PART - 2 (501-1000)
Om Sarvam Khalvithamevaham Naanyathasthi Sanathanam!
(Nothing permanent in this universe/life except me! The Almighty Sivasakthi)
Dear Seeker,
I would like to update this Chapter slowly and steadily at-least 3 principles in a week. Therefore, please try to open this Chapter quite often to get updated information:
Please note some of the contents quoted in this chapter may vary compare with other authors' publications due to a different source of information from various books of Sanatana Dharma Sastras. I have taken careful attention to minimizing contradictions and errors. I have used maximum Sanskrit words that more or less matching the English words.
God Bless You...
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To be continued...
1000. What is the
definition of Swarga (Paradise)?
Ans. Where Sukruthis (Owners of holy deeds) are living that place
is called Swargam or where Devas resides. By doing unholy work you can’t become
999. What can provide
maximum Parisudhi (Highest Purity) in the body?
Ans. Yagnopaveetham (Poonal).
998. What are the names
of Aathma and Paramathma Sakthis?
Ans. There are 2 types of Aathma Sakthis are referred, one Vyashti
and the other is Samashti. Vyashti’s Jeeva Sakthi (Life Energy or Aathma)
is known as Kundalini and the Samashti’s Jeeva Sakthi (Cosmic
life energy or Paramathma) is known as “Thripurasundari”.
997. Which Gothram to be
followed for those who have no idea about their original Gothram?
Ans. According to Maharshi Apasthamban either use the Gothram of their
Achaaryan or Kaasyapa Gothram can be considered.
996. How did the Pravara
Sampradhayam came into existence?
Ans. A most popular primordial clan member of the Maharshis who
lived thousands of years before the current Gothra system was considered as Pravaras.
995. Who is the Moola
Rishis of Gothras (Primary Grothra Rishis)?
Ans. They are a total of 20 Gothra Rishis who are widely known in today’s
994. How did the Gothras
came to existence?
Ans. Saptha Rishis are the fundamental resources for the creation of
Gothram. However, the last born in their clan who became popular in all terms
received the Gothram title in his name. It could be single or multiple persons.
993. Which is the
important and popular Soothraas?
Ans. 13 Important Soothraas followed in Bharatham. Every Veda has
different Soothraas. Rig Vedam = 1. Aaswavalaayanam, 2. Saamkhiyayanam, Krishna
Yajur Vedam = 1. Aapasthabam, 2. Bhodhayanam, 3. Sathyaashadam, 4.
Bharadwajam, 5. Vaikanasam, 6. Agnivesam, Sukla Yajur Vedam = 1. Kaathyaayanam,
2. Bhaaskaram, Saama Vedam = 1. Thrahyaayam, 2. Kopila/Kapila, 3.
992. What is Soothram in
Vedic terms?
Ans. Vedam has two main aspects, 1. Ghnaanam 2. Karmam. The Karma
Kandam is so vast, therefore few great Rishis has created a set of rules and regulations
or methodologies to conduct Vedic Karmas so that the Karmi’s life will be
prosperous. Such rules and regulations containing book (Grantham) is called
Soothram (Techniques). The King among Soothraas is called Bhodhayana Soothram
followed by Apas-sthamba Soothram.
991. When you should not
do Samashti Abhivadhana Namaskaram (usually done by Dwija Brahmanan)?
Ans. Abhivadhana Namaskaram means, when a Brahmin does his Namaskaram
(Prostration) to elders, he says few introductory mantras in light voice to the
right-side ear of Namaskaram Receiver (An elder or Mahatmas). This the introduction consists of his Gothram, Gothra Propagators (Pravaraas) names and
numbers, Soothram and Vedam his Parampara is following along with his full name.
The question here is you should not say this mantra, 1. When the receiver is
holding in his hand - Samith (Dried peepal tree wood sticks), Flowers (Pushpam),
Dharbha, Ghee (Aayam), Water (Jalam), Mud (Karda), Cooked Rice (Annam), Akshatham
(Unbroken raw rise), 2. When the receiver is doing Japam, Homam, Deva and
Pithru Yagnam, 3. When the receiver is lying down, 4. When the recipient is
wearing wet clothes, 5. When the receiver is under the influence of Impurity
990. What is Aathma
Thathwam (Concept of Self Born Energy)?
Ans. Out of no choice we have to say Soul for Aathma, but the
reality is beyond that. Aathma is ever pervading Cosmic Energy and that is what
we too! A small definition or description is given in the Vedas by Realized
Maharshis that; Aathma is spread across all the 10 Indriyas (Power of the
senses) and 1 Manas (Mind) that put together 11 elements (Thathwas) which shines
systematically in Earth (Bhoo Lok), Sky (Bhuvar Lok) and Paradise (Swarga Lok).
These divine elements of 11x3 = 33 are called Devas or Divine Energies. For
each divine energy when it radiates it produces 1 crore of races, that makes a
total of 33 crores of divine particles. When these 33 crores (330 million) of
divine energy rotates in the galaxy/universe it creates Sound energy, that is
called Omkara Dwani. In other words, every Aathma is Omkaram itself. Realizing
this subtle secret is a huge task but it can be done.
989. How many types of Mantra Japa (Chanting) practiced?
Ans. 3 types 1. Manasikam (Chanting inside through mind), 2.
Upaamsu (Chanting with lips movement), 3. Vaikhari (Chanting
988. What is the Bheeja
Manthras used for Brahma Saakshaathkara Upasana?
Ans. Bhoo = Akaram, Bhuva = Ukaram, Suvaha = Makaram,
Mahaha = Bhindhu, Janaha = Naadham, Thapaha = Sakthi,
Sathyam = Saantham.
987. What is Saptha
Vyaahruthi Mantram and the steps towards Brahma Saakshaathkaram (Realization of
Absolute Brahman)?
Ans. 7 Maha Mantrams. 1. Bhoo = Sanmaathram/Kaaryam, 2. Bhuva
= Kaaranam, 3. Suvaha = Upper force (Oodhwa Sakthi), 4. Mahaha =
Biggest/Vast/Universal form and Brightest, 5. Janaha = Sarvaathmathwam
(Anything and Everything), 6. Thapaha = Ghyaan (True Knowledge), 7. Sathyam
= Brahmam (Ever living Indivisible and Undisputable Absolute Truth).
986. What is called
Saptha Vyaahruthi?
Ans. Brahman or Soorya Sakthi or Aathma Sakthi or Kundalini Sakti
has two aspects one is Bindu (Form) and the other is Naadham/Sound (Formless).
This formless Naadham starts its journey from Mooladhara Chakram and climb
towards 7th Chakram called Sahasraara Padhmam, this journey is
called Saptha Vyaahruthi (Passing through these 7 Chakras).
985. How to do
Upasamharam of Brahmaasthram?
Ans. When you chant this Gayathri in reverse form, Brahmaasthram
can be defused or redirect. (Please do not play around with this Mantra).
984. What is
Brahmaasthra Prayoga Mantram? (Please do not practice achieving Sidhi)?
Ans. Om Vedhaathmanaaya Vidhmahe, Hiranya Garbhaaya Dheem-mahi,
Thanno Brahma Prachodhayaath, Aiym Sooryaaya Nama:
983. Which habit/quality
will make everyone slave?
Ans. Anger (Dheshya/Kopa).
982. Which element is
bigger than Mind?
Ans. Sankalpam (Resolution with determination). The process is
Sankalpa will lead to a decision and the decision will become speech/words then
words will form Mantra. In Mantra even the Karmas are absorbed.
981. What are the
important functions of Sandhya Vandanam?
Ans. Three: 1. Offering Arghyam, 2. Pranaayaamam, 3. Gayathri Japa.
980. How many types of
Thalams (beat or melody or rhythm) mentioned in the Sastras?
Ans. 35 Thalaams. 7 divisions of Thalaams by 5 types makes 7x5 = 35
979. What are the routes
of Raaga (Tunes)?
Ans. They are two types – 1. Janaka Raagam, 2. Dhanya Raagam.
Janaka Raagam is the king of Raagmalika. In this sect, 36 Sudha Madhyamam and
36 Prathi Madhyamam totals 72 Raagaas are set (known are 72 Melakartha).
978. What will make a
person’s life destroyed?
Ans. A person who possesses these four qualities will eventually
destroy his/her own life. They are 1. Yauvanam (Pride of Youthhood), 2. Kaamam
(Lust), 3. Dhravyaprabhavam (Pride of Wealth), 4. Moodathwam (Foolishness).
977. Who is Yati
Ans. An achiever of 6 qualities to become an Ascetic (Such as
Samam, Dhamam, Uparathy, Thitheeksha, Sradha, Saamadhaanam), having enough
knowledge in Vedas and Sastras, a desireless person is actual Yati. In the
internet world wrong propaganda is happening to show a huge monkey as Yati
just like the misguiding Aaryaan theory of the western world.
976. How to realize Cosmic
Form of Siva (Samashti Swaroopa Sivan)?
Ans. Sadhyojathan, Vaamadevan, Aghoran, Tatpurusha, and Easanan
are known as Panchamoothy Kala of Lord Siva. The meditator must unite these
Panchamoorthis and Six Thathwas viz Mantram, Yanthram, Devatha, Prapancham, Guru
and Sishya to single-minded spot. Such a
consistent practice will reveal Lord Siva’s Cosmic form as Divya Drishti
(Divine Vision). As we know Lord Siva’s cosmic form include 11 Rudras (5+6).
975. What are the
significance or secret of Lord Siva’s 5 faces?
Ans. 1. Sadhyojatham = Akaram/Srushti, 2. Vaamadevam
= Ukaram/Sthithi, 3. Aghoram = Makaram/Samharam, 4. Thathpurusham
= Bindhu/Thirodhanam, 5. Easanam = Nadham/Anugraham.
974. Which metal vessels
to be used for Srardham (rituals for Pithrus)?
Ans. Silver, Copper, Brass, Mud pots.
973. Where does the
Pithrus reside/live (Ancestors of Humans)?
Ans. In Paradise (Swarga) or Hell (Naraka).
972. Where does the
Pithru Devathas reside/live?
Ans. In Paradise (Swarga).
971. Who conducts Pithru
Tharpanam/Srardham to whom?
Ans. Both Devas and Manavas conduct Tharpanam (Offering Food) to
their Ancestors. Devas conduct Tharpanam to Sookshma Sareera Pithru
Devathas and Manavas (Humans) conduct Tharpanam to Sthoola
Sareera Ptihru Devathas.
970. Who are the Pithru
Devathas (Lord of Divine Ancestors)?
Ans. They are Seven members. 4 having Sthoola Sareeram and 3 having
Sookshma Sareeram. The Sthoola Sareera Devathas are Kavyavahan,
Analan, Soman, Yaman, and Sookshma Sareera Devathas are Aaryamaan,
Agnishwathan, Barhishathan.
969. Explain the Human body
and its inherited assets of an adult?
Ans. One full skeleton, 3 ½ crores hairs, 3 ½ crores nerves, 32
teeth, 20 nails, 1 Padi (750 grams) Pitham (Bile), 1 Kuruni Kabha (8 Kilogram
of Phlem), 20 Palam Neennam (960 Grams of Fat), 10 Palam Kapila Raktham (480
Grams of Black Color Blood), 12 ½ Palam Medhas (600 Grams of Marrow), 3 Palam
Akaa Raksham (144 Grams of Yellow Reddish Blood), 12 Palam Majja (576 Grams of The marrow of the bones), ½ Padi Veeryam/Suklam (375 Grams of Sperm), 1000 Palam
Maamsam (48 KG Meat), 100 Palam Raktham (4.8 KG Red Blood), depends upon the
intake a sizeable Mala and Moothra (Stool and Urine).
968. Explain Gharbha
Avastha (Pregnancy Process) according to Gharbha Upanishad (Part of Veda)?
Ans. 1. Male’s Sukla-Sonitham (White and Red blood cells) mix with
Femail's blood and capture the Eggs (Anda) and become Pindam (Flesh), 2. Within
one day time, the Pinda-Andam will gain strength, 3. Next 5 days it will be
lying as it is and gradually it will become better flesh before 7 days, 4.
Between 7 and 14 days time, it will become a sack filled with blood and meat
flesh, 5. Between 14 to 25 days time it will develop its brain thereafter
within 30 days time it will become a baby with the contribution of Panchabhootha
(5 elements), 6. Between 30 and 60 days time, it will become Sthoola Pindam (a
traceable flesh ball), 7. Between 60 and 90 days, all limbs will start its
growth, 8. Between 90 and 120 days time little fingers will develop, 9. Between
120 and 150 days time face, nose, ears will develop, 10. Between 150 and 180
days time tooth gum, anal channel, nail, eyes whole will develop, 11. Between
180 and 210 days time umbilical cord will develop along with other limbs, 12.
Between 210 and 250 days, time (8th month) hair and all most all
limbs are fully grown for its purpose, by now the baby start consuming the Anna
Rasam (Juices from the food eaten by mother) from mother’s food. Hereafter every limb will get furnished further and ready to get out. This is the time
the baby gets into its previous birth experiences and knowledge. Within 272
days the baby will come out and start breathing outside air. The real material
life starts from here until the final breath. Modern science may differ a little
bit and explain digitally due to technological advancement. However, kindly
note those days no one is interested to know more than the broad picture!
967. What is the biggest
Sukham (Happiness) and Dhukham (Sorrows)?
Ans. The biggest sorrow is carrying “Ego” me and mine whereas
renouncing such state (Bhaava) is happiness.
966. What is Paathakam
or Paapam according to Vedanthi?
Ans. Any act that will not add value or support to gain Aathma
Ghyaan (Knowledge of true self) is to be considered as Paathakam or Paapam,
whereas to gain Aathma Ghyaan whatever one does will be considered as Punyam.
965. Which is the
biggest Charity (Dhaanam) for human beings?
Ans. Bhrahmanda Dhaanam. Let me explain, renounce ego as me and
mine then accept everything happening around you is a gift of Siva Leela.
Whatever I undergo or learn only because of his mercy. Do not give the material
life a chance to attract and push you to hallucination state. Give your full
mind to Lord Siva as Dhaan, this is called Brahmanda Dhaanam.
964. Where do Parasakthi
resides in the Human body?
Ans. Though she is everywhere, yet, her presence is well felt in
specific places. They are 1. Pradhama Sthanam = Human’s forehead, 2.
Dwitheeya Sthanam = Human’s head as Swapna Roopam (Dream State), 3.
Thritheeya Sthanam = Human’s heart as sleep (Nidra) state.
963. Where is Mahar Lok
(One world among 7 higher worlds)?
Ans. The cusp or gap area that connects between Sath-Chith-Ananda
and Bhoor-Bhuva-Suwa worlds.
962. What is Kaamakalaa
Dhyanam or Thureeya Vidhya?
Ans. While meditating on Sri Devi, the meditator should tell his
mind that he/she is Self and embodiment of fullness, I alone manifested from
within and everything is in me. Therefore, I don’t need to panic to find out
who else there. Simply calm down and proclaim ownself as the centre of
961. Who is the Aathma
(Soul) of Devas (Divine personalities) referred to in the Vedas?
Ans. Vaayu – He is the only Prathyaksha Brahman (Absolute Truth).
960. Who is Antha
Karanaas (A thing that works from inside without anybody) and its duties?
Ans. They are four non-tangible powers. 1. Manas (The reason
for thinking), 2. Bhudhi (Ability to identify things), 3. Chittham
(The Guru of reaction and response), 4. Ahamkara (Ego or self-conscious).
959. Which is Ashta
Sidhis (8 Achievements/Complete Attainment) and its benefits?
Ans. 1. Anima = Able to contrast the body to the smallest
level, 2. Mahima = Able to expand the body that can pervade across all 36
Thathwas, 3. Garima = Able to become the huge size and unbearable weight, 4. Lagima
– Able to become a slightest and lowest weight, 5. Praapthi = Able to see
long-distance (Doordarshan), 6. Prakamyam = Able to become independent
and greatest among all, 7. Easithwam = Able to command everyone, 8. Vasithwam
= Able to attract everyone and merge within or being one’s own self.
958. What are the types
of Kundalini Sakthis and its placement in the human body?
Ans. They are 4 types. 1. Agni Kundalini = Mooladharam to
Anahatha Chakram, 2. Soorya Kundalini = Anahatha to Aagnaa Chakram, 3. Soma
Kundalini = Aagnaa to Sahasraara Bindu, 4. Para Kundalini = Inside
Bindu Chithchandra Mandalam where Siva-Sakthi resides.
957. Where is the
placement of Pancha Bhoothaas (5 elements) in the human body?
Ans. 1. Feet to Knee = Prithvi (Earth), 3. Knee to Naval = Jalam
(Water), 3. Neval to Throat = Agni (Fire), 4. Throat to Eye Brows = Vayu (Air),
5. Eye Brows to Brahma Ranthram/Center of Head = Akaasam (Space).
956. How does Praanan
(life energy/vital air) enter and exit the body?
Ans. First, we need to understand that there is a physical Sun and
subtle Sun; the same way physical Moon and subtle Moon. Prana energy enters
as subtle Moon Power through the nose from the 8-inch gap. The entered air will
mingle with Eda and Pingala nerves and travel across the body. After a few
seconds, it comes out through nosehole as subtle Sun Power and disappears
at a 12-inch distance. We witness, when we inhale, the chill air goes in and
while exhale the hot air goes out. The modern science
may say Oxygen (Chill air) goes in and Carbon dioxide (Hot air) comes out.
955. What will happen
when the Praan (Life Energy/Vital Air) merge with the mind (Manas) by the grace of
Ans. He/She will be able to discriminate (Viveka Bhudhi) between
good and bad, will be able to see celestial forms (Divya Drushti) and hear
divine sounds (Divya Sruthi), able to read other’s mind, able to read nature,
able to visualize past-present and future of everything (Thrikala Ghyaan), able
to exercise Telepathy with others, gain supernatural body power, etc.
954. What is the meaning
of Sam Ghnaanam, Prag Ghnaanam, Vig Ghnaanam and Ag Ghnaanam?
Ans. Sam Ghnaanam = The mind act according to the circumstances
is Sam Ghnaanam, Prag Ghnaanam = The mind that shines due to the Brahma
Ghyaan (absolute true knowledge) it gained, Vig Ghnaanam = Though the mind has achieved one of the highest true knowledge, yet its curiosity to know
what is happening in and around in nature, Ag Ghnaanam = Mind’s
misunderstandings and superstitious behaviour are Ag Ghnaanam.
953. What the prominent
Upanasa Marg (Pathways) revealed in the Sasthras?
Ans. The 8 practices. 1. Nyasam (Spiritual touch and conviction),
2. Mudra (Symbolic Impression), 3. Prasamsa (Glories or Bhajan), 4. Sthavam
(Lyrics), 5. Mantra Japam (Chanting), 6. Dhyanam (Meditation), 7. Smaranam or
Yogam (Remembering divine events), 8. Layam (Merging with God).
952. What is Upasana
(Close single-minded worship)?
Ans. Merging one’s own Soul and Consciousness (Awareness) in a deity
or form of God is called Upasana.
951. What is Mantram
Ans. 2 meanings are given in the Vedas. 1. It is a body of
Spiritual Truth, 2. It is an Idol of the Saguna Brahman (Qualitative reasoning
of the creator).
950. Who are the Gurus
of Lord Kameswara (Siva considered them as his Gurus) in different Yugas?
Ans. Krithayug = Sri Charyaananda Nadha, Threthayug = Udhisaananda
Nadha (Three forms = Prakasananda Nadha, Vimarsananda Nadha, Aanandananda
Nadha), Dwaparayug = Shashtisaananda Nadha (Three forms = Ghnaananda,
Sathyananda, Poornananda), Kaliyug = Mithresananda Nadha (Three forms =
Swabhava Nadha, Prathibha Nadha, Subhagha Nadha).
949. What are the Names
of Sukla Paksha night time as mentioned in the Vedas?
Ans. 1. Prathama = Dharsha, 2. Dwitheeya = Dhrushta, 3. Thritheeya
= Dharsatha, 4. Chathurthi = Aavyaaya, 5. Panchami = Sannutha, 6. Shashti =
Era, 7. Sapthami = Aapooryamaana, 8. Ashtami = Pooryamaana, 9. Navami =
Poorayanthi, 10. Dasami = Poorna, 11. Ekadasi = Paurnamasi, 12. Dwadasi = TBP,
13. Thrayodasi = TBP, 14. Chathurdasi = TBP, 15. Poornima = TBP. (TBP = To be
948. What are the Names
of Krishna Paksha day time as mentioned in the Vedas?
Ans. 1. Prathama = Prasthutham, 2. Dwitheeya = Visthutham, 3.
