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R V Venkiteswaran (Venky)


Saturday, January 25, 2020


Om Namasivaya Nama:

Narada Bakthi Suthram - Chapter 03 - BakthisAdhanAni:

Sutram 41:

Thasmim-Sthajjane Bhedha-bhAvAth!

Thasmin = God himself/herself or in him/her, Thajjana = his/her own people, Bhedha-bhavaath = No difference or distinction.

Meaning: Since there is no difference between God and his/her devotees. Therefore, a true devotee will eventually accept that without the help or subtle intervention of God, he/she will not attain Godhood. Even the blessings of Mahatmas’ are to be considered as the grace of God. 
God himself clarified the qualifications of a true devotee, that is the understanding and acceptance that, God is ever pervading, lives in every being and always the symbol of happiness. Whether knowingly or unknowingly, when the devotee worships me with full concentration, I (God) consider that person is my devotee!
Sutram 42:

Thadeva SadhyathAm Thadeva SadhyathAm!

Thath Eva = That herself (Mahath Sangam), SadhyathAm = Achieve or earn it, repeatedly.
Meaning: Sage Narada says that Mahath Sangam alone should be sought out repeatedly by whichever possible way! Because that is precious and the primary cause for God’s grace too. Serving Mahatmas will open the gate for liberation (Mukthi-dwaram). Bakthi being the first step towards reaching out Mahatmas and God, one should practice Bakthi (devotional practices) at an early age itself. Serving Mahatmas will develop Bakthi in a seeker, then it will grow and sustain in him/her to achieve the final goal. Devotee’s Dur Vasanas (sinful desires) will automatically die as and when he/she associated with a Mahatma (Guru).
Sutram 43:

Dhussanga: Sarvadhaiva Thyajya!

Dhussanga: = Evil Associations, Sarvadhaiva = By all manners and means, Thyajya = Must be avoided/shunned.
Meaning: By all manners and means the devotees or aspirants must avoid bad/evil associations. Even if there was no Satsangam mind, but at any given point one should be shunned away from bad companies. This includes not only people but also those countries or religious believers or reading, hearing and viewing materials should be avoided to attain purest Bakthi and God’s darsan. Due to Dursangam (evil associations), one can easily lose good qualities such as Sathyam (Truth), Saucham (Purity), Dhaya (Compassion), Samam (Serenity attained through eradication of desires), and Dhamam (Rational control of the senses). Dursanghees includes disturbed people, fools, egoistic, vulnerable and womanisers etc.


To be continued...
You may watch full discourse from the link:

Saturday, January 11, 2020


Om Namasivaya Nama:

Narada Bakthi Suthram - Chapter 03 - BakthisAdhanAni:

Sutram 39:

Mahathsangasthu Durlabho-gamyo-moghascha!

Mahathsanga Thu = Companion or association of Wisemen, Durlabha = Rare to get, Agamya = Difficult to know or realize even, Amogha Cha = Uncertain or unclear or invaluable to get.

Meaning: Sage Narada is telling us that, to get company or even to see a Wiseman (Mahatmas) is rare and difficult. If at all one gets an opportunity to see them, yet, the seeker may not have the power to recognize his/her spiritual power because the seeker does not have an idea about wise things or how to identify the true Mahatma due to lack of spiritual understandings. Moreover, Mahatmas try to stay away from the crowd as well as sinners. Suppose, the person identifies a Mahatma and decided to seek his blessings or shelter under his grace/protection then rest assured that the Mahatma will surely reach him to God.

A simple approach to achieve this task is to first become a good selfless devotee then practice spiritual doctrines. By doing so, over a period, God (Upasana Moorthy) will make the arrangement to connect with a right Mahatma, because God lives in the heart of Mahatmas and Mahatmas are in the heart of God. They have a good equilibrium.
Sutram 40:

Labyathepi Thath Krupayaiva!

Labyathe Api = Even then/nevertheless, That Krupaya Eva = by the grace of God only one can get to see a Mahatma.

Meaning: When a devotee truly worships God without many expectations, God himself find the right Mahatma for the devotee. Only through God’s grace, one can get a Mahatma’s Sangam. Either the Mahatma will approach the Sadaka (Devotee) or the Sadaka will be pushed in front of Guru through some incident. To realize the purpose of life and attain liberation, the aspirant must try hard in worshipping God’s lotus feet. God is being Antharyami and resides inside the heart of his/her devotees, our desires will be automatically fulfilled without asking for it! 


To be continued...

You may watch full discourse from the link:

Monday, January 6, 2020


Om Namasivaya Nama:

PART - 4 (1501-2000)

Om Sarvam Khalvithamevaham Naanyathasthi Sanathanam!
(Nothing permanent in this universe/life except me! The Almighty Sivasakthi)

Dear Seeker,

I would like to update this Chapter slowly and steadily at-least 3 principles in a week. Therefore, please try to open this Chapter quite often to get updated information:

Please note some of the contents quoted in this chapter may vary compare with other authors' publications due to a different source of information from various books of Sanatana Dharma Sastras. I have taken careful attention to minimizing contradictions and errors. I have used maximum Sanskrit words that more or less matching the English words.

God Bless You...

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2000. Who is creating Vaasanaas (Desires)?

Ans. Humans are creating Vaasanaas through their own body, mind and buddhi. Such a created concept and aspect is their world.


1999. What is Maya (Ignorance)?

Ans. The unrefined Thri-Gunaas (Sathwa-Rajass-Thamass) are Maya (Avidhya). The real God. Vidhya must be churned out of Avidhya itself. This power is highly secretive (Rahasyam) at the same time never disappears (Aprathyaksham) from this Universe.


1998. What are the important powers of God?

Ans. Three – 1. Ghnaana Sakthi (The power of true knowledge), 2. Ichha Sakthi (The power of willingness or creative desire), 3. Kriya Sakthi (The power of action).


1997. What is human’s perception of the universe/world?

Ans. Humans see the world only through their Manass (Mind). According to Rishis, the reason for that is because of the Maya (Ignorance/Illusion) in them. Everyone has their own idea or opinion about the physical and subtle world!


1996. What are the important Dharmaas (duties) of Pranaa?

Ans. Seven. 1. Swaasa Uchaasam (Breathing), 2. Jrumbana (Yawning), 3. Kshuthi (Sneezing), 4. Swedhana (Sweating), 5. Anubandhi (Hiccup), 6. Bhubhuksha (Hungry), 7. Sathrusha (Thirsty).


1995. How many Achaaraas are prescribed for Brahmins?

Ans. 108 Achaaraas recommended for Brahmins. Those who are not following the Aachaara Anushtaanam will automatically lose his Brahminhood.


1994. How does Paramathma (Supreme Soul) see the Jeevathma (Individual Soul)?

Ans. Through the Anthakaranaas of a Sthoola Sareeram (Manass, Budhi, Chitham and Ahamkaram). However, nothing affects Paramathma, it only and witness.


1993. What is the greatest worship of God?

Ans. Faith in God is the highest and there is nothing beyond this.


1992. What is Sookshma or Linga Sareeram (Subtle body)?

Ans. Sookshma Sareeram is invisible to naked eyes, however, this is the Sareeram which shift from one body to another. It has the speed of mind (Manass). It can also be called as Jeevathma. It is a constitution of 8 core elements called “Puryashtakam” means 8 fundamental elements. Sookshma Sareeram is made up of 27 elements (Thathwas) however, some scholars/Rishis the opinion that it is made up of 17 elements only. Let me explain 27 elements first. They are 5 Bhoothaas, 5 Karmendriyas, 5 Ghnaanendriyas, 5 Pranaas, 4 Anthakaranaas, Avidhya, Kaamam and Karmam, whereas the 17 are 5 Pranaas, 5 Karmendriyas, 5 Ghnaanendriyas, Manass and Bhudhi.


1991. Who is Prana (life energy)?

Ans. Prana is a manifested life energy from the Sun. This is a revealed form of life energy but no tangible. Prana is the one who is connecting between Sthoola Sareeram and Sookshma Sareeram. Without Prana, nothing can live and sustain.


1990. What are the Six Qualities (Gunas) that equals Amritha (Necter)?

Ans. 1. Thrupthi (Satisfaction), 2. Dhaya (Compassion), 3. Kshama (Patience), 4. Nerma (Straightforward), 5. Mana-Santhi (Peaceful mind), 6. Jithendriyathwam (Conquerer of pleasures).


1989. What are the classifications of Jeevathma (Sookshma Sareeram) that seek Moksha (Liberation from transmigration)?

Ans. Majorly four types of Jeevathmas enter the Bhoolokam (Earth). 1. Attains liberation (Mukthi) through spiritual practices (Adhyathmika Sadhana), 2. By the Grace of Guru and God attains Moksham, 3. Attains Moksham by hereditary on account of holy deeds (Janma Siddhi) of previous births, 4. Not eligible to attain Moksha by involving in any activities (they keep falling into the mouth of transmigration system).


1988. What is highest in order Manass (Mind) or Vak (Word) or Sankalpam (Resolution)?

Ans. Manass is greater than Vak and Sankalp is greater than Manass. Therefore, the conclusion of scholars that Sankalpam is Brahman!


1987. What is the highest spiritual practice of a person (Adhyathmic Sadhana)?

Ans. Aathma Vichaaram (trying to know Self).


1986. What is important Dharma for an individual?

Ans. Knowing himself/herself is the most important dharma, in other words identifying the goal of life.


1985. What is Chathur Varnaas responsibilities or their Dharma?

Ans. 1. Soodra/Soothira Dharma = Sincerely follow the instruction of their Swamy (master), 2. Vaisya Dharma = Whatever he/she feels like doing they can do so. 3. Kshatriya Dharma = Whatever actions they will make others happy and protected must be done, 4. Brahmana Dharma = Everyone is right in their point of view is Brahmin’s primary dharma, however, with who’s helping hand makes a person shine well in his Dharma is also Brahma Dharma i.e. Brahman should support and help all other three Varnees to uphold their Dharma.


1984. What one should try to be?

Ans. Humans should try their best to be like God, not God itself (example Ravana and few other Demons self-proclaimed that they are even more than God, finally ruined their life).


1983. Who is the greatest model for Samsari / Kutumbi (bound by family ties)?

Ans. Lord Vishnu


1982. Who is the greatest model for Sanyasi (Renounced)?

Ans. Lord Siva


1981. What is real Bakthi (Devotion)?

Ans. When a devotee becoming God himself/herself is actual Bakthi. In the case of innocent true devotion, there is no difference between God and Devotee. In this way, a true devotee would become God himself/herself. Not only great Rishis but also Lord Sri Krishna himself said it.


1980. How to compare the status of mind (Manas) through different qualities (Gunaas)?

Ans. When there is “Thoughtlessness” it is known as Thamass quality dominating, when it is “Thoughtful” it is known as Rajas and when it is “Infinite thinking” it is known as Sathwam.


1979. Which lifestyle or religious belief makes a man to godhood level?

Ans. Only Sanathana Dharma (Western version Hindu) can nurture a man to the divine (godhood). Since their practices include all divine activities without any expectations (unlike other religious belief to enjoy the benefits in Paradise!) known as “Nishkaamya Karma”. There are plenty of Sadhanaas (spiritual practices) suggested by great Rishis, namely Bakthi (Devotion), Karma (Selfless acts) and Ghyaana (True knowledge) activities to make a person be divine.


1978. What is the subtle relationship between energy (Oorjam) and matter (Sareeram)?

Ans. From the energy, all gross bodies (mass/matter) are rising and the same matter will get back to energy itself in the form of energy. This is the reality in this universe.


1977. What are the energetic vibrations one can get from a temple?

Ans. 5 energy vibrations. 1. Light, 2. Heat (from Garbha Graham) energies, 3. Chemical energy from flowers, 4. Taste energy from Prasadam and Theertham (sacred food and water), 5. Touch energy by applying Chandhanam, Kumkum, Vibhoothi (Sacred ashes/paste etc) in the skin.


1976. Who is Aathma and who is Sareeram?

Ans. The reality is that Aathma (Soul) is Sun and his vibrations, Sareeram (Body) is Moon and her vibrations.


1975. What are the five purities needed for a temple visit or doing pooja?

Ans. Five. 1. Sareera Sudhi (Purity of the body), 2. Aahaara Sudhi (Purity of food), 3. Mana Sudhi (Purity of mind), 4. Vak Sudhi (Purity in speech), 5. Vastra Sudhi (Purity of the cloth).


1974. In which are the forms and objects one can worship God?

Ans. 8 items/objects can be considered. They are 1. Black stone, 2. Marble, 3. Cut Brick (Vettu Kallu), 4. Wood, 5. Mental, 6. Lamp, 7. Photo (Chitrapatam), 8. Manoroopam (in the mind).


1973. Which colour dress is more suitable for a temple visit?

Ans. Yellow, Saffron, White or any light colour dresses are good. Deep Red, Deep Green and Deep Blue should not be worn.


1972. How much time one should stand before the Altar (Vigraham) while inside the temple?

Ans. It differs between man and woman due to their dress code and psyche. To get the full benefits (vibration), for man, if the chest is covered then 40 seconds and if the chest is open then only 20 seconds are needed, whereas, for female, she needs 40 seconds since her chest will be eventually covered.


1971. What happens when you chant Mantra after knowing and or unknowing the meaning?

Ans. When a person chants Mantra after knowing the meaning, it will produce Neuro and Psycholinguistic effect whereas without knowing the meaning it will produce only Neuro-linguistic effect in the brain. 


1970. How fast one should chant the Mantras?

Ans. Various Mantras has different time-frequency, however, most of the casual Mantras can be chanted between 40 and 60 times within a minute. Usually, Mantras are between two and three words only. For Savithri Gayathri between 4 and 8 times in a minute, Ashtaksharam between 36 and 68 times per minute, Panchaksharam between 42 and 68 times per minute.


1969. How loud one should chant the Mantras?

Ans. Usually, Mantras are chanted by sitting in a sequence by the students/scholars, one chanter’s sound should be maximum reached by the 7th a person sitting in the same sequence. This practice is applicable only while chanting in a public place. 


1968. When a treatment (Chikithsa) will be successful?

Ans. It has 4 sets of contributions to get 100% success of any medical/casual treatments such as 1.  ¼ a portion (25%) one’s own efforts, 2. ¼ portion (25%) Expertise of Guru or Doctor, 3. ¼ portion (25%) environment and other’s caring, 4. ¼ portion (25%) blessings of Nature and/or God.


1967. Yoga Asanas how many?

Ans. According to Adi Siva, 8.4 million (84 lakhs) Aasanaas exist. Now only 108 is practised.


1966. What is the speed of Zodiac (this universe) / Brahmandam?

Ans. The speed of Zodiac is known as Pre-cessing (Brahmana Padham). To move 1 degree of space by Zodiac will surpass 72 human years in Earth. In that case to cross one Sign/Raasi which is 30-degree space will take 2160 human years. Therefore, to complete one full round of 12 Raasi or 360-degree it will take (2160x12) = 25,920 human years. Earth moves from West to East, whereas, the Zodiac wheel rotates from East to West. At present (The year 2020) the Zodiac completed its rotation of Meena Raasi (Pisces Sign) and entering into Kumba Sign (Aquarius Sign), this period is 28th Kali Yuga. To complete this Kali Yuga another 426,878+ years to go.


1965. How many types of lineage DNA existing at present?

Ans. 8 types of DNA only exists now. 40+ DNAs exhausted from Bharat alone. The current DNA names are 1. LOa, 2. LOk, 3. LOd, 4. L1, 5. L2, 6. L3, 7. M, 8. N


1964. What are the types of previous births?

Ans. They are three types viz. 1. Drudham, 2. Druda-Drudham, 3. Adrudham


1963. What is called Asath?

Ans. Soul alone makes Asath.


1962. What is called Sadha-Sath?

Ans. It means Physique + Sound makes Sadha-Sath.


1961. What is called Sath?

Ans. It means Physique + Sound + Soul makes Sath.


1960. What is the date of birth of Lord Sri Ram?

Ans. 10th January 5114 BCE @ 12.30 pm in Ayodhya when Navami Thidhi and Punarvasu star was placed.


1959. What are the Dhathus (contents) made up of Suklam (Sperm)?

Ans. It consists of 15 Dhathus (Vitamins). Vitamin C, Calcium, Chlorine, Cholesterol, Citic acid, Creatine, Fructose, Lactic acid, Magnesium, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium, Vitamin B12, Zin.


1958. What is the measurement of Purusha Bheejam/Suklam (man’s sperm)?

Ans. 5-micrometre length and 3-micrometre width/fat. When it comes out it will consist between 180 and 400 million (180 to 400 crores) sperms. Approximately 66 milli-litre liquid will be ejected. All these sperms will die the minute it gets exposed to the outside air. 

1957. How many Genes contained in human sperm and eggs?
Ans. Gene is DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid), approximately, 25,000 genes in man as well as 25 genes in female eggs.

1956. What is the truth of Prakruthi (nature)?

Ans. Everything comes of out of nature and merge in nature itself is the genuine truth.


1955. Who is Bhagawan (God)?

Ans. The person who is not afraid of death (Maran) is Bagawan.


1954. What is the definition of Brahman?

Ans. Brah means expanded (Vikasitham), Man means Mind (Manass). Means unlimited and infinite mind is God or Brahman.


1953. How many types of dreams (Swapnam) exists?

Ans. 7 types. 1. Dhrushtam (clearly visible), 2. Srutham (whispering), 3. Anubhootham (experienced/understood), 4. Paarthitham (subtle), 5. Kalpitham (imaginary), 6.  Bhaavijam (established), 7. Dhoshajam (harmful nature).


1952. What are the fundamental pillars of writing or composing a book/script?

Ans. There must be four uncompromised elements that must feature in a book called Anubandha Chathushtayam. They are 1. Vishayam (The subject), 2. Prayojanam (The purpose), 3. Sambandam (Relationship), 4. Adhikari (Truth and Authentativeness).


1951. How does the humanity (Manushyathwam) develops in a human being?

Ans. Samskara that is culture is very important in this process. To start with, stories, symbols and Aachara Anushtanams (spiritual discipline) will give birth to culture or heritage, from that the faith will develop accordingly humans will synchronize with nature. From that nature, the Kalpana (Ichha Sakthi) will arise which will prompt Kaarya Sakthi followed by Ghnaana Sakthi. This Ghnaana Sakthi will create faith/believe, subsequently, the culture will develop, and humanity will develop.  

1950. What is Adhishtaana Sareeram?

Ans. After death, the Soul (Aathma) gets a special immortal body that is the stage between Sthoola and Sookshma Sareera, means a body that the Aathma (Soul) gets it to reside before Moksham (liberation) and Punarjanma (next birth).


1949. What are the core divisions of ailments (Roga)?

Ans. They are two types. 1. Nijam, 2. Aaganthukam. Nijam ailment arises due to the cause of issues in the body and mind, whereas, Aaganthukam comes in from outside. This Aaganthukam has two subdivisions. They are 1. Dhrushti-nimitthajam (due to saapam/curse, abhighaatham/accident/injury, Aabhichaaram/Blackmagic and Adhrushti-nimitthajam (due to Bhadha/possessed by an evil spirit).


1948. What is the size of the tip of hair (Roma-agram)?

Ans. It is the size of 64 Annus (Atoms). 


1947. What are the names of fire flames?

Ans. There are seven, it is Lord Agni’s tongue. They are 1. Karali, 2. Dhoomini, 3. Swetha, 4. Lohitha, 5 Neela-lohitha, 6. Suvarna, 7. Pathmaraaga.


1946. Which holy leaf or the flower that has the highest order of purity for pooja?

Ans. Bilva Pathram can be used up to 6 months after plucking and Thulasi Pathram up to 3 months.


1945. What is the significance of five faced lamp?

Ans. They represent and produce five different benefits such as 1. Love (Sneham), 2. The firmness of mind (Mano Dhrudatah), 3. Calmness (Nidhaanam), 4. Better atmosphere (Samoyochitham), 5. Tolerance (Sahana Sakthi).


1944. How many auspicious/holy water resources are there in Bharat?

Ans. 63 crores (630 million) that include Rivers (Nadhi), Ponds (Kulam), Lakes (Thadakam), Reservoirs (Large Thadakam), Semi-ponds (Poika), Koopa (Well).


1943. What is the lifespan of Infinite body (Para Sareeram or Kaarana Sareeram)?

Ans. There is no beginning or end for the infinite body. It is also known as Prakruthi or Maya or Avidhya.


1942. What is the lifespan of the immortal body (Sookhma Sareeram)?

Ans. Srushti to Prayalam (Beginning of creation till dissolution).


