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R V Venkiteswaran (Venky)
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Saturday, November 10, 2018
Om Namasivaya Nama:
Chapter 13 - Vibhudhi Visthara Marga Bhedha Samarasyam (Continued)
Naama Manthram: 533-988 (455 Mantras)
Vasinyadhi Vaag Devis' further narrated divine mother's activities. She holds this Universe in her womb along with some precious Manthras that can full fill any amount of wishes. She is the one who destroys demons and their tricks to cheat devotees. She is also the Goddess of all Vedas, Ethihasa Puranaas and Manthras. Praising her is more valuable than anything in this universe.
She can be reached through rigorous Dhyanam (Meditation). Siva and Sakthi are one the same and no force can detach or divide them. She bestows Gnaanam (True Knowledge) to devotees. Gnaanam is 2 types; a) Gnaanam - "Brahma Sathyam Jagath Mithya" (Aathma alone is absolute truth and permanent) b) Agnaanam (Anaathma - The Knowlege or misunderstanding that the Body and this Prapancha is the truth). She is the element of Absolute True Knowledge (Kevala Brahman itself). She is spread across 1008+ Upanishads which is the juice of Vedas known as Upanishads.
Brahman has 3 revealed faces known as Sath-Chith-Anandam. Sath mean ever living truth, Chith means the conviction of the real truth and Anandam means sacred experience. She is the form of Sath and Ananda itself. Those who are following these principles or elements is realizing her presence in their life itself. Therefore, when a devotee meditates, he/she realizes these effects within him/her.
There are 14 Devi Upasikas who created "Pancha Dasakshari Vidhya", one among them is Lopa Mudhra who is also the consort of Sage Agasthya. According to Parasakthi, once a devotee realizes her truthfully then the devotee become part and parcel of Parasakthi herself, likewise, Lopa Mudhra herself is part of Parasakthi. She decides how many Brahmandas (Galaxies) to be created and control them since She is Moola-Prakruthi (Primary Source of everything).
To be continued...
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