Om Namasivaya Nama:
This is a question often raised by nonbelievers of the Hindu concept of life. Let me explain in a simple way. As we all know Hindu Gods are highly compassionate toward all living beings irrespective of their mortal body and their activities. Gods have given full freedom to all creatures. Almost, every being listen to that supreme call except the superiority complex-covered humans! Yet, due to God's patience and tolerance, we are continuing our life to some extent of our own will. Thank God.
I could realize some key points which I would like to list down:
1. Bharatheeya Samsakarm (civilization) is time immemorial as well as its understanding of God and Goddess.
2. Since the beginning of the human race, humans identified few animals as domestic and few are wild forests. Whereas the Gods were compassionate towards humans and those animals who trouble them were defeated or articulated as God's vehicles. We know before us as well as along with us there were Asuraas & Rakshasas (Super powerful beings, demons, goblins, etc) and they have the ability to change their body from one to another especially animals to scare and trouble humans due to their Bad Karma.
3. To Set an example or a message to the whole universe that all Animals have the right to live in their own freedom and uphold their Dharmic activities. No one should trouble them unless they become intolerable or fearful. If you trouble such animals then God will get angry and you should face the wrath of God. Besides this, it is as good as shaming God by troubling their vehicles (Vaahan).
4. Animal rights protection.
5. Those who are spiritually enlightened (applicable to humans and Gods too) will be able to attract even the cruelest animals as slaves.
6. According to Sanathana Dharma, every being is getting its mortal body only due to their past Karma. Therefore, getting birth as animals are part of this system. However, the Jeevathma (soul) is pure in its initial stage, but after getting a good life, sometimes due to its ego and Prarabha Karma Deeds, the Jeevathma gets spoiled with sinful blemishes and dust. This will lead the Jeevathma to enter into a cruel animal form whereby humans and other animals will hunt and kill them as punishment for their unholy actions. This process will continue for a few births. Thereafter one day a specific God will show mercy on those animals and give them a place to be with God itself as servants. This act of God is indicating that the merciful God does not ignore even the animals and gives them a chance to be proud of their animal form. Whenever we worship God or Goddess we do give respect to its Vahan too.
7. Animals' legs and skin are very strong and protective. Therefore, making them their vehicles is a far better choice than any other type. Each God who selected or considered a particular animal as their vehicle will coincide with their specialization. As we all know in the Hindu way of life every God is responsible for a particular job or blessing accordingly they have chosen the right animal.
8. Human nature is that they nurture and make use of them (animals). Once the job is done or they become redundant they will kill and eat. Just like a use-and-throw concept. Ideally, humans are more mature and well-mannered beings in their social life, hence men should show mercy to them, but unfortunately, human's craze for eating meat become crueler than animal tendencies. However, no God does this kind of demonic activity. Therefore, Gods want to be models for humans to learn and live in harmony.
9. Gods always won the animal characteristics and their strength. Gods can make any beings their servants. I consider the Animal characteristics are subtle (Sookshma) then the Animals are gross (Sthoola) casual bodies.
10. Every animal is important in this ecosystem, especially for humans to survive. Animals' discharges (dung, urine, etc...) help in cultivating fertile soil and sweet water in the forests. It has the capability to remove salt from hard water to sweet water and many other facilities. If no animals are on this earth means the human race will vanish in no time. That is why God created every being systematically one after the other and one serves the other and one prays for the other! We all know we have only a few percentages (3%) of sweet water on this Earth. Preservation of Animals is very important for our own survival. Hence please show mercy to Animals. Unless they attack us we should not attack them. Please note side effects of the desalination water process is more harmful than the natural process. Please be part of nature. Humans are not supposed to eat meat. Their teeth and digestive systems are not designed for that. Our food is pure vegetables and grains only. Due to wrong propagation by some vested interested people are putting precious human life in trouble. This Earth is for all not humans alone.
11. Animals and birds are senior to us. God created all creatures before us so that humans can live comfortably on this Earth. According to Sanathana Dharma Sasthra, God stopped creating new beings when He finished manufacturing Humans. Humans are brainy, well-manned, and good-looking and act as per the instruction of the mind. Therefore, they are special to God. We need to keep this status and look good in front of our beloved Gods. We should not degrade ourselves before our divine parents. When humans started disrespecting animals, He thought of the idea to make a few animals as their vehicles so that humans will respect and stay away from disturbing them. I think God very carefully found this idea! God even took some incarnations are animals to earn respect for animals. Some examples are Lord Krishna and Cows, Datha-Threya and Dogs, and Jesus and Goats. Lord Maha Vishnu took Avatar of fish, tortoises, boar, half lion half man, horse, etc...
12. Some Gods and Goddesses used these animals as their Vehicle (Vahan).
1. Soorya (Sun God) = Horses, 2. Agni (Fire God) = RAM, 3. Brahma (Creator) = Swan, 4. Durga = Lion, 5. Ganapathy = Mouse, 6. Indra = Elephant, 7. Karthigeyan = Peacoke, 8. Mahalakshmi = Owl, 9. Sarawathy = Swan, 10. Yamuna Devi = Tortoise, 11. Sani = Crow, 12. Shashti Devi = Cat, 13. Sithila Devi = Donkey, 14. Vishnu = Eagle (Garuda), 15. Yama = Male Buffalo, 16. Lord Ayyappan = Tiger, Elephant, and Horse, 17. Vaayu Deva = Horse, 18. Varuna Deva = Crocodile, 19. Bhairava = Dog, 20. Chandra = Deer, 21. Rahu = Tiger. The list is very big, therefore I would like to stop here.
===== subham =======
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