1941. What is the lifespan of the mortal body (Sthoola Sareeram) in Kali-Yug?

Ans. 100 to 120 years plus-minus, some may live up to 150-160 years too, depending upon their lifestyle.


1940. What are the fundamental stages of the mortal body?

Ans. 6 formation and depreciation or stages makes Sareeram (Shad Vaikaaravath Ithi Sareeram). They are 1. Formation of Asthi (Skelton), 2. Jananam (Birth), 3. Pushthi (Growth), 4. Murad (Stub/Saturate), 5. Kshayam (Decay/Depreciate), 6. Naasam/Maranam (Death). 


1939. How does one get qualified for Ghyaana Yogam (Path of knowledge)?

Ans. Practising through Karma and Upasana Yogam one can earn true knowledge and they can practice the code of Ghyaana Yogam. Eventually, the practioner achieve true knowledge.


1938. What are the 10 commandments of Sanathana Dharma (Dos and Don’ts)?

Ans. They are known as two sets 1. 5 Niyamaas, 2. 5 Yamaas. Niyamaas are dos: soucham (Purity), Santhosham (Happiness), Thapas (silence/fasting), Swadhyaayam (spiritual studies), Easwara Pramidhaanam (surrendering to God). Yamaas are to avoid or don’t do: Himsa (violence), Asathyam (lie), Stheya (stealing), Maidhuna (inappropriate/illegitimate sexual activities), Parigraham (over possession).


1937. What can we achieve through Ghnaana Yogam (Path of true knowledge)?

Ans. The fourth qualification among Sadhana Chathushtayam – that is Shadka Sampathi (samam, dhamma, uparathi, thitheeksha, sradha, samadhaanam).


1936. What can we achieve through Karma or Upasana Yogam (Path of Selfless Action)?

Ans. First three qualifications viz. Vivekam (Discrimination), Vairagyam (Dispassion) and Mumukshuthwam (Desireless) can be achieved out of Sadhana Chathushtayam (4 practices).


1935. What is the best source of Remedy for most of the problems/issues?

Ans. Applying Viveka Budhi (discrimination power or futuristic view) is the easy solution to solve all most all problems.


1934. What is the constitution of Mind (Manas)?

Ans. It is the combination of Sathwa, Rajas and Thamo Gunaas. It is the main job is to consume and imagine things according to whichever Gunaas dominates at the time of consumption or imagination.  


1933. What is Moksham (Liberation) according to Yogis and Vendanthis?

Ans. The freedom of Mind (Manas) actual Moksham.


1932. How did the creator (God) mapped/divided the number of countries in this Earth when human race was to be introduced/created?

Ans. Initially, the Earth was mapped/divided into 32 countries. There was only one full-fledged Language called Rigveda Samskrutham (Sanskrit). This language was spoken in different ways in different countries with a local accent. Sanskrit was the route cause of Hebrew and Greek languages. 


1931. What are the quality-based segregation of Nava Grahaas (Nine Planets)?

Ans. Natural Sathwa Gunaas = Guru (Jupiter) and Chandran (Moon), Natural Rajo Gunaas = Kujan (Mars) and Sukran (Venus), Natural Thamo Gunaas = Sooryan (Sun), Budhan (Mercury), Sani (Saturn) plus Rahu and Kethu (Ascending Node and Descending Node).


1930. Who is Pretham (Spirit)?

Ans. The Soul who lost its physical body is called Pretham (it is only a state for some time. The Soul keep searching for a physical body to achieve its desires).


1929. What is the definition of Veda (True Knowledge)?

Ans. A mix of three important concepts makes true knowledge (Vedam). They are 1. Saadhyam, 2. Saadhana, 3. Bhodhakam. (Saadhya Saadhana Bhodhaka: Veda Ithyuchathe!). Accomplish-Practice-Understood these are the primary tools of true knowledge.


1928. When does the Karma become impure?

Ans. When a person forgets (Vibramsam) three things contract with God, all his/her actions will become impure (Asudham). Those three things are: 1. Dhi (Bhudhi), 2. Druthi (Kshama/Patience) and 3. Smurthi (Memory).


1927. What is the contract between a stillborn child and God?

Ans. According to Garbhopanishad, there is a contract agreement that happens between every unborn child and God (usually in the month of 9th or just before birth). Exceptionally nowadays children are born even in the month of 5th and surviving due to medical assistance. The name of that contract is “Dhruthi-Dhi-Smruthi”. Once the baby is born, the child simply forgets about the contract because of Maaya (Illusion/Ignorance), accordingly, the responsible Devathas gets angry and they will mess up the Kapha-Pitha-Vaatha constitution as against standard. This will cause the mental and physical ill health for the person as he/she grows. Eventually, fall into the mouth of death. Here the “Knowledge” is Devatha, therefore, everyone should not forget about acquiring the True Knowledge which alone helps the person to overcome Maaya and remember the contract clauses.  


1926. How to define knowledge?

Ans. Understanding through experience is actual Knowledge. Not experiencing after understanding.


1925. What is the origin or the truth of every object?

Ans. Its Chaithanyam (consciousness or aura or brilliance). According to Sastras, there is nothing in this Earth without its own Chaithanyam. The only difference, it varies from minus to plus level. Accordingly, people will be able to identify its existence.


1924. Who causes the Srushti, Sthithi and Samharam at which stage?

Ans. 1. Srushti (Creation/Generation) happening based on the involvement of Kapha Prakruthi and Soman (The age of the person between 0 and 16 years old), 2. Sthithi (Sustenance) happening as per Pitha Prakruthi and Agni (The age of the person between 16 and 70 years old), 3. Samharam (Withdrawing) happening based on the involvement of Vaatha Prakruthi and Vaayu (The age of the person above 70+ years old).


1923. Which is Thara Grahas and Grahas?

Ans. Thara Grahas are 6 viz. 1. Earth (Prithvi), Mars (Mangal), Mercury (Budha), Jupiter (Guru), Venus (Sukra), Saturn (Sani). Grahas are 4 viz. Sun (Soorya), Moon (Chandra), Raahu (Ascending Node) and Kethu (Descending Node).


1922. What is the meaning or eligibility of a Graham (Planet)?

Ans. It must have 3 Sakthis (Capabilities), any Graham that has these three powers can be considered as Graham. They are, 1. Anugraham (Bless or give life), 2. Nigraham (take back the life), 3. Parigraham (Holding or Sustaining).


1921. Which day Kali Yugam started?

Ans. Thursday (Guruvaar).


1920. What is the Earth Axis Tilt?

Ans. Earth Axis is having a Tilt of 23 degree 56 minutes as of 2000. However, this is not constant. It will change once if 40,000 years gap. It can tilt between 22.1 and 24.5 degrees.


1919. Where was the original International Timeline (ITL) existed?

Ans. Till 1820 Jan 1st the ILT was considered from Sri Lanka to Artic straight line. Thereafter the British Royal shifted this to their country Greenwich and now known as Greenwich Time (GMT).  


1918. What are the Ashta Dravyams?

Ans. Most auspicious objects which are precious for divine personalities. 1. Chandanam, 2. Punak, 3. Gorochanam, 4. Kasthoori, 5. Jauwwadh, 6. Akhil, 7. Pacha-Karpooram, 8. Kumkumapoo (Saffron flowers).


1917. What are the names of Thandavam of Lord Parameswara (Dance)?

Ans. They are 12 viz. 1. Aanandha, 2. Sandhya, 3. Sringaram, 4. Thripuram, 5. Oordhwam, 6. Muni, 7. Samharam, 8. Ugram, 9. Bhootham, 10. Pralayam, 11. Bhujangam, 12. Sudham. Goddess Parvathy alone will be able to see certain Thandavams also give company to dance with him.


1916. What are the benefits offered by the litting different face lamp?

Ans. 1 face is considered to be providing mild good effects (Madhyamam), 2 faces produce prosperity in the family (Aiswaryam), 3 faces produce good children in the family, 4 faces produce lots of wealthy and comforts at home, 4 faces produce all types of prosperity and happiness.


1915. What is the real colours of each face of Holy Mount Kailas?

Ans. The south face is Blue colour, West face is Manikhya (Blood Red) colour, North face is Gold colour and East face is Spadika (Pure white) colour. Normal people will see the entire Holy Mount as ice white only. Unless you stay there for one full day it is difficult to witness the colour changes.


1914. What are the types of Sacred Ashes (Vibhoothis/Basma)?

Ans. They are four types 1. Kalpam – One should collect the cow-dung of an Indian Devi Cow on a lotus leaf then dry it out. After that, burn that dried cow-dung by chanting Panchaksharam (Om Nama Sivaya). The ashes created in this system is called Kalpa Bhasmam, 2. Anu Kalpam – The cow-dung collected from the cows from an open source such as grasslands and get it processed without much formalities, 3. Upa Kalpam – The sacred ashes made out of the cow-dung collected from the cattle house, 4. Akalpam – The sacred ashes made out of multi-sources of cows-dung mixed and made without even chanting Panchakshara. This is more of commercial productions. Unfortunately, in today’s market places such ashes are greatly sold and bought. It is also perfumed through the mix of artificial chemicals. Earlier days devotees used to mix Jathikka, Gorochanam, Akhil etc for scent smell. I came to know that nowadays commercial factories are even making Vibhoothi from burning waste papers! Please note genuine Vibhoothi will not have any perfume smell unless we mix externally.


1913. Why Ayurvedic medicines are friendly and harmless for the human body?

Ans. Because Aryuvedic medicines are made from Sasyaas (Living organs) such as plants, trees, leaves, herbs, seeds, skin etc… There are no artificial chemicals involved in it. However, today’s Ayurvedic medicines are losing its effect (Veeryam) because the soil is polluted hence its products too.


1912. Who can make our body free from decease?

Ans. Our own body cells are making us healthy and freed us from ailments. Naturally, all cells are loving each other and help each other when there is a problem. In fact, even the dead cells can get back their life if properly treated at the right time and situation. The problems take place in the body only when we get polluted with internal and external negative vibrations. Due to this effect cell will disintegrate and start dying one by one. Naturally, they have a good understanding to help each other but the negative vibrations will not allow them to be integrated and die without timely help. The negative vibrations include intake of chemical medicines too.   


1911. How the cells meet its death/destruction?

Ans. Cell’s perfect function is very crucial for our healthy life. When we hate others, fight with others and when involved in undesirable activities the cells will meet its death. This will lead us to become a sick person. Therefore, it is better to avoid all undesirable situation by Manasa, Vacha and Karmana (Through mind, talk and action). Great Rishis lived thousands of years because they understood the concept and avoided all rash and dash lifestyle to self-contained!


1910. How many supports are needed for a cell to function?

Ans. It requires 9 Germs support. We call it nothing will move or function without desires of Parasakthi in the forms of Nava-Aavara-Sakthis. Modern science is taking its own time to establish our Vedic texts are more and more true and constant.


1909. How many cells (Jeeva Kosas) are living in the human body?

Ans. Approximately 50 to 60 Trillion (50 to 60 Lakh Crores), along with it, 2.5 trillion (2.5 lakh crores) Germs also co-exists in the same body.


1908. What are the representative names of Manas (Mind)?

Ans. It has four names viz. 1. Jagradhavastha (Waken), 2. Swapnavastha (Dreaming), 3. Sushupthavastha (Sleeping), 4. Thuryavastha (Deep sleep state, kind of nonexistent state).


1907. What are the representative names of Jeeva (Soul)?

Ans. It has four names viz. 1. Manas (Mind), 2. Budhi (Brain), 3. Chitham (Intellectual Consciousness), 4. Ahamkaram (Self or Ego).


1906. What are the best practices prescribed by Sri Aadi Sankar for Hindus (Sanathanees)?

Ans. When one does these five inevitable duties on a daily basis, that will lead the person to get liberated from this lower (material) to higher worlds. They are 1. Daily chanting of Bhagavath Geeta by knowing its meaning, 2. Chant any one of the Sahasranaamam, 3. Meditate God’s form, 4. Recite holy names of God, 5. Join the company of Sathsangees (wisemen).


1905. How Jeevan (Soul) gets tired or meets its decay?

Ans. When the mind becomes tired the Jeevan automatically gets tired. Likewise, if the mind undergoes any pains naturally it will reflect and depreciate the value (Auro) of Jeeva.


1904. What is the difference between Jeevan (Soul) and Manas (Mind)?

Ans. The truth is both are the same however, they appeared to be different due to its enlightenment or blossom or maturity. For example, when the Jeeva is fully grown or blossomed then it will be called Manas, at the same time when the Manass is contracted or narrowed then it will be known as Jeevan.


1903. Who does not need pilgrimage (Theerthadanam)?

Ans. Those who have faith in God’s holy names need to perform any type of pilgrimage.


1902. What should get the highest priority for higher divine life?

Ans. The highest priority should be given to God’s Holy Names, Faith in God and Liberation (Moksham). Whereas Aachaaram (Manners/Behaviour) is the least important compare to former three qualities. 

1901. What is needed to regulate and improve the material world and self?

Ans. To strengthen the material world one need force and weapons whereas to upgrade oneself none of these needed.


1900. Who is Para-Brahman (The Paramathma/Supreme Soul)?

Ans. Absolute Knowledge is Pra-Brahman the Supreme Consciousness. Why absolute knowledge because all knowledge other than Para-Brahman is incompleted knowledge.


1899.  What is the easy and truthful way to achieve liberation for common people?

Ans. When someone lives material life exactly like spiritual life then nothing to worry, the liberation is possible. God is an everliving being and us are part of the Prakruthi (nature) as a natural process the Prakruthi will eventually, merge in Pursha (Sadha-Siva) the Sath-Chith-Aananda form, keeping this concept in mind merging in God and becoming Godhood is possible to all.


1898. What are the benefits of having trust/faith in Karma and its rewards?

Ans. 5 important benefits. 1. Able to see all living beings (Sthavara and Jangama) as one. There are no eternal differences in any beings. Everyone exists and disburse or undergoing and performing based on their Karma deeds. 2. Give the strength to welcome good and bad equally, 3. It increases the faith in God, 4. Gives the strength and ideas to face life and future, 5. It increases to reciprocate between one and all, in other words, teaches to respect creations of this universe whether human or animals.  


1897. What is lacking in human beings to realize the supreme truth’s existence?

Ans. Six important reasons that block a person. These are inherited property in him/her due to the power of Maya. The engine of Brahman (in social understanding). 1. Agnaanam (Ignorance), 2. Samsayam (Doubting nature), 3. Viparyayam (Wrong perceptions), 4. Vipralabdhi (Deceived by actions), 5. Pramaadha (Negligence or irresponsible), 6. Apatukaranathwam (Limitation of skills to understand). This subject is already discussed earlier in detail.


1896. At what speed the earth rotate?

Ans. 1670 KM speed per hour.


1895. How big is our beloved Earth?

Ans. Approximately 12,742 diameters or if a person starts from one end to the other end of Earth to complete one circle the distance will be 40,075 Kilo Meter.


1894. Who is actually spiritual Guru?

Ans. All knowledges in this Universe is God (Brahman) himself and God resides in every knowledge – this is the Supreme Truth and Supreme Consciousness. Whoever is capable of teaching and makes one experiences that truth is the real Guru.  


1894. Who are the living beings whose senses (Ghyaan) are from one to six?

Ans. 1 sense = Sthaavaraas (immovable properties like vegetables), 2 senses = Krimis (Worms), 3 senses = Pipilak (Ants), 4 senses = Uragas and reptiles (snakes, lizards etc), 5 senses = Mrugas Janthus (all type of animals), 6 senses = Manujas (Humans).  


1893. Who are the three important fundamental Gurus for humans?

Ans. Matha (Mother), Pitha (Father), Guru (Knower). Mother will introduce to his/her father, Father will introduce to Guru and Guru will introduce to Self. Once a person realizes his original form/state, thereafter he/she has nothing to know in this universe. Those who don’t try to know themselves will eventually collapse under the transmigration sytem and repeat the birth and death process.


1892. How to increase the power of Mind (Manas) and its benefits?

Ans. When one can reduce the number of breaths this will increase the power of his/her Mind. When the power of the mind increases naturally his/her life span will expand to that extent. Only through Pranaayaamam, one can decrease the number of breaths, no other way!


1891. What is Chakshu/Nethra Dheeksha?

Ans. Dheeksha means a competent Guru sharing his power with Sishya (Disciple), of course, there is a secret intension or resolution behind it. While giving Dheeksha the Guru will absorb his/her disciple’s all sin and blemishes (Paapa) then burn it through his Yoga Agni (Meditative fire) to make him/her pure. Thereafter, the Mantra tree in the installed in his/her body (like seeding in a soil). There is a methodology to activate this function. In the case of Guru giving the Mantra Dheeksha to a male disciple he will look at his right eye and for female sishya he will look at her left eye and give the power. If the Guru is Male, then he will use his right eye and if Female Guru then she will use her left eye to pass the power. Most popular Dheekshas are 1. Sparsa (Tough), 2. Nethra/Chakshu (Eyes), 3. Maanasa/Ghnaana (Mind/Knowledge), 4. Mantropadesa Dheeksha (Pronouncing Bheeja Mantra on the right ears of the disciple).   


1890. What is the duration fo Samadhi?

Ans. 12 Dhyaanam will make one Samadhi which means 54.16x12 = 650.32 minutes (10 hours 52.32 minutes maximum and 28 minutes minimum). Samadhi means the unification of Dhyaani+Dhyaana Roopam+Dhyanam.


1889. What is Dhyaanam (Meditation)?

Ans. When the mind holds on to an object as Dhaarana for a longer time it is called Dhyaanam. One Dhyaanam is equal to 12 Dhaaranaas times. It can be improved slowly from a minimum of 2.30 minutes to 54.16 minutes will make one Dhyaanam.


1888. What is called Dhaarana (Concentration)?

Ans. When the mind is fixed in one object without having any shake or moments for about 4.48 minutes (12 Vinaadis), it is called Dhaarana. This is one of the Sidhi (Spiritual accomplishment) among eight.


1887. How a Gruhasthan (Family person) must live?

Ans. A simple methodology is suggested by the Sastram and experienced Rishis (Sages). 1. Eat only half stomach, 2. Sleep maximum 8 hours a day, 3. Have Maithunam (Intercourse) only twice in a month – 1 in Krishna Paksham and 1 in Sukla Paksham, 4. Never scared of anything in life… the fear level must be Zero.


1886. What is the importance of Kriya Yogam?

Ans. To see God (The Supreme Soul) there are various routes and methods are suggested by our Rishis (Sages). In that sequence, Kriya Yogam is one of the best semi-scientific methods. Sastra Sambradayaka route (Orthodox religious approach) may be compared to a bullock cart whereas the Kriya Yogam to be compared with using a fast-moving flight to reach a destination. Both vehicles carry different types of risk and other benefits.


1885. What is Swaasa or Prana (Breath)?

Ans. God the almighty creator has created a subtle string which connects the body and Aathma (Soul). This Upadhi (device) is called Swasa/Prana (Breath).


1884. What is Kriya Yogam in connection with Pranayaamam and Yoga?

Ans. The aim of Kriya Yogam is that when the seeker control and regularize the breaths it will merge and cleanse the Mind because the breaths are equal length from left and right nostril. Once the seeker becomes an expert in Kriya Yogam, he will breathe equally without any pre-conditions and efforts. This is the achievement of doing Kriya Yogam. In other words, one should breathe out equally irrespective of the nostril in action.


1883. Who composed the first Manushya Dharma Sastram?

Ans. A great Sage known as “Vivaswaan” through his acute penance, gathered the knowledge of well-being system and taught Sage Manu. Accordingly, Sage Manu created the first manuscript of Manu-smruthi or Manu Sastram for all human beings’ welfare. Of late some selfish and hidden agenda authors have miss-propagated the contents of Manu-Smruthi. According to me no socio-political authors will be able to comment or narrate Sage Manu’s Manus-smruthi. To understand the wavelength of a Rishi (Sage) the commentator must become a Sage himself to understand the concepts. Example, a science student may not understand many concepts of Maths but probably know few surface things that does not mean that he/she an expert in Maths, likewise. Unfortunately, poor readers get the wrong information and develop hatred ness towards certain community people.

1882. Who is the head Acharya of all Yogas?

Ans. Maharshi Pathanjali. One of the primary disciples of Aadhi Yogi Lord Siva.