Thritheeya = Samsthutham, 4. Chathurthi = Kalyanam, 5. Panchami = Viswaroopam,
6. Shashti = Sukram, 7. Sapthami = Amrutham, 8. Ashtami = Thejasaavi, 9. Navami
= Thejah, 10. Dasami = Samitham, 11. Ekadasi = Arunam, 12. Dwadasi = Bhaanumath,
13. Thrayodasi = Mareechimath, 14. Chathurdasi = Abhithapath, 15. Amavasya =
947. How divine Kalaas
(Self Illuminating Power / A portion of Saguna Brahmam) are distributed among
divine personalities to conduct Universal system?
Ans. 1. Parasakthi = 16 Kalas (15+1 Thidhi Nithya Devis), 2.
Sadhasiva = 15 Kalas (Nivruthi, Prathishta, Vidhya, Santhi, Indhika,
Dheepika, Rachika, Mochika, Paraa, Sookshma, Sookshmaamrutha, Gjnaamrutha,
Apayini, Vyaapini, Vyomaroopa, 3. Soorya = 11 Kalas (Thapini, Dhoomra,
Marichi, Jwalini, Ruchi, Sookshma, Bhoghadha, Viswa, Bhodhini, Dharini, Kshama),
4. Vishnu = 10 Kalas (Jara, Palini, Santha, Easwari, Rathi, Kaamika,
Varadha, Hlaadhini, Preethi, Dheergha), 5. Rudran = 10 Kalas (Theekshna,
Raudri, Bhaya, Nidhra, Thanthri, Kshudha, Krodhini, Kriya, Udhagri, Mruthyu, 6. Brahma = 10 Kalas (Srushti, Rudhi,
Smruthi, Medha, Kanthi, Lakshmi, Druthi, Sthira, Sthithi, Sidhi), 7. Agni =
10 Kalaas (Dhoomraarchissu, Ushma, Jwalini, Vispulingi, Sushiya, Suroopa,
Kapina, Havyavaaha, Kavyavaaha), 8. Easwara = 4 Kalas (Peetha, Swetha,
Aruna, Asitha).
946. How the human body is
divided into 3 Kundas (Element of Fire/Heat) by the creator?
Ans. 3 Kundas viz 1. Moola Saroja Vahnikala, 2. Artha Saroja
Sooryakala, 3. Seersha Saroja Somakala. Kala means portion or
part and it grows as well as subside depends upon the activities we are
involved in our life.
945. When and in which
order Devas (Divine Celestial Personalities) consume Soma Rasam?
Ans. They consume Soma Rasa (Herbal Juice) from Krishna Paksha
Prathama through Amavasya in order. 1. Prathama = Agni Dev, 2.
Dwithiya = Sooryan, 3. Thrithiya = Viswadevas, 4. Chathurthi = Varuna,
5. Panchami = Vashathkaran, 6. Shashti = Indran, 7. Sapthami = Deva
Rishis, 8. Ashtami = Rudran/Aja Eakapath, 9. Navami = Yaman,
10. Dasami = Vaayu, 11. Eakadasi = Maathru Ganaas, 12. Dwadasi = Pithru
Ganaas, 13. Thrayodasi = Kuberan, 14. Chathurdasi = Pasupathy,
15. Amavasya = Prajapathi.
944. What are the
branches of Kundalini Sakthi?
Ans. Basically, it is known as two different names in Sruthi
(Vedas) and in Yoga (Practice). Kundalini Sakthi is made up of 3 different
subtle spiral nerves. In Vedas, these 3 nerves are called Mahi, Yila, and Saraswathi, whereas, in Yoga, it is known as Yida, Pingala
and Sushumna.
943. What is the
beginning of Bheeja (Seed)?
Ans. After the completion of Pralayam (Dissolution), the Pralaya
Sound will take 3 forms viz Ahamkara, Mahath, and Prakruthi.
This sound is known as Kaarana Bindu (Resource for Causes). Bindhu is
Siva and the Sabdha/Naadam (Sound) is Sakthi; they join and create Bheeja,
then the creation starts from there.
942. What are the names
of Agni Deva (Lord of Fire) forms or tounges?
Ans. 7 forms known as - Sath, Chith, Anandham, Vignaanam, Manas,
Praanan, Annam.
941. What is called
Ans. Thejas means brilliance or hot waves, Upasana means to worship.
The Yogi invokes the power of Nava Aavarana Devis into his mortal body and
place them in specific places (Anga), thereafter meditate on Parasakthi as a
Jyothi Roopam in the open sky and start worship. Those 9 Aaavara Devathas and
their placements are – Para Devi in Hrudayam, Syamala Devi in
Brain, Varaahi Devi in Ahamkaram, Ganapathy in Mandhasmitha
(Smile), Aamnaaya Devis in Shadadhara Chakram, Bala Devi in Karma
Leelaas, Sampathkari Devi in Ankusa Weapon, Aswarooda Devi in
Paasa Weapon, Nakulee Devi in Waist.
940. Describe Sri
Chakram (Mystical Diagram)?
Ans. 43 Triangles representing Parasakthi Swaroopam
(Forms) and 1 Bindu representing Kameswara Swaroopam (Form). This
Chakram gave birth to Sanathana Dharma. Those 43 Triangles also signifies 5
Karmendriyas, 5 Ghnaanedriyas, 5 Pranaas, 5 Bhoothaas, 10 Vishayaas, 4 Antha
Karanaas, 9 Kannya Mothers/Aavarana Devis.
939. What are the main
disciplines of Sri Vidhyopasana (Worship of Parasakthi)?
Ans. 4 ways – Manthram, Thanthram, Yanthram, and Kundaliniyogam. In
Manthram (Pancha Dasakshari is practised by Sthoolam-Sookshmam-Param),
Thanthram (Mystical worship practised), Yanthram (Worship in Sri Chakram),
Kundaliniyogam (Worship in 7 Chakras).
938. How many types of
Thanthras are known to us as on date?
Ans. Total 77 Thanthras. Samaya Thanthram 5 (To
enhance spiritual knowledge), Kaula Thanthram 64 (To uplift and achieve
Mantra Sakthi), Misra Thanthram 8 (To enhance Manthra and Ghyaana
937. What is Thanthra
Saasthram (Magical or Mystical Formularies)?
Ans. Knowledge coupled with actions is called Thantra. Thantra
creates mystical bodies and the practice offers certain values to it by his/her
symbolic actions along with Mantra; which is embedded with absolute true
knowledge in it. Such activities can lead the practiser/seeker to attain
liberation from the transmigration system. Therefore, it is called Thantra
936. What are the
classifications of Jeevas (Souls) according to Saaktha Matham?
Ans. 3 Types – 1. Pasu (To enhance and enrich spiritual
knowledge and faith), 2. Veeram (To uplift ownself to Rudrathwam),
3. Divyam (To merge with Parasakthi).
935. What are the
Sapthaacharams (7 disciplines/doctrine) of Kularnava Thanthram system?
Ans. 1. Vedachaaram, 2. Vaishnavachaaram, 3. Saivaachaaram, 4.
Dakshinaachaaram, 5. Vamaachaaram, 6. Sidhaachaaram, 7. Kaulaachaaram.
934. What are the 36
Thathwas of Saktheyam?
Ans. 36 Thathwas in 3 segments. 1. 5 Sudha Thathwams –
Sivan, Sakthi, Sadhasivan, Easwaran, Sudha-Vidhya, 2. 7 Sudha-Asudha
Thathwams – Maya, Kaalam, Niyathi, Raagam, Vidhya, Kala, Purushan or
Jeevan, 3. 24 Asudha Thathwams – Prakruthi, Bhudhi, Ahamkaram, Manas,
Sabdham, Sparsam, Roopam, Rasam, Ghandham, Nethram, Jihwa (Tounge), Naasam
(Nose), Karnam (Ears), Thwak (Skin), Aakasam, Vaayu, Agni, Jalam, Prithvi, Vaak
(Speech), Hastham (Hands), Padam (leg/foot), Udharam (Stomach), Lingam (Genital
933. How Goddess Moola
Prakruthi Parasakthi is known or worshipped in different names across Bharatam
Ans. One Parasakthi is known in different names in different parts
of Bharat due to their local lifestyle and experience. They are Himalaya =
Umadevi, Kashmir = Amba, Asam = Kamakhya, Maharashtra = Bhavani, Tamilnadu =
Meenakshi, Kanyakumari = Parameswari, Kanchi = Kamakshi, Kasi = Visalakshi/Anna
Poorneswari, Karnataka = Chamundeswari, and Sarada Devi, Kerala = Bhagavathi,
Bengal = Durga/Kali, Dhakshina Bharat Villages = Bhadrakali, Across Bharat =
Sri Lalitha Maha Thripurasundari. Of course, the divine mother is known in different
names across the universe, yet few are mentioned here.
932. What is more
important or bigger than Ghyaan (Knowledge)?
Ans. Anushtanam (Performance or doing the right thing).
931. Why did people
named or called Bharat, the land of Sanathana Dharmis?
Ans. Bha = Brightness/Light/Self-Illuminating and Rath
= Happiness and Enjoyment, therefore this land is always full of happiness and
prosperity for all beings. Of course, as the time goes…people may try to destroy
the origin of its offerings.
930. What is the truth
of life?
Ans. Every being born on this earth will start looking for happiness
and comforts from all the corners, why because the life (Jeevan) is a part of
Ananda (Happiness).
929. Who is showing to
us the existence of God?
Ans. Prakruthi just like a mother show the father to a child.
928. What is Viswasam
Ans. A very special breath is Viswasam not only that it is also a light
for life energy (Soul/Aathma).
927. What charity will
help the ancestors who are living as a ghost in the Pretha Loka?
Ans. 8 types of Charities (Dhaanam) will give them holy credit or
strength to overcome the hurdles faced in hell. Ideally, all Dhaanam must be
given the deserving people only. Unless they use and enjoy the comforts of the
given items and bless, the giver will not receive the holy credits. They are:
1. Anna Dhaanam (Giving free food), 2. Paana Paathra Dhaanam
(Giving Cup to drink water), 3. Go Dhaanam (Giving Cows), 4. Vasthra
Dhaanam (Giving New Cloths), 5. Sayana Dhaanam (Giving Coat/Bed), 6. Chathra
Dhaanam (Giving Umbrella), 7. Aathana Dhaanam (Giving Walkingstick), 8. Paadhuka
Dhaanam (Giving Shoe/Slippers).
926. How big is the
Ans. 86,000 Yojana space. Approximately 1,118,000 Square Kilo
925. Total how many
Narakas (Hell) exists?
Ans. 28 crores (280 Million).
924. What are the
activities that generate sin and push the person to hell?
Ans. 12 activities by 3 types: Type 1. Maanasika Paapa Karma
(1. one who carries a desire to enjoy other’s wife, 2. desire to grab other’s property, 3. mentality to create trouble for others, 4. wholehearted desire to do any act
which is supposed to be abstained from doing – unethical acts), Type 2. Vaachika
Paapa Karma (1. Useless and nonsense talking, 2. That hurt others, 3.
Saying lie, 4. Badmouthing), Type 3. Kaayika Paapa Karma (1. Eating
uneatable or impure food, 2. Killing other living beings, 3. Doing unethical
and sinful work, 4. Encroach other’s properties and wealth).
923. Who are the five
types of Sinners (Paapis)?
Ans. 1. The one who talks bad about others (Paradooshanam), 2. One
who listens to bad-mouthing of others, 3. One who accept the bad mouths, 4.
One who curse others, 5. One who gives company to all these 4 types of sinners.
922. What is Vikalpa
Ans. Knowledge gained by listening to others’ discussions.
921. How to identify the
symptoms (Lakshan) of Ghnaanam in a person?
Ans. The person will be completely devoid of Thamasik activities,
He/She will never be attracted to lethargic activities, the mind will be pure and
complete detachment from sensual activities, vast brainpower, the complete absence
from passion and no interest in any objects that is impermanent.
920. Explain Karma and
Ghnaana Yaagams (rituals)?
Ans. At the end of the day, everything falls into 2 sets of Yaagam
(Offerings) 1. Karma Yaagam (Action), 2. Ghnaana Yaagam (Knowledge). Karma
Yaagam consists of various types of charities, poojas, havan rituals, etc. Whereas
Ghnaana Yaagam has 5-fold mental activities viz Adhyaayanam (Learning under a
competent Guru), Adhyayanam (Retrieve and Practice already learned knowledge
within), Vyakhyanam (Explain to mind), Sravanam (Listen) and Smaranam
919. In which way Surabi
contributing to the upliftment of this Earth?
Ans. Providing Six products and by-products by Surabi Cow can make
this world pure and clean. They are 1. Gomayam (Cow dung – It generated Vilva/Bilva
Tree and Lotus Flower), 2. Gorochanam (Sulfide Mineral - Supreme ingredient
for Sivalinga Abhishekam/Ablution), 3. Gochalam (gave birth to incents
such as Saambrani, Kundirikkam, etc…), 4. Ksheeram (Milk – that provides
vitamins, minerals, and proteins), 5. Dhadhi (Curd – it provides
everything like milk plus Veeryam (Vital fluid)), 6. Aajyam (Ghee – it
provides fatty acids and Vitamin – mainly used for the divine haven, this serves as
Amrutham for Devas).
918. How many types of
Cows came out when Milky Way was churned?
Ans. 5 Types. 1. Nandha, 2. Bhadra, 3. Suseela, 4. Surabhi, 5.
917. What are the main
classifications of Siva Pooja?
Ans. Three, 1. Nithyam (Always), 2. Naimithikam
(Special/Occasional), 3. Kaamyam (Full fill desires).
916. Who is the real
scholar (Pandithan)?
Ans. Experts or scholars are in every field, yet our Dharma Sasthra
does not give much importance to other than spiritual life. Therefore, in
spiritual life the real scholar is “The one who learn, think, understand,
meditate and practice Siva Ghyaanam” (Realized knowledge of Absolute
915. Which are the five
important Yogas/Yagams for human beings?
Ans. They are 5 viz 1. Karma Yogam, 2. Ghnaana Yogam, 3.
Thapo/Bakti Yogam, 4. Saankhyaa Yogam, 5. Dhyaana Yogam.
914. How many Yonis
(Organs of Generation or Place of Birth) that exists in this universe?
Ans. They are 14 types consists of 3 sets. 1. Animals and Birds of
5 types – representing Thamas Quality, 2. Humans 1 type – representing Rajas
Quality, 3. Devas/Divine Personalities of 8 types – representing Sathwa
913. What should be the goal of life?
Ans. By doing consistent meditation, one day the devotee/seeker
would become God himself/herself and finally merge in him/her.
912. What should be the
way of life?
Ans. Learn to love God.
911. What are the two
methods of worshipping God in simple terms?
Ans. 1. Renounce everything for the sake of God and simply love
him/her, 2. While living material life and enjoying the comforts it offers,
just simply think and love God regularly.
910. Who is Naasthikan
and who is Aasthikan?
Ans. The one who disbelieves in God nor accept the existence of God
is Naasthikan whereas the one who believes in God and its existence is well
accepted is Aasthikan.
909. Man or Woman, who
is superior/attracted on this earth?
Ans. Woman. All human beings (all living beings) have permanent
72,000 nerves system in their body, whereas all woman has an extra nerve called
“Jakanya”. Due to this additional nerve (Naadi) she is getting conceived
(Pregnant) as well as getting attracted by man.
908. When would you lose
your holy credits (Punyam)?
Ans. When you say lie in this birth, one will lose his previous
birth (inherited) punya phalam.
907. How many types of
Sivarathris performed by the devotees?
Ans. 5 types viz. 1. Nithya Sivarathri, Paksha, Maasa, Yoga and
Maha Sivarathri.
906. What is Sivarathri
Muhoortham (When to celebrate Sivarathri)?
Ans. During Kumba (Aquarius) Month (Approximate period
between Feb 13-Mar-14), Krishna Paksha (Solar period) Chathurdasi
(14th day) last 14 Nazhika (5 hours 36 minutes time), Sravana
Star (Thiruvonam).
905. What are the
eligibility guideline prescribed by Siva Puran for attaining Mukthi/Moksham
Ans. It is a liberation for Aathma (Soul) not to re-enter another
mortal body. They are recommending Four approaches to achieve is a precious task.
1. Do Archana (worship by offering flowers), 2. Do Rudra Parayanam (Read or
Listen to Rudra Puraan), 3. Do fasting on Ashtami Thidhi, Soma (Monday) Vaara
Vruth, Krishna Paksha Thrayodasi and Chathurdasi (13th and 14th
solar days), 4. Die in Kasi Kshethram
(Leave your mortal body in Kasi/Varanasi City).
904. What are the
Ashtamoorthy forms of Lord Siva?
Ans. 1. Sarvan (Kshithi/Earth Moorthy), 2. Bhavan (Jala Moorthy),
3. Rudran (Thejo Moorthy), 4. Ugran (Vaayu Moorthy), 5. Bheeman (Aakaasa
Moorthy), 6. Pasupathi Moorthy (Yajamaana Moorthy), 7. Mahadevan (Soma
Moorthy), 8. Easanan (Soorya Moorthy).
903. What are the types
of Nethra Drushtis (Looks) that conveys to us?
Ans. They are 4 types. 1. Ujwalam (Love and affection), 2. Sarasam
(Puthra-bhavam) Compassionate, 3. Vakram (Sensual desires), 4. Aaraktham
902. What advise
Sasthras are giving to us to know about a person?
Ans. A person’s Aacharam indicates his clan and family
culture, Sareeram (Body) indicates his food consumption, Vadhana
Vaani (Speech) indicates his education and knowledge, Veekshanam/Drusthi
(Look) will indicate his feelings of mind and desire.
901. What are the two
realized qualitative and non-qualitative forms of Paramathma (Absolute Nirguna
Ans. 1. Ksharam (it has saguna swaroopan that is nothing but
Prapancham / Nature), 2. Aksharam (it is nirguna swaroopam hence highly
subtle to explain).
900. Who is the Aadi
Saiva (Primary Siva Devotees)?
Ans. 5 Rishis, they are 1. Kausikan, 2. Kasyapan, 3. Bharadwajan,
4. Athri, 5. Gauthaman.
899. Who is truly
eligible to sing God’s glories as songs?
Ans. Those who completely renounced material body comforts and
dignity also completely surrendered to God.
898. Which are the sins
that have no atonement or pardon (Prayaschitham)?
Ans. They are four. 1. Those who sell or trouble their own mother,
2. Those who sell unattained aged girls (Kanyakas) or trouble them, 3.
Try to destroy Veda Granth (Holy books of all), 4. Those who kill a cow
or trouble them.
897. Describe Sri Maha
Ganapathy immediate family members?
Ans. Sidhi and Bhudhi (Gandharva’s daughters) are dharma pathnis /
consorts and Lakshan and Labhan are their children.
896. What are the types
of tilt applied on the forehead (Kuri/Thilakam)?
Ans. 4 types 1. Oordhwapundram (Gopi Chandan/Sandle Paste), 2. Thripundram
(3 lines sacred ashes), 3. Ardha Chandram (Half-moon shape with sandal/clay
etc.), 4. Paarijaatham / Vamisapathram (just like a 6 petal disk shape).
895. Which are the days one
must avoid taking an oil bath?
Ans. Srardha Divas, Eclipse Day, Fasting Day, Prathama Day.
894. What needs to be
observed while taking the Holy River/Pond/Lake bath?
Ans. No bathing with wearing previous day used clothes, cloths used
while sleeping, not to re-use the cloth already worn by others.
893. Which are the days
prohibited to take bath in hot water?
Ans. Total 7 days. Sundays, Srardha Dinam, Solar Eclipse day, Soorya
Sankranthi day (new month), Maha Dhaanam day (charity), Fasting day, Impurity
observing days.
892. Which quarter one
must face while taking a bath?
Ans. East or North facing.
891. How many Siddhar’s
lived/living in this Earth?
Ans. 9 crores (90 million)
890. How many holy
rivers that exist in this Earth?
Ans. 66 crores (660 million)
888. What are the
criteria for taking oil bath according to Sidha Vaidhyam?
Ans. 5 conditions to be met, they are 1. Applying oil must be warm,
2. Water must be warm or hot, 3. Enough Sunlight must be there, 4. The stomach must
be empty, 5. Only dry cloth allowed to wipe. Failing to these conditions, the
person will face stiff unhealth soon.
887. What is the name of
Siva’s Dhanus (Bow)?
Ans. Pinakam
886. What is the name of
Rudran who appeared in the Brahmandam (Cosmic Universe)?
Ans. Neelalohithan. Rudra is Poorna Avathara (Full
Incarnation) of Sadha Siva.
