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Have a Good day and God bless you.

R V Venkiteswaran (Venky)


Saturday, June 29, 2019


Namasivaya Nama:

Today's Dharma Thathvam Topic: Karma and Secrets of body formation

Today's Upanyaasam was concentrated on the above subjects in detail. Please read below for details:

1. Type of Karmas?
Ans. 3 types of viz. Sathwik, Rajasik and Thamasik.

2. Indra's Brahma Hathya Paapam distributed among 5 entities?
Ans. They are 1. Nadhi (River), Vruksh (Tree), Prithvi (Earth), Parvath (Mountain), Naari (Women).

3. How to know which element dominates in our body and who influences our Mana, Bhudhi, Chitham and Ahamkaram who are close supporters of Aathma (Soul)?.
Ans. The answer is 1. Devamsam (Divine Elements) lead to having the most comfortable and lavish lifestyle in this birth, 2. Rishi-amsam (Saints Elements) leads to having a life of literate, knowledgable, lyrist, orator etc..., 3. Rakshasamsam (Demon Elements) leads to having a life of Paapi (Sinner in all respects), unacceptable bad manners in behaviour, thief, deceiver, poor and sickness etc....

4. What are the other important elements mixed in our body while created by Lord Brahma?
Ans. From Indra = Prabhuthwam (Adorable and Valor), Agni (Fire) = Prabhavam (Excelling and Influential), Yaman = Kopa (Anger), Vishnu = Parakramam (Energetic, Good deeds, bold, heroism etc.) Kubera = Aiswarayam (All types of prosperities).  


Note: We are taking summer holidays between July and August months. From September onwards we will start a new subject "Narada Bhakti Sutram". 

You may download full discourse from the link:


Thursday, June 27, 2019


Om Namasivaya Nama:


By the grace of God and elders, I could able to complete this topic and present to you for everyone's welfare. Let us do something specific that is prescribed to us by our Rishis. People must find some time to dedicate themselves for the sake of our ancestors. We will not exist without them! so how to pay back their debt is a big question. One way is Pithru Yagnam and the easiest and simple method is none other than Tharpanam itself.

Please feel free to comment or send me an email, in case you find an area that can be improved.

I will also write down the topic for easy reading.


Venkiteswaran R V (Venky)
You may download the pdf file as your private copy.

Amavasya Tharpanam Procedure and Mantras link:



Vasu Rudra Aadhithya Pithrubhyo Nama:
Om Swadha Dhevyai Nama:
Brahmano Mansim Kanyam Saswal Susthira Yavvanam, Poojam Vai Pithru-Dhevanam Sradhanam Phaladham Bhaje!
Om Hrim Srim Klim Swadha Dhevyai Swaha
Version - 02
A brief significance and understanding about Tharpanam:

1. What is Tharpanam?
Tharpanam means offering food for the satisfaction of a deceased person (Ancestors) called Pithru. The food could be either pure water or mixed with some eatable item. Tharpanams are divided in to mainly 3 sections though other types of Tharpanams are there viz. Deva/Brahma Tharpanam (Brahma Yagnam), Rishi/Kaanda Rishi Tharpanam, and Pithru Tharpanam. During Deva Tharpanam the water is offered through first four fingers tip, Rishi Tharpanam water is offered through the right side of palm after bending four fingers and Pithru Tharpanam offered through Thump fingertip. Tharpanam and Srardham have undergone three major changes ever since Indus Valley Civilization viz. 1. The Vedic Period, 2. Grihya Soothra Period, 3. Puranic Period and now we are in non-puranic modern scientific period! More changes are expected the way we are living in today’s world. Apasthamba Rishi, his Guru (Bhodhayana Rishi) and his disciple (Hiranyakesin Rishi) composed three important Dharma Sutras based on Krishna Yajurvedam approximately 2800+ years back and we a lucky to be blessed by them.  

2. What are the types of Tharpanam practiced in our era?
1. Udhaka Tharpanam (Pure Water), 2. Thila Tharpanam (Black Sesame Seed along with pure water), 3. Sirodhaka Tharpanam (Wiped water from the head), 4. Sareerodhaka Tharpanam (Wiped water from the body up to hip), 5. Vaasodaka Tharpanam (Water offered by squeezing wet cloth - This is part of Apara Kriya during the first 10 days of death), 6. Pinda Tharpanam (Cooked raw rice ball, water, ghee, curd, and Thil).

3. How many Tharpanam to be conducted in a year (Samvatsaram)?
1. Paksha - Amavasya Tharpanam (12 times), 2. Maasa Sankramana Tharpanam (12 times), 3. Soorya and Chandra Grahana Tharpanam (No fixed numbers), 4. Samvathsara Tharpanam (1 time), 5. Ayana Tharpanam - Utharayana/Dakshinayana (2 times), 6. Sraardha Dina Tharpanam - Eaka Vargam (1 time).  Total of 96 Tharpanams are conducted in a year.

4. Tharpanam is meant for whom?
It is meant for our own departed ancestors, unknown relatives, gurus, friends, servants, mahathmas (Example Bhishma Pithama) along with their Dharma Pathnis. Gothram and Name is very important for Tharpana Kriya in Yajurveda Abasthamba Soothram and there should not be any mistakes in it. Some other Veda Soothras does not give importance to name and gothram but Pithru Sthanam is important for them. If the correct addressee is not specified in the Sankalpam, then the Tharpana/Srardha benefits will not reach the targeted person however it goes to Gothra Pool for common distribution under the instruction of Swadha Devi. If the name is wrong, then our own Pithrus will get only a portion of the offerings not the full course of food. The Kartha will be responsible for this error. At the end of the day, Bhaavam is very important at the time of performance.

5. Who is eligible to do Tharpanam?
All living human beings must do for their departed blood relatives. The only difference will be its elaboration and methodology between Bhramins and other Varnees. Brahmins should do all Tharpanam, whereas others should do at-least during the time of Death, Ayanam and Srardha Dinam. Of late, due to negligence and lack of knowledge and interest, it is now left with Brahmins only. Due to the Kali Era effect even many Brahmains are not performing this wholeheartedly due to circumstances.