1881. What is Praanaayamam?

Ans. It is a process of regulating the breath, however, need to know what exactly happening during the Praanaayamam is the question. Merging Apaana Vayu with Praana Vayu and vice versa. While doing so (Aahoothi), besides controlling the breath one should also save the wastage of extra breathing mathra. Please refer below you will come across what is the saving and extra spending in breath. In other words, save extra breath from wastage. (left nostril 12 Angulam and right 8 Angulam during visarjanam and extra spent was 4 Angulam, this extra to be saved, that is one of the purposes of Praanaayaamam – Please rever Tathvam No. 1865)    


1880. How to open the Brumadhya Dwaram (Third Eye)?

Ans. This door/gate is always closed by default. Unless one makes a severe attempt, it won’t open, unlike other 9 gates. This door can be opened only by practising Kundalini Yogam on a daily basis. The Key to open this door is called “Nithya Jeevan”. Do you know why this Key’s name is Nithyajeevan, because when one realizes that he/she is not the body but Aathma or Jeevan or Consciousness and it is ever pervading as well as never die or ever-living element. Nithya is always Jeevan means Aathma. Once this door is opened then the inner (Sakthi) and outer (Sivam) consciousness will become ONE, that is called Aathma Darsan or realized. There is no search in life after this experience.


1879. How many gates (Dwaars) or open holes are there in the human body?

Ans. Total 9+1 = 10 gateways (9 Sthoolam 1 Sooksham) for the objects to enter and exit through the body. Everybody is having direct link with Prapancham (Atmosphere), therefore so many things come in and go out with or without his/her knowledge. The open gateways are two eyes, two nostrils, two ears, one mouth, one genital, one Anal and the subtle one is Brumadhyam (centre of eyebrows / Third Eye / Aagna Chakram).


1878. Who are the Karthas (Representatives or Responsible) of breaths?

Ans. Left nostril air represents Mother (Moon), Right nostril air represents Father (Sun) and when the air passes through both nostrils it is represented by the Guru (Agni).


1877. How much time or at what interval the breathing style change in human beings?

Ans. This is called Swaasa Gathi (Path of Breaths). At, every 1 hour 20 minutes the breath will shift from one nostril to another.


1876. Where does the Sanchitha Karma resides?

Ans. In Chith (Intellects/Spirit/Soul). Therefore, anyone’s Chitham is clean then his/her Sanchitha Karma will also evaporate from them.


1875. How many Thathwams resides in the human body?

Ans. Total of 96 Tattvas by birth. Out of which 59 Tattvas are in physical (Sthoolam) form and 36 Tattvas are in subtle (Sookshmam) form, in which 1 Tatvam is infinite subtle (Athi-Sookshma) form. Out of the 36 Sookshma Tattvas 4 Tattvas are important and commonly known to everyone. They are Manas, Budhi, Chitham and Ahamkaram.


1874. What are the ways to know Aathma?

Ans. There are two ways suggested by the realized sages. 1. Through Kundalini Yogam, 2. Through practising Aathma Vidhya. When the seeker practice to realize Aathma through Kundalini Yogam it will take a minimum 12 years of continues practice (Anushtanam). Moreover, unless the seeker comes out of the control of mind, he/she will not be able to realize the Aathma. Aathma Vidhya practice means “Sathmaargam” practising good conduct.  


1873. When humans will get out of transmigration system or stop his/her new births?

Ans. When human realizes that he/she is not the body but Aathma (Soul) that will be his/her last birth. Thereafter the Soul will not seek human birth in the earth, but it may go to higher celestial worlds and live there with or without an immortal body.


1872. How to create/make male or female child through Pranaayaamam?

Ans. At the time of Garbha Dhaanam (impregnate stage/during intercourse) if both couples breath is passing through (Uchwasam/exhale) the right nostril then the male child will be born (means, male hormones are dominating) if left nostril then the female child will be born (means, female hormones are active).


1871. What is the benefit of having the Suklam (Semen) being thick and fatty?

Ans. When the Suklam is thicker and solid, the person’s concentration and liking towards spiritual life (Aadhyaathmikam) will immensely increase. At the same time if it is thin and highly liquid then the person’s mind will chase to enjoy the sensual pleasures and lack behind spiritual progress.


1870. What are the main division of Pranaayaamam?

Ans. Two types 1. Praakrutham, 2. Vaikrutham. Praakrutham means breathing without any efforts, causally breathing. Vaikrutham means with an extra effort, regulating inhale and exhale the Praana Vaayu. Example strictly following Pooraka (Inhale), Rechaka (exhale) and Anthar Kumbakam, Bhaahya Kumbakam, Kevala Kumbakam religiously. 


1869. What is the treatment is given when the Chakraas are damaged?

Ans. Chakraas resides in our body in subtle form. They are the energy centre, senses centre and self radiating points. Senses have another meaning that is God itself. The important 6 Chakras are known as Mooladharam, Swadhishtanam, Manipoorakam, Anahatha, Visudhi, Aagna and Sahasraaram. At a times, these Chakras get blemished due to lack of maintaining it well. Spiritual practices are the best fertilizer for these Chakraas to be perfect. However, Rishis found oral medicines too. To fix the problem in a Chakra, one should consume the prescribed food items. Mooladharam = Drumstick flowers, Drumstick leaves (Muringha), Swadhishtanam = Neem flowers, Neem leaves, Jamun Fruits, Chirata (Veppam poo, Veppam Ilai, Naaval pazham, Chirinaanghai), Manipoorakam = Jinger juice and Honey (Inji rasam and Madhu), Anahatham = Hibiscus flower and Lotus flower (Chembarathi and Thamara), Visudhi = Basil leaves, Edible raw camphor, Palm sugar candies, Leucas flower, Yellow fruit night-shade flower, Purple fruited pea eggplant leaves, (Thulasi, Pacha Karopooram, Panam Kalkandu, Thumbapoo, Kandankathiri, Thoothuvalai), Aagna =  Brahmi Leaves, Prickly chaff flower (Vallara Keerai, Naayuruvi), Sahasraaram = Flower of Colocea (Chembu).     

1868. How breath rotates or takes places in different Chakras, at different times?

Ans. In a day an average 21,600 times a person would breathe, it could be plus minimum however, based on 21,600 breaths their airflow is felt in the following manner. Mooladharam 6000 times between 0600-0640 hours, Swadishtanam 6000 times between 0640-1320 hours, Manipoorakam 6000 times between 1320-2000 hours, Anahatham 6000 times between 2000-0240 hours, Visudhi 1000 times between 0240-0340 hours, Aagna 1000 times between 0340-0453 hours, and Sahasraaram 1000 times between 0453-0600 hours. Now you can understand when you do meditation between early morning and Sunrise how much benefit you can achieve. Since these are subtle (Rehasya Upasana) activities no scientific measurement can be enforced to know.


1867. In which point all the important 72,000 nerves join in the human body?

Ans. Swadishtana Chakram as well as all other Chakras viz. Mooladharam, Manipoorakam, Anahatha, Visudhi, Aagna and Sahasrara. This is Yoga point of view not based on modern science.


1866. How much breath we consume while engaged in different functions?

Ans. During some specific activities, we tend to consume or waste more breaths. The difference is mentioned between the normal stage and specific activity. Usually, we breath 15 times per minute whereas while breath out through left nostril additional 4 Angulam is spent (example, if right nostril 8 angulam whereas left nostril is 12 hence the difference is 8-12 = -4) likewise: while eating 4 angulam, walking 24 angulam, running 42 angulam, intercourse 50-60 angulam. The sastras say preserve breaths and live long! Please do not expect these teachings will come from modern science or scientists because they are commercial, whereas, our Rishis (Saints/Sages/Yogis/Wiseman) spent all their wisdom only for human wellbeing.


1865. What is the length of a breath?

Ans. When the breath flow through the right and left nostril it has different strength and length viz. Right nostril air will travel up to 8 Angulam (14.104 cm) and merge in the atmosphere whereas Left nostril air will travel up to 12 Angulam (21.156 cm). One Angulam equal to 1.763 centimetre.


1864. Whare the various living beings’ consumption of breaths and life span?

Ans. This is based on 1-minute consumption: Rabit between 38-39 times and lives up to 8 years, Pigeon between 36-37 times and lives up to 8 years 9 months, Monkey between 31-32 times – lives up to 20-21 years, Dog between 28-29 times – lives up to 13-14 years, Goat between 23-24 times and lives up to 11-13 years, Cat between 24-25 times and lives up to 12-13 years, Horse between 18-19 times and lives up to 48-50 years, Humans between 14-15 times and lives up to 120 years, Elephants between 11-12 times and lives up to 160 years, Snakes between 7-8 times and lives up to 250 years, Tortoise between 3-4 times and lives up to 450 years.


1863. How one can increase the life span (normal sense)?

Ans. By practising breath exercises known as Pranayaamam (regulating breath). One should consciously try to breathless. We waste or consume more breaths during running, speed walking, climbing, talking fast, eating, ground exercises, sexual activities, swimming etc.


1862. What is the average number of breaths an adult would exercise a day?

Ans. 21,600 times i.e. 15 times per minute.


1861. Which is the Mandha Vaayus?

Ans.  They are six. 1. Helium, 2. Neon, 3. Argon, 4. Krypton, 5. Xenon, 6. Radon.


1860. What is the measurement or quantity of multiple Vaayus in the Aakasa (Sky/Atmosphere)?

Ans. Nitrogen 78.5%, Oxygen 21%, Carbon-dioxide 0.04% and all other Mandha Vayu (very slow-moving vital air) 0.46% measuring to total 100% of Vaayu Sancharam. Living beings must extract the Oxygen from the atmosphere and live. A human being consumes average 360 litres of Oxygen per day. One litre Oxygen produce 4.8 Calories.


1859. What is the best practice/method of Pranayaamam?

Ans. There are more than 15 to 45 types of Pranayaamam mentioned in the Yoga Sastram. Each one has a different method and benefits. One of the best one used to base on the basic formula is 1:4:2:1. This can be increased to the highest level of 16:64:32:16. These numbers represent the number of Maathraas. One Mathra equal to 1 ½ Vinaadis means 24 seconds x 1 ½ = 36 seconds. In other words, based on a base formula, 36 seconds inhale (Poorakam), 144 seconds hold (Kumbakam) then release (exhale) in 72 seconds. Now imagine our Rishis used to practice the highest formula which is 576 seconds (9.6 minutes) inhale, 2304 seconds (38.4 minutes) hold and 1152 seconds (19.2 minutes) release! Wow, I could not believe this! That is how some Sidhars used to live for Yugas i.e thousands of years! Why Rishis even the notorious Duryodhan took a Jalasthambam (hiding inside water tank) for hours! This shows one can increase their life span by doing proper Pranayamam.


1858. What are the functions of Pranayaamam?

Ans. 6 Kriyas to be performed in the general pranaayamam. 1. Poorakam (Inhale/breath in), 2. Kumbakam (holding the breath), 3. Rechakam (exhale/breath out), 4. Baahya Kumbakam (after the breath out one should not inhale immediately), 5. Kevala Kumbakam (Be breathless neither inhale nor exhale), 6. Soonyakam (A stage of no-mind or breath function). 


1857. How does the Suklam get created in the body?

Ans. From whatever food we eat, that will be converted into blood. That red blood of 65 to 80 drops makes one drop of Suklam (Semen).


1856. How long the Jeevan would like to live in the mortal body?

Ans. If the Kundalini Sakthi known as Jeeva Dhrayam remains in the body, Jeevan (Soul) would like to live in the body. If any damage happens to that, it will immediately quit the body without hesitation.


1855. What is the secret or goal of all Yogas?

Ans. Convert the Jeeva Rasam (Suklam) to Paadha Rasam and merge/melt with Budhi (Brain) which is the birthplace of Suklam.  


1854. What is Suklam (Semen)?

Ans. Jeeva Rasam (the essence of life energy).


1853. What is promoting to take next birth?

Ans. If any person while dying Sukla Sraavam happens or anytime in his/her life then that Aathma must take up next human life. Only Mahayogis will be able to control and navigate this Sakthi (energy power) towards Sahasraara Pathma (centre of the head) and settles over there. He/She will eventually attain Prathyaksha Moksham (Liberation from transmigration system).


1852. What is Aathma or Aathma Sakthi?

Ans. The refined and segregated purest energetic power from the Bheejam/Semen (for men) and Naadham/Anda Sonitham (for a woman) is Aathma or Ojass or Sudha Sakthi or Aathma Sakthi.  


1851. What is Maha-Samadhi?

Ans. The meditator keeps chanting the Veda Bheejakshara Mantra such as Sambo…Om…Hreem…Hreem…Hrowm…etc, while doing so, the Jeeva will merge in the sound wave of these mantras and strike Anaahtha Chakram to stop (Heart) it smoothly. This is Maha-Samadhi.


1850. How many Samadhis are most prominent in a Yogic life?

Ans.  They are 18 types. 1. Nirvikalpam, 2. Vikalpam, 3. Sanjeevani, 4. Kaaya Kalpa, 5. Jyothi or Thejomaya, 6. Mahasamadhi, 7. Sampragna, 8. Vidharga, 9. Vichaara, 10. Aananda, 11. Asminatha, 12. Savidharga, 13. Nirvidharga, 14. Savichaara, 15. Nirvichaara, 16. Asam-pragna, 17. Sabeeja, 18. Jeeva samadhi.


1849. What is Samadhi?

Ans. Oneness between the Meditator, Meditating Object and the Way of Meditation is Samadhi. In Sastra it is mentioned as Dhyana-Dhyathru-Dhyeyam.


1848. How many Soothras are revealved to us by Sage Panthanjali?

Ans. Sage Pathanjali was one of the disciples of Sri Aadhi Yogi Parameswaran. He composed 196 Soothras (Strategies). In that series Ashtaanga Yogas are the important ones.


1847. What are the divisions in Maheswara Sidhars?

Ans. They are three sub-clans since they worship different Gurus as their Father or God. 1. Baala Varga Sidhars (Sri Murugan), 2. Moola Varga Sidhars (Sri Moolar), 3. Kailaasa Varga Sidhars (Parameswaran).


1846. What are the clans of Sidhars?

Ans. Mainly 4 clans, 1. Naadha Sidhar, 2. Rasa Sidhar, 3. Maheswara Sidhar, 4. Sanga Sidhar.


1845. Who are the important 18 Sidhars?

Ans. Sidhar means a person who accomplished in life (spiritually realized person). All the Sidhars are divine incarnated hence they possess huge supernatural power to materialize and dematerialize things. They are coming to this earth to complete a specific task by the order of their Guru God Parameswaran. They are 1. Nandikeswar, 2. Agasthya, 3. Pathanjali, 4. Thirumoolar, 5. Bhogar, 6. Karuvooraar, 7. Kaalaagninadhar, 8. Ramadevar (Yacoba Sidhar), 9. Idaikkaattu, 10. Dhanvanthari, 11. Kamalamuni, 12. Ghorakkar, 13. Paambaatti, 14. Kailaasa Kambili sattaimuni, 15. Sundaranandar (Vallabhasidhar), 16. Kuthambai, 17. Konganar, 18. Vathmeekar. All these Sidhars name will have a prefix of Sri and end with Sidhar. All those Sidhaars are derived from Aadhi Sidhar known as Lord Parameswaran.


1844. Why we are unable to see God in person?

Ans. There are three reasons for it known as “Malam” (blemishes). These Malams are by default for every being born in this earth, this is also a gift from nature itself (Don’t ask me why rain has water in it!!! Or every seed has a shell covering its embryo). 1. Ahamkara (Ego – self-pride), 2. Paapam as Karma (Sin derived from actions), 3. Maaya (Ignorance or Illusion). If one can overcome these three Malaas, they will be able to see God in person otherwise NO. However, as we develop in reducing the ill effects at least a small portion, we can feel the Godhood i.e. immature God-realization takes place.


1843. What is Sadhana Chathushtayam?

Ans. According to Advaitha Philosophy, Aacharya Sri Sankaracharya elaborated four important practice for a person to become Sanyasi (Renounced). It is a bit difficult to practice however, there is no choice for the seeker to embrace and practice. They are known as 1. Vivekam (discrimination power to identify the real and unreal), 2. Vairaghyam (dispassion and guts to stick to a resolution made by oneself), 3. Kshamaadhi-Shatka-Sambathi (Kshama, Dhama, Uparathi, Thitheeksha, Sradha, Samadhaanam – Control of the mind, senses, withdrawal from senses, endurance to the opposites like heat and cold etc., faith in the words of Guru and Vedanta, single-pointedness), 4. Mumukshuthwam (intense desire to get liberated from transmigration system).


1842. What is not Vidhya (True knowledge) or Spiritual enlightenment?

Ans. The following exposures cannot be called as a Vidhya. They are 1. Even after gaining tremendous knowledge yet no peace of mind, 2. The knowledge that cannot help in understanding self-realization, 3. No satisfaction even after having so much, 4. When the knowledge is incapable of eradicating other’s sorrows, 5. Do not support to understand the environment, 6. When the knowledge is not helping the person to point towards understanding God, 7. The knowledge that cannot help in the realization of God.


1841. What are the four ways to understand or know God?

Ans. 1. Through Yogam (Yoga), 2. Vaidhyam (natural medical practice), 3. Jyothisham (through Astrology practice), 4. Ghnaanam (through mystical knowledge).


1840. How does humans attain Divinehood/Godhood?

Ans. When humans ascend from casual life to higher life i.e. when Kundalini Sakthi raises/ascend all the Six Chakras, humans will lose their inhuman (animal) nature and become divine hood (become God himself). There are three steps that are mentioned by the experienced sages. They are 1. Mooladhaam to Anahata Chakram = Humans continue with Animal instinct, 2. Anahatham to Aagna Chakram = Humans ascend from Animalistic to Human nature, 3. Aagna to Sahasraaram = Humans ascends to divine hood/Godhood.  


1839. What are the three rarest achievable in this earth?

Ans. 1. Getting a birth in human form (Manusha Janma), 2. Desire to attain liberation (Moksham), 3. Getting an opportunity to depend, serve and follow Mahapurushas (Wisemen).


1838. How Serotonin (Ananda Nidra Dhravyam) production get disturbed?

Ans. Three reasons are identified. 1. When one consumes Tea, 2. When one consumes Coffee, 3. When one consumes Tobacco smoke. Too much addicted to the consumption of these items can disturb the flow of Serotonin level accordingly the person will start misbehaving and Doctors will have to inject artificially as sleeping dose injection or tablet.


1837. How does one get sleep?

Ans. There are two reasons, 1. From the centre of the head as well as central nervous system and digestive system produce a chemical liquid called “Serotonin” (amino acid tryptophan / Ananda Nidra Dhravyam from Ananda Granthi) which will control metabolism and put the person to sleep, 2. When Aakaasa Praanan supply is reduced in the body the person gets tired and goes to sleep.


1836. Which are the days one should take full oil bath?

Ans. Women should take bath on Tuesdays and Fridays and Men on Wednesdays and Saturdays with an exception to Chathurthy, Ashtami, Amavasya, Poornima and Star birthday.


1835. What is the benefit of Aakaasa Praanan for individuals?

Ans. Aakaasa Praanan alone is making the way for the blood to flow through veins and neurons through nerves in the body. It also helps in purifying the blood vessels. 


1834. How can one receive/invoke the Praana Sakthi of Aakaasa Thathwam?

Ans. 4 ways it can be done according to Sastras, they are 1. While sleeping (Nidra), 2. Through meditation (Dhyaanam), 3. Through fasting (Vruth/Upavaasam) – while eating food the person will exert more Praana Vaayu 4. By consuming lesser food (Mithaahaaram/Alpaahaaram) i.e. by reducing food consumption the body settles down to calm and consumer lesser vital energy. 

1833. From where the Eda, Pingala and Sushmna Naadis (Subtle Nerves) begins and end their trans?

Ans. Eda (Sun-hot) starts from right foot toe and ends in the left eye, Pingala (Mon-cold) starts from left foot toe and ends in the right eye, the Sushmna Naadi starts from Mooladhaara Chakram and ends in the Aagna Chakram (Center of eyebrows). The eyebrows the centre is also known as Sarvanandamaya Chakram and it the birth and exit place of Aathma (Soul) therefore it is also known as the heart of Sookshma Sareera. Therefore, touching that midpoint by putting Thilak by Kum-kum, Chandan, Vibhoothi, Turmeric paste etc… will purify the Sookshma Sareeram. Sthoola Sareem is the tangible mortal body, Sookshma Sareem is subtly non-tangible however, can be felt.  


1832. How to take hot and cold-water bath?

Ans. In the case of hot water, first, one must pour hot water from feet to head and for chill water from head to feet.


1831. What is the benefit of taking bath in chill water?

Ans. Three benefits are expressed by the Sastras. 1. To absorb vital energy (Praana of Water) from the water, 2. Remove the dirt and hot burns from the body, 3. To receive the new vital energies (Praana) from the Sun God. Therefore, one must take bath in chill or room temperature water that too before Sun Rise. Post-Sunrise the benefits will be proportionately reduced.


