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R V Venkiteswaran (Venky)
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Friday, September 28, 2018
Om Namasivaya Nama:
Chapter 13 - Vibhudhi Visthara Marga Bhedha Samarasyam (Continued)
Naama Manthram: 533-988 (455 Mantras)
As advised by Vasinyaadhi Vagdevis earlier, there are 2 types of diseases occur in human bodies either to Dhravya Sareeram by Sakthi Moolakam, Mana Sareeram by Siva Moolakam and the Manthra Sareeram (Parasakthi Moolakam) always devoid of any type of diseases. Therefore, chanting Sri Devi's name and adoring Her Vibhoothi (Kind and Non-Kind) in the name of Naamam will protect a devotee from disease as well Mruthyu. Here the significance of Mruthyu means those who take birth has to die, whereas by the grace of Parasakthi He/She will not take birth any more, therefore, no more death fear!. All we need to do is chanting Her glorious holy names.
In the Kali Era, it is easy to do great sins due to circumstances and Vaasanaas. For the survival, it is not possible to stay away from committing sins, but do anything and everything in the name of God so that less situation will arise to commit sins because She is everything including Pancha Bhoothaas, therefore, She is known as Karthyayani Devi. She consumes Thamboolam along with 8 Moolikaas to indicate that She is a Sumangali and Her consort Siva on her side to bless all human beings. Only devotees can realize and experience the blessings whereas the other people can't realize because they have not developed a relationship with the divine mother. She is always the symbol of satisfaction hence those who meditate on Her, the meditator can get Her DNA that develops through our own Hormones. God and Devotees are linked only through Innocent Bhakti which everyone must practice and achieve.
To be continued...
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