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R V Venkiteswaran (Venky)
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R V Venkiteswaran (Venky)
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Saturday, November 24, 2018
Om Namasivaya Nama:
Chapter 13 - Vibhudhi Visthara Marga Bhedha Samarasyam (Continued)
Naama Manthram: 533-988 (455 Mantras)
Vasinyadi Vaag Devis further revealed divine mother's involvement in this creation to help devotees to attain Mukthi. She is showing ways just like parents guiding their children to achieve goals of life.
Divine Mother all alone became everything from various Gods to atoms/particles. She is so big just like Earth. It is also important to note that all her blessings are showered at the Macro level. She rejects all types of duality, why because She has enormous trust in the human race. Whereas humans are disobeying her to meet their temporary needs. There is no one to replace or equal her in every manner yet egoless. She is the Brahman and resources for everything. Being the responsibility of a mother she provides initial foods for individuals up to a certain age thereafter individuals have to work hard to fetch their own food. Example every Mother is vested with breast milk (this is the basic and initial food). She bestows minerals, vitamins, proteins etc to all beings as per the requirements. She being the first one to change her Nirguna to Saguna hence She is the oldest of all.
She taught her children that with the help of Upadhi Sareeram that "Ham" is Siva and "Sa" is Sakthi and uniting these two principles make the giant Yoga that is the ultimate achievement of any human's purpose of birth. When devotees give up all the 6 inherited poisons known as "Kama-Krodha-Lobha-Moha-Madha-Mathsaryam" he will be awarded Jithendriyan title. She simply loves such devotees (at-least during Pooja) and showers her blessings on them.
To know her She created more refined Bhasha (Language) called Samskrutham (Sanskrit does not give the right meaning of Samskrutham, but we need to manage with the limitation of English). Samskrutha Bhasha consists of 51 letters from Amrutha (A) to Kshamavathi (Ksha). She rejects inconsistency in everything because She is the custodian of "Consistency" Achyutham Paramam Padham. In other words, the Sadhaka must have a clear focus and not divulge from the objectives. See how Adhyathmikam taught modern scientific approaches time immemorial. No beginning nor end for Her.
No hard and fast rule for worshipping Her just like no formalities needed to talk to own mother. Pray and remember Her even while enjoying everything in life. In fact, one must thank and praise her especially while enjoying the time because, if the "element of enjoyment" does not work in our body, all efforts are useless. A genuine mother always blesses her child even while scolding but the child takes it in a different level and get in to angry or misunderstand mode due to circumstances, just like, even though various scripts (Vedas or Upanishads or Sahasranaamam) advises or give instruction to people to follow right path, they still choose what is convenient for them, which may lead to fall and failures in life. Here, the circumstances are the "natal planetary constitution". VIVEKA to be used everywhere to discriminate appropriately.
To be continued...
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Saturday, November 17, 2018
Om Namasivaya Nama:
Chapter 13 - Vibhudhi Visthara Marga Bhedha Samarasyam (Continued)
Naama Manthram: 533-988 (455 Mantras)
Vasinyadhi Vag Devis further praising that the divine mother is not easily visible for the general public. Sadha (Penance & Worship) is very important and must even to realize her existence. Whatever we see with our naked eyes are creations of Prakruthi and the Prakruthi is none other than Divine Mother herself. Humans trying to see her have to face and conquer Maya (Illusionary sheaths). There are 3 understandings about Gnaana element known as Gnaanam (Pre-fixed or learned Knowledge), Vignaanam (Scientific Knowledge) & Sathya Gnaanam (True Knowledge). Moreover, even after realizing or experiencing her existence the devotees won't get satisfied, they continue their search more and more without an end. In other words, life (Jeevan) continues its search through different births and bodies and fail almost all attempts, one day out of Her own compassion the devotee get to realize Her and his journey of search ends. To achieve this movement, one needs to practice multiple approaches to master the true one.
What is realization is nothing but merging oneself with the Only One! this is called Paramasiva Anubhoothi. Various types of Yogas are recommended and she helps devotees to practice such Yogas. Sadhak is Jeevathma and Parasakthi is Paramathma getting united between these two Sakthis called Yoga. She Only through her blessings one can attain status which will lead to ultimate Aanandham (Ever living Adhwaitha Adhyathmic experience).
To nurture, control and rule this Universe, She created Icha (Vama Sakthi Saraswathy), Gnaana (Jyeshta Sakthi Lakshmi) & Kriya (Roudri Sakthi Durga) Sakthis from her own power. This Universe is living in her body (Virat Rupam), She placed all planetary system that will enable and assist Her creations and various types of beings (84 million types of beings exists only in our Earth). In each planet has different types of life, everything may not be visible to human's naked eyes because our body is created with 7 Dhathus and 5 Bhoothas only to live on Earth. Just because humans can't see, it does not mean that nothing exists other than what we see.
She is unreachable due to her presence spread across all the 3 times (Bhootham/Past, Bhavi/Future & Varthamana/Current time), yet She gave 8 Murthi signs for Sadhakas to understand and move forward. They are a set of 8 forms in various types
Manthra Murthis = Lakshmi, Medha, Dhaara, Pusthi, Gauri, Thushti, Prabha & Druthi.
