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R V Venkiteswaran (Venky)


Thursday, April 20, 2023



Om Namasivaya Nama:

PART - 6 (2501-3000)

Om Sarvam Khalvithamevaham Naanyathasthi Sanathanam!
(Nothing permanent in this universe/life except me! The Almighty Sivasakthi)

Dear Seeker,

I would like to update this Chapter slowly and steadily since it is a huge task. Therefore, please try to open this Chapter from time to time to get updated information:

Please note some of the contents quoted in this chapter may vary when compared with other authors' publications due to a different source of information from various books of Sanatana Dharma Sastras. I have taken careful attention to minimizing contradictions and errors. I have used maximum Sanskrit words that more or less match the English words.

God Bless You... Venky

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2969. How to understand the characteristics or the message of our breath?

Ans. When we are calm and having happiness in the body as well as in Manass (Mind) the air will pass out through left nostril. When we are tired due to hard work and humiliated situations, upsets etc… the air will pass out through right nostril. To balance this issue, our ancestors recommended to exercise breathing techniques such as Prana Yaama. Usually, we must inhale through right nostril and exhale through left nostril. This will stabilize body comforts that will produce healthy life.


2968. What is the best Thapasya (penance) in the Kali Yug?

Ans. Truthfulness in speech is the Tapasya in Kali Yug. Every minute the situation will come to tell lie but one must be conscious enough to say the truth only though it is a difficult task.


2967. How does the body cleanse the accumulated dirt (Malam)?

Ans. 4 ways it throws away its accumulated dirt/secretion from inner body. 1. Mala Visarjanam (passing out stool), 2. Moothra Visarjanam (discharging urine), 3. Swetha Visarjanam (sweating), 4. Uchwaasam/Nisswaasam Visarjanam (exhale). If all these 4 activities do not take place in right manner the person may fall sick. First 3 discharges are generally known to people, whereas the 4th one Uchwasam that is exhale is very important, how much ever breath we Inhaled that must get out is the important task. Usually only 50 to 60% will exit and remains will stay inside the body, therefore one must try to exhale as much as possible to maintain healthy body.  


2966. What is the core importance of visiting a temple?

Ans. One must bring the grace the God when you visit a temple. Thereafter share that love among others. By doing this one’s mind and body will be purified that can eventually lead to peace of mind, health, wealth and pious life. God’s love towards his devotees is beyond words. It is only for experience not for lecturing.


2965. How long one will be a Dwaithy (believes in duality nature)?

Ans. As long as a trace of “I-consciousness” remains in him, one is conscious of difference or duality.


2964. How long one keeps reasoning and raise noise on God?

Ans. As long as one argues about God, means they have not realized God. The nearer you approach to God, the lesser you reason and argue.


2963. How does Human realize God?

Ans. Three ways it can happen viz. 1. Reasoning, 2. Meditation, 3. God reveals Himself to the person. Kindly note, reasoning has lots of limitations as opposed to meditation. If one does Nishkaamya Karma (actions without expectations) God will love to see such people and one can drag God’s attention towards him/her.


2962. How to awaken inner consciousness?

Ans. The inner consciousness must be awakened through the grace of God only. Unless God wants to see you, you can’t see him. In Tamizh there is a say “Avan Arulaale Avan Thaazh Vananghi” means by his own grace only one can pray as well as see him. In commercial life, seeing a big shot is not an easy thing, unless he gives appointment to see him - likewise God should desire to see us in person then it can happen. Therefore, one must always put a supplication to God to get his vision and attract him by good conducts. Most of the time our consciousness will be dragged by the Maya to its material world, therefore constant prayer is a must to change its course. Just like a small child keep crying until its mother pickup the child! We don’t have any other options because we must strive to put an end to this transmigration business and achieve full freedom!


