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R V Venkiteswaran (Venky)


Saturday, March 17, 2018


Om Namasivaya Nama:

Chapter 5 - Kundalini Roopam continues...

Three Upasana Sampradhaaya Parampara (Clan of worship) is mentioned in this chapter called Chakra Sangetham, Mantra Sangetham and Pooja Sangetham. Three worship constitution or an approach to knowing Her.

Her presence is mentioned in Thruputi (Triangle principles) forms viz: Maathru, Maana & Meyam, Pancha Dasakshari, Kama Kalaaksharam & Kundalini, and Gnana, Gnaathru & Gneyam (Knowledge, Knower and Known). A Sadhak has to overcome the power of 3 Granthis (Knot) known as Brahma (Rajo Guna), Vishnu (Sathwa) and Rudra (Thamo) controlling Mooladhara Chakra, Manipooraka Chakra and Aghnaa Chakram respectively.  Once the Kundalini crosses over these Chakra and reaches Sahasraara Chakram, the life (Sadhaka) will dive into Amrutha Samudhram; due to which that Amrutha (Nector) spread across the body and reach 72,000 nerves. At this stage, the Sadhak (Yogi or Practioner or Seeker) will attain the status of Moksha. In other words, no more duality or ignorance exists in him/her.

This Kundalini is also known as Kulam and Akulam (Underneath of outer and inner space of Sushmna Nerve). She is also worshipped in Gruha (House), Desam (City), Dheham (Body) and Vamsa (Clan) therefore known as Kaulini.

There are two types of Pooja (worship) mentioned her such as Kula Pooja (Bahyakasam = do pooja in the open sky itself example any outside Poojas) and Akula or Samaya Pooja (Antharaakasam of Heart = do pooja inside your body).

Siva and Sakthi are one and also they are equal in all their activities mainly Five important equality are mentioned here viz: Aadhara Chakras = Adhishtanam, Pancha Kruthyam = Anushtanam, Nrutham = Avastha, Naadha/Naama = Naama and Varna = Roopa Samyam.

Six important Charas illuminate in our inner body where the spinal code is situated. Each Chakra got the different number of petals (gateways).

Material Development Process (Anybody can do!)
1. Mooladharam = 4 Petals (Brahma Granthi) - Creation
2. Swadhishtanam = 6 Petals

Spiritual Development Process (Few can do!)
3. Manipoorakam = 10 Petals (Vishnu Ghanthi) - Sustain
4. Anahatham = 12 Petals

Divine Experience Realization (Very few can do!)
5. Visudhi = 16 Petals
6. Aagna = 2 Petals (Rudra Granthi) - Withdrawal

Divinity Itself (Only Divine can do!)
7. Sahasranam = 1000+ Petals (Actually innumerable)

Total 50 Petals (All these Petals signify a specific Mathra / Syllables). Every language or sound produced by each and every individual is within these syllables only. Therefore, every sound of ours are actually divine but we created our own negative meaning for it and got confused within that atmosphere, accordingly our mind get impurified.

Raising Kundalini and doing Samaya Pooja is an excellent divine experience. Ideally, a practising Guru is needed to guide.

Summary: One can realize divinity and achieve liberation through Kundalini Yoga Practice. 


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