6. What is the difference between Tharpanam and Argyam?
Both are offering water as food to a celestial body. Pithru Tharpanam is offered to deceased ancestors who are suffering from hunger and thirst until they get another body to collect and consume their own food. Whereas, the Argyam is offered to Deities, Gods and Goddesses, living Wiseman/woman, etc. Water has the most significant role in Tharpana Kriya why because, the water is the main source for everything i.e. creation, sustain and dissolution. According to Vedas, the Creator Paramathma created 3 types of fire elements from Pure Water and stored them in an appropriate place.  Those fire energies are Sun (Dhaiveega Agni), Mortal Body (Bhautheega Agni) Lamps and Yaaga Agni for rituals and worship (Vaideega Agni). The Soul is also an energy and water is inevitable. Therefore, through the pure water we can reach our offerings to the departed souls; wherever or whichever form they are now.

7. Why should I do Tharpanam?
It is your duty if you are alive, this is what Vedas says. There are 5 unavoidable duties are given to human beings to pay back their inherited debts (Rrunam). These are known as 1. Deva Yagnam, 2. Bhootha Yagnam, 3. Pithru Yagnam, 4. Rishi Yagnam, 5. Athidhi Yagnam. Yagnam means an effort or an act for the welfare of the other person when does with genuine faith and interest. When they (Now Pithru Sthaanam) were alive, they gave you birth, food, shelter, position, respect, wealth and sacrificed so many comforts. What can you now offer them other than just a Tharpanam or Srardham to your departed loved ones? They are not tangible but exists somewhere by leaving their DNA in us. Anyone who enjoys their hereditary properties and he/she did not perform the at-least a Tharpanam will surely undergo severe punishment for enjoying free properties and its derived benefits. Please note every loan has an interest.  It is the law of nature! There is always a give and take the policy to be exercised in our life. Moreover, it is a matter of respect and compassion towards the departed souls. Thinking about them on a specific and auspicious day makes a huge difference in our life. If our DNA relates to their DNA, we must do the best offerings as prescribed by the Rishis, in fact, this will benefit us more than them. According to Puranas, Pithrus can only bless or curse! choose what do you want from them!  

8. Will I get a sin if I don't perform Tharpanam?
Ethically - YES, Logically - YES, Scientifically and Vedanthik view - NO.

9. Should I conduct Tharpanam for the suicide / accidental death person too?
Tharpanam can be done only when the departed soul has joined the group of Pithru Varga Sthana (Network of Pithrus Vasu-Rudra-Adithya) through a Vedic process. Strict rules and regulations are mentioned for the suicidal and accidental death cases. Unless the Kartha (sole hire of the deceased) do all recommended Prayaschitha and regulate their status, it is not possible to offer them direct Tharpanam. Until united with Pithru Vargam, their status will be Bhootha/Pretham and wander around the banks of water resources. By hearing holy names of God, they can get Karma Sareem and come back to transmigration system with horrific lifestyle.

10. When Ubhaya Vamsam (Varga Dhwayam) and Eaka Vasam (Eaka Vargam) Tharpanam is offered?
Except Srardha Tharnam day, all other Tharpanams are offered to both Vargaas (Ubhaya Vamsam - Paternal and Maternal). Vargadhwayam means total 6 + 6 = 12 Pithru members (Example Father and Mother, Grand Father and Grand Mother, Great Grand Father and Great Grand Mother - both paternal and maternal sides).

11. How many Dharbha Grass is used for the Tharpanam activities?
Pavithram made of = 3 grass, Koorcham made of = 5 grass each set, Katta Pullu = 4 each (for Aasanam). Some use only Dhabha Sthambam with 7 or 21 Dharbaas instead of Koorcham.

12. Why Pithru Sthaanam has only 3 clans? What will happen to the previous ancestors?
Pithru Devathaas are 7 members. 4 visible and 3 invisible personalities. Though the the human race is always referred to as 7 generations, yet the Pithru Sthanams (Status) are considered only 3 stages known as Vasu-Rudra-Aadithya Swaroopam (3 generations) plus Viswedavaan who will accompany them to the Kartha’s house. They are Pithuhu-Pithamahan-Prapithamahan / Mathaha-Mathru Pithamahi-Maathru Prapithamahi - paternal side and Matha Mahan-Mathuhu Pithamahan-Mathuhu Prapithamahan /Matha Mahi-Mathuhu Pithamahi-Mathuhu Prapithamahi - maternal side. Whenever the new 4th member (Latest Pithru is known as Vasu-Roopan) joins the Pithru Parampara (Club), the existing Prapithamahan or Prapithamahi will either get Moksham or take next birth. (According to Sasthram once a soul departs from the body, it will come back to next life [re-incarnation] within 3 years or in the 3rd generation). This is one of the reasons why the offerings are stopped after the third stage. Even according to science, in fact, the DNA index/effect will deplete below 50% purity, hence lesser benefits for the Kartha.

13. When do I start the first Tharpanam?
After the first-anniversary Srardham (Varsha-Aabdheekam) the forthcoming Amavasya can be considered. There is no hard and fast rule that one should start only in Utharayanam and someone should initiate etc... First-timers must do this only under the supervision of Kula Aachaaryan/Kula Vadhyaar or knowledgeable elders to avoid mistakes. All male children can perform, and wife/sisters/other relatives can offer help. Alternatively, some Acharyaas recommending to start immediately after the Subha Sweekaram by next Amavasya or any other Punya Kaalam such as Gruhanam, Masa or Ayana Sankramanam, etc...  

14. How to do Tharpanam?
There is a Vedic way and there is a Laukik way. If you are well versed with Vedic way do it with good faith and spirit as per the details are given in this book. If you don't have knowledge, ability or circumstances then follow the Laukik way as per below, though this is not our subject here. Our aim is to help and educate Karthas to do Vedic way of this function without any external help.
THE LAUKIK WAY:- After taking bath to wear a cloth they like and stand facing east looking at the Sun, take a pot (mud or copper or brass or  silver) of pure water and hold it in your hand (if possible put 7 numbers of sesame seeds in it), close your eyes, think of the departed soul, and tell them that today I am remembering you…today you left me alone by accepting the command of creator…and…I became helpless…I am no one without you…let few drops of water role out of your eyes…I want you to be with me to guide me …you are my everything…with my pure heart…I am offering you this pot of water…kindly quench your thirst…and bless me…wherever you are…I remain at your feet…then pour the water in the earth. Make 3 times rounds from where you stand and prostrate in front of Sun. Thereafter, offer food to deserving poor people. The whole day you think of the departed person and his/her good and merciful acts. Rest assured, you have done justice to your Pithru Rinam (Debts towards ancestors).  

THE VEDIC WAY is given below in a comprehensive manner. Please make use of it and full fill your duties towards ancestors.

