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Have a Good day and God bless you.

R V Venkiteswaran (Venky)


Saturday, November 28, 2020


Om Namasivaya Nama: 

Om Namasivaya Nama:


Om Gam Ganapathaye Nama:, Om Sam Saraswathyai Nama:, Om Sri Gurubhyo Nama:, Om Sri Pippalaadha Maharshe Nama:

Chathurtha Prasna: Q4 (Questioned by Sri Souryayani Maharishi) continued. 

What powers are motionless when one sleeps, and what powers are awake? Who sees the dreams? Who experiences happiness? In whom are all these established or depending?

During the dream stage, the Jeevathma (Sookshma Sareeram) undergo all experiences through the help of mind and Sookshma Indriyas. When there is no dream but calmly sleeping, at that stage the person is under the influence of consciousness called "AHAM" and lives in Paramathma Thathwam. This indicates that someone dies during sleep considered to be the good and easiest way of merging with Paramathma! 

During waken stage (Jagradhavastha) everything reaches Jeevathma through Manass (Mind) and during Dream stage (Swapnavastha) everything reaches Jeevathma directly (there is no work for Mind and other Indriyas). During the sleep, all experiences are directly felt and undergoing by Jeevathma itself, not the body or other elements. In this situation, the Jeevathma will be known as Prakruthistha Purushan!. 

All activities are absolutely depending only on Paramathma itself. All 36 elements starting from Prithvi (Earth) till Prana (Life energy) is the bi-product of Paramathma. Sthoola (Gross) plus Sookshma (Subtle) Sareerams (Bodies) makes Para/Karana Sareeram or Karana Sareeram is the cause for Sookshma and Sthoola Sareeram. All Indriyas have Sthoola and Sookshma Sareeram or effects.

Those who try to know the Paramakshara Paramathma will surely attain Moksham (Liberation) and that Jeevathma will become Sarvaghnan (Knower of everything). The Paramakshara Paramathma is AUM, the Omkara Mantram itself. Akaram (Vishnu/Sustain) plus Ukaram (Rudran/Withdrawal) plus Makaram (Brahma/Creation) makes AUM.

Panchama Prasna: Q5 (Questioned by Sri Sathyakaman Maharishi)  

What is the importance of AUM (OM), if one were to meditate on the symbol "OM" until death, what would one obtain by doing so? How does one meditate or do Upasana of AUM?

Sivoham...To be continued...

You may watch full discourse from the link:


Saturday, November 21, 2020


 Om Namasivaya Nama:


Om Gam Ganapathaye Nama:, Om Sam Saraswathyai Nama:, Om Sri Gurubhyo Nama:, Om Sri Pippalaadha Maharshe Nama:

Chathurtha Prasna: Q4 (Questioned by Sri Souryayani Maharishi)  

What powers are motionless when one sleeps, and what powers are awake? Who sees the dreams? Who experiences happiness? In whom are all these established or depending?

During deep sleep, all powers (Devathas and Indriyas) that reside inside the body will merge in Manas (Mind). Therefore, during sleep Jeevathma (Sookshma Sareeram) does not hear, see, smell, taste, breath, touch, talk, understand, move, discharge because all Indriyas stop doing their routine work. However, whenever the person loses sleep and gets up at that moment all powers will be detached from Manas and enter into their specific duties. When everything becomes still, even at that time the Purushan/Prana is awake and carefully takes care of Sthoola & Sookshma Sareeram (Gross and Subtle bodies) of the person.    

This human body is just like a city and certain primary functions do not stop even during an off-peak time, likewise, those five Pranas remain active as Agni (Fire) known as sacred fire. Kindly note all other Pranas are separated from Mukhya Prana itself. These five Agnis are very important to function a gross body therefore it is called sacred fire. When Prana conducts Apana function it will be known as "Garhapathyagni". When Prana conducts Vyana function it will be known as "Dakshninagni". Again Mukhya Prana through Apanan becomes Aahavaneeyagni. The other two Agnis are "Sawthagni" and "Aavasadhagni" (though these are not discussed here by Pippalada Maharshi). Also note, many other Agnis are active and inactive from time to time. Garhapathyagni is considered as Father and Dakshinagni is Mother and Aahavaneeyagni is Guru. 

Sleep is considered as a Yagnam (A sacred sacrifice). These five Pranas keep doing its functions ever since the beginning till the end of one's life (Yagnam). Mukhyaprana's breathing function is considered as Aahoothi of the Yagnam (Giving the objects into the fire pit is Aahoothi). Manas is the master of Yagna and the reward of that Yagna is Udhaana Vayu. Every time when we sleep, this Udhanan takes one's Manass to the Brahma Lokam where the creator/Paramathma is residing, that is happened to be our own heart. There, with the help of Manass (through the mind) the Jeevathma (Sookshma Sareem) also enjoys the benefits of sleep and rest in peace. Some scholars opinion that death is only an unconditional long sleep (now you know where they are getting the link from). Please note, each one's Karma (deeds) will decide what type of joy it will enjoy i.e. how close one will be to the Paramathma. Although everyone has a heart the Paramathma may not be visible at all due to Karmic effects. Therefore, pure mind (Manass) is very important to realize or merge in Paramathma (in simple term God). Again, God is not Paramathma but Paramathma can become God!  

Sivoham. To be continued...

You may watch full discourse from the link:


Saturday, November 14, 2020


Om Namasivaya Nama:


Om Gam Ganapathaye Nama:, Om Sam Saraswathyai Nama:, Om Sri Gurubhyo Nama:, Om Sri Pippalaadha Maharshe Nama:

Thritheeya Prasna: Q3 (Questioned by Sri Aswalayan Maharishi) continued...  

Whence does life come into the body? How does it abide? How does it go out of the body? How does life interface with the external world? How is it connected with the Self (Sookshma Sareeram)?

4. Vyanan = Resides in Naadies (Nerves and Veins). It travels across all 72 crores of Nerves in the body, it started its journey from the heart then move from nerves to its minute sub-nerves. Vyaanan gives peace of mind/happiness and represents the feel/awareness about touch (sparsa) through the skin. Moreover, the Jeevathma (Sookshma Sareeram) resides in the heart and the heart is the primary source of all Nerve system and Vyanan is controlling all these nerves. It has 100 (100+1) primary nerves and each primary nerve has 100 (100+1) sub-nerves. Those each sub-nerves has 72000 sub-sub-nerves totalling 72 crores of nerves system. Based on the Vasanaas (Desires) of human heart keep producing different colours of blood however the Red colour will be the highest quantity. The body consists of 107 Marmaas (weak points), 180 Junction points, 109 Snaayus (Cord or bond connecting muscle), 700 veins (101 channels), 500 Majja (muscle), 360 Bones, 45 million/crores of hair. Sama Veda experts had identified these 72 crores of nerves having a connection with 72 Mela Karthas (Janaka Ragaas). They brought happiness and peace for the entire nerve system of humankind. Even Animals listen to music and get calmness (modern world using music for cows to give more milk etc...). If our nerves are not angry half of our body pain disappears and we will behave well!

4. Udhanan = Resides in Sushumna Naadi which is unique and only one Nadi that separate itself from all other nerves. Udhanan travels through this Sushumna Nadi. Sushmna Naadi starts from the heart and enters the centre of the head (Masthishkam/Sahasraara Chakram/Brahmaranthram). When Udhanan leaves the existing body, if the person is divine then it will take him to Punya Lokas (Celestial worlds), the unholy person to Naraka or Neecha Yonis and holy and unholy mixed person (Punya-Paapa-misrithan) will be dragged into Mruthyu Lokam which is none other than Earth. The heat produced by Agni (Fire) with the help of Sun (Soorya) will indicate that the Udhanan is active in a body. When Udhanan decided to leave the body it will call all its subordinates that include other Pranas, Dasen-Indriyas, Manas, Budhi and Jeevathma and join the future/new gross body. Jeevathma or Sookshma Sareeram consists of 17 vital elements such as 5 Pranaas + 5 Gnaanendriyas + 5 Karmendriyas + Manas + Budhi. Some other scholars included 5 Mababhoothas + 17 elements + 4  Anthakaranas (manas+budhi+chitham+ahamkaram) + Avidhya + Karma + Kaama total 27 vital elements. Through Udhanana has the free will to travel anywhere in the body, at the time of death if it travels towards North i.e. upward from head then the Sookshma Sareeram will ascend to celestial worlds and if it travels towards south i.e. downward then the Sookshma Sareem will remain in the Earth itself. Udhanan is the reason/cause of death. 

Prana Devatha is Sun, Apaana Devatha is Earth, Samana/Vyana Devathas are Anthareeksham (space/sky) and Udhana Devatha is Jeevan (life energy). Jeeva or Prana is the shadow of Paramathma. This Prana is living in everyone's inner heart as God or Dhehi. The Athma (Paramathma/Supreme Consciousness) does not have birth or death. It is all-pervasive and knows as Brahmam or Brahman. All Indriyaas and bodies are derived out of this Brahman only. Brahman and Aathma are the same and one only. Whereas Jeevathmas as innumerable. 

Once dead, immediately the Prana will travel the speed of Manas (Mind) towards Soorya Lokam. If that Prana exited through Brahmagrandhi and Sahasraara Chakrkam then it will not come back into this transmigration system of Earth, whereas if it exited through other 9 dwaraas (Navadwaraas) such as 2 eyes, 2 nostrils, 2 ears, 1 mouth, 1 Anal, 1 Genital) then surely next birth is unavoidable.

Mukhya Pranan sends its vital energies through Sunlight to all beings and nourishes the body. Since the devatha of Earth is Apana Vaayu it gives the shelter to all bodies to live here. 

When Udhana Vayu leaves the body along with its subordinates and Jeevathma, all elements will merge in Manas (Mind/Consciousness) and the gross body will start losing its warmness and embrace chillness, this will confirm the death. At the time of death whatever be the last (Sankalpam) desires are left in the mind will go along with Sookshma Sareeram (Jeevathma) and it will choose such a body to get it fulfilled its last wish. If one is not practised to think of God at all time, such a person's next is double confirmed according to its wish. Maharishis identified that such Jeevathma remains in one of the 84 lakhs (8.4 million) Yonis (Please remember the status of mind at the time of death would be either of Artham, Raudram, Dhanya and Sukla). 

Whoever understood the importance and its divinity of this Prana will never perish nor his family clan because his DNA is already divine. Usually, a family clan (Parampara) would last up to 650 years and 7x7 = 49 births (13 Parampara @ 50 years life span). Most of the living beings will take rebirth due to the ignorance and very rarely some escapes to Moksham. 

Therefore, whoever understood the importance of these five secrets of the Prana will only reach the lotus feet of Para Brahman. Such a union is rarest and this is called Sayoojya Mukthi. Those 5 secrets are 1. The source of Prana (Ans=Sun), 2. The Vyapthi/pervasiveness of Prana (Prana, Apana, Vyana, Samana, Udhanan), 3. Prana's inner/subtle and outer/gross states, 4. Prana's Aadhi Bauthika status, 5. Prana's Aadhi Adhyaathmika status

Sivoham... To be continued...

You may watch full discourse from the link:


Saturday, November 7, 2020


 Om Namasivaya Nama:


Om Gam Ganapathaye Nama:, Om Sam Saraswathyai Nama:, Om Sri Gurubhyo Nama:, Om Sri Pippalaadha Maharshe Nama:

Dwitheeya Prasna: Q2 (Questioned by Sri Bhargav Maharishi) - Continued...

Who is carrying this body and how many are they? in other words how many Devas (divine powers) uphold and illumine a living being? Who all the source for making this body shine and acts? Which power is the supreme most among these Devas?

All internal and external survival of beings are completely depending on the Prana. Prana itself an individual as well as it's Prajapathi (Parent of all beings). It enters through food and becoming seed in men's body as well as the womb of a woman to becoming a child as per their wish and karma. Prana also acting an Agni and serve the need of Devas and Pithrus besides digesting the eaten food among the individual's stomach. In the absence of Prana, everything is still and inactive. 

Prana alone activates and control every cell as well as parts of the body. There is no power in this universe which can act without the involvement of Prana. 

As we know the Sun is the chief of all Jyothir Ganas (planets, stars etc...) and Prana is the reason for that. Sun is Sun only because of its Prana. It is creating the rain cloud and showering the rain across Earth and stimulate/sustain the living beings includes all plants and animals. 

Prana is always pure by nature. It need not require any external initiation to make it pure. In fact, the Prana is making everything pure another otherwise. Prana is the father of all and the only God of the Universe! Among all elements, Prana alone creates and sustains everything. Prana is carrying the body and its speed is just like Manas (Mind). Prana gives nourishment to all other parts of the body to make it shine and act.  

Thritheeya Prasna: Q3 (Questioned by Sri Aswalayan Maharishi)  

Whence does life come into the body? How does it abide? How does it go out of the body? How does life interface with the external world? How is it connected with the Self (Sookshma Sareeram)?

The body is a combination of Panchabhoothaas (representing Bhaahya Jagath/Physical form), Anthareekabhoothas (representing Anthara Jagath/Subtle form) and many other elements to the tune of 36 divine powers, such body is carried by Prana itself. The prime source of Prana is taking birth from Paramathma. How a shadow of the person belongs to himself/herself and his/her own likewise Prana is undetachable from Paramathma Para Brahman. 

Prana enters the body based on the resolution made through Manas (Mind). At the time of death whatever the last wish or thought was in his/her mind will be carried out in the next birth with a suitable body to accomplish the task. Therefore, it is established that Mind is very important to fix the Prana. 

Mukhya Prana (conscious life) appoints and assigns his own sub-ordinates inside the body in different centres to carry out specific duties viz. Apana, Vyana, Udhana, Samana. Pranaa's important seven duties (Saptha Dharmaas) are breathing, yawning, sneezing, sweating, belching, hungry and thirsting. 

Let me explain the comprehensive functions of Pancha Pranaas:

1. Mukhya Prana = Travels through face, especially nostrils. Resides in the eyes and ears through its permanent residence is in the heart.

2. Apanan = Resides in Ghoodham (Anal area) and Upastham (Genitals). Does the functions of the excretory job and control Rajass, Veeryam and Gharbham. 

3. Samana = Resides in Naabhi (Navel/Umbilicus). It distributes the Annarasam energy churned from eaten and digested food. This Annarasam is divided into 7 parts and distributed at the rate of 2 portions for 2 eyes, 2 for ears, 2 for nostrils and 1 in the face. Samana Vaayu has the biggest physical form (Bahya Roopam) which is the "Space" the gap between Swarga (Celestial world) and Prithvi (Earth).

To be continued...Sivoham

You may watch full discourse from the link:


Friday, November 6, 2020



Om Namasivaya Nama:

PART - 5 (2001-2500)

Om Sarvam Khalvithamevaham Naanyathasthi Sanathanam!
(Nothing permanent in this universe/life except me! The Almighty Sivasakthi)

Dear Seeker,

I would like to update this Chapter slowly and steadily since it is a huge task. Therefore, please try to open this Chapter from time to time to get updated information:

Please note some of the contents quoted in this chapter may vary when compared with other authors' publications due to a different source of information from various books of Sanatana Dharma Sastras. I have taken careful attention to minimizing contradictions and errors. I have used maximum Sanskrit words that more or less match the English words.

God Bless You... Venky

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2500. What is the secret in the Swasthi Pathmam (Swasthi Chakaram)?

Ans. 2 divisions. 1. One side is ruled by Saptha Rishis, and the other side is ruled by Lord Subramaniyan.


2499. What are the non-associates or non-qualities of Aathma (Soul)?

Ans. 6 Self-born bad qualities such as Kaama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Madha, and Mathsaryam. The conquer these bad qualities, there is only one right solution to be adopted in life, and that is “Thyaagam” (renounce/give up/sacrifice).


2498. What are the closest associates or qualities of Aathma (Soul)?

Ans. 4 Antha Karanaas viz. Manass, Budhi, Chitham and Ahamkaram.


2497. What is the distance of one lightyear?

Ans. 6 trillion Miles ie. 9.461 trillion Kilometers (approximately).


2496. How many Dharma exists on this Earth?

Ans. According to Sanathana Dharma Sasthram, it has 4200 (approximately) Dharmaas (Virtues) practiced. However, many Dharma will disappear or will not practice as the Kali gains its power.


2495. What was God’s Sankalp (resolution) when created this Earth?

Ans. Bharatha Varsham (Hindustan) must be a Spiritual Land (Punya Bhoomi), it should shine in every important field, and it should be a mega-powerful country. Bharatham should be a Viswa Guru (Universal master) and teach the world about Sakthi (Power), Ghyaan (Wisdom), Dharma (Righteous), Karma (Action), and Yogam (meditative alignment of the environmental system).


2494. How to use honey to increase and decrease body weight?

Ans. To reduce body weight = Mix honey in lukewarm water and drink it after food. To increase body weight = Mix honey in cold boiled milk and drink it after food.


2493. When one should not consume honey?

Ans. 1. Honey should not be mixed in hot food items, 2. Summer seasons, 3. Hot bodies, 4. Honey should not be heated up.


2492. What are the five conditions that require for taking an oil bath?

Ans. 1. It must be the summer season, 2. Above head Sun must be shining (10 to 1 pm), 3. Empty stomach (must be hungry), 4. Hot water and Hot oil must be used, 5. Cheenika Herbal Powder is mixed in hot water to make it paste.


2491. What is one of the best Ayurvedic medicine for Diabetics?

Ans. A mix of 10 ML fresh gooseberry juice/extract and a pinch of turmeric powder mixed with 10 ML natural honey are taken in the early stomach in the morning. Thousand years ago, there was no existence of diabetics, yet Ayurveda anticipated this biggest money-making illness in the world in the future. Food habits, sleep, and exercise are the main cause of this ailment. Ayurveda talked about 4448 ailments out of which 4000 were for human beings and 448 for animals. Ayurveda has medicine for all these 4448 illnesses.    

2490. In Ayurveda from where the Aarogyam (Health) is beginning?

Ans. From Night not Day because good and sound sleep is the signification of good health. Sleeping is the best healing for most problems.


2489. What are the growth stories or changes that take place in a woman?

Ans. 120 years of living is considered Poorna Aayus, and 60 years is Ardha Aayus. In these 2 segments, the first part is demonstrating maximum important activities. Every 7 years the changes can be felt. They undergo 8 changes in their whole life within 7 years of the band. 1. By the age of 7 = Teeth will fall and establish/demonstrate their feminity (Sthreethvam) on this Earth., 2. By the age of 14 = The first Egg will come out of Uterus and her first puberty will be established., 3. By the age of 21 = Her Uterus will be grown enough to carry the pregnancy., 4. By the age of 28 to 35 = She might have conceived and delivered babies., 5. By the age of 42 = She can deliver enough healthy children up to her satisfaction and enjoy motherliness., 6. By the age of 49 to 56 = She will undergo Menopause (Arajaayathi – monthly discharge will get stopped)., 7. By the age of 62 onwards, She will undergo a mix of joy and sorrows of her own family, becoming a grandmother and widowhood, etc… God is great! Every woman in this world is peculiar, special, and representative of compassion and love. She is becoming a child, sister, wife, mother, grandmother, and the unique quality of giving birth to males and females! So amazing.


2488. What are the five states (Avastha) of Bhagavan as per Vaishnava system?

Ans. Vaishnavism says their Bagavan has 5 states (Avasthaas) viz. 1. Para Bhaavam (highest level), 2. Vyooha Bhaavam (imaginations), 3. Archana Bhaavam (worship), 4. Avathaara Bhaavam (incarnation), 5. Antharyaami Bhaavam (within the inside or Aathma Roopam).


2487. What should one do to get a Sadh Guru (True Guru)?

Ans. 3 things to be done. 1. Punya Kshethra Darsanam, 2. Punya Theertha Snaanam, 3. Easwara Bakthi. When someone has these three Gunas automatically the path will be shown or Gurum himself/herself will approach.


2487. What is the reason for birth and death?

Ans. Individuals’ (Jeevathma’s) Karma, Pravruthi/Kriya, and Prarabdham are the reason for repeated birth and death.


2486. What is the fear attached to Shadaadaara Chakras?

Ans. 1. Mooladharam (Lam) = Bhaya (Fear), 2. Swadhishtaanam (Vam) = Niraasa (Boring or Ejection), 3. Manipoorakam (Ram) = Nissahaayatha (Helplessness), 4. Anaahatham (Yam) = Asthithvam/Premam/Nirudhesam (Existence/Love/Without any statement), 5. Visudham (Ham) = Aviswasa Bhaavam (Distrust), 6. Aagna (Aum) = Vivasyatha/Viswasam (Complesion/Trust), 7. Sahasraaram (Aum) = Lashyam/Aanadham/Santhosham (Aim/Ecstasy/Happiness).


2485. What are the types of foods we eat on daily basis?

Ans. They are 2 types viz. Aantharam and Baahyam. Indriya Vishayaas (sensual pleasures) and Vishaya Ghnaanaas (Desires of Vaasanaas) are the food for Anthakaranaas (Manass, Budhi, Chitham, and Ahamkaram) that are called Aanthara Aahaaram. Whereas the food for Baahya Sareem is Sasya Lathaadhi (Fruits and Vegetables) as Baahya Aahaaram.


2484. What is Soma Yagam?

Ans. The process of renouncing the afflicted or quoted illusion (Maya) in the Jeevathama/Soul is Soma Yagam.


2483. What is Soma Rasam?

Ans. In Vedic context and spiritual contexts, it has different meanings. However, the mostly accepted two approaches are: 1. The Jeevathma under the influence of Maya (illusion) is called Soma. 2. The joy or time Lord Siva with Uma Devi. In other words here Soma is Uma Devi i.e., Jeevathma (Devotee), and Rasa is Siva i.e., Aathma (Swamy). As we know very well Gods are playing this divine game by splitting themselves into pairs to play games. To play a game we need two parties isn’t. Therefore, God split into Male & Female, Master & Disciple, God and Devotee, Husband, and wife, Positive energy, Negative energy, etc… However, we all know in many scriptures all divine personalities were given the Soma Rasam to consume. Soma is also a leaf mixed with roots of plants that promotes an intoxicated mood (but not like the modern chemical alcohol) with a taste of sweetness. The inner meaning of this Soma Rasam (The essence of life) is that those Maharshis (Great personalities) during Yagna worship were offering themselves to divine celestial bodies to attain Swaragavasam and abundant wealth during their stay on Earth. So, to please these devas (Gods) they were offering this Sarbath (Soma Rasam) as a welcome drink or nivedhyam. A true devotee would give up / renounce everything for the sake of his/her God, (here the Soma/Body and Rasam/Soul).  I don’t see any big deal in making a nonsense statement such as Devaaa are always drinkers, holding liquor-filled cups, etc… Please note Devas cannot consume Soma Rasam drink unless they were offered during Yagna.  Nowadays most of the corrupted cinemas and serials directors were showing 24/7 Devas drinking and dancing etc. Kindly note Devas cannot do that because they will lose their divine ship. Moreover, Devas are very busy personalities looking after 14 words unlike this tiny Earth ruled by few funny politicians or gangsters. This shows how much knowledge these Directors possess about the upper worlds. Cheap humans can think only in a cheap way is the right conclusion.   


2482. What is Purodasam (an eatable cooked food offered during Havan)?

Ans. It consists of 3 ingredients as Rice powder, Ghee, and Havis (Raw rice/Oblation) cooked together in the water. Looks like Payasam. This is the main food offered to all celestial (Divine) personalities during the Yagnam.