1830. When hot water bath is prohibited on account of removing impurities?

Ans. 3 occasions. 1. Taking bath to free from impurities after the completion of 10 days of blood relative’s death, 2. Taking bath to free from impurities after the completion of 10 days of blood relative’s new birth, 3. After returning from the new born’s house visit.


1829. Which are the days one should take bath in hot water?

Ans. In a year 65 days taking bath in hot water is prohibited to get good health. 1. All 52 Sundays, 2. All 12 Amavasyaas, 3. On Makara Samkranthi day (52+12+1=65 days).


1828. How to protect the Naval from damage?

Ans. When about to sleep one must slowly turn towards the left side and make use of the right hand for support to lie-down, at the same time while getting upturn towards the right side with the support of left hand. In this manner, the Naval will be protected from damage. Another advantage is your digestion power will increase by multifold.


1827. Which Praana Vaayu (Vital Air) leaves the dead body, finally?

Ans. A body is ruled by Ten Praana Vaayus (Vital Air) while living, however, at the time of death, first Praana Vaayu will exit and last an Upa-Praana Vaayu called “Dhananjayan” will leave. Hereafter the mortal will start decaying. In fact, he leaves only to decay the body otherwise he is very much fond of body.


1826. Who is creating the power of digestion (Jeerna Sakthi)?

Ans. From the naval zone the Praanan and Apaanan with the help of Samaanan creates Dhahana Dravyam (Hydrocholic Acid) known as Vaiswanaran Agni and burn the food and take out the energy.


1825. How Pancha Bhoothas (Five Elements) conduct their activities in a body?

Ans. 1. Prithvi Thathwam activated through FOOD, 2. Jala Thathwam while taking BATH or DRINKING, 3. Vaayu Thathwam activated through BREATH, 4. Akaasa Thathwam while SLEEP, 5. Agni Thathwam while BODY MOVEMENTS.


1824. Who are the enemies of digestion (Dhahana Sathru)?

Ans. At the mouth the Air and inside stomach the Water. That is why while eating one should not open their mouth and eat. One should not drink too much water before while and after the food. Minimum 24 to 48 minutes gap must be maintained for better digestion. If you notice, Havan is always conducted inside the house/temple/Yaga sala and in a Havan Kund where the base will not touch the mud/earth to protect from high wind and water content in the mud.


1823. How does the food get digested and its real meaning?

Ans. Food is getting digested to absorb the energy contents in it. In Kaliyug the body will not survive without physical food (Annajam) although the body is consuming all five types of fundamental elements included in the ‘food dhathu/matter’ from nature itself such as Aakasa, Vaayu, Agni, Jalam, Prithvi. However, to nurture and sustain physical mortal body one must consume food. First, the digestion takes place in the mouth itself thereafter in the stomach. In the mouth, it needs saliva (mild acid) then inside stomach the liver provides bile (hydrochloric acid) called Jadaraagni. Having food means as good as doing a Havan (Homam). First, the flames consume (if you notice the tongue plays the role of flames) then the Jadaragni (fire) digest it and send it back to nature itself.


1822. What are the types of Jeernam/Dhahanam (Digestion) referred to in practical life?

Ans. Three. 1. Jeernam, 2. Ajeernam, 3. Athyuthama Jeernam.


1821. What is Jeernam (Digestion)?

Ans. Absorbing or segregating the good and bad sense from the food is called Jeernam.


1820. Food contains how many fundamental essences (Sath)?

Ans. Two essences 1. Jeevasath (active energy essence). 2. Praanasath (life energy essence. The body consumes Jeevasath through tongue and Praanasath through eyes.


1819. What is there in the Annajam (Grain foods)?

Ans. It contains energies (Oorja Sakthi) such as 1. Carbohydrates, 2. Hydrogen, 3. Oxygen (Brahma-Rudran-Vishnu).


1818. How many ways one should consume various types of food?

Ans. Four ways. 1. Bhojya (By biting and chewing), 2. Peya (By swallowing or drinking), 3. Koshya (By sucking), 4. Lehya (By Licking).


1817. What happened after the explosion of Brahmandam (Hiranya Garbham)?

Ans. For the purpose of manifestation/creation first the Hiranya Garbham broke and Creator Lord Brahma took birth, then the Shell got divided into three portions. The top portion became Swargam (Paradise/Celestial World), the middle portion became Anthareeksham (Sky) and the bottom portion became Prithvi (Earth).


1816. What are the types of Soothras (Strategies) referred to in the Vedas?

Ans. There are two types nine (9) each, i.e. 9 Poorva Soothras and 9 Apara Soothras, so the total 18 Soothras. Poorva Soothraas are 1. Bhodhayanam, 2. Aapashtamba, 3. Sathyashaadam, 4. Dhrahyaayanam, 5. Aagasthyam, 6. Sakhalyam, 7. Aaswaaalaayanam, 8. Saambaveeyam, 9. Kaarthyaayanam. Apara Sothraas are 1. Vaikhanasam, 2. Saunakeeyam, 3. Bharadwaajam, 4. Aagnivesyam, 5. Jaimineeyam, 6, Maathoonyam, 7. Maadhyantheenam, 8. Kaudinyam, 9. Kaushithakam.


1815. Who created or composed Smruthis and how many are they?

Ans. The Sages who possess the knowledge of Veda collectively contributed to creating 18 important Smruthis. Smruthis consists of lots of rules and regulation about human and other beings’ lifestyle. Maharshis (Sages) spent the whole life by researching and analysing then finally instructed what their inner mind revealed to them. They are generally known by pre-fixing Sage’s name followed by Smruthi. 1. Manu Maharshi, 2. Bruhaspathi, 3. Dhakshan, 4. Gauthaman, 5. Yamadharman, 6. Aamgirass, 7. Yagnavaakhyan, 8. Prachethass, 9. Sathabdhan, 10. Parasaran, 11. Samvarthan, 12. Sukan, 13. Sankaran, 14. Likhithan, 15. Athri, 16. Vishnu, 17. Aapasthamban, 18. Haareetha smruthi.


1814. How and when a Brahmin become Non-Brahmin?

Ans. If 3 conditions are not met by him then he will be considered as equal to low caste (Non-Brahmin). They are 1. If he did not take morning bath for consecutive 7 days, 2. If he did not perform Sandhya Vandanam for consecutive 3 days, 3. If he did not perform Agnihothram for consecutive 12 days.


1813. How many types of Aachamanam is suggested by Sastras?

Ans. 6 types. 1. Sudham, 2. Smartham, 3. Pauranikam, 4. Vaidheekam, 5. Thanthrikam, 6. Sroutham. Each Aachaman is recommended while taking up a specific task (Karma). They are Sudham for Mala-Moothra-Visarjanam Sudhi, Smartham and Pauranikam for Vidhi-poorvaka kriya, Vaidheekam and Sroutham for Brahmayagnaadi Poorvakam, Thanthrikam Achamanam for Asthra vidhyaadhikam. 


1812. What are the faces of Rudraksha?

Ans. 14 faces are the highest rank. 1 face represent Lord Siva (wearing this is a remedy for Brahmahathya Paapam), 2 faces represent Siva-Sakthi (remedy for all sins), 3 faces represent Agni (remedy for Sthree Hathya Paapam), 4 faces represent Brahma (remedy for killing humans/Narahathya), 5 faces represent Rudran (remedy for Kalaagni/Kali Doshas), 6 faces represent Shanmughan, 7 faces represent Manmadha swaroopam, 8 faces represent Ganapathy, 9 faces represent Bhairavan, 10 faces represent Janardhanan, 11 faces represent Eakadasa Rudran, 12 faces represent Adithyaas, 13 faces represent Kaarthikeyan, 14 faces represent Paramasivan.


1811. What is Rudraksham and how many are they?

Ans. When Lord Siva mediated by closing his eyes for more than 1000 years and one day when he opened his eyes water drops rolled out of his eyes, those drops are known as Rudhaksha Bheejam/Seed. They are 38 types. Their colours are Red, White and Black representing Sooryan-Chandran-Agni respectively. Right eye representing Sun having 12 types, left eye representing The moon having 16 types and Middle eye representing Agni (Fire) having 10 types, total 38 types.


1810. How many types of Aakasas (Space) referred by Sanathana Sastras?

Ans. Three. 1. Aakasam (Casual/Matter Space), 2. Chitthakaasam (Inner space / thoughts / emotions), 3. Chidhakaasam (Energy space/Brahmam).


1809. Which side one should face while cleaning the teeth?

Ans. Before Sunrise one should face North and after Sunrise face North-East (Easana Moola).


1808. Which side one should face while human waste discharging (Mala Visarjanam)?

Ans. During the daytime, the person should face North and during nighttime one should face South.


1807. Where ancestors (demised) photographs to be faced and kept?

Ans. The Photographs should face only North or West.


1806. Eighteen Puranas represents/talk about whom?

Ans. 10 Puranaas dedicated for Lord Siva, 4 purnaas for Vishnu, 2 puranaas for Sooryan, 1 Purana for Agni and 1 Purana for Brahma.


1805. What are the four moving beings?

Ans. 1.  Devas (Celestial bodies), 2. Manujaas (Humen), 3. Mrugaas (Animals), 4. Pakshis (Birds).


1804. What is the history of Aadi Thirupathy? (Disputed and still debated)?

Ans. Around 2400 BC this temple belonged to Jainism and the presiding deity was known as “Neminath”, however, first Aadi Sankara followed by Ramanujacharya changed the name to “Srinivasan” as well as worship method.


1803. How do the Jeeva Chaitanya (Aura) leaves a body?

Ans. It slowly disconnects in four stages viz. first from Stomach, second from Head, third from Heart and finally from Hip (the joint of two thighs).


1802. How scientifically one can measure the Jeeva Chaithanyam (Aura)?

Ans. Modern science has two approaches or equipment to identify Aura, which Maharshis use to know through Yoga and divine eyes. They are 1. Kirlian Camera (Electrical Coronal Discharge), 2. GDV Camera (Gas Discharge Visualization).


1801. How many types of Years (Varsham) practised in Bharatha Khandam (Region)?

Ans. 5 types. 1. Sauram, 2. Baarhaspathyam, 3. Saavanam, 4. Chaandram, 5. Nakshathram. Their measurements are: Sauram = 365 ¼ days, Baarhaspathyam = 361 days, Saavanam = 360 days (From Sunrise to Sunrise), Chaandram = 354 days (from sukla to amavasyam), Nakshathram = 324 days (12 Chaandra maasam x 27 stars = 324 days).


1800. Who is Vaasthu Purushan and his characters?

Ans. Vaasthu Purushan is a Devan (celestial personality) who is the real owner of the land. He lies down on the soil in different postures depends upon the month. Let me clarify – 1. During Meenam-Mesham-Rishabham (Between Mar 15 and Jun-15) months he keeps his head in the West and feet at East with the support of left hand for head and faces North. 2. During Mithunam-Katakam-Simham (Between Jun-15 and Sep-15) head in North, feet in South, lefthand support to head and face East. 3. During Kanya-Thula-Vruschikam (Between Sept 15 and Dec 15) head in East and feet in the West with support of left hand to head and face South. 4. During Dhanu-Makaram-Kumbam (Between Dec 15 and Mar 15) head in South and feet in North with support of left hand to head and face West. While building a house one should be careful where the kitchen, toilet, bedroom, well etc to be placed.


1799. What is the difference between Hindu Religion (Sanathana Dharma Aacharam) and other religions?

Ans. Hindu way of life is completely engrossed in the divinity of Brahman and it is endlessly renovating, whereas other religions are fully depending upon the Pravachaka’s (Prophet's) understanding and principles. Hinduthwam is limitless and other religions have set limits. In the Hindu way of life, every realized soul can be a guide whereas in others only one Supremo lead and he/she is the end of all.  Hindu realized person will slowly fade off from the crowd whereas others try to force their supremacy.  


1798. What are the fundamental differences between Vedas and Material Science (Sastraas)?

Ans. Knowledge of Material Science is learned and earned only through Pancha Karmendriyas whereas Spiritual Science Vedas are learned or understood through Pancha Ghnaanedriyas and Yogas. Material science is more of external or open whereas Vedas are more of internal and inner realization.


1797. How many types of Truth exists?

Ans. There are two types 1. Understanding the truth with the help of Pancha Karmendriyas, 2. Understanding the truth through Pancha Ghnaanedriyas and Yogas.


1796. Where the ultimate truth is residing or hiding?

Ans. Only in Vedam. Vedam alone can reveal to the human mind. This is also known as Sakshathkaram. Selfless efforts are important for realization.


1795. When the knowledge of mind will end (Mana-Ghnaanam)?

Ans. When a human realizes that “I AM THAT” (Aham Brahmasmi) the ultimate truth, it ends there.


1794. What is the basis or principle behind Sanathana Dharma (Hindu) compared with other Religions?

Ans. Hindu way of life is completely coiled into the Easwara Thathwas whereas other religions are based on Matha-Achaaryaas (Individuals) such as Christianity (Jesus), Islam (Prophet Mohamad), Budha (Gauthama Budhan), Sikh (Guru Nanak), Jainism (Vardhamana Mahavira) etc…


1793. Who is Jeevan?

Ans. The “I” (Ego) born from the Cause and became an Effect is called Jeevan. This is an interrelationship between Cause and Effect (Kaarana and Kaarya). The cause is nature and Effect is dweller.


1792. Who is bound by Samsaara Bandham

Ans. If there is a mortal body exists, then they will eventually have Samsara Bandham. It is not easy to cut the bonding of body and relationships, that is why one in million can only be a genuine Sanyasi (Renounced).


1791. Which is the topmost best quality (Guna) among Panchendriyas?

Ans. Sparsanam (Touching). This quality is the root cause of all happiness and enjoyment body and mind. The Panchendriyas are Sabda-Sparsa-Roopa-Rasa-Gandha (Sound, Touch, Form, Taste, Smell).


1790. What are the Mukti's of Vedanta (Liberation)?

Ans. There are two Mukthis according to the Vedantic approach. 1. Jeevan Mukthi (liberate oneself while living), 2. Vidheha Mukthi (Eradicate next birth by being liberated Soul).


1789. How to eradicate or defuse the rewards of sin (Paapa Phalam)?

Ans. One should accumulate or send the radiation of Ghyaan (True Knowledge) to oneself; through this approach, any sin can be burned to ashes. Further classified by category, they are, Sanchitha Karma to be cleansed through birth, Prarabdha Karma to be nullified by undergoing or accepting the events of current life, Aagaami Karma to be stopped by practising desireless lifestyle and finally the Varthamaana Karma can be made empty by adhering to former Karmas. In other words the Aathma will not undertake any further life in this Earth at the same time attain liberation or ascended to a sorrowless higher world.


1788. How Karma Phalams are measured or known in practical life?

Ans. They are 2 sets – 1. Drushtam (visible) and Adhrustam (in-visible), 2. Sudhrushtam (positive rewards or joy) and Dhurdhrustam (negative rewards or sorrows).


1787. What are the classification of Karma Phalams?

Ans. A human’s Karma Phalams (rewards of actions) is divided into four parts viz. 1. Samchitham (Countless accumulated Karmaas), 2. Praarabdham (Matured Karma Phalaas, especially from immediate previous birth), 3. Varthamaanam (forthcoming rewards of past actions), 4. Aagaami (Accumulated immatured Karama results of current birth). Humans will be able to partially control the Varthamaanam and maximum control of Aagaami. Samchitham and Praarabdham are not in anyone’s control, even God will be helpless!


1786. What are the limitations or weakness of a human’s brainpower?

Ans. Six. 1. Agnaanam (Ignorance), 2. Samsayam (Doubts), 3. Viparyaayam (Negligence) 4. Pramadha (Misconception), 5. Vipralabdhi (Deceived), 6. Apatukaranathwam (Intellect / un-hearing / limitation of skills).


1785. What are the Symbols or symptoms or significations of Mukthi (Liberation)?

Ans. Two gains viz. achieving Sarvadha Swaathanthryam, 2. Poornathwam or Samathwam.


1784. What are the three aspects of Ghnaana Yogam?

Ans. Three 1. Sravanam, 2. Mananam, 3. Nidhi-dhyaasanam.


1783. What makes Easwaran / God?

Ans. A mix of five combined elements that makes God or the creator or Easwara. They are 1. Chethana + Achethana, 2. Paraa + Aparaa, 3. Sathyam + Maaya, 4. Paraa Prakruthi + Aparaa Prakruthi, 5. Ghnaanam + Jadam.


1782. What is Jagath or Prapancham or Srushti means?

Ans. Consolidation of Easwaran + Jeevan + Naamam + Roopam + Karma.


1781. What are the divisions of Karma Yogam?

Ans. Four. 1. Vihitha Karma, 2. Nishidha Karma, 3. Kaamya Karma and 4. Prayaschitha Karma.


1780. What is the reward of following Ghnaana Yogam?

Ans. Aanandam or Swaathanthryam (Achieving happiness and freedom).


1779. What is the reward of following Upaasana Yogam?

Ans. Chittha sudhi (Achieving purity of mind).


1778. What is the reward of following Karma Yogam?

Ans. Chittha Samskaram (Develop Refined or Clarified mind).


1777. What are the core divisions of Bhagavad Gita?

Ans. Three. 1. First six chapters talk about Karma Yogam (1-6), 2. Second six chapters talk about Upaasana Yogam (7-12) and 3. Third six chapters talk about Ghnaana Yogam (13-18).


1776. How to nullify or pacify Shad Vairees (6 inherited enemies of humans)?

Ans. 1. Kaamam with Santhosha or Samthrupthi (Happiness and contentment), 2. Krodha with Kshama (Patience), 3. Lobha (Greed) with Dhaanam (Charity), 4. Moha with Vivekha (Discrimination), 5. Madham (Ego) with Vinayam (Humility), 6. Maathsaryam (Chasing) with Prothsaaha (Encouragement).


1775. How many Darba grass are used to make Pavithram under different circumstances?

Ans. Poorva Kriyas (Auspecious) = 2 Dharbas, Apara Kriyas (In-auspecious) = 3 Dharbas and Anthima Kriyaas (Final rites/death related issues) = 1 Dharba.


1774. What are the Thathwas (elements) the Aathma carries along with it while ascending to Para Loka?

Ans. 18 Thathwaas (elements). They are 1. Jeevan, 2. Manass, 3. Five Karmendriyas, 4. Five Ghnaanedriyas, 5. Five Pranaas, 6. Its own Karmas.


1773. Why should one follow the Hindu Samskaraas?

Ans. There are 48 Hindu Samskaraas from the stage of womb till the cremation. It is performed to achieve the Brahma Loka Prapthi (A permanent residence in the Brahma Loka/World of Brahma).


1772. How much one should observe/perform Sadha-Chaaram (Regular Good Conducts as per religious belief system)?

Ans.  When at own house one should follow full (hundred percentage), when in other’s country half, when living in urban/metro cities it can be quarter and while on travel no need to perform Sadhachaaram at all. However, it is better to perform as much as possible, although the Sastras (Scriptures) are giving exemptions because it may not be possible to do meticulously hence one should not panic and spoil health and mental comforts.


1771. When did the creation started in this Earth?

Ans. According to Puranas, as on AD 2000, it was started 197,12,21,100 (1.972 billion) years ago. Modern scientists opinioned that around 2 billion years ago.


1770. When did Kali Yuga (Black/Iron Era) began?

Ans. BC 3102 February 20th at 2 hours 27 minutes 30 seconds pm. As on Feb 2020 5122+ years over out of 432,000 years.


1769. In which period Ayurveda got popularity and acceptable among people?

Ans. BC 600-800 period. Means for 2020 it is around 2820 years back!


1768. Who was the first medical practitioner/surgeon in this Earth?

Ans. Sage Susruthan, he lived and practised during BC 400 period. He was an indispensable Vaidhya.


1767. What is needed to live healthy in life?

Ans. 4. 1. Aacharam (Dinacharya/Routine activities), 2. Vichaaram (thinking and planning before facing a task), 3. Vyavahaaram (Good interaction with others), 4. Aahaaram (Pious/Satwick food).


1766. What is called Vidhya Sthaan and how many are they?

Ans. There are 14 Vidhya Sthaan, they are 4 Vedas + 6 Sastras + 4 Upavedas (Rig, Yajur, Sama, Atharvana, Siksha, Vyakaran, Kalpam, Niruktham, Chhandhas, Jyothisham, Ayurveda, Dhanurveda, Gaandharvaveda and Arthaveda / Arthasastram).