15. Will I get any benefit by doing Tharpanam?
YES - directly as well as indirectly. This is basically a DNA system concept. We are receiving or connecting ourselves with DNA through Manasa-Vacha-Karmana form. When we offer Water and Thil to them, they get satisfied and a blessing is given to the Kartha as a reciprocation. By the way the Thil (Sesame Seeds) was exclusively created by Devas for the purpose of Pithru's satisfaction or Pithru's food. Pithru's eatable menu is restricted to Raw cooked Rice, Thil, Water, Urdu Daal and Pure curd (From single cow). Their direct blessings come in the form of Prosperity, Progeny, and Pace of mind in the family. Now let us see the indirect blessings (assume the 4th stage Pithru gets reborn or attained Moksha) - we get to see many unknown persons helping us by way of giving us food, cloth, shelter, money, protection, jobs, facilities, comforts, etc although we are not eligible for it. Why should these unknown persons be helping us? These unknown persons are none other than our own ancestors or our Gothram/DNA member of the past. Now, there are two scenarios a) If they get Moksham (Liberation) then we get a jackpot of huge blessings at once. b) if they take re-birth as a child to someone, that someone will become the reason for our welfare in society. In other words, this newborn child will play a subtle role in his/her parents to take care of us. These two ways, all Pithru Karma Karthas will benefit one way or the other.

16. Where Pithru Devathaas and Pithrus are living?
Swadha Devi’s world is called Pithru Lokam assisted by her Seven Pithru Devathas in total. All of them are living in Swarga (Deva Lokam). Whereas, human Prithrus will live either in Swarga or in Pithru Lok or in Naraka Lok. According to Jyothi Sastram Sarva Pithru Dinam is considered on the “Makham Nakshathra” day. Also note, the amount of Pithru Dosham or Pithru Anugraham accumulated in Kartha’s account can be ascertained by looking at his horoscope 8th and 10th house.

17. Only humans are performing Tharpanam and Srardham?
NO. Seven Pithru Devathas were created by Brahma and instructed them to avail the offerings given by Devas as well as Humans. Out of these Seven, four Pithru Devathas have physical bodies (Sthoola Sareeram) and the other three are having only subtle bodies (Sookshma Sareeram). Humans are performing Tharpanam/Srardham to get the blessings of their Pithrus through these four Pithru Devathas at the same time Devas will conduct to receive blessings from the three Sookshma Pithru Devathas.
Sthoola Pithru Devathas are Four (4) they are:  Kavyavaahan, Analan, Soman, Yamen.  
Sookshma Pithru Devathas are Three (3) they are Aaryamaan, Agnishathwa, Barhishathwan.

18. Why Tharpanam and Srardham are in this manner?
Acharyaas kept Tharpanam and Srardham in a complicated and painstaking manner, so that the Kartha will undergo certain difficulties and uncomfortableness on the day of offerings. Now, imagine, how much our parents might have undergone the trouble, pains, sufferings, and hunger to raise us? One must feel the pain so that the Bhavam and Bakti will come to offer them water and food to voluntarily.

19. All dead ancestors are Pithrus?
NO. You can’t just get the Pithru Sthana because you died. This is a web or network to be created by the Kartha through Vedic procedure known as Apara Kriya and admit the dead person’s Aathma Sakthi (Emotional Soul) with his existing 6 members Pithru network.

20. When is the right time to perform Tharpanam?
In Vedic lifestyle, everything has a time (Muhoortham) to perform so that the Kartha will receive maximum benefits/rewards for his actions.

1. Amavasya Tharpanam day: Amavasya must be minimum 12 Nazhika balance (5 hours from Sun Rise of location) otherwise, conduct on the previous day or Srardha Thidhi Mohoortham Day (Please refer to Panchangam and select the Tharpana Thidhi day. The right time is between 10:00 – 12:00 Hours.

2. Maasa Sankramana / Ayanam / Samvathsara Tharpanam: Exactly like Amavasya Tharpanam between 10:00-12:00 Hours.

3. Grahana Tharpanam: For Solar Eclipse once the eclipse starts and for Lunar Eclipse at the time of leaving. Kindly note both Tharpanam must be done only in Krishna Paksham.

4. Sraardha Tharpanam: After completion of Brahmana Bhojan before they get up from the offered seat.
 Now you decide what you need to do!!!
Items required for Thila Tharpanam:
1.       Pancha Pathram and Udharani (One set)
2.       Pavithram (One)
3.       Koorcham (Two+Two or One+One or Only One or Dharba Sthambam with 7 or 21 Dharbas) depends on the family tradition.
4.       Katta Pullu (Stump of Dharbha Grass / Bottom portion of Dharbha – Approximately 20 Numbers)
5.       Thambalam (Silver or Copper or Brass Plate)
6.       Chombu (Pot to hold water, ideally you need 3 litres of water for Amavasya Tharpanam)
7.       Ellu (Sesame Seed / Gingelly Seed 20 grams)
8.       Aasanam / Palakai (Wood board is preferred, please do not stab or move with your leg)
9.       Acharya Dakshina (Thulasi Sahitham / Along with Thulasi)
10.    Dress code: Pancha Gachham & Uthareeyam
11.    List of Ancestors Names and Gothram details (Both Father and Mother families, total of 6 members)

Pitha – Father’s Clan (Paternal)
Mother’s Clan (Maternal)
Pithu – Father - Vasu
Mathru – Mother - Vasu
Matha Mahan–Mother’s Father -Vasu
Matha Mahi– Mother’s Mother - Vasu
Pitha Mahan – Grand Father - Rudra
Mathru Pithamahi – Grand Mother – Rudra
Mathu Pitha Mahan–Mother’s Grand Father - Rudra
Mathu Pitha Mahi– Mother’s Grand Mother -Rudra
Prapitha Mahan – Great Grand Father – Adithya
Mathru Prapitha Mahi – Great Grand Mother -Adithya
Mathu PrapithaMahan – Mother’s Great Grand Father - Adithya
Mathru Prapitha Mahi–Mother’s Great Grand Mother - Adithya
Tharpanam: 3+3+3
Tharpanam: 3+3+3
Tharpanam: 3+3+3
Tharpanam: 3+3+3
Gjnatha Gnaatha Pithrroon – Tharpanam: 3
Gjnatha Gnaatha Mathuhu Pithrroon – Tharpanam: 3
PITHA GOTHRAM: Kausikha (Example)
MATHA GOTRHAM: Haritha (Example)