885. What is Prakruthi (Nature)?
Ans. Reflection of Icha Sakthi (Element of Desire) in the
manifested Brahman is Prakruthi.
884. What should be the
aim of life (human birth) according to Swami Vivekananda?
Ans. Every life energy (Soul/Aathma) has an immersed
Divyathwam (Divinity) in it, by regulating or controlling the mind from inside
as well outside, one must genuinely try his/her best to enhance the brightness
of that life energy.
883. Who are these
Therraputh Sanyaasis?
Ans. One of the most ancient branches of Budha Religion is
Theravada. They are the senior-most disciples/descents of Dheras/Sthaavireeya.
Buddhism has two divisions one is a distinct school of early Buddhism called
Theravada and the other is Buddhism itself.
882. What are the
secrets shared to Swami Vivekananda about Christian Religion by a Theravada
Bhudha Sanyasi?
Ans. This secret sharing took place during the dream stage
(Swapna Avastha) of Swami Vivekanda while his return journey from England to
India in December 1896. One of the extended Sanathana Dharma family known as “Theravada
Bhudha” (Therraputh) Sanyaasi appeared in the dream of Swami Vivekananda
and told him that, now your ship is anchored in Kreet Island. The
Christianity was created from this Island. This place is very close to Turkey
seashore. Whatever we preached and practised were stolen by the “decorated
assumed Christians” and spreading our messages as Jesus teachings in the
western world. In fact, there was one born as Jesus, all the relevant documents
about this secretly created religious story were hidden in this Island, if you
dig it out, you will find it. Swami Vivekanda jumped out of sleep by hearing
this and he rushed to the Captian to find out the position of his ship. The
Captian said we are in Kreet Island! Being a Bharathian (Indian), I can’t
disbelieve this incident of Swami. To add more, some other prominent people too
raised the question of Christianity in this manner. Even Sri Ramakrishna
Paramahamsa asked Narendran about his dream.
My view –
Religion is not spiritual although the English dictionary may say so. In my view,
religion is only a practice to understand a portion of the spiritual world as per
some founder/leader’s clever idea behind it. Fortunately, Hinduism is not a
religion but an adopted or forced name of Sanathana Dharma (Way of life) by the
Western World.
881. What is the core
message or advice is given by Swami Vivekananda to Bharathians (Indians)?
Ans. If every Indian upholds his spiritual practices and
respects, as long as all Indians does not renounce his/her spiritual practices
and respects, the Bharat (India) will remain united and stay in the world map.
Though the Bharatham is Anaswaram (ever-living place/country) it is every
Indian’s moral duty not to lose this status. (My understanding is that whenever
such situations have arisen in the past, God always has taken incarnation and fixed
the problem, why because Bharatham is the heart of this Earth and it belongs to
God’s property and he will exercise appropriate timely action to restore).
880. Which are the most
important Religions that exists in our earth?
Ans. They are 9. Hindu, Christian, Islam,
Jainam, Budha, Yahudha, Sagara or Bhraandhi (Confusion
– No worship for God but living with certain belief and principles), Shin
(Japan), Masdai (First Farsis).
879. What are the names
adopted by Swami Vivekanda during his life?
Ans. Total 4 names viz. Narendran (During material
life) then Vividhishanandan, Sachidhanandan and finally Vivekanandan.
878. What Sanyaasis use
to perform before taking up a new name?
Ans. They will conduct “Viraja Homam” before taking
up the new name.
877. What Swami
Vivekanda use to say while praying?
Ans. Oh God, please make me eligible to see your true form.
876. What are the two
important qualities needed for successful growth in Spiritual Life (Aadhyaathmic
Ans. They are 1. True sacrifice (Thyaagam), 2. Meditation
875. What is the subtle
meaning of Thriveni Sangam (Confluence of Three Divine Rivers)?
Ans. The confluence of Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswathi rivers
is known as Triveni Sangam or “Prayaag”. Ganga means Ghnaanam, Yamuna means
Bhakti and Saraswathi mean Sradha when these three qualities unite,
immediately the person becomes pure (Sudhi). Prayag means the place of Aswamedha
Yagnasthal and Sacrificial place – means Mind act as Horse and when mind
dissolves all its bindings (give up or sacrifice or renounce) the person will
become purest.
874. What is the true nature
of humans?
Ans. A combination of Prakruthi and Divinity is actual
human but due to ignorance he/she forgot their true existence and fall into
transmigration until they realize the true nature.
873. Who is
philosophical subtle (Sookshma) Ganapathy?
Ans. Ga means Bhudhi, Na means Ghnaanam and Pathy
means Chief. Chief of everything is Ganapathy especially Bhudhi.
872. Who is philosophical
subtle Indra (Sookshma Indran)?
Ans. The confluence of five Karmendriyas and Ghnaanendriyas
create Ganaas (Batch or Gang). The chief of these Ganaas is Mind or Indran, in
other words, our own Mind (Manas) is Indran.
871. What is the secret
of “Pillayar Chuzi” used by the Tamilians before they write anything?
Ans. Sudha Maaya is known as Icha Sakthi. A Sakthi (Divine
Force) that emerged from this Sudha Maaya and stood as a Bindhu (Dot) by
creating a Naadham (Sound). That Naadham kept extending towards its right side.
This is what called Pillayar Chuzi or the beginning creation.
870. How big is the
Moola Grandh (Sourcebook) of Mahabharatham and where is it kept?
Ans. He wrote/composed 60 lakhs Grandhas (6 million), out
of which 30 lakh kept in the Deva Lokam, 15 lakh kept in the Asura Lokam, 14
lakhs kept in the Yaksha Lokam and 1 lakh kept in the Bhoo Lokham. The one in
the Bhoo Lokham has 8800 slokaas.
869. How a woman should
do Samudra Snaan (a dip in the sea)?
Ans. One of the three options are given for her to do
Samudra Snaanam (being auspicious especially on a full black day/amavasya). She
must hold the hand of her Husband or Son or Tail of a Cow.
868. Who is Mai Ghnaani
(Knower of Absolute Truth)?
Ans. Mai means Truth in the Tamil Language. The one who
conquered the 6 truths are to be called as Mai Gnaani, they are Manas (Mind),
Vaak (Speech), Adharam/Paadham (downside), Oordhwam (top side), Praachya
(front side), Prushta (backside). Four corners plus manas and vaak.
867. Which are the Siva
Temples that represent Shadadhaara Chakras?
Ans. Thiruvaaroor – Mooladhara Chakram, Thiruvaanaikka
– Swadhishtaana Chakram, Thiruvannamalai = Manipooraka Chakram, Thillaipathi/Chidhambaram
– Anaahatha Chakram, Thirukaalahasthi – Visudhi Chakram, Thirukaasi –
Aagnaa Chakram, Thirukailaasam – Sahasraara Padmam and Thirumadurai
– Dwaadhasaantha Sthaanam.
866. What are the Ashta
Mangala Dravyaas (Sacred Items)?
Ans. 8 Auspicious items, seeing or touching those items are
to be considered as lucky as well add prosperity to human life. They are 1.
Kannadi (Mirror), 2. Madhu (Honey), 3. Deepam (Lamp), 4. Sri Lakshmi Vigraham
(Idol of Goddess Lakshmi), 5. Chamaram (Feather Hand Fan), 6. Valampuri Sanku
(Right side conch), 7. Swasthikam (Symbol), 8. Ghadam (Fully filled pot). Ashta
Dravyas differ from place to place and its functional usage.
865. What are the Yogas
Parvathi Devi received from Lord Siva?
Ans. 5 Important Yogams viz. Manthra Yogam, Parisa
Yogam, Bhaava Yogam, Ghnaana Yogam, and Maha Yogam. Let me explain
the Yogas significations. 1. Manthra Yogam: Meditating on God by chanting the
Mantras are Manthra Yogam, 2. Parisa Yogam: After concentrating on a single-pointed object, do the pranayama (Pooraka-Kumbaka-Rechaka) and fix the Aathma
(Soul) in Paramathma with the help of mind, 3. Bhaava Yogam: Leave everything
behind i.e. forget everything and see the God in your Chitha (Soul/Intellect),
4. Ghnaana Yogam: Renounce duality and see the Self in everything likewise
everything in the Self, 5. Maha Yogam: To know or realize that the Paramathma
(Absolute Brahman/Creator) is formless yet in the form of bright light, ever-living, everywhere, ultimate joy, purest, indivisible and limitless if Maha
864. What is the birth
stars of 7 planet Gods?
Ans. Sooryan
– Visakha star, Chandran – Krithika star, Angarakan – Poorvashada
star, Bhudhan – Sravishta star, Bhruhaspathi – Poorvashada star, Sukran
– Pupshya star, Sani – Revathy star.
863. How Sun was created
by the Creator?
Ans. The Absolute Brahman known as Paramathma created 3
types of Fires from the Pure Water. They are called Fire of Dhaiveekam, Bhautheekam, and Vaidheekam. Sun was created from Dhaiveekam Agni, Bhautheekam Agni
was placed in the living beings (casually known as Jadaraagni) then Vaidheekam
Agni was instructed to be available as the fire of worship in every house/temple.
One can put off the Vaidheekam Agni with the help of water, whereas the other
two Agnis Daiveekam and Bhautheekam can’t be put it off with the help of water.
862. What is the hight
of Sun’s Chariot?
Ans. 9,000 Yojanas (Approximately 108,000 Kilo Meter), it
has only one wheel pulled by 7 divine horses.
861. What are the 2
sources of clouds that make rain (Megha and Varsham)?
Ans. 1. Aagneya Varsha Megham (This cloud is created
from the fire, heat waves, humidity, evaporation process, etc.), 2. Pushkala
Varsha Megham (This cloud is created by the creator Brahma from his
breath). Aagneya Varsham will not have thunderstorm whereas Pushkala Varsham
will have a thunderstorm.
860. In this Galaxy, everyone has a place or home, therefore where the Sun is placed?
Ans. Sun is placed in the “Maanasothara Mountain” at
the point of its Axis it rotates itself. Along with Sun, there are 6 more
personalities occupies his wheel. They are Naagaas, Rakshasaas, Munis,
Ghandharvas, Apsarass, and Yakshaas. These personalities have a special body that
will protect them from Sun’s heat waves.
859. What are the Vaayu
Chakras (Wheels of Air) and its placement in our Universe?
Ans. Above Earth (Bhoo Loka) is Soorya Mandala,
means the distance between Earth and Sun called Bhuvar Loka, from Sun to
Druva Mandalam distance is called Suvar Loka. There are 7 Vaayu Chakras
roaming freely from Suvar Loka (The Air is in the form of wheel or disk) to
move everything. These 7 Vaayu Lokas have different names and in each disk is the
primary subtle resource for stars and fundamental elements that are ruling this
Universe. They are: Aavakan occupied by Megha (Clouds), Bhravakan
occupied by Sooryan, Anuvakan occupied by Chandran, Sankavan
occupied by Nakshathras (Stars), Vivakan occupied by Grahas
(Planets), Paavakan occupied by Saptha Rishis and Parivakan
occupied by Dhruvan.
858. At what frequency
the Karma Phala (Deeds of Karma/Results of Action) is obtained during each
Ans. Kritha Yuga – within 1 year, Thretha Yuga – within 3
months, Dwapara Yuga – within 1 month and Kali Yuga – within 1 day, the rewards
are given to the doer by nature/creator.
857. What are the
characteristics of Yugas and its Dharma?
Ans. 1.During Kritha Yuga (1,728,000 Years): Every
beings will have an equal life span, full comfort, and happiness, no varnasrama
dharmams nor caste system, dharma will have 100 per cent justification and it
will have all its four legs in working condition, there is no punya (merits)
nor paapa (demerits), there is only one God worshipped who is Sri Parameswaran,
no one will have ill thinking, everyone can travel everywhere with their body
(from space to earth to paathal). At the last phase of Kritha Yuga, things will
start losing its purity and dharma’s one leg will be muted, this situation will
give birth to Thretha Yuga.
2. During Thretha Yuga (1,296,000 Years): Rain will start
pouring on the earth, plants and trees will sprout which will produce fruits
and vegetables, humans will start getting hunger and start eating these
produces and live under the shade of huge trees, people will develop anger and
comparison, due to drought in earth people will go to heaven and bring food
items, humans will discover gold, jewellery, precious gemstones, metal,
minerals etc., design clothes, start to differentiate between male and female,
interest will develop to eat tasty food, sensual pleasure will shoot up, start
making buildings and sophisticated luxury homes, develop agriculturally
activities, the gap will develop between rich and poor, use black magic to secure social status, wealthy and healthy person will become king and start attacking
others to grab their land and possessions, to streamline social system as per
Brahma’s order varna-aasrama-dharma will be created, people’s life span will
start differing to meet death. At the last phase of Thretha Yuga, things will
start losing its purity and dharma’s two legs will be muted, this situation
will give birth to Dwapara Yuga.
3. During Dwapara Yuga (864,000 Years): People will
not know what merits and demerits is and start living with lots of confusions,
to show the right path Bhagavan Sri Veda Vyasa will incarnate and divide Aadi Vedam
into 4 parts learning syllabi to understand inner meanings of Vedas, he will
also, create various Puranaas and devotional paths to create some unity among
human beings. At the last phase of Dwapara Yuga, things will start losing its
purity and dharma’s three legs will be muted, this situation will give birth to
Kali Yuga.
4. During Kali Yuga (432,000 Years): People will not
respect Dharmas, Adharma will flourish, everywhere untruthful activities,
Kama-Krodha-Lobha-Moha-Madha-Maathsaryam will rule the world, no one will
follow law, rules, and regulations, race for accumulating wealth in every possible
unethical way, to enjoy the material life anything will do! Brahmins will stop
doing their own Karma and take up/follow all other’s work, priests will not
perform their duties, always thinking about the opposite sex especially men for
other’s women, prostitution will prevail and it will become the law of land,
erratic behaviour of the environment will cause many disasters for all beings,
various type of disease will prevail, so many unethical Godmen/women will emerge
and loot people’s faith as well as money, to achieve higher position there will
be no hesitation to do any type of criminal activities including killing
innocent and wise men, no respects will be given to parents, girls will conceive
pregnancy at an early age through illicit sexual activities, abortions of
pregnancy will be a casual practice, the life span of people will be reduced to the
lowest, people will make money and fame by selling God’s holy names and
glories, religious wars will erupt, scientific achievements will bring down the
faith in divinity, people will ask proof for everything to the extent of
questioning their own parents! Peace will die. War will erupt for food and
drinking water. Life will have no meaning. At the last phase of Kali Yuga,
everything will collapse, and dharma will lose its all four legs. This the situation will give birth to total dissolution by the wrath of God. Everything
comes to an end. Now wait for the new Kritha Yuga to start after a gap/cusp of
100 divine years of Uthara Sandhya period which is 36,000 human years.
856. Which Gunas
(Qualities) will dominate in Human beings according to Yuga?
Ans. Kritha Yuga = Sathweeka Guna, Thretha and
Dwapara Yuga = Raajasa Guna, Kali Yuga = Thamasik Guna.
855. How to offer the
Argyam (Water) to divine bodies by classification and the status of Upavetham
(Poonal/Sacred Thread)?
Ans. Five divine bodies receive Argyam (Pure Water) from
the eligible human beings. 1. Gods = Holding water in both palms and
pour it through the tip of fingers, 2. Devas (Celestial bodies) = Hold
water in the right palm and pour it through the tip of fingers, 3. Maharshis
(Saints) = Hold water in the right palm and pour it through (Kanishtika)
the little finger, 4. Pithrus (Ancestors) = Hold water in the right palm
and pour it through (Angushtam) the Index finger, 5. Brahman (Absolute
Truth) = Hold water in the right palm then raise the hand above the neck and allow
the water to drip through the elbow.
of Upavetham: Gods and Devas = Upavethi (from left to right), Maharshis and
Brahman = Mala (wearing garland type), Pithrus = Pracheenavethi (from right to
854. What are the
Avatars of Bhagavan Vishnu in each Yuga?
Ans. Kritha Yuga (4) = Mathsya Avatar, Koorma
Avatar, Varaaha Avatar, Narasimha Avatar, Thretha Yuga (3) = Vaamana
Avatar, Parasurama Avatar, Sri Rama Avatar, Dwapara Yuga (2) = Balarama
Avatar, Sri Krishna Avatar, Kali Yuga (1) = Kalki Avatar.
853. What can make the
human body pure (Sareera Sudhi)?
Ans. By involving in 3 activities the body will become pure
and neat. 1. A bath in a river that flows in full power and pushes the stones, 2.
Agni Pravesam (Sitting in front of fire pouring ghee in it), 3. Doing rituals
only after understanding the meaning of Mantras.
852. How to identify the
presence of Pisacha (Ghost/Spirit), Yaksha (Super Natural being) and Ghandharva
(Heavenly Choristers)?
Ans. Pisacha = A form of lightweight floating on the air,
Yaksha = Cool white light like full moon, Ghandharva = A form just like a
brighten lamp.
851. What are the 10
Important Vaayus (Air) in the human body?
Ans. 1. Praanan (Heart and circulatory system), 2. Apaanan
(Remover of waste discharger), 3. Vyaanan (Muscular activities
throughout the body), 4. Udhaanan (Throat function and sound controller),
5. Samaanan (Metabolism and digestive system) = These 5 Praanas are most
important Praana Vaayus, 6. Naagan (Controls Burping), 7. Koorman (Blinking),
8. Girikaran/Krikalan (Sneezing), 9. Devadathan (Yawning), 10. Dhananjayan
(Control of heart valves / Contrast and Expand the body).
850. What is Chandrayana
Vruth (Fasting counting on Moon’s status)?
Ans. Conducting 30 days of special fasting and penance that
produces innumerable benefits to who fast. Full upavas on the day of Amavasya,
thereafter from Prathama till Chathurdhasi every day increase one bowl
(mouthful) of food and do full fasting on the Poornima (15th) day,
likewise keep reducing one bowl of food each day till 14th day and
full fasting on the Amavasya Day.
849. Who are the main
propagators or achievers of Bakthi Maarg?
Ans. According to Srimad Bhagavatham there are 19
Aacharyaas. 1. Sanathkumars, 2. Vyasa, 3. Suka, 4. Sandilya Maharshi (Author of
Bakthi Meemamsa), 5. Garga Maharshi (Author of Garga Samhitha), 6. Vishnu
Maharshi (Author of Vishnu Samhitha), 7. Kaundinyan, 8. Aadi Seshan, 9. Udhava,
10. Udhaalaka Aaruni Maharshi, 11. Mahabali, 12. Hanuman, 13. Vibhishan, 14.
Prahlad, 15. Naradha Maharshi, 16. Ambarikshan, 17. Pundaleekan, 18. Parasara
Maharshi, 19. Bhishmacharya (Author of Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam)
848. Why does the Bakti
Maargam (Path of devotion) always successful?
Ans. The Bakti has many faces, yet it offers the freedom to
choose the right path according to the situation that favours them.
847. How many ways the
Bakthi (Devotion) is manifested or revealed?
Ans. Though the Bakthi remains one and the only, yet it is
being projected by devotees in 11 ways. 1. Guna Mahathmya Ssakthi (Interest in
glories), 2. Roopa Ssakthi (Interest in various forms), 3. Pooja Ssakthi
(Interest in worship), 4. Smarana Ssakthi (Interest in meditation), 5. Dasyaa
Ssakthi (Interest in a serving), 6. Sakhya Ssakthi (Interest in friendship), 7.
Vaathsalya Ssakthi (Interest in love and affection), 8. Kaandhaa Ssakthi
(Interest in attraction), 9. Aathma Nivedhanaa Ssakthi (Interest in full
surrender), 10. Thanmayathaa Ssakthi (Interest in absorption), 11. Parama
Virahaa Ssakthi (Interest in unbearable separation).
846. What is Truth
Ans. It is always equal, justifiable, ever living face or
presence of the Absolute Brahman.
845. What are the core
duties of a Bhaavathan (Devotee of God)?
Ans. 1. He/She should keep on listening to the stories and
glories of his/her personal God and its incarnations, 2. Chant God’s name
(Hymn) as much as possible and wander around in the holy places.
844. What are the duties
of a true Jeevan Muktha (Liberated Soul/Person)?
Ans. Neither in a hurry to die nor to live, just wait for
the call of death, like a daily wages worker who waits for his salary after the
completion of daily work.
843. How Vikaras (Change
or Transformation) change their characteristics in the same person?
Ans. 2 Approaches, 1. When we channel our inherited Vikaras
towards God it will transform as Bakthi, whereas, when it is channelled towards
Vishaya Sakthi (Sensual Pleasure) it will transform as Kaamam (Lust). Please
note the same Vikara is taking different opposite form based on one’s effort.
