Agasthya that Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam should be chanted or worshiped like your Nithya Karma (Daily Duties), hence no exeption.
39. Only through Sakthi Upanasana a seeker can realize Para Siva, who is Moksham itself, why?
Realizing Siva is Moksham (Effulgences, Motionless, no act, nothingness, absolute etc are actually Siva). Whereas when Thri Dosha (Anavam-Kalmam-Karmikam) afflicts on Siva, the Siva immediately changes its status to Jeeva. Hereafter the Jeeva's journey to start going back to realize its original Siva status. Please note these three Malaas (Doshas) are independent in this universe (they are floating in this universe, freely, that is why they attack/approach/observed to Siva/light/Chaithanya). Now, the truth is that ever since Srusthi/Creation started...immeditely the Siva merged with Sakthi (in fact that is called manifestation). Therefore, to find out / realize Siva there is no alternate route other than seeking the help of Sakthi to identify its Siva Chaithanyam. (Source : Siva-Ghnaana-Pradhaayini - She is the one who reveal Siva to you!).
To be continued...
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Saturday, November 25, 2017
Saturday, November 18, 2017
Om Namasivaya Nama:
Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam Adhyaya Saram - Preliminary discourse 3 continues...
21. In earth, which places Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam was initiated, to whom?
Lord & Maharshi Sri Hayagriva ( the form of Sri Mahavishnu) gave this invaluable spiritual Sthothram to Sage Agasthya after severe tests. The Sasthras indicating 2 places viz: a) Thirumaichur - Kumbakonam, b) Upanishad Brahma Madam - Kancheepuram.
22. What is the core idea of Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam?
A true spiritual seeker can attain and realize Paramathma Swaroopini by following at least one of the chapter among 14 chapters. Such experienced knowledge will eventually put an end to the transmigration.
23. Who is the demon who got killed on the battlefield between demon and divine?
Demon Bhandan, his brothers, and children too, and many other demons of the past Yugas!
24. Formation of Bhandasura.
Lord Siva put an end to Manmatha by opening his third eye and left with only ashes. One Ganapathy namely Chithra-Gaman made a human form out of the ashes and Brahma named him as Bhandan. This same Bhandan praised Lord Siva by chanting "Satha Rudriyam" and lord pleased with his devotion grant him 60,000 years of rulership in Heaven namely Sonitha Pura. Due to the influence of over pride (Ahamkara), Bhandan started giving trouble for heavenly personalities that lead him to die in the battle with Sri Lalithambika. Since he had a boon from Brahma that he will be killed only by a female that gave way to divine mother's incarnation. Later the same place was renovated by heavenly Architects namely Mayan and Viswakarma and named the place "Srimannagaram". All heavenly bodies requested divine mother to reside in that abode along with her other half part Sadhasiva.
25 Why should you chant Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam?
To seek and attain Prema Bhakthi and discriminative true knowledge.
26. Who chanted first, Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam?
As per the order of Sri Lalithambika / Parasakthi, Vasinyadhi Vagdevathas loudly chanted when al Brahmadhi-deva-rishi-ganas were present.
27. How Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam was reached to human beings?
Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam being an Upanishad, it was received by Sri Veda Vyasa at the end of Dwapara Yuga with his divine power then Vyasa Maharshi taught his dearest disciples Sutha & Sukha. Thereafter it was given to Namisaranya rishis....and finally reached to all human beings like you and me. This Manthras are highly secreted, however, it is the most valuable wealth for all Upasikaas and devotees. There is nothing secret to a true innocent devotee.
Kindly download full discourse from this link.
Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam Adhyaya Saram - Preliminary discourse 3 continues...
21. In earth, which places Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam was initiated, to whom?
Lord & Maharshi Sri Hayagriva ( the form of Sri Mahavishnu) gave this invaluable spiritual Sthothram to Sage Agasthya after severe tests. The Sasthras indicating 2 places viz: a) Thirumaichur - Kumbakonam, b) Upanishad Brahma Madam - Kancheepuram.
