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R V Venkiteswaran (Venky)


Saturday, August 29, 2020


 Om Namasivaya Nama:

Narada Bakthi Suthram - Chapter 05 – Bakthi Mahima:

This chapter deals with the importance of devotion and devotees!

Sutram 69:

Threethi Kurvanthi Threerthani, Sukarmee Kurvanthi Karmaani, Sachhasthree Kurvanthi Saastraani!

Threethi Kurvanthi Threerthani = They (Mukhya Bhakthars) turn the ordinary bathing places into sacred places of purification, Sukarmee Kurvanthi Karmaani = Ordinary acts into pious deeds, Sachhasthree Kurvanthi Saastraani = Words of instructions into holy text (sastras).

Meaning: Sage Narada says that the Mukhya Bakthaas are so pure hence they purify the normal water into holy water just by touching or taking bath in it. Likewise, whatever work they do the rewards of the acts and the way of doing itself become purest deeds. Not only that their words of instruction will become holy text as Sastras. There is a reason for all these to happen because they adore God in them and they are walking Gods on this earth. Bagwan Sri Krishna mentioned the same to Sage Veda Vyaasa that wisemen are the Threetham (purified). God's idols and established holy rivers or water resources all take time to purify a person, whereas my greatest devotee's (Mukhya Bakthaas) one look on a person is enough to purity that object, such as the power of Parabakthas. Nobel devotees (Eakantha Bakthaas) Achaara Anushtaanam becomes the source or foundation for Dharma. Parabakthaa's experience is the witness for this claim.  

Sutram 70:


Thanmayaa = Absorbed by God and vice versa.

Meaning: They are (Eakantha Bhaktas) full of Godhood and Godly. That is the reason why they could transform the impure into purity by their association. To make everything pure one must have the presence of the grace of God. These Eakantha devotees are God's moving forces, wherever they go they will purity things in and around them. 

Sutram 71:

Modhanthe Pitharo, Nruthyanthi Devathaaha, Sanaadhaacheyam Bhoorbhavathi!

Modhanthe Pitharo = Ancestors (manes) are delighted with them, Nruthyanthi Devathaaha = Gods dance with joy, Sanaadhaacheyam Bhoorbhavathi = The Earth is happy with their existence.

Meaning: When a devotee (Mukhya Bhakta/Para Baktha/Eakantha Baktha) becomes or take birth in a family, the Pithrus (living as well as ancestors) of that family will be delighted and shower blessings on them at the same time the Devataas (Divine/celestial personalities) will dance with joy. Moreover, the earth will be blessed due to his/her holiness and carry them on Her (Earth) head. Mother Earth will be sanctified due to their presence and bow down to them being a Dharmic Para Baktha.

Usually, every human being is endowed with inherited five unavoidable debts (Pancha Rinaas). They have to fulfil and get rid of these debts through various hard work. These debts are of Devas, Rishis, Bhoothaas, Humans and Pithrus. In casual mode, it will take innumerable births to get rid of these debts, whereas when a devotee becomes Eakantha Devotee (Totally surrender to God), from that minute he/she is relieved from all such debts and freed because of the devotee's full surrender (Aathma Samarpanam). 

Mother Earth becoming impure and restless only because of Sinners, Adharmees and lack of Para Bakthaas, whereas, the birth of a Para Baktha can change the situation and Mother Earth become divine and good things will be experienced by the dwellers of Earth!.  

Sivoham - To be continued...

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Saturday, August 22, 2020


 Om Namasivaya Nama:

Narada Bakthi Suthram - Chapter 04 – Bakthi Lakshanam:

Sutram 66:

Thri-roopa Bhamgapoorvakam Nithya-dhaasa Nithyakantha Bhajanaathmakam Prema Kaaryam Premaiva Kaaryam!

Thri-roopa Bhamgapoorvakam = One must surpass or give up the acts of three types of Bakthi, Nithya-dhaasa Nithyakantha Bhajanaathmakam = And adopt devotion like an eternal servant or eternal wife,  Prema Kaaryam = do with love and affection, Premaiva Kaaryam = depend only the pure innocent love. 

Meaning: The three-dimensional love must be renounced, (they are under the group of Gauna Bakthi = Sathwa/Uthama/Jignaasu Bakthi, Rajas/Madhyama/Arthaarthi Bakthi, Thamas/Praakrutha/Aarthi Bakthi), and adopt the serving mindset of an eternal servant or eternal wife. Both are 100% committed to their Swamis and don't hold anything in them as their own. They are fully surrendered to their master, such an attitude towards God is considered as Niraakaara Bakthi or Ghnaana Bakthi. This should be the goal of true devotees known as Para-Bakthan. 

