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R V Venkiteswaran (Venky)
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R V Venkiteswaran (Venky)
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Friday, September 28, 2018
Om Namasivaya Nama:
Chapter 13 - Vibhudhi Visthara Marga Bhedha Samarasyam (Continued)
Naama Manthram: 533-988 (455 Mantras)
As advised by Vasinyaadhi Vagdevis earlier, there are 2 types of diseases occur in human bodies either to Dhravya Sareeram by Sakthi Moolakam, Mana Sareeram by Siva Moolakam and the Manthra Sareeram (Parasakthi Moolakam) always devoid of any type of diseases. Therefore, chanting Sri Devi's name and adoring Her Vibhoothi (Kind and Non-Kind) in the name of Naamam will protect a devotee from disease as well Mruthyu. Here the significance of Mruthyu means those who take birth has to die, whereas by the grace of Parasakthi He/She will not take birth any more, therefore, no more death fear!. All we need to do is chanting Her glorious holy names.
In the Kali Era, it is easy to do great sins due to circumstances and Vaasanaas. For the survival, it is not possible to stay away from committing sins, but do anything and everything in the name of God so that less situation will arise to commit sins because She is everything including Pancha Bhoothaas, therefore, She is known as Karthyayani Devi. She consumes Thamboolam along with 8 Moolikaas to indicate that She is a Sumangali and Her consort Siva on her side to bless all human beings. Only devotees can realize and experience the blessings whereas the other people can't realize because they have not developed a relationship with the divine mother. She is always the symbol of satisfaction hence those who meditate on Her, the meditator can get Her DNA that develops through our own Hormones. God and Devotees are linked only through Innocent Bhakti which everyone must practice and achieve.
To be continued...
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Saturday, September 22, 2018
Om Namasivaya Nama:
Chapter 13 - Vibhudhi Visthara Marga Bhedha Samarasyam (Continued)
Naama Manthram: 533-988 (455 Mantras)
In fact, this Chapter mostly dealing with the Rewards and Benefits of chanting Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam is revealed. Not only Humans but also all Divine personalities try their best to please Sri Lalithambika, due to which those who chant Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam will eventually get the grace of all Divine personalities, especially Swaha, Swadha and Dakshina Devis. In other words, one worship to benefit everything in life.
Adhi Parasakthi who enters in the brain of Maharshis (Who is Rishi or Maharshi? = Those who saw and realized in front of their eyes are called Rishis) to reveal Aadhi Vedam, thereafter, those destined Rishis came up with Rig, Yajur, Sama & Adharvana Vedas, 2000+ Upanishads, 1008+ Sookthams and 36+ Puranas etc.. They (Rishis) heard inside their mind/brain the Apourusheya Veda Dwani that reflected the multitude ways of Upadesas (elucidation/teachings) as the time maturing. Among all, Manu Maharshi was highly blessed to come up with Manusmrithi that reveals how a Sanathanic Dharmi (A devoted Human) must lead his life to attain liberation. Four pillars viz: Learn, Enjoy, Get Satisfied, Renounce or Liberate everything called Moksham or Liberation.
Everyone needs Punyam (Holy Credits) for a better life irrespective of the planes they live, otherwise, Yathana life surrounded by sorrows will be attained due to Paap (Sin). Mind you, ignorant humans will accumulate more Paap than Punya. So, listen (Sruthi) and enjoy (Smrithi) holy names and share it with like-minded people to earn more Punyam. By doing this, it will remove us from Bhandhan (Bindings) to Liberate.
The Paramatma is full of emitting effulgence and its character is Spurana (Twinkling), those who know this will be saved from Maya (Illusion) and all type of deceases. Any unsatisfied life and death are considered to be an Untimely Death, whereas those who surrendered to the divine mother and realized Her will be known as Fully Satisfied Life, therefore such devotees death to be considered as a timely death. To remind ourselves or to indicate his/her satisfied life (surrendered to God), devotees wear Kum-Kum or Vibhoothi or Chandan etc..on their forehead and many important sensitive points of the body.
To be continued...
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Saturday, September 15, 2018
Om Namasivaya Nama:
Chapter 13 - Vibhudhi Visthara Marga Bhedha Samarasyam
Naama Manthram: 533-988 (455 Mantras)
To be continued...
