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R V Venkiteswaran (Venky)


Saturday, September 28, 2019


Om Namasivaya Nama:

Narada Bakthi Suthram -  Para Bhathi Swaroopam:

Sutram 01:

Om Harihi Om, Athadho Bakthim Vyakhyasyamaha!
Atha = Therefore, Now, Bakthi = Devotion, Vyakhyasyamaha = I will explain in detail

Sri Deva Rishi Narada Uvacha (Said) that Omkaram and Atha Sabdam (Sound) came out of Lord Brahma's throat. A - Alphabet or Sound represent many high-quality meanings as far as Sanathana Dharma has concerned such as primary sound in this universe, ever pervading Vishnu, Mooladhara chakram, Bhagawan Sri Krishna himself, the first alphabet in most of the languages, a sound that comes out without any efforts, beginning, Maha Ganapathy etc.. 

To be a master of any Sastra (Scriptures) one must possess Five basic qualities such as Arthithvam (Desire/Wish), Samarthyam (Smartness), Grandhaartha Medha Sakthi (Excellent Memory), Poorva Paada Parichayam (some knowledge about the subject) and Aachaarya Cha Grandha Viswasam (Faith in the learning subject as well as Guru's teachings). Whatever one learn in the presence of Guru only produce fruitful results. 

To learn a specific Sastra one must process pre-qualifications. For example, To learn Vedantham he/she should be a master of Sadhana Chathushtayam (Vivekam, Vairagyam, Shadka-Sampathi, Mumukshuthvam) and to learn Jaimini Suthram (936 Sutras) must be completed all four Vedas etc. whereas to practice Bakthi Yogam all he/she needs only a firm faith in God and liberation from transmigration. Devi Rishi also suggests that, he/she should not be a chronic a passionless or extream fond of everything. 

To practice Bakthi Yogam, one need not have even human body/life, the Athma can be in any being, there are no strict rules such as he/she has to be a human, born in the high caste system, good religion, holy land, divine personality etc... Those who wish to receive God's grace can practice Bakthi Sadhana. 

Ekantha Bakthi is the main cause to attain Mokha (Liberation) that prompted Deva Rishi Narada to compose Bakthi Sutram. Bakthi Sadhana is far easier and better approachable than Ghyaana and Karma Yogam. In fact Bakthi can only complement and supplement all other Yogas.

Deva Rishi elaborated his Bakthi Suthram purely based only his own experience as well as many other devotees practice experiences. Upon learning Bakthi Sutram, it will guide the person to which path he/she must follow to achieve God's grace as well as to attain Mukthi. 


To be continued...
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Saturday, September 21, 2019


Om Namasivaya Nama:

Narada Bakti Suthram - Poorva Parvam - continued

Deva Rishi Narada after elevating Rathnakaran to Valmiki Maharshi proceeded to "Samya Prasam" Veda Vyasa Maharshi's Asramam situated close to the riverbank of Saraswathi. Sage Vyasa was undergoing severe uncomfortable situation in his life. Sage Narada enquired the reason for his sorrows. After hearing Sage Veda Vyasa's explanations, Narada narrated his life story then recommended him to write Srimad Bhagavatham in an elaborative way keeping his Bakti Suthram as a base. Accordingly, Sage Vyasa completed the task and attain Sayoojyam.

Sage Narada is the Parama Acharya for Sanathana Dharmam. "Rish" means True Knowledge and Rishi word is derived from the root word of Rish. Without his interference from time to time, we would not have enjoyed the essence of devotion (Bakthi) which is the easy and primary route to know God and elevate ourselves to the Godlihood status.

There are 8 important Deva Rishis namely Nara, Narayana, Vaalakhilyaas, Kardhaman, Parvatha, Narada, Asitha and Vathsara. Deva Rishi Narada was the Guru for many mahatmas and even incarnates of God. Most popular divine personalities include Prahladan, Hanuman, Valmiki, Vyasa, Devendran and Soman etc..

Soothram is a concept designed by the great souls to remember and practice easily. Soothrams are small words or sentences but carry huge amount of meaning and reasoning for a devotee.

There are 3 divisions of Sadhanas viz. Apara Bakthi, Para Bakthi and Anubhoothi.

