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R V Venkiteswaran (Venky)


Saturday, November 9, 2019


Om Namasivaya Nama:

Narada Bakthi Suthram -  Chapter 01 - Para Bhathi Swaroopam:

Sutram 07:

Sa Na Kaamayamaanaa Nirodharoopathwaath!

Sa = That Paramaprema Roopam (The supreme devotion), Na Kaamayamaanaa = Not lustful nor worldly desires, Nirodha-roopathwaath = In fact, it is the nature of suppression (Thyaagam). 

Meaning: Those who attaining Para Bakthi, will not have worldly desires or lustful view towards God. Moreover, they consider whatever they have to sacrifice to gain genuine Bakthi as their sacrifice or natural suppression for achievement. 

Prema (Devotion) is constantly moving towards God whereas the Kaama (Desires) is the mind's constant approach towards Vishaya (sensual pleasures). They are exactly opposite to each other like North and South poles. Those who always think of God will eventually receive the vision of God whereas, those who think of Vishaya will lead them to achieve Vishya Sukha only. Yath Bhavam Thath Bhavathi. Just like practice makes perfect.  

Human's interest in Aadhyathmikam (Spiritual) is also natural, however, it needs the right circumstances and practice to develop. Achieving Aadhyathmic Ecstacy is the ultimate goal of human beings. Lord Sri Krishna said those who surrender their mind to him need not worry about anything in life, thereafter it is his job to take care of them. 

Sutram 08:

Nirodhasthu Loka-Veda-Vyaapaaranyaasa:!

Nirodhasthu = Those who suppressed the desires, Loka-Veda-Vyaapaaranyaasa: = Abandoning all Worldly and Vedic activities.

Meaning: Once a devotee became genuine, then all his/her suppressed desires will become a sacrifice. Such activities could be from worldly matters or even Vedic desires. Everything is surrendered towards their personal God. 

Deva Rishi says that humans activities are prompted by the basic desire called "Kaama", the activation takes place through body, sensors and Mind (Sareera-Indriya-Manas). This could be for worldly living or the purpose of spiritual realization. Irrespective of anything, everything must be surrendered to God and work. 

Vaideeka Karmas are divided into two groups viz Pravruthi Dharma and the other Nivruthi Dharma. Pravruthi Dharma is for achieving worldly belongings and Nivruthi Dharma is for the liberation from transmigration system. 

A devotee must give up all Pravruthi Dharmas and follow Nivruthi Dharma. Once he/she realizes the Aathma Thathwam, he/she need not follow any type of Dharma. They are free from everything. Everything is needed only up to see me, once those who received my vision (Darsan) they are above all mundane rules, regulations and customs.  

Sutram 09:

Thasmin Ananyatha Thath Virodhishu Udhaseenatha Cha!

Thasmin = In that exclusive devotion, Ananyatha = Indifference (Bedhabhava), Thath Virodhishu = Obstacles, Udhaseenatha Cha = Free from affection.

Meaning: Once the devotee made up his/her decision to stick to one God concept (surrendered to him), thereafter, he/she will not entertain any other approaches to change his/her mind. In other words, all other messages that may occur as obstacles. However, the devotee need not disrespect other conviction or belief.  

Sage Narada emphasizing this part because there are plenty of books and message that criticise devotees and their trusted holy books. A true devotee will not fight or quarrel with them because of his/her conviction strong towards his/her God.

To be continued...


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