Om Namasivaya Nama:
Sloka 122:
Not-Self / Anaathma - Description:
Basically everything that constitute in this universe is Anaathma / Not-Self. Namely, The body, sense organs, Prana (Life energy), mind and ego and its modifications/changes etc,,Sense objects and organs and its pleasures etc.., the gross elements such as Pancha Boothas (ether, air, fire, water & earth), and the whole universe upto the Un-manifest, these constitute the Not-Self (Anaathma). In other words everything what we see and touch are Anathma
Sloka 123:
Everything is due to the effect of Maya (Avidya/Ignorance), from Mahat down to the gross body. Please note these as well the Maya itself not Self therefore these are un-real just like the mirage-water in the desert. We simply imagine due to illusion without the absolute understanding of real and truth. Therefore to know the Reality one must reject all un-real in other words Anaathman (Not-Self).
Sloka 124:
The Self (Athman) and its Nature:
Now Acharya says, i will tell you the Athman (The Supreme Self), knowing this. man will be freed from the bondage or life cycles (personality) created by his own un-intelligent ideas and attain liberation (Kaivalya Mukthi - Un-afflicted witness-er / motionless observer) for ever.
Sloka 125:
I, is the changeless common factor or consciousness as Individuality in us. This I is everywhere mainly the three states of consciousness such as waking, dream and deep sleep and also beyond the control of subtle 5 sheaths (Kosas - Annamaya/Food, Pranamaya/Vital-Air, Manomaya/Mind, Vignaanamaya/Intellectual and Anandamaya/Bliss). I is the one which is experiencing everything whichever stage the body is.Something that exists in the name of "Absolute Entity" The reason for the existence of eternal substratum is for the very awareness of the Ego, It is the witness of three states and it is distinct from the 5 Sheaths. However, these 3 states and 5 sheaths too are blocking or hindering us from realizing that Chaithanyam (Supreme Self).
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R V Venkiteswaran (Venky)
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R V Venkiteswaran (Venky)
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Saturday, November 22, 2014
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Om Namasivaya nama:
Karana Sarira (Casual Body): Discribed:
Sloka 120:
This Unmanifest is the combination of all Three-Gunas is the Casual body of the every individual and its special state is "Deep Sleep" where the functions of mind-intellect and sense organs all completely disconnected and no particular functions exists. It is also known as Avidya. You should know that in this Sushupthi-stage one enjoys the non existence that is the ultimate peace...and soonya avastha.
Sloka 121:
The Mind remains in the form of subtle seed in this stage. Which is the stage of complete withdrawal from all kind of perceptions and imaginations, In fact the universal experience in this state is "I don't know anything" because i was non existent. This is the stage of complete ignorance and total non apprehensions is the Casual Body state.
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Karana Sarira (Casual Body): Discribed:
Sloka 120:
This Unmanifest is the combination of all Three-Gunas is the Casual body of the every individual and its special state is "Deep Sleep" where the functions of mind-intellect and sense organs all completely disconnected and no particular functions exists. It is also known as Avidya. You should know that in this Sushupthi-stage one enjoys the non existence that is the ultimate peace...and soonya avastha.
Sloka 121:
The Mind remains in the form of subtle seed in this stage. Which is the stage of complete withdrawal from all kind of perceptions and imaginations, In fact the universal experience in this state is "I don't know anything" because i was non existent. This is the stage of complete ignorance and total non apprehensions is the Casual Body state.
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Saturday, November 8, 2014
Om Namasivaya nama:
Sathwa Guna - Nature and its effects:
Sloka 117:
Sathwa Guna (Absolute Pure Quality) is explained in 2 stages by Acharya. He says, Pure Satwa is like a crystal clear water however, when it mixed with Rajas and Thamas qualities it produce the transmigration effect. But when the light of Self (Athma Bodham) get reflected in Sathwa Guna alone we get to see the real matter just like when the sun light touches the matter that reveals the properties of the world. In other words every one have these three qualities viz: Sathwa, Rajas & Thamas however the Athma bodham should kindle only the Sathwa quality then he/she will be illuminated just like Self.
Sloka 118:
In this sloka Acharya says, even the mixed Sathwa have some important eight good qualities such as : Athmabhhi-maana / Amanithaa (Pride less / ego less attitude), Niyama (Rules for practice - Neatness, Happiness, Penance, Self study and faith in God), Yama (Regulation - Non violence, Truthful, Renunciation, Celibacy and lack of interest in accumulating wealth) , Sradha (eagerness and concentration towards Master's advice and faith in Sasthraas), Bhakthi (Devotion), Mumukshuthwam (Yearning for liberation), Dhaiva-sampathi (Divine tendencies) and Asannavruthi (Natural turning away from everything unreal). Any one who practice these qualities being possessed with better Sathwa than the normal person who is maximum afflicted with Rajas and Thamas.
Sloka 119;
Here the Pure Sathwa is being explained. Some of the top class good qualities are its merit. They are - Santhosha (Cheerfulness, Happiness), Swaathmaanu-bhoothi (Experience of one's own Self), Kavalya Santhi (Ultimate peace of mind), Poorna Samthrupthi (Contentment), Anandha (Bliss and Paramaathmanu-bhoothi (Constant devotion to the Supreme Self / Non apprehension of Reality), by being practiced or witnessed by these qualities a person comes to enjoy the ultimate and ever lasting bliss.