2481. What is the real meaning of Pasu and Aswam in Vedas?

Ans. In recent times, there is huge negative hypes and contradictions raised by many non-believers during Vedic times scholars conducting Pasu Medha Yagnam and Aswa Medha Yagnam, which means they were casually killing those animals, etc… However, to understand the real meaning of Vedas one must be a master of Vedangaas such as Siksha, Vyakaranam, Kalpam, Niruktham, Chhandhas, and Jyothisham otherwise huge misunderstandings can happen among unscholarly people. By the way, the real meaning of Pasu and Aswam is = Pasu means Ghnaana Prakasam of a Dharmishtan (i.e., The overflowing wisdom or true knowledge/Ghyaan of a person is Pasu. In other words, the mood of a Jeeva or Soul’s ecstasy) and Aswam means undefendable great divine powers. The literal meaning of Aswam is Sun God himself, the divine king of space, or Aathma Dhaatha who keeps giving us light and energy without fail.


2480. Soma Yagam how many types?

Ans. 7 types, among them the prominent one is “Agnishtomam”. In the South Indian state of Kerala, the scholars practice Aadheyam, Agnishtomam, and Athirathram. The ideal elective time to start the Athirathram is Vasantha Rithu full black day (Amavasya or Prathama) or Sukla Pakha Prathama. The other Soma Yagams are Uktya, Sodasi, Aaptoryama, Vaajapeyam.


2479. What is Advaitha Darsanam (Vision) of Sri Adi Sankara Charya?

Ans. The Path of Knowledge (Ghyaan) from the school of Uthara Meemaamsa is the Philosophy of Sri Sankara. Whereas the Path of Karma (Yagna Samskaram) is propagated by Poorva Meeemaamsa. Meemaamsa is a branch of Sanathana Hindu Philosophies.  The meaning of Meemaamsa is Reflection, Doubt, consideration, Investigation, Examination, Discussion, Profound Thought, etc. Just look at how elaborate are Hindu philosophies. Here no one is on top of anyone. Every human has been given equal respect to debate their way of understanding Aathma, birth, life, death, liberation, etc… No one in this universe will be able to stand before Sanathana Hindu Philosophy.   


2478. What is defined by the Akshara Mantra Sasthram?

Ans. They are 5 divisions viz. 1. The Mantra that has 1 Syllable (Aksharam) is called = Pindam, 2. 2 Syllables Mantra is = Karthri, 3. 3 to 9 Syllables Mantra is called = Bheejam, 4. 10 to 20 Syllables Mantra is called = Mantras and 5. 20+ Syllables Mantra is called = Maala Manthram.


2477. What is the Kulam (clan or race)?

Ans. One of the inner meanings of Kulam means Brahmam or Sthri or Vedam or Dharmam. For practical purposes, they are known as 2 types viz. 1. Attained by birth. 2. Attained by gaining true knowledge, wisdom, and education. Those who religiously follow the customs, rules, and regulations set by the Sasthras are called Kula Dharmam. Kula Dharmam is the bigger Dharmam among all Dharma (Righteous).


2476. How Thripuram is defined or what it consists of?

Ans. 3 types. 1. Thrikonaas of Sri Chakram., 2. Thrikoodaas of Pancha Dasakshari Vidhya (5+6+4 syllables) known as Pathamakoodam (5), Madhyakoodam (6), and Sakthikoodam (4)., 3. Thripudi Swaroopam of Kundalini Sakthi (Ghnaana, Ghnaathru, Ghneyam).


2475. What consists of Aathma Thathvam?

Ans. 24 Thathvas constitute Aathma Thathvam. 5 Karmendriyas, 5 Ghnaanendriyas, 5 Bhoothaas, 5 Thanmathraas, Budhi, Chitham, Manass, Ahamkaram.


2474. How many types of Pancha Dasakhari Mantras are defined by our great Rishis?

Ans. 12+3 = 15 types. The inventors or creators of these Mantras are great Saints (Rishis) viz. 1. Manu, 2. Chandran, 3. Kuberan, 4. Lopamudra, 5. Manmadhan, 6. Agasthyan, 7. Agni, 8. Sooryan, 9. Indran, 10. Skandhan, 11. Sivan, 12. Durvasa, 13. Nandigeswar, 14. Hari, 15. Yama Dharman.


2473. Who is Jeevan (Soul)?

Ans. The Purushan (Brahman) having the Chith (Conscious Mind or Chaithanyam) is the Jeevan. He is the doer as well as the consumer (Kartha and Bhokta).


2472. What are the 10 important Sahasra Naamas of Goddess Parasakthi?

Ans. 1. Ganga, 2. Bhavani, 3. Gayathri, 4. Kali, 5. Lakshmi, 6. Saraswathi, 7. Raja Rajeswari, 8. Bala, 9. Syamala and 10. Lalitha.


2471. What is the mentally and physically challenging task that brings sorrow to life?

Ans. The wrong conviction or understanding that “I am the body of limitations” is the main reason that brings loads of sorrow. Whereas the solution to get rid of this cause is to get convinced that “I am the Brahman of infinite”. This means I am immortal and not the mortal body itself.


2470. What is the meaning of Bharatham (current India)?

Ans. Bha = Shining or brilliance, Ratham = Joyful. The place that holds full of brilliance and joy among people is called Bharatham. Unfortunately, due to foreign invaders, immigrants, potchers, and uncivilized people, the purest Bharatham got dilapidated. Time, space, and nature worked against their purity.


2469. What is the opinion of modern science on account humans started eating rice and grains?

Ans. Approximately past 12 to 13,000 years. However, Sanathana Dharma is not subscribing to it because by mid of Threthayugam rice eating was well explained in the scriptures i.e., approximately time of 20 million years back.  


2468. How much time Gene (Genetics) takes to change completely?

Ans. It will take approximately 60 to 70 thousand years.


2467. What are the two divisions (Clan) of work/action?

Ans. Kriya and Karma. Any act with desires is considered Kriya, whereas any action done without any expectations is Karma.


2466. How many types of horoscopes (Jathakam) are seen in practical life?

Ans. 3 types 1. Athiyoga Jathakam (Plenty of fortunes), 2. Mathiyoga Jathakam (Limited number of fortunes), 3. Avayoga Jathakam (Less or nil fortunes) are like classes A, B, and C.


2465. When Mahathmaas (greatness) is born?

Ans. When they meet their Sad Guru at that elective time (Muhoortham) they will be born in other words their Mahathmathvam (greatness) will be revealed or kindled that was hidden in them.


2464. What are blood groups and their characteristics?

Ans. A+ = Good and Positive Leadership Qualities, A- = Hard working nature (Negatives), B+ = Can sacrifice for other's sake, very ambitious but less tolerance level, B- = Nonflexible, selfish and sadistic, O+ = Born to help others or save others, O- = Narrow-minded, AB+ = Very difficult for others to understand them, AB- = Sharp and Intelligent.


2463. What are the representations of fingers in terms of Planet, Element, Limbs, etc.?

Ans. 1. Index Finger (Tharjani) = Planet Jupiter, Element Air, Limbs and function Respiratory systems, Lever, Stomach., 2. Middle Finger (Madhyama) = Planet Saturn, Element Space, Limbs and functions Bones, Nerves, Brain, Mental function., 3. Ring Finger (Anamika) = Planet Sun, Element Earth, Limbs and functions Stomach, Heart, Bones, Eye vision, Spleen, Blood circulation., 4. Little Finger (Kanishtika) = Planet Mercury, Element Water, Liimbs and function Indigestion, Anxiety, Memory loss., 5. Thump Finger (Anghushtam) = Planets Venus and Mars, Element Fire, Limbs and functions = Fever, Ulcer, Muscles, Reproductive, Urinary system.


2462. How does the Navagrahaas and metals relationship establish?

Ans. Planets represent certain metals viz. Sun = Gold, Moon = Silver, Mars = Iron / Copper, Mercury = Mercury, Jupiter = Tin, Venus = Copper, Saturn = Lead.


2461. What should happen to the body to get a deep sleep during the night?

Ans. 4 action points must take place. They are 1. The food eaten for dinner must be completely digested, 2. Body temperature should be 37 degrees, 3. Mind (Manass) must be clean and calm, 4. The brain (Budhi) must be clean and calm.  

2460. What types of food are consumed by Human beings and what effect?

Ans. They are 5 types viz. 1. Food to sustain life, 2. Food that gives life, 3. Cooked vegetarian food, 4. Cooked non-vegetation food, 5. Food that provides kick or intoxication (Lahari/Drug).


2459. What was the date of birth of Lord Sri Krishna as per modern calculations?

Ans. 19th July, 3228 BCE (Gregorian calendar 2023 he is 5251 years old). Hindu systems are having different opinions but are close to this conviction. 


2458. What is the language of Sidhaars (accomplished or enlightened people)?

Ans. Sandhya


2457. What are the 5 important dances (Nrutham/Natanam/Kooth) of Lord Siva?

Ans. 1. Sivaanandha Natanam (the entire world dance/move with Him), 2. Sundara Natanam (dance only for his consort Goddess Parvathy/Sakthi), 3. Pon Thillai Natanam (dance by showing all his five faces), 4. Porpathi Natanam (dancing in Chidambaram), 5. Athbhutha Natanam (this dance can be seen only in between eyebrows/Brumadhyam). Lord Siva is a master of master’s dance, all 108 steps with respective Bhavam can be demonstrated only by him. All postures were seen only by his consort Goddess Sakthi.


2456. How many types of Panchaksharas are revealed to us by Mahathmas?

Ans. 5 types. 1. Sthoolam (Nama Sivaya), 2. Sookshmam (Sivaya Nama), 3. Athi Sokshmam (SivayaVasi), 4. Kaaranam (Siva Siva), 5. Mukthi (Si).


2455. What does the Vedanta teach us?

Ans. A study or a philosophy that elaborately reveals the real meaning of “Thathvamasi” (You are That!). Here the “That” is Brahman itself.


2454. What is the true nature of Advaitha Philosophy?

Ans. Those who see the material world created out of Pancha Bhoothaas (five elements such as Space/Sky, Air, Fire, Water, and Earth) do not see God (Easwara), likewise, those who saw the God (Easwara) will not see the material world. This is the true nature of Advitam.


2453. What are the 3 fundamental philosophies of the Saiva and Vaishnava system?

Ans. Saivam propagates Pathi (Unafflicted Easwathvam), Pasu (Afflicted Jeevathma), Paasam (worldly affairs). Vaishnavam propagates Easwaran (Unafflicted Paramathma), Chith (Concentrated God of love or consciousness), and Jagath (worldly affairs). One must understand these principles and get enlightened through practices. According to both sects, this is the belief in their God and his interaction with humans.


2452. What is the source of Vedas and Aagamaas?

Ans. Vedas are the breath of Easwara that comes out through his nostril, whereas the Aagmaas are the syllables coming out of his divine mouth. Vedas are mostly in Samskrutha Bhasha whereas Aagamaas is more of an Ethnic language including Samskrutham.

2451. What did come out of Lord Maheswara’s Tiny Hand Drum (Udukku/Damaru)?

Ans. When he played first, the sound emitted “Maheswara Soothram” containing 14 Soothras.


2450. What is the language of Ahamkara (Self-Ego) and Aathma (Soul)?

Ans. The language of Ahamkara is talking (Vadhanthi) whereas the language of Aathma is “Silence”.


2449. What is the relationship between Aathma (Soul) and Mounam (Silence)?

Ans. There are no boundaries for Aathma and Mounam, both are infinite. Therefore, to know the Aathma, Mounam (silence) is the easiest and best option.


2448. What are the fundamental divisions of Mantra?

Ans. 3 types viz. 1. Aksharaanthakam, 2. Aksharaabhyam, 3. Bheejamantram.


2447. What is the unique quality of the Mind (Manass)?

Ans. The mind always receives and communicates knowledge (Ghyaan) only through its own Maathrubhasha (mother tongue). The mind’s language is sound hence the mind can be controlled with the help of Mathrubhhasha. All Bharatheeyer’s ancient language was Samskrutham (Sanskrit) and, due to this, through various Mantra chanting people used to control their minds. The definition of Mantra is “Mananaath Thrayathe Ithi Mantra”. When a person repeatedly chants a particular Mantra, he/she could win over his mind. In fact, we all know our existence only because of our names (Mantra).


2446. How many types of rice were cultivated or existed in ancient Bharat?

Ans. 160,000 varieties of rice were produced in ancient Bharat. Now hardly 40+ varieties were seen. According to me, the modern scientific system has spoiled our ancient agricultural practices.


2445. What is medicine or drug (Aoushadham)?

Ans. A drug must have 3 stable qualities then it can be considered a medicine or drug. 1. The consumer’s body and mind must be saved from illness permanently, 2. The same disease should not recur, 3. Spiritual happiness and growth must be provided. If any drug that can provide these 3 benefits, can be called Medicine. This is where modern medicine and medication fail!  


2444. What is the difference between Dhyaanam and Samaadhi?

Ans. Dhyaanam means still the existence of imaginations in and around, whereas the Samadhi means all imaginations or assumptions got evaporated from the existence of the mind, the only remains is absolute ghyaam that is “Brahma Sathyam Jagath Mithya”!


2443. What is Yoga?

Ans. 1. An act that will remove the Vikaara & Vichaara (uncontrollable desires, disorders, and thoughts) specks of dust or blemishes from the mind is Yoga. 2. I, the Jeevathma merging or getting dissolved in the Supreme Brahman is also called Yogam. Alternatively Self to Selfless!


2442. What is the fundamental division in Dharmas?

Ans. 1. Samaanya Dharmas, 2. Visesha Dharmas.


2441. How many types of guilt prevail in our life system?

Ans. They are 4. 1. Jealousy (Asooya), 2. Anger (Kopa), 3. Bad desires (Aasa), 4. Harsh words (Krooravaak).  


2440. What is Dharma (Virtuous/Righteous)?

Ans. Thraayathe Anena Ithi Dharma: or Dharmo Rakshathi Rakshita: 1. Whatever that protects/guards you! is Dharma. 2. When there is no blemishes or ill feeling in the mind it is also Dharma. Millions of Dharmas exists in our life, especially in Bharatha Varsha. Sometimes it varies between religions and countries.


2439. What is the significance or representation of Upavetham (Poonal, Sacred Thread, etc…) and Sikha (Topknot/Crest)?

Ans. The Upavetham is representing Vedantham and Sikha represents Ghyaan.


2438. What is the meaning of Vedanta?

Ans. The literal meaning is the end or crown or crest of Vedas. However, the real meaning of Vedantham is a teaching method which is; teaching a method or advice to live without any desires is Vedantham.


2437. What is the type of Siva Lingas?

Ans. 6 types. 1. Anda Lingam (This Universe), 2. Pinda Lingam (Living Body), 3. Sadhasiva Lingam (The whole temple), 4. Aathma Lingam (Soul of a body), 5. Ghnaana Lingam (Subtle form appears during Ghaana Upaasana), 6. Siva Lingam (Lingam worshiped inside the temple). The true meaning of Lingam is “Layathu Ithi Linga” which is the absolute divine power that manifests or dwells in a device/Upaadhi.


2436. Which are the important places Lord Siva demonstrated his supernatural grace (Veerattanam)?

Ans. 8 divine places viz. 1. Thirukkadayoor (Victory over Kalan), 2. Thirukhandiyoor (Brahma’s fifth head was beheaded), 3. Thiruvezhimalai (Jalandharaasura Samharam), 4. Thiruvathikkai (Thripura Samhaaram), 5. Thirukkurukkai Veerattanam (Manmatha Samharam) 6. Keezhoor (Anthakaasura Samharam), 7. Thiruvirkkudi (Dhaksha Samharam), 8. Vazhivoor (Gajaasura Samharam).


2435. How do the accomplished (enlightened) saints worship Goddess Parasakthi?

Ans. 3 types viz. 1. Bala (Vaghbhavam-Face), 2. Bhuvaneswari (Kaamaraajam or Madhyakoodam - neck to hip) and 3. Lalitha Maha Thripurasundari (Sakthikoodam – Hip to feet).


2434. What is the color combination of Pancha Dhasakshari Mantra?

Ans. The 15-syllable seed mantra is a highly secretive worship. The formula of the mantra is 5+6+4 = 15 Bheejaksharas. The first 5 letters are having Golden colors, the second 6 letters are red color and the third 4 letters are white color. Goddess Parasakthi (The Para Brahman or Paramathma or Supreme Aathma) form is constituted with 3 parts viz. The first part is Face (5 letters in gold color), the second part is Neck to Hip (6 letters in red color), and the third part is Hip to feet (4 letters in White color). It is also known as Sthoolam (limbs form), Sooksham (mantra form), and Param (Vaasana form).


2433. What is the difference between Ghyaani and Aghyaani?

Ans. The difference between a Knower and an Ignorant is that for a Ghyaani his heart and Sahasraara Padhmam both are sprouted and open, whereas, for Aghyaani both will be just like a bud only, it will never blossom.


2432. What is the relationship between Shad Rasas (6 tastes) and Pancha Bhoothas along with the limbs of the body?

Ans. 1. Puli/Sour = Aakasam/Space, Eyes, Pitha Sanchi (Gallbladder), Anger, Large Intestine. 2. Spicy = Vayu/Air, Lungs, Skin, Nose, Sad, Large Intestine, 3. Bitter = Agni/Fire, Heart, Pericardium, Small intestine, Tongue, Happiness, 4. Salt = Jalam/Water, Kidney, Urine Blader, Ears, Fear, 5. Sweet = Prithvi/Earth, Stomach, Spleen, Lower lips, Spleen blood purifier.


2431. How many states make Bharatha Khandam/Varsham?

Ans. 55 countries make Bharatha Khandam. They are 1. Kashmir, 2. Nepal, 3. Kosalam, 4. Kambhojam, 5. Paanchalam, 6. Simhalam, 7. Angam, 8. Kalingam, 9. Kaamaroopam, 10. Souveeram, 11. Kuru, 12. Bhojam, 13. Vidheham, 14. Vaathmeekam, 15. Hehayam, 16. Vangam, 17. Sourashtram, 18. Punnagam, 19. Chaparparam, 20. Kulantha, 21. Sourasenam, 22. Dhangana, 23. Maartha, 24. Saindhavam, 25. Purusharam, 26. Paandharam, 27. Salivam, 28. Kudaku, 29. Nishadham, 30. Durga, 31. Mardha, 32. Poundram, 33 Magadham, 34. Chedhi, 35. Maharashtram, 36. Gundhra, 37. Karnatakam, 38. Dhravidam, 39. Kukkudam, 40. Laadam, 41. Maalavam, 42. Maagaram, 43. Dhesarnam, 44. Odiya, 45. Baakku, 46. Yavana, 47. Ghuvani, 48. Konghanam, 49. Kaasyapam, 50. Dhunghuna, 51. Kachham, 52. Cholam, 53. Pandyam, 54. Cheram, 55. Keralam.


2430. What is the area of Bharatha Varsham?

Ans. Bharatham, Egypt, Afghanisthan, Baluchisthan, Iran, Sumeriya, Caspian Sea (Sage Kasyapa Samudram). These names are as per the prevailing countries, otherwise, it was a just country. We are still discovering Lord Siva’s Lingams in different parts of these countries. 

2429. What are the Nava Varshas (space and time) on this Earth?

Ans. 1. Bharata Varsham, 2. Kethu-moola Varsham, 3. Hari Varsham, 4. Ella Varsham, 5. Kuru Varsham, 6. Hiranya Varsham, 7. Ramyaka Varsham, 8. Kimburusha Varsham, 9. Bhadraaswa Varsham.


2428. How Yogas are to be capitalized or utilized by humans?

Ans. With the help of the mortal body, one should do Karma Yoga, with the help of Manass/mind one should conduct Bakthi/Upasana Yoga, and finally, through Aathma Vichaara (discrimination or realization or meditation) one can practice Ghyaana Yoga.


2427. What are the 3 fundamental philosophies of Sanathana Vedas?

Ans. The 3 pillars are 1. Sthuthies (praizing), 2. Kathas (stories), 3. Upadesas (advises).


2426. Why humans are not making a hard attempt to see God?

Ans. Because of his/her desire for enjoying sensual pleasures (Bhoga Sukham). Once they are fully satisfied with Bhoga Sukham, eventually the interest shoots up to see God. Just like a small child doesn’t think of their mother while taking bath or playing with friends. Once the game is over and starts hungrily immediately it will think of mother.


2425. How long human should conduct their mundane duties (Nithya Karma Anushtaanam)?

Ans. Whenever a person hears the holy names of God immediately his/her eyes are getting filled with water drops (Aananda Dravyam) and the body hairs goosebump, one can stop doing Nithya Karmas as prescribed for his Varna Aasramam.  


2424. When one’s Karma (action) will end?

Ans. When humans realize the God (Aathma Sakshathkaram) from that moment all his/her Karma will evaporate from their account.


2423. What is the life span (Ayus) of humans in each Yug (yoke)?

Ans. Kruth Yug = 100,000 years, Thretha Yug = 10,000 years, Dwapara Yug = 1,000 years, and Kali Yug = 100 years.


2422. What energy support is needed for the Jeevathma (soul) to reside and sustain in the human body in each Yuga (yoke/period)?

Ans. As we all know the Jeevathma will not sustain a malnutrition body. It needs energy to survive. However, in each Yuga its food or energy is different viz. 1. Kruth Yug = It lives in the bone itself therefore there is no need for any cultivated food, 2. Thretha Yug = It lives in veins and its support, 3. Dwapara Yug = It lives in blood and its support, 4. Kali Yug = It lives in agricultural food grains and its support. This means people will die if they lack above sustenance per Yug.


2421. How have devotees are grown to different stages?

Ans. There are 4 steps viz. 1. Pravarthaka, 2. Saadhaka, 3. Sidha, 4. Sidhaa’s Sidhar.


2420. What is the secret of spiritual Ghyaan?

Ans. One who realizes that the Brahman and its power both are equal in all respects. All Gods are the power of Brahman itself. This is true absolute knowledge.


2419. What is Vignaanam (visesha ghyaanam or scientific knowledge)?

Ans. They are 3 types. 1. Knowing God in a peculiar manner, 2. After the conclusion that God exists but knowing this truth through experience, 3. God is everything and exists in all moveable and immovable properties. Everything is derived from one and the same Brahman.


2418. How many types of dreams (Swapnam) one can get?

Ans. 7 types. 1. Dhrushtam, 2. Srutham, 3. Anubhootham, 4. Praarthidham, 5. Kalpitham, 6. Bhaavijam, 7. Dhoshajam.


2417. What is Sashtaanga Namaskaram (Prostration)?

Ans. Touching 8 Angaas (limbs) while prostration is called Sashtaanga Namaskar. Those 8 Angaas are 2 hands, 2 knee-caps, 2 shoulders, 1 chest, and 1 forehead total of 8 parts.


2416. Which are the clouds that accumulate and conduct the dissolution (Pralayam)?

Ans. 7 powerful clouds accumulate in the sky and shower heavy rain across the globe. They are 1. Savartham, 2. Aavartham, 3. Pushkalam, 4. Samhrutham, 5. Dhronam, 6. Kaalamukhi, 7. Neelam.


2415. Which vital air (Vaayus) controls the planets (Grahaas)?

Ans. 7 important Airs that regulate and control the movement of all planets. They are 1. Aavahan, 2. Samvahan, 3. Pravahan, 4. Udhwahan, 5. Vivahwan, 6. Parivahan, 7. Paraavahan.


2414. What are the important Saptha Naadis (seven nerves)?

Ans. According to Yoga sasthram there are 7 important nerves are there in our body. They are 1. Ida, 2. Pingala, 3. Sushmna, 4. Mrusha, 5. Alambusha, 6. Hasthijihwa, 7. Ghaandhari.


