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R V Venkiteswaran (Venky)


Saturday, October 31, 2020


 Om Namasivaya Nama:


Om Gam Ganapathaye Nama:, Om Sam Saraswathyai Nama:, Om Sri Gurubhyo Nama:, Om Sri Pippalaadha Maharshe Nama:

All six Maharishis (Sukesan, Sathyakaman, Sauryamani, Aswalaayanan, Bhargavan, Kabamdhi) were assembled in front of Pippaladha Maharishi and raised one question per Maharishi about absolute Brahma Ghyaan. First one to ask was Sri Kabandhi Maharishi.

Prathama Prasna: Q1 (Questioned by Sri Kabandhi Maharishi) - Continued

When are living beings born? Who is the source or reason for all these beings in this Earth?

As the owner of this universe, Prajapathi and Pasupathi Parameswaran created the universal system out of himself known as Srushti Kramam namely Kaala Chakram divided into Sam Vathsaram (Year), Ayanam (Half Yearly Motion), Rithus (Seasons), 12 Maasa (Months), Sulka and Krishna Pakshas (fortnights), Vaaram/Dinam, hours, minutes, Saptha Varnaas (VIBGYOR), Saptha Dhathoos, accommodating a few relevant stars for the welfare of all beings and ordered specific task for each and every one of them. Everyone supposed to do their duties without fail. However, humans are always at improving from the existing system to a new one. God welcomed that but warned them through his voice (Vedas) that if they go beyond control then they will have to face the wrath of nature!

God divided himself into 12 portions as months and asked the beings to follow their Karma and reach him as the final destination of life journey. Those who would like to achieve liberation may do all austerities without any expectations during Sukla Paksha and those who seek Bhoga Sukham (material benefits and comforts) may do wise activities (KarmAs) during Krishna Paksha.

Day and Night put together makes 24 hours, that is God's full form. The day is considered to be pure form (Vidhya) and night (Avidhya) can be utilized for enjoying the sexual pleasure to create children. Sexual activities during the day time are prohibited. During the Rithu period of a female (ideally legitimate wife) at night time, Garbha Dhanam is allowed. If someone meets a sexual partner only for the sake of making children then he would not lose his identity/status of Brahmacharya which is most relevant for attaining liberation (Moksha). 

Food is another form of Prajapathi Parameswaran. In fact, Annam is Brahman itself. Because Annam (Food) creates Veeryam (Bheejam/Seeds) that regenerate beings in this Earth. A food particle gets fully digested only in 30 days time after eating the same. Digestion is a 30 days process at the rate of 5 days per planet to introduce their energies from the eaten food in the body. All Pre-cooked food in charge is planet Sani (Saturn), after consuming the food first 5 days Chandran (Moon) followed by 5 days each by Budhan (Mercury), Guru (Jupiter), Sooryan (Sun), Mangal (Mars) and finally Sukran (Venus). In these last five days (25 to 30 days) the eaten food final portion become Sukla (Veeryam/Semen). 

When a person who carries the form or conviction of the existence of God in his/her pure heart, who will eventually attain liberation whereby his Sookshma Sareeram will ascend to Brahma Lok called Parama Padham or Parama Gathi, where there is no room for any kind of material or spiritual impacts. Unless one is always pure at Manasa, Vacha and Karmana level, during Jagradhavastha (awaken state), and Swapnavastha (dreaming state) he/she will not get into the Brahma Lok.

Prathama Prasna: Q2 (Questioned by Sri Bhargav Maharishi)  

Who is carrying this body and how many are they? in other words how many Devas (divine powers) uphold and illumine a living being? Who all the source for making this body shine and acts? Which power are the supreme most among these Devas?