Sri Raman

Notes to remember:
1.       Stainless or Iron vessels are prohibited. Please use Copper/Bronze/Silver/Mud Pot etc.
2.       Upaveedhi – Poonal position from left to the right side (normal way – Devatha Sankalpam)
3.       Prachinaaveedhi – Poonal position from right to left (opposite to normal way – Pithru Sankalpam)
4.       Katta Pullu and Koorcham Placement: Make 2 rows facing east/west, on top, lay Koorcham Head in North and Foot in the south (Madhyama portion, looks like a head, in the North and Agram+Moolam portion in South direction). Udharani may be placed on top of the Koorcham for stability.
5.       Depends on the family tradition, you may or may not wear Thilakam / Raksha.
6.       Before you perform Tharpanam or Sraddha Karma, please make sure that your Mala-Moothra (Stool+Urine) bladders are empty and try to be empty stomach until completion.
7.       I have used “:” Ha, Hi, Hu instead of Sanskrit symbol for pronouncing the same in words.
8.       Amavasya Thidhi Tharpana Rule: On the day of Amavasya, there should be a minimum balance of 20 Nazhika (8 Hours) from Sun-Rise should be an available otherwise previous day (You may say Chathurdhasyam Thadh Upari Amavasyam Puniya Thithow).
9.       As per Sasthras, to get full benefits of Pithru Tharpanam, Kartha must do first Pratha Sandhya Vandanam then Pithru Tharpanam then Brahma Yagnam after that Ishta Devatha Pooja. (In this way, the half-day will get over, therefore I suggest including “Desa-Kala-Paristhithyam Yadha Sakthi Hiranya Roopena …. Karishye)

10.    I have used sample Gothram, Pithrus' Names, and Panchanga details. You need to replace with yours (Kartha).

11.    This is prepared to assume Kartha’s both parents are no more. Therefore, in case of any one of them or more are alive then the Sankalpam and Pithru’s names will change.

12.    This is based on SMARTHA Sampradhayam, Yajur Vedha Vidhi, Apasthamba Soothram.

13.    Kartha should wear light border or borderless Pancha Gachham and Anga Vasthram (Uthareeyam). Brahmacharis need not wear Panchagacham but Anga Vasthram along with Veshti is a must. Alternatively, Brahmacharis can wear 8 yards’ cloth in Moolagacham style. Best practice says you must wear undergarments and not to expose your secrets parts to Bhoomi Devi.

14.    Keep a cloth for wiping your hand as well as clean the floor after Tharpanam. No one should step on the floor without cleaning. Ideally, the wife or mother or sister should clean the floor for better rewards.

15.    Never wash your hands in the Tharpana Thambalam while or after the performance. Particularly during the function, if the Koorcham moves then automatic upasthanam takes place not only that the touching Pithru Jalam is not auspicious before Upasthanam.
16.    Darsa Srardham (Amavasya Tharpanam) to be done for Paternal and Maternal ancestors without exception.
Special Notes:
It is recommended that you replace these example names in various places and take a print out for your personal use. You may have to check with your family elders for correct names etc. 
[a] In case the mother is alive, this would be Asmadh Pithamahi – Pithuhu Pithamahi – Pithuhu Prapithamahischa
[b] In case the mothers mother is alive, this would be Mathamahasya Mathu – Pithamahi - Prapithamahischa
[c] For Mesha Sankramam (Vishu Punya Kalam), Karkadaga Sankramam, Thula Sankramam, Makara Sankramam, Soorya Grahanam (Solar Eclipse), Chandra Grahanam (Tharpanam did during solar/lunar eclipse, last quarter) and in the case of Paraheni Tharpanam did after Sraddham, Purvedya Maya KruthaMathru PithruPrathyabdhika Sradhaangam Thila Tharpanam Karishye. Please note in case of Paraheni Tharpanam, the offering (Tharpanam) is done to only Pitha Varga Pirthus (paternal side).
[d] Mahalaya Paksha Tharpanam Manthraas are more elaborative due to more members included.
[d] Kartha using only one Koorcham, please do Avahanam chanting as Asmin Koorche Vargadvaya Pithroon Dhyayami Avahayami.
Please take note of the combination of scenarios that can exist: Please consult your Vadhyaar (Purohit) to fix the right Manthra for your Avahanam and Tharpanam.
1.       Paternal Side: Kartha’s Mother is alive
2.       Paternal Side: Kartha’s Mother’s Mother is alive
3.       Paternal Side: Kartha’s Father is alive
4.       Paternal Side: Kartha’s Father’s Father is alive
5.       Maternal Side: Kartha’s Mother’s Mother is alive
6.       Maternal Side: Kartha’s Mother’s Grand Mother is alive 
7.       Maternal Side: Kartha’s Mother’s Father is alive
Maternal Side: Kartha’s Mother’s Grand Father is alive

Now let us move into Manthras and Prayogas.


ACHAMANAM (Sipping Holy Water with God’s name. Sip only after saying the Manthra – Manthranthe Prayogaha)

Achuthaya Namaha, Ananthaya Namaha, Govindhaya Namaha. Kesava-Narayana, Madhava-Govinda, Vishno- Madhosoodhana, Thrivikrama-Vaamana, Sridhara-Rishikesa, Padhmanabha-Dhamodhara.

 DHARBHA PULLU - PAVITHRA DHARANAM (For absolute purification and protection)

Pavithram Druthwaa (On your righthand ring finger)

Dharbhe-shwaaseena: (Put few Dharba Katta Pullu under your seat) then wash hand, thereafter

Dharbhaan Dhaarayamaana: (Hold 2 Katta Pullu or more, U-shaped under Pavithram, ring finger).

DEVATHA SANKALPAM (OATH – RESOLUTION) Poonal Upaveedhi (Left-hand Shoulder to right bottom). Reason when you sit facing East, the Poonal will flow from North to South, whereas for Pithru Karma (Pracheenavidhi) it will be from South to North). North and North-East is Deva Sthanam and South is Pithru-lokham and Yamapuri. This Pithru Yagnam you are doing to liberate the Pithrus from Pithru Lokam to Deva-lokham. You are being their living representative in earth, you are expected to extend this help for the departed souls.

Suklam-bharatharam Vishnum Sasi Varnam Chabhurbhujam Prasanna Vadham Dhyaayeth Sarva Vigna Upasanthaye (Corner of Above fore-head - Brahma Kumbe Khara Mushti Spantha: 5 times only)

Pranayamam = Om Bhoohu, Om Bhuvaha, Om Suvaha, Om Mahaha, Om Janaha, Om Thapaha, Ogum Sathyam, Om Thath Savithur Vareniyam, Bhargo Dhevasya, Dheem-mahi, Dhiyo Yona-ph, Prachodhayaath, Om Aapaha Jyothi-raso, Amrutham Bhrama, Bhoor-Bhuva-Suvarom.