2413. Who are the significators of Saptha Punya Nadhis among Navagrahaas?

Ans. Ganga = Jupiter, Yamuna = Venus, Godhavari = Mars, Saraswathi = Mercury, Narmada = Saturn, Sindhu = Moon, Kaaveri = Sun.


2412. Who are the significators of Saptha Dhaathus among Navagrahaas?

Ans. Sun/Sooryan = Asthi (bones), Moon/Chandran = Raktham (blood), Mars/Kujan = Majja (marrow), Mercury/Budhan = Maamsam (meat/flesh), Jupiter/Guru = Kozhupp (fat), Venus/Sukram = suklam (semen), Saturn/sani = Thwak (skin). No direct representation by Rahu and Kethu.


2411. How Sanathana Dharma divided the continents (Bhooganda Vibhaajanam)?

Ans. Saptha Dweepaas (7). King Manu’s (Soorya Vamsam) son Sri. Priyavruthan made the divisions and named those Bhoogandams. 1. Asia = Jambhoo Dweepam, 2. South America = Plaksha Dweepam, 3. North America = Pushkara Dweepam, 4. Africa = Krouncha Dweepam, 5. Europe = saaka Dweepam, 6. Australia = saalmala Dweepam, 7. Oceanic = Kusa Dweepam. Emporer Manu was 5th generation in Soorya Vamsam means multiple thousands of years back Bharatha Sanathnee had knowledge of the entire Earth and its continents.


2410. How many types of srardhams beings conducted?

Ans. Total 5 types. 1. Anna srardham, 2. Hiranya srardham, 3. Paarvana srardham, 4. Tharpana srardham, 5. Smarana srardham.


2409. How many are the Pithru Srardhams (oblation to ancestors)?

Ans. Srardham means offering oblation to ancestors with deep devotion and concentration. While living they fed to the mortal physical body and after death, they still must feed the subtle body (Sookshma sareeram or Jeevathma). This is a mandatory obligation to all children. Nowadays many Sanathanees don’t bother about it by listening to different migrant culture spokespersons. In a year one should do 96 Srardhams. They are Amavasyam 12, Yuga srardhams 4, Manu srardhams 14, Sankranthi srardhams 12, Dhruthi srardhams 13, Paatha srardhams 13, Mahaalaya srardhams 16, Ashtaka srardham 4, Anvashtaka srardhams 4, Poorvedhyu srardhams 4, total 96. One day two srardhams are not allowed. The most important and unavoidable srardhams are Samkranthi, Ayanam, Vishu, and Grahanam (eclipse).   


2408. What are the Saptha Rasaas (7 tastes) and its significator Planets?

Ans. 1. Spicy = Soorya (Sun), 2. Salty = Chandra (Moon), 3. Bitter = Mangal (Mars), 4. Multimix = Budhan (Mercury), 5. Sweet = Guru (Jupiter), 6. Sour = Sukran (Venus), 7. Astringent / Kashayam = Sani (Saturn). Usually, only 6 tastes are considered Shad Rasas. Some tastes are felt from the tip of the tongue some close to the throat or right or left side of the tongue etc. Since Budh (Mercury) represents multi-taste (Misra Rasam) it is supposed to be silent and therefore 6 tastes are important.  


2407. What are the six Karmas of Mantra sasthram?

Ans. 1. Saanthi (Rathi Devi), 2. Vasyam (Vaani Devi), 3. Sthambanam (Rama Devi), 4. Vidhweshanam (Jyeshta Devi), 5. Uchaadanam (Durga Devi), and 6. Maaranam (Kaali Devi). These are the deities to be worshiped while involving such a specific Karma.


2406. What is the relationship and identity of Breath and Pancha Bhoothas?

Ans. If the Breath is taking place (inhale and exhale) at a level of 16 Angulaas (distance of a thump finger) then it is Prithvi Bhootham (Eart element), at 12 Angulam = Jala Bhootha (Water element), at 8 Angulam = Angni Bhootham (Fire element), at 6 Angulam = Vaayu Bhootham (Air element) and at 3 Angulam = Aakasa Bhootham (Space element).


2405. Through which nose the breath should travel during Graha Pravesam or initiating a task/venture?

Ans. On Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday = through the left nose. Anyway, there will be no auspicious time available on Tuesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays, especially for Graha Pravesam.


2405. What is the indication of our breath on a particular day through a specific nose?

Ans. 7 days are segregated into two divisions viz. 1. Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, 2. Tuesday, Saturday, and Sunday. In the time morning wake up you should check whether the breath is passing through the left or right nose. If the breath is passing through the left nose and the days belong to 1st set it indicates that this day will be prosperous and successful. If the breath is running through the right nose and the days belong to 2nd set, then the day will be successful and prosperous on all undertakings. If it is the opposite, then the results will be negative and failure in the undertaking. Another approach is that during the entire Sukla Paksham (waxing period of the Moon) the breath is running through the left nose of any day, still, the results will be positive and successful and during Krishna Paksham (waning period of the Moon) it should be right nose for a successful day.


2404. In which direction one should keep the holy oil lamp?

Ans. If the lamp is facing East, then it provides happiness and smashes all negative energies and obstacles, West facing will provide misfortunes to the family, arguments, and fightings among family members and the neighbors, North facing will increase prosperity, good wisdom, auspicious functions such as marriage, etc, all hurdles will be removed, the South facing will generate curses from all across, will face many obstacles and destruction of progress in life.


2403. What are the significations of faces in an oil lamp?

Ans. In most of the houses, we lit oil lamps and pray to our beloved God. This practice is continued ever since the Rigvedic period. Usually, at home, up to 5 faces of a lamp are lit and worshipped. Each faces providing certain specific benefits. 1 face = gives average good energy, 2 faces = give integrity in the family, 3 faces = give progress, progeny, happiness, and good education, 4 faces = give prosperity, comfort, and increase the stream of income, 5 faces = give abundant wealth and eradicate sins or black energy around.

2402. What signifies Goddess Parasakthi’s 9 forms?

Ans. 1. Vimala (unafflicted), 2. Uthkarshini (rejuvenated), 3. Ghnaana (wisdom), 4. Yoga (unification), 5. Kriya (genuine efforts or acts), 6. Prahvi (conquered), 7. Sathya (ultimate truth), 8. Easana (godhood), 9. Anugraha (blessings/grace).


2401. Where is the placement of Upadevathaas in Temples and human houses?

Ans. It is a practice to install the Upadevathaas (sub-level Gods who will not have main entries in a temple) in Vaishnava and Saiva Temples. Mainly these Upadevathaas come to Siva or Vishnu for removing their afflictions or to help the main deity and decided to stay in that temple after completing the task in one of the side portions hence Upadevathas, not the main ones). In Vaishnava Temples = Upadevathaas should not be installed/invoked on the left side or rare side of the main deity. In Siva or Ugra Moorthy Temples = Upadevathaas should not be installed/invoked on the right side and frontside of the main deity. When humans are going to construct a house, they must ensure that the same rule is followed and applicable. Nowadays none of these rules are followed therefore more problems are faced by the people irrespective of having a temple.   


2400. What is the birth star (Janma Nakstham) of Lord Brahma?

Ans. Rohini. Lord Krishna also shares the same Rohini star.


2399. What are the Vedopangaas?

Ans. What further explains about the Vedas and Vendangaas are called Vedopangaas. They are mainly 4 Saasthras. 1. Puraanaas (mainly 36), 2. Meemaamsa sasthraas, 3. Nyaaya Saasthraas, 4. Dharma Saasthraas. Plenty of such Saasthras have existed in Bharatha Varsh.


2398. Description of KalpaSaaasthram/Soothram.?

Ans. Aachaara Anushtaanam (discipline, customs, rules, regulations, and rituals) is represented by hands (Khara). Kalpasoothram has 5 divisions viz. 1. Sroutha Soothram, 2. soolba Soothram, 3. Prayaschitha Soothram, 4. Gruhya Soothram, 5. Dharma Saasthram. Please note 100s of Soothra Pandithaars (learned scholars) are there in Bharatha Varsh.  


2397. Description of Chhandha Saasthram?

Ans. Parimaanam (measurement/meter), Aksharam (syllables), and Maathraas (syllable beats) are the signification of Chandhas (Paadam). There are numerous Chhandhas available out of which Gayathri and Pingala Chandha Saasthram are very important ones.


2396. Description of Niruktham (Vedangam)?

Ans. Vyuthpathi (etymology/proficiency) and Artha (meaning) are the main contributions (Ears). There are three important Kandas talks about Niruktham. They are 1. Naighandu Kaandam (Dictionary), 2. Naigama Kaandaram, 3. Daivatha Kaandam, 4. Yaaska Niruktha Grandham. The most popular Grandham is Yaaska Niruktha Grandham.  


2395. Discription of Vyaakaranam (Vedangam)?

Ans. Bhashaa Prayoga Niyanthranam (face) is the signification of Vyaakaranam. There is 7 important Vyakaranam sastras given to us by 1. Paanini, 2. Gaarghyan, 3. Aapisali, 4. saalavan, 5. saakataayanan, 6. Bharadhwaajan, 7. Spodaayanan.


2394. Description of Siksha Saasthram (Vedangam)?

Ans. Sabdha, Dwani, Ucharana Niyamam, Naasika are its signifactions. There are 10 important Siksha Grandhas revealed to us. They are 1. Sounaka, 2. Yaaghnavaakya, 3. Vasishta, 4. Kaarthyaayana, 5. Parasara, 6. Naradeeya, 7. Sounkeeya, 8. Paanineeya, 9. Aangirass, 10. Aapisali Sikshaas.


2393. Description of Vedangas?

Ans. 1. Chhandasasthram = Paadam (Feet), 2. Vyaakaranam = Mukham (Face), 3. Kalpamsasthram = Karam (Hands), 4. Jyothisasthram = Nethram (Eyes), 5. Sikshasasthram = Naasika (Nose), 6. Nirukthasasthram = Karna (Ears).


2392. Which are the planets representing Vedas?

Ans. Rigvedam = Jupiter/Guru, Yajurvedam = Venus/Sukran, Saamavedam = Mars/Kujan, Atharvanavedam = Mercury/Budhan.


2391. What are the other names of Atharvana Vedam?

Ans. 1. Brahma Vedam, 2. Aangirasa Vedam, 3. Atharvaangirass Vedam, 4. Kshathra Vedam, 5. Bhaishajya Vedam.


2390. What is called Veda Bheejam?

Ans. The seed of Vedas called Veda Bheejam. The Veda Bheejam is Omkaram i.e., Pranava Manram AUM.


2389. What is the secret behind the birth of big trees (Vruksham)?

Ans. Vrukshaas (Trees) are called Viyonija Janma, therefore, at the time when big trees are born the Lagna, Sun, Moon, and Jupiter will be very weak. Yet they produce lots of benefits for all human beings without any expectation.


2388. Which are the holy books of Bharat?

Ans. 4. 1. Vedas, 2. Upanishads, 3. Gita, 4. Brahma Suthram.


2387. Who are the important Udharakas (uplifters/reinstates) of Sanathana Dharma?

Ans. 1. At the end of the Vedic period sage Vyasa incarnated and reinstated the Sanathana Dharma. 2. During Kaliyuga between 4th and 8th centuary (4/8 AD) Sri Adi Sankar Bhagavathpadhar, during 6th and 8th century many Azhvaars got incarnated to uplift Sanathana Dharma. During the 10th century Thiru Ghnaana Sambadar, Thirunavukkarasu, and many Siva Sidhaantha Mahapurushas made valuable contributions, during the 11th century (11 AD) Sri Ramanuja Chaaryar, during the 15th century (15 AD) Sri Madhwa Chaaryar and during the 19th century (19 AD) Bhagwan Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and Sri Swami Vivekananda reinstated the Sanathana Dharma. During the 7th century, Lord Budha transformed himself to divinity, however, he was not useful to establish Sanathana Dharma and its related rituals, therefore I cannot consider him that he was any use to Sanathana Dharma (in fact his principles and policies were ruined).


2386. Maruth Ganaas resides where?  

Ans. Just above the Swargam (Paradise / Celestial world). There are 49 Maruth Ganas there. Maaruthas are vital to air for all three worlds.

2385. Who are the wife and children of Ruthan/Yagna Deva?

Ans. Raathri and Dhinam (Night and Day) are the wives, and their first child is Agni (Fire).


2384. How many ways Vedas were interpreted?

Ans. 7 ways. 1. Nairuktham, 2. Yaanjikam, 3. Vyaakaranam, 4. Jyothisham, 5. Saambradhaayikam, 6. Aadhyathmikam, 7. Ayithihaasikam. This means the Vedas are known to us through these subjects.


2383. In which year Veda Vyasa lived according to modern science estimation?

Ans. BC 1800-1500 (As of 2023 = 3823 – 3523 period). Kindly note Maha Purushas like Vyasa can materialize and dematerialize their human body. He was very much present during and before the Mahabharata war. Therefore, if need be, he can appear even today. Considering this special paradigm, it is an act of foolishness to estimate and conclude this living period. Why because, between Mahabharata's wartime and his life has a gap of around 1267 years, which one is correct will be questioned. According to me, modern science does not have the capability to judge ancient great personalities.  


2382. One Cell contains how many chromosomes?

Ans. 1 Cell = 23+22+1 (X, X, Y) = 45X and 1Y = 46 Cromosoms.


2381. What is the Chemistry coding of DNA?


            CTTAAG }{ CTTAAG


2380. How was Yajur Vedam got composed by the great sage Veda Vyasa?

Ans. Krishna Yajur Vedam is a mix of Padhya and Gadhya (poetry and prose). 2. Sukla Yajur Vedam is Gadhya alone (only prose). Krishna Yajur Veda has 32 Upanishads and Sukla Yajur Veda has 19 Upanishads. Total 51 Upanishads.


2379. When did Mahabharata War begin and end?

Ans. BC 3067 (as of date 5,090 years – The year 2023).


2378. What are the 6 precious knowledge (intelligence) according to Rishis?

Ans. 1. Cognitive intelligence, 2. Social, 3. Spiritual, 4. Environmental, 5. Emotional, 6. Moral Intelligence (Spiritual = Nano wifi from nature).


2377. What is the name of Sakuni’s mantra siddhi yoga?

Ans. Akshaya-radham


2376. What is the size of one Akshouhani/Akrouni sena (soldier/battalion force)?

Ans. One Akshouhani force is having 218,700 soldiers. It is said in the Mahabharat event that 18 Akrouni senas were killed in the battle (A total of 39,36,600).


2375. How many times Earth will rotate within one Chathur Yugam?

Ans. 158,22,37,500 times Earth will rotate on its own. This means 158 Koti 22 Lakhs 37 thousand 500). 43.20 million years makes one Chathur Yugam.


2374. How much is the circumference of our Earth?

Ans. 1050 Yojana (1 Yojana equal to approximate 11-12 KM distance). Total 12715.5 KM (according to modern science it is around 12,756 KM). This is also indicating that from Vedic times to today the earth has widened its boundaries, and may be getting more flattered.


2373. What are the branches of Chathur Vedas?

Ans. Rig Vedam 27 branches, Yajur Vedam = 108 branches, Saama Vedam = 1001 branches, Adharvana Vedam = 50 branches, Total 1186 branches.


2372. How Vaasthu is categorized and its signification?

Ans. 4 divisions. 1. Gaja Prushtam (South, West, South-West, North-West) = Dhana Dhaanya Samrudhi, 2. Koorma Prushtam (All four sides slopped and the center is a higher plate, just like Tortoise) = Indicates, an increase in popularity (Yasassu Vardhanam), 3. Daithya Prushtam (North-East, East, South-East) these quarters are up, and the west plate is down) = Indicates that inauspicious (Asubham), 4. Naaga Prushtam (South and North is having an upper plate and the center is having depth) = Indicates very bad land.


2371. What is a groundbreaking ceremony (Bhoomi Pooja)?

Ans. This entire knowledge is known as Vaasthu Saasthram. It deals with so many angles of the land, character, shape, taste of the soil, property, destruction, etc… This function is all about Vaasthu Purushan giving Garbha Dhaanam to Bhoomi Devi. Therefore, the foundation stone must be placed on his (Vaasthu Purusha’s) Linga Sthaanam (Genetal place). Such an act will give lots of prosperity and the building and residents will live long healthy and wealthy.


2370. How does the baby get Poorva Janama Vaasana (Previous birth habits)?

Ans. A human has 3 bodies viz. 1. Sthoolam (Gross / Kaarya Sareeram / Mortal / Tangible), 2. Sookshmam (Subtle/Kaarana Sareeram/Immortal/Non-tangible), 3. Param (Sub-Subtle Sareeram or Sankalpa Sareeram/Invisible). The Janmanthara Vasanaas are revealed or emerged through the Kaarana Sareeram. Therefore, unless one conquers the Sookshma Sareeram those previous birth habits won’t disappear from the person. We see humans with too many different habits, characters, tastes, etc… because they lived in different bodies and carried their backlogs in the Kaarana Sareeram.  


2369. What are the 5 Ganitha Sidhanths in Astrology?

Ans. Sidhanth means philosophical methodologies. 1. Brahma Sidhanth, 2. Soura Sidhanth, 3. Lomasa Sidhanth, 4. Poulisa Sidhanth, 5. Vasishta Sidhanth.


2368. What is Vaayu (Air)?

Ans. The force that makes movements in the Universe (Brahmandam) and in the mortal living bodies (Sareeram) is Vaayu. In the human body there are 10 types of vital Vaayus and just above the earth there are 7 types of vital Vaayus roaming around. Their names are 1. Aavahan, 2. Pravahan, 3. Udhwahan, 4. Samvahan, 5. Parivahan, 6. Paraavahan, 7.


2367. What are the types of clothes used in various functions of Hindu Rituals?

Ans. 4 types. 1. Cleansed new clothes = All rituals related to prosperity and Shodasa Samskarams, 2. Wet Cloths = Jaatha Karma and final rights rituals, 3. Used cloths dip washed and dried = Apara Kriyas (all sorts of ancestors’ rituals), 4. New clothes = Upanayanam and Samavartha rituals (sacred thread ceremony and Vedic chanting competition time).  


2366. What are the names of Ashtavasus?

Ans. 8 Vasus (Signifactors or Gods of various wealth). Their names are 1. Dharan, 2. Dhruvan, 3. Soman, 4. Aapan, 5. Anilan, 6. Analasa, 7. Prthyooshan, 8. Prabhasan.


2365. What is the caste of celestial stars?

Ans. The caste system did not leave even the stars. Please note our Maharshis were given their characteristics to respective stars because of their nature. I have no idea whether the caste system came from stars, or whether we gave this status to stars. Fortunately, they are 6 castes unlike 4 in Bharat. Please note caste or social discrimination is there across all countries. The only difference is how it is practiced or popular. Discrimination is always there ever since humans were on the earth. Let’s not blame one country and give undue credit to other countries. Now let us learn what are they: 1. Brahmana Stars = Aswini, Punarvasu, Hastham, Moolam, Poorvabadrapada. 2. Kshathriya Stars = Bharani, Pushyam, Chithra, Poorvashadam, Uthrabadrapada. 3. Vaisya Stars = Krithika, Aslesha, Swathi, Uthrashada, Revathy. 4. Soothra Stars = Rohini, Magha, Visakha, Sravana. 5. Anuloma Jathi stars (a breed of lower caste women and upper caste men) = Mrugaseersha, Poorva Phalghuni, Anuradha, Sravishta. 6. Prathiloma Jathi Stars (a breed of abnormal or upper caste women and lower caste men) = Arudra, Uthara Phalghuni, Jyeshta, Sathabhishak.  


2364. When did Sankara, Vivekananda, and Budha attain God's realization?

Ans. They realized Brahman at the age of – Sankarachaariyar at the age of 12, Swami Vivekananda at 24 years, and Budha at the age of 42.


2363. What is the type of illness?

Ans. 2 types. 1. Nijam (Due to Sareerikam and Maanasikam), 2. Aandhukam (Due to Drushta Nimithajam, Adhrushta Nimithajam, Saapam and Aabhichaaram).


2362. What is Rogam (illness/ailments)?

Ans. Undergoing pain on account of body or mind is called Illness.


2361. How Thrigunaas (3 qualities) are represented by different Raasis / Signs in the Astrological chart?

Ans. 1. Sathwa Guna = Katakam (Cancer), Simham (Leo), Dhanus (Sagittarius), Meenam (Pisces). Rajas Guna = Rishabham (Taurus), Mithunam (Gemini), Kanya (Virgo), Thulam (Libra). 3. Thamas Guna = Mesham (Aries), Vruschikam (Scorpio), Makaram (Capricorn), Kumbam (Aquarius).


2360. What are the causes of illness (Rogha Kaaranam)?

Ans. 4 types of reasons. They are 1. Sareerikam (Kapham-Pitham-Vayu), 2. Maanasikam (mind imbalance), 3. Dhrushtam (accidental or knowingly exposed bacteria/virus etc), 4. Adhrushtam (punishment of past bad deeds/fate). 


2359. Who are the Eakadasa Rudras?

Ans. 1. Ajan, 2. Eakapadhan, 3. Ahirbudhnyan, 4. Thwashtaav, 5. Rudran, 6. Haran, 7. Sambu, 8. Thryambakan, 9. Paraajithan, 10. Easanan, 11. Thribhuvanan.


2358. In what manner Rudra Japam is conducted?

Ans. Lord Rudra is Easwara himself. Rudram is described in Rigveda. These hymns will please God and he showers his blessings on those who chant or hear. They are mainly 3 ways to chant. 1. Eakadasa Rudram = (11 Vedic scholars 11 times = 121), 2. Maha Rudram = (121 Vedic scholars 11 times = 1331), 3. Athi Rudram = (121 Vedic scholars 11 times @ 11 days = 14,641 times).


2357. What is Rahu Kaalam?

Ans. Rahu Kaalam is completely dependent upon the Sunrise. It is to be calculated and followed in the local mean time (LMT). This Rahu Kaalam is applicable across the universe, however mainly followed by Sanathanees in Bharat. Its duration is one and a half (1 ½) hours every day at different times. On Monday from Sunrise to the next 1 ½ hours, Tuesday 9 hours from Sunrise to the next 1 ½ hours, Wednesday 6 hours from Sunrise to the next 1 ½ hours, Thursday 7 ½ hours from Sunrise to the next 1 ½ hours, Friday 4 ½ hours from Sunrise to next 1 ½ hour, Saturday 6 hours from Sunrise to next 1 ½ hour, and Sunday 10 ½ hours from Sunrise to next 1 ½ hour. Whereas, in Kerala and a few other places the Rahu Kaalam is followed in a different approach. Now most people follow a fixed timetable such as:

Monday 0730-0900 hours, Tuesday 1500-1630 hours, Wednesday 1200-1330 hours, Thursday 1330-1500 hours, Friday 1030-1200 hours, Saturday 0900-1030, and Sunday 1630-1800 hours. During Rahu Kaalam Sun emits poisonous gas (Visha-Vaayu) which is harmful to a living being, hence, people do not undertake any auspicious events or go out and expose themselves in front of the Sun. 


2356. What are the Thridoshas (3 afflictions) in the human body?

Ans. These Doshaas (afflictions/blemish/dirt) were created by God to rule the universe and it is part and parcel of every being, it is an ingredient of our life energy. Since it is an energy, it is not perishable. Therefore, one should carefully change or redirect its course of effect to another object. Ideally speaking, since it came from God so let it go back to God itself. By practicing certain austerities prescribed by the Vedas through its Karma, Upasana, and Ghnaana Kandas, one can regulate its harming power into helping power through Vedic practices. These Doshas are 1. Karma Malam (afflictions of actions or ego or dirt or virus), 2. Vikshepam (Distraction), this can be nullified by doing Upasana (Worship), 3. Agnaana Aavaranam (Ignorance), can be muted by enriching self-knowledge / Ghyaan.  


