Om Namasivaya Nama:
Chapter 9 - Pancha Brahma Swaroopam
Naama Manthram : 249-340 (91 Naamas)
Whatever we see or hear in this universe is a by-product or derivative of Absolute Brahman Paramathma. The combination of three elements known as Prana, Jeeva and Sthoola (Cosmic Energy, Life Energy & Matter/Mass). According to this Chapter, Vasinyaadhi Devis' explains that all Sthoola elements will become inactive if the activation energy does not reside in it, that includes even Primary Brahmas viz: Brahma, Vishnu, Rudra, Maheswara & Sadasiva.
First, four Brahmas sit as pillars and the fifth Brahma makes a plain table top. The Absolute Brahman Parasakthi sit on top of Sadasiva this is the Pancha Brahma Swaroopam. Why Parasakthi has to sit on top of Brahmas is nothing but the Absolute Cosmic Energy (Paramathma) dominate and shine in those bodies.
What are those important derived forms and formless elements/Thathwam = means Positive + Negative / Siva + Sakthi / Paramathma + Jeevathma / Cosmic Energy + Life Energy. Matter or Mass or Body is not having any importance here because it is perishable/mortal.
- Pancha Brahmas: Brahma, Vishnu, Rudra, Maheswara & Sadasiva
- Pancha Sakthis: Saraswathy, Lakshmi, Durga, Savithry & Radha
- Pancha Bhuthas: Space, Air, Fire, Water & Earth
- Pancha Thanmathras: Sabda, Sparsa, Rupa, Rasa & Gandha (Sound, Touch, Form, Taste & Smell)
- Pancha Indriyas (Gnanedriyas): Seeing, Hearing, Tasting, Smelling, Touching
- Pancha Indriyas (Karmedriyas): Eyes, Ears, Toungue, Nose & Skin or Vak, Payu, Pani, Padham & Upastham (Tongue, Anus, Hands, Legs & Genital Part)
- Pancha Kosas/Sheaths: Annamaya, Pranamaya, Gnanamaya, Vignaanamaya & Aanandamaya
- Pancha Pranaas: Prana, Apana, Vyana, Udhana & Samana
- Pancha Easwra Krithyam: Srushti, Sthithi, Samharam, Thirodhanam & Anugraham
- Pancha Jeevathma Krithyam: Jagrathavastha, Swapa, Sushuptha, Thurya & Thuryaatheetha
- Pancha Devas: Vasudeva, Sangarshanan, Pradhymnan, Nirudhan & Narayanan
- Pancha Karanas: Kshethragnan, Prakruthi, Manas, Budhi, Chitham & Ahamkaram
- Pancha Easwras: Easanan, Thathpurushan, Vamadevan, Sathyojathan & Agoran
- Pancha Sanathana Mahat Thathwas: Purushan, Prakruthi, Time, Space and Karma.
After understanding these concepts, the seeker identifies himself/herself with the truth that Seeker, Seen & Sought (Gnaana, Gnaathru & Gneyam) and one the same. This is called Realization or Salvation or Moksham.
To be continued...
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R V Venkiteswaran (Venky)
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Saturday, May 26, 2018
Saturday, May 19, 2018
Om Namasivaya Nama:
Chapter 8 - Saguna Upasana - Final
Naama Manthram: 193-248 (55 Naamas)
Human beings are habituated and accepted with something that they can feel, hear, touch, taste and smell, why because it is tangible and understandable. According to Paramathma divine mother, a seeker can assume Her presence in any object by just naming or seeing Her in that object and She will accept that choice of Her devotee.
1. Pararabhman has 4 faces such as Purushan (Life Energy), Vyaktham (Matter/Mass/Clear), Avyaktham (Space/Changeable/Unclear) & Kalam (Time).
2. There are 7 crores (70 Million) Maha Manthraas exists on this earth. The seed for all these Maha Manthraas is Hrim or Aum.
3. The divinity and divine power exist in Name (Manthra), Forms (/Thanthra/Mudra) and Device (Yanthra). Therefore it is easy for the "truth seeker" to identify himself with absolute Brahman.
4. Yagas are 2 types, Kramam (conducted through 64 Yogini Gana Devathas) and Akramam (All other types of activities).
5. These 12 important Upasikars/ Seekers realized Her (Paramatma's) through their severe penance and identified Her through their composed Beeja Mantras. They are Manu, Chandran, Kuberan, Lopamudra, Manmathan, Agasthyan, Agni, Sooryan, Indran, Skandhan, Sivan & Krodha-Battarakan.
6. Divine mother is worshipped by 64 crores (640 million) Yogini Gana Devatas. They are formulated as 8x8 = 64 x 10,000,000 = 640,000,000.
