Om Namasivaya Nama:
The Bondage explained: A true picture:
Sloka 137 - God alone is Athma (Self) rest all Anaathma (not-Self) especially the bodies of beings. Bondage will make the Jeeva to repeat life cycles and ignorance is the main cause for bondage.
Sloka 138 - False notion is dangerous. Mistaking the not-Self for the Self (un-real as real). Therefore, true discrimination a must to progress further in spiritual life.
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R V Venkiteswaran (Venky)
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Saturday, December 27, 2014
Saturday, December 20, 2014
Om Namasivaya Nama:
Sloka 136:
Self and Mind Control to realize Paramathma Chaithanyam:
With a regulated mind and a purified intellect (Budhi), one should realize the Self while in this body (before death of the body). Acharya says, one should identify yourself with it because That is what you are!. This will help you in crossing the shore-less ocean of birth and death cycle (Samsara). Such birth and deaths are considered as waves of the ocean. Be blessed by getting established firmly with Brahman because that is what your own essence. Controlled mind means purified intellects (Sudha Sathwam, not general Sathwa). As we know the quadruple principle viz Mana, Budhi, Ahankara and Chitham supplement each other to function day to day life, in reality they are one and the same. One can control or regulate the mind by doing Upasana and Meditation. First to start with Upasana and then practice Meditation is the easy way of establish knowledge of Brahman.
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Sloka 136:
Self and Mind Control to realize Paramathma Chaithanyam:
With a regulated mind and a purified intellect (Budhi), one should realize the Self while in this body (before death of the body). Acharya says, one should identify yourself with it because That is what you are!. This will help you in crossing the shore-less ocean of birth and death cycle (Samsara). Such birth and deaths are considered as waves of the ocean. Be blessed by getting established firmly with Brahman because that is what your own essence. Controlled mind means purified intellects (Sudha Sathwam, not general Sathwa). As we know the quadruple principle viz Mana, Budhi, Ahankara and Chitham supplement each other to function day to day life, in reality they are one and the same. One can control or regulate the mind by doing Upasana and Meditation. First to start with Upasana and then practice Meditation is the easy way of establish knowledge of Brahman.
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Saturday, December 13, 2014
Om Namasivaya Nama:
Sloka 130:
Know that, because of the presence of this Supreme Self in us, everything includes the Ego, the Body, the Sense Objects, and their pleasures etc are known to us as clearly as Jar. The experience and experiences are illuminated due to the presence of I, the Self. The is the nature of the eternal knowledge.
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Sloka 130:
Know that, because of the presence of this Supreme Self in us, everything includes the Ego, the Body, the Sense Objects, and their pleasures etc are known to us as clearly as Jar. The experience and experiences are illuminated due to the presence of I, the Self. The is the nature of the eternal knowledge.
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Om Namasivaya Nama:
Sloka 131:
Know that, this great truth is the inner most Self / Athma. It is known as ancient Purusha who is revealed as constant infinite Bless which is the ever the same irrespective of time and place. It dwells in the subtle body at the same time ever pervading. It constantly get reflected / influenced in different stages of mental modifications and actions. This is the power which commands all Indriyas, Karanas and Pranaas to do their duty / functions without any personal effects on it.
Sloka 132:
Such a Supreme Self residing in this very body in a mind full of Satwa Guna; even though it exists every where but to name specifically it is shining in the secret cave/chamber (Hrudayakasa) of intellects such place is known as "Atmosphere of the Un-manifest". It has the captivating glory and shines like the Sun in the sky to illuminate entire universe. So with the help of Pure and Quite Mind one can search that Paramathma Chaithanyam within us!
Sloka 133:
The Self does not change nor act in the least irrespective of situations that is the beauty of the Self. The knower of the modifications of mind, ego and activities of body, sense organs and the Pranaas which apparently take their form like the fire ball of Iron changing its shape according due to heat. The fire has no shape but it appears as if it has. Another example Sun light has no shape but it appears to be having shape due to the device passing sun light through it. Therefore, the Consciousness illuminates the experiences of the mind but it is not involved in anything, it may appears to be involved, that is sheer ignorance as said by Acharya.
Sloka 134:
Such Athma, neither it is born nor does it dies, neither grow nor decay being eternal it does not undergo any change, Even when this body is destroyed it does not cease to exits. It is like the Space in the Jar that is broken. It is independent of the Jar. Space was existent whether there was a Jar or not however the shape of space was witnessed when the Jar was existent. The Self does not perish even if the body gets destroyed.''