1765. Why the Rice Pindams (Balls) are offered to crows during the Srardham day?

Ans. Once Lord of Yamapuri (Yamadharma Raja) took the form of a crow to accomplish a task, hence, to please him householders decided to feed crows. Moreover, Lord Yamadharma promised to those who offer rice food to crows will not visit Yamapuri. That means after leaving the mortal body the Aathma will not get another subtle Yathana Sareeram (sorrowful imperishable body) to visit Yamapuri and undergo severe punishments. Crows also voluntarily ask and accept the offerer’s Paapa and bless them. Ka Ka means Sin, crows when they make noise they are telling us to give our sin and misfortunes to them. They have the techniques or digestion power to get rid of those sins (Paapam).


1764. Why two plantain leaf is used for serving food during Srardha Bhojanam?

Ans. Usually, such a detailed way of offering food is seen only in the orthodox Brahmin communities especially in South India. However, there is a reason for using two leaves while serving the food. On the upper leave only sweet items, lentle paste, ghee and rice are served, and the bottom leaf all food other food that is mixed with salt. Both sweet and salt items should not touch each other until the Brahmin is ritually fed with the help of Kartha.


1763. When is Srardham and when should I perform?

Ans. Srardham is an Apara Ritual, that is every year on the day of death offering water, cooked riceball, sesame seeds coupled with sheer devotion and respect to demised ancestors. There are some stipulated rules and regulations to be followed while performing this ritual. 1. The annual death day must have the Thidhi of minimum 19 Naazhika (7.36 hours) on that day if not previous or next day to be considered. Moreover, if next day Aparaanna period has more Thidhi balance then the higher balance day to be considered, 2. If in the same month getting two thidhi then the second one to be considered, moreover, if that second is coinciding with Maasa Sankraman then the first thidhi to be considered. If both are falling on a Sankraman day then the second one to be considered, 3. If in a month only one Thidhi is coming then the same day can be considered provided 19 Naazhika Thidhi must be there, 4. If both father and mother’s death anniversary falls on the same day then first father’s srardham to be considered thereafter mother’s however, the preparation of food remain one, 5. If Chandra/Soorya Grahanam (solar/lunar eclipse) falls on the Thidhi day, then the Srardham to be conducted next day only, however, on the actual day of Thidhi the Kartha has to take Upavasam (fasting).

1762. How day part of 30 Naazhikas (12 hours) are divided and its names?

Ans. Daypart is divided into 5 segments @ 6 Naazhikas (2 hours 24 minutes) each. Every 6 Naazhika’s from Sunrise carry different names viz. 01 to 06 Nazhikaas = Praatha Kaalam (0600-0824), 07 to 12 Nazhikaas = Sanghava Kaalam (0825-1048), 08 to 18 Nazhikaas = Madhyahnika Kaalam (1049-1312), 19 to 24 Nazhikaas = Aparaanna Kaalam (1313-1536), 25 to 30 Nazhikaas = Saayam Kaalam (1537-1800). (Timings quoted in hours as if the Sunrise is at 06.00 am of local time).


1761. What is nature of Jeevan (Soul)?

Ans. Jeevan is Jyothirmayan. He (Siva representing Agni) is brightest and warm. That is why if the Jeevan (life) resides in a body our chest and body will be warm.


1760. What is he residing places of Pancha Pranaas?

Ans. 1. Pranan in the Heart, 2. Udhanan in the neck joint, 3. Samanan in the navel centre, 4. Apanan in the anal zone, 5. Vyanan across all parts of the body.


1759. What are the main Prayoga Samskarams?

Ans.  They are two. 1. All auspicious rituals and functions are called “Poorva Prayogam and 2. All inauspicious or death related is called “Apara Prayogam”.


1758. Which are the three actions that give the same rewards of Aswamedha Yagam?

Ans. 1. Feeding the poor of poor people at the right time, 2. Resuming the regular Pooja of a temple that got discontinued or disrupted for some time, 3. Conducting the final rites for an orphan's dead body as per his faith or religion.


1757. What should be kept highly confidential from others, however, can be shared with Guru and close friend?

Ans. 7 issues. 1. One’s life/age, 2. Family disputes, 3. Upadesa Mantram, 4. Sensual pleasure activities, 5. Gifts, 6. Insults, 7. Debts.


1756. What are those 4 Dhaathu Thathwas (elements/components) that appear or disappear in a fraction of time?

Ans. According to the great Sages of Bharat, they identified these four Dhaathus are unpredictable nature. 1. Chitham (Consciousness or Brain), 2. Vitham (wealth), 3. Dhanam (money), 4. Jeevan (Soul).


1755. What is called Bhootha-Pretha-Pisacham and their manifestation?

Ans. All are spirits one way of the other. Good and Bad spirits due to innumerable scenarios. However, by the beginning of Kali Yuga (Black or Iron Age) all these Boothas and Pisachaas get transformed in the form of the disease, whereas the Prethaas remain to wander around in the environment. Basically, these are Rogaas (Disease) of the body itself due to changes in the environment from time to time. What human bodies used to accept and reject certain vibration of this universe is changed by now, therefore instead of being physical, they are becoming subtle. Many types of virus and bacterias are their current forms. It has been referred by some great Puranas of Bharat.


1754. What is Guruthy?

Ans. A special red colour sacred water used for the Bali Tharpanam (offering) to Devathaas as per Saaktha Sidhantha Poojas. (Mainly Siva-Vaishna-Saktha sidhantha poojaas are conducted in our society). This is a symbolic manifestation of blood, it should be made in a specific combination mainly pure water mixed with turmeric powder and lemon juice. It has 7 ingredients in it. Never mix Chunnabhu (Calcium carbonate/Limestone), if you do so the devata will backfire on you which no one will be able to face it. The ingredients and formula is 12 glass water + 3 glass turmeric powder + approximately 1 glass of lemon juice + 100 grams Malar (Popped or puffed rice), + 100 grams Aval (Flatten rice) + 50 grams Tharippanam + 150 grams of Red Thechi Flowers.  


1754. Who is Purushan and how did this name come into existence?

Ans. Purushan means Jeeva or Life energy or Aathma (soul). The body is called Puram, therefore the energy that lives in the body became Purushan. This means everyone’s Aathma is Purshan or Siva or Male and their body/mass is Sakthi or Female! We know the great mother is nurturing the body of a fetus and the father gives only the life energy in the form of Sperm.


1753. What is called Paurusha/Purusha Gunas and how many are they?

Ans. Paurusha Gunaas means best masculine qualities. They are eight such wonderful qualities namely 1. Sobha (Attractive Brilliant look), 2. Vilaasam (Flashing / Sportive), 3. Maadhuryam (Charmful and loveliness), 4. Gaambheeryam (Greatness / strong), 5. Sthairyam (Stability / Patience), 6. Thejass (Brilliance / Glamorous), 7. Lalithyam (gracious / charm), 8. Oudharyam (generosity/liberality).   

1752. Where Aathma resides inside the human body?
Ans. Aathma resides under the bonding of 9 Thathvaas. They are 1. Annamaya Kosam as Sthooka Sareeram, 2. Praanamaya Kosam as Pancha Praanaas (Pranan, Apaanan, Vyanan, Udhanan, Samanan), 3. Manomaya Kosam as Manassu, 4. Vignaanamaya Kosam as Budhi (Brain), 5. Aanandamaya Kosam as Aanandam (Cealing of Joy). (1+5+1+1+1=9).

1751. What is the types of Salagramam (Sacred Stone) revealed to us by Puranaas?
Ans. 89 types, however, only 14 types of sacred stones are now available to see. An oval shape sacred stone in black colour with a small hole in it to break or open two parts of the same stone. Inside stone one can see a symbolic mark of Chakram also seen Sanka, Gadha and Pathma. Most popular stones are 24 namely (Kesava, Narayana, Madhava, Govinda, Vishnu, Madhusoodhana, Thrivikrama, Vaama, Sridhara, Hrishikesa, Padmanabha, Dhamodhara, Sankarshana, Vasudesa, Pradhyumna, Anirudha, Purushothama, Adhokshaja, Narasimha, Achyutha, Janardhana, Upendra, Hari, Krishna, Lakshmi Narasimha etc).  

1750. Who are the authors of Darsanaas (Doctrines/Hindu Philosophy)?
Ans. 1. Nyaayam authored by Sage Gauthama, 2. Vaiseshikam by Sage Ganaathar, 3. Saankhyam by Sage Kapila, 4. Yogam by Sage Pathamjali, 5. Meemaamsa by Sage Jaimini, Vedantham by Sage Veda Vyasa.

1749. What is the inner relationship between the human body and it's Kosas (Sheaths)?
Ans. 1. Sthoola Sareera represents Annamaya Kosa and Praanamaya Kosa, 2. Sookshma Sareera represents Manomaya Kosa and Vignaanamaya Kosa, 3. Para / Kaarana Sareera represents Aanandhamaya Kosa.

1748. What is Ghnaanam?
Ans. True Knowledge that is the realization of the existence of God or belief.

1747. What is Vignaanam?
Ans. Knowing the absolute truth or real or creator of the supreme soul or God through the scientific method.

1746. What is the purpose of Vignaanam?
Ans. A person will be capable to renounce Agnaanam (ignorance) and Ghnaanam (true knowledge). He/She will be mentally strong to give up both and look forward to the next level.

1745. What is the state after achieving Brahma-Ghnaanam?
Ans. Vignaanam (knowing the truth through the scientific method).

1744. What is the speciality of ‘path of devotion’ (Bakthi Maarg)?
Ans. Pure true knowledge and pure devotion both lead this life to Paramathma (The Supreme Soul), whereas, path of devotion is much easier and simpler to adopt and practice. When someone learns this Thathwa Sasthram the spiritual journey will start from there moment.

1743. What are the types of devotees and how do they see God in different forms?
Ans. They are three classes 1. Casual Devotees (their belief is that God is there somewhere above the sky), 2. Middle Devotees (God is in the form of life energy staying in everyone’s body), 3. Upper Devotees (God is everything including nature, body and life).

1742. What are the 5 steps of spiritual experience (Easwaranubhoothi)?
Ans. 1. Bakthi (Devotion), 2. Bhaavana (Assumptions), 3. Mahaa-Bhaavana (Great Assumptions), 4. Premam (Compassionate Love), 5. Easwaraanubhoothi (Realization of Godhood).

1741. What is the one-word message of Bhagavath Gita?
Ans. Thyaaga (Renounce). This is the same message of Vedantha.

1740. What are the divisions of Humans?
Ans. They are four types 1. Patthars, 2. Mumukshus, 3. Mukthaas, 4. Nithyaas.

1739. What are the main divisions of Sidhas (Accomplishers or Achievers)?
Ans. Two types 1. Nithya Sidhaars (from birth, usually this happens only to Mahapurushas who takes incarnation for a particular purpose), 2. Sadhanaa Sidhaars (Through spiritual/yogic practices one attains accomplishments).

1738. What is called Ashta Paasam or Bandham (8 bondings) in human life?
Ans. The human body is under the bondings of these eight bonds known as cord or rope. They are 1. Shame, 2. Aversion/hostility, 3. Fear, 4. Caste, 5. Clan/family, 6. Dignity, 7. Sorrows, 8. Insult. These eight ropes tide one’s body and hooked. Unless ones come out of these bondings there is no upliftment or enlightenment in life. 

1737. Why the disciple should give Guru Dakshina at first become the completion of the course?
Ans. In certain spiritual activities, it is a practice to give Guru Dakshina (Fees are given to Master) first, then learn the techniques because after seeing the Brahman (true realization) there will be no difference between Guru and Sishya in real terms, also note there will be no bonding in this universe with anyone except that Para Brahman!

1736. How can one know that this person is going to see God in physical form soon?
Ans. Whenever the unconditional divine love (Prema Bakthi) starts sprouting in a person, it indicates that he/she is going to see God soon. Such the Anuraagams are 1. Vivekam (Discrimination between good and bad), 2. Vairaghyam (Determination), 3. Jeeva Kaarunyam (Compassion towards all living beings), 4. Saadhu Seva and Saadhu Sangam (Serving wisemen and company of wisemen), 5. Naama Sangeerthanam and Bhajanam (Praising the glories of God), 6. Sathya Vachanam (Talking only truthful and meaning full words). 

1735. What was the three mistakes are done by Sage Veda Vyaasa according to his own confession to Paramathma (The Supreme Soul)?
Ans. 1. I meditated you in my mind as a form though you are formless and limitless, 2. I praised you with few names and sthothraas, though you are beyond words and explanations, 3. I saw you only in the holy places (Theertha Sthanaas) though you are ever pervading across the Universe. Oh Paramathman, please pardon me for making these three mistakes knowingly committed by me.

1734. How God is seen as form (Roopa) as well as formless (Aroopa) by a devotee?
Ans. It is explained through an example. God is just like water in the sea. When the temperature goes down drastically, the water changes its state to ice and float in the same water. Likewise, when the devotee’s devotion (Bakthi) become strong it will be like an ice burg and witness the grace of God in different forms. When true knowledge rises (Gnaana Sooryan) in devotee’s mind, the ice will start melting. Until devotee sees God, he/she will worship God in various forms but after seeing God, the devotee will start loving the formless (Nirakaara Sachidhanantham) God.

1733. What is Thapass (penance) in Kali Yuga?
Ans. Talking truth and following the path of truth is Thapass in Kali Yuga.

1732. What all sleep (Nidra)?
Ans. When the activities of sensual pleasures subdued, the Soul (Jeevathma) enjoys its happiness of beauty is called Nidra (Sleep). 

1731. What is the mechanism or system used to install a deity in a temple?
Ans. It is called Shadadaara Chakras of a temple. The deity is installed exactly like human Shadadaara Chakras, but it is called in different names viz. 1. Aadhaarasila, 2. Nidhikumbam, 3. Pathmam, 4. Koormam, 5. Yoganaalam, 6. Napumsakasila (Vigraham).

1730. What will be happen when the mind pulls Kundalini Sakthi towards the center of the head through Shadadaara Chakras?
Ans. There are Seven Chakras (centre of sensitive subtle points) from Mooladhara to Sahasrara/Brahmaranthram. Six Chakras are just like six steps to reach the Seventh Chakra. The Mind does not look up straight, in fact, looks down and ascend in these three Chakras. The Yogi undergoes or experiences when the mind pulls the Kundalini from one Chakra to the other. Let us learn what would the experience when the Kundalini passes through Mooladhara-Swadhishtana-Manipoora the Yogi experiences sensual pleasures, urge to enjoy opposite sex, eagerness to accumulate wealth and anxiety shoot up to create fear. However, once the fourth Chakra is reached the mind will only look up and ascend. When it reaches the fourth Chakra called Anahatham the Yogi gets abundant spiritual wisdom/knowledge (Adhyathmika-Bodham) and witness divine light/illumination within, also the mind touches the boundaries of joy and forgets its existence. Thereafter the Kundalini Sakthi reach out to the fifth Chakra known as Visudhi Chakra, from here the person’s Avidhya and Agnaana (illusion and ignorance) will disappear and realizes the existence of the true knowledge, who is none other than God/The Creator and the mind will be interested only for the absolute truth. When it reaches the sixth Chakra known as Aagnaa Chakra, the mind will see only God and its brilliance. Still, there could be some traces of Ego but it will be harmless, and the person becomes mad of Bakthi. Finally, when it reaches Sahasrara Pathmam, it enjoys the state of Samaadhi. 

1729. How can we remove the feelings/system of caste (Jaathi) from our life?
Ans. The only solution is sheer devotion (Pure Bakthi). Once a person attains Bakthi then the body, mind and soul will become purest. Thereafter no one will be able to differentiate humans in the name of caste. There will only one caste that is Bakthaas (Devotees).

1728. What will happen to the Yogi who attained Samadhi or what is happening to the practicer of Yoga who is in Samadhi status?
Ans. The mind (Sakthi) reaches the centre of the head called Sahasrara Pathmam and merge with Siva, this state is referred to as Samadhi. Once a Yogi attains this Samaadhi, thereafter within 21 days from that point his/her physical body will fall.

1727. Why do we see different colours in God’s physical form?
Ans. The distance between us and God is the reason. When we see them from a distance, all God’s physical form looks like a single colour whereas when we got close to them, we will see their original colours. For example, Kali and Krishna are Black, Siva is White, Vishnu is Blue, and Brahma is in Red colour.

1726. How God is seen or visualized by different devotees or seekers?

Ans. Mainly 3 types of seekers viz. 1. God is none other than Brahman for Ghnaanees/Vedanthis, 2. God is Paramathma (Supreme Soul) or Kundalini Sakthi for Yogis, 3. God is Bhagawan for Devotees (Bakthaas).

1725. What is the indication/signification of a Poorna Ghnaani (Fully enlightened person)?
Ans. He/She will embrace silence and live in calmness. In other words, after the realization of truth, there is nothing to talk about.

1724. How many types of Acharyaas (Gurus/Masters) is seen in life?
Ans. Tree types 1. Uthaamaas (after giving Mantropadesam for enlightenment, they force their instructions to be adhered by the disciples/sishyaas), 2. Madhyamaas (after giving Mantropadesam, for their welfare sake repeatedly follow up with sishyaas), 3. Adhamaas (give only Mantropadesam thereafter not give any support to sishyaas).

1723. How many types of Vaidhyaas (Doctors) are seen in life?
Ans. Three types 1. Uthamaas (they ensure the ailing person consume the right medicine at the right time by force), 2. Madhyamaas (they enquire whether the ailing person consumed the medicine if not advise the caretaker to do so), 3. Adhamaas (just advice/give prescription and leave them without any intervention).

1722. What are the main divisions of Yogis?
Ans. They are 2 types 1. Bahudhar (for the sake of peace of mind and happiness they roam around in Theertha Yathra/holy pilgrimage), 2. Kuteechar (they sit in one place and embrace calmness within them).

1721. What are the five-precious eligibility criteria to merge in God?
Ans. 1. Santha Bhavana (Just like great Rishis), 2. Dhaasya Bhavana (like Veera Hanuman), 3. Sakhya Bhavana (like Kuchelan), 4. Vaathsalya Bhavana (like Yasoda Devi), 5. Madhura Bhavana (like Radha). Even any one of the options is enough to get the blessings of God.

1720. What is needed to see God in person or who can see God?
Ans. Three important unconditional love is needed, they are 1. How much humans would love to enjoy their sensual and pleasurable activities that much same love towards God, 2. How much love a mother would show to her children that much love towards God, 3. How much love a married women (Pathivrutha) would show to her only husband that much love towards God. Anyone who can exercise these three unconditional loves towards God, God will show his/her divine form to that person. This promise was given by the Purana Mahathmaas such as Sage Narada, Baktha Siromani Prahlada etc.

1719. What is ShanMatham or Shanbakthi maargam?
Ans.  1. Saivam, 2. Vaishnavam, 3. Saktham, 4. Souram (Sun God), 5. Ganapathyam (Lord Ganesa), 6. Chandram/Kaumaram (Lord Subrahmanyan).

1718. What is Shanmaargas?
Ans. Shan Maarga means Six Paths that is created to realize the Moola Prakruthi (Supreme Soul Divine Mother)?
Ans. They have typical names called 1. Pada-dhwaav (Words), 2. Bhuvana-dhwaav (all worlds), 3. Varna-dhwaav (syllables/alphabets), 4. Thathwa-dhwaav (Thathwa Darnaas or Philosophical principles or doctrines), 5. Kalaa-dhwaav (Arts), 6. Manthra-dhwaav (Bheeja Mantras).

1717. What are the Dasa Mudras (10 Symbolic actions) and its representation?
Ans. Dasa Mudras are usually shown during Navaavarana Pooja of Parasakthi. They are 1. Sarva Samkshobhini (Kindling or Prompting Anger), 2. Sarva Vidravini (Chasing), 3. Sarvaakarshini (Attracting everything in oneself), 4. Sarva Vasankari (Subjugating), 5. Sarvonmadhini (Showing exaltation/joy/excitement), 6. Sarva Mahangusa (incentivising or instigating), 7. Sarva Khechari (flying in the space), 8. Sarva Bheeja (Seed of everything), 9. Sarva Yoni (Birthplace of all), 10. Sarva Thrikhanda (The Sree Chakram).

1716. What is Upasana Mantras?
Ans. The devotee’s heartfelt love is verbally aroused/elaborated on Upasana Murthy is Mantra.

1715. What is Mudra (Symbolic Action)?
Ans. Mudra is a silent body language. The devotee’s (Upasakan) body talking or interacting with his/her Upasana Moorthy is Mudra.

1714. Who is considered as the highest knowledgeable person (Maha Pandithan)?
Ans. The one who knows the maximum about Paramathma (The Supreme Soul).

