Chapter 11 - Pidaani Anga Devatha Swaroopam (Concluded)
Naama Manthram: 373-464 (91 Mantras)
Om Namasivaya Nama:
Vasinyadhi Vagdevis explained further that our divine mother is being worshipped in all families from an immemorial time (Heriditory system). In fact, She is a Parampara deity and humans started worshipping her from their first existence on this earth. {Even in the scientific material world, the firstborn baby will have to say Ma...} Therefore, She is a family deity, which means less complicated and simple approach / fewer formalities in worshipping Her. At a later stage, Devi Upasakaas designed a worshipping system called “Sri Vidhya Upasana”. This Sri Vidhya Upasana system has 3 disciplines or doctrine called Samaya Matham, Misra Matham & Kaula Matham (VamAcaram & DakshinAcharam). Though there are multiple ways to worship Her, She accepts all methods of worship and enlightens Her devotees to the immortal position.
Our divine mother is not only mother to us, but also for God’s Parampara. Here referred as the mother of Kumar (Murugan/Karthikeyan/Subramaniyan etc) and Ganapathy (Gajanan/Vinayak etc.). Kumar significates Lord of AHAM / “Self” and Ganapathy “Eternal Existence” and the relation and connecting code is Mother. Ganapathy in our body resides in Mooladhara Chakram and Kumaran in Sahasraara Chakram. Our life energy called Praana Sakthi (which is nothing but our divine mother Kundalini Devi) connect and travels between Mooladharam and Sahasraara Chakram. Those who worship Her with innocent devotion will be bestowed with the knowledge of Self and its Existence (Asthithwam).
Therefore, the devotee who realizes this truth after understanding the concept of Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam will be granted with four auspicious qualities known as Thushti, Pushti, Mathi and Druthi. It is not easy to achieve these qualities in first birth itself. Lots of good deeds can only provide such merits.
Thushti (7 qualities) = Thosha (Happiness), Posha (well nurtured), Gnaana (True Knowledge), Dhairyam (Brave), Sama (Patience & Tolerance), Kalyanathwam (Always Prosperous) and Kamaneeya Vachak (Thrilling Speaker/Orator).
Pushti (10 qualities) = Vak, Gnanan, Sarira, Indriyam, Kshethram, Dhana-Dhanyam, Praja, Pasu, Gramam and Dharmam.
Mathi = Extraordinary brilliant, discriminative and sharp brain power.
Dhruthi = Brave, determination and not afraid of losing material comfort.
She gives special protection to her devotees through Three Important Knowledge viz: Sabdha Gnaanam (Sravana roopam/Hearing power), Anumanam (Manana rupam/Mindpower) and Nidhi Dhyasanam (Agamanam/Retrieving and Forwarding Analytic power).
Ajapa Manthra Vidhya is being explained in this Chapter known as Hamsa Vidhya. Our Prana or life energy is emitting a divine subtle sound which is not possible to hear with our ears. However, we need to chant this manthra (assuming imitation method) while inhaling and exhaling our breath. For Inhaling (Poorakam) say SOHAM HAMSAHA and for exhaling HAMSA SOHAM (Rechakam), in other words, SOO…HAA….
All divine achievements are nothing but realizing Her and getting closer to Her to become Herself!
Summary: Realizing the power of the Human Body by way of its divine functions and response system designed to listen to the Self and Mind will take the devotee’s life for liberation.
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