Om Thadheva Lagnam Sudhinam Thadheva, Thara-phalam Chandra phalam Thadheva, Vidhya-phalam Dhaiva- phalam Thadhaiva, Lakshmi Pathe-he Angriyugam Smarami (Meditate on Sri Lakshmi Narayan).

Apavithra Pavithrova Sarva-vastham Ghathopiva, Yasmaredh Pundarikaaksham Sabhahyaa, Abhyanthara Suchihi, Manasam Vachikam Paapam, Karmanaa Samuparjitham, Sri Rama Smarane-naiva (Meditate of Sri Rama Pattabhishekam Posture) Vyapohathi-Na-Samsayaha. Sri Rama, Rama, Rama, Thidhir Vishnuhu Thadha Vaaraha Naksthram Vishnureva-cha, Yogascha Karanam Chaiva Sarvam Vishnumayam Jagathu. Sri Govinda, Govinda Govidnda, Aadhya Sri-Bhagavathaha Mahapurushaya Vishno-raagnaya Pravarthamanasya, Aadhya Brahmanaha, Dwitheeya Paraardhe, Swetha-varaaha-kalpe, Vaivaswatha-Manwanthare, Ashaavighum-sathithame, Kaliyuge, Pradhame Padhe, Jambhoo-dweepe, Manasaadhyaayan (foreign dwellers only), Bharathavarshe, Bharatha- khande Meroho, Dakshine Paarswe, Sakabdhe, Asmin Varthamane, Vyaavahaarike, Prabhavadheenaam, Shashtyaaha Samvathsaraanam Madhye;

xxxxx Naama Samvathsare, DAKSHINA/UTHARA Ayane, xxxxx Rithouw, xxxxx Maase, xxxxx Pakshe, AMAVASYA Punya Thidhow, xxxxx Vaasara Yukthayam, xxxxx Nakshathra Yukthayam, Subha Yoga, Subha Karana, Evam Guna Viseshana Visishtaayam, Asyaam, Varthamanaayam, Punya Thidhow.

Poonal Pracheenavidhi (Righthand Shoulder)

(Pitha Gothram) xxxxx Gothranaam, xxxx-xxxx-xxxx, Sarmanaam, Vasu-Rudra-Aadhithya Swarropanaam, Asmath, Pithru-Pithamaha-Prapithamahaanam, (Matha Gothram) xxxxx Gothraaanaam, xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx, Sarmanaam, Vasu-Rudra-Aadhithya Swaroopanaam, Asmath, Maathamaha-Maathu Pithamaha-Maathu-Prapithamahaanaam, Ubhaya Vamsa Pithrunaam, Akshayya Thrupthyartham, AMAVAASYAA Punyakale, (xxxx Sankramana Punyakale), Vargadwaya-Pithrunn-Udhhisya, Dharsa-Sraardham (xxxx Sankramana Punya Kaala Sraardham), Hiranya-Roopena Adhya Karishye. Thadhangam Thila Tharppanam Cha Karishye.

Now you need to remove the Dharbha Katta Pullu under the confluence of Pavithram and leave it in North-West corner (Vayu Moola) or on your left side (North-Kubera Moola) or South side. Then, change the position of your Poonal to Upaveedhi (Left Shoulder) and wash your hand.

  AVAHANAM OF PITHRUS (Pitha Gothram) – Poonal Pracheena Veedhi.

Own Father and Grand Fathers & Own Mother and Grand Mothers (Spouses). FIRST KOORCHAM AVAHANAM

Take few Ellu (Aprox. 7 seeds only) with your right hand (using only middle+thumb or middle+ring+thumb fingers) and start saying the Manthra for Avahanam. Ellu must be offered in reverse hand side. (Inviting your departed ancestors and requesting them to be seated on the Koorchaam specifically placed for them). Top Koorcham for own Fathers & their Spouses and bottom Koorcham for Mother’s Fathers and Spouses. Please note there is no hard rule for top or bottom allotment. However, I have assigned this because to overcome confusion in case arises during the function. Example chanting and Avahan in one Koorcham and the water offered to another Koorcham will ruin the entire purpose of Tharpanam.

Aayatha Pitharaha, Somyaa, Gambhiraihi, Padhibhi-hi, Poorvyaihi, Prajam-asmabhyam, Dhadhatho Rayim cha, Dheerghayuthwam cha, Satha-Saaradham Cha, Om bhoor-bhuva-ssuvarom, Asmin Koorche xxxxx Gothraan, xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx Sarmanaha, Vasu-Rudra-Aadhithya Swaroopaan, Asmaath PITHRU- PITHAMAHA-PRAPITHAMAHAN, xxxxx Gothraahaa, xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx Naamneehi, Vasu-Rudra-

Aadhithya Swaroopaaha, Asmath MATHRU-PITHAMAHI-PRAPITHAAMAHEEM CHA Dhyaayaami. Avaahayami.

Offer the Ellu in your hand on the Head of Koorcham. Some keep 2 separate Koorchams for Father & Mother club and some do Avahanam in one Koorcham itself for Pitha Gothram same for Matha (Poorva) Gothram. Do what is done in your family tradition or as per Achaya’s guidance.

Sakrudhaa-Chhinnam Barhi-Roornnaa-mrudhu, Syonam, Pithru-bhyasthwaa Bharamyaham. Asmin Sthidhanthu Me Pithraha-Somyaaha, Pithamahaaha Prapitha-Maha-schaanu-ghaihi-Ssaha. Pithru-Pithamaha- Prapithamahaanaam. Mathru-Pithamahi-Prapithaa-maheenaam Cha Idhamaasanam (Offer few Ellu on reverse side), again take few Ellu and say Thiladhi Sakala-Aaradhanaihi Svar-chitham.

AVAHANAM OF PITHRUS (Matha Poorva Gothram) – Poonal Pracheena Veedhi. Mother’s Father Plus Grand Fathers & Mother’s Grand Mothers (Spouses).


