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R V Venkiteswaran (Venky)
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R V Venkiteswaran (Venky)
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Saturday, January 26, 2019
Om Namasivaya Nama:
Chapter 13 - Vibhudhi Visthara Marga Bhedha Samarasyam (Continued)
Naama Manthram: 533-988 (455 Mantras)
Vasinyaadi Vaagdevis praising Parasakthi that She is being worshiped by Maarthanda Bairavan. Having fullest satisfaction towards Her Prime Minister Manthrini Devi's administration in Sripuram. Parasakthi is the Goddess for all including Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra lokas. She is endowed with one of the rarest battalion to fight against any odd situation and eventually Her troops will win the battle. She is beyond words, imaginations and indivisible from Sadha-Siva. She was referred as "Para-apara" means state of Siva and Sakthi confluence. Neither She wants individuality nor detached from Her beloved Siva.She does everything to protect Her devotees.
Let me explain more in detail:
Sripuram has 25 Prakaras (Districts). In each Prakaram, a special devotee is worshiping Her with a specific duty to perform so that the administration of the Universe run smoothly. In that order, 22 and 23rd Prakaram is occupied by Marthanda Bhairavan, a divine child of Adhithi and Kasyapa Rishi. Marthanda Bhairavan is as good as Lord Soorya. Bhairava will ensure protection to all devotees at the right time even without asking his help, that is why he is known as Bhairavan.
Parasakthi's Prime Minister is also known as Manthrini or Raja Syamala Devi who has been endowed with a special Mudrika (Ring) as the seal of Sripuram. Manthrini devi is deputy to Parasakthi. Another aspect of this Manthra is that it gives a secret meaning that the one who chant Parasakthi's Namam will be as close to Parasakthi herself. Manthrini means the one who chant the mantra of Goddess or well versed with spiritual knowledge and experience. Here the knowledge is not just academic education, but,spiritual knowledge combined with practical experience and sadhana. A devotee's spiritual knowledge and experience comes from these four subjects viz. Maithra, Karuna, Santhosha and Upeksha. Who could be Manthrini other than Her own devotees! In other words Parasakthi will be satisfied with Her true devotee's life style. In summary, every devotee is considered to be Parasakthi's Manthrini itself.
As said earlier, Sri Puraam has 25 Prakarams,. in that 16 Chakra Dhalams (16 Districts) are more prominent and the entry point to Sri Puram or Sri Chakram. Out of these 16 Chakras, the 9th Chakra is occupied and ruled by Tripuresi Devi. There are 9 most important divine mothers (Nava Chakreswaris). All these Charas or Districts can be identified within our body itself, like how it is placed in the Brahmandam. A mother undergo 9 months of pregnancy with different experiences to finally deliver a beautiful baby as gift of her own. Lots of hardships and happiness prevailed during these period. At the 16th age, the baby becoming an adult and start entering into real life for another 8 years of training, which is the next 8 Dhalas in Sri Chakram (by now, the the person is 24 years old). The life keep going on until the completion of life-span. A person's full life span is 120+ years in Kali Yuga. All these 120 years of life with different experiences are enjoyed by one Bindu Paraskathi who is none other than the Aathma / Jeevan or Soul. According to Sri Chakram diagram, it has 40 Thrikonas and 1 Bindhu. All these Thrikonas are representing one Life-tron surrounded by Neutron, Proton and Electron. We all know from the Vignaanam (Science) that when you try to see the parts of Atoms (Anus) we will come across lots of Thrikonas and Chathurkonas joining each other.
A single element (Parasakthi - Bindhu) is manifested in to many to start universal creation.The order is from Bindu till Prapancham. (Avyaktha Prakruthi - Vyaktham Mahath - Budhi - Ahamkaram - Manas - Chitham - Pancha Bhoothas - Pancha Thanmathras - Thri Gunas and Prapancha). Finally the divine mother created Her dearest children to enjoy these facilities and the children to reciprocate with gratitude towards Divine Mother. In the Srushti Kriya (Creation process) one Bindu turned into 9 Chakreswaris then 10 Indriyas, then 5 Pranas, then 5 Bhoothas, then 10 Vishayas, and finally 4 Antha Karanas to form a Sareeram (Body). Whereas, all these depending on 3 Gunas to quantify as well as qualify the creation. However, the divine mother is beyond these types of estimations. Only through realization this can be understood.
Devotees get good amount of weapons to fight any types of add situations in life. Such weapons are none other than Manthra-Thanthra-Yanthra. Those who practice and make use of these weapons, will always conquer every battle in life.
