Narada Bakthi Suthram - Chapter 01 - Para Bhathi Swaroopam:
Sutram 20:
Asthyevamevam = Such types of examples exist to know the Bakthi Yogam. Especially those Pooja, Kadha Sravanam, Aathma Dhyanam and Total surrendering to personal God.
To enrich the Bakthi in a person, one should adopt and follow these super divine qualities such as Swadharmanushtanam along with Sradha, Himsa-Mukta Pooja (Not to harm any being on account of doing Pooja), Touching and seeing the God in his/her various forms, Seeing God's presence in every being, be brave, determination, Respecting elders and devotees, Showing compassion towards poor and needy, Friendship with other devotees, strictly and slowly detach from sensual pleasure-giving activities, Practicing meditation, chanting God's glories, Showing interest in learning about the true knowledge, having wise people company, Self-less and Ego free lifestyle can easily take the aspirant's soul to God.
The best example sighted by Sage Narada was Vrindavan Gopis who could reach God even without having the knowledge of Vedas, Sastras, proper Guru or even Thapass (Penance). The medium they followed was sheer innocent Bakthi. Wow! what an easy formula to realize God within and outside.
Sutram 21:
Yadha Vraja GopikAnAm!
Yadha = How and whichever way, Vraja = Residents of Vrindavan / Gokulam, GopikAnAm = Gopis.
Meaning: Sage Narada considered the Vraja Gopis are the apt example for the Para Bakthi because they gave up everything for the sake of Sri Krishna and did total surrendering to him. They are the embodiment of "Sheer Innocent Bakthi".
Udhava says that he salutes wholeheartedly the Charanaas (feet of) Vraja Gopis because they are so pure and unmatchable devotion towards Lord Krishna).
Sutram 22:
ThathrApi Na MAhAthmya GhnAna-Vismruthyapa-VAdha:!
ThathrApi = Even there, Mahathmyaghn, MAhAthmya GhnAna-Vismruthyapa-VAdha: = Can't say there is a blemish for sighting Gopis as the best example since they approached Sri Krishna without the recognition of divine glory.
Meaning: Some may ask is it wise to refer Gopis are the right example for Para Bakthi? Did not they approach Krishna to quench their sensual pleasure? In fact, this question was raised by Parikshith Maharaja himself who is considered to be one of the supreme devotees of Lord Vishnu.
According to Sage Narada, even if they approached Krishna in that manner, still they would achieve liberation (Moksha). An example is referred here is that whether knowingly or unknowingly if you touch the fire won't it burn your skin? likewise, whichever medium it is, as long as once a person established his relationship with God, eventually, his/her final destination is the abode of God only. Moreover, Narada explained to re-confirm that though they initially, may be attracted by Krishna's charming nature, but after knowing him in deep, they lost their sensual mindset and got converted to the pure ocean of divine consciousness. This is the reality even in today's life.
In the end, Gopis made only one request to Krishna that please give us a seat in your lotus feet not his full body or heart where his permanent companion Sri Maha Lakshmi (Rukmini) resides.
Sutram 23:
Thadh VihEnam JArAnAmiva!
Thadh = That extraordinary divineness, VihEnam = without, JArAnAmiva = The love shown to adultereres.
Meaning: If that divineness was laking in them, then they would have shown the love of a Kulada (Prostitute) showing her untrue love and affection towards her temporary sexual partner (Adulterers). Whereas the divine love of Gopis and permanent nature of their affection shown to Krishna indicating that their love for Krishna was even more than their life itself.
Sutram 24:
NAsthyeva Thasmin Thath Sukha Sukhithvam!
NAsthyeva = Never, Thasmin = In that, Thath Sukha Sukhithvam = Happiness in others joy.
Meaning: There is no exchange of joy or happiness between them because both of them are very subjective involvement when both achieve what they want then their relationship ends.
Lord Krishna said to Gopis that, you were so divine now and you broke all the hurdles and obstacles that normally one would face in their journey of spiritual life. Therefore, you are in me and I am in you (Merger of JEvAthma and ParamAthma). I would like to grant you a reward. Your divine activities will remain the rewards of the activity itself (Sukrutham). Because, in reality, I won't be able to reciprocate even if I had one Ayus of Devas (approximately 12.96 million years / 12 crores 96 lakhs of human years) for the unafflicted love and affection you have shown to me. You are greater than the greatest! Hereafter I will be your life energy (PrAn) and all of you are in Me. The Upanishads reminds us that "The basis and ultimate abode of every innocent divine love (Prema) is the realization of Soul (Aathma) which Aanantha Swaroopa (the ocean of happiness).
First Chapter (AdhyAya) completed here.
Sivoham...To be continued...
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