2961. What are the 3 imperishable absolute truth that always exist?

Ans. 1. Brahman, 2, The World, 3. Living Beings. An example, just like a fruit it has shell, seed and flesh in it to call it a full fruit. Separating each parts makes no sense to call a full fruit. Out of these 3 two may partially get damaged during Pralaya (dissolution). However, it will co-exist, and it will regain its forms quickly after the event. For example, Earth may face damages and living beings may lose its physical bodies due to cosmic shifts. 


2960. Why people are unable to see the God?

Ans. Without awaking one’s own inner consciousness one cannot realize the all-pervading supreme consciousness/universal consciousness (The God). Kindly note 3 types of people call or aware the God in 3 steams viz. Vedanthi (Cosmic Supreme Brahman), Devotee (God) and Yogi (Kundalini Sakthi). Therefore, one must equip oneself to awake inner consciousness first so that he/she can realize or understand the divine power that resides inside as well as outside. This is called realization or seeing God.


2959. What are the ways in which the Jeevathma travels?

Ans. An Aathma Thathvam has 3 statuses viz. 1. Paasa (desireful transmigration system), 2. Pasu (Jeeva in a body), 3. Pathi (God). There are only two routes available for a Jeevathma (soul) either to go to Pathi or follow Paasa. Therefore, the Jeevathma is in the rank of Pasu. Now the Pasu must travel to merge with Pathi is the correct route to be chosen so that it can attain Godhood through merging with it otherwise by default it will fall prey to the Paasa network and undergo transmigration process. One should not miss an opportunity to attain Godhood because that is the very purpose of human birth. This Jeevathma has seen innumerable lifestyles by residing in different bodies.   


2958. What is the difference between Physiology in Yogic and modern medicine?

Ans. Yogic physiology is observed from the activities of the patient (in person by the Physician/Vaidhyan himself), whereas modern medicine is lab tested result oriented. If the lab test is wrong, then the treatment can also go wrong, and no one take the responsibility of the fault. Doctors have unions and protections from business tycoons. Once upon a time medical field was a noble job but currently it is a money-making business.


2957. What is the difference between Yogic Anatomy Vs Scientific Anatomy?

Ans. Yogic Anatomy practiced in living body whereas Scientific Anatomy is practiced in dead body except for Pathology research sampling. This is one of the main reasons why Ayurveda, Yoga Therapy, Sidha Vaidhya all more superior to modern medication. The sad part is that modern medical world is purposely underestimated the Ayurvedic Chikithsa under the pretext that Ayurvedic medication or medicines are baseless, and it does not scientifically prove etc. According to me this is only a misunderstanding because ancient Ayurvedic Vaidhyaas were very well tested and identified right method of treatment for every disease. Their main objective was to prevent rather than treatment and make money. Ancient days Vaidhyaas salaries were paid by the Kings therefore, they don’t charge the patient, due to which their motive is not commercial but cure and live healthy.    


2956. What are the important principles or aspects of Yoga Therapy?

Ans. Yoga is different from Yoga Therapy. Yoga has 2 divisions one Meditation (subtle) and the other is Exercise (physical). Out of these, the main goal of Yoga is to prevent the body from inmate or foreign pathogens attack. If, one is attacked then identify the problem and fix it without any side effects. However, the methodology adopted to cure a decease through Yoga has 5 aspects viz. 1. Srushti Kramam (what is the cause and how did it come into existence), 2. Sikshana Kramam (treatments instructions), 3. Aadhyaathmika Kramam (treating sookma sareeram), 4. Rakshna Kramam (saving the patient from ailment), 5. Chikithsa Kramam/Yoya Chikithsa (physical and mental treatment). Ideally Yoga principles to be applied in Yoga Therapy. Only a master will be able to implement these procedures. Krama means method/system/order etc.