22. What is the core idea of Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam?
A true spiritual seeker can attain and realize Paramathma Swaroopini by following at least one of the chapter among 14 chapters. Such experienced knowledge will eventually put an end to the transmigration.
23. Who is the demon who got killed on the battlefield between demon and divine?
Demon Bhandan, his brothers, and children too, and many other demons of the past Yugas!
24. Formation of Bhandasura.
Lord Siva put an end to Manmatha by opening his third eye and left with only ashes. One Ganapathy namely Chithra-Gaman made a human form out of the ashes and Brahma named him as Bhandan. This same Bhandan praised Lord Siva by chanting "Satha Rudriyam" and lord pleased with his devotion grant him 60,000 years of rulership in Heaven namely Sonitha Pura. Due to the influence of over pride (Ahamkara), Bhandan started giving trouble for heavenly personalities that lead him to die in the battle with Sri Lalithambika. Since he had a boon from Brahma that he will be killed only by a female that gave way to divine mother's incarnation. Later the same place was renovated by heavenly Architects namely Mayan and Viswakarma and named the place "Srimannagaram". All heavenly bodies requested divine mother to reside in that abode along with her other half part Sadhasiva.
25 Why should you chant Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam?
To seek and attain Prema Bhakthi and discriminative true knowledge.
26. Who chanted first, Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam?
As per the order of Sri Lalithambika / Parasakthi, Vasinyadhi Vagdevathas loudly chanted when al Brahmadhi-deva-rishi-ganas were present.
27. How Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam was reached to human beings?
Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam being an Upanishad, it was received by Sri Veda Vyasa at the end of Dwapara Yuga with his divine power then Vyasa Maharshi taught his dearest disciples Sutha & Sukha. Thereafter it was given to Namisaranya rishis....and finally reached to all human beings like you and me. This Manthras are highly secreted, however, it is the most valuable wealth for all Upasikaas and devotees. There is nothing secret to a true innocent devotee.
Kindly download full discourse from this link.
Saturday, November 11, 2017
Om Namasivaya Nama:
Vasinyadhi Vagdevathayayai Nama:
Sri Lalitha Sahasranam - Adhyaya Saram - Priliminary Discourse - 2
11. AUM and Divine Mother are the same!
Saktheyam consider "Divine Mother Parasakthi" is the Supreme Brahman Paramathma. I have identified a simple way of understanding this truth in a lay man language. We all know AUM is nothing but Paramathma Brahman itself. The constituion of AUM is - A kara U kara M kara. All most all being in this earth/universe spell out their first sound Amma, Ammi, Aayi, Mother, Mom, Umma, Mathri, Ma, Matha, Mather (out of top 10 languages spoken in this earth). Please note this first uttering comes out of a baby without any one's prompt, is nothing but AUM/OM. Most of the languages for Mother is either start with A or U or M. I have considered the following languages Samskrutham, Hindi, English, Spanish, Mandrian, South Indian Languages plus major religions such as Hindu, Christianity & Islam etc..Therefore, the coclusion of AUM and Divine mother are the same and Paramathma is a femine/mother (when it comes of Sthoola rupa, otherwise no gender for Paramathma!).
12. Sincere practice and service is important than Knowledge!
13. Upasanas (Service to God) are arranged in 4 methods to realize God Almighty!
a. Charya - All Karma to please God, every duty in the name of God
b. Kriya - Yanthra, Manthra, Mudra and Pranayamam
c. Yogam - Kundalini Yoga practice/meditation
d. Gjnaanm - True knowledge of Siva-Sakthi union
14. What are the 3 diamonds in Sakthi Upasana?
a. Chanting Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam from Brahmanda Puran / Lalithopakhyanam, 36th Chapter.
b. Chanting Durga Saptha Sathi from Sri Devi Mahathmyam
c. Saundarya Lahari by Sri Adhi Sankara Bhagavath Padhar Bharathi
15. Most important and precious approach to attain/realize Divine Mother!
a. Sri Vidhya Manthra Japam - out of all important Manthras. According Sasthras there are 70 million (7 crores) Great Manthras exists!
b. Sri Lalitha Parameswari - out of all divine incarnation or form of Gods.
c. Sri Puram - out of all places. (in Sthoola - Sri Nagar/J&K, in Sookhma - Devotee's Inner Heart).
