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R V Venkiteswaran (Venky)


Saturday, May 5, 2018


Om Namasivaya Nama:

Chapter 7 - Nirguna Upasana (Final)

When the seeker starts searching inside him/her he will find lots of secrets and powers of his previous births that is because of divine mother's help. Therefore the devotees can help himself/herself and find divinity within them. This is the greatness of Nirguna Upasana. Now let us learn Ahamkaram!

Ahamkara (Self/Ego) are 3 types:
1. Vaikarikam (Explicit/open)
2. Thaijasam (Introward)
3. Bhuthadhi (Spread across all)

Desire is the primary reason for action (Kriya/Karma), such action results Punya (Merits) and Paapa (Demerits) therefore either do Nishkamya Karma or do nothing. There is no need of any formalities to start praying and craving for the realization of Paramathma. Even once you do, your demerits will disappear. However, humans continue to do knowingly or unknowingly Paapa Punya Kriya. Therefore, one must do prayer regularly to ward off such negative influences on us.

Divine mother does not differentiate between beings due to which She is calm. Usually, likes and dislikes prompt one to get angry. So practice and follow what she is doing to achieve her status. One should not engage himself/herself in doing Pooja, Havan, Yagnam (individual), Yagam (Public) if he/she cannot control anger.

A seeker must get rid of doubts for better realization. She is absolutely free from doubts. Therefore She guides every devotee must possess these 5 precious qualities to eradicate doubts in us. These are called Pancha Aikya Anusanthanam. They are Self/Existence, Blessed Manthram, Manthra Devatha, Yanthra of the Devatha and Guru.  

Next topic Samadhi. They are few viz. Samadhi, Savikalpa Samadhi, Sahaja Samadhi & Nirvikalpa Samadhi. Samadi in general means, the status of mind that will have no discrimination between any beings. This is easily practicable only in Nirguna Upasana.

How can one overcome the fear of death? 
Unless you become a master of Aathma Gnaanam (Source of Self), you will have the fear. Why Aathma Gnanaani is out of such fear because he/she knows the Aathma (Energy) does not die. The death is only for the physical body. However, usually, people are scared to death because they are not personally experienced but seen others death and how much they suffered while death. Generally, the curiosity of death is nothing but knowing how they will die, what type of pain they will have to undergo, why should one die, when and where they will lose this body (in other words the life will leave this body).

Though everything is directed by divine mother (Paramathma) yet many do not reciprocate with a thanking note to Her. This is the surprise, however, even in this situation, She is not expecting anything from us but our welfare until we merge with Her.

Summary: One can attain salvation even with formless worship by knowing Self.


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