2955. Why do Sanyaasis or Thapaswees grow their hair?

Ans. Hair in the head is very important in our body irrespective of gender. Especially Hair lock (Jada Makudam – Kapardhinam) represents Vairaghyam (determination). For a renouncer (Sanyaasi) Vairaghyam is unavoidable vow, without Vairaghyam the Sanyasi may not be able to maintain or honour Virtuous, Austerity and Celibacy. The hair growth in head and beard also helps in maintain positive Aura around him/her. This is the reason they grow the hair and never cut it. They should not look into any mirror whereby they can see their own reflective body. We know in all our Sanathanees rituals period (Deeksha Kaalam) the Kartha (doer) will observe Deesha and do not cut hair or nail. Basically, all these activities will help in maintain Vairaghyam. 


2954. How many types of Panchaksharam exists according to Siva Maha Puraan?

Ans. Mainly 5 types however there are 125 types of Siva Panchaksharam is described. Om Nama Sivaya is the Panchaksharam.


2953. How Goddess Parasakthi creates other Sakthis from Her own to run the divine administration?

Ans. There are 4 other Sakthis along with Parasakthi who makes divine play to create, sustain and withdraw the activities in this Universe. Parasakthi creates Aadi Sakthi from her 1 of 1000th portion, thereafter Icha Sakthi is created from Aadi Sakthi’s 1 of 1000th portion, again Gjnaana Sakthi is created from Icha Sakthi’s 1 of 1000th portion, finally Kriya Sakthi is created from Ghnaana Sakthi’s 1 of 1000th portion. This is also clearly shows that the importance of each Sakthis and their strength in conducting their activities.


2952. What the characteristics of Ego (Ahamkaram), Maya (Illusion), Karma or Kaamya (Act and desires)?

Ans. We know everything only through its characteristics (Guna) and each Guna produces different effects.  Ahamkara has 8 properties/characteristics, Maya has 7 characteristics, Karma & Kaamya has 6 characteristics.


2951. Which are the 10 religious belief system that oppose Siva Sidhanth on account of liberation (Moksham)?

Ans. Among many religious principles and doctrine, Siva Sidhanth is the topmost convincing methodology on account of Jeevathma (the Soul) attaining Moksham (Liberation). A human is supposed to be achieving the 4 Purusharthas (ultimate accomplishments, pursuit, exertion) during its life. Among the four, two are somehow easily achievable such as Artha (Wealth) and Kaama (Desires) whereas the foundation or the stepping stone for all Purusharthaas is Dharma (Virtuous). Upon achieving these three, after renouncing the mortal body, the Jeevathma attains Moksham (Liberation or full freedom from transmigration). According to Siva Sidhanth the Jeevathma reaching out to the lotus feet of Lord Siva and unite with him for ever is the end. This is also called Sudha Advaitha Mukthi also known as Para Mukthi. Whereas there are 10 opposite religious principles does not accept this nor respect. They are: 1. Lokayudha Matha Mukthi, 2. Budha Matha Soundryaathika Matham, 3. Samana Nikhandavaadhi Matham, 4. Prabhakara Matham, 5. Veda Vaadhi Matham, 6. Siva Sama Vaadhi Matham, 7. Mayaa Vaadhi Matham, 8. Paarkariyavaadhan Matham, 9. Siva Sangraantha Vaadhi Matham, 10. Padaana Vaadhi/Paashaana Vaadhi Matham.  

2950. What is difference between Siva and Jeeva?

Ans. A man freed from bondage is SIVA, whereas a man entangled in bondage is JEEVA.


2949. Who cannot realize or know God in life?

Ans. Those who possess 3 bad qualities such as 1. A person with perverse mind (deliberately unreasonable mindset), 2. One who is fastidious about outer purity (too much strictness towards self), 3. Doubting person. The best to be guileless person (innocent).


2948. What is the best Yogas for Grihastha devotees?

Ans. It focuses on 2 Yogas viz. 1. Karma Yoga, 2. Mano Yoga. Karma Yoga means following Guru’s instructions, God worship, Pilgrimage, Chanting God’s name, Service to co-living beings. The Mano Yoga includes the Meditation and contemplation. Usually all Yogis practice Mano Yoga (mentally worshiping).