Life Forms = Jeevathma, Paramathma, Nirmalathma, Sudhathma, Gnaanathma, Mahathma & Bhuthathma.
Elements = Prithvi, Jala, Agni, Vayu, Aakasa, Soorya, Chandra & Swarga.
Prakruthis = Prithvi, Jala, Agni, Vayu, Aakasa, Mana, Bhudhi & Ahamkara.
Divine Forms = Brahma, Prajapathi, Devas, Ghandharvaas, Yakshaas, Rakshasas, Pithrus & Pisachaas.
Character Qualtifies = Dhaya, Kshama, Mitthra, Saucha, Anayasa, Mangala, Akarparnya & Aspruha; another approach: Dharma, Ghaana, Vairagya, Aiswarya, Adharma, Agnaana, Avairaghya & Anaiswarya.
Linga Dhathus = Thwak (Outer), Raktha, Mamsa, Vasa, Asthi, Majja, Sukla & Charma (Inner).
Sidhis = Anima, Mahima, Garima, Laghima,. Easithwam, Vasithwam, Praapthi & Prakamyam.
Ashta Mathrus = Brahmi, Maheswari, Kaumari, Vaishnavi, Varahi, Maheswari, Chamunda & Mahalakshmi.
Ashta Vaagdevis = Vasini, Kameswari Mohini, Vimala, Aruna, Jayini, Sarveswari & Kaulini.
Ashta Sivas = Bhavan, Sarvan, Easanan, Pasupathi, Rudran, Ugran, Bhiman & Mahan.
To be continued...
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Saturday, November 10, 2018
Om Namasivaya Nama:
Chapter 13 - Vibhudhi Visthara Marga Bhedha Samarasyam (Continued)
Naama Manthram: 533-988 (455 Mantras)
Vasinyadhi Vaag Devis' further narrated divine mother's activities. She holds this Universe in her womb along with some precious Manthras that can full fill any amount of wishes. She is the one who destroys demons and their tricks to cheat devotees. She is also the Goddess of all Vedas, Ethihasa Puranaas and Manthras. Praising her is more valuable than anything in this universe.
She can be reached through rigorous Dhyanam (Meditation). Siva and Sakthi are one the same and no force can detach or divide them. She bestows Gnaanam (True Knowledge) to devotees. Gnaanam is 2 types; a) Gnaanam - "Brahma Sathyam Jagath Mithya" (Aathma alone is absolute truth and permanent) b) Agnaanam (Anaathma - The Knowlege or misunderstanding that the Body and this Prapancha is the truth). She is the element of Absolute True Knowledge (Kevala Brahman itself). She is spread across 1008+ Upanishads which is the juice of Vedas known as Upanishads.
Brahman has 3 revealed faces known as Sath-Chith-Anandam. Sath mean ever living truth, Chith means the conviction of the real truth and Anandam means sacred experience. She is the form of Sath and Ananda itself. Those who are following these principles or elements is realizing her presence in their life itself. Therefore, when a devotee meditates, he/she realizes these effects within him/her.
There are 14 Devi Upasikas who created "Pancha Dasakshari Vidhya", one among them is Lopa Mudhra who is also the consort of Sage Agasthya. According to Parasakthi, once a devotee realizes her truthfully then the devotee become part and parcel of Parasakthi herself, likewise, Lopa Mudhra herself is part of Parasakthi. She decides how many Brahmandas (Galaxies) to be created and control them since She is Moola-Prakruthi (Primary Source of everything).
To be continued...
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Saturday, November 3, 2018
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Om Namasivaya Nama:
Chapter 13 - Vibhudhi Visthara Marga Bhedha Samarasyam (Continued)
Naama Manthram: 533-988 (455 Mantras)
Vasinyadhi Vaag Devis' further narrated divine mother's involvement with Her creation. She is the Mother and Goddess for even Brahma, Vishnu & Rudras. She gives meaning to all types of Sasthraas and Easwari for all Thidhis which measure the day and night length. All Gods and Devas and known for their effulgence (Chaithanyam) or aura, She is the one who gave this Aura (Kala) effects to Gods based on their eligibility, karma and duties. Very important celestial personalities are Brahma (10), Vishnu (10), Rudra (10), Maheswara (4) and Sadhasiva (16) = 50 Kalas, as well Soorya (12), Chandran (16) and Agni (10) = 38 Kalas, and for Humans to achieve 64 Kalas. Upon achieving these Kalas one gets most purified, expert and portion of the great effulgence. In Sri Madh Bhagawathan, Sri Krishna achieved all these 64 Arts (Kalas) in 64 days itself from great Sage Sandhipani Rishi.
She is being served by Goddess Lakshmi and Saraswathi from the right and left side (indicating that the Kriya Sakthi should have the support of Gnaana and Ichha Sakthis). In other words, a true devotee's good work is always praised by well educated and wealthy people as well the Gods.