16. Un-avoidable 3 worships in Sri Vidhya Upasana?
a. Sri Lalitha Sahasranama Chanting
b. Sri Chakra Pooja
c. Pancha Dasakshari Chanting (5+6+4 = 15 Akshar/letters)
17. Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam - where it is mentioned?
Brahmanda Puran, Uthara Khandam, Sri Lalitho-pakhyanam, 36th Chapter - consists 14 sub-Chapters, 365 versus, 1000 unique Manthras composed by Sri Vasinyadhi Vaghdevathas. Using all 51 letters of Samskrutha bhasha, especially using only 32 letters for all Names of Goddess!
18. Sri Lalitha Sahasranam is narratted in 3 stages viz:
a. Poorva Bhaaga - Upadesa Rupam
b. Mdhya Bhaaga - Manthra Samhitha
c. Uthara Bhaaga - Phala Sruthi
19. What are the 10 important Sahasranamams of divine mother?
Ganga, Bhavani, Gayathri, Kali, Lakshmi, Saraswathi, Raja Rajeswari, Baala, Syamala and Sri Lalitha Sahasranam. Out of these 10 the star is Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam.
20. Where Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam was composed and presented?
In Brahmanda Sadhas in Deva Lok. It used to be chanted only by Divine Beings later it was advised by Hayagriva Maharshi to Agasthya Maharshi then Sri Veda Vyasa to Sutha Maharshi thereafter given to human kind including us!
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Vasinyadhi Vagdevathayayai Nama:
Sri Lalitha Sahasranam - Adhyaya Saram - Priliminary Discourse - 2
11. AUM and Divine Mother are the same!
Saktheyam consider "Divine Mother Parasakthi" is the Supreme Brahman Paramathma. I have identified a simple way of understanding this truth in a lay man language. We all know AUM is nothing but Paramathma Brahman itself. The constituion of AUM is - A kara U kara M kara. All most all being in this earth/universe spell out their first sound Amma, Ammi, Aayi, Mother, Mom, Umma, Mathri, Ma, Matha, Mather (out of top 10 languages spoken in this earth). Please note this first uttering comes out of a baby without any one's prompt, is nothing but AUM/OM. Most of the languages for Mother is either start with A or U or M. I have considered the following languages Samskrutham, Hindi, English, Spanish, Mandrian, South Indian Languages plus major religions such as Hindu, Christianity & Islam etc..Therefore, the coclusion of AUM and Divine mother are the same and Paramathma is a femine/mother (when it comes of Sthoola rupa, otherwise no gender for Paramathma!).
12. Sincere practice and service is important than Knowledge!
13. Upasanas (Service to God) are arranged in 4 methods to realize God Almighty!
a. Charya - All Karma to please God, every duty in the name of God
b. Kriya - Yanthra, Manthra, Mudra and Pranayamam
c. Yogam - Kundalini Yoga practice/meditation
d. Gjnaanm - True knowledge of Siva-Sakthi union
14. What are the 3 diamonds in Sakthi Upasana?
a. Chanting Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam from Brahmanda Puran / Lalithopakhyanam, 36th Chapter.
b. Chanting Durga Saptha Sathi from Sri Devi Mahathmyam
c. Saundarya Lahari by Sri Adhi Sankara Bhagavath Padhar Bharathi
15. Most important and precious approach to attain/realize Divine Mother!
a. Sri Vidhya Manthra Japam - out of all important Manthras. According Sasthras there are 70 million (7 crores) Great Manthras exists!
b. Sri Lalitha Parameswari - out of all divine incarnation or form of Gods.
c. Sri Puram - out of all places. (in Sthoola - Sri Nagar/J&K, in Sookhma - Devotee's Inner Heart).