2947. What is the benefit or results of formal and informal worship?

Ans. Informal worship will lead the person to LOVE GOD, whereas formal worship will create FEAR OF GOD, however it will grow discipline as well as ignorance as the drawback of formal worship.


2946. What to be renounced by a Grihastha (family person)?

Ans. The ideal way of renunciation for a family person should be at mental not in physical form according to Mahatmas. Therefore, he can run the family without any attachment to any objects, but the mind is always hangs on God.


2945. How many lamps to be lit during the Karthika Deepam day?

Ans. Karthika Deepam is celebrated during the Karthika Maasam Poornima day (Nov-Dec). Lighting lamp (ideally new mud lamps to be used) makes high positive energy. We all know humans are being controlled by 27 selective stellar (stars) through their rays. This has been identified by our ancient divine scientists known as Maharshis’. A home is as divine as a temple, therefore in a house there are some specific rooms dedicated for certain activities as per Vaasthu sastra whereby dwellers can enjoy the benefits of special positive energies moreover lighting a specific number of lamps can produce enormous energy. Therefore, divine personalities have recommended Total 27 lamps to be lighted. They are: Infront of house top of Rangoli 5 lamps facing East or West or North; Beginning of steps (just behind front lobby) 2, front steps 4, front windows 6, centre of house (Koodam) 2, Pooja Room 2, Kitchen 2, Back of house 3, Outer back of house 1 (this is for Yama Deva – ruling star is Bharani).


2944. What is the constitution of Earth’s 8.4 million species?

Ans. 1. Species living in water (Jalam) constitute 9 lakhs, 2. In Sthavara – trees, creepers, plants etc constitute 20 lakhs, 3. Uragaas (Reptiles and rolling) constitute 11 lakhs, 4. Fliers/Birds (Pakshi) constitute 10 lakhs, 5. Paashavas (terrestrial animals) constitute 30 lakhs, 6. Humans and Gorillas constitute 4 lakhs. Total 84 lakhs (8.4 million). Till date (2024) only 1.3 million were identified by the modern scientific world. On an average 15000 species are being discovered. Source: Padma Puran.


2943. What are the conditions set among the top 4 religions of this Earth as far as Upasana (worship) is concerned?

Ans. 1. Sanathani = Whenever one gets time must keep thinking of Easwara (God), 2. Christyan = One must bend down in front of God father who lives in Paradise and pray. Also read Bible how much ever possible on daily basis, 3. Muslim = Daily 5 times prostate (Namas) in front of Allah, 4. Buddhist = Meditate on their own Jeeva (Soul) who is formless.


2942. How many holy rivers are there?

Ans. Among the 224 Bhuvanams (consists innumerable galaxies in one Bhuvanam our solar system is one among them) 66 crores (660 million) Punya Nadhi (Holy Rivers) exists. In our Earth itself there are 7 crores (70 million) exists. Many disappeared from surface and flowing underneath. All these rivers have one Devi as in-charge and all of them will assemble in the month of Thula (Oct-Nov) in Kaveri River, therefore taking a dip (bath) in Kaveri River bestow abundant Punyam according to Thula Kaveri Puran.


2941. Who is the Agent of God in human body?

Ans. Sub-conscious mind alternatively Brain/Buddhi is the Agent of God in human body. Sub-conscious is subtle and often it is in the back seat. One must recognize its importance and bring forward to always think of God so that God will act in one’s life through the Agent. Do you really require Agent? Yes, we need. There are 7 types of consciousness exists. Humans are busy with millions of unwanted things and forgetting the really required thing. This is where humans must recognize the important of sub-conscious especially people who are in the material world. Divide your consciousness in two parts and let the sub-conscious always think of God and the other part of consciousness concentrate on mundane Karma. Presently these 2 consciousnesses are required for a material person between himself and God.