The primary source for everything is Aakasa Bhootham (Space/Sky). From Aakasa, Vayu (Air), Agni (Fire), Jalam (Water) and Prithvi (Earth) got formed. Among the three Sareera (Sthoolam, Sookshmam and Param), the Sthoola Sareeram was nurtured from these five elements, to make this Sthoola Sareeram to shine and act five Karmendriyas (Organ of speech, hands, feet, excretory organ and genitals) and five Ghnaanedriyas (Ears, Skin, Eyes, Tongue and Nose) and four Antha Karanaas (Manas, Budhi, Chitham and Ahamkaram) were created as a support system. Also, five PrAnAs as supervisors, totalling 5+5+5+4+5 = 24 elements, there are few more elements which will put a total of 36 elements ruling a body. These powers (Devas) are known as Dhaara Bhoothaas (The power of carriers). All these powers are absolutely controlled by Praana (life energy) alone through Prana controls through its subordinate called ApAnan, VyAnan, UdhAnan, SamAnan

Once PrAna has to show its power to other Devathaas that He alone does everything with the help of subordinate members (AngAs). When PrAna exists then everything will exist otherwise all will die and perish. PrAna itself is Paramathma (The Supreme). PrAna revealed himself through Sun and became the Jeerna Sakthi (Digestion power) in the body of living beings. Only because of his existence all are existing!

To be continued...Sivoham

You may watch full discourse from the link:



Saturday, October 17, 2020


 Om Namasivaya Nama:


Om Gam Ganapathaye Nama:, Om Sam Saraswathyai Nama:, Om Sri Gurubhyo Nama:, Om Sri Pippalaadha Maharshe Nama:

All six Maharishis (Sukesan, Sathyakaman, Sauryamani, Aswalaayanan, Bhargavan, Kabamdhi) were assembled in front of Pippaladha Maharishi and raised one question per Maharishi about absolute Brahma Ghyaan. First one to ask was Sri Kabandhi Maharishi.

Prathama Prasna: Q1 (Questioned by Sri Kabandhi Maharishi)

When are living beings born? Who is the source or reason for all these beings in this Earth?

At the beginning state, the Para Brahma Paramathma decided to establish the creation work. Ever since the desire came in, immediately from the Para Brahma Chaithanyam (Hiranya Garbham - Parakasam - Golden Womb) a form came out as Parameswaran (The father of all creation / almighty) and started doing Thapass (penance/meditation) as to how his creation should be implemented. Thereafter, first, he created PRANA and RAYI as couples from his own divine body keeping in mind that they will help him in expanding the creative activities (Srushti). What will make a being to be live is called Prana and what will give a gross body (Sthoola Sareeram) is called Rayi. Prana is light whereas Rayi is a physical body and shape. Let me give more understanding about Prana (Sun) and Rayi (Moon):

PRANA = Life, Father, Sun, Brilliance, Fire, Day, Uthrangam, Uthranga Margam, Moksha Soorya Lokam.

RAYI = Body, Mother, Moon, Shape, Cool, Night, Food (Annam), Dakshinangam, Pithruyaana Margam, Celestial Lokam (Pithru/Swargam Lokam).

Every being the relationship with life is connected with Sun and Mamsam (Muscle) and Medhas (Marrow) connected with Moon. Though the food is contributed by Moon it is being digested by the Sun due to his heat called Vaiswanara Agni / Udharagni (inside the body especially in the stomach). 

Mukhya Prana is further divided into four parts as Apaanan, Samaanan, Vyaanan and Udhanan to handle different functions in the mortal body. All digested food produce blood in different colours dominated by red, just like rainbow colours (Saptha Varnaas). These colours influence human's lifestyle and represent past Vaasanaas. 

Thereafter, the same Parameswaran further divided his divine subtle powers into various objects in the Gross and Subtle forms, it is known as parts of Kala Chakram consists of Samvathsaram (1 year), 2 Ayanams (Utharayanam and Dakshinayanam), Twelve Maasa (months), 5/6 Rithus (Seasons: Vasantham, Greeshmam, Varsham, Sarath, Hemantha-Sisiram), 2 Pakshas (Krishna and Sukla), 7 Dinaas (Days), 27 and/or 28 Stars etc...

During Utharayanam/Uthrangam Sun ascend towards North and Dakshinayanam/Dakshinangam descend towards South. Uthrangam is considered as Parameswara's Aathmaswaroopam and Dakshinangam is Baahya Bhogyaswaroopam. The Rishis of ancient days use to make use of the Utharayanam for all Aathma Vichaara Kriyas and Dakshinayanam for all types of material gains and Swarga Bhogha Praapthi. In other words, doing Yagnam, Meditation, Thapass etc during Utharayanam will ensure that the Aathma attains Moksha / ascend towards Soorya Mandalam through North path and non-commercial public activities (Seva), Deva/Rishi/Pithru/Manushya Yagnaas and Dhaana Dharma activities will be conducted during Dakshinayanam which will ensure Swarga Prapthi via Chandramandalam then return to Earth in case the Aathma leaves the body during Dakshinaayanam as South path. 