Such devotees quickly merged into God just like a worm is pulled by the flow of water into a river. The devotee will be submerged into God without any specific efforts because of total surrendering. This devotee is a permanent relative of God and God loves him/her beyond estimations. Unless one does Aathma Samarpanam he or she can't be considered as eternal servant or wife. 

Therefore, every devotee must earn the love of God yes only love of God nothing other than that!

Fourth Chapter completed here: Hare Krishna!

Narada Bakthi Suthram - Chapter 05 – Bakthi Mahima:

This chapter deals with the importance of devotion and devotees!

Sutram 67:

Baktha Eakandhino Mukhyaaha!

Baktha = Devotees, Eakandhino = A non-dual attachment, Mukhyaaha = Important.

Meaning:  Devotees who are exclusively attached to God are his best of devotees. God always think of them likewise devotees always think of God. Both of them are mutually and eternally connected. After developing this connection it will never break the bond and both of them lives in oneness!.

Those who attained Godhood are considered to be Mukhya Bakthaas. This Mukhya Bakthaas fall under fourth division of devotees. They have seen God in person and interacted with him/her.  

Sutram 68:

Khandaavarodha-Romaanjaa-srubhihi Parasparam Lapamaanaaha Paavayandhi Kulaani Prithiveem Cha!

Khandaavarodha-Romaanjaa-srubhihi = Struggle in talking or explaining, thrilled, goose-bumped, tears rolled out of eyes, Parasparam = each other, Lapamaanaaha = talking to another, Paavayandhi = Purifies, Kulaani = the entire clan, Prithiveem Cha = and this earth or wherever they lived. 

Meaning: Whenever and wherever they hear or see their God's glories being heard or seen, they get thrilled and goose-bumped, moreover they can't converse the feeling they are undergoing with others because no words will come out of their throat since it will be choked. That is the type of feeling Mukhya Bakthas are experiencing! We are fortunate to take birth in Bharata Varsham, imagine, how many innumerable such Mukhya Baktaas took birth in this holy land and cherished the glories of God. If I have to write at-least 1000+ such devotees can be referred. In fact, I am losing control of my fingers while typing this narration. 

Such devotees purify their clan (family), liberate their Pithrus, the land where they lived, the place they visit, the people who interacted with them all got transformed their life. Such devotees are rare and if anyone comes across them in their life are the luckiest in this earth. That is the greatness of a genuine Mukhya Bakthaas.    

To be continued...

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 Om Namasivaya Nama:

Narada Bakthi Suthram - Chapter 04 – Bakthi Lakshanam:

Sutram 64:

Abhimaana-DhamBhadhikam Thyaajyam!

Abhimaana = Pride, DhamBhadhikam = Vanity and other immoral activities, Thyaajyam = Must give up / renounced.

Meaning: Pride, Vanity and other types of immoral activities are part and parcel of our inborn qualities. If one gets a chance it will immediately show up, therefore, one must be very careful to stay away from the attack of these enemies. Pride comes along with education, wealth, popularity etc and Vanity arise out of false prestige. Unless the seeker/devotees completely eradicate these two important hidden enemies it is difficult to progress in spiritual life. These qualities are the inherited properties of demonic nature moreover, unrighteousness, limited spiritual knowledge, pride, anger, rough talk, non-discriminative nature are also considered as demonic characters. If any of the devotees/seekers are falling into these qualities he/she should realize that the demonic qualities are overruling them! 

God loves those devotees who are free from pride such as "I am born in a royal class family, I know to do Thapas, I am white skin, I belong to one of the most popular Asram, I am a Brahmin" etc. If one happens to get birth as well as a chance to practice spiritual acts, he/she must be ever thankful to God and be submissive so that one can be a relative of God.  

Sutram 65:

Thadharpithaakhilaachaaraha San Kaam-Krodhaabhimaanadhikam Thasmin-nneva Karaneeyam!

Thadharpithaakhilaachaaraha San = All acts should be offered to God even the feelings such as Kaam-Krodhaabhimaanadhikam = Desires, Anger and Pride etc Thasmin-nneva = Upon Him only (God), Karaneeyam = Entertained with reference to Him (God). 

Meaning: Deposit all actions and its rewards irrespective of its nature to God alone (Good or Bad). Whenever one gets under the influence of Kama-Krodha and Pride that too even direct towards God and be free from ownership. Here, sage Narada says not only surrender your Karma Rewards (Actions) but also Karma itself. When the seeker direct all-natural or inherited feelings towards God, that itself take the form of Bakthi (Devotion). Converting all inherited six hidden enemies into friends is the goal of Bakthi Yogam (Spiritual devotional acts). It is difficult to curb them, therefore it is better to change its direction towards God who is capable of taking care of its adverse effects. Be proud of being a genuine devotee and able to serve God and Godmen. In case one is unable to hold his/her mind in God, then the easy way to conducting activities is do your Karma without expectations of its rewards. 