16. Un-avoidable 3 worships in Sri Vidhya Upasana?
a. Sri Lalitha Sahasranama Chanting
b. Sri Chakra Pooja
c. Pancha Dasakshari Chanting (5+6+4 = 15 Akshar/letters)
17. Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam - where it is mentioned?
Brahmanda Puran, Uthara Khandam, Sri Lalitho-pakhyanam, 36th Chapter - consists 14 sub-Chapters, 365 versus, 1000 unique Manthras composed by Sri Vasinyadhi Vaghdevathas. Using all 51 letters of Samskrutha bhasha, especially using only 32 letters for all Names of Goddess!
18. Sri Lalitha Sahasranam is narratted in 3 stages viz:
a. Poorva Bhaaga - Upadesa Rupam
b. Mdhya Bhaaga - Manthra Samhitha
c. Uthara Bhaaga - Phala Sruthi
19. What are the 10 important Sahasranamams of divine mother?
Ganga, Bhavani, Gayathri, Kali, Lakshmi, Saraswathi, Raja Rajeswari, Baala, Syamala and Sri Lalitha Sahasranam. Out of these 10 the star is Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam.
20. Where Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam was composed and presented?
In Brahmanda Sadhas in Deva Lok. It used to be chanted only by Divine Beings later it was advised by Hayagriva Maharshi to Agasthya Maharshi then Sri Veda Vyasa to Sutha Maharshi thereafter given to human kind including us!
Please download full discourse from this link:
Saturday, November 4, 2017
Om Namasivaya Nama:
Om Gam Ganapathaye Nama:
Om Sam Saraswathyai Nama:
Om Gum Gurubhyo Nama:
Om Sri Lalithambikayai Nama:
Viswamithra Gothrodbavasya Sriman Gambhira Rayar, Komalamba Sutha Sri Bhaskara Rayar Anugraha Sidhi Rasthu. Gurave Nama: Gurave Nama: Gurave Nama:
Om Sri Vasinyadhi Vagdevathayayai Nama:
Sri Lalitha Sahasranam - Adhyaya Saram - Priliminary Discourse - 1
1. Lets offer our humble Pranaams to Vasinyadi Vagdevathas:
Vasini, Kameswari, Modhini, Vimala, Aruna, Jayani, Sarveswari and Kaulini.
2. What is in the name Bharatham?
Bha = means Aathma Prakasam (True Knowledge), Ratham = Happiness, and Ecstasy. Usually, saints and spiritual devotees are enjoying this truth, therefore, Bharatam is actually the center of Rishis and Devotees. It is not for commercial exploitation in any manner. That is our origin and secret of every Bharatheeyas.
3. The fundamental basis for Prapancha Strushti (Evolution of Universal life).
5 primordial forces or elements are the reasons. They are; Chidh-Sakthi, Anandha-Sakthi, Icha-Sakthi, Gnaana-Sakthi and Kriya-Sakthi.
4. Importance of Saktheyam among Shadmatham.
Saktheyam recommends 36 Thathvas (Element Principles). They are under 3 classified nature.
5 Sudha Thathvas, 7 Sudha-Asudha Thathvas and 24 Asudha Thathvas.
5 Sudha Thathvas: Siva, Sakthi, Sadha-Siva (Sadhaakhya Thathvam), Easwaran & Sudha-Vidhya.
7 Sudha-Asudha Thathvas : Maya, Kalam, Niyathi, Ragham, Vidhya, Kala & Purusha (Jeeva/Life)
24 Asudha Thathvas: 5 Gnanendriyas, 5 Karmedriyas, 5 Bhoothas, 5 Mahath-Thanmathras, Prakruthi, Bhudhi, Manas & Ahamkara.