842. Who are the
Naskthikas (Non-Believers)?
Ans. Those who criticize the life after death (Paralok)
and making ill talk of Vedas.
841. What is inappropriate for a Sadhakan (Spiritual Truth Seeker) to listen?
Ans. They are 4 issues. 1. He/She must not hear the stories
or praises of the opposite sex, 2. Should not hear the stories of wealth or wealthy
people, 3. Should not to hear the stories of abusers of Vedas and Gods, 4.
Shall not hear the stories of those who opposed God’s wish (shown enmity
towards God or God Incarnations). These may create obstacles on the progress of
spiritual seeking.
840. Who will be able to
win over Maya (Illusion/Ignorance)?
Ans. The one who renounced all types of sensual pleasure
(Vishayasakthi) and developed complete dependency in Paramathma will be able to
overcome the effects of Maya.
839. Who are the Sadhus
Ans. Those who have genuine devotion towards God, having
full faith in me (Sri Krishna), renounce his/her Karma (duties), Relatives and
Friends for my sake are Sadhus.
838. Who is the true
devotee according to Lord Sri Krishna?
Ans. Sri Krishna Said, one must have an unshakable faith on
the following that - I am beyond space and time, I am everywhere and in
everyone, I am the Parabrahman, I am the embodiment of Sath-Chith-Ananda form, who
worship me knowingly or unknowingly with a single-minded concentration on me are
my true devotees.
837. Who are called
Mahath (Greatest among great)?
Ans. When a person possesses these 5 superior qualities
he/she will be known as Mahath. They are 1. Samadrusthi (Seeing Equality), 2.
Paramasanthi (Deepest Calm), 3. Krodharahithan (Angerless), 4. Sarvabhootha
Suhruthbandham (Friendship and loving interaction with everything), 5.
Sadhachara Sampannan (Practicing Pious, Spiritual, Religious and Ritualistic
lifestyle). Please note, such people have only one goal that is to achieve
liberation from transmigration.
836. What is called
Bhajanam (Act of worship)?
Ans. Serving God with greatest love and affection is
Bhajanam and the obedient attitude is called Bhakti.
835. What is the meaning
of Acharyan?
Ans. The one who did severe practice to realize the truth
is called Achaaryan.
834. What are the core
Bakti Sadhanaas (Practicing Devotion)?
Ans. They are two types – 1. Sadhakam (Achiever/Favourable),
2. Bhadhakam (Troublemaker/Non-favourable).
833. Who gets pure
devotion to God?
Ans. The one who have no desires or passion and do not
depend on anyone and anything will eventually be moved towards God.
832. What are the
significations of Paraa Bakti (Ultimate true devotion)?
Ans. A devotee’s activities will be surrendered to
Personal God. Whenever the devotee gets a chance to think of his/her God,
he/she will experience an unbearable vibration across body and throat get
chocked, whereby not even a word can be uttered! Therefore, soon he/she will
become unconscious.
831. How to escape from
Aadi Vyaadi (Disease of Confusion and Worries)?
Ans. Involving oneself in 5 activities viz. 1. Japam
(Chanting), 2. Prarthana (Prayer), 3. Saadhyaayam (Repeatedly
practising spiritual cause), 4. Sangeerthanam (Singing Glories of God),
5. Katha Kaala Kshepam (Listening to stories of God Incarnations).
830. How Bakti
(Devotion) is interpreted?
Ans. 3 ways viz. 1. Medhavi = Through Spiritual
Knowledge (Ghyaana Roopam), 2. Bhakthan = Through enjoyment (Aananda
Roopam), 3. Karmi = Through serving God and his/her order (Seva Roopam).
829. Is it possible to
describe the Aadhyathmic Anubhoothi (Spiritual Experience)?
Ans. Frankly speaking, it is not possible to describe
perfectly, yet it needs to be described that is closer to the real experience
held so that the disciples can understand and benefit. Since explanation is
purely personal and it is directed by the individual’s capabilities of the Bhudhi (Brain
skills). Moreover, the same point of view and opinion can differ between person
to person. Each person’s expression will be controlled by their own mind, that
is why it can’t be a single order of explanation about the spiritual
828. How to become a
good devotee (Bhakthan)?
Ans. Accept whatever it may be that can enhance the desire
of enriching the devotion and renounce whatever that may cause disturbances for
the growth of devotion.
827. What are the
divisions in Vaidhika Karmas (Action or rite prescribed by the Vedas)?
Ans. 2 Types – 1. Pravruthi Dharmam (Action to
benefit and achieve material benefits), 2. Nivruthi Dharmam (Action to
get rid of Vasanas/Desires and welfare).
826. What is called
Bhagavath Mahima (Greatness of God)?
Ans. God takes care of the true devotee’s well being and
the devotee is only a reason or representative of God.
825. What is Raagam
(Interest or Desire)?
Ans. Whatever thing that gives pleasure and happiness is
called Raagam.
824. What is Rathi
(Gracious Pleasure)?
Ans. An achievement or pleasure received by the mind during
the right favourable situation is Rathi, in other words, mind’s transformation.
823. According to Yuga
Dharma (Age of Earth/World), when and how a person will become Paapi (Sinner)?
Ans. Krutha Yuga = When you speak to a Paapi, Thredha
Yuga = When you touch a Paapi, Dwapara Yuga = When you eat the food
of a Paapi, Kali Yuga = When one does Paapa Karma (Sin rewarding
activities) by himself/herself only will become a Paapi.
822. What and where is
the Mleccha Desam (Country/Place of non-believers) that exists according to
Sanathana Dharma?
Ans. Where the Varnaasrama Dharmam is not practised nor
respected, where the Samskrutha Bhasha does not receive its due respects, where
the freedom of worship is prohibited as per the individual’s own conviction and imaginations,
such a place is to be considered as Mleccha Desam.
821. Who and how many
Authors contributed to making the Poorva/Apara Soothram?
Ans. They have between 9 and 920 Maharshis in total,
however, 18 are the most important Maharshis starting from Bhodhayanan till
820. Who are the Authors
of Dharma Sasthrams (Sanathana Dharma Law Book)?
Ans. 18 Maharshis (Great Sages) contributed their knowledge
to make Dharma Sasthra Granth, starting from Manu Maharshi to Haareethar.
819. What is Aacharam
(Behaviour Guidelines)?
Ans. Consists of 4 un-avoidable activities that make
Aacharam. 1. Snaanam (Taking Bath), 2. Aachamanam (Sipping water
by saying God’s name/Hymn), 3. Aahaara Niyamam (Discipline in having holistic
food), 4. Brahmacharya Anushtanam (Practicing Asceticism, at-least from
time to time)
818. What is the Proof/Justification/Certification
(Pramanams) for Dharmas (Ethical/Model/Virtuous Principles)?
Ans. 4 important elements viz. 1. Vedas, 2. Advice and
activities of Sages/Rishis who mastered the Vedas, 3. Wisemen’s way of life, 4.
Great people’s satisfaction and happiness towards a specific activity.
817. How to know what is
Dharmam and Adharmam according to Abasthamba Soothram (Wise sayings of Sage
Ans. Whichever work is praised by the great people (Mahatmas)
is Dharma and whatever they rejected or discarded is Adharma. Another approach,
whatever is accepted by the Vedas is Dharma and rejected ones are Adharma.
816. What is the real
form of Bhakti (Devotion)?
Ans. Amruthathwam (Anointed with nectar, State of liberated
mood, having consumed the life-giving delicious drink).
815. Which direction one
should stand while washing legs/feet?
Ans. Facing the West quarter (Nowadays this practice is
diminishing due to modern bathroom décor and flat system).
814. When or how can one
enjoy the Bakti?
Ans. There are 2 aspects: 1. God and Devotee must have
a small distance (Dwaitha Bhavana), 2. Consider God as master and the
devotee is his/her servant.
813. What is Bakti
Ans. Deep inside immeasurable love for God is Bakti.
812. What are the
important Upaveda Granthas of Sanathana Dharma?
Ans. They are 8 divisions – 1. Ayurveda
(Dhanvanthari Vidya - Medical treatment and medicines), 2. Dhanurveda
(Brughu Maharshi Vidya - Archery and Military science), 3. Artha Sasthram
(Law, Government, Politics, Commerce, etc), 4. Ghandharva-veda (Songs,
Dance, Acting, Drama, Fine Arts, etc.), 5. Sthapathya Veda (Building
Architecture, Making Chariots, Vehicles, Flights, Ships, Palace, Cities,
Sculpture etc.), 6. Manusmruthi (Law and Order for better living
standard among humans as per the Veda and Dharma Sastras), 7. Pachaka Sasthram
(Cooking/Home Science), 8. Kaama Sasthra (Making Love and enjoy
pleasureful activities for relaxation and reproduction).
811. What are the
Sruthis (Vedas) learned and practiced by Sanathana Dharmis (Veda of Hindu
Ans. They are 6 – 1. Vedas, 2. Vedantham, 3. Soothraas, 4.
Brahmanas, 5. Aranyakaas, 6. Upanishads.
810. When did the Vedas
were divided into 4 parts?
Ans. Till the middle age of Dwapara Yuga (Approximately
8,000+ years before) the entire Veda was practised as one. By end of Dwapara
Yuga, Sri Veda Vyasa Maharshi divided the entire Veda into 4 parts and taught
his close 4 disciples to propagate and practice.
809. Who is Aaryan?
Ans. The person who respects and follow Sruthi (Vedas) and
Smruthis (Hindu Law) are called Aaryas (This has
nothing to do with Aarya stories created by the Western World to divide the
unity among Sanathana Dharmis/Hindus).
808. Who is eligible to
practice Bhakshi Sadhana (Devotional Spiritual Practice)?
Ans. 3 Criteria – 1. He/She should be a simple flexible person
who wholeheartedly loves God, 2. Not a chronic Virakthan (Passionless or
Disaffected), 3. Not an Athyantha Sakthan (Too much addiction or attachment).
807. What is Para and
Apara Bhakthi (Devotion)?
Ans. Para Bhakti means the “accomplishment or
attainment in spiritual practices called Anubhoothi” whereas the Apara Bhakti
is Sadhanaas (Practices) itself.
806. Why do you need a
Spiritual Guru for Aadhyathmic Sadhana (Spiritual Practice)?
Ans. How much important is a qualified doctor’s involvement
for giving medical treatment to a patient, that much importance is needed of a Spiritual
Guru for Spiritual Practices.
805. How does the
treatment reflects on Sthoola and Sookshma Sareeram?
Ans. When you give treatment to Sthoola Sareeram it will
only cure the problems of Sthoola Sareera Angas (Parts), whereas, the treatment
of Sookshma Sareera will reflect and cure both Sookshma and Sthoola Sareeram diseases.
804. How to treat the
Sthoola and Sookshma Sareera Rogam (disease)?
Ans. For Sthoola Sareeram (Mortal Body) – Medicines
to be applied or consumed and fasting is the treatment. For Sookshma Sareem
(Subtle Body) – Sadhachara Nishta (Well balanced and pious lifestyle),
Adhyaathmic Dharmacharanam (Undergo spiritual and righteous practices),
Vedhantha Chintha (Philosophical thinking), Easwara Bhajanam (Worship God) are
to be practised.
803. What are the
diseases of Sookshma Sareeram?
Ans. They are 6 = 1. Raagam (Desires/Passion), 2. Dhwesham
(Hatred), 3. Bhayam (Fear), 4. Krodham (Anger), 5. Vyasanam (Sorrows), 6. Aadhi
(Subtle Worries).
802. What is the Kaarana
Vasthu (Sookshma Sareeram) for the Kaarya Vasthu (Sthoola Sareeram)?
Ans. Kaarya Vasthu known as Sthoola Sareeram which is
tangible as well as visible whereas the Kaarana Vasthu known as Sookshma Sareem
is opposite. Therefore, Sookshma Sareeram is the cause of Sthoola Sareeram.
801. What is Sadhacharam
(Good Conducts)?
Ans. A healthy lifestyle that is to be followed without
causing any damage to the Vital Substances or Elements (Dhaathu Dhosham =
mainly Thridosha – Kabham, Pitham, Vaatham).
800. What are the 3 types of treatments applied (Chikithsa Sampradhayam) in Ayurveda?
Ans. 1. Langanam (To reduce the cause of ailments by fixing the damaged element or ingredient with the body. 2. Brumhanam (To increase the cause of ailments to fix the damage). 3. Sudhikaranam (To clean and refine the cause of ailments).
799. What is Avaranam, Vikshepam, and Bhodham?
Ans. Avaranam is a mega force (Sakthi) that is mental blindness or a cover that will never allow a person to know or even try to know the God, who is - Supreme Self, Absolute Truth, Limitless, Non-Attributable, residing inside the heart of every person. Vikshepam is another mega force (Sakthi) that will distract a person from thinking about the Supreme Self. Whenever a person tries to think of God (Who along with Exists in this Universe and rest all only a reflection) it immediately distracts and drive his/her views or thinking the power to unwanted or irrelevant areas. Bhodham is a mega force (Sakthi) that will drive the person to be knowledgable i.e. even though many things do not exist yet, it will create the awareness of it in the mind.
798. How Thrigunas (Tri qualities) are getting activated in human life?
Ans. Thamas Gunam represents Aavaranam (Mental Blindness or Cover), Rajas Gunam represents Vikshepam (Distraction) and Sathwa Gunam represents Bhodham (Consciousness and Knowledge). These qualities are interconnected to lead one’s day to day life.
797. What is the aim of life (Jeevitha Lakshyam)?
Ans. To grab the Thathwam (Reality) and Thathwaanu-bhoothi (Experiencing Reality).
796. When do you get the chance to enhance your Thathwa Vicharam (Reality or Philosophical Thinking) and Thathwa Grahanam (Accept Reality or Philosophy)?
Ans. When the Bhakti (Devotion), Ghyaan (Ture Knowledge) and Vairaghyam (Determination) grow in a person, that will lead him/her to Sathsangh (Company of Wiseperson) and Guru Susroosha (Serving the Teacher). When these qualities get matured, the person will automatically start developing Thathwa Vicharam and Grahanam.
795. How can one achieve or get Samskaram (Culture and Civilization)?
Ans. It is supposed to come from Vasanas (Knowledge or desire from past memory and experience)
794. What is the actual meaning of Varna and Asramam?
Ans. Varna means Samskaram (Culture and Civilization) and Asramam means Jeevitha Reethi (Way of Life or Manners)
793. What is called Puranam (Epoch)?
Ans. The instructions and meanings of Veda mantra and Upanishads being elaborately narrated in a story form are known as Puran.
792. When do the Jeevan (Soul) will dance with abundant joy?
Ans. When the Mind and Praananan (Life Energy) subside within, the Easwarathram (Goodhood) will start growing within, that is the time the Jeevan will dance with the fullest joy.
791. What humans need to learn from the form of Jambavan?
Ans. Jambavan is one the son of Lord Brahma and his original form is a divine immortal body, yet he appeared in Threthayug to help Sri Rama in the form of a Bear. Likewise, the Jeevan’s original nature is divine, and it is part of God but when it enters the body it behaves like Bear or Monkey (Chapalan). He is blind but if needed he can open his eyes through the discrimination power. He lives in cave-like Jeevan lives in the cage of heart. No one knows Jambavan’s age like nobody knows the life span of Jeevan (Soul) and when it will end. The human body is just like a Symanthaka Jewel, his daughter Jambavathi represent our Samsara Vruthi (Mundane life activities). When he united both (Syamanthaka and Jambavathi) with Lord Sri Krishna, he disappeared, and no one knows where he left for, i.e. the Soul got liberated.
790. What is called Varuna Paasam (Lord of Water and his rope)?
Ans. Pancha Praanas (Five Vital Air) who control the body.
789. What is God’s actual vehicle?
Ans. Veda Mantras. God travels through these Mantras across Universe.
788. What are the moral takeouts of Mahabali Chakravarthy story and its actors?
Ans. Man’s mind = Mahabali, Karma Vasana = Sukracharyan, Vamanan = Real Owner of this Universe, Jagath (Universe) = Imaginations of the Mind. Thrilokas (Earth, Space, and Pathal) are Mahabali’s Imaginary Properties and he was ruling on it without any obstacles as assumed owner. Whereas, until Mahabali surrendered to God, he was big, and God was small (Vamana). The minute, when he gave up his Mind to God, he became small and God became biggest to conquer all his imaginations.
787. What is the property of Manas (Mind)?
Ans. This Universe and its existences mixed with all sorts of imaginations.
786. When can the mind disappear from its duties?
Ans. When Easwarathram (Godhood) Raises in us, the mind automatically becomes small to tiny and eventually, it will lose its existence.
785. Why the Phalasruthi (Rewards for the Listening/chanting) is not effective in many cases?
Ans. As we know, all our Puranas, Mahavakhyas, Stories and Sastras confirms that when you chant or read certain Slokas, etc… you will be rewarded a few benefits. Whereas, in real life, such rewards are not enjoyed by the reader. According to Bhakti-Ghnaana-Vairagya-Aathma Sakshathkara Margam explaining the reason that is “Most of the readers read such Maha Vakhyas as just a reading material known as ‘Vaachyartham’ (Just reading) without a specific ‘Lakshyaartham’ (Goal seeking). This is the reason; many readers cannot achieve the prescribed results. Vaachyam means = just talk or read and Lakshyam means involvement and experience.
784. What is the role of a Guru in the Ghyaana Maarg (Path of Knowledge)?
Ans. Disciples are used to seeing things that are tangible, also known as “Sthoola Roopam” due to Sthoola Drushti. Whereas, the Guru has the capability to see things in its subtle form “Sookshma Roopam” of the same thing watched by the disciples. So, the Guru directs the disciple (Thathwa Vicharam) to see its true picture and make him/her aware of the Reality from Unreal form.
783. What is the experience of “Avasthra Thrayam” (State/Condition of Self)?
Ans. Maharshis (Saints) realized 3 conditions of the Aathma, and it witnesses and undergoes all situations with the help of the 3 bodies called Sthoola, Sookshma, and Para. The first Avastha (State) is called Jagradhavastha (state of awakening) here “all organs and the body is awakened including Self”, the second Avastha (State) is called Swapnaavastha (state of dream) here “the body is sleeping but Self is awakened and the third Avastha (State) is called Sushupthaavastha (state of fast asleep) here “everything goes to deep sleep except Self”.
782. What is the fundamental core message of Upanishads?
Ans. An individual is not the Mortal Body nor Indriyas (Sensitive organs) nor Mind (Manas) nor Brain (Budhi) nor Life (Jeeva), it is an Aathma (Soul) and the Aathma is not many, it is One and the Only. This is the absolute truth and Upanishads convey this loud message to all humankind. This truth can be realized only by sheer “renouncement” of all possessions!
781. What is it Aghnaanam or Samsaram (Illusion or Ignorance) and what it does?
Ans. The Life Energy (Jeeva or Aathma or Soul) that rotates within the Pancha Kosa (5 Sheaths-the outer covers of the life energy). While doing so, it creates its own misconceptions due to ignorance “that I am the body, I am the knowledge, I am the life, I am the science and I am the enjoyment, etc…” and conclude that such element’s duties are mine! This very reason will force the Life Energy (Soul) to undergo experiencing happiness and sorrows, innumerable birth and death without any end. This is also called Samsaram or Transmigration System. This is what Aghnaanam.
780. What is called Deham (for the body)?
Ans. It is being burned down every minute by minute called Thapathrayam (3 types of mental or physical pain due to heat) = 1. Aadhyaathmikam (Self Enquiries), 2. Aadhi Dhaiveekam (Spiritual Enquiries), 3. Aadhi Bhauthikam (Material Enquiries).
779. Why it is called Sareeram (Mortal body)?
Ans. It depreciates every minute by minute i.e. it undergoes 6 stages from birth to death called 1. Baalyam, 2. Kaumaram, 3. Paugandham, 4. Yauvanam, 5. Vaardhakyam, 6. Maranam.
778. What are the most important elements that constitute a human mortal body?
Ans. 12 Elements viz. 7 Dhaathus (Thawk, Asthi, Raktham, Maamsam, Medhas, Majja and Sukla). 3 Doshas (Kabham, Pitham, Vaatham), 2 Visarjanas (Malam and Moothram) plus all others Angaas and Upaangaas.
777. What causes or the seed for Samsara Dukham (Transmigration)?
Ans. 4 Involvements viz. 1. Ahamkara (Ego), 2. Nidra (Sleep), 3. Kaamini (Womanizing), 4. Kanchanam (Passion to accumulate Gold).