2940. Which Bakthi will earn God’s love and throughout protection from Him?

Ans. There are numerous ways devotees show their devotions (Bakthi) towards God.  Among them, there are 2 important types of Bakthi of a devotee is most popular such as 1. Raaga Bakthi and 2. Vaideega Bakthi. Vaideega Bakthi is formal and simply duty oriented.  Whereas Raaga Bakthi is love towards God and it is informal. God likes Raaga Bakthi (passion or longing for God’s love) so that God can interact with his devotee and partake in his life activities 24x7. Simple examples refer to Panduranga of Pandari and Gopis of Vrundavan etc. Many Priests conduct their Pooja in temple just like an office work (not all of them but a huge number in today’s era).


2939. Who can recognize God?

Ans. Gods, Goddess, Celestial bodies are in and around us in a special form. However, especially to recognize God’s presence one should be pious, innocent, clean and simple. Here the simple means a person without Ego (false pride). Kindly note Self Ego is different from physical Ego. Self-Ego means a realized and enlightened Jeevathma (like Aadi Sankara, Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Gouranga etc…).


2938. What will happen to the human body when pregnant women control or hold their natural waste discharges?

Ans. There are 4 ways human’s discharges comes out from their body. 1. Svedh/Sweat, 2. Malam/Secretion, 3. Moothram/Urine and 4. Uchvaasam or Niswasam/Exhale. Sweat and Niswasam (exhale) will automatically get out without specific efforts. Whereas Urine and Stool can be held for some time. According to great saint Thirumoolar and Ayurveda if she holds “Malam” the baby will be born with Mandha Budhi (autism, abnormally, underdeveloped brain), in case of Urine the baby will be born as “Dumb” and holding both then the baby will be born as “Blind”. Why to venture? Now-a-days such children too many in our Earth due the mistakes of their mother. We may have to blame formal office work schedule and culture. This is one the reason why ancient people advised that women should not work with huge commitment and responsibilities, so that she takes rest as well as go to rest room as and when she feels like. Unfortunately, we are inviting trouble in life by ourselves.  


2937. Why are some choosing Jnaana Maarga (Path of True Knowledge) and others Bakthi ad Yoga Maara (Path of Bakthi and Karma)?

Ans. It has been realized by the enlightened seers that those who follow Jnaana Yoga/Path will have more elements of Lord Siva in their body, those who follow Bakthi and Upasana will have Lord Vishnu’s elements in them and those who follow Yagna/Yaga and Karma Maarga will have Lord Brahma’s elements in them. Alternatively, we can also agree that they might have followed these paths in their previous life. Kindly note current is always for rectification and achieve perfection.


2936. What is Veda, Sastra, Ithihaas and Puranams in real terms?

Ans. These are the divine instructions (Aagnaas) of various Gods and Mahatmaas from time to time to uplift human beings from their Karmic mundane life (trans migration process). The human beings are supposed to adopt and apply to their day-to-day life to achieve and get enlightened. There is no need of compromises or negotiations required. All these Dharmic instructions were given according to the class of people (Class = Varna Aasrama Dharmas – Brahmin, Kshathriya, Vaisya and Soodra). The higher the class higher the responsibilities, commitments, Punya and Paapa for every action.


2935. God blesses whom?

Ans. God said (Lord Krishna) I bless only those who surrendered or depend on me unconditionally. (Source Bagavath Gita). Although God is impartial, yet it is logical that why should he blesses someone who does not believe in Him nor listen to his advice and adopted to life? Here the God’s blessings are not the filthy fringe benefits… the last path of human life, the ultimate Moksham is God’s real blessings.


2934. What is the magnanimity of God’s hymns (holy names)?

Ans. Gods have innumerable hymns attached to them. God and God’s hymns are not two different things, they are one and the same. God’s always having infinite magnanimity (Mahathmyas) in their names (Mantra). However, the Sastras says that the Naama Japa alone enough to eradicate all the sins committed by human beings. Just One Mantra (Naama) has the power to nullify the total Paapa committed by the entire living beings across 14 worlds. One should chant the mantra with fullest devotion along with indivisible faith then only it will have its effect. Now imagine how much one can earn Punya (holiness) by chanting 108 (Ashtothara Naamavali), 300 (Thrisathi), and 1000 (Sahasra Naama) Namaas! God alone can say the credit balance of such Punya. Kindly note humans also commit equivalent number of sins while living!


