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R V Venkiteswaran (Venky)


Saturday, December 2, 2017


Om Namasivaya Nama:

Sri Lalitha Sahasranama Adhyaaya Saram - Preliminary discourse continues...05

40. Nyaasa Vidhi

Rishi - Chhandhas - Devatha is the chronology for doing Nyaasam. The Bheeja manthram (Hymn) used based on the importance of its energetic field within our body. Nyaasam means cleansing or purifying the specific part of the body so that the divine power can stay there and resonate across the body. Three important components make the Nyaasam perfect viz: Bheejam/Seed (Om Ayim) - Sakthi/Energy (Om Sau) - Keelakam/Shoot (Kleem). It is like Germination process. In other words Manthraas invisible living beings!!

41. Vital part of a Manthram

They are three portions viz: Bheejam-Sakthi-Keelakam. The reason for that is, human beings cannot see all the existence of particles in this universe. Our eyes are set for certain things to be visible to us (in fact this is one of the limitations of human beings). Therefore, all the specials and divine powers are kept in the Bheeja (Seed) and covered with Maya so that ordinary people can't access or realize the importance of it. Our great Rishis (Mahasthmaas) spent years of time on meditation to reveal these powers to the needy so that he/she can elevate himself/herself from this trouble giving transmigration.

42. Nyaasa steps/methods/approach in Sri Lalitha Sahasranaamam

1. Thrikudam =Vaakhbavam (Bheejam) - Kaamarajam (Sakthi) - Sakthikudam (Keelakam)
2. Pancha Dasakshari = 5 + 6 + 4  (Bheejam - Sakthi - Keelakam)
3. Pancha Dasakshari three part's first syllables (Ka (Bheejam), Sa (Sakthi), Ha (Keelakam) - based on Kaadhi vidya sampradhayam.
4. Baala Manthram = Ayim (Bheejam) - Hreem (Sakthi) - Kleem (Keelakam)

43. Right-hand function in Nyaasa process

1. Bheejam (touching Naval part), Sakthi (Guhya/Anal part), Keelakam (both Feet)
2. Bheejam (touching Right-hand shoulder), Sakshi (Guhya/Anal part), Keelakam (Lefthand shoulder)

44. Different names/designated status of Manthras

1 letter = Pindam, 2 letters = Karthri, 3 to 9 letters = Bheejam, 10 to 20 letters = Manthraas and 20+ letters = Maala Manthram.

45. What is Khara Nyaasam /  Anga Nyaasam 

Touching specific part of the body with particular fingers (Anguliam).

Hrudhayam/Heart = Index-Middle-Ring fingers together
Sirass/Head = Middle & Ring fingers together
Sikha/Rear of head = Thump finger alone
Kavach/Right and Left Shoulders = All Five fingers together and simultaneously
Nethra Thrayam/Eyes = Index-Middle-Ring fingers together
Asthra/circulate your head with the right hand then bend middle finger under thump finger. Thereafter, join Index & Middle finger and beat once on your left palm, then roam/Circulate your head by chanting "Bhur-Bhuva-Suvarom.

46. Importance of Head / Heart & Sikha

Head - where the knowledge resides, Heart - where divine power resides and Sikha - Kundalini power comes and goes out from here. This is why the worshiper should touch these auspicious parts of the body.


Kindly download full discourse from the link:


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