Aayatha Mathuhu, Pitharaha, Somyaa, Gambhiraihi, Padhibhi-hi, Poorvyaihi, Praja-masmabhyam, Dhadhatho Rayincha, Dheerghayuthwam cha, Satha-Saaradham Cha, Om bhoor-bhuva-ssuvarom, Asmin Koorche xxxxx Gothraan, xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx Sarmanaha, Vasu-Rudra-Aadhithya Swaroopaan, Asmath Mathamaha, Maathuhu Pithamaha, Maathuhu Prapithamahaanaam, xxxxx Gothraahaa, xxxxx-

xxxxx-xxxxx Naamnihi, Vasu-Rudra-Aadhithya Swaroopaaha, Asmath Mathamahi, Maathuhu-Pithamahi, Maathuhu Prapithamaheenaam Cha Dhyaayaami. Avaahayami.

Offer the Ellu in your hand on the Head of Koorcham. Some Karthas keep 2 separate Koorchams for Father & Mother side and some do Avahanam in one Koorcham itself for Pithru Gothram and Mathru Gothram. Do what is done in your family tradition or as per Achaya’s guidance. If it is one Koorcham then there is a change in Manthram for Avahanam time.

 Sakrudhaa-Chhinnam Barhi-Roornnaa-mrudhu, Syonam, Pithru-bhyasthwa Bharamyaham, Asmin Sthidhanthu Me Pitharaha-Somyaaha, Pithamahaaha Prapitha-Maha-schaanu-ghaihi-Ssaha. Asmath Mathamaha, Maathuhu Pithamaha, Maathuhu Prapithamahaanaam, Mathamahi Mathuhu, Pithamahi Maathuhu, Prapitha-Maheenaam Cha Idhamasanam (Offer few Ellu on reverse side), again take few Ellu and say Thiladhi Sakala-Aaradhanaihi Suvar-chitham.


Each Pithru should be given 3 times water oblation along with Ellu in reverse hand. Total 3+3+3 = 9 times Tharpanam.

1.1    Udheerathaam-avara Uthparaasaha Unmadhyamaaha, Pithara-Somyaasaha. AsumYa, Yee-Yura-Vrukaa Rutha-ghnaasthe No-vadhanthu, Pitharo Haveshu xxxxx Gothraan xxxxx Sarmanaha, Vasu Roopaan Mama Pithroon Swadha Nama-stharpayami (3 times)

    1.2    Angirasso naha, Pitharo Navagwaa, Adharwaano, Brughava-ssomyaasaha. Thesham         Vayagum Sumathouw Yagni-yaanaamapi Bhadhre Sowmanse Ssyama xxxxx Gothraan            xxxxx Sarmanaha Vasu Roopaan Mama Pithroon Swadha Nama-stharpayaami (3 times)

1.3    Aayanthu Naha, Pithara-manojavassaha-Agnishwaatthaaha, Pathibhir-Dhevayaanaaihi. Asmin Yagne Swadhayaa Maadha-yandhwadhi, Bhruvanthu The Avandhwa-smaan, xxxxx Gothraan xxxx Sarmanaha, Vasu Roopaan, Mama Pithroon Swadha Nama-stharpayaami (3 times)


 2.1    Oorjam Vahandheeramrutham Ghrutham Payaha, Keelaalam Parisrutham Swadhaa Stha Tharppayatha Me Pithroon xxxxx Gothraan xxxxx Sarmanaha Rudra Roopaan Mama Pithamahaan Swadha Nama-stharpayaami (3 times)

2.2    Pithrubhyaha Swadhavibhyaha Swadha Namaha. Pithamahebhyaha Swadhavibhyaha Swadha Namaha. Prapithamahebhyaha Swadhavibhyaha Swadha Namaha, Akshan Pitharaha, xxxxx Gothraan xxxxx Sarmanaha Rudra Roopaan Mama Pithamahaan Swadha Nama-stharpayaami (3 times)

2.3    Ye Cheha Pitharo Ye Che Neha Yagumscha Vidhma, Yaghum Ucha Na Pravidhma. Aghne Thaan Vettha Yadhi The Jaathavedha-sthayaa Prathaghhum Swadhaya Madhanthu xxxxx Gothraan xxxxx Sarmanaha Rudra Roopaan Mama Pithamahaan Swadha Nama-stharpayaami (3 times)


 3.1    Madhu Vaathaa Ruthaayathe Madhu Ksharandhi Sindhawaha, Maadhweerna-Ssandho-shadhi-hi xxxxx Gothraan xxxxx Sarmanaha Aadhithya Roopaan Mama Prapithamahaan Swadha Nama- stharpayaami (3 times).

 3.2    Madhu Naktha-Muthoshasi Madhumath Paarthivaghum-Rajaha. Madhu Dhyourasthu Naha Pithaa xxxxx Gothraan xxxxx Sarmanaha Aadhithya Roopaan Mama Prapithamahaan Swadha Nama- stharpayaami (3 times).

3.3    Madhu-Maanno Vanaspathihi, Madhu-maaghum Asthu Sooryaha, Madhweer-gghavoo Bhavanthu Naha, xxxxx Gothraan xxxxx Sarmanaha Aadhithya Roopaan Mama Prapithamahaan Swadha Nama- stharpayaami (3 times).

 4.       FIRST KOORCHAM – MATHRU THARPANAM: (Spouse-Mathru Vargam)

 4.1    xxxxx Gothraaha xxxxx Naamnee-hi Vasu Roopaaha Mama Mathru Swadha Nama-stharpayaami.

4.2    xxxxx Gothraaha xxxxx Naamnee-hi Rudra Roopaaha Mama PithaaMahi Swadha Nama- stharpayaami.

4.3    xxxxx Gothraaha xxxxx Naamnee-hi Aadhithya Roopaaha Mama PrapithaaMahi Swadha Nama- stharpayaami.


 5.1    Ghnaatha-Ghnaatha Pithroon Swadha-Namastharpayaami (3 times)

5.2    Ghnaatha-Ghnaatha Pithru Pathneehi Swadha-Namastharpayaami (3 times)

Oorjam Vahandhee-ramrutham Ghrutham Payaha, Keelaalam Parisrutham Swadha-Stha Tharppayatha Me, Pithroon, Thrupyatha Thrupyatha Thrupyatha (3 x 3 times minimum…)

 6.       SECOND KOORCHAM – MATHAMAHA VARGA THARPANAM: (Mother’s Poorvasrama Vargam)

 6.1    Udheerathaam avara Uthparaasa Unmadhyamaaha, Pitharaha-Somyaasaha. AsumYa Yee-Yu-Ra-Vruka Rutha-ghnaasthe-No-Vadhanthu, Pitharo Haveshu xxxxx Gothraan xxxxx Sarmanaha, Vasu Roopaan Mama Maathamahan Swadha Nama-stharpayami (3 times).