2355. How Manass (Mind) is created in living beings?

Ans. It is not possible to narrate the formula scientifically, however, our great Rishis, Munis, and Divine Personalities identified the creation of Manass. Manass is not the direct translation of Mind in English, however, we must live with the limitations. Whatever food we eat, a subtle portion of the digested food energy power is being generated within our body, that is not visible nor touchable by the five Karmendriyas. This Sakthi (un-explainable sub-subtle energy) is very powerful, and it can travel faster than light and sound. Humans are social animals however the Manass is differentiating personal from animal behavior. The Veda says “Manameva Manushyanaam Karanam Bandha-Mokshayoho”. Manass alone is the reason for relationship/bonding and detachment/liberation.  


2354. What are the two important divisions of creation (Srushti)?

Ans. 1. Jeeva Srushti (Sankalpa Srushti), 2. Easwara Srushti (Prakrutha Srushti).


2353. How a devotee’s Bakti Sadhana should be?

Ans. As suggested by our great Avatara Purush Sri. Adi Sankara Bhagavathpadhar a devotee must follow these five (5) approaches or strategies in Bakti Sadhana (while practicing devotion) to attain an invaluable relationship with God. They are 1. Just like Azhinjal seeds (Poovamkurunnila Plant in Malayalam and Little Iron Weed in English, Sahadevi in Sanskrit), 2. Needle and Magnet, 3. Pathivrutha and her love for her husband, 4. Creepers and trees, 5. River and Sea. All these five objects attract each other naturally. Likewise, devotees’ devotion toward God should be inseparable as well as easily attractable, that is why Sri Sankar suggested this method of love.

2352. Why Bharat is considered Punya Kshetham (temple)?

Ans. Swami Vivekananda said, this earth is just like a house and Bharat is just like a Pooja Room in that house. Therefore, the identity of Bharat is none other than spiritual voice and divine forms. If it gets hurt, then the whole earth will have to face its sad consequences. Every human must remember this and go in harmony with Bharat. No one’s ego is going to make anyone great. It will only ruin the current and future life of such people.


2351. Which are the places a Vaishnava Chinnam (Naamam) is adorned in the body?

Ans. 12 places. One should apply this by Naamam by chanting Lord Vishnu’s 12 names. (Kesava, Narayana, Madhava, Govinda, Vishnu, Madhusoodhana, Thrivikrama, Vaamana, Sreedhara, Rishikesa, Padmanabha, Dhamodhara).


2350. Who will be able to see the cosmic divine dance of Lord Siva?

Ans. Only 4 Mahathmaas are allowed to see this invaluable divine dance. They are 1. Pathamchali Maharshi, 2. Bringimuni, 3. Vyaagrapatha Maharshi, 4. Nandhidevan. Siva’s dances are of various types. The top ones are 1008+.


2349. Where natural fire (Agni) is born?

Ans. 3 places viz. 1. Samudram (Sea), 2. Aakasam (Space), 3. Anthareeksham (Atmosphere).


2348. What is the secret of Namasivya Mantra?

Ans. There are innumerable secrets are embedded in this Panchakshari Mantra. One among that is Na = Thirodhaana Malam, Ma = Aannava Malam, Si = Sivan, Va = Anugraham, Ya = Aathama. A Human’s biggest impediment in the path of realization is that his/her Agnaanam Malam (illusion or misunderstanding or lack of true knowledge or dirt covered in the Jeevathma) makes every effort to stop him/her from realizing the Easwara Thathvam (Absolute Paramathma). Therefore, out of compassion, God himself revealed the best suitable medicine to overcome these illnesses/obstacles, that medicine is none other than “Om Namasivaya Nama”. By chanting the Panchakshari mantra, the first two letters will remove the hidden and egoistic stinks and the third letter show them the real God none other than Siva. The fourth and fifth letters will bless the devotee and accepts his/her individual Jeevathama into Paramatha Chaithanyam. The game is over!    


2347. What are the four important paths to realizing Easwara (God)?

Ans. According to Adi Shankaracharya there are four important and fundamental paths that direct one to realize the Paramathma. They are 1. Charya (worshiping God externally in a form), 2. Kriya (worshiping God internally and externally), 3. Yoga (once the inside conviction is clearly understood about the concept of God, seeker’s Bakthi (devotion/attention) towards external imagination of God being slowly reduced or dropped), 4. Ghyaanam (seeing everything as God and its presence in all).


2346. What are the fundamental Ghyaans and how many are they?

Ans. They are 3 types. 1. Paasa-ghyaanam (Knowing the physical world), 2. Pasu-ghyaanam (Knowing the self), 3. Para/Pathi-ghyaanam (Knowing the ever-pervading Easwara/God).


2345. How many types of cries are known to us?

Ans. 2 types. One is with a wide open mouth for the sake of others (external) and the other is a closed mouth and cry inside (internal) for the sake of self. One should cry inside to see the Brahman rather than to gain material comforts!


2344. What was the source of Jeevathmaas and Sthoola Sareems (Soul and Body – Subtle and Gross body)?

Ans. Both were born out of Maya itself. Maya is the mother of both Jeevathma and its desired body. Maya with the help of Brahman (Ghyaan or absolute consciousness) created all living and non-living beings on this earth, therefore Veda says that all of us belong to Brahman itself.


2343. How to overcome or conquer Maya (Illusion)?

Ans. May be conquered through Maya itself. This means one should realize the characteristics of Maya and find a solution to win over them!


2342. Which stars (Nakshathram) are considered Moksha (Liberation) stars?

Ans. People born or die on these stars get Moksham from transmigration. Their activities may coincide according to the protocol of Moksham. They are 7 stars viz. 1. Rohini, 2. Mrugaseersham (Makeeram), 3. Poorva Phalghuni (Pooram), 4. Hastham (Atham), 5. Poorvashada (Pooradam), 6. Uthrashadam (Uthradam), 7. Revathy.


2341. Which are the day's humans must refrain from Garbha Dhaanam / having sex?

Ans. 14 days. They are 1. Sankramana days (12 times per annum), 2&3. One day before and the day of Srardham/Thidhi of own ancestors (4+ times per annum), 4.  During impurity days/Pula (depends), 5. Own birthday (1-time pa), 6. Prathama day, 7. Ashtami day, 8. Navami day, 9. Chathurdhasi day, 10. Eakadasi day, 11. Poornima day, 12. Amavasya day, 13. Tuesday, 14. Saturday.


2340. When do the clouds get pregnant/conceive and deliver the rain?

Ans. When Sun in Dhanu Raasi is positioned at Poorvashada (Pooradam) star the clouds get pregnant and from that date 195th day it will deliver its progeny as rain. In the same way, when Sun enters Mithuna Raasi and positions in Arudra (Thiruvathira) star it gets pregnant.


2339. How many types of clouds (Megham) narrated by the Vedic scholars?

Ans. 9 types. 1. Pushkalam, 2. Aavartham, 3. Samvartham, 4. Dhronam, 5. Kaalam, 6. Neelam, 7. Varunam, 8. Vaayu, 9. Thamass.


2338. How many types of death occurred among living beings, especially humans?

Ans. 108 types. Out of which 1 Kaala Mruthyu (natural self-supported death after completing sampoorna ayus), 197 Akaala Mruthyus (untimely death out of compulsion). There is no Pariharam (remedy) for Kaala mruthyu. Whereas there are Pariharams for Akaala Mruthyus.


2337. What are known as Maanusha Dharmas?

Ans. Important codes of righteous conducts are known as Maanusha Dharma (duties of humans). They are 12. 1. Swadhyaayam (Veda Padanam), 2. Brahmacharyam, 3. Dhaanam, 4. Yagnam, 5. Anaayaasam, 6. Akrupanatha, 7. Dhaya, 8. Ahimsa, 9. Kshama, 10. Jithendriyathvam, 11. Soucham, 12. Dhaivabakthi.


2336. Who are Deva Maathrukkal?

Ans. 21 Divine mothers are known as Deva Mathaas. They are 2 types viz. 1. Saptha Mathaas = Brahmi, Maheswari, Kaumari, Vaishnavi, Vaaraahi, Indrani, Chamunda, 2. Shodasa Mathaas = Gauri, Padma, Sachi, Medha, Savithri, Vijaya, Jaya, Devasena, Swadha, Swaha, Santhi, Pushti, Druthi, Thushti, Kuladevatha, and Aathmadevatha.


2335. What are the Marana Souchakaalam for Chathurvarnees?

Ans. When a person dies in a family, the blood relatives will be afflicted with an impurity aura called Soucham. During the Soucham period, people refrain from conducting any auspicious functions at home. They are different days according to its Varnas. Brahmin = 10 days, Kshathriya = 12 days, Vaisyaas = 15 days and Soodraas (Soothraas) = 1 day.


2334. What is the Mantra Dosham?

Ans. When a person chants Mantra, there are chances of making mistakes to the tune of 50 types. One should avoid making mistakes/pronunciation because through Mantra dhwani the corresponding form will be born in nature and they will start messing up the life of everyone. Today many people are making mistakes due to not learning how to chant mantras under a competitive Guru, due to which Aasura and Raaksha Moorthies (negative energies) were created by such chanting. At-least one should ask pardon from the supreme lord for the mistakes so that God will destroy the negative energies formed out of wrong chanting and protect the devotee.


2333. What are the other important Sidhis above Ashtama Sidhis?

Ans. They are 15. 1. Antharyaami, 2. Doorasravanam, 3. Dooradarsanam, 4. Manojavam, 5. Kaalaroopam, 6. Parakaayapravesam, 7. Swachhandha Maranam, 8. Devakreedaanu Darsanam, 9. Yadhasankalpam, 10. Aprathihathagathi, 11. Thrikaala Ghnaanam, 12. Adhwanthathaa, 13. Parichithaabhighnathaa, 14. Prathishtaabham, 15. Aparaajayam.


2332. What is the significance and when is a particular Mantra Dwani utilized?

Ans. Hum = Uchadana Vidhweshana Aakarshana prayogam, Futt = Chhedhana and death ritual prayogam, Hum-Futt = During Ghara santhi and Anishtanivarana prayogam, Voudhad = Pushtikaarya prayogam, Swaha = During Deva Preethi, Yaagam and Santhi kriya prayogam, Nama = During pooja mantra kriya, Swadha = During Pithru Kaaryam, Vaseekarana and Sammohana Prayogam, Vashad = Vidhweshana and Uchhadana prayogaas.


2331. What are the Dhwanis (concluding sound) entangled with each Mantra?

Ans. 8 ways. 1. Hum, 2. Futt, 3. Hum-Futt, 4. Voudhad, 5. Swaha, 6. Nama, 7. Swadha, 8. Vashad.


2330. How many varieties/divisions of Mantras exist?

Ans. 6. 1. Plavam, 2. Yojanam, 3. Rodhanam, 4. Param, 5. Sompudam, 6. Vidharbham.


2329. How to awaken the inner subtle energy (Aanthareeka Sakthi)?

Ans. By doing Yogashtangam one can churn out the inner power/consciousness. They are 8: Yama, Niyama, Aasana, Pranayaama, Prathyahara, Dhaarana, Dhyana, Samadhi.


2328. How Mantras are getting their power (Sakthi)?

Ans. Mantras are getting their power from their Sadhak (the one who chants) itself. Because the Mantra and its devata have a relationship with the subtle inner power (Antha-chethana – the inner shining subtle element) than the outer chethanan (Baahya Chethana).


2327. How to establish a connection between a person (devotee) and God?

Ans. By doing Mantra Japam. Here one end is held by the devotee and the other end relates to God.


2326. What is Mantra Yogam and what are they?

Ans. An approach or practice to realize the absolute supreme truth (Paramathma) is Mantra Yogam. It has 16 portions (Angaas) namely Bakthi, Sudhi, Aasanam, Panchangasevanam (Ishta seva, sahasranaamam, sthavam, kavacham, hrudhaya nyaasam), Aacharam, Dhaarana, Dhivya Desa Sevanam, Praanakriya, Mudra, Tharpanam, Havanam, Bali, Yaagam, Jayam, Dhyaanam, Samaadhi.


2325. When did Badrakaali reveal her form to protect devotees?

Ans. On a Thula (Aaswinam) month, sukla paksham, Ashtami Thidihi, middle of the night.


2324. What is the Pancha Sidhanth of Jyothisham (Astrology)?

Ans. 1. Braahmam, 2. Vasishtam, 3. Souram, 4. Poulisam, 5. Romasam.


2323. What are the important Dharmaas (righteous) of a Brahmin?

Ans. They are 6. 1. Adhyaapanam (teaching), 2. Adhyanam (self-learning and enhancing). 3. Yajanam (sacrificing for others), 4. Yaajanam (sacrificing for self), 5. Dhaanam (giving alms), 6. Prathigraham (receiving alms).


2321. What is Brahmanam in Vedas?

Ans. All Vedas have Brahmanam. What it does is that it directs and gives instructions as to how to conduct Yagna and its procedures that include practical solutions to Yagna. The important Brahmanams are three. 1. Sathapatha Brahmanam, 2. Thaandya Brahmanam, 3. Gopadha Brahmanam.


2322. How many types of Brahmacharees are there?

Ans. Brahmachaari means ascetic or observing chastity or virgin such people are four types. 1. Gayathri Brahmachari, 2. Prajapathya Brahmachari, 3. Vaideeka Brahmachari, 4. Naishtika Brahmachari. The first three are with the limited period until the purpose is completed but the fourth one is forever. Sabarimala Ayyappan and to some extent Hanuman are observing this Brahmacharyam.


2321. In Astrology who are the male children's significators?

Ans. 3 Planet’s influence or energy can produce male children. They are 1. Sun (Sooryan), 2. Jupiter (Guru), 3. Venus (Sukran).


2320. Who are Badha Grahas (adverse impactful negative energies or planets)?

Ans. Badha means affliction or possessed negative energy. They are 27 members. Out of these, 18 are very dangerous (kroora grahas) and 9 are lesser dangerous (laghu krooras). All of them were born out of Lord Siva’s anger (Siva Kopam). They are classified under three categories. 1. Randhukaas (they are interested in bhogham with the opposite sex), 2. Bhokthukaas (interested in bali/sacrifice), 3. Hanthukaas (they want to kill the person and suck their blood, highly revengeful intention). To find what kind of Bhada one has is to investigate their horoscope and find whether Bhadakaadipa (B) is a friend of Lagnadipa (L). If yes, then the Bhadha Graham is indicating that he/she is Randhuka, if B is the enemy of L then Hanthukan and if B is equal to L then Bokthukan. Accordingly, Prayaschitham is recommended by the astrologer.


2319. How many divine celestial personalities are born out of the Sun race (Soorya Thejas)?

Ans. 45 energies divine celestial personalities in the form of “Vaasthu”


2318. What are the Characteristics of DNA?

Ans. An Infinite effulgence (Athi Sookshmam) with a sound that is AUM, the first and primordial DNA of this universe. In other words, DNA = Responds to extremely focused Light and Sound vibrations at a particular frequency.


2317. What are the two forms of DNA?

Ans. One is U shape and the other is two springs in parallel shape.


2316. What is the name of DNA in Vedas?

Ans. Thwashta or Vivaswath (it is the Jeeva-Rasam)


2315. What are the important Saiva Aaradhas (Worship)?

Ans. Three types viz. 1. Kaapaalikam, 2. Kaalamukham, 3. Paasupatheeyam.


2314. What is the gender of Atoms (Annu)?

Ans. Proton (Male), Electron (Female), and Neutron (Neutral or Napumsak).


2313. What is the meaning of Nama Sivaya mantra in ancient Tamil?

Ans. Naam Siva Aayam (we belong to Siva clan) or we belong to the parampara of Siva.


2312. Who are the Saptha Munis (Rishis) of Aaseevaka Sindhanth?

Ans. 1. Vaayumuni, 2. Kurumuni, 3. Semmuni, 4. Thavamuni, 5. Jadaamuni, 6. Mahamuni, 7. Sivamuni.


2311. Who are the Saptha Kanyakaa Devis of Aaseevaka Sindhanth?

Ans. 1. Kaaliyamma, 2. Neeliyamma, 3. Pachayamma, 4. Sivappayi (Lakshmi), 5. Maariyamma, 6. Vellayamma, 7. Gangayamma (Kaveri).


2310. Which animal was the first domestic pet of a human?

Ans. Dog (swa).


2309. How 4 Vedas described by the Aasevaka Sidhanth (very ancient philosophy from Kumari Kandam – today it is under the sea)?

Ans. Rigvedam = Science of Melting (humans learned), Yajurvedam = Science of advice and education, Samavedam = Science of Astronomy, Atharvavedam = Science of vibrations. These are the developments achieved by the human race, considered as a period (time) and during these Veda Kaalam humans learned from nature and uplifted themselves to today's level.


2308. What is it called Parampara? How did this word come into existence?

Ans. Originated from the language Tamil. Paran = Male and Parai = Female. Basically 7 generations’ titles viz. 7th = Paran and Parai, 6th = seyon and seyol, 5th = Ottan and Otty, 4th = Poottan and Pootty, 3rd = Paattan and Paatty, 2nd = Thanthai and Thai, 1st = Kanavan and Manaivi.


2307. How are Kundalini Sakthi and significant color defined in Aaseeka Sidhanth?

Ans. Mooladharam = Black, Swadhishtanam = Blue, Manipoorakam = Green, Anahatha = Red, Visudhi = Yellow, and Aagna = White.  


2306. How are Kundalini Sakti and significant colors defined in Astrology?

Ans. VIBGYOR, these 7 color energies spread across Kundalini Chakras. They are Mooladharam = Red, Swadhishtanam = Orange, Manipoorakam = Yellow, Anahatha = Green, Visudhi = Blue, Aagna = Indigo, and Sahasraaram = Violet.


2305. What is the placement or role of Lord Vishnu and Siva in Astrology?

Ans. Siva is Astronomy (Jyothisham) and Vishnu is Astrology (Rewards of Jyothisham).


2304. What is the actual constitution of Brahmandam (Universe)?

And. Brahmandam is unexplainable because it is beyond words, imagination, time, and space. However, A swambhoo (self-born) energy came out from Brahman and was divided into two parts called Dharman and Dharmy. The Dharman again split into two parts one portion is Purushan/Maha Vishnu and the other became Sthree/Parameswari who became the consort of Lord Siva.  


2303. How to identify the Pretha Bhadha (Affliction of evil spirit/negative energy) in a horoscope?

Ans. Gulikan or Ketu or Gulika-adhipan placed in Anishta Sthaanas such as 3, 6, 8, or 12th house from Lagna is considered as Pretha Bhadha. If the planets are occupied in Sthree Raasi and Sthree Navamsa then it is a female ghost. This method is used mostly in Prasnam (Q&A with clients and astrologers).


2302. What is Matra Swaraas?

Ans. 3 types viz. 1. Single Matra Swaram is called Hraswam, Double Matra Swaram is known as Dheergram and Triple plus swarams is called Plutham.


2301. What would be the state of mind of a dying person (at the time of death) according to Bhavishyath Puranam (talking about future time)?

Ans. 4 states vize, 1. Artham (Desires to enjoy the sensual pleasures – such people will be reborn as plants, grass & creeper, etc, single sense), 2. Roudram (Even after knowing the truth mind is still wanting to enjoy sensual pleasures – such people will be reborn as animals and end up losing a chance to realize God forever), 3. Dhanya (Being ascetic and firmly keeping the mind in God – such people will be born in heaven/paradise as Devas), 4. Suklam (Absolute thinking of Paramathma with firm resolution – such people will attain Moksham/Liberation from transmigration). 


2300. How much time is required for the Earth’s 1-degree arch to pass through or face Sun?

Ans. 4 Minutes only needed.


2299. Pralayam (dissolution), how many types?

Ans. 4 types. 1. Nithyam (every day), 2. Naimithikam (Casual occasionally), 3. Prakrutham (Nature’s fury from time to time), 4. Aathyanthikam (Unavoidable God’s furious act).


2298. When did the Kali Yugam start?

Ans. Kanya Maasam, Sukla Paksham, Thrayodasi Thidhi, at 6 Naazhiga from Sun rise it started. 60 years are known as 1 Parivruthi, now 58 Parivruthi got over (means 58x60 years = 3480 years).


2297. When did the first Prabhava Varsham start?

Ans. Prabhava to Akshaya is a set of 60 years considered as Shashti Samvathsaram (1 Parivruthi), half full Ayus of a human being in Kali Yugam. Every year has a name, and this cycle continues until the next Pralayam (dissolution – end of Kalpam). Therefore, the first Prabhava year started on Kumba Maasam, Guru Vaaram, Sravishta Nakshathram. Every Samvathsaram has a deity in charge. The Prabhava belongs to Lord Brahma himself.


2296. What is Pradhosha Samayam?

Ans. Sukla or Krishna Thrayodasi day is known as Pradhosha Dhinam. An important day for Lord Siva to be worshipped. Lordess Parvathy herself conducts this pooja for Lord Siva hence most auspicious. The time band is 3 ¾ Nazhiga (1 hour 30 minutes) before sunset and 3 ¾ Nazhiga (1 hour 30 minutes) post sunset is Pradhosha samayam. Thrayodasi Thidhi must be between 24 ¼ and 32 ½ Nazhiga from Sunrise must be there.


2295. How many types of Pradhakshinam (Circumbulance) are prescribed?

Ans. 3 types of Pradhakshinam are being conducted. 1. Step by step (Adi Pradhakshinam) 2. Slow walking (Naimathika Pradhakshinam), 3. Rolling (Anga Pradhakshinam). Each deity was given a particular number of Pradhakshinam to get their blessings. They are Ganapathy (1 P), Sooryan (2 P), Sivan (3 P), Vishnu (4 P), Dharma Sastha/Ayyappan (5 P), Subramanian (6 P), Durga Devi/Bhagavaty (7 P). Please note in Siva temple if Lord Siva is alone then only half pradhashinam up to Theertha Naali is allowed. If Lord Siva along with Parvathy Devi, then full pradhakshinam is allowed. Siva is full only when consort Parvathy Devi is with him otherwise, he is half-full.


2294. How many ways is a deity installed in a Sanathana Kshethram (Hindu Temple)?

Ans. 2 types. 1. Peeda Prathishta (Installed in a stone or wood stand), 2. Shadaadhaara Prathishta (Mooladharam, Swadhishtanam = below Peedam / Aadhaara sila, Manipooram = feet, Anahatha = heart, Visudhi = face, Aagna = forehead, Sahasraram = Vimaana Kumbam).


2293. How many types of Devas Prathimaas (Idols/Forms/Moorthys’) are made?

Ans. 8 types. 1. Saili (made from rock pieces), 2. Dhaarumayi (Wood), 3. Louhi (Metal), 4. Lepya (drawing), 5. Lekhya (writing), 6. Saikathi (Mud/Clay), 7. Manomayi (in Mind/Manass), 8. Manimayi (Gemstones). In Deva Prasnam one should analyze through 8th Bhaavam to ascertain the deity’s form. (Saili Dhaarumayi Louhi, Lepya Lekhya cha Saikathi, Manomayi Manimayi Deva Roopam Vichindhayeth!)


2292. How many Prajapathees are mentioned in Sanathana Dharma?

Ans. Total 21. They are 1. Brahma, 2. Rudran, 3. Manu, 4. Dhakshan, 5. Bhrughu, 6. Dharman, 7. Thapan, 8. Yaman, 9. Marichi, 10. Angirass, 11. Athri, 12. Pulasthyan, 13. Pulahan, 14. Krathu, 15. Vasishtan, 16. Parameshti, 17. Sooryan, 18. Chandran, 19. Kardhaman, 20. Krodhan, 21. Vikrithan.