In Narada Bakthi Suthram, there are 84 Suthraas combined in 5 Chapters. Each chapter deals with comprehensive explanation of devotion. They are:

Chapter 1 (24 Soothras) = Para Bakthi Swaroopam : Para Bakthi is having two-fold approaches called Antharam and Baahyam (Inner and Outer).
Chapter 2 (9 Soothras) = Para Bakthi Mahathmyam: In Adhyaathmik Sadhana, Para Bakthi is having the highest order of control and respect. Whereas, Apara Bakthi is divided into two-fold stages known as "Gaunam" and "Mukhyam". Gaunam is Sadhana's (Practice) primary stage and Mukhyam is the concluding stage.
Chapter 3 (17 Soothras) = Bakthi Sadhanaas : What should be the daily practice for a Sadhak is explained.
Chapter 4 (16 Soothras) = Bakthi Lakshanas :  Uninterrupted devotees's engagements.
Chapter 5 (18 Soothras) = Bakthi Mahima :  How God is blessing the devotees. How a devotee becomes the source of inspiration, happiness, model and graceful to others.

Concluding advise in Bakthi Margam:
1. One has everything only when he/she has Bakthi otherwise nothing.
2. The Supreme God donate himself to an innocent devotee.
3. Bakthi is the highest power of a human being.
4. God and Devotee's relationship is developed and strengthened only through Bakthi.
5. Only the Aathma-Ghyaan can be fully relieved from sorrows! Bakthi is the foundation for Aathma Ghyaan.
6. A devotee or person who sees God in everything and every being is inside the God will be known as Bhagavadothaman (Supreme devotee among devotees).
7. Only through Bakthi, one can see God in person.

From our next Satsang, we will start with the first Soothram.

To be continued...

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Tuesday, September 17, 2019


Om Namasivaya Nama:

I would like to share with you a simple Mahalaya Tharpanam (Lagu) to be performed by all. This is based on Krishna Yajur Vedam Abasthamba Sutram.

Those who can perform Brihat Tharpanam is most welcome, however, given the busy lifestyle of many, I thought doing something simple rather than doing nothing makes a huge difference. Let us think about our ancestors (Pithrus) during these 16 days of Mahalaya Paksha.

There are 2 Mahalaya Paksham prescribed by the Sastra. One will fall during Badrapada Month (Sep) and other is Maaga (Feb) Month. The first Mahalayam is very important, that start from Sravana Poornima and ends on Badrapadha Amavasya day.

Please note that the Gothram and Pithrus names are an example. You will have to replace it with yours. Also, note the scenario here is that Kartha's parents and grandparents are not alive.



1. Aachaman

2. Sankalpam
Suklam Bharadharam Vishnum Sasi Varnam Chathurbhujam, Prasanna Vadhanam Dhyayeth Sarva Vigna Upasanthaye!  OM Swadha Dhevyai Nama, Swadha Dhevyai Nama, Swadha Dhevyai Nama:

3. Pranayamam
Om Bhoohu, Om Bhuvaha, Om Suvaha, Om Mahaha, Om Janaha, Om Thapaha, Ogum Sathyam, Om Thath Savithur Vareniyam, Bhargo Dhevasya, Dheem-mahi, Dhiyo Yona-ph, Prachodhayaath, Om Aapaha Jyothi-raso, Amrutham Bhrama, Bhoor-Bhuva-Suvarom.

Mamo Upatha Samastha Duridha Kshayadwara Sri Parameswara Preethyartham, Mahalaya Paksha Punya Kale, xxx Thithow, Asmath Ubhaya Vamsa Pithroon, Kaarunya Pithroon, Gjnaatha Gjnaatha Pithroon, Asmath Kula Sambantha Sarva Pithroon Udhisya, Akshayya Thrupthyartham, Yadha Sakthi Laghu Roopenna Thilo-dhaka Tharpanam Karishye!
Poonal Pracheenavidi:

(Pitha Gothram) KAUSIKA Gothranaam, VISWANATHA-NARASIMHA-VISWANATHA, Sarma-naam, Vasu-Rudra-Aadhithya Swarropanaam, Asmath, Pithru-Pithamaha-Prapithamahaanam, Uddhisya- Swadha Namastharpayaami... 3 times

KAUSIKA Gothraahaa, RUGMANI-PARVATHY-LAKSHMI Naamnihi, Vasu-Rudra-Aadhithya Swaroopaaha, Asmath Mathu-Pithamahi-Prapithaamahinaam, Uddhisya - Swadha Namastharpayaami...3 times

(Matha Gothram) HARITHA Gothraaanaam, VEERARAGHAVA-SRIRAMA-ANANATHARAMA, Sarma-naam, Vasu-Rudra-Aadhithya Swaroopanaam, Asmath, Maathamaha-Maathu-Pithamaha-Maathu-Prapithamahaanaam, Uddhisya- Swadha Namastharpayaami... 3 times

HARITHA Gothraahaa, LAKSHMI-SEETHAMBHA-LAKSHMI Naamnihi, Vasu-Rudra-Aadhithya Swaroopaaha, Mathamahi-Maathuhu, Pithamahi-Maathuhu, Prapithamahinaam, Uddhisya - Swadha Namastharpayaami... 3 times

Kaarunya Pithroon Uddhisya - Swadha Namastharpayaami... 3 times
Ghnaatha-Ghnaatha Pithroon Uddhisya - Swadha-Namastharpayaami - 3 times

Oorjam Vahandhi-Amrutham Ghrutham Payaha Keelaalam Parisrutham Swadha Stha Tharppayatha Me, Sakarunika Pithrun Thrupyatha Thrupyatha Thrupyatha (Empty the water pot by pouring all left-over water along with Ellu).