6.2    Angiraso naha, Pitharo Navagwaa, Adharwano, Brughava-ssomyasaha. Thesham Vayagum Sumathou Yagni-yaanaam api Bhadhre Sowmanase Ssyama xxxxx Gothraan xxxxx Sarmanaha Vasu Roopaan Mama Maathamahan Swadha Nama-stharpayaami (3 times).

6.3    Aayanthu Naha, Maathuhu-Pitharo-Manojavassaha-Agnishwaathaaha, Pathibhir-Dhevayaanaihi. Asmin Yagne Swadhayaa Madhanthu Adhi-Bhruvanthu The Avandhwa-smaan, xxxxx Gothraan xxxxx Sarmanaha, Vasu Roopaan, Mama Maathamahan Swadha Nama-stharpayaami (3 times).

 7.       SECOND KOORCHAM – MATHUHU-PITHAMAHA THARPANAM: (Mother’s Poorvasrama Vargam)

 7.1    Oorjam Vahandheeramrutham Ghrutham Payaha, Keelaalam Parisrutham Swadha Stha Tharppayatha Me, Mathuhu Pithroon xxxxx Gothraan xxxxx Sarmanaha Rudra Roopaan Mathuhu-Pithamahaan Swadha Nama-stharpayaami (3 times).

7.2    Maathuhu-Pithrubhyaha Swadhavibhyaha Swadha Namaha. Maathuhu-Pithamahebhyaha Swadhavibhyaha Swadha Namaha. Maathuhu-Prapithamahebhyaha Swadhavibhyaha Swadha Namaha, Akshan Mathuhu-pitharaha xxxxx Gothraan xxxxx Sarmanaha Rudra Roopaan Mama Mathuhu-Pithamahaan Swadha Nama-stharpayaami (3 times).

7.3    Ye Cheha Maathuhu-Pitharo Ye Che Neha Yagumscha Vidhma, Yaghum Ucha Na Pravidhma. Aghne Thaan Vettha Yadhi The Jaathavedha-sthayaa Prathagghhum Swadhaya Madhanthu xxxxx Gothraan xxxxx Sarmanaha Rudra Roopaan Mama Mathuhu-Pithamahaan Swadha Nama-stharpayaami (3 times).

 8.       SECOND KOORCHAM – MATHU-PRAPITHAMAHA THARPANAM (Mother’s Poorvasrama Vargam)

 8.1    Madhu Vaathaa Ruthaayathe Madhu Ksharandhi Sindhawaha, Maadhweerna-Ssandho-ushadhi-hi xxxxx Gothraan xxxxx Sarmanaha Aadhithya Roopaan Mama Maathuhu-Prapithamahaan Swadha Nama-stharpayaami (3 times).

8.2    Madhu Naktha-Muthoshasi Madhumath Paarthivaghum-Rajaha. Madhu Dhyourasthu Naha Pithaa xxxxx Gothraan xxxxx Sarmanaha Aadhithya Roopaan Mama Maathuhu-Prapithamahaan Swadha Nama-stharpayaami (3 times).

8.3    Madhu-Maanno Vanaspathihi-mmadhu-maaghum Asthu Sooryaha, Madhweer-gghavoo Bhavanthu Naha, xxxxx Gothraan xxxxx Sarmanaha Aadhithya Roopaan Mama Maathu-Prapithamahaan Swadha Nama-stharpayaami (3 times).

9.       SECOND KOORCHAM – MATHAMAHI THARPANAM: (Spouse-Mathru Vargam)

9.1    xxxxx Gothraaha xxxxx Naamnee-hi Vasu Roopaaha Mama Maathamahi Swadha Nama- stharpayaami (3 times).

9.2    xxxxx Gothraaha xxxxx Naamnee-hi Rudra Roopaaha Mama Maathuhu Pithamahi Swadha Nama- stharpayaami (3 times).

9.3    xxxxx Gothraaha xxxxx Naamnee-hi Aadhithya Roopaaha Mama Maathuhu Prapithamahi Swadha Nama-stharpayaami (3 times)


10.1                       Ghnaatha-Ghnaatha Mathuhu Pithroon Swadha-Namastharpayaami (3 times).

10.2                       Ghnaatha-Ghnaatha Mathuhu Pithrupathnee Swadha-Namastharpayaami (3 times).

Oorjam Vahandhi-ramrutham Ghrutham Payaha Keelaalam Parisrutham Swadha Stha Tharppayatha Me, Maathuhu Pithroon, Thrupyatha Thrupyatha Thrupyatha (3 x 3 times minimum…)

 Now change Poonal to Upaveedhi, then do the Pradhakshina Namaskaram (Clockwise in the same position) by chanting the Manthram. Please do Abhivadhana Namaskaram.

Dhevathabhyaha Pithrubhyascha Maha Yogibhya Eva Cha, Nama Swadhayayai Swwahayayai Nithya Meva Namo Namaha.

Yani Kani Cha Paapaani Janmanthara Kruthanicha Thani Thani Vinasyanthu Pradhakisha Padhe Padhe.

Now change the Poonal to Pracheenaveedhi. Then recite the Manthras with folded hand in supplication mode.  


Pithru-Pithamaha-Prapithamahebhyo Nama, Mathru-Pithamahi-Prapithamaheebhyo Nama

Mathamaha, MathuhuPithamaha, Mathuhu-Prapithamahebhyo Namaha, Mathamahi Maathuhu Pithamahi Mathuhu, Prapithamahibhyo Nama.

Now Change the Poonal to Upaveedhi then does Abhivadana Namaskaram. (Pravara Rishis-Gothra-Suthra-Vedham-Your Name) touch the Bhoomi (Earth) and do Namaskaram by saying this Manthra.

Dhevathabhyaha Pithrubhyascha Maha Yogibhya Eva Cha, Nama Swadhayayai Swahayayai Nithya Meva Namo Namaha.

 UDHWASANAM (Invoked Pithrus were asked to leave to their abode – Pithru Lokam)

The function is to Un-tie the Koorcham

 Change Poonal to Pracheenaveedhi.

Look at the FIRST KOORCHAM and say

Aayatha Pitharaha, Somyaa, Gambhiraihi, Padhibhi-hi, Poorvyaihi, Praja-masmabhyam, Dhadhatho Rayincha, Dheerghayuthwam Cha, Satha-Saaradham Cha, Om bhoor-bhuva-ssuvarom.