776. What are the Characteristics or Nature of Mind (Manas)?
Ans. 3 Characters viz. 1. Smaranam (Remembering) = Producer Sathwa Guna, 2. Vismaran (Forgetting) = Producer Rajo Guna, 3. Pravruthi (Action) Producer=Thamo Guna.
775. What are the core activities of Manas (Mind)?
Ans. The same Mind is divided into 4 invisible elements viz. Sankalpa (Resolution) by Manas (Mind), Prakasam (Clarity and Vision) by Chitham, Ghyan (Knowledge) by Bhudhi (Brain) and Abhimanam (Pride/Self-Respect) by Ahamkaram (Self/Ego).
774. What will force the devotee to reach/realize God?
Ans. Permanently staying away from the sensual pleasures at the same time developing innocent deep devotion towards God.
773. What is the starting stage or how to start the Bhakthi (Devotion) practice?
Ans. Though God is beyond everything (whatever Human knows), yet the seeker looks forward to an opportunity to play and merge with God. In other words, involve God in everything even in our daily work.
772. What is the Sadhana Chathushtayas (Four Spiritual Practices)?
Ans. They are four – 1. Aathma-Anaathma Vivekam (discrimination power to differentiate between real and unreal), 2. Ihaa-moothra-bhala Bhoga Viraagam (Restrain from Sensual Pleasure), 3. Samadhi Shatka Sampathi (Earn Samam, Dhamam, Uparathi, Thithiksha, Sradha, Saamadhanam), 4. Mumukshuthwam (Eagerness for Liberation).
771. What is Aathma Dharmas (Spiritual Righteous)?
Ans. They are four – 1. Sathyathwam (Absolute Truth), 2. Nithyathwam (Constantly Everliving), 3. Aanandathwam (Ecstasy), 4. Anandathwam (Limitless).
770. What is Anaathma Dharmas (Material or Natural Righteous)?
Ans. They are four – 1. Sareeram (Body) does Jananam (Birth) and Maranam (Death), 2. Praanan does Kshudha (Hunger) and Dhaaha (Thirst), 3. Manas (Mind) does Vikaram (Passion), 4. Bhudhi (Brain) does Sukham (Happiness) and Dhukham (Sorrows).
769. Saints (Maharshis) are how many types?
Ans. 2 types, 1. Brahma Rishi, 2. Deva Rishi.
768. Who can control or destroy Thrigunas?
Ans. Only the innocent devotion towards God can cure Thriguna Doshas.
767. How the Soul (Aathma) become God?
Ans. With the help of Bhakti (Devotion), if one can renounce all Thrigunas (Sathwa, Rajas and Thamas) the Soul will attain Godhood.
766. What is the Greatest Bhakti (Highest Devotion)?
Ans. All worship directed towards “Self” (Aathma) alone.
765. What is called Sabdhaa Brahmam?
Ans. Vedas
764. What is Thathwa Ghnaanam or Swa Swaroopa Bhodham (Awareness of Self)?
Ans. After learning the “Real Truth” from a competent Guru, the person will realize that the body is only a “mortal form” which undergoes maturity and death, whereas the Soul/Self is constant/changeless, and it is an “immortal element”
763. Who are the 24 Natural Gurus in this earth for humans to learn and elevate themselves from ignorant to knowledgable status?
Ans. 8 Gurus who advise humans to renounce or avoid intakes or addictions -(Pigeon, Fish, Deer, Zyama Bird, Elephant, Snake, Moth, Species of Eagle).
3 Gurus who advise what to be accepted and what to be rejected - (Beetle, Person who source honey, Person of the naturally light complexion).
13 Gurus who advise what to be accepted – (Space, Air, Fire, Water, Earth, Sun, Moon, Ocean, Small Child, Bangle of isolated girl, Arrow-maker, Potter, Hunter).
762. What are the easy ways to earn God’s grace in Kali Yuga as per Srimadh Bhagavatham?
Ans. 8 routes are recommended by God himself (a summary from Vedas and Upanishads) = 1. Ganga Snaan (taking a dip in the Ganges), 2. Gita Sravanam and Parayanam (Listening as well as repeating), 3. Gayathri Japam (Chanting Savithri Gayathri), 4. Thulasi Poojanam (offering the Thulasi leaf to Lord), 5. Gopichandana Lepanam (Adoring Gopi Sandle), 6. Salagrama Pooja (Worshiping Salagramam – divine stone), 7. Ekadasi Vrutham (Fasting on Ekadasi day), 8. Nama Sankeerthanam (Praising glories of Lord Vishnu).
761. How to worship Lord Maha Vishnu in each of the 4 Yugas?
Ans. Krutha Yuga = Vatuswaroopan / Vamanamurthy (Dwarf) whose attire in white color, 4 hands, Jata Makut (clocked hair), body covered with Maravuri (bark of tree), Krishnajinam (skin of deer), Poonal (sacred thread), Japamala (rosary of beads), Dhandam (wooden stick), Kamandalu (pot).
Thretha Yuga = Vedamurthy Yagnadevan (Lord of ritual fire) whose attire in red color, 4 hands, ejecting flames, golden color hair, Sruvam & Juhu (small wooden ladle).
Dwapara Yuga = Maha Vishnu (Narayanan) whose attire is Pithambaram (yellow silk clothes), 4 hands holding Sanku (Conche), Chakram (Wheel), Ghada (Mace) and Padmam (Lotus Flower), Srivastham (a mark on the chest) and Kausthubham (celebrated jewel).
Kali Yuga = Sri Krishna whose attire is Pithambaram (yellow silk clothes), blue-black complexion, 2 hands, flute in hand, adorable hair cloud stuck with a peacock feather, fresh flower garland.
760. What is the Sruthi Vakhyam (Sayings of Vedas) or Karmakandam?
Ans. By doing Nishkamya Karma (Selfless act) to achieve “Nishkarmyam”
759. What are the divisions of Karma Yogam?
Ans. 2 Types viz. 1. Vaidhikam, 2. Thanthrikam
758. What are the prescribed or accepted Idols used for Thanthrik Pooja?
Ans. 8 types of Idols or device can be used viz. 1. Stone, 2. Tree, 3. Gold or other metals, 4. Rice or Turmeric Powder, 5. Picture, 6. Sand, 7. Mind, 8. GemStone.
757. What are the principles behind Artha Vadham (Art of Arguments/Debate)?
Ans. 3 types viz. 1. Debate on the truth, 2. Though there is nothing wrong yet debate as to if there is something wrong, 3. Debate opposite with or without a base.
756. What is the purpose of Yoga?
Ans. To cleanse and control the mind.
755. Who were Lord Sri Krishna’s dead brothers?
Ans. 6 brothers known as Smaran, Udhgeethan, Pariswangan, Pathangan, Kshudhradruth, Ghruni. They were children of Sage Marichi Maharshi in the previous Manvanthara.
754. What consists of the human body?
Ans. 4 important sets of elements. They are 1. Panchabhootha Elements from ignorance (Space, Air, Fire, Water, Earth), 2. Thrigunas (Sathwa, Rajas, Thamas), 3. Punya and Paap (Holy and Sin), 4. Chith (Brain).
753. What is the objective of Krishna Avatar (Incarnation of Lord Vishnu)?
Ans. Lord Sri Krishna grants liberation (Moksham) to all those who deeply think of him irrespective of their class, nature, creed, enemy or friend, love or without love, whether in favor or not.
752. What makes one Akshauhini Sena (Military Strength)?
Ans. A combination of 10 sets makes one Pathi (The set includes 1 Elephant, 1 Chariot, 3 Horses, 5 Armymen). One Pathi is multiplied by 3 and the derived sum multiplied 10 times makes on Akshauhini. (Those days the numbers are known as Pathi, Senamukha, Ghulmam, Ganam, Vaahini, Pruthana, Chamu, Anikini, Dhasani, Kini and Akshauhini). One Akshauhini makes 590,490 members strength. In this Human force alone makes 295,245 members.
751. What was the earlier name of Bharatham?
Ans. Ajanabha, later it was renamed as Bharat from the era of Bharath Rishi.
750. What is the aim of Thapas (Penance or Meditation)?
Ans. To get rid off “Himsa Dosham” (the sin accumulated due to killing or troubling innocent creatures).
749. What is called Pancha Rathram or Saathwatha Thanthram?
Ans. Sri Mahavishnu advised 5 important Vidhyas (Knowledge) to Sri Sandilya Maharshi over 5 nights. They are 1. Abhi Gamanam, 2. Upasanam, 3. Eajya, 4. Swadhyaayam and 5. Yogam.
748. What is Uthsav (Celebration)?
Ans. Whatever action that will generate happiness to be considered as Uthsav.
747. What is the fixed rule of God?
Ans. Whatever action one does will have to accept the reward for the same by oneself (whether good or bad). The allotment of the reward is given to the same person without any exception.
746. What are the ingredients used for making “Kurikoodu” (Mark or Mole for the forehead of the celestial woman)?
Ans. 5 precious items are involved viz. Kumkum, Akhil, Kasthoori, Gorochanam, and Chandan.
745. What is the relationship of Sukh and Dukh (Happy and Sorrows)?
Ans. Whenever the Sukh (Happiness) increases its speed, that much weight of the Dukh (Sorrows) will increase because it is exactly the opposite side of the other.
744. What is the ultimate Dharma (Righteous) of human beings?
Ans. Whatever be the situation whether hardship or easy, one should not stay away from holding on to their “Swadharma” (Own-Righteous), not only that but also to work hard in the name of God and not to expect any reward. This is the biggest dharma.
743. What are the effects of Kamadeva’s influence on Humans and Gods?
Ans. If he shoots his arrows towards anybody other than God, then the effects will create “bondings and troublesome” for the body, whereas if the arrows shot on Gods then it will promote “liberation and grace”. Kamdev received this boon from Lord Siva after he messed up his life with Siva.
742. What is good and sweetest life?
Ans. The person who experience Four Important elements viz. 1. Ekanthadha (Living in solitude), 2. Chhitha Darsan (Able to visualize God), 3. Satsangh Samyuktham (Interaction with wise-men), 4. Mahathma Swapadarsan (Seeing and remembering wise-men in the dream).
741. What is always new?
Ans. Songs which praises God’s glories that includes lots of “Thathwarth” (Philosophy and truthfulness).
740. What is the main reason for Dukkam (Sorrows)?
Ans. When the Soul started living detached from God or Godly thinking, all types of “Aaasa” desires will sprout within us and if the desires did not get fulfilled then “Niraasa” will take birth which causes endless sorrows.
739. Why living beings are called “Pasu”?
Ans. The Soul which lives in a body, in this earth, by enjoying all sort of impermanent comforts as the permanent happiness due to ignorance. Their lifestyle is almost like a normal cow which keeps eating grass, lying down and eating and producing milk for others welfare and finally a day will come to a sudden end. Now ask what did this life achieved? Therefore, Sasthras says don’t be a Pasu but through efforts elevate yourself to be a Pathi (Owner of Soul).
738. What is not to be forced on people?
Ans. 3 things viz. 1. Annahara (Food), 2. Vidhyabhyaasa (Education), 3. Vivaham (Marriage).
737. Why God is called Parama Purushan (Supreme Being)?
Ans. The one who has no attachment in this Prakruthi. God is beyond Time, Space and Prakruthi (Nature).
736. How to know one’s Bhakti (Devotion) is Sathwik (Pure) or exalted by indications in the body?
Ans. When he/she think of God, that very minute his/her eyes are filled with Anandhamruth (Tears of Joy), Romancham (Goose Bumps) across the body, Nischalathwam (Unable to say a word due to chock), Mohalasyam (Losing consciousness).
735. What is called “Gomruga Kaakacharya”?
Ans. Liberate oneself from four important aspects of life known as Sudhi (Purity), Asudhi (Impurity), Vidhi (Fate) and Nishedham (Suppression / Taboo).
734. What is called “Sayoo Vrutham”?
Ans. A person who keeps thinking about God by lying down and do not even take time to have food.
733. What is needed to have the effects of Upadesam (Teaching/Advise)?
Ans. The person who is advising must follow what is being advised to others.
732. What was the previous birth profile of Karnan (born to Kunthi in Kurukshethra by the grace of Soorya Devan)?
Ans. He was a demon called “Sahasra Kavachan”. Due to his severe penance (Thapas) he achieved 1000 shields to protect his body. To destroy one Kavach, the opponent must do 1000 years of Penance. Finally, the children of Dharma Devan, Nara-Narayanans killed Sahasra Kavachan. The same Nara Narayanan received blessings from Lord Siva to take birth as Arjuna and Krishna in Dwapara Yug to conduct Mahabharatha.
731. What are the types of Karmas (Actions) and its rewards?
Ans. Four types of Karmas initiated by the people due to innumerable reasons.
1. Paapa Karma (Act of Sin) – Rewards – Fall in Narakam (Hell), 2. Paapa Punya Misra Karma (Act of Sin and Holy) – Rewards – Fall in endless transmigration system which is a process of repeated Birth and Death, 3. Punya Karma (Act of Holy) – Rewards – Ascend to Heaven/Paradise, 4. Nishkaamya Karma – Rewards – Attain Moksha (Complete Liberation from transmigration and bondages).
730. Why do Hindus keep the head in South and feet towards North of a dead body?
Ans. Upon death, first Praanan (Life Energy) will leave the body and thereafter the other 9 life support energies also leave one after the other and chase their master energy “Praanan” to merge in nature (Prakruthi). Usually, the life force (Praan/Soul) and its associates will try to travel towards downward since no one exists in the body to control their energies. Therefore, if we keep the dead body head in South and feet North-facing, then it will be easy for the energies to travel towards the North, which is more auspicious and the abode of Lord Siva. South Quarter is the abode of Yama Lok.
729. What happens to Aathma (Soul/Life Energy) after leaving the body under specific circumstances?
Ans. Either of the two will happen – 1. Death occurs surrounded by smoke/cloudy/dark, night time, Krishna Paksham (waning period of Moon), Dakshna Ayanam (6 months – Cancer to Sagittarius period) = The Soul will ascend to Moon through South quarter and enjoy the fruits of its good karma deeds, thereafter it will return to another boy on Earth. 2. Death occurs during the day time, Sukla Paksham (waxing period of Moon) and Utharayanam (6 months – Capricorn to Gemini) = The Soul will ascend to Dhruva Mandalam through North quarter of Sun and attain Mokha/Mukthi. This Soul will not re-birth again.
728. What is needed to attain oneness during meditation?
Ans. Hrudaya Sudhi (Pure innocent heart)
727. What is Bhakti (Devotion)?
Ans. Falling in deep innocent love with God without expecting anything in return.
726. How a married woman can earn satisfaction with her husband?
Ans. Through Susroosha (Service with obedience).
725. How come twins Hiranyakshan and Hiranyakasipu were born to a Saptha Rishi Kasyapa?
Ans. Though he is one among the Saptha Rishis (Seven Divine Saints), due to bad fortune he was wedded to a Dhanava Woman called “Dhidhi” and had Gharbha Dhanam during the period of dusk (Sayam Sandhya Kaalam), so these two souls took advantage of this muhoortham and made Sage Kasyapa as their father. (Moral: Have control on your sensual pleasure whoever you are!). They were watchmen (Jaya and Vijaya) of Vaikunda Lokam.
724. What is the name of the garden in Vaikundam (Abode of Lord Vishnu)?
Ans. Naisreyasam – surrounded by Kalpaka Trees.
723. What the fundamental drawbacks or weak characteristics of women?
Ans. There are Seven, 1. Asathyam (dishonesty), 2. Saahasam (over-hasty), 3. Vyaajam (deceit/imitation), 4. Moodathwam (Foolishness), 5. Athyaasa (Greed), 6. Kaadinyam (Stubborn), 7. Asuchithwam (Impurity).
722. What is the Prayaschitham (Repentance) for Agnaanam (Ignorance) activities?
Ans. Meditate on God and his/her glories.
721. What are the creations of Brahma from Thamo Guna that produce ignorance (Agnaanam)?
Ans. Five elements, 1. Aham Bhudhi (I Attitude), 2. Understanding that this material world is permanent, 3. Raaga (Desires and Passion), 4. Kopam (Anger), 5. Bhayam (Fear).
720. What are the main types of Srushti (Creation)?
Ans. 2 types, 1. Sthavaram (Immovable), 2. Jangamam (Movable)
719. What is called Srushti (Creation)?
Ans. Life energy (Jeeva) is a portion of God’s Aura (Easwara Chaithanyam) therefore, God is giving a mortal body to the Life Energy (Jeeva) is called Srushti.
718. How do you describe Viraat Roopam (Universal Form) and its placement in the 14 worlds of subtle and physical(14D)?
Ans. Assume Virat Roopam is a Purushan (A Perfect Person), then, His Head is Sathyalokam, Forehead is Thapolokam, Face is Janolokam, Neck is Maharlokam, Chest is Swargalokam, Navel is Aakaasalokam, Hip is Bhoolokam, Both Thighs are Athalam and Vithalam, Knees are Suthalam, Calf of the leg are Thalaa-thalam, Leg Ankles are Mahathalam, UpperFeets are Rasathalam and Lower Feets are Paathalam.
717. Hinduism is a religion?
Ans. NO, it is the dwellers “way of life”, settled on the banks of Indus River.
716. What is the original name of Hindu?
Ans. Sanathana Dharma
715. What is the conviction (Sankalpam) on the Viraat Swaroop (Form of Cosmological Supreme Power) according to Bharath (Sanathana Dharmis)?
Ans. A true Sanathana Dharmi (Today’s Hindu) is seeing the entire universe is nothing but the extension of God in his various forms, that pervade across 14 Bhuvanam (Universe/Cosmologies). This concept is the backbone of Bharat Culture (Sanathana Samskaram) and the life system of Bhakti Yogam.
714. When do the Maya (Illusion) lose its power and fame in Human life?
Ans. Whenever the Sathwa, Rajas and Thamas qualities reach an equal size, instantly the Maya will lose its Cheshta Sakthi (Active power).
713. How does the Yogi (Saint) attain Brahma Swaroopam (Absoluteness)?
Ans. First, they understand and master the subtle form of Prithvi, Jalam, Agni, Vayu, Aakasam, Mahath-thathwam and Maya being the Seven shields of Sookshma Sarreeram then step by step enter the inner chamber of Paramanandam. Such a regular practice will make the Yogi attain the Brahma Swaroopam in due course.
712. How many types of devotees (Bhakthas) exists?
Ans. 4 types viz. 1. Aarthan (Wise), 2. Jignaasu (Eagerness), 3. Arthaarthi (Desirous Gainer), 4. Ghnaani (Knowledgeable)
711. What is Ruthagum and Sathyam?
Ans. God’s 2 eyes are known as Rutham and Sathyam. Rutham means whatever he/she “Thinks” inside and Sathyam means whatever he/she, “Says” outwardly.
710. What is the actual Vedic name of Pancha Bhoothas (Five Elements)?
Ans. Sathyam Eva Panchayoni. Means, Sath = Prithvi, Agni, Jalam and Thyath = Vayu and Akasa. Truth is a combination of these five elements.
709. What are the rewards of Pure Bhakti (Innocent Devotion) Sadhana?
Ans. 2 Aspects, 1 Inner and the other Outer. It is called Poorva or Antharam Bhavam = The benefits are Sravanam (Listening) and Mananam (Meditation), and Bhaahya Bhavam = Ananda Bhaaspam (Tears of Joy) and Pulakam (Goose Bumps).
708. How much time it takes to conduct a Raja Sooya Yagam?
Ans. Total 17.5 months. It consists of 6 Soma Yagas, 2 Pasu Yagas, 100 Ishtis.
707. What makes Pithru Devas happy and satisfied with our offerings?
Ans. When you do Srardham for Pithrus, if the food preparation of Urdu Dal contains then it gives them 3 years of satisfaction (Thrupthi), Pure cows milk or curd gives 1 year of satisfaction (Thrupthi), Sesame Seeds (Ellu/Thil) will make them satisfied for 1 month.
706. What are the names of Ashtama Sidhis (8 divine accomplishments / Supernatural magic power)?
Ans. 1. Anima (Becoming as small as Atom), 2. Mahima (Increasing size at will), 3. Laghima (Assuming excessive lightness at will), 4. Garima (Assuming heaviness), 5. Easithwam (Supremacy), 6. Vasithwam (Subduing to one’s own will), 7. Praapthi (Power to enter everywhere), 8. Praakaamyam (Freedom of will/wilfulness).
705. How many times Human Beings breath a day/year?
Ans. An average 21,600 times a day and 756,000 times a year.
