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R V Venkiteswaran (Venky)


Sunday, March 2, 2025


 Om Namasiavaya Nama:

I have given a detailed table along with all features between two signs in different blog, you may search it in the Astrology Labels. Whereas, this table is exclusively made as quick reference catering to the only matching signs. 

SIGNS                                                COMPATIBLE SIGN FOR MARRIAGE

1. ARIES (21/03-20/04)               =   Taurus, Scorpio, Capricon

2. TAURUS (21/04-21/05)           =   Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, Acquarius, Pisces

3. GEMINI (22/05-21/06)            =    Aries, Leo, Libra, Sagitarius, Acquarius

4. CANCER (22/06-23/07)          =    Taurus, Virgo, Capricon

5. LEO (24/07-23/08)                  =    Aries, Cancer, LIbra, Sagitarius, Capricon

6. VIRGO (24/08-23/09)             =    Taurus,  Scorpio, Capricon, Pisces

7. LIBRA (24/09-23/10)              =    Leo, Scorpio, Sagitarius, Acquarius, Pisces

8. SCORPIO (24/10-22/11)         =    Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Libra, Pisces

9. SAGITARIUS (23/11-21/12)   =    Aries, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Sagitarius

10. CAPRICON (22/12-20/01)    =    Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricon, Acquarius

11. ACQUARIUS (21/01-19/02) =    Aries, Leo, Libra, Acquarius

12. PISCES (20/02-20/03)           =    Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, LIbra, Scorpio, Pisces

Please connect with suitable signs and enjoy comfortable married life. These selections are meant for happy married life. The human bodies are made out of 36 celestial elements out of which 9 planets and stars are very imporant who contribute our perishable body's well being, wealth, education and charactor, adaptability, paternal and material family, coborns, comforts in lifestyle, past life leftovers & desires, children, mentality, ailment, loss, blames, life partner, sexual partner, litigation, life span, death, profession, conducts, profit and loss, future life and God's grace etc... 

Between the compatible signs will have positive vibriations and contributions that can enhance the rewards for fruitful married life. What is the use of blames and quarrels after united with two individuals. It is better to avoid before marriage than repenting later.

God bless all,