Every type of living beings reached God irrespective of their livelihood and nature whether through Bakthi or Relation or Kaama or Anger or Revenge or Fear or Love (Example Sages, Yadhavaas, Gopikaas, Sisupaalakaas, vice kings, Kamsa and Pandavaas). Therefore, some sort of refuge must be made with God (Lord Sri Krishna). 

To be continued...

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 Om Namasivaya Nama:

Narada Bakthi Suthram - Chapter 04 – Bakthi Lakshanam:

Sutram 60:

Santhiroopaath Paramaanandaroopaachha!

Santhiroopaath = It is a Natural Peace, Paramaanandaroopaachha = And, a Nature of perfect bliss.

Meaning: Bakthi is easy to practice because it is a natural peace and perfect bliss. There is no complication nor rules and regulations to practice Bakthi. If God likes it, that is the end.   

Sutram 61:

Lokahaanow Chintha Na Kaaryaa, Nivedhithmaloka Veda seelathwaathu!

Lokahaanow = Feeling that material duties may get disrupted, Chintha = Thinking about, Na Kaaryaa = No need to think and worry about it, Nivedhithmaloka Veda Seelathwaathu = Upon submitting or surrendering self, material duties and spiritual activities.

Meaning: A devotee need not panic or worry about by submitting self, material and spiritual (ritualistic rites) duties to the lotus feet of God. Since it is of the nature of peace and of the nature of bliss why should a devotee worry about in and around himself/herself? Just simply surrender all good, bad, material, spiritual, ritual activities to God and free oneself by holding on to genuine sheer devotion (Bakthi).

Lord Krishna once said in the Gita that I will take care of the comforts of true devotees. This was proved through in many incidents. Not only these incidents were mentioned in the Puranas but also, our own ancestors witnessed many such events that took place in the recent past. (Example Sant Tukaram, Gauranga, Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Chembai Vaidhyanath Bhagavathar, Poonthanam, Narayana Battathiri, Kuroor Amma etc...). Maha Bali Chakravarthy was another example quoted in the Bhagavatham. Lord Vaamana took all his properties, rewards of good and bad deeds along with his royal comforts and send him to Suthala Loka and stood as a watchman to his palace.

Anyone who surrender everything to God, the God himself will take care of his/her and their family members too. All one needs is sheer innocent Bakthi!


Sutram 62:

Na Thadha Sidhow Loka Vyavaharo Heyaha, Kinthu Bhalathyaagaha Thadhsadhanam Cha Kaaryameva!     

Na Thadha Sidhow = Until one achieves the total surrender (Aathma Nivedhanam) to the God, Loka Vyavaharo = Material activities, Na Heyaha = not renounceable, Kinthu = Whereas, Phalathyaagaha = Rejecting the rewards of activities, Thadhsadhanam Cha = Practice to renounce the benefits of activities, Kaaryameva = Will become the reason or cause.    

Meaning: Sage Narada Says, so long as this True Bakthi is not achieved, the ordinary material way of life should not be given up, at the same time, one should thrive to give up (Renounce) the desires and the reward of its actions. The devotee must strictly practice as to how to give up the ego-boosting tendencies and actions so that the Bakthi will grow in him/her. In other words, renouncing, the practice should not get stopped, start renouncing from the small objects to big ones over a period. For a family person, it is not easy to renounce everything, therefore avoid expectations while doing duties and submit the rewards to God.

God says, both Virakthan (Renouncer) and Bakthan (Devotee) must work hard to sustain a decent life since it is his/her basic duty because the pure body (Sareera) is very important to do Aathma Vichaara (Self Meditator) that will eventually lead to Mokha (Liberation).

The person who does not follow the protocols given in the Vedas to be considered as an ignorant and an addict to the senses (non-ascetic). He/She will eventually fall into all types of bad Karmas that will make him/her a permanent member of transmigration (Samsara Dukham) system. Do only what is said in the Vedas and handover the rewards to God (Please note same God will give you back with his blessings on it because God is not interested in material things except our Bakthi Bhaava).

Vedas directed in its Karma Kanda that the person who does as prescribed in the Vedas will be rewarded is only an advertisement! This is basically to create an interest among people to do good things in life.

Therefore, until one achieves Aathma Samarpana status, it is better to do good work and handover the benefits to God.


To be continued...

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