Om Namasivaya Nama:
Chapter 5 - Kundalini Roopam
Naama Manthram : 88 to 111 (24 Naamas)
In Sri Lalitha Sahasranaamam this Chapter consists 24 Mantras and these Mantras are like 24 Charat Gold pieces. Let us try to understand what divine mother is offering to us.
Why Mantra? The one who chants with full faith will protect him/her from all odds that are why it is called Mantra. Mantras can be chant in 3 ways viz Loudly, Lip Movement and in silently in Mind. Al note there is no difference between God and its name! Those who differentiate will be considered a sinner! because God is with and without (Naada Brahmam - Roopa Brahmam - AnaadaaaRoopa Brahmam).
In the previous chapters, we learned that divine mother revealed herself in 3 forms viz Sthoolam, Sookshmam & Param. In the Sookshma Roopam, it is further expanded as Pancha Dasa Akshara, Kama Kalaksharam and Kundalini Roopam. Now we will learn the importance of Kundalini Roopam.
Kundalini is the primordial force energy. This divine energy moves everything in this universe. In other words, everything in this universe is just a Jada Pretham (Siva) and the Jadam will move only with the help and blessings of Sakthi. She has shown special compassion towards mankind due to which every human being an learn, practice and achieves this Godhood. In fact, that is what She wants from us.
This Kundalini Sakthi resides in the Kula Kundam which is situated in Mooladhara Chakram having 4 petals. It is in coil form having a measurable size of three and a half and it is always in the sleep mode. Sadhak (Seeker/Practioner) must put efforts to raise it up and ascend towards the centre of head which is Sahasraara Pathmam. Once a devotee/seeker can achieve this he/she will become God and that is the end of everything I mean all unanswered queries will stop here. Entire ignorance will be wiped out in a fraction of that moment.
The quality and purity of Kundalini Sakthi are enjoyed by every being including animals and plants etc without partiality (God has to be impartial! otherwise what is God?). The main difference is its quality and durability. They are 3 ways. a) Pure Bhogam (Sexual act and achieving its climax) this is the lowest grade and stays the shortest duration of maximum 24 to 48 minutes (half or full Muhurtham. This practice is very common and every adult knows this without anyone's guidance or training.
The second approach is through Kundalini Yoga Abhyasa. The same energy was taken to Sahasraara Pathmam from Mooladharam through Sushumna Nadi escorted by Ida and Pingala Nadis. This act is more divine in nature and it stays from 48 to 180+ minutes.You need an accomplished Guru to achieve this joy. The seeker will get complete relief from Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Madha and Mathsarya who are the core and principle obstacles in achieving Godhood.
The third one is granted by God itself. The approach is Proksha Parama Bhakti Sadhana. In this case, God himself/herself will become our Guru. Duration of enjoyment is boundaryless. No limit, wow imagine God himself/herself selecting his/her disciple. This section is beyond the explanation of words. Pray...Pray....Pray.
Those who do not believe in God's presence in external objects can practice this method and realize God Paramathman by utilizing his/her own physical body being controlled by the inner energy.
The one (Energy) rule Kulam is Kundalini. Kulam also representing Earth, Aacharam, Kundalini, Sushumna and Sakthi.
To be continued in next Satsangh.
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