704. What are the stages a person undergoes at the time of death?
Ans. A person will die only with one of the four states, viz 1. Artha (Death with lots of discomforts – This type of death will force the soul to take re-birth), 2. Raudra (Curse themselves due to pain and angry – This type of death will force the soul to take re-birth as lower being/neecha Yoni and often face failure), 3. Dhanya (Death comes as luck – This type of death will give an opportunity for the soul to incarnate as Maha Purushas or God / divine re-birth), 4. Sukla (The Soul is at peace and happy to die – This type will ensure no more rebirth and merge with Nirguna Brahman).
703. What are the qualities that required for a divine/spiritual song so that the Gods and Goddess will be pleased?
Ans. 6 Main Qualities viz. 1. Namaskaram (Prostration), 2. Aasirvadam / Varam / Anugraham (Blessings and Grace), 3. Sidhi Mahathmyam (Accomplishments), 4. Parakramam (Initiatives and Valour), 5. Sakthi Mahathmyam (Greatness and Liberality), 6. Prarthana (Prayers).
702. What is the class/status of Brahmins?
Ans. There are Three classes 1. Dwijan (By Birth and Initiation), 2. Vipran (One who learned Veda Adhyayanam), 3. Srothriyan (One who earned purity, perfection and true knowledge).
701. What are the types of Kriya Sakthis (Action Forces)?
Ans. 5 types 1. Spandham (Pulse/Motion), 2. Pari-swpandham (Vibration), 3. Prakrama (Natural Movement), 4. Pariseelana (Practice/Continueous), 5. Prachaara (Progressive Activity).
700. What is the reason for the birth of Maya (Illusion)?
Ans. Thri Gunas viz. Sathwa, Rajas and Thamas.
699. Which are the most important Yogas that can control and regulate Body (Sareeram), Mind (Manas) and Sensual Pleasure (Vishayaasakthi)?
Ans. They are 6 Yogas viz. 1. Mantra Yogam, 2. Laya Yogam, 3. Hatha Yogam, 4. Saamkhya Yogam, 5. Tharaka Yogam, 6. Amanaska Yogam.
698. What is a simple way to attain Chathur Mukthi (4 types of liberation) after death?
Ans. Vedas suggests that except Kaivalyam one can attain Salokhya, Sameepya, Saroopya and Sayoojyam Mukthi by performing pooja or worship in stone, God’s picture, chakras etc with a deep conviction that God resides everywhere especially the referred devices (Upadhis). Such devotees will get a Divine Celestial Body after the mortal body falls (death). It depends upon the quality of worship either the placement will be in Swarga (Paradise) or some God’s abode.
697. How Indra’s Brahmahathya Dosham was distributed? among whom?
Ans. Among 4 personalities viz. 1. Prithvi (Earth) = Punya side - It is attracted to slop, it will dry out in few years, Paapa side - It deserts, 2. Vruksh (Trees) = Punya side – How much ever one cut the tree it will come back to life if its roots are not damaged, Paapa side – Glue, 3. Jalam (Water) = Punya side – with whoever it joins it will get the shape of that object, Paapa side – Foam, 4. Sthri (Woman) = Punya side – Even after the delivery the woman must live together with husband, Paapa side – Rithu Darsanam (Menses).
696. What is Kaivalya Mukthi?
Ans. The Soul (in Divine form) Merge with Nirguna Parabrahman (Paramathma) and attain Adhwaitha Padham also known as Moola Prakruthi where the state is beyond words, imaginations, time, space, quality and quantity.
695. What is Sayoojya Mukthi?
Ans. The Soul (in Divine form) Merge with God.
694. What is Saroopya Mukthi?
Ans. The Soul (in Divine form) gets the opportunity to assume the form of God as well as receive the power of God.
693. What is Sameepya Mukthi?
Ans. The Soul (in Divine form) reaches closer to God then interact and enjoy with Him/Her.
692. What is Salokhya Mukthi?
Ans. The Soul (in Divine form / Immortal) reaches first in “Deva Lok” (Swarga/Paradise) then move to the world of God.
691. How many and what are the types of Mukti (Liberation from Transmigration)?
Ans. They are 5 viz. 1. Salokhya, 2. Saroopya, 3. Sameepya, 4. Sayoojya, 5. Kaivalya. First Three Mukthis are impermanent whereas the Fourth and Fifth are the end of the journey.
690. Who knows the importance of Naama Japa and Sangeerthan?
Ans. 12 Personalities viz. 1. Bhramadev, 2. Narada, 3. Siva, 4. Sanath Kumar, 5. Kapila Maharshi, 6. Manu Maharshi, 7. Prahladhan, 8. Janak Maharaja, 9. Bhishman, 10. Maha Bali, 11. Sukaa-chaarya, 12. Yama Dharman.
689. Who all witnessing the Punya and Paapa deeds conducted by a living being, especially Human?
Ans. Thirteen personalities. 1. Sooryan (Sun), 2. Agni (Fire), 3. Aakasam (Space), 4. Vaayu (Air), 5. Pasu (Cows), 6. Chandran (Moon), 7. Sandhya Devatha (Goddess of Cusps), 8. Dina and Rathri (Day and Night), 9. Dasa Dik (10 Quarters), 10. Jala (Water), 11. Bhoomi (Earth), 12. Kaalam (Time), 13. Dharma (Virtuous).
688. What are the Three Paasa Rajjus according to Siva Aagama?
Ans. They are Three. 1. Anu Paasam / Anu Malam, 2. Bhedha Paasam / Bhedha Malam, 3. Karma Paasam / Karma Malam.
687. What is made up of Paasa Rajju (Bonding Thread) which always tie the Soul (Jeeva)?
Ans. 25 Elements that are conjoined to make this thread. They are Prakruthi, Mahath, Ahamkaram, Pancha Bhooth, Pancha Thanmathra, Pancha Karmendriyas, Pancha Ghnaanedriyas, Karma and Sthoola Sareeram.
686. What are the most important wheels has Samsara Chakram (Transmigration Vehicle)?
Ans. Three 1. Maya (Illusion), 2. Karma (Actions), 3. Gunam (Quality & Quantifying).
685. Which are the “Actions of Sin” that does not have atonement (Prayaschitham) in Sanathana Dharma Sasthras?
Ans. Mainly 3 actions viz. 1. Detaching legally married couples, 2. Hindering Anna Dhanam (Offering food to the needy), 3. Creating obstacles to the people who are listening to the glory of God.
684. Who is Guru in Philosophy?
Ans. Sishya (Disciple) as Mind, who get answers from the Smruthi (Awareness) as Guru. Means, our own Awareness is our Guru.
683. What are the fundamental differences between Mind (Manass) and Soul (Aathma)? Please describe!
Ans. Aathma is spread across the cosmic region like Space/Sky, whereas the Mind (Manass) is the reflection of the Aathma. One can realize Aathma only through Mind. The reality is, there is no real difference between Aathma and Mind.
682. How to understand the existence of Aathma (Soul)?
Ans. With the help of Medha Sakthi (Brain Power), the memory gets activated, only such action will lead to realizing the existence Aathma.
681. What is Human’s utmost Virtuous (Parama Dharmam)?
Ans. According to the Yuga (Era Time), listening to the tune of Soul (Aathma). In the material world, it is also known as “Inner Conscious”.
680. What are the highest good qualities of Humans?
Ans. 6 Great qualities such as 1. Dhaanam (Offering gifts), 2. Dharmam (Charity), 3. Thapas (Penance / Sacrifice), 4. Vidhya (Knowledgable), 5. Vinayam (Obedience), 6. Mithrabhavam among people (True Friendship).
679. What is the greatest righteous (Dharmas) of human life?
Ans. Three – 1. Sathyam (Truthful), 2. Premam (Love), 3. Paropakaram (Helping others without expectations). One should practice these even while facing difficulties.
669. Which is the biggest Sadhana (Realization)?
Ans. The purity of the heart (Hrudaya Pavithratha).
668. What is the easy way to understand Anaathma Thathwam?
Ans. Acquiring full knowledge of the body in terms of its elements and functions, which will lead to the realization that the entire universe is within our body
667. What is the core principle of Aghoram (Sidhantham)?
Ans. Without realizing the Anaathma Element/Sthoolam (Anaathma equal to Maya), you will not be able to know about Aathma Thathwam (Knowledge of Soul).
666. What is the best meat that consumed by Aghoris?
Ans. Five – 1. Pig, 2. Fish, 3. Human, 4. Vulture, 5. Crow.
665. What is the secret/hidden way of worship of Aghoris?
Ans. During the time of sexual union, the Aghori will do his meditating sadhana on Mahajyothi. They achieve quick results on their worship.
664. What are the Five Smasaana (Crematorium) places of Aghora Sadhana? In other words, Aghoris (Worshipper of Siva and Durga) can practice their Sadhana?
Ans. 1. Outskirts of the village under the Peepal Tree, 2. Coat made from Thorn/Needle, 3. Coat of a Beautiful woman, 4. Company of own wife, 5. Actual cremation/burial ground.
663. Which are the first two gates open when the Kundalini Raises?
Ans. Karmendriyas - Ghudham (Anal) and Lingam (Organ of generation).
662. When you know you have achieved Poorna Ghnaanam (Full Knowledge)?
Ans. When you can see everything equally (Samathwa Bhaavam).
661. What are the highest titles used by different doctrines in Sanyasa Aasrama when they attain Sidhi (Accomplisher)?
Ans. 1. Vaishnava = Paramahamsan, 2. Sakthars = Kaivalyam, 3. Saivars = Aghoram
660. How many types of Bhajanam (Prayer)?
Ans. They are 2 types 1. Naama Japam (Chanting Holy Names), 2. Ajapaa Japam (Whisper without efforts).
659. What are the best ways to earn/learn True Spiritual Knowledge (Ghnaanam)?
Ans. They are 6 qualities viz 1. Sradha (Attentiveness), 2. Sathsangam (Company of wise), 3. Bhajanam (Praising), 4. Vishaya Virakthi (Renouncing sensual pleasures), 5. Poorna Premam (Innocent devotion), 6. Easwaronmukham (Always visualize God).
658. What are the actual colors of Pancha Bhoothas (Five Elements)?
Ans. 1. Agni/Fire = Black, 2. Vayu/Air = Green, 3. Bhoomi/Earth = Yellow, 4. Jala/Water = Red, 5. Aakasam/Sky = White.
657. Where is the residing centers of Pancha Bhoothas (Five Elements) in the human body?
Ans. 1. Agni/Fire = Eyes, 2. Vayu/Air = Naval, 3. Bhoomi/Earth = Heart, 4. Jala/Water = Forehead, 5. Aakasam/Sky = Head.
656. What are the Ashta Paasam (Eight Bondings)?
Ans. 1. Dvesha (Hatred), 2. Samsayam (Doubts), 3. Bhayam (Fear), 4. Lajja (Shame/Hesitation), 5. Nindha (Disrespect), 6. Kulabhimanam (Pride of Higher Clan), 7. Jathyabhimanam (Pride of Caste), 8. Dhukkam (Sorrows).
655. What is made up of a Jeevi (Soul after entering into a body)?
Ans. 5 types of Doshas (Defects/Disorder) engulfed the Jeeva/Soul. They are 1. Mithya Ggnaanam (Knowledge on Unreality/Illusion), 2. Adharmam (Unrighteousness), 3. Vishayasakthi (Interest in sensual pleasures), 4. Chyuthi (Fall from divine experience/banishment), 5. Pasuthwam (Being the individual soul).
654. Why Sada Siva is called Pasu Pathi (Custodian of Souls)?
Ans. Pasu means Jeevan (Soul), Pathi means Paramathman (Master Soul). Siva who guide the Pasu to act as per his wish, therefore He is Pasupathi.
653. What are the Maheswara Thanthram (Doctrine)?
Ans. They are three types. 1. Dwaithaparam (Siva Thanthram), 2. Dwaithaa-dwaithapram (Rudra Thanthram), 3. Adhvaithaparam (Bhairava Thanthram).
652. What is the constitution of Maheswara?
Ans. Combination of 5 Elements makes Maheswara, they are 1. Kaaryam (Effects), 2. Kaaranam (Cause), 3. Yogam (Siva+Sakthi Union), 4. Vidhi (Fate), 5. Dhukkantham (Eradication of Sorrows).
651. What is the Saiva Agamas (Tamil Vedas)?
Ans. Mainly Four – 1. Paasupatham, 2. Saivam, 3. Kaalamukham/Kaaladhamanam, 4. Kaapaalikam.
650. What are the qualities of a Jeevan Mukthan (Liberated Soul)?
Ans. 1. The firm conviction that I am Brahman itself, 2. No own identity except Brahman, 3. A selfless innocent devotee, 4. Fearless personality, 5. Wishes peacefulness across the universe, 6. A realized person that He/She is an integral part of “The Infinite Self”, hence none of the inner or outer Indriyas can influence his/her existence.
649. Please elaborate what is Samadhi Shadkam (Combination of 6 great qualities)?
Ans. 1. Ssama (Capability to control and regulate Mind / Inner Indriyas), 2. Dhamam (Capability to control and regulate Outer Indriyas), 3. Uparathi (Pull the mind from outer world), 4. Thitheeksha (Finding comfortable balance during ups (Hot) and downs (Cold)), 5. Sradha (Unshakable faith in Guru’s advise and Vedantha Sasthras), 6. Samaadhaanam (Anchor the mind in Absolute Brahman).
648. What is needed to learn and practice Vedantha Ghrunthas (Ultimate True Knowledge Books)?
Ans. They are 4 important qualities known as Sadhana Chathushtayam. They are 1. Nithya-Anithya-Vasthu Vivekam (Discrimination brainpower to analyze what is permanent and changeable), 2. Iha-Moothrabala-Bhoga-Viraagam (Renounce worldly sensual pleasures), 3. Samadhi-Shadkha-Sambathi (Earn 6 qualities such as Ssamam, Dhamam, Uparathi, Thitheeksha, Sradha and Samaadhanam), 4. Mumukshuthwam (Honest desire for liberation).
647. How to train the mind for concentration?
Ans. The easiest method suggested by Sri Adhi Sankaracharya is “Worship your personal God through Japa (Chant), Dhyana (Meditate) and Pooja (Offerings)” so that the mind will stick to your God’s lotus feet.
646. What type of activities that can purify the mind (Chitha Sudhi)?
Ans. Dedicate all actions and its results to God. Do not expect any results from whatever you do (God will decide rewards). Train the mind not to fall into the pulling power of desires and passions. Do all that you can without any expectations. The Chitha Sudhi is guaranteed hereafter! This is the true Karma Yogam according to Sri Adhi Sankaracharyan.
645. What is the core principle or advice of Sri Adhi Sankaracharaya to the human race?
Ans. Brahman alone is true. The world is only an illusion and impermanent. The Life Energy (Jeevan) is nothing but the Paramathma itself (Absolute Brahman)
644. What are the 6 Vaidheeha Darsanas (Spiritual practices) of Bharatha Ghandam (India)?
Ans. 1. Nyaayam, 2. Vaiseshikam, 3. Saankhyam, 4. Yogam, 5. Poorva Meemamsa, 6. Uthra Meemamsa.
643. What is Darsanam (Rewarding Philosophy)?
Ans. Saints who already achieved realization and attained liberation have decided, out of compassion, to guide the new seekers. For this, they laid down the approaches based on the true knowledge and experience that gained out of their meditation and penance. Such an approach was put into a book form (Grundham) is called Darsanam.
642. Write a brief biography of Sri Adhi Sankaracharyan.
Ans. Was born to Siva Guru (Father) and Aryaamba Devi (Mother) by the grace of Lord Siva. According to belief, he was an incarnation of Lord Siva. Born in 788 AD, 8th Century (There is a dispute in this regard between 4 and 8 Century). His paternal house name is known as “Kaipalli Illam”. Birthplace is Kaladi - Ernakulam District, Kerala. He attained Mokham or merged with Lord Siva at the age of 32 in Kedarnath (Uttarakhand). His birth star was Arudra/Thiruvathira. According to his horoscope the planets Sun, Moon, Jupiter, and Saturn were exalted. His father passed away at the age of 3. At the age of 5, he got his Upanayanam Brahmodadesam conducted by his uncle. He left Kaladi at the age of 8 to seek his Guru. He received Diksha from his Guru Govinda Guru Padhar at Omkaranadham in Mahishpathi (Madhya Pradesh). He debated with more than 72 religious systems including Buddhism and ascended to Sarvaghna Peedam (Master of all Knowledge). He authored and commentator of various invaluable books, the main ones are Brahma Soothram, Dasa Upanishads and Viveka Chudamani. He established “Adhvaitha Philosophy”. He recommended Panchayathana Pooja (worshipping Ganapathy, Adhithyan, Mahavishnu, Parasakthi and Siva) system among spiritual seekers.
641. What is Vedam according to Swami Vivekananda?
Ans. It is a reservoir of spiritual knowledge that contributed by innumerable members of Rishis or experienced great personalities.
640. What are the main subjects or questions raised by the Dwaithis (Practitioners of Duality Philosophy) to prove that God and other beings are not one and the same?
Ans. They are 5 subjects viz. 1. Jeeva and Easwara are different, 2. Differences between multitude living beings, 3. Bodies of each living beings are different, 4. Differences between the mortal body and immortal God, 5. Differences between each being’s bodies.
639. What should be done to achieve Mokham (Liberation)?
Ans. Obtain Sadh Guru’s advice or Manthra Upadesam or Guidance about God then slowly renounce the limitations/illusions/ignorance/desires etc and meditate on the “Infinite Brahman” with a firm conviction that “You and That” has no difference, both are one and the same! (Thathwam Asi, Asi Thathwam).
638. What is the specialty of Thirupathi Temple worship?
Ans. There is no fixed God in this divine place. The deity concept will change according to the latest religious belief. For example, once upon a time the same time God was worshipped as Goddess Mahakali, Siva, Lord Murugan, Sri Budha, Adhi Nath Thirthangara, Venkateswara. According to Yuga Dharma it changes. Even today they conduct 4 days of Parasakthi Pooja, 2 days Siva Pooja and 1-day Maha Vishnu Pooja on the same Idol.
637. What act can eradicate the sin?
Ans. 3 acts viz. 1. Thapas (Penance), 2. Swadharma-charanam (Doing one’s own work as per Sasthras), 3. Easwara Dhyanam (Meditate on God).
636. What can liberate the soul?
Ans. By accomplishing Brahma Ghnaanam.
635. How many types of Vishnu Murthies (Form of Vishnu) propagated?
Ans. 4 types. 1. A form that is not describable by words or imagines with the mind, 2. A Viswaroopam form that covers the entire Cosmic Universe, 3. A form of Dasa Avathars (10 incarnations), 4. An Idol form of Lord Vishnu for personal worship.
634. Who are the six sets of people that follow the Vaishnavam (Lord Vishnu is Paramathman)?
Ans. 1. Rama and Krishna Devotees, 2. Bhagavatham Recitors, 3. Vaishnavas, 4. A sect of Pancharathram, 5. Vaikhanasars, 6. Karmaheenars.
633. What is the primary and priority duty of a student (Disciple)?
Ans. Taking care of his Guru.
632. Who will receive the Karma Deeds of a Brahma Ghnaani, after his Samadhi?
Ans. According to Sasthras, good deeds and holy credits will go to his Friends and Bad deeds and sins will go to his Enemies.
631. What is the goal of Vedanta?
Ans. Acquiring the “Brahmagnaanam” (Knowledge of Absolute Truth) is the aim. For which “Swadharma Anushtanam” is a must.
630. What is called “Prasthana Thrayam” (Establishment of Three Philosophies)?
Ans. 1. Nyaaya Prasthanam = Based on Brahma Soothram, 2. Sruthi Prasthanam = Based on Upanishads, 3. Smruthi Prasthanam = Based on Gita, Sahasranamam and Sanath Sujaatheeyam.
629. How did Sri Adhi Sankaracharya designed his Madam (Establishment) and allocated the resources for the betterment of human beings?
Ans. He created a system called “Dasa Naami Sampradhaya” (A University of Renounced or Sanyaasis). He divided 4 quarters of Bharat and established his presence through first direct disciples.
1. South: Mysore = Sringeri Madam. Surnames of Sanyaasis = Saraswathi, Bharathi, Puri. Bhramacharis are known as = Chaithanya. Slogan = Aham Brahmasmi. Vedam = Yajur.
2. West: Dwaraka = Saradh Madam. Surnames of Sanyaasis = Thirtha and Asrama. Brahmacharis are known as = Swaroopa. Slogan = Thathwamasi. Vedam = Samavedam.
3. North: Uttarakhand Jyothir/Sri Madam. Surnames of Sanyaasis = Giri, Parvatha, Sagara. Brahmacharis are known as = Aananda. Slogan = Ayam Aathma Brahma. Vedam = Atharvanam.