Those who balance both Utharayanam and Dakshinayanam activities equally without any expectations (Nish-Kaamya Karma) would get settled in Soorya or Brahma Lokam as Moksham. That Aathma will never return to Earth as a living being. In short, when an Aathma (Soul) departs the body during Utharayanam it will ascend through North path and reaches Soorya Mandalam if that happened to be Dakshinayanam then through South path it reaches Pithrulokam if not Naraka Lokam.

Sivoham... To be continued

You may watch full discourse from the link:




Saturday, October 10, 2020


Om Namasivaya Nama:


Om Gam Ganapathaye Nama:, Om Sam Saraswathyai Nama:, Om Sri Gurubhyo Nama:, Om Sri Pippalaadha Maharshe Nama:

By the grace of Matha, Pitha, Guru, Pithru, Devatha, we are fortunate to learn the subject called "Garbha Upanishad". Prior to which we must know briefly about PRASNA UPANISHAD because the Garbha Upanishad is an extension of Prasna Upanishad. We also, need to know the Punya Athmaas behind this noble cause and scripts. They are the 6 great Rishis of Upanishad Kaalam (Period) their holy names are: 

1. Rishi Sukesan son of Bharadwaja Maharshi

2. Rishi Sathyakaman son of Sibhi Maharshi

3. Rishi Sauryaayani from the Gothram/Clan of Garga Maharshi

4. Rishi Aswalayan, a resident of Kosalam (Question raised on Garbha Upanishad).

5. Rishi Bhargawan, a resident of Vidharbha

6. Rishi Kabhandhi, grandson of Kathyaayana Maharshi

Let us know more about Pippaladha Maharshi: He is the son of Dadheechi Maharshi and Swarcha Devi. He was looked after by his aunt Dhadheemathi (sister of Dhadheechi) after losing both father and mother. He is a master of Atharvana Vedam, holding Brahma Dhandam as his weapon. Apparently, he who punished Sani Devan. He did acute penance as per the advice of Chandra Devan and Lord Siva. Chandra Deva also gave Amrutham (Necter) to Pippaladha, by consuming this he became immortal. He was also a disciple of Rishi Vedasparsa according to Puranas. By doing Thapas, he could able to see the third eye of Lord Siva and obtain boon. He composed Prasna Upanishad. He is considered to be a true Brahma  Ghnaani whereby all three Brahmadis lives in his body (Brahma-Vishnu-Rudran). 

The Mantras of Mandookya Upanishad are included in the Prasna Upanishad. Moreover, this is a Braahmanam of Pippalaadha Sakha in Atharvana Vedam. 

Since Pippaladha Maharshi is known for his penance and the power of Brahma Ghnaanam across Bharatha Varsham, the above mentioned six Rishis (Sages) decided to approach him and learn the truth behind Brahma Rahasyam. When they reached Pippaladha Asramam, all six Rishis prostate in front of Pippaladha and asked him to part Brahma Ghyaan to them. He advised them to stay in his Asramam for a year and do penance by upholding Sradha (Faith),  Brahmacharyam (Celibacy) and Thapass (Penance), upon completion of one year, you can raise your doubts and I will try to answer the way I know about Brahman.   

Note: To know Brahma Ghyaan, the seeker must strictly uphold Sradha, Brahmacharyam and Thapass. Just by arguing or studying books or doing experiments in the lab or sending rockets to space will not get Brahma Ghyanam. The modern generations and scientists' are lacking these qualities hence they are unable to see the absolute truth!

To be continued... Sivoham

You may click the link to see full discourse in our YouTube channel:


Saturday, October 3, 2020

NARADA BAKTI SUTRAM - TAMIL UPANYASAM - OCT-02-2020 : Episode 33 (Final)

Om Namasivaya Nama:

Narada Bakthi Suthram - Chapter 05 – Bakthi Mahima:

This chapter deals with the importance of devotion and devotees!

Sutramd 83: 

Ithyevam Vadhanthi Janajalpanirbhaya Eeka Mathaaha Kumara Vyaasa Sukha saandilya Garga Vishnu Kaundinya seshodhavaaruni Bali Hanoomadh Vibhishanaadhayo Bakthyaa-chaaryaaha!