1713. What are the most important Thri-Dhaathus components of Earth? In other words, Earth became inhabitable because of what?
Ans. Earth’s three dhaathus are Jeevan (Life), Raktham (Blood) and Aathma (Soul). Vaayu (Vital Air) is representing as Jeevan, Jalam (Water) represents as Blood and Aathma represented by Soorya (Sun).

1712. Who is the true relative of Paramathma (The Supreme Soul)?
Ans. A liberated Soul i.e. Jeevaathma (the Jeeva who attained Moksham) is the only relative it has.

1711. What is the size or mass (Vyaapthi) of the Parama Padham (Abode of God)?
Ans. ¼ (quarter) portion is the established universe and ¾ (three fourth quarter) part is Amruth (Ambrosia).

1710. What is Ghnaana Yogam (Path of Knowledge)?
Ans. A conviction that “I am not the body”, I am an Aathma (Soul) who is always at its free will. The process of this true practice is called Ghnaana Yogam.

1710. How did the Prakruthi or Nature got the name “Prapancham”?
Ans. A combination of the five elements was separated individually from one element (Apancheekrutha Element) at the same time combined too by a subtle formula, that is why this processed nature is called as Pra-Pancham. It was a process of refining (Pancheekrutham) from one to another.

1709. Which metal was created the first and the last?
Ans. First was Gold and the last was Iron.

1708. What are the qualities of Prakruthi (Nature)?
Ans. They are two. 1. Sath (Sookshma Prakruthi i.e. Subtle form), 2. Asath (Sthoola Prakruthi i.e. Gross or tangible form).

1707. How does the creation get buried during Pralayam (Dissolution time) on a priority basis?
Ans. Names and forms will be buried in the Soil/Mud/Prithvi, soil will merge with water, water will merge in fire (Agni), then Agni will merge in Air and Air will merge in Space/Aakaasa then finally the Aakasa will submerge in Prakruthi (zero nature).

1706. What is the colour of Prakruthi (Nature)?
Ans. Prakruthi has revealed its colours in Three (3) ways. 1. Red – being Fire/Agni, 2. White – being colourless Water/Jalam, 3. Black – being Mud/Matter/Prithvi.

1705. What is the real form of Jeevan?
Ans. Aathma (That is what I am, or I am That).

1704. Who is Jeevan (Soul) or its main characteristics?
Ans. Awareness that I am!

1703. Who is Praanan (Life energy) or its main characteristics?
Ans. Praanan is nothing but the Matter (Jadam) form of Vaayu (Vital Air/Energy) or Matter in the form of Vaayu (Air).

1702. What is Sidhanth or how to describe Sidhanth (Principles)?

Ans. Veda’s final conclusion is called Sidhanth. Let us see what is that conclusion is; conduct all duties as prescribed by the Vedas which will eventually purify the mind, whereupon the person will have the knowledge to access Brahman and do Upasana for a longer period to realize true knowledge (Ghyan). Such True Knowledge will lead the person to achieve liberation (Moksh).  

1701. What is the goal of Vedam and Vedantham?
Ans. To kindle/raise the awareness of the existence of Supreme Being (Paramathma).

1700. What is the Vedic meaning or title of Indra?
Ans. The one who conducts Yaagam/Yagnam/Havan is Indran (Yajamaanan). This makes more sense than considering Indran as a person who resides in Deva Loka. Our body itself is like a Deva Loka but we mess up the divine body into a simple mortal body called Paathala or Prithvi Lok due to Karmic and Vasana deeds. The hidden meaning is that, most of the important Yaagams are conducted to please Indran who is none other than our own “Soul”. The biggest offering given to Indran is Soma Rasam with the help of hymns called Mantras that derived from the mind itself. Yagam means an effort, so keeping that in mind, after doing lots of purification activities the Yajamaanan consumes Soma Rasam and achieves happiness. Basically, when the mind achieves its desired goal, it is very happy and blesses the body as well as everything! 

1699. Which is the easiest way to convey the meaning of Vedic Principles (Vedaartham)?
Ans. It is easy to explain through Ithihaasa and Puranic stories.

1698. Why wisemen say Ithihaasa?
Ans. Ithihaasa is a combination of three words representing three indications such as “ITHI = This, EEHAA = In this manner, AASA = Happened”.

1697. What is the age of Ithihaasas?
Ans. A few hundred years after the Vedic period is Ithihaasa time. Ithihasaas are embedded with innumerable moral conducts for a better understanding of the Vedic principles. It is said in a story type though there is a reality of the event.

1696. What is the core essence of 18 Puranaas compose by Sage Veda Vyasa?
Ans. Helping others is a holy deed (Punya Karma) and troubling others are considered as unholy action (Paapa Karma).

1695. What is Medha (True knowledge)?
Ans. To do an activity one must possess full knowledge about that subject. This full and true knowledge of that subject is called Medha Sakthi.

1694. What is called Sradha (Concentration)?
Ans. Firm faith in Sastras and Guru’s advice.

1693. How one should give Dhaanam (Charity) to an eligible person?
Ans. Dharma Sastram recommends 6 methods while offering, viz. 1. Have full positive concentration, 2. Not to give with a careless attitude, 3. Look at the face and smile, 4. Show modesty (Lajjah Bhavam), 5. Be afraid/egoless, 6. Be mindful.

1692. How can one easily understand the Paapa and Punya Karma Theory (Action of evil and good)?
Ans. When you feel that someone should not have done this to me due to which I had to undergo this painful experience. Such feelings or knowledge is the Paapa Karma. At the same time after realizing this truth, if someone decided at-least I should not do such evil actions (Droham) to others is called as Punya Karma. 

1691. Who will not be happy in life among human beings?
Ans. People those who have Ahambavam (ego), Assooya (jealousy), Vidhwesham (hatred) and Dhukham (sorrows) will not be able to mingle with others in happiness. 

1690. How Sathya Prathigna (Swearing-in Ceremony) is to be conducted as per Sanathana Dharmam?
Ans. The Sastram directs either of the 3 personalities to be kept as Supreme Commander and take an oath or swear. They are 1. In front of God, 2. In front of a wise Brahmin who is the representative of God in the earth, 3. In front of Fire God (lamp).

1689. What is the punishment period given to all four Varnis (Chaathurvarnees) as per Manusmruthi?
Ans. Punishment for all convicted is a must according to Manusmruthi (Dharma Sastram created by Swayambu Manu Maharshi out of Prajapathya Sastram). The formula for giving punishment term is 8:16:32:64 basis. In other words, a Soodra gets Regular Punishment (RP) times 8, a Vaisya gets RP x 16, a Kshatriya gets RP x 32 and the highest order of social status Brahmin gets RP x 64.    

1688. What is Neethi (Justice)?
Ans. Rules, regulations and orders of the King or Ruling Government is called Neethi. Dharmas and Vedas are the source or witness for Neethi.

1687. Who will be able to reach/realize Supreme Brahman (Paramathma)?
Ans. Three Sadh Gunaas are identified as pillars or path to reach Supreme Brahman. They are 1. Thapas (those who does Thapas/penance/meditate), 2. Brahmacharyam (Chastity or Ascetic), 3. Sathyaseelam (Hold on to truth at any situation).

1686. Who will not be able to realize the Supreme Brahman/Creator (Paramathma)?
Ans. The creator is a concept developed by the human brain, the Paramathma neither create nor withdraw, everything is changing of its shape and power from time to time, yet we (humans) has the tendency to credit/debit someone that is what we are habituated with. According to Sastras, there are a few numbers of people who will not be able to realize that absolute truth (Paramathma), they are 1. Those who follow bad habits which are dangerous to self and others, moreover, even after realizing the truth, not willing to quit or change the bad path, 2. Those who does not have peace of mind, 3. Those who lacking patience, tolerance and get anger for everything that leads to a lack of peace of mind.

1685. What is the relationship between Dharma Lakshanam (Significance or Indicators of Virtues) and Humans?
Ans. It is known as Dasa Dharma Lakshanams (10 indicators), a person will become good human only if such virtues are seen in him/her. They are 1. Dhairyam (Brave), 2. Sahana Sakthi (Tolerance), 3. Jithendriyathwam (Control over desires), 4. Na Thaskarathwath (Never steal of others wealth), 5. Sudham (Maintaining Purity), 6. Vinayam (Obedience or Discipline), 7. Budhi (Intellectual/Brainy), 8. Vidhya (Education/Knowledge), 9. Sathyam (Truthfulness), 10. Kshama (Patience).

1684. Who is Sishtan?
Ans. Mahathma is Sishtan (the greatest person or Wiseman). Who can be Mahathma is explained… those who strictly follow Vedic guidance and live up to its expectations are to be called Sishtan or Mahathma?

1683. Which is the Sreshta Rajyam (The greatest country)?
Ans. Whichever countries that follow these Saptha Maryaadhas or Pancha Sadh Seelam is to be considred as the greatest country (Sreshta Rajyam). From this rule, one thing is clear that no country in this earth can be a Poorna Sreshta Rajyam (full-fledged country) because of one of the other will be there in every country!

1682. What is called Maryaadha (Rule or Custom or Boundary) and how many are they?
Ans. Saptha Maryaadha (7) or Sadh Seelam are practised in our Bharatha Desam. These Maryaadhas are to be considred as the direction or guidance given to humans to follow during their lifetime. They are 1. Na Himsa (stay away from violence), 2. Na Thaskarathwath (Not to steal or thief), 3. Na Vyabhacharayeth (Not to indulge in prostitution), 4. Na Madhu Paanam (Not to consume alcohol), 5. Na Dhoortha Krida (Not to gamble), 6. Na Asathya Bhashanam (Never say lie), 7.  Thath Shadkritho Na Mitrabhavathwam (Not to have any type of interaction with above six members).

1681. Who can get Deva (Divine celestial) Janma (life)?

Ans. Those Jeevas who lived a human in this Earth and practised Sathyam (Truthfulness), Ahimsa (Non-violence), Dhaya and Prema (Compassion and innocent loves to all) will attain Deva Janmam after the release of the mortal body.

1680. Who will attain Animal life?
Ans. The Jeevas (soul/life) who lived and were addicted to the Kaama (Excessive Sensual pleasure), Kopa (Anger), Assooya (Jealous), Himsa (Killing) activities will take birth as Animals (5th or below 5th senses).

1679. What is Humans rank in the creation?
Ans. Humans will fall between Devas and Animals. 

1678. In this Earth, who all fall into the rewards of good and bad deeds (Punya and Paapa Phalam)?
Ans. Only Human beings will get holy merits or unholy merits (puny and paapa) for their actions because only Humans have 6th senses, therefore, they must accept the rewards of their Karma. No other beings including animals, trees or plants or any other species will have Karma Phalam.

1677. What is the formula used by the creator to assess human life?
Ans. Number of years of body growth times five is his/her life (Aayuss) span. For example, a person’s body grows until the age of 20, then his life should be 20x5 = 100 years. However, due to overuse or misuse any other accident to the body limbs, humans will find their own end early. God is not responsible for this abuse!

1676. What is Mana-Sudhi (purity of mind)?
Ans. At any given situation the mind should not divulge into any other objects except connecting with the one and only “Nithyananda Swaroopa brahman” is actual Manas Sudhi. Not an easy task!

1675. What are the four important functions of Sraardham (in Vaidik way)?
Ans. Four 1. Brahmana Varanam (inviting eligible Brahmins), 2. Homam (Havanam on sacrificial fire), 3. Pinda Dhaanam (offering cooked rice balls), 4. Thila Tharpanam (offering water along with sesame seeds). In this, Thila Tharpanam is very important.

1674. Which are the 3 clans/races of humans?
Ans. They are two sets viz. Father, Grand Father, Great Grand Father and Mother, Grand Mother and Great Grand Mother. They live under the custody of three different Devas (Celestial Personalities). Father and Mother with Vasus, Grand Father and Grand Mother with Rudras, Great Grand Father and Great Grand Mother with Aadhithyaas

1673. How to ascend to top Lokas (celestial worlds)?
Ans. Through good karmas one can reach Deva Lokam or Paradise via Bhuvar Loka (sky/space). Whereas, all other four upper lokas can be reached only through Thapas. (after leaving the mortal body from Earth, the Soul can reach to Deva Loka or many other lokas depends upon the Karma deeds. The other four upper lokas located above Deva Lok wise – Mahar Loka, Jano Loka, Thapo Loka and Sathya Loka.

1672. Who are the signification or representations of human body parts?
Ans. Human bodies are made up of Pancha Bhoothas (five elements – Aakasa/Space, Vaayu/Air, Agni/Fire, Aapa/Water, Prithwi/Earth) and the representation held by - 1. All types of holes (Sushiram) in the body by Aakasa, 2. Breath (Swaasa) is Vaayu, 3. Body heat (Ushnam) is Agni, 4. Blood (Raktham) is Aapa, 5. All types of Bones (Asthi) is Prithwi.

1671. What is the type of Vedic method cremation?
Ans. They are two types. 1. Aahithagni Vidhaanam (this Agni is used only to those who practised daily Agnihotham), 2. Anaahithaagni Vidhaanam (this Agni is created for the Brahmins’ or Dwijaas who followed the Smartha Sampradhayam). Within the Anaahithaagni vidhyaanam there is one more practice followed known as “Brahma Medha Vidhaanam” (this Agni is created for all Anushtaana Gruhasthaas, other types of Brahmins and Brahma Ghnaanees).

1670. Whose mortal bodies are buried in Hindu Samskaram?
Ans. Small children and Sanyasis.

1669. What are the types of Pretha Samskaras (Purification)?
Ans. 4 ways. 1. Vikshepanam/Nipathanam (Throwing it out), 2. Jala Visarjanam (disperse or abandon in the running water), 3. Bhoomighananam (burial), 4. Agni Samskaram (cremate).

1668. What is called Pretham (body-less soul)?
Ans. One’s the dead body is called Pretham. It is an alike adverb, for example Pretha Sareeram, Pretha Aathma, Pretha Bhaadha etc…

1667. What is the character of Aathma (Soul)?
Ans. Aanandham (Joy/Happiness).

1666. How can one become Gunaatheethan (freed from or beyond all properties or qualities)?
Ans. The mind takes birth from the food (Annath Manah) and the Mind (Manas) is known through three Gunaas (Sathwa, Rajas and Thamas qualities). Whereas, as long as there is a mind, one cannot become mindless (Gunaatheethan). Therefore, slowly and carefully practice eradicating mind so that one can become Gunaatheethan (just like God or Parabrahman).

1665. What are the four pillars of Dharma (justice) or what can be considered as Dharma?
Ans. One who practices 1. Sathyam (Hold on to truth), 2. Kshama (Patience), 3. Sanmaarganishta (following wisemen and right path), 4. Thyaagam (Sacrifice desires and comforts).

1664. What are the four thoughts that come across to all people while on death bed?
Ans. They are four states viz. 1. Artham (anxiety of wealth and properties), 2. Raudram (flashback of sufferings from the wrong deeds through Manasa, vaacha and karmana), 3. Dhanya (thought waves of previous and current life’s Vedic knowledge and lifestyle), 4. Sukla (concentrated single-pointed thinking of God and attaining liberation/moksha while the soul exiting the body). The rewards of these thoughts will provide: - Artham = definite re-birth as a casual person, Raudram = rebirth as a low-class body, Dhanya = rebirth in a high-class family or spiritual lifestyle, Sukla = no more transmigration, the soul already liberated from all bondages.

1663. What is called Aahneekam?
Ans. A person who lives with punctuality, discipline, morality and systematically is called Aahneekam. This type of life is expected to follow to become a good person.

1662. What is the use of wearing vibhoothi (sacred ash) on the body?

Ans. The reason for applying sacred ash (vibhoothi) in the body is that it is equal to having a bath in the fire (Agneya Snaan), that makes the body purest from all impurities (paramothama sudhi). Moreover, the sacred ash indicates that (among Hindus or those who cremate the dead body) after death everyone who looked after the body will become a handful of ash only therefore, don’t be too proud of your mortal body, just make use of the body for realising the absolute truth!

1661. What are the types of Upaveethams?
Ans. Three. 1. Cotton threads, 2. Dharbha Grass, 3. Deer Skin. The third one is the best among the other two.

1660. How functions are conducted by wearing Upaveetham (Poonal/Sacred Thread) in a different direction?
Ans. Mainly three types. 1. Upaveethi or Upaveetham bottom towards right side – all Deva and Vaidheeka Kriyas (all conducts of divine personalities), 2. Apaveethi or Pracheenaveethi or upaveetham bottom towards left side – all Pithru Kriyas, 3. Niveethi or Upaveetham towards downside / around the neck just like wearing a Mala (all conducts of Rishis/Saints).

1659. How to identify a follower of an AachAram (Manner of action or conduct)?
Ans. 4 things will decide on which AachAram is followed by an individual. They are four, 1. Sikha (Tilt on the head), 2. Khacham (The clothing style), 3. Upaveetham (sacred thread), 4. Pundram/Thilak (a sign of Raksha). During the Vedic period, people are easily known from their look and feel itself. No need to ask anything in doubt nature.

1658. What is SishtAchAram?
Ans. Following the path of wisemen / elders and live within means is called SishtAchAram.

1657. What is the meaning and significance of Saptha Pathi?
Ans. The groom touches the bride’s toe of the right leg and pulls her for making Seven Steps, this function is called Saptha Pathi. While doing so, the groom has to say few Mantras as a prayer to Lord Vishnu. Each step has special significance viz. step 1 – Anna Samrudhi (abundant wealth of rise grains), 2 – Oorja Sakthi (always she should be energetic), 3 – Karma Druda Bhudhi (firmness in her actions), 4 – Sukham (overall joy), 5 – Pasu Samrudhi (wealth of favourable domestic animals), 6 – Shad Rithu Samrudhi (happiness and prosperity across all six rithu seasons), 7 – Yaga AvathAraprekshin (opportunities to conduct Yaagas like Somayagam etc…).

1656. Among the Brahmin’s marriage, why do they keep a wooden stick along with gold to the centre of the bride’s head before tying the knot (Mangal Soothram)?
And. Indra once gave boon/blessings to a woman called “Abaala” and made her attractive with a golden radiance to her body after removing her illness. Keeping this in mind, parents of the bride makes a prayer to Lord Indra (who is an important Devata in Dharmic Vivaah) to bless her daughter with all prosperity. Today, instead of a piece of gold, the priests tie her Mangalya Soothram in that wooden stick (known as Nuka) and pray to Lord India through mantras.

1655. How did the Varadakshina (Dowry) system came into existence in Bharat?
Ans. In the ancient days, a female child has no right to get a portion of the hereditary wealth/assets. Therefore, to remove the impartiality among male and female children, the society came up with this system called Vara Dakshina. At the time of marriage, the father or brothers would give enough gold, silver, money, vessels and other assets to the bride as a compensation. Our society was well civilized than any other human race in this earth, however, some portion of people misused this system and eventually, it got cancelled through a law of this misused practice by the Government authorities. Now, all children get an equal share on the hereditary properties unless otherwise a legitimate will say otherwise.

1654. When is the right time for Upanayanam?
Ans. Usually, Upanayanam is conducted only to a male child, however, some sect does conduct for the female child also. For a Brahmin child, between 9-16 years, Kshatriya 11-22 years, Vaisya 12-24 year from the inception date. Since it is a Vedic private function, it should be conducted in a private gathering manner i.e. no need to public participation. After the Upanayanam the Vatu (Brahmachari) should be sent to Gurukulam for Vedic and Non-Vedic (Gnaanam and Vignaanam) education.

1653. What is Chaulam function?
Ans. Making a hair tilt (Sikha/Kuduma) on the baby boy’s head is called Chaulam. It should be done either the first year or third year. This will help the head to be always cool and looks good too.

1652. What is Karna Vedam function?
Ans. Ear piercing ceremony is called Karna Vedam. This should be done during 7th or 8th month before its first milky tooth comes out.

1651. What is Anna PrAsanam?
Ans. The newborn is having its first rice grains as formal food. This food must be either the leftover of Havan (Homam) or Prasadam (food offered to God). During the 6th month, it should be conducted. 

1650. What is called Upanishkraamanam?
Ans. The newborn’s first step out from the delivered home (Soothika Graham) is called Upanishkraamanam. Nowadays this is rarest since most of the deliveries take place in the hospital and thereafter frequent hospital visits it makes no sense. However, as a Samskara function, this must be done by visiting the nearest temple or Kula Devatha Temple. The right time for this is during 5th month on an auspicious day the child must step out by hearing the holy names (swasthi vachanam) chanted by parents and other relatives. Please note no Archana on child’s name allowed until the baby completes its first birth anniversary.