7. For a meditator, She is felt in important 9 sensitive centres (Chakras).
8. Moon is very important for all living beings. All beings get closer to Moon's energy on Poorna Day (Full Lunar Day). Therefore, meditating Her on the surface of full moon makes his/her spiritual journey achieve its target quickly. Moon is the significator of our Mind and the Mind is made up of subtle particles of our consumed food. (Veda says Annath Manaha). Also, Mind is everything and it is the greatest gift to mankind.
Summary: One can attain salvation even by seeing or believing the divine presence in every objects in this universe.
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Chapter 8 - Saguna Upasana - Final
Naama Manthram: 193-248 (55 Naamas)
Human beings are habituated and accepted with something that they can feel, hear, touch, taste and smell, why because it is tangible and understandable. According to Paramathma divine mother, a seeker can assume Her presence in any object by just naming or seeing Her in that object and She will accept that choice of Her devotee.
1. Pararabhman has 4 faces such as Purushan (Life Energy), Vyaktham (Matter/Mass/Clear), Avyaktham (Space/Changeable/Unclear) & Kalam (Time).
2. There are 7 crores (70 Million) Maha Manthraas exists on this earth. The seed for all these Maha Manthraas is Hrim or Aum.
3. The divinity and divine power exist in Name (Manthra), Forms (/Thanthra/Mudra) and Device (Yanthra). Therefore it is easy for the "truth seeker" to identify himself with absolute Brahman.
4. Yagas are 2 types, Kramam (conducted through 64 Yogini Gana Devathas) and Akramam (All other types of activities).
5. These 12 important Upasikars/ Seekers realized Her (Paramatma's) through their severe penance and identified Her through their composed Beeja Mantras. They are Manu, Chandran, Kuberan, Lopamudra, Manmathan, Agasthyan, Agni, Sooryan, Indran, Skandhan, Sivan & Krodha-Battarakan.
6. Divine mother is worshipped by 64 crores (640 million) Yogini Gana Devatas. They are formulated as 8x8 = 64 x 10,000,000 = 640,000,000.
7. For a meditator, She is felt in important 9 sensitive centres (Chakras).
8. Moon is very important for all living beings. All beings get closer to Moon's energy on Poorna Day (Full Lunar Day). Therefore, meditating Her on the surface of full moon makes his/her spiritual journey achieve its target quickly. Moon is the significator of our Mind and the Mind is made up of subtle particles of our consumed food. (Veda says Annath Manaha). Also, Mind is everything and it is the greatest gift to mankind.
Summary: One can attain salvation even by seeing or believing the divine presence in every objects in this universe.
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Saturday, May 12, 2018
Om Namasivaya Nama:
Chapter 8 - Saguna Upasana
Naama Manthram : 193-248 (55 Naamas)
Absolute Brahman Paramathma unveiled and became everything, to say 8.4 million types of beings that includes humans and for the same to live comfortably it created the Pancha Bhuthas (Five Elements). Whatever we see and hear is all Her (Aham). Brahman Parasakthi out of Her wish (they are three primordial forces known as Icha, Gnana, Kriya) created everything for the purpose of Creation, Sustain & Withdraw (Srushti, Sthithi & Samhara). Whatever She became is known as her Form/Avathara. A true seeker can see the presence of Her (God) in anything and everything. That is the whole advice in this Chapter.
Saguna Upasana: Sa means universal life/energy/Aathma, Guna means Matter, Quality, Quantity, measurable unit and Upasana means Trying to realize that Life is there in anything and everything.
When you consider Paramathma is a divine mother, being divine mother She has abandoned love and compassion for her creations. A normal mother may or may not have so much love and compassion because she is under the influence of ignorance (Maya), that is why Paramathma is known as divine mother.
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Chapter 8 - Saguna Upasana
Naama Manthram : 193-248 (55 Naamas)
Absolute Brahman Paramathma unveiled and became everything, to say 8.4 million types of beings that includes humans and for the same to live comfortably it created the Pancha Bhuthas (Five Elements). Whatever we see and hear is all Her (Aham). Brahman Parasakthi out of Her wish (they are three primordial forces known as Icha, Gnana, Kriya) created everything for the purpose of Creation, Sustain & Withdraw (Srushti, Sthithi & Samhara). Whatever She became is known as her Form/Avathara. A true seeker can see the presence of Her (God) in anything and everything. That is the whole advice in this Chapter.
Saguna Upasana: Sa means universal life/energy/Aathma, Guna means Matter, Quality, Quantity, measurable unit and Upasana means Trying to realize that Life is there in anything and everything.
When you consider Paramathma is a divine mother, being divine mother She has abandoned love and compassion for her creations. A normal mother may or may not have so much love and compassion because she is under the influence of ignorance (Maya), that is why Paramathma is known as divine mother.
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Saturday, May 5, 2018
Om Namasivaya Nama:
Chapter 7 - Nirguna Upasana (Final)
When the seeker starts searching inside him/her he will find lots of secrets and powers of his previous births that is because of divine mother's help. Therefore the devotees can help himself/herself and find divinity within them. This is the greatness of Nirguna Upasana. Now let us learn Ahamkaram!
