Om Namasivaya Nama:
Chapter 13 - Vibhudhi Visthara Marga Bhedha Samarasyam (Continued)
Naama Manthram: 533-988 (455 Mantras)
Slokam 332-334
Vasinyaadi Vaag Devis praising the divine mother that She is being worshipped by the Yogis and valours of all ages known as "Veers". In the spiritual life, such valours are known as Upasakas who gave up unethical desires and passions, especially 6 obstacles that hinder the spiritual progress of human beings such as "Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Madha, Mathsaryaas". Such a pure devotees' assembly, as well as their deeds, are well received by divine mother and give them the courage to do Nishkaamya Karma (The one who does his duty without any expectations). In this Earth, everything is done by Maha Sakthi herself yet She does not claim credits of the same, yet it is known as Nishkaamya Karma.
When the devotees worship her with pure heart, a sound wave will emerge from it and travel towards the centre of eyebrows (Aagnaa Chakram). From there, it has to travel by crossing 8 steps and reach to Brahma Yanthram also known as Sahasraara Padhmam. The head of that sound wave is "EIM"... Those steps are known as Ardhachandra, Rodhini, Naadha, Naadhaantha, Sakthi, Vyaapaka, Samaana, and Unmana. In this sequence, the Naadha comes as 3rd. When you say Pranava Manthram AUM... and HRIM... the end note is EIM... (also known as Ardha Maathra) this EIM... will keep growing and growing until it merges with Parasakthi to disappear. This end note is called Naadam. This is also called "Raksha Maargam" for the Soul/Aathma/Jeeva to escape from Samsaram and reach out to Parasakthi Nilayam.
Vignaanam means Science or Art. Here the Art is nothing but the Science of Technique to reach Brahma Padham or Realize Absolute Truth. This Art (Vidhya) has 14 approaches just like Sri Lalitha Sahasranaamam having 14 Chapters. She helps the devotees to be a master of these 14 Arts and make him/her doctorate in the subject called Bhrama Upasana. She acts as God as well as Teacher to genuine devotees. She uses all types of tactics to make her devotees escape from transmigration system and that are adorable as well as praisable. She is limitless at the same time as simple as a Dot. When devotees place a Tilt or Dot on their forehead or the Centre of Eyebrows (Bru-Madhya / Aagna Chakra), She sits on that Dot without any formal invitation is being given to her, why because She is simple as well as compassionate towards human beings. According to the divine system, She resides in the Centre of Sri Chakram as a Bindhu Roopam (Dot). This Sri Chakram is designed with multiple Triangles (Thrikonas) and a model is imbibed in the human body itself. That centre point is located between our Eyebrows known as Sarvanandhamaya Chakram or Aagna Chakram. Please note this Universe itself a model of Sri Chakram.
She is and the mother of all Thathvas (Self Sustaining Power). Thathvam means the power that exists from the beginning of creation until the dissolution and thereafter. There are 36 Thathvas according to Saaktha Philosophy (Siddhantham) and 24 according to Siva Philosophy (Siddhantham). Easwara himself says She is beyond all Thathvas, even his existence is because of Her existence. She is the one who gives meaning and action power to all Thathvas. Therefore, She is Brahma Thathvam itself which has three Thathva Attributes viz: Sath-Chith-Ananda. Tthath means Siva (Paramathma) and Tthwam mean You (Soul/Jeeva), our Divine Mother plays the role of joining them together hence She is "Thathvam", just like Father-Mother-Child relationship. She also reminds and convinces the Thapaswi (Practicing devotee) that You and Me are one and the same but due to the ignorance and illusion (Maaya), you are unable to identify and develop the relationships between both of us. Upon realizing or conquering these 36 Thathvas, the Upasak (Soul) will attain Sivahood which is the 36th Thathva. If he/she stays in the same state (Samadhi) then he/she will be enjoying a statehood called "Asam-Pragna Samadhi", if he/she can go beyond Siva Thathva then the attainment of "Sam-Pragna Samadhi" is granted (This status is also known as Chinmayi).
Those 36 Thathvas are 5 Boothas, 5 Thanmathras, 5 Karmedriyas, 5 Ghnaanedriyas, 1 Prakruthi, 1 Ahamkara, 1 Bhudhi, 1 Manas, 7 Vidhya/Chitha Thathvas (Maya, Kala, Avidhya, Raaga, Kaala, Niyathi, Purusha), 5 Siva Thathvas (Siva, Sakthi, Sadhasiva, Easwara, Sidha-Vidhya).
She also guides the devotees to realize her through 6 important Devi Upanasana Reethis viz: Varnam, Padham, Manthram, Kalaa, Thathvam and Bhuvana.
To be continued...
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