1649. When is the right time to name the newborn child?
Ans. After completion of 11 days, on the 12th day through a simple function. Both parents should be available while naming ceremony.

1648. Who are the BAlArishta Devatas?
Ans. Most of the newborn children will undergo childhood sickness due to many reasons. 6 celestial personalities are causing this trouble. They are 1. Ayan, 2. Ulukan, 3. Sandan, 4. Amarkan,  5. Kesini, 6. Slomini. To protect the child from these evils, parents are advised to conduct a Havan (Homam) with white mustard seed along with bran as ingredients (Homa Dravyam). Nowadays this may sound silly but there is a reality too. I suggest a simple approach to the new parents that just grind both these ingredients and burn it just like a putting Sambrani Dhoopam, when the smoke is inhaled by the child it will remove the blemishes and impurities from the body of the child. This can be done every month on the child’s birth star day up to the age of five. You will see the difference in front of you. This will remove allergies, viral fever, stomach upsets, bad dreams etc…

1647. When is the right time to conduct Seemantham?
Ans. 4th or 6th or 7th month of pregnancy period.

1646. What is Seemantham function?
Ans. This is also another Sanathana Dharma Samskaram for a pregnant woman. Porcupine Quill (SUkara Kantaka) wrapped with Dharba Grass (Dharba Pul) will be used to separate the hair to both sides of the pregnant woman’s head, just like putting a line of separation, this function is called SEmantham. Some important 7 Devathas are worshipped on her Seemantha Rekha viz. Brahma, Agni, Indran, Soman, Rakadevi, Sinivaali, Kuhudevi. This function is conducted to achieve everlasting good popularity through her children. 

1645. What is Pumsavanam and why it is done to be a woman?
Ans. Nowadays this is practised only by a few South Indian Brahmin women. This is one of the Sanathana Dharma Samskara. 2nd or 3rd the month of pregnancy, juice made from Peeple tree buds is poured on to her nose-strils. This function is done to ward off abortion and protects the child for a healthy life. This function can be done while Seemantham too, since Seemantham function is done between 4 and 7th month it is better to do earlier so it can help the child to grow better.

1644. How Brahma Thejas (Divine Aura) is obtained by the children born in a Brahma Kulam (Brahmin family)?
Ans. The reason for that is from the Garbha Dhaanam (Fertilization/Inpregenation-rite) till the cremation (Dhahana Kriya) the child is under the influence of powerful Vedic Mantras. A pure Brahmin undergoes more than 43+ Samskaraas (spiritually refined or purified) from the inception of pregnancy till the cremation of the mortal body by witnessing and invoking God’s presence through Vedic Mantras, therefore the Soul is well experienced with the Samskaras whenever if it takes birth. Usually, if a Brahmin lives as per the Vedic protocols then he/she does not take re-birth.

1643. Any humans can be Sanyasi by birth?
Ans. To some extent it is impossible, no one is Sanyasi by birth however, he/she is becoming Sanyasi by practice only.

1642. What is Sanyasam (Renouncing)?

Ans. There are so many definitions for Sanyasam, yet the simple one is “One should practise giving up all types of liking and disliking that is practised through Manasa, Vacha Karmana and live harmlessly” is the simple method of Sanyasam.   

1641. How to do Thapass?
Ans. With the help of a Mantram, one should keep chanting and thinking about the God of that Mantra or analyse the meaning of that Mantra is the easiest way of doing Thapass. This is also called Upavasam (Being close to God).

1640. What is the correct Thapass?
Ans. Upavasam is the most important Thapass.

1639. What is the most important Thapas (Penance)?
Ans. Sustaining Brahmacharyam (following ascestism) and Brahmadhyaanam (meditating on Brahman). The Thapass (Penance) is classified into three section viz. Manasa (Mind), Vacha (Verbal) and Karmana (Action).

1638. Who gets birth (Jananam) and who gets liberation (Moksham) in casual manner?
Ans. A person who eject his Veeryam (Semen) through the genetal part and give garbha dhaanam (reproduction) will have to be part of the transmigration system (cycle of birth and death) and wander around first Thri Lokas viz. Bhoor-Bhuva-Suva. Whereas, the person who does not eject his Semen through genetal part but raised through Kundalini Nadi Sushumuna (Eda-Pingala-Sushumuna) to the center of his head (Sahasraara Chakram) called “Oordhwa Retham” will travel to the worlds of Mahar-Jano-Thapo-Sathya. The Souls that reach these four worlds will not have re-birth and attain liberation too after the loss of mortal body.

1637. What is Deva Yanam and Pithru Yanam and who is eligible to travel in these worlds?
Ans. When the Soul (Jeevathma/Life) travels through Bhoor-Bhuva-Suva worlds, such path is known as Pithru Yanam (Path of Ancestors) at the same time when the Soul travels through Maha-Jano-Thapo-Sathya Lokas it is called Deva Yanam (Path of Divines).  

1636. What are the life span of Seven worlds (Saptha Lokas)?
Ans. Bhoor-Bhuva-Suva Lokas will perish during Pralaya (Time of dissolution), Maha-Jano-Thapo-Sathya Lokas will be live until Lord Brahma is alive.

1635. What are the rewards offered to those who did Thapas (Penance/Ascetic)?
Ans. 4 Lokas (Worlds). 1. Mahar Lokam (Abode of Saints), 2. Jano Lokam (Abode of Ancestors), 3. Thapo Lokam (Abode of divine personalities), 4. Sathya Lokam (Abode of God).

1634. What are the rewards received by the people who conducted Yaagaas?
Ans. 3 Lokas (Worlds). They have been bestowed with dwelling places to live while alive as well as after leaving the physical body. Those places are 1. Bhoo (Earth – becoming owner of abundant acres of lands), 2. Bhuva (Space – becoming good spirit and bless the needy), 3. Suva (Paradise – becoming a celestial body and own a space in the heaven). Please note, after leaving the mortal body the Aathma get a Sookshma Sareeram (subtle body made up of 17 energy sources, which is a superpower body compare with mortal body of just 7 energy sources).

1633. What are the five fundamental acts in Dharmika Vivaah (Vedic Retualistic Marriage)?
Ans. 1. Vara Prekshanam (show the face of the groom to public), 2. Kanya Dhaanam or Dharmam (Legitimately handing over a virgin girl to the eligible virgin boy as a gift to develpe new generations. Please note, if a girl was accepted the boy after receiving money/dowry then it is Dhaanam and if accepted without any cash or kind then it is Dharmam. Now individuals should decide and act accordingly). Dhaanam is done with expectations whereas Dharmam is done without any expecations. 3. Paani Grahanam (taking by the hand of bridegroom), 4. Sapthapathi (taking 7 steps/circuling the holy fire), 5. Laaja Homam (Conducting Havan by offering Parched Grain).

1632. Which are the dwelling place for Varna Asrama Dharmis?
Ans. Brahmachari = at Padasala / Gurukul (Guru’s residence), Gruhasthan = at Home, Vanaprasthan = at Forest and Caves, Sanyasis = under the Trees and Isolated holy resting places.

1631. What are the fundamental guidelines of Varna-Aasrama Dharma?
Ans. During Brahmacharyam = eduction, during Gruhasthan = sustaining family life, during Vanaprastham = Thapa and Dhyanam (Meditate, Prayers and Penance), during Sanyaasam = After renouncing everything keep silance and looking forward to liberation (Moksham).

1630. Upto what period Varnaasrama Dharma to be followed?
Ans. Brahmacharyam = 0 to 25 Years, Gruhasthasramam = 26 to 60 years, Vaanaprasthaasramam = 61 to 75 and Sanyaasam = 75 and above years.

1629. What is the primary qualification to become a Sanyasi (Renounced)?
And. Having Dhruda Vairaghyam (unshakable asceticism). Achieving Jithendriyathwam (winning over sensual pleasures) is the real Vairaghyam.

1628. What is the basis for implementing the Inpurity period by the Sastras?
Ans. Primarily for the benefit of individual’s health. People those who are not following Asoucham are called lower class people, such people will lavishly spread the virus and bacterias due to their unconditional and poor lifestyle. Therefore, the upper-class people (who strictly follow Asoucham protocol) should not interact physically, mentally or orally with lower class people. Moreover, the Sastra said that even to maintain the distance between the upper- and lower-class people must be between 8- and 10-feet distance (to avoid sharing the bad breath). Today’s world it is called Social distancing. The conclusion is that interacting with low class people will always a threat to physical as well as mental health.

1627. How many days of Impurity to be observed by a delivered woman?
Ans. 45 days. Whereas the all other relatives get purified after the 10th day.

1626. How many days of Impurity to be observed by Rajaswala (a girl under the influence of mensuration)?
Ans. 3 days. Fourth day after 10.00 am she must take bath in a closed environment and avoid seeing any men until she consumes turmeric water or Panchagavyam.

1625. How many days of Impurity (Asaucham) prescribed?
Ans. Two types Asaucham to be followed or observed. 1. Close blood relatives 10 days, 2. Distant relatives 3 days.  

1624. How many types of Asaucham (Impurity) prescribed by Dharma Sastram?
Ans. Two types 1. By Birth (Jananaath) and 2. By Death (Maranaath).

1623. Who are called Panikas?
Ans. Those who were brought by paying money is called Panikas. They are also slaves and does not qualify to be in the Varna-Asrama system.

1622. Who are called Dhasyuk?
Ans. During the slavery period, a set of people were the Dhaasaas (slaves or designated assistants) upper class, they are called Dhasyuk. These people are not part of any of the member of Varna-Asrama system i.e. they are neither Brahmna nor Kshathriya, Vaisya and Soordra. They do not have any caste or creed or status. (what a pity!).

1621. What is Dravida means?
Ans. Dra-Vid, it is a place/region of three bottom quarters of Baratha Bhoomi conjoining with three Seas called Dravida Desam, that is South India. Facing Arabian sea of West, Indian Ocean of South and Bay of Bengal of East.

1620. Which is the oldest Grandham of Dravidas?
Ans. Thozhukappiyam also known as Tholkappiyam. Tholkapiyan was a disciple of Sage Agasthya.

1619. What is the speed of light?
Ans. It travels 300,000+ kilo meter in 1 second, this number matches with the modern science invention.

1618. How to re-convert a non-brahmin into a Brahmin clan?
Ans. When a Bramin embrace, lives and followed non-brahminical doctrine or conduct Brushtachaara deeds (corruptions), he will be degraded in the society. Thereafter if he realized his mistake and decided to come back to Brahminhood, he must conduct a Yagam called “Vraathyasthomam” as prescribed in the Sama Veda Thaandya Brahmanam. It is a samskara kriya yagam.  

1617. In which period the Brahmanams (explanations of sacred knowledge or doctrine) were practised (in Barath)?
Ans. According to modern scientists during BC 800 to 500 years period it was practiced.

1616. What is Easwara Thathwam?
Ans. Easwara (God) cleans all impurities (Malinyam) in us and keep up us pure for the betterment. It is a type of process i.e. God keep absorbing all impurities from our body and returns it as a positive and divine energy into our body. Who will do this except God!

1615.  What are the Four important greatness (Mahimaas) of divine mother Parasakthi?
Ans. 1. She lives in the center of heart as Jeeva Purushan, Chhanda Purushan, Veda Purushan and Maha Purushan, 2. She is - Jeevan, Pranavam, Vedam and Viraat, 3. She is - Kshma Sakthi, Ghnaana Sakthi, Prathishta Sakthi and Nivruthi Sakthi, 4. She is - Aiswaryam, Veeryam, Keerthi, Sree, Ghnaana and Vairagyam.

1614. What are the types of Sthothras (holy versus) and how important it is while composing?
Ans. 6 types 1. Namaskaram (Prostrations), 2. Aasiss (Praying for the welfare of divine personalities so that they should be always abundance of strength to protect devotees), 3. Siddhanthokthi (Praising glories of God and his/her core principles), 4. Parakramam (Propogating Mannerism), 5. Vibhoothi (Glories), 6. Prarthana (Innocent Prayers). This means when you compose a Sthothram one must keep these qualities in mind.

1613. Who is Soodran or Vrushalan or Jakanyan?
Ans. Vedic principle is talking very high about this class of people. Infact without Soodras no one can live in this earth comfortably, unfortunately, people with narrow mindset kept them away from their basic rights (this upper lower class is not only existed in India, it is a curse of the whole world, in Western culture it is known as Royal vs Slaves other cultures Upper vs Lower class of people). The real meaning of Soordran is that “a person who eradicate other sorrows” by sacrificing his/her own comfortable life and “a person who understand and absorb holy values of life” is known as Soordran (the Vedic quote says – Sucham Draavayanthi Ithi Soodraaha).

1612. What are the two fundamental justifications of life?
Ans. They are known as Dharma (Manners) in life. Two types 1. Ishtam (Interested in conducting Holy deeds such as Yagas and Yagnaas for everyone’s sake), 2. Poortham (Serving parents, gurus, helping the needy, charity, creating public utilities etc…).

1611. What are the qualities/eligibilities required to get God’s blessings (Easwara Anugraham) and to conduct sacrifices (Yagnaas)?
Ans. 6 Qualities viz. 1. Udhyamam (Effort), 2. Saahasam (Adventure/Precipitation), 3. Dhairyam (Brave), 4. Budhi (Intellect), 5. Sakthi (Strength), 6. Parakramam (Good deed/Ability to Administer/Conductivity).

1610. How human beings are progressing and co-existing on daily life?
Ans. There are two ways, one, based on true knowledge basis i.e. self learning and teaching others (Gnaana Margam) and the second is sheer hard work (Karma Yoga Margam).

1609. Who is the genuine scientist (Sastraghnan)?
Ans. Something that was not existent can’t be existed at the same time whatever is existing cannot be a non existentent. The one who knows this golden rule is a genuine scientist.

1608. How many music instruments are referred by Vedas?
Ans. According to Sama Veda’s Upa-Veda known as Gandharva Vedam, there are 1008 instruments are used to convey or accompany music.  

1607. Which is the oldest Banking System (Adikoshana Vyaapaara) in this earth?
Ans. The first banking system known as “Adikoshana Vyaapaara” was established in Bharatha Desam based on Vishnu Dharma Sastra, 6th Chapther is dealing with its rules and regualtions. Around 420 Slokas are dedicated only for the calculation of interests.

1606. Who wrote the first Chhanda Sastra (Science of measuring meter of languages)?
Ans. Sri. Pingalachaarya, in around BC 2700 years.

1605. Who wrote the first Nigandu (Dictionary) in human life?
Ans. Sri. Yaskarachaarya. The first dictionary was created for the first language Sanskrit in around BC 2600. It is known as Nirukta Sastra. Niruktam is also one among the Six parts of Vedas.

1604. Why did the Sea got its name as Samudra in the Sanskrit language?
Ans. Because it is always seen equal to the eye level and its quantity of water remain same irrespective of the season.

1603. How many Stars are seen in our Galaxy?
Ans. Though it is innumerable, yet our Rishis opinioned that 100+ crores (1 Billion) are surrounded in our Universe. Our Sun is one of them.

1602. How many times the heart must beat in a person?
Ans. 72 times, any number above or below indicating a disorder of health.

1601. How many Veda Angaas are taught?
Ans. 6 Angaas (Parts) @ 18 each = 108 Angaas 

1600. Currently how many Upanishads are known to us?
Ans. During the period of Upanishads time, there were 1000+, however now 108 are traceable, but as of now only a few are available to us called Daso (10) Upanishads.

1599. How many Aranyakas are known to us?
Ans. Total 19.

1598. How many Brahmanams are revealed to us?
Ans. There are Total 29, out of which 4 are very important per Veda. They are 1. Sathapatha Brahmanam (Sukla Yajur Vedam and Rig Vedam), 2. Thaandya Brahmanam (Sama and Yajurvedam), 3. Prouda Brahmanam (Sama Vedam), 4. Ghoovadha Brahmanam (Atharvana Vedam).

1597. What is the pitch level used for chanting Sama Veda Mantras?
Ans. According to Yagnavalkhya Sishya, it should be chanted with a Pitch level of 21 to the lowest.

1596. How big is Sama Vedam?
Ans. Only 55 sentences of its own, remaining mantras are taken from Rig and Yajurveda mantras.

1595. How big is Rig Vedam?
Ans. 397,000 Aksharas, 193,000 words, 55,600 Riks, 11,000 Anuvakas, 64 Adhyaayas. 57% is composed by Sage Viswamithran and the remaining 43% by other 230 Rishis.

1594. How old is Rig Vedam?
Ans. Approximately 8000+ years old as of 2020.

1593. When Saraswathi The river also known as Satha Sruthi disappeared from Earth?
Ans. Approximately BC 4500 years ago (disputable).

1592. What is the meaning of Brahmam and Kshathram?
Ans. The power of knowledge is known as Brahmam and the power of the weapon is called Kshathram.

1591. What are the important Aabhichaara Karmaas (Black Magic Activities)?
Ans. The important ones are 5. 1. Sathrunaasam (destroying enemies), 2. Sthreevasyam (at the disposal of, attracting woman), 3. Rajavasyam (attracting King), 4. Mohanam (Making Delusion), 5. Swapanam (Hallucinating people).

1590. How many Vadhyaas (Musical Instruments) are recognized by the Sangeeta Sastram (Musical Science)?
Ans. 3 Types 1. Dhadham (Veena), 2. Sushiram (Sankh/Conch, Kuzhal/Music Pipe), 3. Aanatham (Dhumdhubi, Mrudangam).

1589. Vedam does not permit Brahmins to learn music and dance except for pleasing God, why?
Ans. It can generate Kaama Vasanas (promotes sensual pleasure) in the inner sense which may become an obstacle to elevate himself/herself from material life to spiritual abode. There are people born to practice that called Manushya Gandharva.

1588. What are the Manasa Pushpams (Flowers of inner mind)?

Ans. They are 8 types. 1. Ahimsa Pushpam (Non-Violance), 2. Indriyanigraha Pushpam (Renouncing Sensual Pleasures), 3. Thitheeksha Pushpam (Kshama and Sahanasakthi = Patience and Tolerance), 4. Dhaya Pushpam (Compassion), 5. Ghnaana Pushpam (Having True Knowledge), 6. Thapass Pushpam (Penance), 7. Sathya Pushpam (Truth), 8. Bhaava Pushpam (Wise thinking). 

1587. Which are the two main clans of Human race?
Ans. 1. Soorya Vamsam, 2. Chandra Vamsam.

1586. Who was the first of human beings?
Ans. Manu Maharshi. Manu’s children are known as Manushya (Humans).

1585. Which are the seas enveloped the Bharata Desam during Vedic period?
Ans. According to Vedas, Bharat was surrounded by 4 seas viz. East – Bay of Bengal, West – Arabian Sea, North-WestSea name was disappeared ever since that single sea split into the Black Sea, Caspian Sea, Sea of Aval/Aral and Lake Balkhash. This sea existed approximately 25,000+ years before.

1584. Who is the messenger of Lord Sooryan?
Ans. Poosha Devatha. (He one among 12 Adithyas, who is none other than Lord Vishnu).

1583. Which is the transport vehicles used during the Vedik Period?
Ans. Chariot (Ratham) on land, Airplane (Akasa) on the sky, Ship (Nau/Pravahana) on water.

1582. Which is the vegetables need not consumed by Non-Vegetarians and why?
Ans. Cluster beans (Bakuchi Saaka), Snake gourd (Amruthaphal Saaka), Plantain (Kadhali Saaka). Those who eat these vegetables are a substitute for meat.

1581. What are the vegetables prohibited for consuming by Brahmins?
Ans. Brinjal (Vrundaka Saaka), Drumsticks (Kona Saaka), Onions (Palandu Saaka), Garlic (Lazuna Saaka).

1580. What is the heart of Veda?
Ans. Sarvo Vai Rudra: means, everything is Rudra himself, nothing other than Him is the ultimate truth. This is the heart of Veda (True Knowledge).

1579. Dravidas (South Indian communities) were existed during the Vedic period?
Ans. There is no mention about Dravidas in Vedic texts. As we know the Sanskrit meaning of “Threvidh” (became Dravida in the Tamil Language) means confluence of three seas which South India (Arabian+India+Bengal Seas). Dravidians are not outsiders or low caste human beings…they are the people who lived in South India mainly a tribal community in the forest area. In the past, South India was full of forests with minimal land space for living.

1578. What was the common the language used during the Vedic period on this earth?
Ans. Samskrutham/Sanskrit. The civilization was called Vaideeka Nagareekam.