Pray:  Dhevathabhyaha Pithrubhyascha Maha Yogibhya Eva Cha, Nama Swadhayayai Swaha-yayai Nithya Meva Namo Namaha. Asmath Kula Samastha Pithrubhyo Namaha, Anugraha Aseervadham Dhehime.

Poonal Upaveedhi - Achaman & Namaskaram

Notes: a) Fill the water in a pot by chanting Gayathri Mantra. Put black Ellu in it and keep it accessible. Do Sankalpam then offer/oblation. 

b) Important days to perform: Chathurthi (4), Panchami (5), Sapthamni (7), Ashtami (8), Thrayodasi (13) and Amavasya (15). Chaturdashi (14) is reserved for un-natural death persons only. 

c) No Tharpan on Kartha, his wife and his eldest son’s birth star days.

d) If Abdheeka Srardham of Parents occurs during Mahalaya Pithru Paksham, then do only the Srardham (Paraheni). However, you can still do Mahalaya Tharpan after the day or Srardham.

e) Incase of Sankramana Tharpanam falls in between, then first Sankrama Tharpanam to be conducted, thereafter Mahalaya Paksha Tharpanam to be performed. This is applicable only to those who are doing all 16 days Tharpanam.

Saturday, September 14, 2019


Om Namasivaya Nama:

Narada Bakti Suthram - Poorva Parvam - continued

Happy birthday to Sri Deva Rishi Narada!

After getting Divya Sareeram from Lord Brahma, that can enter anywhere in whichever form one wishes, Sri Narada received Bhagavath Upadasem and his Thamburu Veena from his own father Lord Brahma. Narada was not born through Yoni of a female, therefore his birth is considered as Manasa Ayonija Janma. Usually, Ayonija will not fall into Samsara (Transmigration system). Such bodies are not attracted to the opposite sex and fall into Samsara.

Anyway, after getting blessings from Lord Brahma he continued his search for the real truth, that is Brahman! Now he is well versed in all Vedic Mantras but does not know the Aathma. Therefore decided to approach Sri Sanathkumar Maharishi for further learning. He learned Veda and Vedanta. Sri Sanathkumar Maharishi advised him to consider everything as a bi-product of Brahman, especially to start with Bhagavath Naama, thereafter Vaak (Sruthi itself). Besides these Thathvas, he was advised to realize Manas, Sankalp, Chith, Dhyan, Vigyaan, Balam, Annam, Jalam, Agni, Aakasa, Desires and Prana etc all Brahman itself. Finally, he realized that Brahman alone is absolute truth and It has no quality nor quantity to undergo happy or sad situations, It is ever pervading element, therefore constant and limitless!

Sanathkumar taught him a technique to realize Brahman/Athma. The primary requirement is a stable mind. To keep the mind stable in Brahman one must eat pure and Sathwik food, that eventually promote Chittha Sudhi (unafflicted brain and mind). Once Chittha Sudhi is achieved that will automatically promote Aathma-Smruthi. This Aathma Smruthi will eradicate all Ahamkara Grandis (Ego Glands) from the body, the biggest hurdle to realize Aathma. 

Took leave from Sanathkumar Aasram and move to Himalaya for Thapas. Did severe penance and finally, Lord Vishnu appeared before him and granted boons that he will be ever his primary devotee and continue to do service in his name.

Reached river bank of Sindu where Narayana Saras (Lake of Narayan) is located. He saw his brother Daksha Prajapathi's 10,000 children known as Haryaswars were doing severe penance to get blessings from God before entering into Gruhasthasram to create more children. Narada spend some time with them and convinced them to get out of this Samsara and influenced them to take up Sanyasa and realize Brahman. On another time he did the same trick with his other children known as Sabalaswars. Daksha Prajapathi came to know about it and cursed Narada that "he should never be in one place for more than one Muhurtham (48 minutes)". On another occasion, Kala Puthri Jara also gave the same curse on Narada, since he refused her proposal to marry her.  Narada took these curses as blessings and moved.

