Om Namasivaya Nama:
Om Gam
Ganapathaye Nama
“Vaidhyanatha Dhikshitheeyam”.
to learned scholars and practicing Purohithas, there are 32 family members by priority
is allowed to conduct the final rights Kriya for the deceased. According to
Veda sastras, the person who conducts this Apara Kriya is eligible for
obtaining the rewards of conducting 100 Aswamedha Yaagam, because assisting the
helpless Jeevathma to ascend to a celestial world is the biggest ever duty one
can do. In the absence of nonperformance of final rites, the Jeevathma will simply
float around in the atmosphere without getting the chance to join another body. The period of conducting this Kriya is vary
from each school of discipline that follows different Vedas, Sutras, Region, Religion,
Samskaram, and sub-sect, etc., however, everyone does something that helps the
helpless Aathma to attain Paralok or next birth. Some sect of people does not believe
in doing any of these Kriyas because they believe that the Jeevathma has no
expiry and it leaves one body and enters another. Therefore, no need to do any of
these prescribed Apara-Kriyas. However, the majority believes in conducting final rites
followed by remembering them and offering food as a part of life. People feed
other living beings on their behalf/name (In fact this is what is called Srardh to
ancestors by Vedas).
Many types
of Puthras/Sons (children) are mentioned in the Sastras as well as we can see
in our daily life too. The priority among Puthras is Aurasa Puthran. Puthran
means Aathmajan (father becoming son through women/wife) who rescues parent’s
Aathma from Naraklok called “Puth” therefore he is called Puthran. This Aurasa
Puthran is defined in 5 ways.
1. AURASA PUTHRAN (Deceased Eldest Son born to a
legitimate first wife out of his own Bheeja/Semen/Garbhadhaan).
a. The Eldest Son.
b. If they were twine, then the firstborn.
c. If the deceased had many wives and
all of them had children, then the senior most Son.
d. If the deceased had adopted a child
(Dhathu Puthran) as a senior son, but later own wife give birth to an Aurasa Puthran
then the Aurasa Puthran will become the first Kartha.
e. If the deceased had two wives and
the Child adoption procedures (Vaideega Sweekaaram) were conducted through the first wife and later the 2nd wife gave birth to a son, then this Aurasa
Puthran is Kartha to father, 2nd wife as well as the first wife.
2. PAUTHRAN (Grandson of own Son)
3. PRA-PAUTHRAM (Great Grandson – Children of the first
4. DHATHAN (Adopted son)
5. DHATHA PAUTHRAM (Adopted son’s son)
6. DHANAHAARI DHAUHITHRAN (Appointed Legal heir, born to own
daughter’s grandchild).
7. DHAUHITHRAN (Son of other daughters).
8. PATHNI (First wife, in case of many wives), if joint
family then his BROTHER gets first priority from his first wife since women
cannot conduct Apara Kriya.
9. SAPATHNI PUTHRAN (In case a mother/wife dies and
she does not have a Male Child, then her husband’s 2nd wife or deemed
wife’s male child).
10. BARTHA in case of a wife.
11. DHOOHITHA (Daughter)
12. BRATHA (Brother) own brother for Man. In the case of
women, the husband’s brother.
13. BRATHRUJA (Brother’s Male Children elder to
younger availability)
14. ASOTHARA/BINNOTHARA BRATHA (Father’s another wife’s male child)
15. ASOTHARA/BINNOTHARA BRATHA PRAJA (Any Male children of any wife of the father).
16. PITHA (Father) mainly for own Children
17. MATHA (Mother) mainly for own Children where the husband
is also not alive.
18. SNUSHAA (Daughter-in-law).
19. PAUTHRI (Grand-daughter – Son’s daughter)
20. DHAUHITHRI (Grand-daughter – Daughter’s
21. PAUTHRASYA PATHNI (Grandson’s wife – father’s side)
22. DHATHU PUTHRI (Adopted daughter)
23. DHATHU PATHNI (Adopted son’s wife, deemed daughter-in-law)
24. BHAGHINI (Sister elder or younger according to
25. BHAAGHINEYAN (Sister’s son – nephew)
26. SAPINDAN (10 days Asoucha blood relative)
27. SAMAANODHAN (3 days Asoucha blood relative)
28. MAATHRU SAPINDAN (Mother side 10 days Asoucha blood
relative – mother side Uncle’s).
29. THATH-SAMAANODHAN (Mother side 3 days Asoucha blood
relative – mother side Uncle’s).
30. JAMATHA (Son-in-Law)
31. SAKHA (Close friend)
32. DHANHARI (Legal heir who is going to enjoy
the assets of the deceased).
In my
opinion, I would add the following members too. Taking into consideration of
current lifestyle affairs it is imperative to look for alternatives. At the end
of the day, no SMRUTHI is permanent. It can be changed according to time, space,
and region. A lot of senior citizens are
enrolled in old age homes or orphanage homes and many children will not even
look back to their parent's statuesque. In such cases, of course, SAKHA is allowed
to take care, yet some more options will give peace of mind to the deprived
1. SISHYA (Disciple)
2. SWAYA GOTHRAN (Any male member of own Vedic Gothra)
3. SWAYA SUTRAN (Abasthamban, Boudhayanan, Vadhoolan
4. PUROHITHAN (Family or community priest)
5. PAROPAKARI (Social service people)
Besides the
final rites (Part One), after the Sanjayanam (immersing bones and ashes into
holy rivers or sea) (Part Two) the Jeevathma’s expectations increase many folds.
Therefore, the next 12 days are crucial (Actually it is up to 354 days i.e., 29.5
lunar days x 12 months). At least a pot of water and Anna Pinda must be
provided to them with a Sankalp (resolution/determination).
Om Swaha-Swadha-Dakshina Devyai Nama:
Sarvam Brahmaarpanamasthu
Compiled by R. V. Venkiteswaran (Venky) – April
YouTube: Parasakthifamily
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