1577. What are the popular religion’s age and its propagators?
Ans. 1. Islam – AC 1427 by Mohammed Nabi from Arabia, 2. Christian – AC 2000 by Yesu Christhu from Palastian, 3. Tavo – BC 525 by Lavotse from China, 4. Confusions – BC 525 by Confusious from China, 5. Budhan – BC 525 by Sidharthan from Bharat, 6. Jainam/Samayam/Samatham – BC 525 by Vardhamana Mahaveeran from Bharat, 7. Saurashtra/Parsi – BC 725 by Saurashtrar from Iran, 8. Yutham/Jews – BC 1528 by Moses from Judai, 9. Sanathanam/Hindu – BC 6000+ no specific person since it is time immemorial and also known as Apaurusheyam from Bharat.

1576. When Sanskrit Language lost its national language status in Brahat?
Ans. Approximately till 900 years back from now (2020) across Bharat, the national language was Samskrutham (Sanskrit). Ever since Mugal started entering Bharat they brought Hindi and by British, the English languages entered the civil society of Bharat.

1575. What the qualities or qualifications a king must possess in the ancient days?
Ans. 6 qualities viz. 1. Thejas (Brilliance), 2. Veeryam (Brave), 3. Balam (Strength), 4. Ojas (Vital Power), 5. Kopam (Anger), 6. Sahanam (Tolerance).

1574. What are the political titles used during the period of Vedic time?
Ans. Raja (Samrajyam), Samraat (Bhojyam), Virat (Vairajyam), Swarat (Swarajyam), Parameshti (Paarmeshtyam). The highest position of the hierarchy starts from Parameshti to Raja (King).

1573. Who established Islam?
Ans. Hazrat Muhammad

1572. From where Islam started?
Ans. Arabia

1571. From where Christianity started?
Ans. Isreal

1570. What was the period of Moses?
Ans. Moses was an Israelites prophet of Abrahamic religion. He was born in Egypt where his people (Hebrew) were minorities and slaves. He created Judaism. His period is still debated by the scholars; however, the recorded dates are BCE 1571 or 1491 or 450. In any way, Judaism came into existence only after Zorashtrism.   

1569. Who is known as Aryan according to Vedas?
Ans. Learned ones especially Brahmins and Parsis of Bharata Desam. Aryans are not immigrants to Bharat/India, the people of the elevated community within Bharat are called as Aryans.

1568. How to understand or realize Adhvaitham and Dwaitham (doctrines)?
Ans. Adhvaitham is known as Prathyaksha Anubhoothi/Anumbhava (real experience means explanations have no value!) whereas Guna Smaranam/Smruthi Prakruthi (differentiated based on quality and form) is Dhwaitham. This Guna Smaranam is the cause for Prapacha Srushti (expanded material universe), which means the existence of the universe and its beings are only because of Dwaitham Bhavam.

1567. What is Dwaitham in simple term?
Ans. Jeeva-Easwara Bhedha Swaroopam (detached life of Jeeva and Brahman is Dwaitham).

1566. What is Adhvaitham in simple term?
Ans. Jeeva-Easwara Aikhya Swaroopam (confluence of Jeeva and Brahman is Adhwaitham).

1565. What are the details of Veedhis?
Ans. A club of 3 Stars equal 1 Veedhi, they are known as 1. Naaga Veedhi, Gaja Veedhi, Ayravatha Veedhi = Utharayanam, 2. Rishatha Veedhi, Go Veedhi, Jaagardh Veedhi = Madhyanam, 3. Aja Veedhi, Mruga Veedhi, Vaiswanara Veedhi = Dakshinayanam. This season is practised by Devi Upasikas (the silent/deep winter months are considered as Thula-Vruschikam-Dhanus).

1564. How many paths are there to reach Sun (Soorya)?
Ans. 3 ways or Veedhis = left (3), right (3) and centre (3). The Veedhis are constituted through 27 stars as paths. These 27 stars are combined in 9 cliffs which means 3 Stars makes 1 Veedhi therefore, total 9 Veedhis @ 3 stars add up to 27 stars. In other words, the connection to the Sun is only through these 27 stars!

1563. What is the proportion of Thridosha in the human body?
Ans. Thridosha means three senses of humour in the human body that controls everything. They are known as Vatham-Pitham-Khapham, their proportionate values are 1: ½: ¼ (one – half – quarter).

1562. What are the 23 Vikaraas (emotions/transformation)?
Ans. 1. Anna-vikaara (food), 2. Dhwani-vikaara (sound), 3. Mano-vikaara (mind), 4. Anga-vikaara (limbs-body parts), 5. Nir-vikaara (no-response), 6. Rakta-vikaara (blood), 7. Chittha-vikaara (intellect), 8. Tamo-vikaara (lethargic), 9. Ikshu-vikaara (sugarcane), 10. Bahir-vikaara (outside), 11. Bhaava-vikaara (sentiment), 12. Kaaya-vikaara (game), 13. Khanda-vikaara (female organ), 14. Bhootha-vikaara (property), 15. Bhangi-vikaara (manner), 16. Vikarapitha (excessive emotions), 17. Vikarahetu (cause of emotion), 18. Jalacha-vikaara (water), 19. Bhru-vikaara (eyebrow), 20. Roma-vikaara (hair), 21. Ketho-vikaara (disturbance of mind), 22. Madhana-vikaara (pleasureful acts), 23. Shad-vikaara (six).

1561. Where is the dwelling place of Brahma Thathwam?
Ans. Brahma Thathwam has three portions viz. Sath-Chith-Anand. In that sequence, Sath resides in Aathma Thathwam, Chith resides in Vidhya Thathwam and Anandam resides in Siva Thathwam

1560. What is the difference between Sam Praghna and Asam Praghna Samadhi?
Ans. Sam Pragna is aggressive and ferocious in nature. The meditator will start laughing, crying, goose bumps in the body, jerking, sweating etc… are the indications, whereas, Asam Pragna is peaceful and slow in nature. The meditator starts experiencing stability of the body, oneness in the vision, brain and thinking power will be merged into the ocean of absolute Brahman and attain the experience of non-existent.

1559. What is life the span of all Thathwas (doctrines or philosophical principles)?
Ans. Until Pralayam (Dissolution of Nature).

1558. What are the five hurdles a practicer must face while Nada Brahmopasana?
Ans. In this Upanasa, Siva is known as Bindhu (Form) and Sakthi as Naadam (Sound). While doing the Upasana (Meditation) the Upasak will have to break five hindrances known as Artha, Sambadhya, Sookshma, Vyaya and Naasa to see Goddess Parasakthi in physical form. This practice should be explained only to the competitive disciple, hence please excuse me.  

1557. Who are those five worthy women played major roles in the Puranic Period, who has special respect in Sanathana Dharmic life?
Ans. They are known as Smarana Yoghyatha Kanyakas (who is worthy in remembering to shape up our life). They are 1. Ahalya (wife of Sage Gauthama), 2. Draupadi (wife of Pandavas), 3. Sitha (wife of Sri Ram), 4. Thara (wife of sage Bruhaspathi), 5. Mandodhari (wife of Ravana).

1555. Which is the two important Avatar (Incarnation) of Kasyapa Maharshi and Adhidhi Devi?
Ans. Dasaratha and Kausalya (parents of Lord Rama), Vasudevan and Devaki (parents of Lord Krishna).

1554. Who are Rishis?
Ans. A set of sages who are always Ghnaanis (Knowledgeable irrespective of the season). Here is the Ghnaanam is the knower of absolute truth, which is the primordial reason for the creation, sustain and withdraw.

1553. Who are Munis (Maharshis/Sages)?
Ans. This is a status name for those sages who are always in Dhyana (Meditation) observing complete silence (Mounam). They are Mounis, at a later stage, it became Munis.

1552. From whom the important 6 types of beings came into existence?
Ans. From Kasyapa Prajapathi through his different wives, who are the daughters of Daksha Prajapathi. From Dhithi Asuras, AdhidhiDevas, DhanuDhanavaas, ManuManujas, VinithaPasu and Pakshis (Animals and Birds) and KradhuSnakes.

1551. Who is Valmiki Maharshi?
Ans. An avatar of Brughu Maharshi (Sage Brughu).

1550. Who invented Veda Mantras?
Ans. Maharshis (Divine Scientists/Sages)

1549. What are the types of Rishis?
Ans. Four. 1. Brahma Rishi, 2. Raja Rishi, 3. Deva Rishi and 4. Sootha Rishi.

1548. Where in Earth these Devasuras lives?
Ans. Devadhi-dev Lord Siva in Kailas (who is the Gods of God and single representative for all beings), Thibet for Devas (divine personalities), Sukiyaag/China for Asuras and Sri Lanka for Rakshasas.

1547. What is Deva Lokam (Celestial world)?
Ans. Nakshathra Mandalam (world of stars) is actual Deva Lokam. Now we can image the distance between earth and star world! This also indicates that it is not easy for humans to travel to Deva Lokam unless one has a divine body (Divya Sareeram).

1546. Who is a real demon (Asuras)?
Ans. They were born un-naturally or artificially against Prakruthi (law of nature) and give troubles to human beings are Asuras.

1545. Who is really God?
Ans. A supreme power that controls and regulates the nature (Prakruthi) for the benefits of Humans. There is no importance to its form or name (Roopa-bhedam).

1544. When did Devas, Asuras, Dhanavas, Rakshasas and Yakshas were born?
Ans. During Thretha and Dwapara Yug period. They were all interacting with humans in terms of marriages, progency, guests and even in fights etc… This means sometimes they were helpful and sometimes troublesome to human beings.

1543. How does God protects Bharatha Desam from one Yuga to others frequently?
Ans. Lord Sri Krishna said in the Gita as well as Sri Parasakthi in Devi Bhagavatham that they send their most adorable personalities to protect Bharatam from the invaders and crooks. In Krithayug through Ghnaana Sakthi (Power of Knowledge), Threthayug through Mantra Sakthi (Power of Hymn), Dwaparayug through Yuddha Sakhi (Power of War) and in Kaliyug through Sangaditha Sakthi (Power of Unity among Sanathanees!). 

1542. Who is the Moola Purushan of Asuras?
Ans. Niryathan, who is presiding over the quarter of South West zone.

1541. Who were the ancient dwellers of Deva Lok?
Ans. Asuras were first living in the Deva Lok, later Devas captured in the battle and settled over there.

1540. Why Deva and Pithrus food is offered in the fire (Havan)?
Ans. Because fire (Agni) is the tongue of Devas and Pithrus. Naturally, the food is consumed through the tongue!

1539. What is the important job of Lord Varuna (God of Water)?
Ans. Removing the salt contents from the evaporated seawater in the sky and send it back to earth as sweet water through the rain.

1538. Why Rivers are considered as female (especially the status of Mother) in Bharat?

Ans. Rivers are just like a mother and the Sea is the father. Rivers are slim whiling comparing the sea and it gives lots of benefits to all without any expectations. Its sweet water for drinking as well as helping the agriculture activities to flourish.  

1537. How can a person become Vipran?
Ans. Vipran is a status that is achieved through (holy) hard work. The conditions are set in the Sastras that, the person should take birth in a Brahmin the family then get initiated via Upanaya Samskram to become Dwijan. Thereafter, learning Sastras under a competitive Guru and receive a Manthropadesam from him to get the title as Vipran.

1536. What should be imagined during Upasana?
Ans. An Upasakan (Aspirant/Meditator/Devotee/Worshipper) should imagine or think of his/her own Self, Guru, Mantram, Devatha and Yanthram.

1535. What is the important purpose of intaking Pancha Gavyam?
Ans. 1. Cleaning inside the body, 2. Preventing illness / boosting the immune system especially Yakshma Rogam (Cancer).

1534. What are the ingredients in Pancha Gavyam?
Ans. A mix of five objects (properties) of a pure desi cow. The mixing has a strict proportion formula to it. They are 1. Ksheeram (Milk), 2. Dhadhyam (Curd), 3. Aajyam (Ghee), 4. Gomayam (Cow dung), 5. Gomoothram (Cow Urine). Please note all these must be only from one cow, mixing each item from a different cow is not allowed. Collection of these items also has strict rules and regulations.  

1533. How does the Jeeva (Soul) reaches Pithru Lokh (Ancestral world)?
Ans. Those Gruhasthaas (family people) who lived life in Dharmic ways after the death they reach Pithru Lokam through Chandra Mandalam (Moon), whereas those Brahmacharis and Sanyaasis who lived under strict celibacy (Oordwa Rethas) will reach through Soorya Mandalam (Sun).

1532. How do the Jeeva (soul) becoming Prethaas or Pisachaas?
Ans. When humans die, they become Prethas whereas those humans who die untimely out of accidents (Dur-Maran) they become Pisachaas. The remedy for Dur-Marana to get a better life is conducting Srardham at Gaya.

1531. What are the divisions of Pisachas (Ghosts or Unholy Spirits)?
Ans. They are four. 1. Prethas, 2. Vethalaas, 3. Bhoothas, 4. Vinaayakaas. They are two types viz. Puranakaas (Ancient) and Noothanaas (Modern).

1530. Who are Asuras?
Ans. All are children of Kasyapa Rishi (Deva Rishi since mind-born son of Lord Brahma). However, due to bad Karma (unholy conducts/deeds), those who came through Dhithi Devi for Kasyapa Rishi became Asuras. Dhithi and Adhithi both were daughters of Daksha Prajapathi and Panchajani. Asuras are not humans!

1529. What the divisions of Asura Vargas?
Ans. Two. 1. Dhaithyaas, 2. Dhaanavas.

1528. Where do Rakshasas reside?
Ans. A south quarter of the earth is their residence. Ravana was the last Emperor/King. (Ravana during his ruling period, called all the Rakshasas across the Universe to come to Sri Lanka and settle down).

1527. Where do Yakshas reside?
Ans. North quarter of the earth is their residence. Kubera is their King.

1526. What are Nava Nidhis (Nine Treasures)?
Ans. 1. Sankam, 2. Pathmam, 3. Maha Pathmam, 4. Makaram, 5. Kachhapam, 6. Mukundham, 7. Kundham, 8. Neelam, 9. Varchass.

1525. Who are the females of Gandharvas?
Ans. They are Apsarass.

1524. What is the caste the system in Gandharvas?
Ans. Gandharvas are heavenly choristers or celestial musicians. They have five (5) caste division viz. 1. Kinnaras, 2. Kimpurushas, 3. Sidhas, 4. Vidhyadharaas, 5. Apsarass.  

1523. Who are the important divine Nagas (Snakes)?
Ans. 9 Nagas. 1. Ananthan, 2. Vasukhi, 3. Seshan, 4. Pathnabhan, 5. Kambalan, 6. Sankapalan, 7. Dhaartharashtran, 8. Thakshakan, 9. Kaaleeyan.

1522. Who is Pandit (Panditha)?
Ans. The one who is well versed in Sastras (scriptures)?

1521. How do they make (Viswakarma) Asthram?
Ans. Asthraas are made up of atoms from nature. It is as good as modern days Bombs.

1520. Which is the weapons used by Devas?
Ans. 1. Asthram (metal arrow/warhead), 2. Sasthram (missile), 3. Bhaanam (reed-shaft/plants arrow)

1519. What are the important Vibhoothis (mighty/superhuman power) of God?
Ans. They are four. 1. Intelligence/Knowledge (Ghyaan), 2. Power (Sakthi), 3. Self Illumination (Prakasam), 4. Freedom (Swathanthram).

1518. What are the names of Paramathma (Supreme Brahman) in different stages?
Ans. 1. Srushti stage – Hiranyagarbhan/Brahma (Rajo Guna Activated), 2. Sthithi stage – Virad/Vishnu (Sathwa Guna Activated), 3. Samharam/Laya stage – Easwaran/Siva (Thamo Guna Activated).

1517. What are the names of Jeeva in different stages?
Ans. 1. Jagradhavastha (waking stage) = Viswan (Sathwa Guna prevails), 2. Swapnavastha (dreaming stage) = Thaijasan (Rajo Guna prevails), 3. Sushupthiavasatha (deep sleeping stage) = Praaghnan (Thamo Guna prevails).

1516. Which Dharma can protect all other Dharmas?
Ans. Raja Dharma.

1517. What are the Limbs of Kala Chakram?
Ans. Those 94 limbs are 1 Year, 2 Ayanaas (Utharayana and Dakshinayana), 5 Rithus, 12 Masas, 24 Pakshas, 30 Dinas, 8 Yamaas, 12 Lagnas = 94 parts. 

1516. Kala Chakram (Wheel of Time/Revolution cycle) has how many limbs?
Ans. It has 94 Avayavams (Parts or Limbs). Sri Vishnu Bhagawan’s Sudarsana Chakra is also having the same number of limbs.

1515. Sanyasi status is by birth or gradual?

Ans. No one is Sanyasi by birth, whereas he/she is becoming Sanyasi gradually. It is one’s own decision by renouncing worldly pleasure with a firm determination. In other words, Sanyasam is a practice rather than a birthright!

1514. Why do Devas carry weapons in their hands?
Ans. They follow Kshathriya Dharmas and live like Kshatriyas. Unless they follow Kshathriya Dharmas (Rights of Rulers) they cannot destroy Adharmis and revive Dharma in this world.

1513. What can you achieve by following Brahmana Karma (Achara Anushtanam)?
Ans. They can bring self-control and save them from the enemies known as Indriyas.

1512. Do Devas take birth and death?
Ans. Devas (dine personalities) never take birth or meet death, however, their existence is completely depending upon their holy credits. If their Punya Karma Phala is present in them they will appear and when it gets over, they disappear. There is no physical birth or death, just like some stars appear and disappear in the sky.

1511. What are the Sroutha Karmas?
Ans. Conducting Yagnas as prescribed in the Vedas.

1510. What are the Smartha Karmas?
Ans. Serving Matha, Pitha, Pathi, Pathni, Puthra, Dharma Yudh, digging well for drinking water, constructing shelter houses, rest houses, asram, schools, hospitals, temples, doing Anna Dhanam (serving free food to the needy), these are Smartha Karmas.

1509. How many divisions of Punya Karma prescribed in the Vedas?
Ans. Two. 1. Smartha Karma, 2. Sroutha Karma.

1508. Which is the controlling centre points of our body and its divine agent (Devatas)?
Ans.  Moordha (Forehead) is ruled by Indra, Manas (Mind) is ruled by Easanan (An Epithet of Lord Siva who wears Moon on his head), Aathma (Soul) is ruled by Paramatma (Supreme Soul) and all of them occupy Hrudayam (Heart).

1507. Who are the Adhi-devatas (presiding or tutelary or divine agent) of our mortal body?
Ans. Agni for Vaak/Speech/Mouth, Vayu for Nasika/Nose, Soorya for Chakshu/Eyes, Dikdevas for Karnas/Ears, Aushada-Vanaspathy for Thwack/Skin, Chandra for Manas/Mind, Mruthyu for Naabhi/Navel part, Jalam for Jananendriyam/secret part, Prithvi for Poorna Sareeram/overall body, Indran for Balam/strength/metabolism and all these devas and their functions are controlled from Hrudayam/Heart.

1506. Who are the Trilok Aadhara Bhoothas (Bhur-Bhuva-Suva), custodians?
Ans. Agni Deva for Prithvi/Bhur (Earth), Indra and Vayu for Aakasa/Bhuva (Sky/Space), Soorya Deva for Swarga/Suva (Paradise). These Devas are under the command of Prajapathi.

1505. What are the types of Devas?
Ans. Three types. 1. Ajanaja Devas (Those who born in Swarga/Paradise), 2. Karma Devas (Those who ascend to Swarga from the different world due to their good conducts), 3. Nithya Devas (Those who occupy Swarga and accept the offerings given through Yagna).

1504. What are the names of Dwadasa Adithyas?
Ans. Twelve Adithyas are 1. Vivaswan, 2. Thwashta, 3. Aaryama, 4. Pusha, 5. Savitha, 6. Bagan, 7. Datha, 8. Vidhatha, 9. Varunan, 10. Mithran, 11. Indran, 12. Vishnu.

1503. What are the names of Ekadasa Rudras?
Ans. Elevan Rudras are 1. Raivathan, 2. Ajan, 3. Pavan, 4. Bhiman, 5. Vaman, 6. Ugran, 7. Vrushakapi, 8. Ajaikapath, 9. Ahirbhuthniyan, 10. Bahuroopan, 11. Mahan. 

1502. What are the names of Ashta Vasus?
Ans. Eight Vasus are 1. Dronan, 2. Pranan, 3. Druvan, 4. Arkan, 5. Agni, 6. Doshan, 7. Vasu, 8. Vipavasu.

1501. Who are the 33 crores of Devas?
Ans. 8 Dikpalakas, 11 Rudras, 12 Aadhithyas, 2 Aswinikumars makes 33 Devas. Each Deva has 1 crore of Deva Ganas (Assistants) to make 33 crores (330 millions).