Om Namasivaya Nama:
Chapter 7 - Nirguna Upasana continues...
In this Chapter Thathwas (Elements/Substance/Essence/Truth) were further explained since all Thathwas are part and parcel of Guna (Form) whereas Nirguna Upasana is a formless approach to Absolute Brahman. Let's learn some of the Thathwas and its involvements to learn how one can understand Nirgunathwam. Unless the seeker learns about these elements and makes friends with them, it is difficult for him/her to pass the boundaries.
25 Thathwas are different in the various school of philosophy. Sankhya Sidhanth deal with the following:
- Purusha (Chaithanyam), Mahath, Budhi, Ahamkara, Gnaanedriyas, Karmendriyas, Manas, Pancha Thanmathraas, Pancha Bhuthas.
How many types of Thathwas are mentioned in the Sasthras?
- They are four (4) types:
a) Kaaranam (Reason) only, b) Kaaryam (Impact of Event) only, c) On one thing Kaaranam and the other Kaaryam only, d) Neither Kaaranam nor Kaaryam.
23+1 = 24 Vikaaraas (Changeable elements)?
- Kaaranam & Kaaryam mixed are 7 viz. Mahath, Ahamkaram, Pancha Bhuthas.
- Only Kaaryam are 16 viz. Pancha Gnaanedriyas, Pancha Karmendriyas, Manas, Pancha Bhuthaas.
- Nither Kaaranam nor Kaaryam is 1 viz. Purushan
- Moola Prakruthi (Primordial Reason for the birth of Universe) is always staying as Kaaranam
Which Thathwaas is the closest to the Aathma?
- Known as Anthakaranaas viz. Manas, Buddhi, Chittham & Ahamkaram.
Which Thathwaas will not allow you to be close to the Aathma?
- Known as Shad Vairies (Six Enemies) viz. Kaama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Madha & Maathsaryam.
Which is the easy source to get away from these Shad Vairies?
- Dhyanam alone (Deep Search is called Dhyanam. It will start with form later converge into formless naturally, no specific efforts are needed). That is why I say through Sagana Upasana one will eventually end up in Nirgunathwam.
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R V Venkiteswaran (Venky)
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Saturday, April 28, 2018
Saturday, April 21, 2018
Om Namasivaya Nama:
Chapter 7 - Nirguna Upasana continues...
She says those who have a disturbed mind can't realize their own Aathma. In other words, one must possess the calm mind and try to meditate on Her. Since She (Paramathma) is full there is nothing more to add or subtract from it. This means all unrealized ones are incompleted Aathmas. Do you know why? because Anthakarana Upadhis (Mana, Budhi, Chitham & Ahamkara) considered Jeevathmas are part of Paramathma, not Paramathma itself. After rigorous meditation, the seeker will win over these four Antahkarana and conclude that He/She is full not part.
What is Agnaanam? (Illusion)
- Nothing other than Her Maya form.
What is Jagath? (Universe)
- Union or togetherness of Man and Woman makes Jagath.
To be continued....
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Chapter 7 - Nirguna Upasana continues...
She says those who have a disturbed mind can't realize their own Aathma. In other words, one must possess the calm mind and try to meditate on Her. Since She (Paramathma) is full there is nothing more to add or subtract from it. This means all unrealized ones are incompleted Aathmas. Do you know why? because Anthakarana Upadhis (Mana, Budhi, Chitham & Ahamkara) considered Jeevathmas are part of Paramathma, not Paramathma itself. After rigorous meditation, the seeker will win over these four Antahkarana and conclude that He/She is full not part.
What is Agnaanam? (Illusion)
- Nothing other than Her Maya form.
What is Jagath? (Universe)
- Union or togetherness of Man and Woman makes Jagath.
To be continued....
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Saturday, April 14, 2018
Om Namasivaya Nama:
Chapter 7 - Nirguna Upasana
Naama Manthram : 126-192 (66 Naamas)
People those who do not believe in Brahman/God in a form can still achieve the realization of God within. It is an interesting approach, in fact, the true approach to God realization. Whenever you see the God only in a form/device, you are limiting yourself as well putting boundaries to Godhood, which is wrong. Paramathma is everywhere and in everything, it is beyond boundaries, words or imaginations. Though it is perceived as truthful, it is untruthful too, because even the imagination is (whether a word or form or device) occupying a space and the space is nothing but a measurement of mass or matter. However, we have to have some base/starting point to start our spiritual journey. Therefore, this formless worship is also a better choice for God Realization to achieve Salvation.
