Om Namasivaya Nama:
Chapter 13 - Vibhudhi Visthara Marga Bhedha Samarasyam (Continued)
Naama Manthram: 533-988 (455 Mantras)
Slokam 354-359
Vasinyaadi Vaagdevis concluding this Chapter by praising the divine mother that She showed us obedience and motherly compassion. Giving us lots of hopes as well as a simple approach to know Her more.
She is very much happy when Suvasinis (married women who consider their husband is as good as God) does Pooja for her and bless them to have a pure heart so that their presence itself will give prosperity in the family.
By meditating on Her, just offering a Dot (Bindhu) in our forehead (especially between eyebrows) alone is enough to get her blessings. SriChakram's (Cosmic divine diagram) activation takes place only when the Bindhu is placed in the name of Kameswaran (Her divine consort). She was born first even before the design of creation. She is the primordial cause for all divine, demons, humans and other beings. Except her, for all other beings to be active there has to be Thriguna Sidhanth (Sathwa-Rajas-Thamas) in place, therefore She created three worlds (Bhoo=Earth, Bhuva=Space and Suva=Paradise) and Triangle concepts that gave way for the Srushti of Vaama-Jyeshta-Raudri Sakthis. Thereafter, Icha-Ghnaana-Kriya, Brahmi-Vaishnavi-Rudrani have created. Accordingly, their Sthoola Brahmadis formed known as Brahma-Vishnu-Rudran. Out of nine Chakreswaris Thripurambika is the ruler of 8th Chakra Mandalam. All Aathma Saktis's Aathma is called "Kundalini" and Paramatma's Aathma Sakthi is known as Thripurasundari. This mantra reveals that even Paramatma (Sivan) has it's own Aathma Sakthi who is none other than Parasakthi.
She is very fond of Thanthrik way of worship, this system gave birth to Navaavarana Pooja and Sri Vidhya Upasana Pooja. In this Pooja system, 10 Mudras are shown to her to get her blessings quickly. Those Mudras are known as 1. Sarva Samkshobinni, 2. Dhraavana, 3. Aakarshana, 4. Vasya, 5. Unmadhana, 6. Mahaamkusa, 7. Khechari, 8. Bheeja, 9. Yoni and 10. Thrikhanda.
She is also worshipped and praised by the 5th Sarvarthasadhaka Chakreswari known as Tripura Sri Devi.
Another important Mudra is Ghnaana Mudra which is popular among all. The concept of Ghnaana Mudra is that eventually, the Jeevathma (Vyashti) represented by Index finger when union with Paramatma (Samashti) represented by Thumb finger the Ghnaana Mudra get formed. The inner meaning that Jeevaathma's journey ends the minute it merges with Paramatma. That's it. Once this gross and subtle union takes place there is only silence exists. Humans can realize God only through Ghnaanam there is no other way. In fact, every action (Karma Yoga or Bhakti Yoga) will give us only experience that is Ghnaanam which is the Mokham (liberation) too.
Another important Mudra is the Yoni Mudra. She is the cause and mother for all beings to take the form (birth). Mooladharam, Manipoorakam and Brahmarandram are the superpower chakras and She supervises these Chakras to be prudent so that the Saadhak (devotee) can overcome to Thriguna Dosha and attain Liberation. She resides in every Thrikona (Triangles) as indivisible Siva and Sakthi Swaroop (i.e. She dwell in every Atom as Lifetron. As we know the components of Atom is Protons, Neutrons and Electrons, but to make them act there is positive energy needed, that positive energy is ignited energy is on when Lifetron exists in them. This means without Lifetron there is no use of any Atoms).
She and her activities are filled with Athbhutha (Supernatural and Wonderful). Whatever her devotees ask for She lavishly give them according to their deserving status. Even the whole universal scholars narrate her stories, still, there will be a shortage in explanation.
Summary: Praising divine mother's glories alone will enhance our true knowledge of Aathma Thathwam. This is lead to Liberation by itself.
To be continued...
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