A confluence of Para and Apara is known as ParaaApara state. In fact these are the state or characteristics of Para Brahman. Therefore, Parasakthi being Para Brahman undoubtedly occupy the state of ParaaApara. Now let me list down few aspects or views of Para and Apara that will make you more clear on this topic.
PARA and APARA - Please read the name in the bracket as Apara that is opposite to Para.
Others (Owns), Enemy (Friend), Big (Small), Higher Level (Lower Level), Far Away (Very Close), Kevala Sudha Swaroopam (Misra Swaroopam), Inward (Outward), Siva (Sakthi), Paraakaasam (Aparaakaasam), Para Vidhya (Apara Vidhya), Aathma Vdihya (Veda-Vedanga Vidhya), Paraa-Pranavam (Apara-Pranavam), Sath-Chith-Anandam (Sudha Sabdha Swroopam), Parathparam (Dharma Margam to attain Parathparam), Athyaathma Ghnaanam (Paasa Ghnaanam), Adwaitha Pooja (Sri Chakra Pooja or Other Murthi Poojas), Para Vaak (Pasyanthi-Madhyama-Vaikhari Vaak), Thurya Avastha (Jagrath-Swapna-Sushupthavastha), Swaathmaraama Pooja/Homam (Manasa Pooja Homam), Param (Sookshmam and Sthoolam), Srushti Sakthi (Vaishnavi Sakthi) etc..
To be continued...
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Saturday, January 19, 2019
Om Namasivaya Nama:
Chapter 13 - Vibhudhi Visthara Marga Bhedha Samarasyam (Continued)
Naama Manthram: 533-988 (455 Mantras)
Vasinyaadhi Vaagdevis revealed that Goddess Parasakthi decided to reside in Meru Parvath after the supplication of Devas. In Kaliyug, the celestial Maha Meru is not visible for the naked eyes. She is also referred to as Mahathi (The Greatest) because she is the consort of the only Mahan who is Lord Parameswaran. The physical Meru Parvath is placed in the North zone of Great Himalayas and it was made up of pure Gold. However, in Kali Yug, we are left with a symbolic replica of this Golden Mount Meru as a black iron rock in Tibet. This Meru is also known as Sri Chakram and it has 3 Prastharams (planes) viz. Bhu Prastharam - Here She lives with Vasinyaadi Vagdevis, Kailasa Prastharam - Here She lives with Mathrukakshara Devis and Meru Prastharam - Here She lives with 16 Thidhi Nithya Devis. All Maha Manthras (Great Holy Hymns) including Navakshari was created from this Meru Prastharam.
The residing Goddess in Sri Chakram is known as Sri Lalithambika and Kameswaran. Maha Meru was designed and built by Deva Silpi Viswakarma. The design reveals that it is surrounded by 16 Cities, 9 Maha Parvaths/Great Mountain Peaks and 7 Samudhras. (Other way understanding = Shodasa Kala (16 Aura), Nava Rasa or Bakthi (9 Tastes) and Saptha Samudra (7 constant Chakras or 70% water contents in the body). At the centre, towards East side Lord Brahma's Brahma Lok, South-West side Sri Maha Vishnu's Vaikund, North-East side Lord Siva's Rudra Lok and in the Center of the mountain peak is known as Sri Puram Mount Meru. Her residence is named as Chinthamani Gruham.
She is offered with auspicious flowers of such as Manthaara. Divine personalities from Deva Lok brought this flower for Pooja. Not only Manthaara but also the other flowers such as Kalpaka, Santhana, Paarijatham and Harichandana were brought in for the worship.
She is the Supreme qualified Goddess for worship, therefore, Jithendriyaas (Those who conquered the sensual pleasures) worshipped Her. Her original form is indescribable because She is Virat in nature. All Brahmandas resides in Virat Roop. Her eyesight reaches all 10 corners and every place in Brahmandas. This speciality in Parasakthi, makes the devotees pray and worship from anywhere, anytime and any situations.
She is the symbol of Prathyag-roopam or Prathyagaathma. When an Upasak (Devotee) renounce all his Indriyas and start looking deep inside, he/she will reach the ultimate divine state of Parasakthi; whereby, it concludes that Parasakthi and Para Brahman are one and the same. Moreover, the devotee will be realized that the Paraakasam or Parabhramam (Paramathma) gave birth to the Brahmandam followed by Pindandam (Body of beings). For the survival of Pindandam all Five important Praana Vaayu elements were created (Praanan, Apaanan, Vyaanan, Udhanan and Samaanan). For the sustenance of Praana Vaayus, all Pancha Bhoothas (5 Elements), 5 Karmendriyas, 5 Ghnaanedriyas, Mana (Mind) were restored in the body of beings in this Sthavara-Jangam (Movable and Immovable nature).