The best description of Paramathma is - I am everywhere at the same time nowhere, I am everything as well I am nothing. I am neither this nor that.
Parasakthi Pooja is devised in two ways:
1. Baahyam - known as = Vaidhikam (Manthra) & Thanthrikam (Sign language)
2. Antharam - known as = Sadharam (Idol) & Niradharam (Samvith / Mind)
Jiva (Soul/Life Energy) are having Three types:
1. Sakalan / Asudhan / Impure = Impure, polluted, the sheath of ignorance as well afflicted life energy
2. Pralayakulan / Misran / Mixed = who see God in mortal bodies / perishable devices (Upadhis)
3. Vignaana Kevalan / Sudhan / Pure = Knower of true knowledge, achiever of scientific truth
There are Three types of Malam (Dirt / Impurity / Secretion)
1. Mayikam / Maya (Ignorance)
2. Kayikam / Action bound (Kriya)
3. Anavam / False Ahamkaram (Ego)
What is Nirgunam?
Anything attribute-less. Every attribute is a part of either of Space or Time or Sathwa (Sustain) or Rajas (Create) or Thamas (Withdraw) portion/particle. Whatever we see, hear, touch, smell or understand all are one way or the other form only. Yet, we try to ignore this truth and pacify our feelings and understandings to call it Formless. Though it is a kind of cheating to ourselves, why because of the Energy cannot be classified as a form but it gets activated in a specific or specified body. In other words, human beings can understand or realize "A Thing" only through these Thrigunas, whereas the Absolute Brahman / Purest Energy is beyond the definition of these Thriguna by Mind or Words or Action).
To be continued.
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Chapter 7 - Nirguna Upasana
Naama Manthram : 126-192 (66 Naamas)
People those who do not believe in Brahman/God in a form can still achieve the realization of God within. It is an interesting approach, in fact, the true approach to God realization. Whenever you see the God only in a form/device, you are limiting yourself as well putting boundaries to Godhood, which is wrong. Paramathma is everywhere and in everything, it is beyond boundaries, words or imaginations. Though it is perceived as truthful, it is untruthful too, because even the imagination is (whether a word or form or device) occupying a space and the space is nothing but a measurement of mass or matter. However, we have to have some base/starting point to start our spiritual journey. Therefore, this formless worship is also a better choice for God Realization to achieve Salvation.
The best description of Paramathma is - I am everywhere at the same time nowhere, I am everything as well I am nothing. I am neither this nor that.
Parasakthi Pooja is devised in two ways:
1. Baahyam - known as = Vaidhikam (Manthra) & Thanthrikam (Sign language)
2. Antharam - known as = Sadharam (Idol) & Niradharam (Samvith / Mind)
Jiva (Soul/Life Energy) are having Three types:
1. Sakalan / Asudhan / Impure = Impure, polluted, the sheath of ignorance as well afflicted life energy
2. Pralayakulan / Misran / Mixed = who see God in mortal bodies / perishable devices (Upadhis)
3. Vignaana Kevalan / Sudhan / Pure = Knower of true knowledge, achiever of scientific truth
There are Three types of Malam (Dirt / Impurity / Secretion)
1. Mayikam / Maya (Ignorance)
2. Kayikam / Action bound (Kriya)
3. Anavam / False Ahamkaram (Ego)
What is Nirgunam?
Anything attribute-less. Every attribute is a part of either of Space or Time or Sathwa (Sustain) or Rajas (Create) or Thamas (Withdraw) portion/particle. Whatever we see, hear, touch, smell or understand all are one way or the other form only. Yet, we try to ignore this truth and pacify our feelings and understandings to call it Formless. Though it is a kind of cheating to ourselves, why because of the Energy cannot be classified as a form but it gets activated in a specific or specified body. In other words, human beings can understand or realize "A Thing" only through these Thrigunas, whereas the Absolute Brahman / Purest Energy is beyond the definition of these Thriguna by Mind or Words or Action).
To be continued.
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