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Chapter 13 - Vibhudhi Visthara Marga Bhedha Samarasyam
Naama Manthram: 533-988 (455 Mantras)
This is the biggest Chapter in Sri Lalitha Sahasranam. Vasinyaadi Vagdevis praising Sri Lalithambika and her divine play more elaborative way. The divine mother who protects, nourishes, punish, bless as well as showing the easiest way to achieve liberation. It is said that there are 5 types of Moksha / Mukti – Liberation viz: Salokhyam, Sameepyam, Saroopyam. Sayoojyam and Kaivalyam. All these paths are achievable if we follow Divine Mother's instruction with innocent devotion.
There are three important Devis who grant the best for devotees known as Karma Phalam (Rewards). According to Karma Kandam in Vedas - Yaag, Yagna and its Rewards are important for all superior class births that include Devas, Dhanavas, Asuras, Yakshas and Humans etc. These Devis are known as Swaha, Swadha & Dakshina.
In any Manthra Prayog, one must conclude the Manthra with one of the 8 important concluding Manthra known as Hoom, Phat, Hoom-Phat, Voushad, Vashad, Swaha, Swadha and Nama: for the desired Rewards.
All Deva's (Divine celestial personalities) Yaagas conducted without saying Swaha at the end, the desired result cannot be achieved. Even if you don’t say the full Devatha Manthra yet by saying Swaha at the end can give the best results, likewise, for all Pithrus (Ancestors Clan Celestial Personalities – Who grant blessings especially Progency to the worshippers) Yagna, specific Manthras must chant by saying Swadha.
For every action, everyone expects a Reward and that Reward is granted by Dakshina Devi. At the beginning of Pradhama Srushti (Frist creation), Lord Brahma created 7 Pithru Devatas. They are 2 sets viz: 4 Moothri Swaroopas (Forms) Agnishwathar, Barhisathar, Soman and Yaman. The 3 Thejo Swaroopas (Self Illuminating Vital Powers) are Analan, Dhyoman and Aaryama.
Swaha Devi is the consort of Agni Deva and their children are Daakshinam, Garhapathyam and Aavahaneeyam.
Moola Manthram: Om Hrim Srim Vahnijaayayai Dhevyai Swaha:
Dhyana Sthothram:
Swaham Manthramga Yuktham Cha Manthrasiddhi Swaroopinim
Sidham Cha Sidhidhanrunaam Karmanam Phaladham Subham
Swadha Devi appeared before Brahma due to his penance for solving Pithru Ganas sorrows. Just by saying Swadha three times a day one gets the Rewards of conducting Srardham, Pinda Bhali and Tharpanam which are the main components of Parvana Homa Srardham to Pithrus (Ancestors).
Moola Manthram: Om Hrim Srim Klim Swadha Dhevyai Swaha:
Dhyana Sthothram:
Brahmano Maansim Kanyaam Saswal Susthira Yauvvanam
Poojyam-Vai Pithru Dhevanam Sradhanam Phaladham Bhaje
Dakshina Devi (Poorvasrama Naamam Susila Devi in Goloka) is the consort of Yagnesan and their child is Phaladhan. It is mandatory that after the completion of any auspicious rituals the Kartha (Master/Conductor) must offer Dakshina (Compliment in Cash or Kind) to the Priest, as prescribed in the Sasthras, then only the Kartha will get the full desired rewards of the function. The best days to conduct her Pooja (worship) is on the Krishna Paksha Thrayodasi of Saradh Ridhu (Thula & Vruschika Months) and also on the Srardham/Thidhi Day. Shodasa (16 services) Upachara Pooja to be conducted for her blessings.
Moola Manthram: Om Srim Klim Hrim Dakshinaayai Swaha:
Dhyana Sthothram:
Lakshmim Dhakshaamsa Sambhutham Dakshinam Kamalam Kalaam
Sarva Karma Sudhakshajgna Phadham Sarvakarmanaam
Vishonoo: Sakthi Swaroopancha Poojitham Vandhitham Subham
Sudhidham Sudharoopanchaha Susilaam Subhadham Bhaje.
Anyone who forgot to offer the respectable amount of Dakshina to the Priest, the desired Rewards will go to Mahabhali's Account. This privilege was offered to Mahabhali by Lord Vishnu during his Vaamana Avatar when he was descended to Pathala Lok.