2291. What are the important Homa Karmas (Fire Ritual)?

Ans. They are 3 types viz. 1. Paushtika Karmaas (Homa/Havan conducted for the welfare of human beings including Para and Apara Karmaas), 2. Parihaara Karmaas (Homa conducted to rectify or atonement), 3. Aabhichaara Karmaas (Homa conducted to satisfy Bhairava and get the desires fulfilled in good and bad ways).


2290. How Navagrahaas are occupied and represent a traditional Indian lamp (Kuthu-Vilakku)?

Ans. The lamp itself (Dheep) = Sun, Oil (Thailam) = Moon, Wick (Thailamaali) = Mercury, Fire (Agnijwaala) = Mars, Fire Shadow (Chhaya) = Raahu, Yellow color of Fire (Jwaalavarnam) = Jupiter, burned ashes (Vahni-dhagdha) = Saturn, Lite of the fire (Ghyaan / Prakasam) = Kethu, the Burning process of wick/desires (Dhaahin or Thaapana) = Venus.


2289. What is Moksham (Liberation / Salvation)?

Ans. When a person gets convinced through their own experience that I am not the body but Aathma itself is the state of Moksham.


2288. What is the reason for sorrows and bindings (Dukham and Bhandham)?

Ans. The mortal body is always impure, containing dirt and polluted discharges in it, yet the person thinks that he is not Aathma but this perishable body itself is Aathma, this conviction will cause sorrows and relationships.


2287. When does the Jeeva gets impurified/afflicted?

Ans. Jeeva known as “I” consciousness or Aathma gets impurified (Asudha) when it feels that I am the body, not Aathma. This conviction will make this Jeeva enter the bodies at innumerable times called the “transmigration process”.


2286. Who is bringing Pithrus from Pithru Loka to Kartha’s home?

Ans. During the day of Thidhi or Amavaswaya or Sankranthi or Grahana time Pithrus are allowed to visit Bhoolok and collect their food and water offered by the Kartha (living blood relatives). These Pithrus are accompanied/escorted by Pithru Devathas known as “Viswedevas”. For different occasions/functions, different Pithru Devas are escorted.


2285. What is the difference between Pooja and Dhyanam?

Ans. When a devotee conduct Pooja at that time the devotee is talking to God. Whereas, during the Dhyanam time God is talking to the devotee.


2284. What is the difference between Jeevathma and Paramthma?

Ans. In this world Jeevathma is the Kartha (doer) and Bhoktha (consumer) in the form of Jeeva (life) whereas Paramathma is neither Kartha nor Bhoktha, it is only witnessing all events.


2283. What is the real Yagnam (Sacrifice)?

Ans. Consciously merge the Jeevathma (self) with Paramathma (supreme soul) or offer Jeevathma to Paramathma through sacrifices (sensual desires).


2282. What is the difference between Yaagam and Yaghnam?

Pa Ans. The ritual being conducted with an object tied in the Yupa Sthambam, in a casual manner (the sacrificial object can be an Animal or Jeeva or Mind or Purusha) is called Krathu whereas the same conducted happen without Yupa Sthambam is called Yagnam.


2281. What is the real secret of creation?

Ans. In the beginning, everything was in subtle form (Sookshma Roopam), and later in life, as the world became old everything become a tangible object (Sthoolam Roopam). Sooksham has the highest energy than Sthoolam.


2280. What are the two important options given by God to human beings?

Ans. Two options 1. God is giving himself to the devotee, 2. Mayalokam. God gives two options but asks the individual to choose one of them and realize him.


2279. Which are the ways to reach God?

Ans. There are many dharmic ways are revealed to us by great Maharshis, however, what Lord Sri Krishna said is that these five paths are easy and somehow achievable. They are Bakthi (devotion), Bhaavam (presenting feelings affectionately), Maha Bhaavam (absolute presentation), Prema (sheer innocent love), and Easwara Sakshathkaram (God-realization).


2278. What is the big message or idea of the Bagavath Gita?

Ans. Bagavath Gita is the holy scripture of Sanathana Dharma. It says that humans should renounce everything and attain God and Godhood by way of Bhakti Bhavana. Why because whatever we are seeing is Jada (Perishable or changeable) and what we don’t see is Aathma (Nonperishable or infinite or ever-pervading energy).


2277. What are the important Poojas of great temples (Maha Kshethrams)?

Ans. 5 times pooja being conducted viz. Usha Pooja, Prabhatha Pooja, Pantheeradi Pooja, Ucha Pooja and Athaazha Pooja (Base Kerala State temples). Some other states have Six times Pooja.


2276. What are the five important worship paths?

Ans. 1. Aabhigamanam (Cleaning the temple and removing the Nirmaalaym from sanctum sanctorum), 2. Upaadhaanam (Arranging pooja items), 3. Eajya (Conducting fire rituals), 4. Swadhyayam (Chant Sthothram and Mantrams while performing Pooja), 5. Yogam (Merging with deity) = Meditate on Supreme Lord and offer service to the deity.


2275. What are the four important fundamentals (4 pillars) of Samskrutha Basha?

Ans. 1. Prayathnam (Effort), 2. Sthaanam (Sound generating centers of the body), 3. Balam (Strength/Force). 4. Kaalam (Duration).


2274. What is the meaning of Samskrutham (Sanskrit)?

Ans. Well done! In all respect a perfect ultimate language. In other words “ought to be done”, to be perfect.


2273. How Samskutha (Sanskrit) Bhasha was born?

Ans. Samskrutha Bhasha was born out of Lord Parameswara’s hourglass drum (Udukku). Initially, 14 sound letters came out as Maheswara Soothram, thereafter Paanini Maharshi attached Vyakaranam (Grammar) to it. After that, the Chhandhass was born out of these syllables, and that Chhandhass became Vedas. Hereafter, the Samskrutham became a language that gave birth to writing Puranaas and Kaavyaas, etc.


2272. What are the Saptha Saadhanaas?

Ans. 1. Sodhanam (contemplating/analyzing), 2. Dhrudatha (Strength), 3. Sthairyam (Firmness), 4. Dhairyam (Brave), 5. Laadhavam (Freedom), 6. Prathyaksham (Realization), 7. Nirliptham/Mukthi (Liberation).


2271. What is the Shad Margam that gives a guarantee in attaining Moksham?

Ans. According to Ayurveda if anyone follows these six paths (shad margaas) it gives a guarantee to attain Moksham (Liberation). 1. Aasanam (Postures) = Drudatha (Strength/Discrimination), 2. Mudraas (Signs) = Sthiratha (Firmness/Clarity), 3. Prathyaahaaram (A kind of state or condition and withdrawal from Anger) = Dheeratha (Fearless/Brave), 4. Praanaayaamam (Breadth regulation) = Laaghavam (Lightness or freedom), 5. Dhyaanam (Meditation) = Prathyaksham Aathmani (Realizing Aathma/Soul), 6. Samaadhi (State of nothingness) = Nirliptham (Merged/melted with Supreme Self).

Shadkarmaanaam sodhanam Cha: Aasaneena Bhaveth Dhrudeth, Mudraya Sthiratha Chaiva, Prathyaahaarenna Dheeratha, Pranaayaama Laghavam Cha, Dhyanaath Prathyakshamaathmani, Samaadhi Cha Na Nirliptham, Mukthireva Na Samsayam!!


2270. What got created or revealed from Lord Siva’s five faces?

Ans. 1. West face – known as Sathyojatham – Lord Brahma, Srushti Kriya, Panchakshara Mantram “Na”, Swetha Varnam (White color) and Bhoomi Thathwam, Promotes Liberation. 2. North face – known as Vaamadevam – Lord Vishnu, Sthithi Kriya, Raktha Varnam (Red color), Panchakshara Mantram “Ma”, and Jala Thathwam, Promotes Wealth. 3. South face – known as Aghoram – Lord Rudra, Samhara Kriya, Black smoke color, Panchakshara Mantram “Si”, and Agni Thathwam, Promotes detachment from desires. 4. East face – known as Thathpurusham – Lord Maheswaran, Thirodhana Kriya, Panchakshara Mantram “Va”, Swarna Varnam (Gold color), Vayu Thathwam, Promotes Prosperity. 5. Oordhwa/Upper face – Easanam – Lord Sadhasivan, Anugraha Kriya, Panchakshara Mantram “Ya”, Swetha Varnam (White color) and Aakasa Thathwam, Promotes Ghnaanam.


2269. What are the property or assets of a true Yogi?

Ans. 5. 1. Aasanam, 2. Yoga pattam, 3. Dhandam, 4. Kamandalu, 5. Japa Mala.


2268. What are the Bhaahya (outer) and Aanthara (inner) Sudhis (purification) of the human body?

Ans. Aanthara Sudhis are 5. 1. Bhootha Sudhi, 2. Aathma Sudhi, 3. Dravya Sudhi, 4. Mantra Sudhi, 5. Linga Sudhi.

Bhaahya Sudhis are 5. 1. Moothrasaya Sudhi, 2. Malasaya Sudhi, 3. Mukha sudhi, 4. Paada sudhi, 5. Khara sudhi (hands).


2267. What are the ingredients of Panchaloha Vigrahas?

Ans. A combination of 5 metals is required. 8 portions of copper (Thamram), 8 portions of Pithala (Brass), 1 portion of Gold (Hemam), 4 portions of Silver (Rajatham), and a little bit of Iron (Loham).


2266. What is the ingredients and its measure for making Panchagavyam?

Ans. Gomedhyam times two Gomoothram, Gomedhyams times four Goksheeram, Gomedhyam times eight portions Aajyam (Cow Ghee) and Dhadhi (Cow Curd).


2265. What type of Chakropadesam did Lord Siva give to Saptha Rishis?

Ans. Chakra means sensitive or central energy formation disk, it is a subtle and very powerful energy point within our body. Lord Siva revealed the knowledge of 16 Chakras to each Rishi (7 Rishis by 16 Chakras makes a total of 112 Antharmaya Chakras) and 2 outside Bahirmaya Chakras to all Rishis. Therefore, a total of 114 Chakras were revealed by Lord Siva. Whereas in today’s world, we know only 6 Chakras and making so much progress among the practitioners! Whether we know or don’t know these Chakras are working within our body and two Chakras are outside like the Sun and Moon or the upper portion of Earth/Human and down the portion of Earth/Human (you may call it Akasam and Pathalam and the Earth is in-between. When you look at it from a galaxy it is floating and rotating as if there is a force from up and down supporting the planet to rotate without falling to either side!). 


2264. What is signifying or indicating Lord Siva’s Thrisool (Trident)?

And. It is a 3D concept, each point is raising a question to a person that 1. You, 2. Your Life, 3. What do you know and what you don’t know?


2263. When to conduct Namakaranam (naming ceremony)?

Ans. 11th or 12th day from the birthday one can do the naming ceremony. The 13th day is not allowed. The child must be given a name within 90 days of birth. If Namakarana Lagnam is occupied by a planet as Uchan (exalted) then the person will become very famous (Prasidha), whereas if Neechan (debilitated) then the person will become nonpopular (Kuprasidhan).


2262. How to ascertain whether the Jeevathma reached Pithrulok after leaving the mortal body?

Ans. If Moon or Venus is posited in the Janma Lagnam or Death Lagnam then the Jeevathma (Soul) will ascend to Pithrulok. If suppose, Jupiter is placed then the Jeevathma will ascend to Devlok (Paradise). On the contrary, if Mercury or Saturn is placed then it will go to Naraklok (Hell). 

2261. How God's existence (the Supreme Paramathman) was conceived by our great Rishis?

Ans. They meditated to identify the existence of the Almighty and come to the conclusion that God has formless energy as well as form as mass. The primordial sound OM is "Formless" and the Light is its "Form". This is the beginning of the search results for God. Later they were described in many forms according to the situation and need. 

2260. What are the relationship or significations of planets in terms of Saptha Dhathus and metals?

Ans. The human body constitution is a mind-boggling zillion assembly strategy. To make something there must be a mass or an ingredient required. When we look at the cosmos, we can see an unbelievably wonderful constitution exactly like the human body. Therefore, Maharshi's through their Thapass realized that this human body is created by the Brahma by procuring different elements or ingredients from the same cosmic world.  That is why Maharshis identified or discovered that celestial objects have a direct and indirect relationship or presence in all living beings especially humans. Now let us see who the dominant contributor is for the very important seven elements in the body.

Star Planet SUN, represent Asthi (Bone) and the element of Copper (Thamram)

Star Planet MOON represents Raktham (Blood) and the element of Silver (Rajatham).

Planet MARS represents Majja (Marrow) and the element of Gold (Kanakam).

Planet MERCURY represents Thawk (Skin) and the element of Brass (Swetha Pithala).

Planet JUPITER represents Vasa (Fat) and the element of Silver (Rajatham),

Planet VENUS represents Sukla (Semen) and the element of Brass (Pithala),

Planet SATURN represents Snaayu (Meat/Mamsam) and the element of Iron (Loham).


2259. What are the satellites used by NASA to research and agree to already refer to Lord Brahma’s life span?

Ans. Scientifically one cannot see or realize Brahma (who is Time and Space) this Brahmanda (our Galaxy) is as old as 155.522 trillion years old. When they say that agree with Brahma’s life span means the day this Earth became habitable for living beings! (For modern understanding). NASA used COBE and WMAP Satellite, and also rejected the big bang theory and its estimations (claimed because modern science can’t stick to its discovery due to its nature).  I have included this here only for an understanding purpose because we don’t bother with what they say and agree or disagree with our Sanathana Dharma Sastra’s claims.


2258. Who was created first as Manushya (Human) as per Lord Brahma (Aadhya Prajapathi/First Creator)?

Ans. According to Sanathana Dharma, Aadi Prajapathi Brahma first created Manu (Male) and his consort Satharoopa (Female). The children born out of his Bheejam (Sperm) are called Manushya Samooham. Manu through his austerities and Thapass became Manu Maharshi. He acquired a great amount of divine knowledge and powers due to which he could produce various types of children on a mass scale. All his creations were called Manushya/Humans (derived from Manu became Manushya), at the same time Lord Brahma also created his other Manasa Puthras (mind-born children with the divine body). Manu and Satharoopa have nothing to do with Adam and Eve. Manu and Satharoopa were born much before the Abrahamic tales.


2257. What is the life span of Lord Brahma as per human years?

Ans. 311.40 Trillion years. Brahma’s one day time (day part of 24 hours) is 4.32 Billion years.


2256. What is the age of this world and atmosphere?

Ans. According to Veda sasthram it is 155.522 Trillion already got over (as of AD 2021).


2255. Who is the biggest relative in this world?

Ans. God (Easwara). Because all the products in this world is Almighty God’s creation/children only. Therefore, one divine personality has the entire universal beings as his/her relatives. What a simple truth!


2254. How can we know whether our deeds are received and accepted by God and he/she is happy with it?

Ans. If a Karma (act) produced positive good results means God liked it and graced the act. Whereas, if it failed and produced bad results means God is not in favour of such acts therefore, he/she can refrain from such deeds in the future. In this concept one can easily understand what is good and what is a bad act, therefore, one can strengthen the relationship with God accordingly.  


2253. What are the important Dheekshas?

And. Dheeksha means an accomplished Guru initiating his/her disciple after eradicating the disciple’s bad karmas and its malefic effects then burning it with his (Guru’s) Thapo Sakthi (divine power). Both are destined to each other and such Gurus are rare in today’s world. Nowadays it is merely a function or fashion show! These Dheekshaas a many however the important ones are seven. 1. Mantra Dheeksha, 2. Paadha Dheeksha, 3. Hastha Dheeksha, 4. Mano Dheeksha, 5. Sparsa Dheeksha, 6. Chakshu Dheeksha, 7. Dhravya Dheeksha.


2252. Is the Mind and the Soul (Manass and Jeeva) are one and the same?

Ans. Yes. Mind’s expanded form is Jeeva (Soul) and Jeeva’s compressed form is mind.


2251. What are the grains/pulses used for sowing the Paalika ritual before conducting an auspicious function?

Ans. Palika ritual is conducted just before an auspicious event to be held in a Brahmin’s house such as Vivaham (Wedding), Upanayanam (Sacred thread wearing ceremony) and Seemantha Pumsavanam etc. This function is known as Bheejanguranam (Sprouting function). There are 12 Dhanyams (full seeds) to be immersed/soaked in a milk mixed water pot 24 hours before the function. Each seed is representing one deity and it produces significant unique divine energies and is considered as a sacred ritual. It is also indicating that humans must get involved in agriculture activities before getting into married life and producing progeny. They are 1. Yavam seed represented by Brahma, 2. Lagu Mudgam seed (Moong) for Vishnu, 3. Thandhuba (Mustard seed) for Siva, 4. Toor seed (Pigeon peas) for Vayu, 5. Thinai seed (Foxtail millet) for Subramanian, 6. Urad seed (black lentil) for Indra, 7. Kulatth/Muthira seed (Horse gram) for Agni, 8. Kedhara/Paddy seed (Nellu ) for Adithyan, 9. Thill seed (Sesame) for Yaman, 10. Brihat Mudgam (Big Payar/kidney beans) for Varunan, 11. Avara seed (Broad bean) for Bhagavathy and, 12. Chaamai (Millet) for Soman.


2250. When was the starting date of Dwapara Yugam?

Ans. Kumba month (Mid Feb-Mar / Aquarius) Amavasya day at 2.16 minutes from Sunrise.


2249. What is the name of Dwadasa Adithyaas?

And. 12 powerful deities are surrounded in the Soorya Mandala and their names are 1. Dhatha, 2. Mithran, 3. Aryama, 4. Rudran, 5. Varunan, 6. Sooryan, 7. Bhagan, 8. Vivaswan, 9. Poosha, 10. Savitha, 11. Thwashta, 12. Vishnu.


2248. Where one should construct temples?

Ans. Every quarter has its own significance as well as its presiding deity. There are some synchronizing facts that need to be considered to achieve better positive energy. The same concept can be followed at home too. Our ancestors have done enough research and guided us that East or West quarter facing is very good for Lord Maha Vishnu, North-East (Easana Corner) for Lord Siva, North-West is for Durga Devi / Bhagavathy, North for Lord Subramanian, South-West corner for Maha Ganapathy and Lord Ayyappan.  

2247. What is the sleeping time of celestial bodies/divine personalities (Devas)?

Ans. From Ashada/Kataka Masam, Sukla Paksha Ekadasi till Karthika/Vruschika Masam, Sukla Paksha Ekadasi. This period is not good for conducting any types of auspicious functions especially looking forward to their blessings.


2246. What are the Chathur Kandams of land/plot?

Ans. 1. Deva Kandam = South-West corner, 2. Manusha Kandam = Noth-East corner, 3. Yama Kandam = South-East corner, 4. Asura Kandam = North-West corner.


2245. Which is the right location/zone to construct a house in a plot?

Ans. Within the whole plot, one should identify the Deva Kandam i.e., Niryathi Kandam (South-West corner) and construct the house over there.


2244. How many Kalas (Aura) is surrounded by a deity of a temple? Which sign/raasi/bhavam indicate in a deva prasnam?

Ans. The power of deities (ever-living divine power) was invoked in an idol that involves all 16 Kalas through the Vedic or Agama sastra method and erected in a Garbha Gruha (sanctum sanctorum) of a temple. They call it Kala or Sakthi Visesham or Characteristics of Almighty God. They are five groups, viz., 1. Parathathwakala = The power to save and protect devotees, eradicate their sins, and finally grant Moksham (liberation). The readiness of the deity’s interest can be understood by analysing the Bhavams 1 and 8. 2. Vyoohathwakala = Parathathwakala promotes and produces Amodham, Sommodham and Pramodham (all types of happiness) to its deity. This Vyoohathwakala helps the deity to show its Parathathwakala among its devotees. The readiness of the deity’s interest can be understood by analysing the Bhavams between 1 and 5. 3. Vibhavathwakala = The power to exercise creation, sustenance, and withdrawal (Srushti, Sthithi, Samharam) activities in the Universe. The readiness of the deity’s status can be understood by analysing the Bhavams 5 and 8. 4. Antharyamithwakala = Ever pervading power across all beings and non-being. This can be understood by analysing the Bhavams 3 and 8. 5. Archavatharathwakala = To receive the worship or poojas of devotees God incarnate as per their wish or appear in front of them. The readiness of the deity’s status can be understood by analysing the Bhavams of 1, 5 and 8.   


2243. Describe Samadhi?

Ans. Constant state i.e., uninterrupted, or always thinking about Almighty God in all three states Jagath, Swapna and Sushuptha (waken, dream and sleep).


2242. What are the divisions of Ghyaan (Knowledge)?

Ans. Mainly Three, 1. Ghnaanam (natural general knowledge or awareness), 2. Apara-Ghnaanam (knowledge gained from sastras, books, heard, scripts etc), 3. Para-Ghnaanam (knowledge about the creator, almighty God, supreme being).


2241. How does the Jeevathma form to enter the body and its exit path/stage?

Ans. It is a transit game taking place between Earth (Prithvi) and Space (Akasa) along with the other five elements. First, let us understand the process of Jeevathma leaving the body and merging in the space. Our existence can be realized as a complete bonding of colours and five elements of this nature (Prapancha). Stage 1 to 7 is Yellow colour (Planet Mars and Earth element) will merge in Orange colour (Planet Moon and Water element), then both will merge in Red colour (Planet Sun and Fire element), thereafter all three colours will merge in Violet/Purplish Blue (Planet Saturn and Air element), then all four colours and elements will merge in Indigo/Blackish Blue colour (Planet Venus and Space element) then all those five colours will merge in Sky Blue (Planet Jupiter and Moola Prakruthi element) and then finally all colours and elements will merge in Green colour (Planet Mercury and Jeevathma element). When the Jeevathma exit the body, it will take the shape of a Thump finger size and ascend towards Space, known as Sookshma Sareeram (subtle body). The same chronology is followed when the Jeevathma descend from Space to Earth (into a mortal body). The body is representing Earth or Mass. 


2240. Which is the power that always stays with Jeevathma?

Ans. God alone! Whether Jeevamath resides inside the body or leaves the body this divine power always follows the Jeevathma just like its shadow. When this is the truth then why do some Puranas and people criticise God as well as blames the Jeevathma to be a Ghost etc. In my view, Jeevathma is the progeny of God therefore God will be always with the Jeevathma just like the parents and children relationship.


2239. What is Thridosha Kalam?

Ans. The human body consists of three doshas (natural afflictions) viz Kapha, Pitta and Vaatha. Their responsibilities are to upkeep the body through its specialized functions. It is known as Dosha because most of the people will have imbalanced or shortfalls to its average balance hence it makes people often sick. Their ruling period is, 1. Kapha between 0600 and 1000 hours – it cleans up all types of polluted and toxic items from our body, 2. Pittha between 1000 and 1400 hours – it digests the food, 3. Vaatha between 1400 and 1800 hours – it cleans the nerves. For example, up to 10.00 am one should only drink hot water or hot liquids so that it will help the Kidney function better, on the contrary, most of the people just dump a heavy load of food this will naturally make that person sick!


2238. What is the right time for having full-course meals (Mrushtaanna Bhojanam)?

Ans. Morning 0900 and 1200 hours and then the night in 1900 and 2000 hours. Only two times full course food is allowed for a person.


2237. Why ordinary people are unable to see God?

Ans. Since God is absolutely pure and compassionate, unless a devotee becomes that (pure and compassionate) it is not possible to see God with naked eyes, just like to taste sweet even the tongue should have its senses in working condition.


