Narada Bakthi Suthram - Chapter 01 - Para Bhathi Swaroopam:
Sutram 10:
Anyaasrayaanaam Thyago-Ananyatha!
Anyaasrayaanaam = Abandoning all other support, Thyago = Renouncing, Ananyatha = Other than Bhakti.
Meaning: Once a devotee surrender himself/herself to Lord Vishnu (or other Upasanamoorthy) as an exclusive devotion, he/she attains God by itself. Such devotees never depend on anything other than the grace of God.
Sage explains further that only through Bakthi every one including Gopikas, Cows, Trees, Snakes and Animals etc were attained God-hood, therefore, why not others could try to experience it. Since God is in the pure heart of devotees and devotees are in the purest heart of God, they always think about each other. God said once that he does not know anything other than his devotees and he is so busy taking care of devotees welfare.
Sutram 11:
Loka Vedeshu Thadhanukoola Charanam Thadhwirodhishu Udhaseenatha!
Lokavedeshu = Whether ordinary life or Vedic life, Thadhanukoola-Charanam = Follow that is favourable to Bakthi, Thadhwirodhishu = Stay away from non-favourable, Udhaseenatha = Indifferent / Rejection.
Meaning: Any undertakings, whether Manasa, Vacha or Karmana, that creates obstacles to the progress of devotion must be outrightly rejected by the devotees. Whether the action belongs to worldly or spiritual matter.
Deva Rishi is giving a warning signal to those who are trying to practice Bakthi Yogam. Devotees must surrender to God and do everything for the sake of God only.
Sutram 12:
Bhavathu Nischayadhaar-dyaa Dhoordwam Sastra-Rakshanam!
Bhavathu = Let it be, Nischayadhaar-dyaa Dhoordwam = Those who attained the divine-hood or firm establishment made in devotion or after realization of God, Sastra-Rakshanam = Must protect rules and regulations of Sastra (Scriptures/Doctrines of spiritual conclusions).
Meaning: Even after realization, the devotee must respect and follow the discipline set by the various Sastras.
Narada Rishi says; though after abandoning all resources the Aspirant (Devotee) will become a realized divine personality. Yet, even such realized souls must respect and follow Sastras to set examples for future followers. All activities in line with Bakthi Marg are to be regularly practised for everyone's welfare. If this is the instruction for realized persons then what about casual people!
To be continued.
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