In this context, I would like to add a few more points of Mahabhali’s free benefits received from the rituals conducted by people without following the rules and regulations of the Yag & Yagna. They are:
1 1. Offering Srardha Bhojanam to a Vedha Rahitha Brahmanan (The Brahmana who does not know Vedas or not conducting regular Sandhya Vandhan). Please note in Sandhya Vandhan more than 50% of the Manthras are from different Vedas, hence he is a Vedagnan).
2. Offerings are given to needy without devotion and humble attitude. (People those who gift/offer for name sake, publicity and tax benefits will fall under this scheme!)
3. Husband of a Soodrah Sthri (Any immoral women) who conducts any type of Pooja on behalf of his master.
4. Afflicted or Immoral Brahmanan / Acharyan who conducts Yag & Yagna.
5. Those who do any Karma (Work) without showing compassion, guru bhakti and suchithwam (Neat and Purity).
To be continued...
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Sunday, September 9, 2018
Om Namasivaya Nama:
I would like to present my dear seekers another interesting information chart which will make many parents and the eligible bride and grooms life stress less, on account of matching horoscope. There are many Poruthams (Matching & Compatability) recommended to the tune of 24+ by our Sasthraas (Scriptures). Out of which 10+1 are very important or popular.
In today's dynamic life many things are getting impossible or herculean task due to many factors. Either wrong horoscopes or greedy astrologers unjustified approach or parents ignorance etc.
Matching horoscopes is not everything for a successful married life nor it is guaranteed because it is very difficult to judge the actions of Prarabdam though to some extent a good astrologer can identify. Let us look into the good side of it, and if it is useful and helpful to us, why not?
There are 5 segments of the selection process in a marriage viz:
1. Horoscope Matching (Quantitive Analysis)
2. Horoscope Matching (Qualitative Analysis)
3. Dasa Sandhi (Change over Dasa/Period of a planet in both horoscopes within 1 year prohibited)
4. Paapa Sameepyam (Analysing and matching the Dosham/Sins) - Dosha indicated by Planets Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu & Ketu in Girl's and Boy's horoscope placement in 1,2,4,7,8,12 houses.
5. Meeting between both Parents and Bride/Groom and exchange primary understandings and MANA PORUTHAM.
Here I would like to tackle the first part which is very important and first filtering stage to proceed further of any religious Hindu marriage who believes in traditional arranged marriages.
Please download the pdf document and take print out of your children's (Girl's side) birth star based page, where I have highlighted the most suitable stars for the alliance. I have also given all the 27 stars ranking accordingly you can select at your end. You don't need to waste your money and time to approach an astrologer for the initial selection. I have also mentioned the significance of the respective Porutham for better understanding. This chart not only for the new marriage seekers but also helps already married couples to adjust themselves based on the low rating of a specific Porutham. The married couples have no choice other than getting adjusted for the sake of respecting our great ritual promise, children, family, and society. Of course, the last choice is the divorce! In my opinion, if you have the right to marry then you should also have the right to exit. Marriage is a contract and every contract must have an exit clause. The only issue here is, it should be within the probation period.
Now the boys will ask whom should we select as our best partner? The approach is wherever the boy's star is mentioned on the Girl's star chart with good ranking, those Girl's stars are matchable to boys.
As stated above 5 paths, the first and foremost part can be done at your end also the 5th. For the next 2 to 4 you need a genuine Astrologer.
I wish all married and future prospects a most successful married life. May God Bless You.
If you find it worth then please share it with as many as possible people. Thanks / Venky
I would like to present my dear seekers another interesting information chart which will make many parents and the eligible bride and grooms life stress less, on account of matching horoscope. There are many Poruthams (Matching & Compatability) recommended to the tune of 24+ by our Sasthraas (Scriptures). Out of which 10+1 are very important or popular.
In today's dynamic life many things are getting impossible or herculean task due to many factors. Either wrong horoscopes or greedy astrologers unjustified approach or parents ignorance etc.
Matching horoscopes is not everything for a successful married life nor it is guaranteed because it is very difficult to judge the actions of Prarabdam though to some extent a good astrologer can identify. Let us look into the good side of it, and if it is useful and helpful to us, why not?