4. East: Puri = Govardhana Madam. Surnames of Sanyaasis = Vana, Aaranya. Brahmachaaris are known as = Prakasa. Slogan = Pragnaanam Brahma. Vedam = Rig.
628. Which are the most important Philosophical Doctrines (Darsana) of Bharat?
Ans. They are Three. 1. Dwaitham (Duality) - here the God is different from this world and living beings, 2. Visishta-dwaitham (Refined Duality) – here the World and living beings are part of God, 3. Adhwaitham (Non-Duality) – here none other than God across everything. The truth is One.
627. Which is the oldest Capital City on this earth?
Ans. In Bharat, Hasthinapuram (Delhi), dated back to BC 1450.
626. What is the core message of Rasa Krida?
Ans. It is a confluence of Jeevathma and Paramathma through Bhakthi. Here the Jeevathma is “Radha” and Paramathma is “Sri Krishna”. The Sakhi (Associate) is “Bhakthi”. With the help of sheer Bhakthi they attained “Oneness” just like Sayoojya Bhavam. There is no room for any sensational imaginations here. All learned people know that these Gopis were angling and they acted as per Sri Krishna’s wish to demonstrate for the upliftment of the human race. When the Kala Chakra reached the end of Dwaparayuga, true devotion started losing its origin. Therefore, God wants to leave a stupendous impression for the Kaliyuga people. For a married lady, there is no one above her husband, yet they renounced their beloved husband and children to join hands with God. This is what happens when you take up Sanyasa. You must renounce everything of your own to unite with God.
625. What is the concept of Rasa Krida?
Ans. It promoted the “Nirvikalpa Bhavam” (Oneness) which is attained through severe penance. Whereas due to the deep love towards God, the devotees (Gopis) have forgotten their existence and differences between themselves and God, in other words, they became one. Such a state is called Madhura Bhavam (Sweet Aspect) of true love, this is what happened during Rasakrida. Love has two aspects known as “Kantha Bhavam” and “Madhura Bhavam”. Kantha Bhavam is shown to own wife whereas Madhura Bhavam is shown to a true lover.
624. What is the characteristics difference between Bhakthi (Devotion) and Sringaram (Love)?
Ans. One-way love towards God or Human is called “Bhakthi”, whereas two-way love is called “Sringaram”. Bhakthi or Sringaram towards humans is “Conditional” whereas, with God, it is “Unconditional”.
623. What happens to the soul after death (Marana Ananthara Gathi) during Dakshinayana (Sun’s descending motion = Kataka/Cancer-Dhanu/Sagittarius months) or Utharayanam (Sun’s ascending motion = Makara/Capricorn-Mithuna/Gemini) period?
Ans. Everyone who comes to this earth must leave one day by leaving their mortal body. Whenever one dies it must be either in Dhakshinayana or Utharayana period only. The rewards of such deaths are, during Dhakshinayanam or Pithru-ayanam or Dhooma Maargam = the Aathma (Soul) will reach Chandra Lokam and enjoy the fruits of its Karma (Deeds) then return to earth once all credit gets over, whereas during the Uthrarayanam or Dheva-ayanam or Archir Maargam = the Aathma (Soul) will reach Soorya Lokham and enjoy the fruits of its Karma (Deeds) till the end of Brahma Kalpam then attain Mukhi/Moksha (Liberation).
622. What is the benefit of Upasana (Devotion towards God)?
Ans. An Upasakan (Devotee) will start getting the qualities and nature of the Upasyan (God) and at the end, the Upasakan will become Upasyan itself.
621. What are the types of Maya (Illusion) and its gifts?
Ans. They are 2 types 1. Vidhya Maya (A person will earn or enjoy Sadhu Sangam, Ghnaanam, Bhakthi, Premam and Vairaghyam), 2. Avidhya Maya (A person will enjoy all the benefits offered by the Pancha Bhuthas & Thanmathras (Space, Air, Fire, Water, Earth, Sabda, Sparsa, Roopa, Rasa, Ghandha), and Sarvendriya Bhoga Sukham.
620. Who is the Sathya Ghnaani (True Knower/Accomplisher)?
Ans. Due to the influence of Avidhya (Ignorance), we will see everything in dual nature. Whereas the true knower churns out the “Absolute Truth” from the diversity. Such a person is the real a Sage or Ghyaani.
619. What should be the goal of this life (Jeevitha Lakshyam)?
Ans. Becoming a master of Aathmaikhya-thwa-ghnaanam (Realizing Oneness through absolute knowledge), that can rescue us from Avidhya (Ignorance/False Knowledge/Illusions) and Samsaram (Transmigration).
618. What are the subtle characteristics of Aathma (Description of the Soul)?
Ans. The Soul is constant in nature, always in solitude, faster than the mind, no Indriyas can catch-up or control, it forces the Prana (life energy) to enter the body of all living beings and conduct its natural activities known as Karma.
617. Which are the Upanishads that came into existence in recent history, that does not have Vedic acceptance or recognition?
Ans. In the 16th century, it came into existence. They were 1. Allahu Upanishad and 2. Chrithopanishad.
616. How many important Upanishad were taught in the Upanishad period?
Ans. 108 Upanishads as mentioned in the Mukthopanishad of Yajurveda.
615. Who are the important and close disciples of Sri Veda Vyasa Acharya and what did he teach them?
Ans. 1. Pailayn (Head of Rigvedam), 2. Vaisambayanan (Head of Yajurvedam), 3. Jaimini (Head of Samavedam), 4. Sumanthu (Head of Adharvanavedam).
614. How does a Hindu (Sanathana) worship/follow Veda Adhyayanam (Practice) as per their respective Varna Asrama class?
Ans. 1. Brahmachari = Samhitha Padanam (Learning Manthras), 2. Gruhasthan = They conduct Yaag and Yagna as per the principles of Brahmna Dharma, 3. Vaanaprasthan = They conduct Dhyana Kriya as prescribed in the Aaranyakam, 4. Sanyasi = They follow Gnaana Yogam as prescribed in the Upanishad.
613. What are the subchapters for each Vedas?
Ans. Every Veda has 4 zones (Total 4x4 = 16) each by the name of 1. Samhitha (Mantras and Praising of Gods), 2. Bhraahmanam (Rules and Meanings of Manthras), 3. Aaranyakam (Fasting and Adoration), 4. Upanishad (Spiritual Knowledge and Matters).
612. What is the core subject taught in Atharvanaveda?
Ans. It teaches “Aabhichara Kriya” (Magic/Exorcising). Method of Punishing the targeted person.
611. What is the core subject taught in Samaveda?
Ans. It teaches how to pronounce Veda Mantras in Music form so that it can please the respective Gods and Nature quickly. In this way, the Kartha benefits best results for his efforts.
610. What is the core subject taught in Yajurveda?
Ans. Yajurveda Mantras (Hymns) are revealing that how to perform the Yagas and Yagnas with the help of various Mantras and practical skills.
609. What is the core subject taught in Rigveda?
Ans. Rigveda Mantras (Hymn) are revealed to praise “Divine Personalities” who can help in achieving a comfortable life for all beings, especially for Humans.
608. What the core divisions of Vedas (Knowledge from the Cosmic Nature)?
Ans. 2 Types, 1. Karma Kandam (Actions) – Suggests that in the current life, one to achieve all kind of comforts and prosperities legitimately, then, after the death to enjoy the rewards of all good deeds, a person must conduct Yaga-Yagna-Dharmam (Offerings, Worships, Charity), 2. Ghnaana Kandam (Knowledge) – Reveals that one must spiritually realize in this life itself that there is only One Truth (God) who does not have form, duality, constant, immortal and it is absolute truth itself.
607. What are the Two Bits of knowledge (Ghyaan)?
Ans. 2 Types, 1. Laukika Ghnaanam (Material Knowledge gained through Dasa Indriyas – with or without efforts), 2. Aadhyaathmika Ghnaanam (Spiritual Knowledge gained only through efforts by controlling Mind, Budhi, Chitha, Ahamkara and all kind of Yogas)
606. What is the real advice of Vedantha?
Ans. Know what this world is so that the world won’t trouble you.
605. What is the goal of Sathsangam or what should be done to be a good Sathsanghee?
Ans. The person must renounce selfishness and give importance to consciousness than the mortal body. Thereafter, be an obedient follower or behave like a shadow of the realized Guru with an attitude that the “Absolute Truth” is helping me to achieve liberation from transmigration in the form of Guru.
604. How to know whether the Aathma (Soul) has an influence of Ego in it?
Ans. The person will think, talk and act (Manasa-Vacha-Karmana) with an “I” attitude.
603. What should one do to get the full benefits of Sathsangam?
Ans. The Seeker or the person who wish to get benefits out of Sathsangam must hold on to the following terms and conditions – physically and mentally. They are 1. He/She must keep in mind that my knowledge is limited, 2. Guru’s knowledge is infinite, 3. Many things which I don’t know can be clarified by my Guru, 4. Be satisfied with existing knowledge, 5. Should not have any type of ego/pride on the existing knowledge.
602. Who is Punya-Aathmas (Holy People)?
Ans. They are the embodiment or descendants of God / Brahma Chaithanyam in human form. They can be direct or indirect; representing the personalities of Cosmic Cause.
601. What is the fundamental relationship between a true Guru and Sishya (Master and Disciple)?
Ans. The relationship is tied with three threads viz: 1. Upanishad (Sitting very close to a realized Guru, who has consciously received the grace of Paramathma, so that the same Chaithanyam (Consciousness) can be well received by the Disciple), 2. Upasana (Devotion towards God and its worship), 3. Sathsangam (Company of wise men, good likeminded spiritual people).
600. What is Sathsangam (Company of wise)?
Ans. 2 approaches: 1. 100% concentration on Brahman or merged with Brahman, 2. Company of wise men.
599. What are the gateways for Mokha Dham (Liberation or Nothingness state)?
Ans. According to Sanathana Dharma Sasthras and Vedas, there are 4 doors to enter the Mokha Dham. 1. Sathsangam (Company of wise), 2. Santhi (Peace), 3. Santhosha (Happiness), 4. Vichara (Think and Discriminate).
598. Who is a genuine Sanyasi (Renouncer)?
Ans. A person who renounced 6 inherited qualities of humans, they are 1. Dhehadhyasam (Body Comforts), 2. Dheha Chindha (Body conscious), 3. Swarthadha (Selfishness), 4. Vasanaas (Pleasure seeking habits), 5. Ahantha (Ego), 6. Abhimana (Pride).
597. Who are the Saptha Chiram Jivees (Ever living persons)?
Ans. They 7 people, who live forever due to their specific reasons. 1. Aswathama (Cursed to live), 2. Mahabali (Due to invaluable charity), 3. Vyasa (Due to Knowledge), 4. Hanuman (Due to Ascetic Power), 5. Vibhishana (Due to Bhakti), 6. Kripan (Due to Negligence), 7. Parasuraman (Due to Ego). All these qualities are living in the human body itself if humans exist on this earth.
596. Who are the real Maarga Dharsis (Gurus) of Sanathana Dharma (Hinduism)?
Ans. Dedicating the entire life for realizing God and serve the people without any expectations are the real Maarga Dharsis.
595. What are the 3 types of Dhur Nimithams (Bad Omen or Signs)?
Ans. They are 1. Aadhyathmika Pathaka = Left side eyes or hands vibrate or tremble, 2. Aadhi Dhaiveeka Pathakas = Indications from natural calamities, fall of meteorite or asteroid or comets, 3. Aadhi Bhauthika Pathakas = Excessive lust, fevers and other ailments.
594. What are the fundamental divisions of Thaapa (Mental or Physical Pain)?
Ans. 3 types viz 1. Aadhyathmika Thaapam = The uncomfortable stage that caused by the body and mind, 2. Aadhi Dhaiveeka Thaapam = The uncomfortable situations that caused by the wrath or curse of Yaksha, Devas, Rakshasas or climatic conditions, 3. Aadhi Bhauthika Thaapam = The uncomfortable situations that arose from all 4 types of beings and species.
593. What are the fundamental divisions of Medha (Extraordinary brain power)?
Ans. 3 Types. 1. Sathwika Medha = A person having the ability to absorb, understand and discriminate the real meanings of Vedas and Sasthras advised by his/her Guru, 2. Rajasika Medha = A person having the ability to learn and understand the righteous books meant for human development, 3. Thamasika Medha = A person’s interest to learn and understand any type of commercial books that will enrich material comforts.
592. What are the fundamental divisions of Dhaya (Compassion)?
Ans. 3 Types. Whenever good people suffer and the witnesser gets compassion towards them means the person is having “Sathwika Dhaya”, whereas, during rich peoples’ suffering time if one gets compassion that shows the person is having “Rajasik Dhaya” and finally the compassion that flows whenever bad people or sinners suffers is called “Thamasik Dhaya”.
591. What are the fundamental differences of Sidhi (accomplishment)?
Ans. 3 Types. Sathwika Sidhi rewards the “Saakshath Mokha”, Rajasika Sidhi rewards the “Brahma Padha Praapthi” and Thamasik Sidhi gives “Paisaacha Roopa Prapthi”.
590. What is Dhruthi (Alive or Existing) and its types?
Ans. One to succeed in the hunger of Sex and Stomach is called Dhruthi Sakthi. They are classified into 3 categories viz. Sathwika Dhuthi = Strictly prohibiting illegitimate sex with others and foods, 2. Rajasika Dhruthi = Due to social customs or compulsion staying away from illegitimate relationships and having outside food, 3. Thamasa Dhruthi = Restricting illegitimate relationship with sexual partners only because of the fear of legal punishment.
589. What are the core categories of Sthithi (Sustainability or Administration)?
Ans. 1. Sathwikam = Ahimsa Paripalanam (Protect Nonviolence / Harmlessness), 2. Rajasikam = Dhanditham (Punish the sinner or guilty), 3. Thamasikam = Niraparadhi Dhandanam (Punishing innocent beings).
588. What are the core categories of Srushti (Creation)?
Ans. They are 3 types viz. Sathwika Srusthi made up of only Good Deeds (Punya) only = Divine Celestial Bodies / Angles, 2. Rajasa Srushti made up of Good and Bad (Mix of Punya and Paapa) Deeds = Humans, 3. Thamasik Srusthi made up only Bad Deeds (Only Paapa) = Sthavara Jangamas and other species (animals, etc).
587. What are the types of Bhudhi in human beings?
Ans. They are categorized into 3 groups viz. 1. Sathwika Bhudhi who is interested in learning and practicing Veda Sasthras and Academics, 2. Rajasa Bhudhi who prefer to work tirelessly and earn money to lead a comfortable life, 3. Thamasa Bhudhi who try to steal and deceive anyone and earn a lively hood.
586. What are the stages of Ayus (life span) and its results?
Ans. Up to the age of 8, the baby can undergo Balarishtam and between 8 and 20 called Yogarishtam whereas the life span is called Alpayuss (up to 32 years), Madhyamaayus (up to 70 years) and Poornayuss (up to 100 years).
585. Who are the fundamental Sakthis (Goddesses)?
Ans. Sri Devi has 3 aspects of Sakthis (Her Derived or Manifested forms) as Sathwika, Rajasika, and Thamasika Sakthis. Sathwika Sakthis are Sri Parvathi, Sri Bhagavathi/Sri Lakshmi, and Sri Saraswathi. Rajasika Sakthis are Soolinyaadhi Devis and Thamasiva Sakhis are Sivadhoothyadi Devis.
584. What is the Maya Sakthi (Illusionary powers of God)?
Ans. They are 3 types viz. 1. Ghnaana Sakthi, 2. Vikshepa Sakthi, 3. Aavarana Sakthi.
583. What is the real form of Sri Devi / Parasakthi?
Ans. When a devotee or yogi achieves the Paramanandham (unexplainable, unbearable limitless happiness) that stage is called Moksham. This state is the form of Parasakthi.
582. What is the best and easy route to achieving success in a difficult time?
Ans. Undergo Tapas (Asceticism) or Do Upavasam which is better than even Tapas.
581. What is called Priyam (Favour)?
Ans. Temporary gains or profits.
580. What is called Hitham (Goodness)?
Ans. Unfading Prosperity
579. What is Pancha Dhoopam used in Poojas?
Ans. 1. Kundhurukkam, 2. Akil, 3. Karpooram, 4. Swetha Chandhanam, 5. Ghulgulu.
578. What are the Ashta Gandhas (8 fragrances) considered by the Saktha Sampradhayam (Sakthi Worship)?
Ans. 8 types of fragances are 1. Adavikkacholam, 2. Kaaka Thulasi, 3. Karpooram, 4. Kumkumam, 5. Akil, 6. Chandhanam, 7. Jadaamaanchi, 8. Gorochanam.
577. What is the role or involvement of God in a devotee’s life?
Ans. Due to God’s compassionate nature, when God decided to save him/her from sufferings, the God will push him to do all kind of good karma/deeds, since the worldly life is full of sorrows and sufferings.
576. What is called Dosham (Disorder)?
Ans. Desires or Passions or Illegitimate Wishes.
575. What is called Dhamam (Self Restraint / Control)?
Ans. When the Chittha is stable or constant in divine thinking such a stage is called Dhamam
574. What is Samam (Patience/Control)?
Ans. The nature of Indriyas is always trying to fly and follow the Vishayas (Sensual Pleasure), whereas a Yogi will try to control the speed of its feelings and stop it is called Samam.
573. Who are saints (Santh or Sath)?
Ans. These people possess 3 great qualities viz. 1. Upthpathi Sudhi (Refined Birth), 2. Vidhya Sudhi (Scholar), 3. Karma Sudhi (Good Actions).
572. In which form Goddess’s presence is felt in a person’s house?
Ans. In the house of Sukruthis, she resides as “Maha Lakshmi” and in Dushkruthis (Sinners) house as “MooDevi”.
571. Who is Paapis (Owners of Unholy Deeds)?
Ans. A person who undergoes severe hard life is a Paapi. It is due to his/her bad Karma deeds of past birth. After the death, the soul enters the hell (Narakam) and undergo severe punishments there. At one point, the soul again descends to earth and take birth as low-class creatures. Once the bad Karma is about to getting over then the Soul is given a chance to take a low-class human being.
570. Who are Sukruthis (Owners of Holy Deeds)?
Ans. A person who enjoys the best in this life, due to his/her good Karma of past birth. Initially, after the death, the soul ascends itself to Swarga (Paradise) and enjoys the ultimate comforts of the celestial world. Thereafter, the soul descends to earth and enjoy the remaining good deeds. This is the reward of Sukrutham.
569. What is Sashtanga Pranaamam / Namaskaram (Prostration)?
Ans. Touching 8 Angas (Limbs or Part of the body) in the earth while doing a prostration in front of God or Elders is called Sashtanga Namaskaram. Those Eight Angas are Chest, Head, Lips (Vaak), Center of Eye Brows (Mind), Eyes, Both Legs, Both Hands, Both Knees.
568. How do one start creating Sthothram of a God or Goddess?
Ans. 5 stages to be followed. 1. The outer Indriyas must be controlled and make them look inside, 2. Drag and place the Mind in Bhudhi (who has the natural tendencies of Sankalpa-Vikalpa i.e Elasticity), 3. With that refined concentrated Bhudhi, imagine and create the beautiful form of God, 4. Whatever one could see with his/her own inner eyes should be praised or narrated with words, 5. Enjoy the confluence of these Antha Karanas will turn towards making “lyrics”.
567. How many Sruthis (Vedas) exits?
Ans. Total of 22
566. What is Kshanthi (Tolerance)?
Ans. It is a state of Self-respect or Inwardness. Even if a person who has been continuously discouraged, ignored, beaten, talked bad about or shame him/her by others, yet, the person does not revolt or react to the situation in whatsoever way (Manasa-Vacha or Karmana) is to be considered that he/she is the master of Kshanthi Sakthi.
565. What is Santhi (Peace)?
Ans. When all the Indriyas (10) are under the control of self, such a state produces Santhi (Peace). It is a state that continuously changes due to variations with or without reasons. Why because Indriyas has open (Sthoola) and subtle (Sookshma) activities which no artificial intelligence can measure or find out.
564. What is Santhosha (Happiness)?
Ans. Satisfaction or Contentment with whatever is received.
563. What is Pragna (Remembering and Retrieving capacity of Brain)?
Ans. When Smruthi, Mathi, and Budhi act together it is called Pragna.
562. What is Budhi (Memory Power of Brain)?
Ans. A force that helps a person to act according to the situation is called Budhi.
561. What is Mathi (Intuitive Power)?
Ans. A person who can foresee things in advance is called Mathi or Intuitive Power.