2933. What percentage of Prarabda Karma is required for a Jeeva to take birth?

Ans. Prarabda Karma is immeasurable yet according to Sastra it is mentioned that 60% of the total Prarabda Karma will be withdrawn while taking a new birth. This means more than 40% of the Karma rewards cannot be rectified or modified. It must be undergone to nullify its effects. Therefore, even the various type of worships or Parihaaraas won’t rectify more than 40% of the Karama rewards. That is why even during the incarnation of Gods or Mahathmas undergoes certain difficulties. The truth is without having the balance Prarabda Karma one cannot take birth.


2932. Why other religious faith people should not die in Kaasi (Varanasi)?

Ans. According to many important Purana’s, Ithihas, Sukla Yajur Veda Jaapaala Upanishad and Smruthis narrative is that those who die / renounce their mortal body in Kaasi region irrespective of the living being whether Human or Animal, they will get Taraka Mantra Upadesam on their right ears by Lord Siva himself. Also, Lord Siva will grant them Rudra Roopam/form (Saroopya Mukthi) among the Pancha Mukthi Padham. Therefore, people with different faith should avoid living or dying Kasi otherwise they miss the opportunity to go their Holy Father’s abode or Paradise. For God there is no religious boundaries, He sees as human being dying in his territory/abode therefore by default he/she/it is eligible for this special grant from Him. The Taraka Mantram is Pranava Mantram OM.


2931. Which Varnee (class) should worship whom as their personal God?

Ans. As we need in Sanathana Dharma there are 4 class of people based on their profession viz. 1. Brahmin = should worship Lord Siva, 2. Kshatriya = should worship Lord Vishnu, 3. Vaisya = should worship Lord Brahma, 4. Soodra = should worship Devaraj Indra.


2930. Who can be called as Human in spiritual world?

Ans. The person who has compassion towards other living beings is real Human rest all just a living being among other creatures.


2929. Sastras referring that there are 4 class of devotees seen in our society. Who are they?

Ans. 1. Pravarthaka = Just began religious and spiritual life or enquiries, 2. Saadhaka = His desire for outer show has become less, 3. Sidha = He who has the absolute conviction that the God exists and is the sole doer and he has seen the God in person, 4. Param Sidha (Sidhas’ of Sidha) = He who has not only seen the God, but also intimately talked and interacted with God.


2928. How can one know that he or she has absolute true knowledge?

Ans. If one has knowledge then he or she does not see the God any more at a distance (i.e. somewhere!). One does not think of God anymore as He (individual entity). He becomes this. He is seen in his/her own heart. God dwells in every person; this will be the attitude of a person who has true knowledge.

2927. What is the objective or reality of spiritual path (Adhyathmikam)?

Ans. Enquiries (Anveshana) towards unknown things.


2926. Why do you get attracted to a particular God or Goddess when you want to do worship?

Ans. Because that God’s or Goddess’s elements are there in your body. Hence the natural attraction or relationship will be built when an opportunity arises. Kindly note, Elements can come through the involvement by Manasa, Vacha and Karmana and through Thanmatras (sabda, sparsa, roopa, rasa & Gandha) etc.


2925. Where do Goddess Mahalakshmi reside by her own choice?

Ans. Usually Gods and Goddesses are invoked or invited to be placed in a particular object until the worship is over such as Vigraha or picture or diagram etc… (there are 8 types). Whereas, without doing any of these Goddess Mahalakshmi resides by her own liking in these 5 beings viz. 1. Front side of a lotus flower, 2. Forehead of an elephant, 3. Rear side of a desi cow, 4. Rear side of a Vilva Pathra and 5. Sumangali’s Sindoora Rekha in her head.   