There are 5 segments of the selection process in a marriage viz:
1. Horoscope Matching (Quantitive Analysis)
2. Horoscope Matching (Qualitative Analysis)
3. Dasa Sandhi (Change over Dasa/Period of a planet in both horoscopes within 1 year prohibited)
4. Paapa Sameepyam (Analysing and matching the Dosham/Sins) - Dosha indicated by Planets Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu & Ketu in Girl's and Boy's horoscope placement in 1,2,4,7,8,12 houses.
5. Meeting between both Parents and Bride/Groom and exchange primary understandings and MANA PORUTHAM.
Here I would like to tackle the first part which is very important and first filtering stage to proceed further of any religious Hindu marriage who believes in traditional arranged marriages.
Please download the pdf document and take print out of your children's (Girl's side) birth star based page, where I have highlighted the most suitable stars for the alliance. I have also given all the 27 stars ranking accordingly you can select at your end. You don't need to waste your money and time to approach an astrologer for the initial selection. I have also mentioned the significance of the respective Porutham for better understanding. This chart not only for the new marriage seekers but also helps already married couples to adjust themselves based on the low rating of a specific Porutham. The married couples have no choice other than getting adjusted for the sake of respecting our great ritual promise, children, family, and society. Of course, the last choice is the divorce! In my opinion, if you have the right to marry then you should also have the right to exit. Marriage is a contract and every contract must have an exit clause. The only issue here is, it should be within the probation period.
Now the boys will ask whom should we select as our best partner? The approach is wherever the boy's star is mentioned on the Girl's star chart with good ranking, those Girl's stars are matchable to boys.
As stated above 5 paths, the first and foremost part can be done at your end also the 5th. For the next 2 to 4 you need a genuine Astrologer.
I wish all married and future prospects a most successful married life. May God Bless You.
If you find it worth then please share it with as many as possible people. Thanks / Venky
Saturday, September 8, 2018
Om Namasivaya Nama:
Chapter 12 - Yogini Nyasam - Final
Naama Manthram: 465-532 (67 Mantras)
What a great divine mothers' who showered the ultimate knowledge about human beings. We are so fortunate to understand and grasp the compassionate way of learning and respecting Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam. Such a precious and wonderful divine mother is residing in our body itself... and we keep searching Her everywhere without looking within us.
Goddess holding so many weapons as a master key. Many Asuraas (Asurick stink in our body) asked for different types of boons (Varam) and the desired God appear before them and grant whatever they asked. To defuse or withdraw that power from them (ever since they start misusing those special weapons), She has to keep a withdrawal key in Her. Gods are not holding any of the weapons for their security because they don't need, they are holding to protect the true devotees.
Through Kundalini Yoga, a true devotee will realize that he or she is getting 51+7=58 plus their Sakthis all put together 64 crores (640 Million) of divine mothers to liberate himself/herself from this mundane life/transmigration process. This is what taught in this Chapter.
The entire universe is nothing but Time & Space in other words Sound and Forms. When you chant Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam (Sound/Time) and consider your body is the residing home (Form/Space) of Paramathman / Parasakthi you will surely eradicate all the sins committed in the past due to ignorance and find sinless activities in the future to realize that you are the Paramathma itself. Until realization (during the period of Ignorance), we will be known as Aathma and upon the realization, we will know that we are part and parcel of the Paramathma.
With the help of Alphabets, we learn, understand, reproduce, debate, argue, converse, communicate etc... mind you, all these Alphabets are represented by one Yogini Devi, so understanding or learning about this Universe means understanding yourself as "You are That".
In Satsang 37, I have given a detailed chart with names of Yoginis as well Devi's Paricharika Yoginis names hence not repeating here.
Summary: Realizing this body is ruled and nurtured by Yogini Devis and they serve only to their master Parasakthi or Para Brahman. So the seeker/devotees have to convince and consider that the Aathma in him/her in the form of Prana Vayu/Lifeforce/Jeeva (Namasthe Vayo thwameva prathyaksham Bhramasi, thwaa meva prathyakham Brahma vaadhisham) itself Parasakthi then he/she gets served by these Yogini Devis and attain the Realization. In other words, the devotee becomes full that is called Moksha or Mukthi.
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Chapter 12 - Yogini Nyasam - Final
Naama Manthram: 465-532 (67 Mantras)
What a great divine mothers' who showered the ultimate knowledge about human beings. We are so fortunate to understand and grasp the compassionate way of learning and respecting Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam. Such a precious and wonderful divine mother is residing in our body itself... and we keep searching Her everywhere without looking within us.
