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R V Venkiteswaran (Venky)


Sunday, September 9, 2018


Om Namasivaya Nama:


I would like to present my dear seekers another interesting information chart which will make many parents and the eligible bride and grooms life stress less, on account of matching horoscope. There are many Poruthams (Matching & Compatability) recommended to the tune of 24+ by our Sasthraas (Scriptures). Out of which 10+1 are very important or popular.

In today's dynamic life many things are getting impossible or herculean task due to many factors. Either wrong horoscopes or greedy astrologers unjustified approach or parents ignorance etc.

Matching horoscopes is not everything for a successful married life nor it is guaranteed because it is very difficult to judge the actions of Prarabdam though to some extent a good astrologer can identify. Let us look into the good side of it, and if it is useful and helpful to us, why not?

There are 5 segments of the selection process in a marriage viz:

1. Horoscope Matching (Quantitive Analysis)
2. Horoscope Matching (Qualitative Analysis)
3. Dasa Sandhi (Change over Dasa/Period of a planet in both horoscopes within 1 year prohibited)
4. Paapa Sameepyam (Analysing and matching the Dosham/Sins) - Dosha indicated by Planets Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu & Ketu in Girl's and Boy's horoscope placement in 1,2,4,7,8,12 houses.
5. Meeting between both Parents and Bride/Groom and exchange primary understandings and MANA PORUTHAM.

Here I would like to tackle the first part which is very important and first filtering stage to proceed further of any religious Hindu marriage who believes in traditional arranged marriages.

Please download the pdf document and take print out of your children's (Girl's side) birth star based page, where I have highlighted the most suitable stars for the alliance. I have also given all the 27 stars ranking accordingly you can select at your end. You don't need to waste your money and time to approach an astrologer for the initial selection. I have also mentioned the significance of the respective Porutham for better understanding. This chart not only for the new marriage seekers but also helps already married couples to adjust themselves based on the low rating of a specific Porutham. The married couples have no choice other than getting adjusted for the sake of respecting our great ritual promise, children, family, and society. Of course, the last choice is the divorce! In my opinion, if you have the right to marry then you should also have the right to exit. Marriage is a contract and every contract must have an exit clause. The only issue here is, it should be within the probation period.

Now the boys will ask whom should we select as our best partner? The approach is wherever the boy's star is mentioned on the Girl's star chart with good ranking, those Girl's stars are matchable to boys.

As stated above 5 paths, the first and foremost part can be done at your end also the 5th. For the next 2 to 4 you need a genuine Astrologer.

I wish all married and future prospects a most successful married life. May God Bless You.



If you find it worth then please share it with as many as possible people. Thanks / Venky

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