What more knowledge is needed for devotees to be self-satisfied!
To be continued...
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Saturday, January 12, 2019
Om Namasivaya Nama:
Chapter 13 - Vibhudhi Visthara Marga Bhedha Samarasyam (Continued)
Naama Manthram: 533-988 (455 Mantras)
Vasinyaadhi Vaagdevis praised Goddess Parasakthi as She is the one to bestow everything in life irrespective of the clan, religion, caste or creed. She wants every child of Her to be lucky and fortunate. Therefore, even the day to day consumption of certain quality food can enhance our luck and set the direction towards fulfilment. There are 2 types of Saubhaghyam (Ultimate luck/fortune) based on Chara and Achara (Permanent and Changeable) basis.
(1) Chara Saubhaghyam comes through married women who dedicate her life for husband known as Suvasini or Sumangali.
(8) Achara Saubhaghyam comes through consuming these 8 types of items viz. Karumbu (Sugar Care), Aswattha Tree / Arasu Maram (Sacred Fig - Fruit of Peepal Tree), Jeerakam (Sprouted Cumin Seeds), Kothammalli (Coriander Leaf), Pasu Paal (Fresh Cows Milk and its byproducts such as Cured, Ghee etc), Peethambaram (Yellow Color Cloths), Pushpam (Flowers), Lavanam (Sea Salt).
She is the one to nurture Ojass (Vital, Strength, Attracting Power, Powerful Aura) in the human body. Ojass is being created through a systematic process viz: Medhass, Thejass, Varchass, Ayus and Ojass. This powerful Ojass will uphold the life energy (Prana) in a damaged body, in case of any accident take place. It will not allow the person to die that easily. Ojass is a sacred Aura that protects devotees from many unplanned accidental and awkward situations. Ojass can grow in one's body only by way of following rhythmic and systematic divine lifestyle. This lifestyle is called pious life.
Every attempt in a most legitimate way is called Yagnam (Divinely Planned Act). Such an attempt will enhance the "True Knowledge" in one's life that is why it is called Yagnam. Many types of Yagnams are referred to in the Vedas. There are Five important and unavoidable Yagnams are prescribed for humans known as Deva Yagnam, Pithru Yagnam, Brahma Yagnam, Manushya Yagnam, Bhootha Yagnam. Those who do these Yagnams will become closer to Parasakthi i.e.She simply loves them. Besides these Yagnams, one should also perform various Vrutha (Through Manasa, Vacha, Karmana uninterrupted link with the God and Objectives). For a successful Vrutha, one must possess Dhasendriya Sudhi, Sareera Sudhi, Vasthra Sudhi, Vaak Sudhi, Sahavasa Sudhi, Aahaara Sudhi, Dhravya Sudhi etc... Some of the most important Vruthas are Navarathri, Eakadasi, Somavaram, Mahalakshmi, Savithri, Mangala-Chandika, Shashti, Durga Devi,. Sivarathri Vratham. Those who earnestly conduct such Vruthas will become the privileged person of Parasakthi.
To be continued...
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Saturday, January 5, 2019
Om Namasivaya Nama:
Chapter 13 - Vibhudhi Visthara Marga Bhedha Samarasyam (Continued)
Naama Manthram: 533-988 (455 Mantras)
Vasinyaadi Devis praising divine mother that She alone became everything including Gods and Goddess as the need arise. This is happening only because of Her compassion towards creations. In other words whenever there a decline for Dharma (Virtuous), depends upon the importance and seriousness of the situation, either She herself solve or She deputies the right God or Goddess for the job.
She, grant Dharma, Artha & Kaama among her creations so that their life will be happy and comfortable. This is can happen only when someone did good deeds in the past life. Therefore, She channels Her devotee's activities towards fulfilling these prerequisites. Some of the important Thrivargas (Combination of Three) are Brahma-Vishnu-Rudra, Saraswathi-Lakshmi-Durga, Sun-Moon-Fire, Akaas-Bhoomi-Pathaal, Sathwa-Rajas-Thamas, Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow, Past-Present-Future Births etc...are solely controlled by Her so that She can maintain justice among everything.
She bestows Swarga and Naraka among people. Swarga Residency is given for the people who did good deeds and Naraka Residency for the ill deeds. After giving this treatment She will make that Jeevan pure and eligible for betterment. When you do Pooja to any God or God's representatives two important qualifications are needed viz. Sudham & Kindness that is what indicated through a flower (Pushpam) called Japa-Pushpam (the flower that has White and Red colour in it). Another approach, simply chanting her name itself to be considered as Pushpa-Archana.
To be continued...
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