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R V Venkiteswaran (Venky)


Saturday, September 27, 2014


Om Namasivaya nama:

Sloka 103:

The Ego - Ahamkara

Actually reflection of the Atman on the sense organs is what expressing everything in us. It is known as "Aabhasa-Thejas",. When this Aabhasa-Thejas reflected through the Antha-Karanas (Viz Mana, Budhi, Ahamkara & Chitham) it is known as Jeeva / Life Energy (Absolute conscious). Therefore, with the presence of Jeeva, all those Antha Karanas becoming active and doing its functions by taking the pride of I and ME through Pancha Karmendriyas and Gjaanendriyas and its subtle functions such as sound, touch, see, taste and smell, and we say I am seeing, I am enjoying, I am touching etc.. this means the Ego who is responding through devises (Upadhi). 

Sloka 104:

Know that it is the Ego that identifying with the body and becomes the doer and experiencer. The same Ego is experiencing the three Avasthas such as Jagrath (Active), Swapna (Dream) & Sushupthi (Deep sleep). When Rajo guna is active, at the time, Ego enjoys Waking stage, during Sathwa, dream stage and while Thamo guna it enjoys deep sleep stage. Therefore, without Ego nothing exists nor you can identify something happening.

Sloka 105:

When the sense objects are contributing favorable situations we are happy and non favorable situation lead to unhappy and sorrowful. Happiness and miseries are the Dharma of Ego and do not belong to the Atman which is always blissful and never attached to anything. Ever living happiness to be enjoyed only by realizing Atma and its un-attached existence.

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Saturday, September 20, 2014


Om Namasivaya nama:

Sloka 100

Please note subtle body is the instrument for doing all activities of Atma which is knowledge absolute (pure Gjnaana /consciousnesses). Like a carpenter use instruments to complete his job the Atma uses subtle body to complete its vaasana related karma and completely un-attached to all activities. For example if any damage happens to the instruments of carpenter, the carpenter himself does not get damaged because the damage happened to the instruments at the same time without those he can;t complete his work! like wise Atman and its subtle body work together however un-attached.

Sloka 101

Another set of explanation to differentiate subtle body and limbs of the gross body. Example Blindness, weakness, keenness are the conditions of the eyes.  Like wise, deafness, dumbness, hearing well are the duties of the ears. The gross imperfection of the organs belongs to the respective parts of the gross body and it will not any manner effect the Atma, which is absolute consciousness in its nature.

Sloka 102

FUNCTIONS OF PRANA (Manifested Life Energy) - The bridge between Subtle body and Paramatma.

According to the advise of Mahathmas 7 important functions are allocated to Praana, (Psychological activities such as - inhalation & exhalation,  yawning, sneezing, sweating / secretion and belching). (Functional activities such as - hunger and thirst) are the most important 7 functions / Dharmas of Praana. Since Atma is changeless awareness non of these function would affect Atma. Therefore, all functions are helping the gross body as well as subtle body only whereas any damage to any of those limbs or function would not effect absolute Atma.

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Saturday, September 13, 2014


Om Namasivaya nama:

Sloka 97:

Listen carefully! This subtle body is also called Linga Sariram. This Sarira is made out of subtle elements of possessed out of inclinations (Vaasanaas) and it causes the individual body to experience the fruits of past deeds / actions (Fruits of Karma). It is the state of beginningless state on the Self due to its on ignorance (Agnaana). In other words there is no beginning nor end to this Self because time does not exists at the time of its beginning.

Sloka 98 & 99:

Further to the Gross body explanation (where this can be realized while on Awaken state / Jagradavastha) now Acharya explain the state of Subtle Body (Sookshma Sariram). Easy way to see the subtle body is during the Swapna (Dream state) avastha, it will be distinctively expressed in its own. Intellectual (Budhi of Anktakarana) is the agent for these experiences gathered during waking state. In this condition / situation the Supreme Self witness the happening and shine its own glory as unattached to the experience undergone by intellectual. Since it is un-attached it is not getting tamed by any action that it apparent conditioning may perform.  The Paramatman is absolutely unattached and only witness as onlooker neither it get involved in joy nor sad. The link for Atma to the Jeeva which lives inside the body (actually body lives in Atma..just like a tree live inside the small seed, may be in real life difficult to believe) is through its Intellectual.

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Sunday, September 7, 2014


Om Namasivaya Nama:

Sloka 95

The Five Pranaas (Manifested Life Energy)

One the same Prana becomes Prana, Apana, Vyana, Samana & Udhana due to its functions and modifications internally just like gold, water etc..

Sloka 96

Subtle Body effects: Sookshma Sareera or Linga Sareera

The constitution of subtle body is being explained in this sloka. They are known as Purya-shtakam, this means combination of 8 cities or places makes this sookshma sareera (subtle body) out of Thanmathras. They are coined by 5 Karmendriyas, 5 Gjnanedriyas, 5 Boothas, 5 Pranaas, 4 Antha-karana, 1 Avidhya, 1 Kaama and 1 Karma makes 27 in Thathwas and create Subtle body.

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