560. What is Smruthi (Hindu Law Book or Awareness)?
Ans. The person who creates law and order or rules and regulations for living in a civilized manner, based on his hand on experience that prompted him to be an extraordinary conscious person.
559. What is Medha Sakthi (Talent/Intelligence)?
Ans. The brain that can grasp innumerable deep meanings of various books (especially holy, virtuous and law books) is called Medha Sakthi
558. What are the 2 Sakthis (Ability or Strength or Power) of God?
Ans. 1. Vidhya = Prakasa (True Knowledge), 2. Avidhya = Maya (DarkneIllusionion).
557. What is called Guna Nirnayam (Attributes of Karma/Actions)?
Ans. There are 3 main and important Karma divisions prescribed by the Vedas of Sanathana Dharma. These Gunas (Quality/Attributes) drive a person to commit respective actions viz. Sathwa Guna person will do Punya Karma (Holy work), Rajo Guna person will commit Misritha Karma (Good and Bad), and Thamo Guna person will commit Paapa Karma (Unholy deeds).
556. When is Sandhya Time (Cusp period) occur?
Ans. Mainly 2 Sandhyas viz. Pratha Sandhya (morning) and Sayam Sandhya (evening). Pratha Sandhya timing is 1 hour 36 minutes (4 Nazhika) before Sun Rise and Sayam Sandhya timing is 48 minutes (2 Nazhika) post-Sun Set.
555. What is Brahmam or Prabrahmam (The Absolute)?
Ans. Vedam (Absolute True Knowledge that is Self).
554. What are the main types of Vidhya (Knowledge) in Vedas?
Ans. 2 types. 1. Para = that is “Absolute Truth” – Parasakthi Herself, 2. Apara = that “Sikha Kalpam” – Various instructions for self-development.
553. What is called Upadhi (Substitute or Representing Device)?
Ans. Due to self-involvement, if, one re-produce or represent one’s own Character or Dharma (Righteous) that “Thing” is called Upadhi. It could be a person or an object.
552. What is Moha (Desire)?
Ans. Lack of confinement in good things at the same time no confinement in bad things is called desire.
551. What makes Human beings different from Animal?
Ans. Easwara Ghyaan (Knowledge on God). In other words, Ghyaana-Heen (The one who does not possess True Knowledge) is equal to an Animal.
550. What is the Two main Knowledge (Ghyaan)?
Ans. 1. Paramathma Ghyaan (Spiritual Knowledge), 2. Vishaya Ghyaan (Material Knowledge).
549. What is Vishaya Ghyaanam (Sensual Pleasure and Attachment to the worldly affairs)?
Ans. This knowledge or interest is there in every being from birth itself. Though it is natural but need to be controlled for higher success.
548. What are the differences between Suthan and Puthran?
Ans. Though both are children of parents, the child who is not fulfilling the duties towards Parents is called “Suthan”. At the same time helping the parents while alive and conduct final rites and rituals after demise to save them from falling into the hell is Puthran.
547. What is the significance of Lobh (Greed)?
Ans. Eagerness as well as desire to grab others wealth, at the same time not to spend own wealth.
546. How one uses to get importance and respect as per their Chathurvarnyam (4 sect division) the in olden era?
Ans. People based on their sect, respect is attracted towards them. 1. Brahman/Vipran = Through True Knowledge and Wisdom, 2. Kshathriyan = Through Brave activities, 3. Vaisyan = Wealth and Trade success, 4. Soordran = Based on his Age.
545. What are the 7 causes that make set back for Kings?
Ans. Sthri (Womanising), Akshadevana Krida (Dice game), Mrugaya (Hunting), Madhyapaan (Consuming liquor), Parushavaak (Impertinent talk), Dhanda-Naishtooryam (Severe Punishments), Vyartha Vyayam (Spendthrift).
544. Who are the 7th and 8th Manus of Manwantharas (Out of 14)?
Ans. They are children of Lord Sun. Sun had 2 consorts viz: 1. Sanghya = Vaivaswathan, Yamadharman & Yamuna. 2. Savarni (Chhaya Devi or Sanghya) = Saavarni, Sani, Thapathi/Bhadra.
543. From which year Kumba Mela started celebrating or gained popularity?
Ans. During the period King Harshavardhan (North India), period 590-647 AD. It was popularized or propagated during the period of Adi Sankaracharya 788-822 AD. Once in every 6 years between 15th March and 4th April. Approximately 120 million will gather in Kumba Nagari.
542. What are the Maha Puranaas?
Ans. Total 18 Maha Puranas exists. Brahma, Pathmam, Vaishnava, Saiva, Bhagavatham, Bhavishyath, Naradha, Markandeya, Agni, Brahmavaivartham, Linga, Varaha, Skandha, Vamana, Koorma, Mathsya, Garuda, Brahmanda Puran.
541. What are the Sapthopayas (7 Tactics)?
Ans. Sama, Dhana, Bhedha, Dhandam, Upeksha, Maaya, Indrajaalam.
540. What are the Shada Gunas (6 adorable special qualities)?
Ans. Sandhi (Treaty), Vigraham (Hostility), Yaanam (Vehicle/Travel), Aasanam (Comfortable Seat), Dhwaitham (Duality), Aasrayam (Shelter).
539. What are the Ashta Sasthras (8 Scientific treatises)?
Ans. A mix of 4 Vedangas and 4 Sasthras put together called Ashta Sasthras. They are Mimaamsa, Nyaya Sasthra, Puran, Dharma Sasthra, Ayurveda, Dhanurveda, Ghandharva veda, Artha Sasthra.
538. What are the components of Ashtadasa Vidhya (18 Eternal Knowledge)?
Ans. 4 Vedas, 6 Vedangas, 8 Sasthra = 18.
537. What are the Nava Murthi Swaroopam or Nava Durga Swaroopam of Parasakthi?
Ans. Sailaputhri, Brahmacharini, Chandraghanda, Kusmanda, Skanthamatha, Karthyayani, Kaalarathri, Mahagauri, Sidhidha.
536. Who is the Consort (Wife) of Agruhasthan (Sanyasi)?
Ans. His own Sathwika Bhudhi. However, unless he/she posses the special divine Bhudhi, he/she won’t be able to surrender to Aathma.
535. What is the meaning or status of a Gruhastha Pathni (Wife of family man)?
Ans. A woman getting married to a man for Yagnaanushtanam (To perform all types of rituals and penance) is known as Pathni.
534. What is known as Murthi Thrayam in Sri Devi Mahathmyam?
Ans. Thamo Guna represented by Mahakali (Nigraham of Madhu-Kaitabha through Vishnu Maya and Yoganidhra Devi), Rajo Guna represented by Mahalakshmi (Nigraham of Mahishasuran), Sathwa Guna represented by Maha Saraswathy (Nigraham of Sunbha and Nisumbha).
533. How one should worship or the procedure of chanting Sri Devi Mahathmyam?
Ans. It was advised by Lord Paramasiva himself as first Argalam for Dhuritha Santhi (for removing obstacles and find peace of mind), Keelakam for Udhishta Phalam (to achieve all desires/wishes), Kavacham (to get all types of protections), then chant Sapthasathi (700) slokas.
532. Where Sri Devi Mahathmyam is kept/stored and who are the narrating contributors?
Ans. It is kept in the Markandeya Puran. The Markandeya Puran has 134 Chapters, 6800 slokas, in which 78 to 90 = 13 Chapters are Devi Mahathmyam. The Authors are 1. Sri Markandeya Muni, 2. Jaimini - the disciple of Sage Veda Vyaasa, 3. 4 birds known as children of Dhrona named (Pingakshan, Vibhodhan, Suputhran, Sumukhan), 4. Kraushtuki Rishi.
531. What is the specialty of Parasakthi’s lotus feet?
Ans. It is filled with Upanishads i.e. particles of absolute knowledge (Uthama Ghnaan), that removes all confusions, illusions, and ignorance.
530. What are the two specialties of Earth which are not there in other planets?
Ans. It has two precious qualities such as “Guruthwam (Grace of Gurus)” and “Vistharam (Vast Plains)”.
529. What is the significance of three 3 lines in Parasakthi’s neck?
Ans. It indicates with three super qualities such as Gathi (Liberation), Ghamakam (Ornamentation), Gheetham (Music). These are her inborn qualities. These lines are also seen in human beings and they possess such qualities too.
528. How to identify Maha Bhaghya Yogam in Humans (Very lucky and wise people through their Eyes?
Ans. Eyes with Red lines (nerves) indicating that such people are luckiest and wise in this world.
527. What are the types of Aspects (Drushti) of Parasakthi in her divine play?
Ans. They are 8 known as Sringara (Pretty), Bheebhathsa (Wicked/Cruel), Raudra (Anger), Athbhutha (Wonderful), Bhaya (Fear), Veera (Brave), Haasya (Laughing), Karuna (Compassionate).
526. Which are the 8 beautiful cities liked by Mother Parvathi Devi?
Ans. They are 8 cities viz. Visala Nagaram, Kalyani Nagaram, Ayodhya Nagaram, Dhara Nagaram, Madhura Nagaram, Bhoghavathi Nagaram, Avandhi Nagaram, Vijaya Nagaram. Now some of these places are having different names!
525. What is the specialty of Parasakthi’s three eyes and how it helps the creation?
Ans. Her Right eye is Sun/Soorya (Day Time), Left eye is Moon/Chandra (Night Time) and the Third Center eye known as Baala Nethram is Agni/Fire (Cusp of day and night called Sandhya). The speciality of these eyes is the cause and signification of Time and Space viz Dina (Day), Rathri (Night), Sandhya (Cusp), Dina (Day), Paksha (Fortnight), Maasa (Month), Rithu (6 seasons @ 2 months each), Ayanam (2 seasons @ 6 months each), Varsha (Year), Yuga (Club of Multiple years) and Kalpa (Innumerable human years).
524. Who compiled Anandha and Saundharya Lahari of Devi Parasakthi?
Ans. Initially, it was scribbled by a Sidhar called “Dravida Sisu” who was fortunate to have divine mother Parvathi Devi’s Sthanyam (Breast Milk or Divine Syrup). Upon consuming this milk, he became a competent scholar and wrote whatever he knew about Goddess Parvathi (Depicted on the walls or rock pieces of Mount Kailas / Himalayas). When Adhi Sankaracharya visited Holy Mount Kailas, Dravida Sisu tried to erase as much as possible, but at one site Aadhi Sankara memorized most of the contents on the wall and re-composed it as Saundharya Lahari (Ecstasy of Beauty). The first part is known as “Anandha Lahari” (Ecstasy of Joy) from Dravida Sisu and it has 41 stanzas, and “Saundharya Lahari” by Sri Adhi Sankaracharya with 59 stanzas. Total of 100 verses about Aadhi Parasakthi’s secrets and sacred activities. There is confusion regarding Dravida Sisu’s existence. Some scholars say Aadhi Sanakarachaya himself was Dravida Sisu (means who come from South India where three-quarters of the land meet with three seas viz. Indian, Bengal and Arabiya sea. As we all know Sankara is from Kaladi in the Kerala State of India.
523. What is called Nirvikalpa Samadhi or Vidheha Mukthi?
Ans. This is the state beyond Thurya Avastha and Chith Sakthi. No beginning nor end… it is completely a free-floating state. In this state, there is nothing to be done.
522. What is Thurya Avastha (Superior Power in the deep state)?
Ans. Aathma (Soul) has 5 states starting from Jagrath, Swapna, Sushuptha, Thurya, and Thuryaatheetha. The 4th state of the Aathma is called Thurya Avastha. In this state, one crosses the boundaries of Prapancha (Visible World/Manifested form of Brahman) and Self awareness or consciousness, however, the Chith-Sakthi remain intact to record the experiences it is undergoing. This state is experienced in just above the Aagna Chakra (Center point between two eyebrows). In fact, this is the place where one should do Manasa Sri Chakra Pooja.
521. What is Sri Chakram and who made this?
Ans. The creator is Parasakthi Herself. This was designed for Devotee. It has Thrikona Chambers, Residing Chambers, Power of Siva and Sakthi conjunction. One form of worshipping method among Manthra, Thanthra, and Yanthra. Sri Chakram worship will fall under Yanthra Sadhana discipline.
520. What one should do to get Mukti Sidhi (Liberation at will)?
Ans. Unless one worship Paradevatha Parasakthi it is impossible to attain liberation (Mukti), that too, subject to realizing Bhramanubhavam (Experience of Oneness), achieving Jithendriyathwam (Winning over sensual pleasure), following Sathyam (Truthfulness), practicing Jeeva Karunyam (Helping everything with compassion without any expectations).
519. How did the Pancha Bhoothas (Five Elements) was created?
Ans. From Supreme Soul/Aathma = Aakaasa (Space), from Aakaasa = Vaayu (Air), from Vaayu = Agni (Fire), from Agni = Jala (Water) and from Jala = Prithvi (Earth) came in to existence.
518. Why Mooladhara and Swadhishtana Chakras are very important for Human life?
Ans. Because it has all the most important elements placed in the form of Petals. Mooladhara Chakra has 4 petals viz. Mana, Bhudhi, Chittham, Ahamkara and Swadhishtana Chakra has 6 petals viz. Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Madha, Mathsaryam.
517. What are the Vedas and its direct Upa Vedas?
Ans. Righveda = Ayurveda (Life Science), Yajurveda = Dhanurvedam (Archery Science), Samaveda = Ghandharvaveda (Music Science), Adharvanaveda = Sthapathyaveda (Science of Architecture).
516. How Goddess Parasakthi transformed herself as Pancha Bhootham (5 Elements) in the human body?
Ans. Mooladharam = Bhumi Thathvam (Earth Element), Swadhishtanam = Agni Thathvam (Fire Element), Manipoorakam = Jala Thathvam (Water Element), Anahatham = Vaayu Thathvam (Air Element), Visudham = Aakasa Thathvam (Space Element) and in Aaghnaa = Mana Thathvam (Mind Element).
515. What are the Nava Vyooham (Nine Chambers) of Sri Anandha Bhairavi?
Ans. It is divided into 3 parts viz. Bhoktha, Bhogam, and Bhoghyam. Here the Bhoktha is Aathma Vyooham, Bhogam is Ghnaana Vyooham and Bhoghyam are Kaala Vyooham, Kula Vyooham, Naama Vyooham, Naadha Vyooham, Bindhu Vyooham, Kalaa Vyooham, Jeeva Vyooham.
514. Who gets importance and worshipped in Sri Chakra?
Ans. Though the Bindhu (Dot) is represented by Kameswara, yet the worshipper invokes the power of Sri Devi on it and not Kameswara Swaroopam. There is no importance for Kameswara in Sri Chakram.
513. What is Hrillekha Swaroopam?
Ans. It is a symbol like Moon Cresent. It has 12 syllables viz. Hakaram, Repham, Eekaram, Bindhu, Ardhachandra, Rodhini, Naadham, Naadhaantham, Sakthi, Vyaapika, Samana, Unmani.
512. What is Savithri Gayathri (commonly known as Gayathri)?
Ans. Gayathri is a Manthra (Hymn) composed by Sage Viswamithra. It has 24 syllables (Maathraas). Gayathri is the topmost in Vedas and it has two aspects viz. 1. Spashtam (The Savithri Gayathri), 2. Rahasyam (The Secret Manthra of Goddess Bala Thripura Sundari).
511. What are the Maarga Sasthras (Guides)?
Ans. They are a set of four. 1. Meemamsa (Karma/Ritual will generate its own results), 2. Nyaayam (Justification), 3. Vistharam (Elaborative), 4. Dharma Sasthram (Virtuous Rules and Regulations).
510. Which are the knowledge (Ghnaanam) that will help to know Goddess Parsakthi?
Ans. 14 approaches are mentioned. 4 Vedas, 6 Sasthras, 4 Maarga Sasthras.
509. Which ingredient to be used for Bindhu Tharpanam during Paraskthi Pooja (As per Kaula Matham)?
Ans. As per Sri Vidhya Upasana Sasthram, all four Varnees can conduct this Tharpanam (Offerings). 1. Brahmins should do with Kheeram (Fresh Cow Milk), 2. Kshathriyas should perform with Aajyam (Cow Ghee), 3. Vaisyas with Madhu (Honey) and 4. Soodhraas can do with Madhyam (Grape Fruit Juice or Liquor).
508. What is Khaadhi Matham (Sect or Cult)?
Ans. This is the most secret way of worshipping Goddess Parasakthi. In this method, all secrets are revealed to Devi Upasakan by the respected Guru. There are not enough competent Gurus are available in today’s world.
507. Which is the 65th Thanthram?
Ans. This is a Unique Thanthra Vidhya known as Vaamakeswara Thanthram or Khaadhi Matham (Vidya).
506. What are the 64 Maha Thanthras (Great Techniques) as per Bhaghavatham?
Ans. 1. Maha Maya Thanthram, 2. Sambara Thanthram, 3. Yogini Thanthram, 4. Jaala Sambaram, 5. Thathwa Sambarakam, 6. Bhairavashtakam, 7. Brahmi, 8. Maheswari, 9. Kaumari, 10. Vaishnavi, 11. Varahi, 12. Indrani, 13. Chamunda, 14. Sivadhoothi, 15. Brahmayamalam, 16. Vishnuyamalam, 17. Rudrayamalam, 18. Lakshmiyamalam, 19. Umayamalam, 20. Skandhayamalam, 21. Ganesayamalam, 22. Jayadhrathayamalam, 23. Chandragnaanam, 24. Malini Thanthram, 25. Mahasamohanam, 26. Mahochhushtam, 27. Vaathulam, 28. Vaathulotharam, 29. Hrulbedham, 30. Thanthrabedham, 31. Guhyathathram, 32. Kaamikam, 33. Kalaa Vadham, 34. Kalaa Saaram, 35. Kubjikamatham, 36.Thanthrotharam, 37. Veenakhyam, 38. Throthalam, 39. Throthalotharam, 40. Panchamrutham, 41. Roopa Bedham, 42. Bhoothothsamaram, 43. Kulasaram, 44. Kulossisam, 45. Kulachoodamani, 46. Sarva-Gnaanotharam, 47. Mahakalee Matham, 48. Mahalakshmi Matham, 49. Sidhayogeswari Matham, 50. Kuroopika Matham, 51. Devaroopika Matham, 52. Sarveera Matham, 53. Vimala Matham, 54. Poorvamnaaya Thanthram, 55. Paschimamnaaya Thanthram, 56. Dakshinaamnaaya Thanthram, 57. Utharamnaaya Thanthram, 58. Oordhwamnaaya Thanthram, 59. Vaiseshika Thanthram, 60. Ghnaanaarnavam, 61. Veeravali Thanthram, 62. Arunesam, 63. Mohineesam, 64. Viswa-dheswara Thanthram. Except for Mahathmaas or God incarnation, who can learn all these!
505. What are the Chandra Kala Vidhyas (Misra Matha Thanthrams – Multicultural worship tactics)?
Ans. They are 8 types. 1. Chandra kala, 2. Jyothsnaavathy, 3. Kalanidhi, 4. Kularnavam, 5. Kuleswari, 6. Bhuvaneswari, 7. Bharhaspathyam, 8. Dhurvaasmitham.
504. What are the types of Parasakthi Upasana Poojas practised?
Ans. Maily 3 types 1. Baahya Pooja (External worships), 2. Kaula Maarga Baahya Pooja, 3. Samayachara Pooja.
503. What are the Saktha Mathaachaarams (Cult and Culture)?
Ans. Mainly 3 types 1. Kaula Matham, 2. Misra Matham, 3. Samaya Matham.
502. What are the Two Pariharams (Santhi Karma)?
Ans. 1. Dhrushta Santhi (You know the results you will be getting after doing Pariharam), 2. Adhrushta Santhi (You don’t know what kind of results you be getting after doing the Pariharam).
501. What are the characteristics of Karma and its Doshas (Bad Deeds)?
Ans. Karmas (Actions) are classified under 3 categories based on their fruits. They are 1. Dhrutha Karmam, 2. Dhrutha-Adhrutha Karmam, 3. Adhrutha Karmam.
1. Drutha Karma Deeds = Does not have penance (Prayaschith). One must undergo the sufferings and nullify the effects of it. No point in doing Pariharam since it will have no effect.
2. Dhrutha-Adhrutha Karma Deeds = There is a Prayaschith/Pariharam is prescribed in the Sasthras. Pariharam is good and highly recommended.
3. Adhrutha Karma Deeds = There is no need for Pariharams since the mistakes are negligible and petty issues (especially done through Mind/Maanasika). Even if you don’t do the Pariharam, still you will enjoy life.