2236. How does the Agnaanam dies?

Ans. Through our own efforts and God’s grace, the Ignorance will perish completely. The ideal practice is Nirvikalpa Samadhi.


2235. Define Agnaanam (Ignorance)?

Ans. There are two rules that define Ignorance. Rule 1. Not knowing the real absolute truth is Ignorance. Rule 2. The truth is not known through the right path is also Ignorance.


2234. Who is the significator of all food products that create energy after consumption?

Ans. Planet Saturn (Sani). Due to the influence of Saturn energy all food items are getting their status for consumption. In other words, all pre-eaten or raw food are the elements of Saturn energy only. All eatable produce such as grains, vegetables, leaves, pulses and minerals are nourished by the Moon and once it is ready for eating it will become Saturn. (Kindly note non-vegetarian food is not for humans). Thereafter the consumed food become the elements of Budhan, Guru, Sooryan, Kujan and finally Venus respectively. We can only see Saturn (Jadam/Mass/Matter) as the raw food thereafter none of the other processes can be seen by our naked eyes. Once it becomes energy (moon) the remains remain Saturn element that comes out as discharge. In other words, Saturn was the beginning and Saturn is the end for all living beings. That is why the majority of people does not understand the philosophical subtle body but consider the mortal (Jadam) as everything! What an illusion (Maya).  


2233. How is our eaten food becoming an energy element in our body?

Ans. From the first day of eating the eaten food undergo the digestive system for the next 30 days. Only on the 30th day, the eaten food is getting completed its digestion process. First, it is getting crushed inside the mouth (first digestion session) and produces a taste of sweetness, thereafter, reaching the belly and get the support of bile to undergo a second session of digestion within 5 days. This digested food will taste saltiness. This partly digested food split into energy (Oorja) and chyme (Amarasa). Hereafter within every 5 days period that energy become Mamsa (Meat), Sphita (Fat), Asthi (Bone), Majja (marrow) then Suklam (Sperm for males and Nadam for females). So, in 5 days of digestion x 6 Dhathus equal 30 days. Please note modern medical science may not agree with this but this is what is said in our sastras.


2232. Which Planet influence or significator of Saptha Dhathus promote a particular ailment (Roga dhatha) in the human body?

Ans. Saturn/Sani = Thwak/Nadi-Sira (skin and nerves), Venus/Sukran = Suklam (sperm), Guru/Jupiter = SphIta (Fat), Mercury/Budhan = Mamsam (Meat/Flush), Mars/Kuja = Majja (Marrow), Moon/Chandran = Raktham/Oorjam (Blood and Energy), Sun/Sooryan = Asthi (Bones).


2231. How do ailments affect the human body from beginning till end?

Ans. First, it attacks and grows as per VIBGYOR manner i.e., from the Skin and Nerves (Thawk-Nadi/Sira), then reaches Sperm (Suklam), SphIta (Fat), Mamsam (Flesh/Meat), Majja (Marrow), Raktham (Blood) and then Asthi (Bones), finally, it spoils the Manas (mind).


2230. What makes Pithrus (ancestors) scared or afraid?

Ans. 6 items. 1. Mani Sabdham (sound of a bell), 2. Iron, 3. Vibhoothi, 4. Any type of Thilakam, 5. Rudraksha Mala, 6. Symbols of Gods/Goddess like photos, lockets, talismans etc.


2229. What are the items that make holy or great of Pithru Karma? (Ancestor’s rites).

Ans. 7 items. 1. Fresh cow’s milk (just milked few minutes before Srardham), 2. Sivochishta Ganga (leftover holy water Ganga after Siva Pooja), 3. Devi-uchishta Madhu (leftover hony of Devi Pooja), 4. Ven-Pattu Vasthram (white colour velvet silk cloth), 5. Noothana Aajyam (just now prepared cow’s ghee), 6. Kuthapa Kaalam 14 to 16 Nazhika (approximately between 11.30 and 12.24 hours), 7. Black sesame seeds.


2228. Who is the reason for Karma to grow?

Ans. Aham Bhavam (Ego or Pride).


2227. Who is nurturing the Aham Bhavam attitude (Ego or Pride)?

Ans. Ishtam and Anishtam (likes and dislikes or desires and hatred ness).


2226. How to reach or realize God without any rules and regulations as prescribed by the holy texts?

Ans. Just simply think of God always. Whenever you are conscious think of God irrespective of the work you do whether good or bad. Over a period, the Jeevathma will automatically merge in Almighty Paramathma. This is the simplest way.


2225. How do day and night duration differed during different Yugas (Era/Epic)?

Ans. The daytime is getting reduced from Kritha/Sathya Yuga to Kali Yuga. 1. Kritha Yuga (Golden Age) day and night used to be 21 and 21 hours (42 hours a day!), 2. Thredha Yuga (Silver Age) day and night used to be 18 and 18 hours (36 hours a day!), 3. Dwapara Yuga (Copper Age) day and night used to be 15 and 15 hours (30 hours a day!), 4. Kali Yugam (Iron Age) day and night are 12 and 12 hours. Please note we need to think aloud here, it is not mentioned which Chathur Yugas. Therefore, we need to assume it was during a very old period. As we know from the sastras that this is the 28th Kali Yugam and that was started 5222 years back. According to scientific historical evidence prior to 5222 years back there was no 15 and 15 hours a day (total 30 hours!), so it may be much earlier Yugas. However, it could be true because I remember reading some old books where it was mentioned that one year was not 365 days of today’s practice. It was some 600+ add days etc. In my opinion, modern research won’t help because it is biased towards western thinking and interest, there is no original historical evidence that is easily available to debate.    


2224. What is Hari-vasaram?

Ans. Hari-vasaram is an elective time or auspicious period i.e., Muhoortham. This period is important for one to break the fast of Ekadasi. This Muhoortham will fall between Eakadasi last quarter 15 Nazhikas (6 hours) and Dwadhasi first quarter 15 Nazhikas, a total of 30 Nazhikas (12 hours). The last bit is very important than the whole hours.


2223. Where one should do Asthi Sanjayanam (immersing bones of a dead person, if cremated)?

Ans. It should be buried close to holy riverbanks or lakes. However, many of us used to immerse it in the sea, because seawater is having salt which can easily digest/decay the bones in the shortest period. According to Sanathanee’s belief system, until these bones get completely digested and mix with Pancha Bhoothas there cannot be the next birth. Another belief is that if the bones are in close touch with water the Jeevathma who resided in that bones (Skelton) will not face thirst until it enters another body. Whereas, according to the Bhodhayana Rishi system it is not allowed to immerse it in the sea except riverbanks or lakes.


2222. When is the right day to touch the seawater?

Ans. Only on Amavasya and Poornima days can touch the seawater. In fact, touching the seawater these days is also important and auspicious.


2221. Where are the Praana Sthanaas (Vital Air/Life energy) in the human body?

Ans. 7 places. 1. Mouth, 2. right Eye, 3. left Eye, 4. right Ear, 5. left ear, 6. right Nosestril, 7. left Nosestril.


2220. What is the quantity of Punyam denoted for Dwadasi Thidhi day?

Ans. According to sastram the amount of Punyam (Holy credits) of a Dwadasi day equals to 1,000 Soorya Grahana Punya Kaalam + 1,000 Chandra Grahana Punya Kaalam + 10,000 Vyatheepatham Kaalam + 100,000 Amavasya Puny Kaalam. During these days if a person performs a good deed, he/she will accumulate so much of Punyam in their life, at the same time doing a bad deed/karma they will accumulate so much of Paapam (demerits) too.


2219. Parent’s death day (Pithru Dhinam / Death Anniversary day) is a good or bad day?

Ans. According to sastra, it is a good/auspicious day. It says that 3 ½ crore is more auspicious than Dwadasi Thidhi day. Dwadasi is one of the best precious and auspicious days. Therefore, one should not hesitate to do all good work on this day especially some offering to their departed parents and other living relatives or deserving poor people.


2218. How long one should wait before a cremation or bury the dead body?

Ans. From death minimum 3 hours. There is a chance of the Jeevathma returning to the same body.


2217. While eating what should eat first and last?

Ans. First sweet and last bitter items to be consumed.


2216. Which are the days good for a haircut?

Ans. Thursdays (Guru Varam) and Sundays (Soorya vaaram) because these days have the capabilities to nullify all dosha (inauspicious) effects of Thidhis and Nakshathraas.  

2215. How to put Vibhoothi (sacred ash) by which finger and its effects?

Ans. If one put Vibhoothi by using his Thump finger – endless illness, Index finger – loss of properties and wealth, Middle finger – loss of peace of mind, Ring finger – achieve a happy and comfortable life, Litte finger – problems increase in the house. If one wears Vibhoothi with the help of Ring and Thump fingers together will conquer the world, attract everyone, and achieve high success in life.  


2214. Which are the food has no Paraanna Bhojana Dosham?

Ans. If a person consumes food from outside other than the prescribed people’s house, it is considered as a Dosham (affliction) to the food as well as the person. The food consumption from these seven (7) houses viz. 1. Close friend, 2. Acharyan, 3. Uncle, 4. Elder sister, 5. Younger sister, 6. Father-in-law, 7. Mother-in-law, will not have Dosham according to sastras.


2213. What are the divisions of time, based on Sunrise at 6.00 am?

Ans. They are divided based on a 6 Nazhika basis (2 hours 24 minutes). 1. Pratha Kaal 0600-0824 hours, 2. Sanghava Kaal 0824-1048 hours, 3. Madhyahna Kaal 1048-1312 (within that Gandharva Kaal falls between 1048-1136) hours, 4. Kuthapa Kaal 1136-1224 hours, Rauhana Kaal 1224-1312 hours, Aparahna Kaal / Pithru Kaal 1312-1536, Sayahna Kaal 1536-1800 hours.


2212. What are the four easy ways to see God?

Ans. There are various ways, yet they all fall under these four categories viz. 1. Karma Yogam, 2. Bakthi Yogam, 3. Raja Yogam, 4. Ghnaana Yogam.


2211. What are the Thanthrika Upasanaas and how many are they?

Ans. Total 128,000 Thanthrika Sadhanaas are practiced. They are divided into Vaishnavam 6,000, Saivam 10,000, Saktham 100,000, Ganapathyam 1,000, Sauram 2,000, Bhairavam 7,000, Yaksha-Bhoothaas 2,000. It is a subtle instruction practice involving mudras and concentration.


2210. What is Aagamam?

Ans. A piece of divine advice was given by mixing Dwaitha and Adhwaitha philosophies.


2209. According to Aagamas what are the priorities of a holy place or eligibilities for pilgrimage?

Ans. Three, 1. Sthalam (Place), 2. Theertham (Holy water), 3. Moorthy (Idol). The other supplements are Vruksham (Divine Tree) and Anubhavam (the event/episode).


2208. Aagmas and Vedas promoting which concept?

Ans. Aagmas encourage people to conduct Pooja Vidhi (worship) and Vedas encourage Yagna Vidhi (rituals/sacrifices).


2207. Who gave Saivagamaas and Vedas to humankind?

Ans. Lord Siva from his five faces. 1. Adhomukham (facing sky up) all 28 Aagamaas were revealed to eligible saints, 2. Poorvamukham (East face) Rigvedam came into existence, 3. Dakshiknamukham (South face) Yajurvedam, 3. Paschimamukham (West face) Atharvanavedam and 4. Utharamukham (North face) Samavedam.


2206. How many important Aagamas existed in sanathana culture?

Ans. Saiva-agama 28, Vaishnava-agama 108, Saktham/Thanthra-agama 77, Kaumaram 1, Souram 1, Ganapathyam 1 = Total 216 Aagamas.


2205. How many Thapas (austerities) are practised or devised by the Siva Aagama Sastra?

Ans. Four. 1. Charya, 2. Kriya, 3. Yogam, 4. Ghnaanam.


2204. Who is the most beautiful living being on this earth?

Ans. An innocent man (Purushan).


2203. Who expects the highest amount of freedom in life?

Ans. Woman


2202. How Chankya Neethi defined Prema, Roga and Sathru?

Ans. According to Chanakya: 1) There is nothing one can love beyond Aathma Ghnaanam i.e., love for Aathma Ghnaanam is the highest love, 2. No illness (Sickness) is bigger than Kaamaasakthi (lust), 3. One body getting attracted to another body is the biggest enemy (Sathru).


2201. How many types of Anubhava (experience) referred in Sastras?

Ans. Two types. 1. An experience by knowing everything, 2. An experience without knowing anything.


2200. How does God gives darsana to his/her various devotees?

Ans. God reveals mainly in three ways: 1. Inside the heart for Maha Ghnaanis (great scholars), 2. Desired forms for Ghnaanis (scholars), 3. In the form of Sadh-Guru for those Agnaanis (ignorants).


2199. Why do you need to chant Mantras (Hymn)?

Ans. Two purposes. 1. To remove ignorance/illusion, 2. To meditate on a particular deity.


2198. How Jeeva is getting detached itself from Easwara (God)?

Ans. When Jeeva become the slave of Ahamkara (False Ego/Pride), it gets detached from Easwara and resides in various physical bodies as per different gender.


2197. What is in Omkaram?

Ans. It has been defined as divine sound energy. This sound energy (Mahasakthi) links through a celestial thread between the humans, the universe and the Easwara (God). It has five auras (sheaths) known as Icha-Sakthi, Gjnaana-Sakthi, Kriya-Sakthi, NAdham and Bhindu. The sound comes out due to the circular movement of the Galaxy.


2196. Why humans are not easily getting the grace/blessings of Almighty God?

Ans. Unless the humans pray/worship the Almighty God with innocent hearts and without any desires it will not be possible to obtain God’s grace or compassion.


2195. What is known as Pasu and Pathi Karanam?

Ans. Pasu means living being, Pathy means Godhood/Easwarathwam. Pasu Karanams have limitations whereas Pathy is limitless, ever-living eternal energy which creates Pasus.


2194. What is the unique speciality of Life Energy (Jeeva)?

Ans. In whichever body it enters, it will perform its duty as per the custom/system of that body or being.

2193. What is the rarest (almost impossible to achieve) in this world?

Ans. Seeing God through the mortal physical body. Unless God gives the special/divine eye power (Divya Chakshush) it is not possible to see God with naked eyes. It means there is no scientific method to see God, only submissive and surrender mode will work!


2192. When you chant OM (the Pranava Mantra) how the energy raises from bottom to top?

Ans. The Mantra OM is a symbol as well as a symbolic sound. It is made up on A+U+M signifying the Trinity concept of Sanathana Dharmam. A represented by Maha Vishnu (Sathwa), U represented by Maheswara (Thamas) and M represented by Brahma (Rajas). When you say A… the sound waves vibrates between Mooladharam and Manipooram centres (spine tale till stomach) then it raises to Anahatham till Visudhi when you say U…, thereafter it further raises to Agna chakram till Sahasraram when you say M… This M has no end, means it merges with the cosmic field and travel without any boundaries hence it is considered as Ardha Mantra (always half). The entire galaxy is considered to be a field of Thamas (Darkness) therefore, the Siva element has neither beginning nor end (Ananth/Limitless). Therefore, chanting OM means the chanter is connecting himself/herself with the cosmic energy field with the help of the physical body and become part of that limitless cosmic energy.


2191. Why newly married couple trying to see Arundhadhi and Vasishta stars in the night sky?

And. According to Vedic Philosophy seeing these stars gives a strength among the newly married couple to work together to achieve everything in life. The reason is that usually when two stars are together, if one rotates the other rotate opposite (motion theory), whereas, these stars always rotate together like two wheels in a chariot. Therefore, it is auspicious to see them, while gazing the elders would tell the couple to follow the path of Arundhadhi and Vasishta stars to make the life fruitful and purposeful. 


2190. What is the size of Jyeshta Nakshathram?

Ans. Jyeshta stellar/star is the 18th star in the Indian Astrology system. Its size is 40,000 times bigger than our Sun! That is why this Star is called Jyeshta (The Biggest).


2189. What is called Savarnam or Savarnee?

And. It is a symbol of class or division based on their inherited knowledge and experience in a particular field. Assume that if all those four pillars of power are with one person such as “knowledge, weapons, wealth and land” there is a high chance of misuse and aggression which can eventually bring destruction to the society, therefore, Sages decided to divide these powers with four individual sects and asked them to concentrate and master it for the sake of better future. In this way, the birth of Brahmin (knower), Kshathriyan (ruler), Vaisya (trader) and Soodran/Soothiran (labour) were created. Savarnam does not mean that it is applicable only to Brahmin. All are Varnees according to their profession and expertise however, if they do well in their field then they become Sa-Varnee (an expert among its class). Therefore, you have Savarnees in all four sects. Example superior knowledge among knowledged people, superior administrator among rulers, superior businessman among the business community and extraordinary architect or designers. I would like to clarify further the “Soodran concept”, it is not Soodran it is Soothiran (the person who can design a concept and articulate it – in fact, he is most important than others in practical life). Whereas, the Western invasion of Bharat took advantage of the system the mis-interpreted and divided the people to create conflicts.


2188. What are the pillars of power according to Sage Brughu Maharshi?

Ans. They are Four centres (4) – 1. Knowledge (Ghyaan), 2. Weapons (Ayudhaas), 3. Wealth (Dhanam), 4. Land (Bhoomi).


2187. What is needed for a country to progress continuously?

Ans. The disintegration of the ruling power, in other words, share the power and rule. This strategy or suthra was designed by sages Brughu and Bharadwaj and approved by Lord Sri Krishna during their time (approximately, as on date 5222 years before).


2186. Who are the seven clans (Thalamura)?

Ans. 1. Great grandfather (Prapithamahan), 2. Grandfather (Pithamahan), 3. Father (Pitha), 4. Self and co-born (brothers), 5. Puthran (own son), 6. Pouthran (grandson), 7. Pra-pouthran (great-grandson). The set is made like – Prapithamahan, Pithamahan and Pitha (3), Puthran, Pouthran and Pra-pouthran (3) plus Self (1) = 7.


2185. Who is Ghnaathy and how many are they?

Ans. Ghnaathys are blood relatives of the paternal clan. They are two types 1. Sapindar (who undertake 10 days of affliction/impurity in them if someone die or born in their clan), 2. Samanothakar (who undergo 3 days of impurity like Sapiindar cause).


2184. How many people (Kartha) can perform Pithru Karma (final ritual)?

And. 32 people can perform the Pithru Karma from Owrasa Puthran till Dhanahari Puthran (own blood child to the child who is going to enjoy the wealth of the deceased person).  


2183. Where does this Jeevathma live after the death till next 10 days?

Ans. First three days in “Water”, next three days “Agni”, next three days in “Aakaasam” and the 10th day in its “own house” where it lived.


2182. Who is prohibited from conducting Rishabothsarjanam?

Ans. If a married woman does not have a male child and if she dies, then her husband should not perform Rishabothsarjanam.


2181.  What is the name given to the Jeevathma immediately after death?

Ans. The Jeevathma permanently leaving the body is called death. The Jeevathma will be known as “Chethanan”, with this name it travels to Yamapuri from the Earth.


2180. When is the right time to perform Rishabothsarjanam?

Ans. Rishabothsarjanam is a ritual performed by offering some eateries to the calf/bull (male child of cow) and then gift to a Brahmin or a deserving person or to a temple to nullify all types of sins. The perfect timing (Muhoortham) is called Sanghava Kaalam which is after 2 hours and 24 minutes from sunrise till next 2 hours 24 minutes period (between 6 and 12 Nazhikaas). The calf’s age should be between 1 and 2 years old only.  


2179. What are the three types of Arghyam (offering water) and how it is offered?

Ans. 1. Bhootha, Pretha and Pisacha Arghyam called Vasodhakam (water offered through the towel/wiping cloth) it should be offered immediately after taking bath by squizzing the wet towel, 2. Pithrus called Sirodhakam, the water that flows from head to hip (till Nabhi) should be wiped with the help of a hand the offer to them, 3. Devas and Gods called Manthrodhakam, the water that is offered to the deity by chanting Mantras (Hymns). When we offer water to these three personalities, they will be happy and satisfied to bless us.


2178. Why do we do Pancha Mukha Harati while doing prayers?

Ans. Pancha Mukha Deepam is offered to the Almighty God to ward off the five types of natural sin/debts (Pancha Rinam). Those five heredity debts come to us by birth itself for not performing or repaying such debts. These five debts are nothing but feeding and taking care of the Bhoothas, Devas, Pithrus, Athidhis and Manushya through Yagnaa (offers).


2177. How did the Dharbha Grass come into existence?

Ans. This grass was born from the sky itself (Akaasa Jatham), it was created by the divine itself for the purpose of Deva and Pithru rituals. Therefore, the Dharbha grass itself sacred and the power of trinity is merged in the grass. The bottom (Moolam) part is occupied by the power of Brahma, the centre (Madhyam) portion by Vishnu and to top (Agram) part is Siva, due to this reason Dharbha grass will never have impurity in it (Nirmalya Dosham). No Deva and Pithru karma to be conducted without wearing Dharbha Grass as Pavithram or Seating Mat or Belt or Ring in the body. Darbha Grass does not decay easily. According to a modern study when the Dharba Grass is in contact with water it purifies the water by 73%+ and PH value will quickly improve. It is a natural preservative and medicine too. According to puranic stories, there are other sources of origin mentioned such as Maha Vishnu’s hair and Sita Devi’s hair etc.


2176. What was the source of Sesame Seeds (Ellu)?

Ans. It got created from the sweat of Lord Maha Vishnu. The Devas further nourished these seeds for the usage of Pithru Karma.


2175. What is the distance of Yamapuri (the abode of Lord Yamadharma) from Earth?

Ans. 2,076,053.76 Kilo Meter (1.2960 million miles or 86,000 Khatham). One Khatham is approximately 15 Miles.


2174. Why someone is undergoing good and bad time?

Ans. For the Jeevan to get the on-hand experience of good and bad the Brahman is giving an opportunity to Jeeva so that it can shape up its position for a better life.


2173. Who is always living in self-consciousness or in absolute knowledge in this world?

Ans. They are two. 1. Easwar (I know why he/she is undergoing this experience), 2. Jeevan/Life Energy (I know why I am undergoing this experience – Good and Bad). However, Jeevan has limitations until it merges with Easwara.


2172. What is Aghnaanam (Ignorance)?

Ans. The ignorant conviction that “I am not Aathma” but I am this physical body.


2171. What is stopping from seeing God with human eyes?

Ans. Ahamkara, the Ego. This ego will stand in between and put a curtain on. Those who know to remove this curtain will see God in person. Alternatively, if God wants to see any one of us, God will remove the curtain and appear in front of that person (there are so many incidents recorded in history).

2170. What is in Siva name?

Ans. Si = represents the male form of Brahman/Sivan and Va = represents the female form of Brahman/Sakthi.


2169. Who gets the benefits from doing Pradhakshinam (circumference) in a temple where Prana Prathishta has taken place?

Ans. It is recommended that one should do a minimum of three Pradhakshinams. The holy merits earned and distributed by completing first Pradhakshinam will go to the servents who takes care of temple activities, second Pradhakshinam will go to the Guru Janaas (spiritual masters) and the third Pradhakshinam will go to himself/herself.


2168. Who is having Poornathwam (absolute fullness)?

Ans. Only God (Brahman). In other words those who try to achieve fullness will merge in Godhood and he/she will become God itself.


2167. Who is creating Mantras?

Ans. God through Rishis are being revealed for the welfare of humanity.


2166. What is Mantram (Hymn)?

Ans. A power (Sakthi) that protects such a person who recites/think inside his/her heart/mind is called Man-Thra.