Ithyevam = Likewise, VadhanthiAs mentioned earlier or said, Janajalpanirbhaya = Not bothered about what others would say, Eeka Mathaaha = Single-minded opinion, Kumara = Sanath Kumar, Vyaasa = Vyas, Sukha = Vyasa's only son Sukha Brahmam, saandilya = sandilyan, Garga = Garga Maharshi, Vishnu = Vishnu Maharshi, Kaundinya = Son of sandilya Maharshi Kaundinya Maharshi, sesh = Adhi seshan, Odhava = Prime Minister of Yadava clan and close friend of Lord Krishna, Vaaruni = Brahma Ghnaani Udhalaka Aaruni, Bali = Grandson of Prahlada Mahabali Chakravarthi, Hanoomadh = Sri Rama Dasan Anjaneyan, Vibhishanaadhayo = Younger brother of Ravana and servant of Lord Sri Rama, Bakthyaa-chaaryaa ha = these noted divine personalities.

Meaning: According to Sage Narada, from time immemorial the practice of Bakthi to reach God is being followed from one clan to another. However, as per the advice and direction of his father Lord Brahma, he decided to propagate this precious Bakthi Maargam by saluting and sharing due respect with such precious masters of Bakthi Margam. These Maha Bakthas (Bagavadotthmaas) are not at all bothered about what others would say about them. They have demonstrated the importance of single-minded devotion towards Lord Hari and made a single opinion that Bakthi is the easiest path to realize God and Godhood. All these Achaaryaas are noted personalities in their field of propagation. Some are composed Bakthi sastras and some acted as a model for Bakthi Sadhana. 

The concluding verse says that those who listen to Narada Bakthi Soothram composed by Sage Narada (Guru) and Sri Madh Bagavatham by Sage Veda Vyasa Maharshi (Sishya) will definitely gain the essence of true devotion and merge with God. Sri Madh Bagavatham is a mix of Brahma Soothram and Narada's Bakthi Sastram. One should have Poorva and Iha janma sukrutham to get a chance to know Bakthi Soothram and realize Parabrahman without many difficulties, that was the ultimate goal of Sage Narada which prompted him to compose Bakthi Soothram. 

Sutramd 84: 

Ya Idham Naardaproktham SivanusaaSanam ViswaSithi sradhatthe, Sa Bakthimaan Bhavathi, Sa Preshtam Labhathe, Sa Preshtam Labhave ithi!

Ya = whoever, Idham = this, Naardaproktham = advised by Narada, SivanusaaSanam = the one which brings gracious, ViswaSithi = with belief, sradhatthe = with faith, Sa Bakthimaan Bhavathi = will become a great devotee, Sa Preshtam Labhathe = achieve the greatest beatitude, Sa Preshtam Labhathe = achieve the greatest beatitude, Ithi = having offered.

Meaning: There is not even an iota of doubt that, those who have belief and faith in this Bakthi Sothram offered by Sage Narada will eventually achieve the ultimate beatitude of Bakthi which will bring peace and happiness in life. Finally, the practising devotee will merge with Lord Parabrahman. Sage Narada offered this Bakthi Soothram to the lotus feet of Lord Maha Vishnu being ever pervaded in this Universe and offer liberation to those who seek. 

Again Sage Narada repeating that anyone can practice and enquire about Bakthi. There are no boundaries or pre-qualifications required, everyone is eligible and responsible as well. Ultimately knowing the "Sivam" and merging in it is the final word. Those who have belief, faith and respect for the practice of Bakthi by the Bagavadothamaas (Pramparam Proktham) will automatically become a great devotee. Since devotees are the part and parcel of God, they become one with God. 

This Bakthi Margam and its composer Sage Narada received a word of appreciation in Padma Puranam, Uthara Khandam. 

Sage Narada tirelessly keep wandering around in all the three worlds to uplift or give a helping hand to those who wholeheartedly try to realize God!

Let us all give a Sashtanga Namaskaram to our great Guru Sri Narada Maharshi and seek his blessings as always! Om Thath Sadh. Sivoham Sivoham Sivoham. 

Sivoham... Subamasthu (The Last Episode).

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