She is the first and primordial energy (Life Force) for everything that is creation, sustains and withdrawal, She became everything from Life (Energy), Body (Matter) and Decay. She created the innumerable amount of Brahmadas (Milkyway-Galaxies) from Bhuvanams (224 Bhuvanams exists). One Brahmandam consists innumerable amount of Solar systems. It is so difficult for ordinary people to realize Her even by imagination!
Out of three Koodaas (Portions), the first one is called Prathama Koodam and that is established out of "Klim" Bhijaksharam. She is an absolute, highly secretive nature yet grant one the topmost Mukthi Padham called Kaivalyam. Only She can grant this and no other Gods or Goddess. All other Gods and Godly personalities (that include all Pravachakaas and Gurus) can only guide the seeker to achieve such Mukthi Padham but not possible to grant.
She is the only God for all the 33 crores (333 Million) of Devas. Mainly 33 Devas and each Deva have 1 crore Deva Ganas (10 Million Deva Ganas for each) equal 333 million Devas. 8 Digpalakas, 11 Rudras, 12 Adhithyas and 2 Aswni Kumaras = 33. {Please note Asuraas are 66 crores). She created the first sound waves called Pranava Manthram, that consists of A-U-M or H-R-E. Please note this Pravam is being produced from the churning/moving (rotation speed) our Earth and other planets/stars etc within the Galaxy and She (Primordial Energy-Moola Prakruthi-ParaSakthi) is the one who supplying Sakthi (fuel) to these objects to rotate.
She is also known as Uma (Siva calls her dearly). That Naama stands for U=Siva Vachakam and M=Lakshmi Vachakam. Another approach, U=Uthpathi (Srushti/Creation) and M=Maranam (End/Withdrawal). She wants to be a part of the human race so that she can solve their problems and guide them the method for salvation, so She selected Himavan as her father.
To be continued ...
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Om Namasivaya Nama:
Chapter 13 - Vibhudhi Visthara Marga Bhedha Samarasyam (Continued)
Naama Manthram: 533-988 (455 Mantras)
Vasinyadhi Vaag Devis' further narrated divine mother's involvement with Her creation. She is the Mother and Goddess for even Brahma, Vishnu & Rudras. She gives meaning to all types of Sasthraas and Easwari for all Thidhis which measure the day and night length. All Gods and Devas and known for their effulgence (Chaithanyam) or aura, She is the one who gave this Aura (Kala) effects to Gods based on their eligibility, karma and duties. Very important celestial personalities are Brahma (10), Vishnu (10), Rudra (10), Maheswara (4) and Sadhasiva (16) = 50 Kalas, as well Soorya (12), Chandran (16) and Agni (10) = 38 Kalas, and for Humans to achieve 64 Kalas. Upon achieving these Kalas one gets most purified, expert and portion of the great effulgence. In Sri Madh Bhagawathan, Sri Krishna achieved all these 64 Arts (Kalas) in 64 days itself from great Sage Sandhipani Rishi.
She is being served by Goddess Lakshmi and Saraswathi from the right and left side (indicating that the Kriya Sakthi should have the support of Gnaana and Ichha Sakthis). In other words, a true devotee's good work is always praised by well educated and wealthy people as well the Gods.
She is the first and primordial energy (Life Force) for everything that is creation, sustains and withdrawal, She became everything from Life (Energy), Body (Matter) and Decay. She created the innumerable amount of Brahmadas (Milkyway-Galaxies) from Bhuvanams (224 Bhuvanams exists). One Brahmandam consists innumerable amount of Solar systems. It is so difficult for ordinary people to realize Her even by imagination!
Out of three Koodaas (Portions), the first one is called Prathama Koodam and that is established out of "Klim" Bhijaksharam. She is an absolute, highly secretive nature yet grant one the topmost Mukthi Padham called Kaivalyam. Only She can grant this and no other Gods or Goddess. All other Gods and Godly personalities (that include all Pravachakaas and Gurus) can only guide the seeker to achieve such Mukthi Padham but not possible to grant.
She is the only God for all the 33 crores (333 Million) of Devas. Mainly 33 Devas and each Deva have 1 crore Deva Ganas (10 Million Deva Ganas for each) equal 333 million Devas. 8 Digpalakas, 11 Rudras, 12 Adhithyas and 2 Aswni Kumaras = 33. {Please note Asuraas are 66 crores). She created the first sound waves called Pranava Manthram, that consists of A-U-M or H-R-E. Please note this Pravam is being produced from the churning/moving (rotation speed) our Earth and other planets/stars etc within the Galaxy and She (Primordial Energy-Moola Prakruthi-ParaSakthi) is the one who supplying Sakthi (fuel) to these objects to rotate.
She is also known as Uma (Siva calls her dearly). That Naama stands for U=Siva Vachakam and M=Lakshmi Vachakam. Another approach, U=Uthpathi (Srushti/Creation) and M=Maranam (End/Withdrawal). She wants to be a part of the human race so that she can solve their problems and guide them the method for salvation, so She selected Himavan as her father.
To be continued ...
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