2165. What are the Pancha Swayam Bhoothas (Everliving five truth elements)?

Ans. 1. Easwaran (Paramathma), 2. Jeevan (Jeevathma/vital life energy), 3. Ahamkaram (Ego/Self inclusive of Ignorance), 4. Karmam (Deeds), 5. Maya (Illusion).


2164. What are the important functions (Pithru Karmas) that take place between 10 and 13 days of death in a religious Brahmin family?

Ans. 10th day = Prabhootha Bali, Punyaham, Aandha Homam (this is for renouncing the Pretha Agni and embrace Aandha Agni, so that the family can start cooking at their home). 11th day = Rudra Homam, Rishabhothsarjanam, Eaka Homam, Eaka Bhojanam. 12th day = Special Srardham for grand father, Sapindeekaranam, Arghya-samyojitham, Pinda-samyojitham, Dhaanams/Alms. 13th day = Suba sweekaram, Navagraha Pooja and Homam, Udhaka Santhi Japam, Abhishekam, Charama Pathrika Padanam and Mangalam.


2163. What are the important Dhaanams (alms)/charity to be done during/after death?

Ans. Total 24 Dhaanams (10+5+8+1).


2162. From death to the next 10 days how many Pithru Srardhams are conducted in a Brahmin family?

Ans. 122 Srardhams (Prithu Tharpanam/Offerings to departed ancestors).


2161. What are the three important announcements or reveals of the human being?

Ans. 1. At the time of birthJanma Pathrika/Jathakam, 2. At the time of getting marriedLagna Pathrika, 3. At the time of deathCharama Pathrika.


2160. What is the advantage of getting birth in a Brahmin family?

Ans. 1. Getting initiated (Upanayanam) to adore holy thread, 2. Getting Brahmopadesam (knowing the secrets of Brahman /Supreme Being).


2159. How many Yogas are mentioned in the Jyothi Sasthram (Astrology)?

Ans. 1 crore 8 lakhs Yogas (10.8 million), out of which 1008 are the important Yogas.


2158. What are the important duties of Lord Yama Dharma?

Ans. 1. As Kaala Devatha (deciding the time of death of every living being), 2. As Mruthyu Devatha (detach life energy/prana from the physical body), 3. As Dharma Devatha (deciding the next birth for the detached Jeevathma).


2157. How many colours can be seen with human eyes?

Ans. 3 fundamental colours viz. 1. Green, 2. Blue, 3. Red, rest all the combinations of these colours only.


2156. What are the core objectives or messages of the Holy Books (Divya Granth)?

Ans. Four. 1. Listen to it, 2. Think it over, 3. Understand and digest, 4. Follow with good faith and confidence.


2155. God’s two feet represent which elements (Thathwam)?

Ans. Right feet (Paadam) signifies Ghyaana Sakthi (The power of true knowledge), Left feet (Paadam) signified Kriya Sakthi (The power of selfless action).


2154. What makes Brahman or what are elements constitute Brahman (Brahma Swaroopam)?

And. Its primary faces are three viz. 1. Sath (Sivan/Nithyam - Ever-Living or Immortal), 2. Chith (Sakthi/Ghyaan - Knowledge), 3. Aanand (Karthikeyan/Sukham – Enjoyment or ecstasy).


2153. What are the core pillars of Art of Bharat (Baratha Natyam/Dance)?

Ans. 1. Bhaavam, 2. Raagam, 3. Thalam.


2152. What are the types of thinking among human beings?

Ans. They are three types 1. Deep thinking, 2. Broad thinking, 3. Concentrated Sharp thinking.


2151. Which is the most valuable wealth/treasure in human life or in this earth?

Ans. Peace of mind (Mana-Thrupthi).


2150. What is the current average speed of our Galaxy (Brahmandam)?

Ans. The current rotation speed is estimated at 69,000 KM per minute. As we know the Brahmandam keep expanding according to the wish of Brahman (Creator) therefore the speed can also differ from time to time.


2149. Who is Nandi Devan (Lord Siva’s Divine Vehicle)?

Ans. At the time of dissolution period (Pralayam time) everything will perish except Dharmam (Virtues/righteousness). Lord Paramaswara re-shaped that Dharma into the form of Nandi (Bullock) and made him his unequal disciple too.


2148. After death, to whom we are offering the Pinda/Bootha Bali?

Ans. After death, within those 10 days period, there is a Vayu called “Dhananjayan” lives in that Pretha-Aathma (soul without mortal body). With the highest attention, devotion, love, and affection the blood relatives are creating a body as well as providing food (since the mortal body is already cremated otherwise it would have secured its food from the living body) with the help of cooked rice (Annamaya Kosam) so that it won’t feel hunger and thirst. After the 10th day, it will ascend to different worlds as per its Karma Phalam. Till such time it is the duty of his/her blood relatives to offer its prescribed food (Sesemen seeds, Water, Cooked Rice, Pure cow milk curd and tender coconut water). Hindu Dharma teaches us to love the mortal body as well as its Jeevathma that lived in that body in the form of invisible vital air. It is not that once someone died everything over! Our belief system suggests past, present, and future life.


2147. What are the natural specialities of hands (Hasthas)?

Ans. It has 40 unique characteristics.


2146. What are the natural specialities (Divyathwam) of Chakshus (Eyes)?

Ans. One eye has 107 crores (10.7 Million) cells, its weight is 8 grams and one-inch length. It has 256 unique characteristics. In one minute, it opens and closes its lids by around 17 times means 14,280 times in a day (5.2 million times per annum).


2145. Why no one (humans) can clearly define God?

Ans. Because our body lives within the 36 Thathwas that includes our contact or communication windows such as Indriyas and Anthakaranaas, in fact, this is the upper limit. Whereas God is beyond these 36 Thatthwas therefore such limitation is drawing a boundary for us to define further. Though Mahathmaas tried their best to define one way or the other but not undoubtedly concluded.


2144. How many types of Prakruthi/Prapancham exists?

Ans. 2 Types – 1. Sabdha Prapancham (3 sub versions), 2. Roopa Prapancham.


2143. Who is the giver of 36 Thathwams to humans?

Ans. Aadhi Sivan = 5 Bhoothas (Pancha-bhoothaas), Aanandha Devan = 7 Dhathus, Srikanda Rudran = 24 Thathwaas that including Indriyas and Antha Karanaas.


2142. Why God is giving the body (even though it is perishable) to Jeevan?

Ans. In this world, one day or the other, everything is going to perish, yet God is giving a human body to the Jeevan so that it can try to elevate itself from mortal to immortal state.


2141. Who really has the knowledge in this universe?

Ans. Only two personalities viz. 1. God (Easwaran), 2. Jeevathma (Life Energy).


2140. What are the divisions/types in Dhanam (Charity)?

Ans. 4 types. 1. Nithya Dhanam (give whatever you can to other living beings without any expectations), 2. Naimithika Dhanam (giving something to eradicate one’s own ill deed or compensatory gifts), 3. Kamya Dhanam (offering something to gain something special from others especially to Gods), 4. Vimala Dhanam (to earn the blessings or grace of God).


2139. What can be considered Easwara Chaithanyam?

Ans. Indiscriminative compassion towards all being is the character of God.


2138. How can one know that the Easwara Chaithanyam has entered in our body?

Ans. When our mind (Manass) automatically start showing compassion towards others, means the Chaitanya of God is already entered in our body.


2137. Which is the best device where one can install the God?

Ans. One can install (Prathishta) God in one’s own Jeevathma (soul) because everything will change in this universe except for the Aathma (life energy).


2136. Whether human beings will be able to control the Ahamkara?

Ans. It is very difficult. Humans will be able to control or moderate all Indriyas such as KAmam, Krodham, Lobham, Moham, Madham, Mathsaryam but it is difficult to control or master over Ahamkaram.  


2135. When a human will achieve his/her fullness (Poornathwam)?

Ans. When he/she gets the vision of God. However, to see God in physical form in the physical body itself, one must have a special divine vision (Divya Chakshu) granted by God itself.


2134. Who can get to see God in physical form?

Ans. Those who are egoless and always thinking about God alone will get a chance to see God.


2133. What is called Sachidhanandam?

Ans. A state which has no sukham or dukham (happiness or sorrows).


2132. What are those bad deeds which will bring the anger of God?

Ans. 1. Troubling Pathivruthas, 2. Troubling genuine devotees, 3. Troubling Thathwaghnaanees (learned scholars, Rishis, Munees etc.). God punish them within this lifetime itself.


2131. What three elements always exist in this Brahmandam (Galaxy)?

Ans. 1. God, 2. Jeevan, 3. This World/Prapancham.


2130. What are the 3 fundamental principles of Saiva Sidhanth?

Ans. 1. Strong faith in the existence of God, 2. Past Karma deeds must be experienced in the current or future births, 3. Future birth will generally occur, and it is difficult to get rid of it.


2129. How Paapam (demerits) and Punyam (merits) is mixing in the Karama (Work/Deed)?

Ans. Doing Karma is a fundamental duty (Dharma) of a living being, therefore just conducting fundamental Karma alone will not add any effects to it. However, when the mind (Manass) mix and accelerate/promote Ahamkaram it produces good or bad results known as Punyam and Paapam.


2128. What is the reason or cause for getting Easwaranugraham?

Ans. God’s compassion alone is the reason.


2127. What is Easwara Anugraham?

Ans. Easwara-Anugraham is considered as a gift from the almighty that by nature all Jeevathmas are embedded with Ahamkaram or Anavamalam. God gives a physical body to this Jeevathma and allow it to refine the Anavamalam or Ahamkaram, this favour from God is called Easwaranugraham.


2126. Which Thathwam (element/doctrine) has always the presence of life?

Ans. Ahamkaram / Aanavamalam

2125. How many types of Prapancha (prolixity/development) exists?

Ans. Two, 1. Sabda Prapancham (Nirakaram/Sound), 2. Sthoola Prapancham (Sagunakaram/Form).


2124. Which Thathwam is called Jeevan (Soul)?

Ans. A mix of three powerful principle/axiom called Icha, Gjnaana and Kriya Sakthi is Jeevan. However, this Soul is influenced by a coated cover called “Anavamalam” which comes along with the Jeevan. Since Anavamalam is the energy of Agnaanam/Ignorance it will not allow the person to realize its true nature, because Maya (Illusion) wants to control every Jeevan to act according to its planned games.  


2123. How can a woman help in increasing the Dharma Chintha in a man?

Ans. Three ways 1. As a Kanya/Puthri, 2. Dharma Pathni/devoted wife, 3. Janani/mother. 


2122. Why God exercise Pancha Krithyam (five supreme activities)?

Ans. Srushti, Sthithi and Samharam is for the physical world (Lok, physical body), Thirodhanam and Anugraham for the upliftment of Jeevan (Soul).


2121. What the forms of Ghyaan (Knowledge)?

Ans. Fundamentally it has only two sides, 1. Sathya Ghyaan/right knowledge, 2. Asathya Ghyaan/wrong knowledge.


2120. What are the powers that make Omkara Roopam?

Ans. It consists Nama (name/aksharam) and Roopam (form/celestial energy). Akaram, Ukaram, Makaram, Naadham and Bindhu makes Omkaram. At the same time in terms of God’s form, it represents Brahma, Vishnu, Rudran, Maheswaran and Sadasivan.


2119. What is Pradosha Samayam?

Ans. On a Thrayodasi day (13th day), one-and-a-half-hour (3 ¾ Nazhika) before Sunset and after Sunset of total of 3 hours. Mangala Dhayak Lord Parameswaran is most ideal for worship at this auspicious time. It is said that Goddess Parvathy Devi herself physically does this Pooja to Lord Siva at this time.


2118. What are the items to be kept in the Aarathi Plate?

Ans. 4 items, 1. Paddy (Nell), 2. Flower (Pushpam), 3. Lighted Lamp (Vilakku), 4. Broken Cononut (Naallikera Ghanda Dwayam). Palm-tree leaf plate is very auspicious.


2117. What are the three stages of the Jeevan (subtle body) and its names?

Ans. 3 stages known as 1. Kevalam (the status before attaining or entering the body), 2. Sakalam (it entered the body and achieving its fullness by living), 3. Sudham (achieving the permanent body/immortal body known as “Pathy” means Godhood).


2116. What is the best practice of the Jeevan (Sookshma Sareeram/life energy)?

Ans. When Jeevan (Soul/Sookshma Sareeram) enters a body, it acts according to the features of that body whether it human or animals.


2115. How many Bhuvanams exists?

Ans. There are 224 Bhuvanams that exists. Every Bhuvanam consists of millions of Brahmandams (Cosmic Universe). The vastness of this topic is infinite.


2114. How to define father, mother, and children’s signification/representation in spiritual life?

Ans. The family consisting the father (representing Knowledge), mother (representing Mind) and the children (representing Panchendriyaas). If all humans realize this truth, there will be huge harmony in family life.


2113. How can one escape from committing sins?

Ans. To live through Bakthi Maargam (spiritually devoted life) can shield you from committing sins.


2112. What are the fundamental bodies?

Ans. Body (Sareeram) is basically in two forms/parts. 1. Maya Sareeram (mortal body), 2. Ghnaana Sareeram (immortal body).


2111. Why this human body created by the creator?

Ans. To know the Ghyaan (absolute knowledge) through individual physical experiences. Knowing God and its existence is the real knowledge!


2110. What are Jeeva Kosam and its life?

Ans. Jeeva Kosam means ‘cells’ in the human body. Every day millions of cells will die in our body and the same will be replaced by the body system within 12 years time. This means every 12 years human body becomes new!


2109. How old is Jyothisham (Astrology)?

Ans. Modern researchers’ opinion that BC 10,000 years old. During the post-Vedic period (Uthara Veda Kaalam) it got enormous support and expanded its vastness in terms of calculation, charting and prediction. According to Hindu belief ever since Lord Maha Vishnu came into existence the Astrological influence on living beings (Jyothisham) were discovered and researched.


2108. What are the names of the seven tongues of Lord Agni?

Ans. 1. Hiranya, 2. Kanaka, 3. Raktha, 4. Krishna, 5. Pingala, 6. Bahuroopa, 7. Athiraktha.


2107. What are the three superior qualities (Gunas) requirements of a Guru?

Ans. 1. Thorough knowledge in Sastras (the subject/sastra ghnaanam) and its experience, 2. Absolute faith and willingness to follow the path set by their previous Gurus, 3. Showing compassion towards disciples in imparting/teaching the knowledge and experience gained by the Guru.


2106. What is the speciality of Jaya Yogam (Muhoortham)?

Ans. This is the best Muhoortham for Vivaham (Marriage), this Muhoortham is a remedy for non-availability of other auspicious periods (good Muhoortham). The astrological position for getting this Muhoortham is when Venus and Mercury (Sukra and Budha) posited in Lagna/Ascendant.


2105. What are the names of Saptha Dweep (seven continents) and today’s regions?

Ans. 1. Jamboo Dweep = Asia, 2. Plaksha Dweep = South America, 3. Pushkara Dweep = North America, 4. Krauncha Dweep = Africa, 5. Sakha Dweep = Europe, 6. Salmala Dweep = Australia, 7. Kusa Dweep = Oceanic (3 Islands near Australia).


2104. Which period was running during your birth time (Janma Vela)? 

Ans. There are three types of the period (Thriguna basis) that runs throughout the day at the rate of one-and-a-half-hour basis from the Sunrise. It begins with Sathwa followed by Rajas then Thamas. For example, say someone was born at 11.45 am and the sunrise was at 6.30 am then the person was born during the Sathwa Guna period/band (0630-8000 Sathwa, 0800-0930 Rajas, 0930-1100 Thamas, 1100-1230 Sathwam likewise it continues till next day sunrise). 


2103. While chanting Mantras where the chanter should keep his/her hand or face the specific region of the body?

Ans. During morning - hand should be placed on the Naabi (Navel region), during the afternoon – hand should be placed on the Hrudhayam (chest region) and during the evening – hand should be placed facing Nasagram (close to the nose).


2102. When one should celebrate a birthday?

Ans. According to lunar and Vedic system, the birth star should remain available a minimum of 6 Nazhika (2 hours 30 minutes) from Sunrise, if not the birthday to be considered the day before. If the birth star comes two times within the month then the second one should be considered.   


2101. What is Ahamkaram (Ego or Pride or I am that)?

Ans. It has two sides to understand (Positive and Negative way). Generally, everyone understands this word as self-pride or ego, though it is true, it is only one side of it. The other side or way to know this Ahamkaram is “I am That” in other words, I am none other than the Supreme Consciousness. Whenever one thinks that I am doing, and I am enjoying it, means (Kartha and Bhoktha) this is the negative sense which will generate Ego or Pride, whereas I am not doing or enjoying, everything happening by the order of the God means positive sense and the negative Ego will be converted to Positive Consciousness.


2100. What is the language of God?

Ans. Silence (Mounam).


2099. Which are the oldest clans in Bharath (India)?

Ans. 4. 1. Uthara Kurus (East Siberians) came from Siberia known as Kurus and settled in Bharath, 2. Sakha (Scythians), 3. Buryath (Bharath) and 4. Yakkooth (Yadavas). Post-Mahabharat war some Yadhavaas migrated to the West India region and they are known as Hebrews or Phoenicians or Jews (Joothaas).


2098. Why cows can absorb abundant spiritual energies compare to anyone in this universe?

Ans. Because in the backbone of the cow there is one particular vein (Naramb) called “Soorya Kethu” exists. Its capabilities are beyond words, this is the peculiarity of a cow (especially Desi Cows). Due to this, whatever discharge comes out of a cow such as urine (Moothram), and dung (Malam) can destroy most of the Annus (Atoms).   


2097. What is so important in a cow?

Ans. Cows inhale and exhale only Oxygen, whereas humans inhale 100% Oxygen and exhale 95% carbon dioxide. 


2096. Which living being can receive the highest spiritual energy in this world (earth) out of 8.4 million specious?

Ans. Cow (Pasu).


2095. How much Oxygen is needed for a person per day?

Ans. Approximately 11,000 Kg per day for breathing. From that 5% (550 Kg) only stays inside the body rest will be processed while breathing and other functions.


2094. What is the advantage (benefits) of pouring Aajyam (Ghee) in the Yagnam/Homa (ritual fire)?

Ans. 10 grams of pure cow ghee, when it is offered to the ritual fire it produces approximately 1 ton (907.185 KG) of Oxygen.


2093. How many Bheejas comes out at one-time ejaculation (skalanam)?

Ans. 50 Kodi (500 million), whereas modern science measured as 39 to 928 million.


2092. What is the minimum required count for a man in his Suklam/Sperm?

Ans. According to Sanathana sastra one should have a minimum of 200 lacs (20 million). According to modern science between 10 and 20 million.


2091. On average how many Bheejas exists in one milliliter of Suklam/Sperm?

Ans. According to Sanathana sastra is between 200 and 1000 lacs (20 to 100 million). According to modern science, it varies between 40 and 300 million. In my view, now it shows that human beings are progressed in improving their vital energy power due to various favourable situations in lifestyle, for example, food, shelter, medical support, openness, comforts, interest, and awareness etc.


2090. How many types of time of birth considered in Hindu Astrology?

Ans. 8 types. 1. Garbhajala Sraavam (Rupture of membranes/Waters breaking), 2. Sirodhayam (the first sight of head), 3. Pradhama Swaasam (first breath), 4. Pradhama rodhanam (first cry), 5. Bhoopathanam (complete falling to the floor), 6. Garbhanaala Chhedhanam (cutting umbilical cord), 7. Garbhadhana Samayam (time of ejection during intercourse), 8. Bheeja-Anda Samyogam (sperm meeting the egg – this is absolutely unknown to humans).


2089. Which year Adi Sankaracharya was born?

Ans. According to Hindus opinion it was around BC 509 (2,530 years as of 2021), whereas Western belief is set at AD 788.


2088. What is the date of birth of Lord Sri Ram of Ayodhya according to modern scientific world estimation?

Ans. 10th January 5114 BC, as of Jan 2021 it is 7135 years ago.


2087. What is the world (Lokam)?

Ans. The total sum of knowledge (Ghyan) and experiences (Anubhav) are worlds.


2086. What is Easwara Sakshathkaram (Realization of God)?

Ans. When the Brahman is active across the universe through the sum of Vasanaas it will be called “Easwar” at the same time when the same Brahman is active only through an individual it will be known of Jeevan. When Vasanaas disappears in an individual the Samashti Vasanaas also disappear. In this process, the sense of duality i.e. Easwaran and Jeevan will vanish, this state is called Easwara Sakshathkaram. Brahman is neither male nor female hence I used It instead of he or her. However, the student can pick and choose according to their wish and make Aradhanamoorthy as Brahman.


2085. What are the names of Athma/Brahman (Soul/ Cosmic Energy) in Vyashti and Smashti state?

Ans. It has two states viz Vyashti/Microcosm and Samashti/Macrocosm. It is being referred to differently depends on the state. 1. In the state of Vyashti i.e. when it is not detached from the body it is called “Jeevan”, 2. During Jagradhavastha = Viswaan, 3. During Swapnavastha = Thaijasan, 4. During Sushupthavastha = Praaghnan. 1. In the state of Samashti in vast form i.e. detached from the body however ever pervading state, it is called “Jagath”, 2. During Jagradhavastha = Virat, 3. During Swapnavastha = Hiranyagarbhan, 4. During Sushupthavastha = Easwaran.


2084. Who is creating Vasanaas and Lokas (Desires and Worlds)?

Ans. Here the world can be a situation or an environment or a place around us. Vasanaas creates worlds at the same time the imaginary worlds create Vasanaas in our body. This means if there is Vasana the world exists and vice versa.


2083. What is Vyashti and Samashti (Subtle and Gross)?

Ans. Microcosm = Vyashti (Finite) and Macrocosm = Samashti (Infinite).


2082. Who is Maya (illusion of Ignorance)?

Ans. Vasanaas are actual Maya that detach us from realizing Godhood, otherwise are divine themselves.


2081. What is the formula of Barhman (Bheeja Rahasyam)?

Ans. 1. God minus Maya equal Brahman, 2. Jeeva minus Pancha Kosam equals Brahman.


2080. How Vasanaas (Desires) is generated or born in our body?

Ans. When one gets involved in an action with deep intension either through Manasa, Vaacha and/or Karmana (By Mind, By Word, By Action).


2079. What are the core Veda Maha Vakhyam (message of Veda)?

Ans.  1. Rig Vedam = Praghnaanam Brahma (Propagator Rishi Pailan – Consciousness is Brahman or Insight is Brahman or Brahman is Insight), 2. Yajur Vedam = Aham Brahmasmi (Propegator Rishi Vaisambayanan – You are That Brahman), 3. Sama Vedam = Thathwamasi (Propagator Rishi Jamadhagni – I am Brahman or I am Divine), 5. Atharva Vedam = Ayam Aathma Brahma (Propagator Rishi Sumanthu – This Self is Brahman).


2078. What is the natural blood flowing/circulation chart in our body?

Ans. The highest natural demand of blood flow happens in a particular part of our body at a particular time. They are 1. 2300 to 0300 hours – Stomach/Liver (ideal for digestion), 2. 0300 to 0500 hours – Lungs (ideal for Pranayamam), 3. 0500 to 0700 hours – Large Intestine (will help to discharge stool), 4. 0700 to 0900 hours – Stomach (ideal for breakfast). Please note whenever we take food the blood flows to move towards the stomach, therefore untimely food intake can disrupt the natural system.


2077. What is the best time one must sleep without any excuses?

Ans. During the night between 11 and 3 am. This is the life clock of human existence!


2076. What are the different shades of Aathma (Bhedha Bhaavaas)?

Ans. Aathma due to its different state assumes specific names due to a particular reason. They are eight states viz. 1. Viswan, 2. Thaijasan, 3. Praaghnan, 4. Antharathma, 5. Jeevathma, 6. Thathwathma, 7. Bhoothathma, 8. Manthrathma.