Asmaath Koorchaadh xxxxx Gothraan, xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx Sarmanaha, Vasu-Rudra- Aadhithya Swaroopan, Asmath Pithru-Pithamaha-Prapithamahan, xxxxx Gothraahaa, xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx Naamneehi, Vasu-Rudra-Aadhithya Swaroopaaha, Asmath Mathru-Pithamahi-Prapithaamahi-scha Yadha Sukham, Yadha Sthaanam Prathishtaapayaami. Sobhanaarthe Kshemaya Puna-raagamanaaya cha.

Look at the SECOND KOORCHAM and say

Aayatha Mathuhu, Pitharaha, Somyaa, Gambhiraihi, Padhibhi-hi, Poorvyaihi, Prajam-asmabhyam, Dhadhatho Rayincha, Dheerghayuthwam Cha, Satha-Saaradham Cha, Om bhoor-bhuva-ssuvarom.

Asmaath Koorchaath xxxxx Gothraan, xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx Sarmanaha, Vasu-Rudra- Aadhithya Swaroopan, Asmath Mathamaha,  Maathuhu-Pithamaha, Maathuhu-Prapithamahaan xxxxx Gothraahaa, xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx Naamneehi, Vasu-Rudra-Aadhithya Swaroopaaha, Asmath Mathamahi, Maathuhu Pithamahi, Maathuhu Prapithamaheescha, Yadha Sukham, Yadha Sthanam Prathishtaapayaami. Sobhanaarthe Kshemaya Puna-raagamanaaya cha.

Now the Poonal back to Upaveedhi, then do Achamanam (Achuthaya Namaha, Ananthaya Namaha, Govindhaya Namaha. Kesava-Narayana, Madha-Govinda, Vishno-Madhosoodhana, Thrivikrama-Vaamana, Sridhara-Rishikesa, Padhmanabha-Dhamodhara)

 Again, change Poonal to Pracheenaveedhi for SARVA THARPANAM

The all Koorchaas (Need to untie after the Udhwaasyam) to be united and collected in right hand, along with whatever left-over Ellu and hold the Jala Pathram (Chombu) on your left-hand and pore the water by saying the following Manthra. This is only one- time Tharpanam (Oblation).

1.       Yesham Na Matha Na Pitha Na Mithra-Ghnaathi-Bhaandhavaaha, The Sarve Thrupthi-Maa-Yandhu Mayoth-sru-shttai-hi Kushodha-kaihi. Thrupyatha-Thrupyatha-Thrupyatha. OR

2.       Yesham Na Matha Na Pitha Na Bhandhu Naa Anyagothrrinaha, The Sarve Thrupthi-Maa-Yandhu Mayoth- sru-shttai-hi Kushodha-kaihi. Thrupyatha-Thrupyatha-Thrupyatha.

Change Poonal to Upaveedhi.

Now remove the Pavithram from your ring finger, untie and drop it to the North-West corner or left-side, then do Achamanam. Then wash your hand (Apa-Upa-Srusya) with little water.

Now take Three Udharani Jalam on your right hand and conclude the Pithru Tharpanam by saying Om Sarvam Brahmaa- rpanamasthu.

Aachaarya Sambavana to be offered along with Thulasi Pathram.

You may say "Aseshe He Parishad Bhagawath Paadhamoole, Maya Samarpitham Imam Kanyam Dakshinamiva Sweekrityha”.



==== Om Thath Sath ====

Compiled and narrated by: Kailasi Sri. R V Venkiteswaran (Venky)

Authenticated by:

Kailashi Sri. P. Vaidhyanathan (Vaithy) – Vadhyar S/o Brahmsri M. S. Pranatharthihara Sasthrigal, Trichi.

Dharmo Rakshathi Rakshithaha






Sarve Jana Sukhino Bhavanthu!

 Notes: There will be two sections of this book. One with full narration including Manthram and Kriya, the other will be just only Manthram so that it will be easy to use at the time of performing Tharpanam.

Disclaimer: While preparing this document, every effort has been made to minimize errors and omissions. In case if you come across an area that can be improved or modified please feel free to let me know through email: venky50@gmail.com.



ENGLISH MONTH (Apx. Mid-Month)


Mesha and Rishabham Mithunam and Katakam Simham and Kanya Thula - Vruschikam Dhanu - Makaram

Kumba - Meenam

April and May June and July

August and September October and November December and January

February and March

Vasantha Rithu Greeshma Rithu Varsha Rithu Sarad Rithu Hemantha Rithu

Sisira Rithu


Chandra Maanam Name

Saura Maanam Name

Thamizh Names

Malayalam Names

English Names

1. Chaithram




Mid Apr-May

2. Vaisakham




Mid May-Jun

3. Jyeshtam




Mid Jun-Jul

4. Aashaadam




Mid Jul-Aug

5. Sraavanam




Mid Aug-Sep

6. Bhaadhrapadham




Mid Sep-Oct

7. Aaswinam/Aaswayujam




Mid Oct-Nov

8. Kaarthikam




Mid Nov-Dec

9. Maarga Seersham




Mid Dec-Jan

10. Pushyam




Mid Jan-Feb

11. Maagham




Mid Feb-Mar

12. Phaalghunam




Mid Mar-Apr




English Year -

14th April-March


English Year -

14th April-March


English Year -

14th April-March

1. Prabhava


21. Sarvajith


41. Plavamgha


2. Vibhava


22. Sarvadhari


42. Keelaka


3. Sukla


23. Virodhi


43. Sowmya


4. Pramodhutha


24. Vikruthi


44. Sadharana


5. Prajothpathi


25. Khara


45. Virodhikruth


6. Aangirasa


26. Nandana


46. Pareethapi


7. Sreemukha


27. Vijaya


47. Pramaadheecha


8. Bhava


28. Jaya


48. Aananda


9. Yuva


29. Manmadha


49. Rakshasa


10. Dhaathu


30. Dhurmukha


50. Nala


11. Easwara


31. Hevilambi


51. Pingala


12. Bahudhaanya


32. Vilambi


52. Kaalayukthi


13. Pramadhi


33. Vikari


53. Sidharthi


14. Vikrama


34. Saarvari


54. Raudri


15. Vrusha/Vishu


35. Plava


55. Dhurmathi


16. Chithrabhaanu


36. Subhakruth


56. Dhundhubhi


17. Swabhaanu


37. Sobhakruth


57. Rudhirodhgari


18. Thaarana


38. Krodhi


58. Rakthakshi


19. Paarthiva


39. Viswaavasu


59. Krodhana


20. Vyaya


40. Parabhava


60. Akshaya