Sloka 135:
Please note that the The Supreme Self is different from the Prakruthi and its modifications. Consciousness is the illuminator of all what we can see in the form of Gross or Subtle this universe.It is absolute and directly manifest the entire gross and subtle universe as the very essence of this steady sense of egoism. It manifest itself as the witness of Intellect, the determining faculty of human. Therefore this Paramathma / Consciousness always express itself as I, I, I but never get involved in the happenings around.
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Sloka 131:
Know that, this great truth is the inner most Self / Athma. It is known as ancient Purusha who is revealed as constant infinite Bless which is the ever the same irrespective of time and place. It dwells in the subtle body at the same time ever pervading. It constantly get reflected / influenced in different stages of mental modifications and actions. This is the power which commands all Indriyas, Karanas and Pranaas to do their duty / functions without any personal effects on it.
Sloka 132:
Such a Supreme Self residing in this very body in a mind full of Satwa Guna; even though it exists every where but to name specifically it is shining in the secret cave/chamber (Hrudayakasa) of intellects such place is known as "Atmosphere of the Un-manifest". It has the captivating glory and shines like the Sun in the sky to illuminate entire universe. So with the help of Pure and Quite Mind one can search that Paramathma Chaithanyam within us!
Sloka 133:
The Self does not change nor act in the least irrespective of situations that is the beauty of the Self. The knower of the modifications of mind, ego and activities of body, sense organs and the Pranaas which apparently take their form like the fire ball of Iron changing its shape according due to heat. The fire has no shape but it appears as if it has. Another example Sun light has no shape but it appears to be having shape due to the device passing sun light through it. Therefore, the Consciousness illuminates the experiences of the mind but it is not involved in anything, it may appears to be involved, that is sheer ignorance as said by Acharya.
Sloka 134:
Such Athma, neither it is born nor does it dies, neither grow nor decay being eternal it does not undergo any change, Even when this body is destroyed it does not cease to exits. It is like the Space in the Jar that is broken. It is independent of the Jar. Space was existent whether there was a Jar or not however the shape of space was witnessed when the Jar was existent. The Self does not perish even if the body gets destroyed.''
Sloka 135:
Please note that the The Supreme Self is different from the Prakruthi and its modifications. Consciousness is the illuminator of all what we can see in the form of Gross or Subtle this universe.It is absolute and directly manifest the entire gross and subtle universe as the very essence of this steady sense of egoism. It manifest itself as the witness of Intellect, the determining faculty of human. Therefore this Paramathma / Consciousness always express itself as I, I, I but never get involved in the happenings around.
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Monday, December 1, 2014
Om Namasivaya Nama:
Sloka 126:
That (Supreme Power / Absolute Brahman / Atman / Consciousness / Self) which knows everything that is happens during waking, dream and deep sleep states, That which knows the presence or absence of the Mind and its functions, That which is the essence behind ego and its functions, Be aware That is This Brahman.
Sloka 127:
That which sees everything but which no one can see. That which illuminate the intellect etc...but which they cannot illuminate That is This (the Brahman). One must know this, That consciousness cannot to known through any of these equipments. This world is illuminated with This power.
Sloka 128:
That by which this universe is pervaded, but which is not pervaded by anything, when it shines the entire universe shine due to its reflection, That is This Self. It is so close to us but we don't realize this and look for everywhere!
Sloka 129:
That by whose very presence makes everything work like a servant to his Master. The body, sense organs, mind and intellect performs its duty like a team of servant to the Master.The Om / The Atma is the factor that makes everything work! without this nothing exists.
Sloka 130:
That, because of which everything (ego, body, sense objects and its pleasures) comes to existence and known clearly as crystal, Because, this the this is the nature of Eternal Knowledge. This is the truth of truth.
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Sloka 126:
That (Supreme Power / Absolute Brahman / Atman / Consciousness / Self) which knows everything that is happens during waking, dream and deep sleep states, That which knows the presence or absence of the Mind and its functions, That which is the essence behind ego and its functions, Be aware That is This Brahman.
Sloka 127:
That which sees everything but which no one can see. That which illuminate the intellect etc...but which they cannot illuminate That is This (the Brahman). One must know this, That consciousness cannot to known through any of these equipments. This world is illuminated with This power.
Sloka 128:
That by which this universe is pervaded, but which is not pervaded by anything, when it shines the entire universe shine due to its reflection, That is This Self. It is so close to us but we don't realize this and look for everywhere!
Sloka 129:
That by whose very presence makes everything work like a servant to his Master. The body, sense organs, mind and intellect performs its duty like a team of servant to the Master.The Om / The Atma is the factor that makes everything work! without this nothing exists.
Sloka 130:
That, because of which everything (ego, body, sense objects and its pleasures) comes to existence and known clearly as crystal, Because, this the this is the nature of Eternal Knowledge. This is the truth of truth.
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