Ahamkara (Self/Ego) are 3 types:
1. Vaikarikam (Explicit/open)
2. Thaijasam (Introward)
3. Bhuthadhi (Spread across all)
Desire is the primary reason for action (Kriya/Karma), such action results Punya (Merits) and Paapa (Demerits) therefore either do Nishkamya Karma or do nothing. There is no need of any formalities to start praying and craving for the realization of Paramathma. Even once you do, your demerits will disappear. However, humans continue to do knowingly or unknowingly Paapa Punya Kriya. Therefore, one must do prayer regularly to ward off such negative influences on us.
Divine mother does not differentiate between beings due to which She is calm. Usually, likes and dislikes prompt one to get angry. So practice and follow what she is doing to achieve her status. One should not engage himself/herself in doing Pooja, Havan, Yagnam (individual), Yagam (Public) if he/she cannot control anger.
A seeker must get rid of doubts for better realization. She is absolutely free from doubts. Therefore She guides every devotee must possess these 5 precious qualities to eradicate doubts in us. These are called Pancha Aikya Anusanthanam. They are Self/Existence, Blessed Manthram, Manthra Devatha, Yanthra of the Devatha and Guru.
Next topic Samadhi. They are few viz. Samadhi, Savikalpa Samadhi, Sahaja Samadhi & Nirvikalpa Samadhi. Samadi in general means, the status of mind that will have no discrimination between any beings. This is easily practicable only in Nirguna Upasana.
How can one overcome the fear of death?
Unless you become a master of Aathma Gnaanam (Source of Self), you will have the fear. Why Aathma Gnanaani is out of such fear because he/she knows the Aathma (Energy) does not die. The death is only for the physical body. However, usually, people are scared to death because they are not personally experienced but seen others death and how much they suffered while death. Generally, the curiosity of death is nothing but knowing how they will die, what type of pain they will have to undergo, why should one die, when and where they will lose this body (in other words the life will leave this body).
Though everything is directed by divine mother (Paramathma) yet many do not reciprocate with a thanking note to Her. This is the surprise, however, even in this situation, She is not expecting anything from us but our welfare until we merge with Her.
Summary: One can attain salvation even with formless worship by knowing Self.
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Chapter 7 - Nirguna Upasana (Final)
When the seeker starts searching inside him/her he will find lots of secrets and powers of his previous births that is because of divine mother's help. Therefore the devotees can help himself/herself and find divinity within them. This is the greatness of Nirguna Upasana. Now let us learn Ahamkaram!
Ahamkara (Self/Ego) are 3 types:
1. Vaikarikam (Explicit/open)
2. Thaijasam (Introward)
3. Bhuthadhi (Spread across all)
Desire is the primary reason for action (Kriya/Karma), such action results Punya (Merits) and Paapa (Demerits) therefore either do Nishkamya Karma or do nothing. There is no need of any formalities to start praying and craving for the realization of Paramathma. Even once you do, your demerits will disappear. However, humans continue to do knowingly or unknowingly Paapa Punya Kriya. Therefore, one must do prayer regularly to ward off such negative influences on us.
Divine mother does not differentiate between beings due to which She is calm. Usually, likes and dislikes prompt one to get angry. So practice and follow what she is doing to achieve her status. One should not engage himself/herself in doing Pooja, Havan, Yagnam (individual), Yagam (Public) if he/she cannot control anger.
A seeker must get rid of doubts for better realization. She is absolutely free from doubts. Therefore She guides every devotee must possess these 5 precious qualities to eradicate doubts in us. These are called Pancha Aikya Anusanthanam. They are Self/Existence, Blessed Manthram, Manthra Devatha, Yanthra of the Devatha and Guru.
Next topic Samadhi. They are few viz. Samadhi, Savikalpa Samadhi, Sahaja Samadhi & Nirvikalpa Samadhi. Samadi in general means, the status of mind that will have no discrimination between any beings. This is easily practicable only in Nirguna Upasana.
How can one overcome the fear of death?
Unless you become a master of Aathma Gnaanam (Source of Self), you will have the fear. Why Aathma Gnanaani is out of such fear because he/she knows the Aathma (Energy) does not die. The death is only for the physical body. However, usually, people are scared to death because they are not personally experienced but seen others death and how much they suffered while death. Generally, the curiosity of death is nothing but knowing how they will die, what type of pain they will have to undergo, why should one die, when and where they will lose this body (in other words the life will leave this body).
Though everything is directed by divine mother (Paramathma) yet many do not reciprocate with a thanking note to Her. This is the surprise, however, even in this situation, She is not expecting anything from us but our welfare until we merge with Her.
Summary: One can attain salvation even with formless worship by knowing Self.
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