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R V Venkiteswaran (Venky)


Saturday, March 4, 2017


Om Namasivaya Nama:

Prarabdha Vichara (Effects of past life deeds)

Sloka 445:

If a Yogi is disturbed by external perceptions such as joys and sorrows that is due to Prarabdha.

Sloka 446:

Without a cause an effect is impossible. Therefore, as long as the Yogi experiencing the perceptions of this world, he is not done with it, means the Prarabha still exists in him/her.

Sloka 447:

Once a Yogi realizes that "I am Brahman" billions of his past Karma/Vasana will exhaust. Even if you don't practice at-least one should keep this in mind that "You are Brahman itself...and the body is only a devise to realize that "I am Brahman itself".

 Sloka 448:

A good or bad actions in the dream will not give any results during the waking stage. In other words, once the egocentric individuality is lost (during the higher consciousness) no results of any action will follow him/her.

Sloka 449:

Upon realization, all past and future actions and its results get vanished then and there. Therefore, all one should do is to Realize that "I am Brahman" in practical way not by reading books or listening to someone's discourse. So make a sincere effort to realize Brahman so that one can easily get rid of all Karma based results.


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