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Sathwa Guna - Nature and its effects:
Sloka 117:
Sathwa Guna (Absolute Pure Quality) is explained in 2 stages by Acharya. He says, Pure Satwa is like a crystal clear water however, when it mixed with Rajas and Thamas qualities it produce the transmigration effect. But when the light of Self (Athma Bodham) get reflected in Sathwa Guna alone we get to see the real matter just like when the sun light touches the matter that reveals the properties of the world. In other words every one have these three qualities viz: Sathwa, Rajas & Thamas however the Athma bodham should kindle only the Sathwa quality then he/she will be illuminated just like Self.
Sloka 118:
In this sloka Acharya says, even the mixed Sathwa have some important eight good qualities such as : Athmabhhi-maana / Amanithaa (Pride less / ego less attitude), Niyama (Rules for practice - Neatness, Happiness, Penance, Self study and faith in God), Yama (Regulation - Non violence, Truthful, Renunciation, Celibacy and lack of interest in accumulating wealth) , Sradha (eagerness and concentration towards Master's advice and faith in Sasthraas), Bhakthi (Devotion), Mumukshuthwam (Yearning for liberation), Dhaiva-sampathi (Divine tendencies) and Asannavruthi (Natural turning away from everything unreal). Any one who practice these qualities being possessed with better Sathwa than the normal person who is maximum afflicted with Rajas and Thamas.
Sloka 119;
Here the Pure Sathwa is being explained. Some of the top class good qualities are its merit. They are - Santhosha (Cheerfulness, Happiness), Swaathmaanu-bhoothi (Experience of one's own Self), Kavalya Santhi (Ultimate peace of mind), Poorna Samthrupthi (Contentment), Anandha (Bliss and Paramaathmanu-bhoothi (Constant devotion to the Supreme Self / Non apprehension of Reality), by being practiced or witnessed by these qualities a person comes to enjoy the ultimate and ever lasting bliss.
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Saturday, November 1, 2014
Om Namasivaya nama:
Thamo Guna Continued....
Sloka 114:
Even the wise and learned, proficient in the vision of the highest subtle meaning of the scriptures are over powered by the Thamo Guna/Effects and difficult comprehend the truth, even though it is explicitly explained in detail. Even such learned one will be trapped due to its veil power (Avarana Sakthi) and consider as truth what is simply superimposed by delusion and get into the attachment issues and get stuck. This is the super power of the Thamas (veil). Therefore, even after possessing all superior achievements in life it is difficult to over the Thamo Guna, may be, if one possess the highest level of "Discrimination" power can make some change to it, whereas others don't even go near to free themselves from this Avarana Sakthi.
Sloka 115:
Thamo power is connecting with us through these four important strings/actions viz; Abavana, Vipareetha-Bhavana, Asambavana and Viprathipathi. The effects of them are : Absence of right judgement (Abaavana), Contrary judgement (Vipareetha Bhavana), Lack of belief (Asambavana) and Doubts (Viprathipathi). It is very difficult for any one to conquer the effects of these and come out clean. These effects follow through Vikhepasathi of Rajoguna to Avarana sakthi of Thamo Guna and control the entire universe and its living beings. This gives endless pain and sorrows to the body and life whereas realization of Athma or its vichara (seeking) alone gives nithya ananda (ever blissfulness).
Sloka 116:
In this sloka, Acharya gives the 6 attributes of Thamo Guna viz: Agnaanam (Ignorance), Aalasyam (Laziness), Jadathwam (Dullness), Nidra (Sleep), Pramadham (Inadvertance/Carelessness), Moodathwam (Foolishness/Stupidity etc). One is in the influence of these cannot comprehend anything not only that one remains like asleep always or block of stone or stump of wood or like an Idol. So, those who posses these qualities are under the influence of Thamo Guna. Be careful and make efforts to over come these even though it is very difficult.
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Thamo Guna Continued....
Sloka 114:
Even the wise and learned, proficient in the vision of the highest subtle meaning of the scriptures are over powered by the Thamo Guna/Effects and difficult comprehend the truth, even though it is explicitly explained in detail. Even such learned one will be trapped due to its veil power (Avarana Sakthi) and consider as truth what is simply superimposed by delusion and get into the attachment issues and get stuck. This is the super power of the Thamas (veil). Therefore, even after possessing all superior achievements in life it is difficult to over the Thamo Guna, may be, if one possess the highest level of "Discrimination" power can make some change to it, whereas others don't even go near to free themselves from this Avarana Sakthi.
Sloka 115:
Thamo power is connecting with us through these four important strings/actions viz; Abavana, Vipareetha-Bhavana, Asambavana and Viprathipathi. The effects of them are : Absence of right judgement (Abaavana), Contrary judgement (Vipareetha Bhavana), Lack of belief (Asambavana) and Doubts (Viprathipathi). It is very difficult for any one to conquer the effects of these and come out clean. These effects follow through Vikhepasathi of Rajoguna to Avarana sakthi of Thamo Guna and control the entire universe and its living beings. This gives endless pain and sorrows to the body and life whereas realization of Athma or its vichara (seeking) alone gives nithya ananda (ever blissfulness).
Sloka 116:
In this sloka, Acharya gives the 6 attributes of Thamo Guna viz: Agnaanam (Ignorance), Aalasyam (Laziness), Jadathwam (Dullness), Nidra (Sleep), Pramadham (Inadvertance/Carelessness), Moodathwam (Foolishness/Stupidity etc). One is in the influence of these cannot comprehend anything not only that one remains like asleep always or block of stone or stump of wood or like an Idol. So, those who posses these qualities are under the influence of Thamo Guna. Be careful and make efforts to over come these even though it is very difficult.
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