Narada Bakthi Suthram - Chapter 01 - Para Bhathi Swaroopam:
Sutram 15:
Thallakshanaani Vaachyanthe Nana Mathbhedhaathu!
Thallakshanaani = Significance of those devotional acts, Vaachyanthe = Said, Nana = By various, Mathbhedhaathu = difference of opinion.
Meaning: Definitions of this Bakthi is propagated or stated by various scholars are in different views. However, the Bakthi remains pure and the respect for Sastras are beyond everything for a true aspirant or devotee, since the Sastras are considered to be the word of God.
According to Sage Narada, it is difficult to explain the beauty of the spiritual experiences, yet it is laid down for the sake of disciples and future generations as clarification. The explanation is possible depends upon the velocity of one's brainpower but the real experience is beyond that.
Narada Rishi is quoting Sri Prahladan's nine types of Bakthi (Devotion) Lakshana (Significance) are one of the best approaches to the practice of Bakthi Sadhana. They are namely, Sravanam, Keerthanam, Smaranam, Padasevanam, Archanam, Vandanam, Dhaasyam, Sakhyam and Aathma Nivedhanam.
Sutram 16:
Poojaadhiswanuraaga Ethi Paaraasarya:!
Poojadhishu = Doing Pooja etc..., Anuragaha = Interest, Ithi = by that Bakthi, Paaraasaryaha = Son of Parasara Maharshi Sri Veda Vyasa.
Meaning: According to Sri Veda Vyaasa Maharshi, when a person gets an interest to do Pooja for his/her God means he/she is in the path of devotion (Bakthi Marg).
Sage Narada has carefully picked up 3 important Rishis' concepts as the best and pillars of Bakthi Sadhana and quoted their wisdom in his Sutras. They are Kaarmikam, Vaachikam and Maanasikam (Karmana/Action, Vacha/Speech and Manasa/Mind) as devotional practices.
Doing Pooja is considered as Karmik activities or Karma Yogam according to Sage Veda Vyasa. Doing such Karma (Pooja) will finally reward the aspirant/devotee Moksham (LIberation). The only condition one should do Pooja without any expectations. Besides doing Pooja, when a devotee gets involved in the construction of a temple and installed an idol of God in a temple is also considered to be an act of devotion.
Sutram 17:
Kadhadhi-shwathi Garga:!
Kadhadhi-Shu = Listening to divine stories, Garga: = According to Acharaya Garaga Maharshi. Ithi = Bakthi Sadhana.
Meaning: According to Garga Maha Rishi, getting interested in listening to the glories/divine stories of God is considred to be the signification of devotion!
Sutram 18:
Aathmarathya-Virodhenethi Sandilya:!
Aathmarathya-Virodhena = Any act that is not opposing to enjoy the realization of Self, Sandilya: = According to Sandilya Maharishi.
Meaning: As long as any devotional activities that do not disturb or create obstacles in the practice of self-realization is considered to be a sign of devotion.
Sutram 19:
Naaradhasthu Thadharppithakhilaachaarathaa Thadh Vismarena Paramavyakulathethi Cha!
Naradhasthu = According to Narada, Thadharppithakhilaachaarathaa = Surrendering everything to the lotus feet of God, Thadh-Viswmarane = If one forget that supreme God, Paramavyakulatha Cha = Gets highly disturbed.
Meaning: According to Sage Narada, when an aspirant/devotee surrenders all his activities to the lotus feet of God, the devotee gets into the highest feeling of oneness. At the same time, it happens to face separation then he/she cannot bear the pain of such separation is considered to be the significance of Para Bakthi.
1. Vyaasa Maharshi = Pooja = Karmana
2. Garga Maharshi = Kadha Sravanam = Vaachikam
3. Sandilya Maharshi = Aathmanandam = Manasikam
4. Narada Maharshi = Sarva Samarpanam = Total surrenderance to God.
Sivoham - To be continued.