Goddess holding so many weapons as a master key. Many Asuraas (Asurick stink in our body) asked for different types of boons (Varam) and the desired God appear before them and grant whatever they asked. To defuse or withdraw that power from them (ever since they start misusing those special weapons), She has to keep a withdrawal key in Her. Gods are not holding any of the weapons for their security because they don't need, they are holding to protect the true devotees.
Through Kundalini Yoga, a true devotee will realize that he or she is getting 51+7=58 plus their Sakthis all put together 64 crores (640 Million) of divine mothers to liberate himself/herself from this mundane life/transmigration process. This is what taught in this Chapter.
The entire universe is nothing but Time & Space in other words Sound and Forms. When you chant Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam (Sound/Time) and consider your body is the residing home (Form/Space) of Paramathman / Parasakthi you will surely eradicate all the sins committed in the past due to ignorance and find sinless activities in the future to realize that you are the Paramathma itself. Until realization (during the period of Ignorance), we will be known as Aathma and upon the realization, we will know that we are part and parcel of the Paramathma.
With the help of Alphabets, we learn, understand, reproduce, debate, argue, converse, communicate etc... mind you, all these Alphabets are represented by one Yogini Devi, so understanding or learning about this Universe means understanding yourself as "You are That".
In Satsang 37, I have given a detailed chart with names of Yoginis as well Devi's Paricharika Yoginis names hence not repeating here.
Summary: Realizing this body is ruled and nurtured by Yogini Devis and they serve only to their master Parasakthi or Para Brahman. So the seeker/devotees have to convince and consider that the Aathma in him/her in the form of Prana Vayu/Lifeforce/Jeeva (Namasthe Vayo thwameva prathyaksham Bhramasi, thwaa meva prathyakham Brahma vaadhisham) itself Parasakthi then he/she gets served by these Yogini Devis and attain the Realization. In other words, the devotee becomes full that is called Moksha or Mukthi.
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Friday, September 7, 2018
Om Namasivaya Nama:
Here below I would like to give you 2 charts. The first chart containing the results of planetary positions from your Moon Raasi. The second chart to identify your Moon position based on your birth star.
Now, you need to know from where you can obtain today's planetary positions. There are many ways, however, 2 quick approaches are: 1) Most of the Hindu calenders will carry this information in a box and the 2) you can download an App from play store called "Hindu Calander" (A Swasthik Symbol). In this App, you will find lots of information but you need to visit Kundali section then feed your location details to get today's planetary position (Horoscope) of your country in North and South Indian style.
After that keep Moon Position as Bhava 1 (This is fixed as per your birth star Raasi). then count where other planets are placed (i.e. in which Bhava...there are 12 Bhavas in one Raasi Chakra).
You may take print out of this chart and paste it on a wall to see the daily predictions (Use this as a precaution only. What you are going to face today is based on your Karma Merits.)
Wish you all a pleasant day and learn something good from your achievements! Make a practice of doing daily Prayaschith i.e. ask forgiveness from Paramathman.
Venky: 9th September 2018
Saturday, September 1, 2018
Om Namasivaya Nama:
Chapter 12 - Yogini Nyasam - Continued
Naama Manthram: 465-532 (67 Mantras)
Today we have learned about, who are the presiding deities of the 6 Chakras, known as Yogini Devis and their Paricharikas. Kundalini Yoga devotees need to place and imagine the divine power of these Yoginis in those specific areas in the body. Kundalini Yoga to be practiced only under a genuine master but general devotees should have the knowledge about it. By receiving Parasakthi Anugraham, those who are chanting Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam regularly will eventually achieve the same benefits enjoyed by the Kundalini Yogis. What is not achievable for a Lalithambika Devotees in this Universe?

To be continued...
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Chapter 12 - Yogini Nyasam - Continued
Naama Manthram: 465-532 (67 Mantras)
Today we have learned about, who are the presiding deities of the 6 Chakras, known as Yogini Devis and their Paricharikas. Kundalini Yoga devotees need to place and imagine the divine power of these Yoginis in those specific areas in the body. Kundalini Yoga to be practiced only under a genuine master but general devotees should have the knowledge about it. By receiving Parasakthi Anugraham, those who are chanting Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam regularly will eventually achieve the same benefits enjoyed by the Kundalini Yogis. What is not achievable for a Lalithambika Devotees in this Universe?
To be continued...
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