2075. What are the Nava Dravyaas in their divine form?

Ans. 1. Prithvi, 2. Jalam, 3. Agni, 4. Vayu, 5. Akaasam, 6. Kaalam, 7. Dhik, 8. Aathma, 9. Manass.


2074. What are the bad qualities of Manass (Dosha Gunaas of Mind)?

Ans. 13. 1. Raga, 2. Dhwesha, 3. Kaama, 4. Krodha, 5. Lobha, 6. Moha, 7. Madh, 8. Maathsaraya, 9. Eersha, 10. Assoya, 11. Dhamb, 12. Dharp, 13. Ahamkara.


2073. What are the classifications of Ghyaani (Knower)?

Ans. They are known in four names viz. 1. Brahmavidh, 2. Brahmavidhwara, 3. Brahmavidhyaariyaan, 4. Brahmavidhyarishtan.


2072. How can one define Brahman in a simple way?

Ans. Brahman is defined in two ways viz. 1. Swaroopa Lakshanam (form), 2. Thathastha Lakshanam (infinite).


2071. What are the limitations or lackings of a Jeevan (Lifer energy)?

Ans. 3 shortfalls viz. 1. Malam (Impurity), 2. Vikshepam (distraction), 3. Aavaranam (wrapper of ignorance).


2070. What are the fundamental duties of Manass (Mind)?

Ans. Two. 1. Vishayakaara Vrutthi (objective psychosis), 2. Brahaakaara Vrutthi (infinite psychosis). 

2069. What are the ladders/degree of Aghyaan/Asadh Vidhya (Ignorance)?

Ans. There are Seven ladders or levels viz. 1. Aja-Jaagrath (Egoistic “I” attitude), 2. Jagrath, 3. Maha-Jagrath, 4. Jagrath-Swapna, 5. Swapna, 6. Swapna-Jagrath, 7. Sushupthi.


2068. What are the ladders/degree of Ghyaan/Sadh Vidhya (Knowledge)?

Ans. There are Seven ladders or levels viz. 1. Subechha, 2. Vicharana, 3. Thanumaanasi, 4. Sathwapathi, 5. Asam-sakthi, 6. Padhartha-Bhavana, 7. Thureeya.


2067. What are the divisions of Vidhya (Knowledge)?

Ans. Two. 1. Para Vidhya (Higher knowledge), 2. Apara Vidhya (Lower knowledge).


2066. What is Aavaranam and Vikshepam Sakthis according to Vedantham?

Ans. 1. Aavaranam means the power of Adhrusyam/Paroksham (veiled/invisible/hidden), 2. Vikshepam means the power of Chanchalanam (distraction/inconsistent). These two Sakthis are very powerful in this nature. Therefore, unless one is blessed to overcome it is difficult to achieve higher planes from Earth.


2065. How to realize the Aathma (Truth) or how to get the Darsan (Vision) of Aathma (The Absolute Truth)?

Ans. When a person be able to completely set aside Sareeram, Budhi and Manass the remaining Chaithanyam (effulgence) is known as Aathma (The Absolute Truth).


2064. What causes Punya and Paapa?

Ans. Vasanaas (inherited habits). Bad Vasanaas will produce Paapa (Sin) and Good Vasanaas will produce Punya (Merits). Prakruthi Maya is controlling the Vasanaas.


2063. What is impermanent truth (Naswara Sathyam) in this world?

Ans. The experience that gained/enjoyed through Sareeram (mortal body), Budhi (brain) and Manass (mind).


2062. Who are the residing Ashta-Dikpalakaas (Gods and Planet Gods of Eight Quarters/Zones)?

Ans. 1. East = Indran/Sooryan, 2. South-East = Agni/Sukran, 3. South = Yeman/Kujan, 4. South-West = Niryathi/Raahu, 5. West = Varun/Sani, 6. North-West = Vayu/Chandra, 7. North = Kuber/Budhan, 8. North-East = Easanan/Guru.


2061. What is the measurement of Calories and how to identify its value?

Ans.  Calories are nothing but energy comes out of digested food we eat. Each food produces a different amount of Calories. 1-gram Carbo food = 4 Calories, 1- gram Fat = 9 Calories, 1-gram Protein = 4 Calories, 1-gram Alcohol = 7 Calories. For example, if someone eats 250 grams of cooked rice, they will add 1000 Calories in their body.


2060. Which Graha/Planet rule each month of Garbha Kaalam (Pregnancy)?

Ans. 1st month = Sukra/Venus, 2nd month = Kuja/Mars, 3rd month = Guru/Jupiter, 4th month = Soorya/Sun, 5th month = Chandra/Moon, 6th month = Sani/Saturn, 7th month = Budha/Mercury, 8th month = Aadhana Lagnadhipa (The planet who ruled during intercourse/Garbha Dhan time), 9th month = Chandra/Moon, 10th month = Soorya/Sun.


2059. Where do the planets and their influence occupy in the human body?

Ans. 1. Aadhithyan/Sun = Netram/Eyes, 2. Soman/Moon = Manass/Mind, 3. Kujan/Mars = Sira/Viens, 4. Budhan/Mercury = Hrudhayam/Heart, 5. Guru/Jupiter = Budhi/Brain, 6. Sukran/Venus = Suklam/Semen, 7. Sani/Saturn = Mukham and Paadham/Mouth and Legs, 8. Raahu/Ascending Node = Srothram/Ears, 9. Kethu/Dscending Node = Mooladharam/Root Chakra.


2058. How many Yogas are referred in Jyothi Sasthram (Astrology)?

Ans. 1 crore 8 lakhs Yogas (10.8 million).


2057. How many types of vegetable humans should eat/consume (especially in Bharat)?

Ans. 32 types of vegetables.


2057. What is Aathma?

Ans. Kevala Bhodha Chaithanyam (Effulgence of Absolute Consciousness). Aathma reflects in Jeevathma.


2056. What is the core message of Saktha Sidhanth?

Ans. The entire universe is filled with consciousness (Bhodham) only.


2055. Who are the Pancha Karmendriya Devathas?

Ans. 1. Vaak/Mouth = Agni/Fire, 2. Paani/Hands = Indra, 3. Paadham/Feet = Vishnu, 4. Paayu/Anal = Yama, 5. Upastham/Genetal = Prajapathi.


2054. When was the Thri-prasthana Kaalam (period)?

Ans. 1. Dwaitha Kaalam = Founded by Madhwacharayar = 1238-1317 CE (Common Era), 2. Visishtadwaitha Kaalam = Founded by Ramanujacharyar = 1017-1137 CE (Common Era), 3. Adhvaitha Kaalam = Founded by Sankaracharyar = 788-820 AD. Please note the difference of opinion exists.


2053. How many planets are influencing in human being’s life?

Ans. Eighteen (18) planets.


2052. What is the Karma Rahasyam (secrets of deeds) between human and animals?

Ans. Though both have life (Jeeva) to live yet only human beings are conducting Karma (acts). Animals can only accept and undergo the rewards of Karma, but humans can create Karma Phal (deeds) as well as modify through Vivek.


2051. How to find out a person’s breadwinning activity/approach (upajeevanam) in life?

Ans. First, find out who is the powerful 10th house lord among Lagna, Sun and Moon, then find out where is that powerful 10th Lord is placed in the Navamsa of the natal chart, that posited Rasi Lord’s activities will be conducted by the person for making his/her living. For example, if Mercury then he/she could be a publisher, journalist, writer, wire instrument maker, teacher, adviser, artist etc…


2050. What is the fundamental difference between Adhyathmikam and Sasthram?

Ans. Adhyathmikam teach us to find oneself (looking introwards) whereas Sasthram (Vignaanam) teach us to find out what is that and this (looking outward).


2049. How human beings should conduct/run/administer their life?

Ans. By following four adorable steps namely 1. Aim to achieve Mukthi, 2. Practice Bakthi, 3. Enjoy the sakthi, 4. Apply the Yukthi.


2048. How do people face the deeds of Prarabdha Karma?

Ans 3 types 1. Akarma (Nishmaya roopam – without any expectation), 2. Karma (Kamya roopam – with an expectation), 3. Vikarmam (unlawful acts – troubling others including own parents and other living beings in the society). 


2047. How do humans undergo the Prarabdha Karma?

Ans. Prarabdha Karma is the matured deeds of past actions. People undergo these in four types 1. Act with interest as per his/her own decision, 2. Act without interest on his own decision, 3. Act with interest as per the decision of others, 4. Act without interest as per the decision of others.


2046. How many days makes one Chandra Varsham (Lunar Year)?

Ans. 354 days of human beings.


2045. How does the Sishya (disciple) accept and follow the instruction of his/her Guru?

Ans. This methodology is known as “Sathyanipadham”. They are four types 1. Mandhatharam (very slow), 2. Mandham (slow), 3. Theevrum (aggressive), 4. Threevratharam (nonaggressive).


2044. What are real Thapas (Penance)?

Ans. When a person accepts and undergo all types of hurdles and problems coming to him/her and digest within himself/herself, at the same time not to trouble or pass on the problems to others are the real Thapas.


2043. Which Eakadasi to be considered for conducting Vruth (fasting)?

Ans. When two Eakadasis occur in a month, the 2nd one to be considered for Vruth Upasana.


2042. What are the status/levels of Yogis?

Ans. They are four. 1. Aisini, 2. Aasneyi, 3. Vaaruni, 4. Amrutha.


2041. Where does Navagrahaas resides/influence in the human body?

Ans. Sun = Heart, Moon = Lungs, Mars = Head, Mercury = Neck, Jupiter = Thighs, Venus = Genetal, Saturn = Knee, Rahu and Kethu = Feet.


2040. What does Vidhya and Avidhya Maya produce in human beings?

Ans. Vidhya Maya gives 5 opportunities viz. 1. Sathsangh, 2. Ghyaan, 3. Bakthi, 4. Premam, 5. Thyagbhudhi. At the same time the Avidhya Maya gives 5 rewards such as 1. Sabdha, 2. Sparsa, 3. Roopa, 4. Rasa, 5. Ghandha (sound, touch, form, taste, and smell).


2039. Maya (illusion) has how many faces?

Ans. Two faces. 1. Vidhya-Maya and 2. Avidhya-Maya. Both these Mayas are taking birth from Maha-Maya.


2038. What should be denounced/renounced by a Sanyasi and Gruhastha?

Ans. A Gruhastha (Family person) must renounce the mind/ownership/belongings of the inner world and a Sanyasi must renounce belonging of inner and outer worlds.


2037. What is Shashti-Samvatsaram?

Ans. Means 60 years cycle is referred by Tamil calendar (Please Tamil calendar was the oldest in this Earth) as Shashti-Samvatsaram. It is three folds at the rate of 20 years each. One to twenty years is called “Uthama Kalam”, twenty-one to forty years is called “Madhyama Kalam and forty-one to sixty years is called “Adhama Kalam”. From the name itself we can make out the level of property that can be felt in this nature and the awardees are none other than all living beings. As on December 2020, we are in the Madhyama Kalam and it ends on April 2027.


2036. How three Paramapara (clan) Pithrus (ancestors) where referred to in the Pithru Karma function (Srardham/Tharpanam)?

Ans. Vasu (Pitha/Father), Rudra (Pithamaha/Grand Father), Aadithya (Prapithamaha / Great Grand Father) the same manner for Mother, Grand Mother and Great Grand Mother.


2035. What is the easiest way of doing Deva-Rishi-Pithru tharpanam (offerings)?

Ans. Just hold pure water in your palm and offer/pour it in the earth three times by saying this mantra, it is called “Sam-kshepa-vidhi” = Aa Brahma Sthamba Paryantham Jagath Thrupyathu.


2034. What are the consequences when nature (prakruthi) gets angry/fury?

Ans. 6 sets backs will trouble the living beings. They are 1. Athivrushti (excessive rain and flood), 2. Anaavrushti (drought), 3. Trouble from Mooshika (mouse/rat), 4. Trouble from Salabam (flies), 5. Trouble from Sookam (parrot/birds), 6. Trouble from Sathru-sainyam (untimely enemies attack/war).


2033. What are those three music instruments used by the Gods and Goddesses?

Ans. Veena (string instrument), Venu (flute) and Mrudhangam (double side drum). Veena used by Goddess Saraswathi, Venu by Lord Krishna and Mrudhangam by Nandikeswar. At first, the Mrudhangam was played by Lord Siva and taught Nandi, thereafter Nandi uses to play and Siva uses to dance.


2032. What is the importance of Athri Maharshi’s name?

Ans. Someone who conquer those three had habits are known as “A-thri” (Winner of those three!), they are Dwesha (Anger), Kaama (Desire) and Sathrubhava (Enmity), it is considered that those who won these three characters are considred to be successful people in life. 


2031. Which fingers to be used while putting Thilak (symbol) on the forehead and its benefits?

Ans. Ring finger (Anamika Anguli) rewards Santhi (Peace of mind), Middle finger (Madhyama Anguli) rewards Ayurvrudhi (Long life), Index finger (Tharjani Anguli) rewards Moksham (Liberation), Thumb finger (Angushtam Anguli) rewards Pushti (Prosperity).


2030. Who are the parents and her uncle (father’s brother) of Sita Devi?

Ans. Seeradwaja Janakan and his wife Sunayanee, they had Stia and Urmila daughters (Sita was a gift of mother earth not delivered by Sunayanee) and Kusadwajan Janakan had two daughters namely Mandavi and Sukeerthi. Rama wedded Sita, Lakshma wedded Urmila, Bharatha wedded Mandavi and Sathrugna wedded Sukeerthi.


2029. What are the three jobs one should not keep it incompleted?

Ans. 1. Rinnam (Debt) - one should not leave it in the half, it should be paid a hundred per cent, 2. Sathru Nasam - one should not leave the enemy half troubled, you must eradicate his/her existence, 3. Agni Samanam – one should ensure that the fire is put it off hundred per cent, not to leave half done. These half-done activities can eventually ruin one’s life in the future.


2028. What are the classifications of children and its indicated deliverables?

Ans. In Tamil literature, children are called with four different names based on their nature, although all are children up to the age of adulthood in general views. 1. Balakan – A child who’s heart is as good as pure white milk and his actions, 2. Makan – The one who listens and takes care of his only family, 3. Mainthan – The one who takes care of all people in this Earth, 4. Pillai – The one who troubles his own parents.


2027. What are the three types of desires or love or expectations of parents for having the children in their clan?

Ans. As the universe keep expanding the thinking and priorities of human beings also change a lot. Therefore, the law designed by ancient sages may differ in today’s time. However, they are three types viz. Utthamam, Madhyamam and Adhamam. The Uthamam desires are the one “who religiously follow the dharmic path set by the family elders/ancestors”. The Madhyamam desires are the one “who will offer Pithru Karmas and Tharpan after their death”. The Adhamam desires are the one “who will just complete the last rites of death by giving water and pindam”.


2026. How does the Jeevamsam (particles of life energies) reach the Earth and take up life?

Ans. These Jeeva Chaithanyaas (life energy particles) from Space/Sky mix in the rainwater and reaches the Earth. Trees and Plants of the Earth consume them and give it back to nature as its produce/fruits/vegetables/leaves etc…, humans consume the same and continue the cycle of reproduction. However, these high qualities Jeevamsas does not enter the human body through the meat of animals! In other words, Animals can create another crazy animal, whereas, humans who consume meat regularly won’t be able to create good quality human beings due to lack of high-quality Jeevamsaas in their food. Achieving top end higher education and material advancement of a person is not a sign of successful quality human being, those who achieve divinity and self-realization is considered as a quality human being.


2025. What is the actual pregnancy period?

Ans. 12 months. 2 months in Men and 10 months in Woman’s womb. First two months as Bheeja (seed) and later 10 months an Andam (egg).


2024. What is the poorvasranama of Sage Valmiki Maharshi?

Ans. Valmiki was a hunter/dacoit in a Tamil Nadu forest village “Anpil” (he was a Dravidan/Tamilian) known as “Rushan”. With the help and advice from Sri Narada Rishi he was converted to a divine poet later became a great sage. He moved to North India and learned Sanskrit to compose his maiden poem “Ramayan”.


2023. What is the actual form of Aathma (Soul)?

Ans. It is an experience of constant unbroken joy. It is only an experience of infinite vastness.


2022. How to identify the lying position/pattern of Vasthu Purushan (Lord of Land)?

Ans. The occupation of Vasthu Purushan is not constant, it varies from time to time. Where Sun is posited that place is his foot (Padhas), Sun’s 7th sign/house (180-degree opposite) is his head, 4th sign/house is his right side and 10th sign/house is his left side. It is advised that first time to dig the land for construction (groundbreaking or sila-sthapanam) of his left side.


2021. What are the types of Anandam (Joy)?

Ans. Three types 1. Vishayanandham (joy from sensual objects-Gross), 2. Vasanandham (joy from pleasure desires-Subtle), 3. Brahmanandham (joy from divine realization-Infinite).


2020. What are Thapathrayams and its side effects?

Ans. 1. Aadhi Dhaiveekam (sorrows due to the wrath of God or divine personalities), 2. Aadhi Bhauthikam (troubles coming from other living beings and pancha bhoothaas), 3. Aadhyathmikam (troubles created by oneself due to many reasons).


2019. What are the types of Pralayam (dissolution)?

Ans. Three. 1. Naimithikam, 2. Prakrutham, 3. Aathyanthikam or Mahapralayam.


2018. What are the primary types of Aathma (soul)?

Ans. They are five. 1. Antharathma, 2. Jeevathma, 3. Thathwathma, 4. Bhoothama, 5. Manthrathma.


2017. What are the states of Aathma (soul)?

Ans. Aathma gets different names according to its state. 1. Viswaan, 2. Thaijasan, 3. Praagnan.


2016. What are the ingredients used to make Ashtabandha Kalasam to install a Bimbam (Idol) in a temple?

Ans. 1. Sankhu/Conch (6 Qty), 2. Chenjalyam (4 Qty), 3. Kadukka (2 Qty), 4. Nool/Threads, 5. Parithikuru/Cotton seeds, 6. Charal/Sand (1 Qty), 7. Kolarak/Gum, 8. Nellikka/Gooseberry. All these items to be crushed to powder and make a paste with the help of oil.


2015. What are the eight obstacles that hinder a person from seeing the God in person?

Ans. 1. Ghruna (aversion), 2. Lajja (shame), 3. Bhaya (fear), 4. sangkha (hesitation), 5. Jugupsa (disgust), 6. Kulam (clan), 7. seelam (habits), 8. Jaathi (caste).


2014. Who are the controlling Navagraha Devathas of eight quarters (Ashtadik)?

Ans. 1. Sun (East), Mars (South East), Jupiter (South), Mercury (South West), Venus (West), Saturn (North West), North (Moon), Raahu (North East).


2013. Who are Ashtadikpalakas?

Ans. The divine powers (Gods) who takes care of the eight corners/quarters of this Universe are Ashtadikpalakaas. They are 1. Indran (East), 2. Agni (South East), 3. Yaman (South), Niryathi (South West), Varunan (West), Vayu (North West), Kuberan (North), Easanan (North East).


2012. What are the important three rivers of Rig Veda period?

Ans. Saraswathi, Ila and Bharathi.


2011. What are the Ashta Gandham and why it is used?

Ans. To kill the germs and worms at the same time producing good fragrance when applied or while burning. They are 1. Akil, 2. Chandan, 3. Gulgulu, 4. Maanchi, 5. Kumkum, 6. Kottam, 7. Ramacham, 8. Iruveli.


2510. What are the eight good qualities that make a Brahmin or he should possess?

Ans. 1. Dhaya (compassion), 2. Kshama (Patience), 3. Asooya Rahithyam (Refrain from Jealous), 4. Suchithwam (Neat/Purity), 5. Anayasam (No tiring / ease), 6. Mangalam (Welfare/Thinking positive), 7. Akarpanyam (Liberality) 8. Aspruha (Desireless).


2009. What and who’s contribution is it for the Balarishtam?

Ans. Most of the children fall sick quite often during their childhood period. It is said in the sastras by Rishis that up to the age of 4 years father’s bad deeds will hammer on the child, from five to eight years mother’s bad deeds and up to twelve years the child’s own bad deeds of previous and current life.


2008. What is Bhodham (consciousness or awareness) and Budhi (Brain) and their fundamental difference?

Ans. Bodham is almost same for everyone. Whereas Budhi differs according to each one’s Rajass and Thamass quality and quantity.


2007. What is the primary reason or source of Samsara Bhandham (bonding and relationship with blood relatives)?

Ans. Samsara Bhandham belongs to Jeevan (Sookshma Sareeram/Jeevathma/Praan/Life). Avarana sakthi is keeping life’s bonding with everything. The power of that Avarana Sakhithi is nothing but misguidance i.e. a person will not be able to see the Real form of an object, however, understand that it is something else than the real object.


2006. How to describe Maya Sakthi?

Ans. It is not reachable through imaginations, not describable by words, not understandable, beyond human knowledge, an indispensable yet it is an element in the creation, sustenance, and withdrawal duties of Supreme Athma in this Universe.  

2005. What are the states of Maya Sakthis or how it is felt in normal life?

Ans. 1. Sathyam (Truth/Knowledge), 2. Asathyam (Un-truth/Ignorance). When a person is influenced/possessed under Agnaana-Avastha (state of ignorance) one will feel it is Sathyam, at the same time during the Gnaana-Avastha (state of knowledge) they will feel it is Asathyam. That is why Rishis says it is a great difficulty to understand Maya Thathwam, even the divine personalities/Gods find it difficult to know about its illusionary power.


2004. Which are the Avathaars’ are highly influenced by Paramaathmaamsa?

Ans. Four. 1. Varaaha Avathar, 2. Narasimha Avathar, 3. Sri Rama Avathar, 4. Sri Krishna Avathar.


2003. What is the highest role of Aathma-amsas (energies)?

Ans. 1. Jeevathma-amsam (Jeevathma = Sookshma Sareeram), 2. Paramaathma-amsam (Paramathma = Para/Kaarana Sareeram).


2002. Which influence prompt Lord Maha Vishnu to take Avatars (Incarnation)?

Ans. Navagrahaas Sakthis (Power/Influence). Without the help of Navagrahaas nothing can be fulfilled even though he is a God. Even for us, individual our character and lifestyle are mainly because of Navagrahaas contribution and shareholding in us whether it is Sthoola or Sookshma Sareera. Let us see the Avatar and its respective planet influence. 1. Mathsy Avathar (a form of fish) = Kethu (Descending Node or South Node), 2. Koorma Avathar (a form of Tortoise) = Sani (Saturn), 3. Varaha Avathar (a form of boar) = Rahu (Ascending Node or North Node), 4. Narasimha Avathar (a form of half lion half human) = Mangal (Mars), 5. Vaamana Avathar (a form of a dwarf) = Guru (Jupiter), 6. Parasurama Avathar (Divine Human) = Sukran (Venus), 7. Balarama Avathar (Divine Human) = Sooryan (Sun), 8. Sri Rama Avathar (Super Human) = Sooryan (Sun), 9. Sri Krishna Avathar (Supreme Human) = Chandran (Moon), 10. Kalki (Ferocious Human) = Navagrahas (all 9 Planets). Note: Budha is considered as Amsa Avathar or Maha Purusha Avathar with the influence of planet Budhan (Mercury) – this comes before Kalki Avathar.


2001. Why Maya (Ignorance/Illusion) is considered as a wonder or strange?

Ans. Because it is full of strange, surprises, marvellous, unexplainable phenomena, curious, astonishing, pervasive etc.