5. What is Maya?
Uterus of Parasakthi (Gharbha Pathram)
6. The fundamental belief of Saktheya Matham denote?
Siva, Sakthi, Jeeva, and Prapancha are basically one and the same.
7. Type of Jeevas?
3 Types : Pasu, Pasam & Dhivya (Divine)
8. What is the real form or fundamental truth about human beings?
Anandha (Happiness / Delightful, Pleasureful) is the real form of Human nature. However, due to the afflicted ego human thinks that he is the Body and not Soul/Jeeva. Accordingly, he/she have to undergo the sorrows and pains in life. In fact, he himself ruined due to this ignorant life.
9. What is Moksha (Liberation)
Uniting individual soul with Paramathma, that is conjoining or realizing that the union of Siva & Sakthi.
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To be continued....
Om Gam Ganapathaye Nama:
Om Sam Saraswathyai Nama:
Om Gum Gurubhyo Nama:
Om Sri Lalithambikayai Nama:
Viswamithra Gothrodbavasya Sriman Gambhira Rayar, Komalamba Sutha Sri Bhaskara Rayar Anugraha Sidhi Rasthu. Gurave Nama: Gurave Nama: Gurave Nama:
Om Sri Vasinyadhi Vagdevathayayai Nama:
Sri Lalitha Sahasranam - Adhyaya Saram - Priliminary Discourse - 1
1. Lets offer our humble Pranaams to Vasinyadi Vagdevathas:
Vasini, Kameswari, Modhini, Vimala, Aruna, Jayani, Sarveswari and Kaulini.
2. What is in the name Bharatham?
Bha = means Aathma Prakasam (True Knowledge), Ratham = Happiness, and Ecstasy. Usually, saints and spiritual devotees are enjoying this truth, therefore, Bharatam is actually the center of Rishis and Devotees. It is not for commercial exploitation in any manner. That is our origin and secret of every Bharatheeyas.
3. The fundamental basis for Prapancha Strushti (Evolution of Universal life).
5 primordial forces or elements are the reasons. They are; Chidh-Sakthi, Anandha-Sakthi, Icha-Sakthi, Gnaana-Sakthi and Kriya-Sakthi.
4. Importance of Saktheyam among Shadmatham.
Saktheyam recommends 36 Thathvas (Element Principles). They are under 3 classified nature.
5 Sudha Thathvas, 7 Sudha-Asudha Thathvas and 24 Asudha Thathvas.
5 Sudha Thathvas: Siva, Sakthi, Sadha-Siva (Sadhaakhya Thathvam), Easwaran & Sudha-Vidhya.
7 Sudha-Asudha Thathvas : Maya, Kalam, Niyathi, Ragham, Vidhya, Kala & Purusha (Jeeva/Life)
24 Asudha Thathvas: 5 Gnanendriyas, 5 Karmedriyas, 5 Bhoothas, 5 Mahath-Thanmathras, Prakruthi, Bhudhi, Manas & Ahamkara.
5. What is Maya?
Uterus of Parasakthi (Gharbha Pathram)
6. The fundamental belief of Saktheya Matham denote?
Siva, Sakthi, Jeeva, and Prapancha are basically one and the same.
7. Type of Jeevas?
3 Types : Pasu, Pasam & Dhivya (Divine)
8. What is the real form or fundamental truth about human beings?
Anandha (Happiness / Delightful, Pleasureful) is the real form of Human nature. However, due to the afflicted ego human thinks that he is the Body and not Soul/Jeeva. Accordingly, he/she have to undergo the sorrows and pains in life. In fact, he himself ruined due to this ignorant life.
9. What is Moksha (Liberation)
Uniting individual soul with Paramathma, that is conjoining or realizing that the union of Siva & Sakthi.
Kindly download full discourse from the link:
To be continued....
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