Narada got convinced that "to escape from Samsara, always thinking of God is more than sufficient", such action will eventually lead the person to Mokha (Liberation). Therefore, he decided to compose/write "Narada Bakthi Suthram" for the welfare of humanity and others. Now, Narada wants to test his Soothras with people so that he can courageously spread these messages to mass. On the way, he got a golden opportunity with Hiranya Kasipu's wife Kayadu. He tested his thesis with a Dhanava Child and produced unmatchable Vishnu Devotee called Prahlada. According to Narada's conviction that a true devotee can be created with anyone being irrespective of their caste, creed, religion, clan etc.

On another occasion, he gave advise to Sunithi's child Druva at the age of five. Druva was asked to do penance by chanting Om Namo Bhagavathe Vasudevaya Nama: (Dwadasakshari Mantra) at Madhu Van. Lord Vishnu appeared before Druva and gave him boon that he will rule his father's kingdom for 36,000 years and after that create a Druva Mandalam under which Saptha Rishi Mandalam will be located. Druva will never perish even after Pralayam (Complete dissolution).

On another occasion, converted forest don (Kattala thief) Rathnakaran into Sage Valmiki Rishi and pushed him to write Sri Rama Charatham/Ramayan.


To be continued...
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Saturday, September 7, 2019


Om Namasivaya Nama:

Dear Elevated Souls!

Very happy to re-start Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam Pooja after the two months holidays. The new beginning starts with a new subject called "Narada Bakti Sutram". Let us learn what Sri Deva Rishi Narada is going to teach us based on his spiritual journey and experience.

Sri Deva Rishi Narada composed and revealed his 84 verses of Sutras within 5 Chapters. Before jumping into the actual Sutras, we need to know more about Sri Narada.

1. According to Narada Rishi, what is Bakti?

Ans. 1. An innocent love and affection towards Upasana Moorthy / God is Bakti
Ans. 2. Without any selfish motive and unafflicted love that pushes the mind towards Sri Hari / God is Bakti.
Ans 3. The minute one hears the greatness (Mahima) of God, his/her heart must melt and the mind should be dissolved into God is Bakti.

2. What is the definition of Narada or what is in his name?

Ans1. Naram means the subject of Paramathma (Supreme Soul), Da means giver, hence from the name itself it is revealed that Narada's primary job is giving knowledge about Paramathma.

Ans2. Naram means a group of people, Da means to play a role. Narada gets involved in the life of people, (who deserved to be uplifted)  and connects them to God in a playful way.

Ans3. Naram means pure water and Da means giver. Brahma gave this name to Narada because at the time of his birth the Varsha Rithu (Simham-Kanya / Leo-Virgo) has started and the earth was receiving plenty of rain. His birth is considered to be auspicious for humans as well as other life since without water we can't imagine our survival. Another meaning to this giving water is that He was born to uplift the people from Samsara (Transmigration) and push them for realization and merge with God. Narada enters anyone's life like the water keep flowing until it reaches the sea.

Ans4. Nara means humans, Da means connector. Narada who connects people and Parampushan Sriman Narayanan. He is more interested in uplifting humans than Devas or Dhanavas. Therefore, Narada is very vital to our life.

Without Narada Maharshi, we would not have achieved civilization that includes realization of our journey of life. Though he played a big role in the life of Devas and Dhanas, yet he had special interest in human beings.

POORVA ASRAMAM (Past life) of Deva Rishi Narada:

Sri Narada - Veda Vyasa Samvadam: This part is a conversation between Sage Narada and Veda Vyasa. Narada told his previous life story to Vyasa Maharshi to induce in him to write Srimad Bharavatham at the same time console.

1. He was a Gandharva called "Upabarhanan" in the last Maha Kalpam.
2. Due to the curse of Prajapathi, he was born to a Dhasi Puthran as Soordra Janma.
3. Received advises from Bramins who were undertaking Chathurmasya Vrutham (Jul-Oct).
4. At the time of 5 years old, his mother got bitten by a poisonous snake and she died.
5. Based on Brahmin's advise, he started meditating on God and received the subtle vision of Lord Maha Vishnu (Sookshma Roopam). God said it is only an appetiser, you will be given a full darsan (presence/vision) of mine in your next birth.
6. Lord Mahavishnu gave a boon that he (Narada) will be his one of the most favourable devotee.
7. After the end of Soordra Janma, he was born to Lord Brahma who is also the father and creator of Manasa Puthras Saptha Rishis.

Do you know how much we are blessed by this great sage? These two important indicators confirming that:

1. This day we are in Varsha Rithu (Aug-Oct)
2. This day Chathurmasyam is running (Jul-Oct)

To be continued...

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