2924. How do you define Brahman and God?

Ans. When God is actionless or unattached to action and realize ultimate reality He will be known as Brahman. When God is in action or in form he will be called God.


2923. What is Navagraha Dasa Phalam (rewards) and its effects?

Ans. Every planet is significator of a particular work and its respective rewards. All human being activities and its rewards are categorized under 9 groups and each group is represented by a planet or significator. The list is too big to write here however, one should understand the concept as why some planets promote good and other bad. The Planets are not giving or taking anything from us. Our Karma deeds are returned to us with profit and loss. Planets release the rewards during their Day, Yoga, Dasa, Bukthi, Anthardasa, Chidram, Sookshama, Praana and Gochaara time etc. An example to understand, let me explain in a clock there is a small and a big arrow. When can you say a particular hour or time, when the small and big arrows coincide in a specific manner, we can say a particular time, likewise, now let us assume that the big arrow is planet, and small arrow is a living being (includes all species). Why we are small arrow because the impact is on us in our body. The big arrow is the executor of all our Karma and small arrow is filled with loads Karma deeds. When both coincide an impression takes place that is called rewards or results of action. So, living beings will be experienced as per the current ruling planet’s influence. Therefore, knowingly one should not do any sinful act otherwise on a particular period he/she will have to reciprocate against past Karma deeds. An example, during Guru Dasa (Jupiter), if the person’s past Karma is good then he/she will get a chance to do good/holy work otherwise he/she will harm all respectable people, parents, God, vandalise spiritual resources etc. To make Planet’s influence favourable, one should try to do all good activities related to that Planet.    


2922. In which place the whole day Sun rays keep falling in Earth? even during the nighttime (in subtle form)?

Ans. The place is in Bharat, Tamil Nadu, KUMBAKONAM. During daytime Sun rays directly fall and during night the Sun rays still falls in this place through other planets and stars in subtle form. That is why this place is called Kumbakonam. This is another reason for why all Navagraha temples are located in this city.


2921. How to define Gnaana, Agnaana & Vignaana in simple manner?

Ans. Realized Aathmas says as follows: Trying to know many things is Agnaana (Ignorance). To know only one thing is Gnaana (knowledge). Gnaana is also the realization that the God alone is real and that He dwells in all. Realizing God or seeing and talking to Him/Her is Vignaana (True knowledge) it is also called Poorna Gnaana (fuller knowledge).


2920. With whom Chathur Varnees (4 skills) should declare fight against?

Ans. According to Sanatha Dharma Sastra there are 4 class (qualities and profession based) of people co-lived harmoniously. Unfortunately, the Mlechaas (foreigners) disturbed this eco-system to suit their political agenda and created an unresolvable confusion among Sanathanees. Those 4 Varnees are Brahmana, Kshathriya, Vaisya, Soodra. Each set of people should declare war against one primary habit or custom. They are, Brahmanas should fight against IGNORANCE, Kshathriyas should fight against INJUSTICE, Vaisyas should fight against INSUFFICIENCY and Soodras should fight against INDOLANCE (laziness). This is how said it in the true sastras whereas how such noble thought process were mis-interpreted and created confusion among people!


2919. What is the true meaning of Maamsahaara (meat of animals or any livestock)?

Ans. This is the Sanskrit word, and it is also a promise given to the animal who is going to get killed or butchered that, “I am giving you permission to kill me and eat in your future births”. Maam means me (myself), Saa means likewise or me too, Aahaaraha means giving permission to eat me. Therefore, all non-vegetarian eaters are giving a promise to that animal that now I am killing and eating you in turn you can also do the same to me in our next birth/life. Where this is not applicable to Sasya Ahaara because no tree or plant will hide or run away when you want to eat their produce! Even if there is a small quantity of dosha (Sin) the reciprocation will be nurturing and taking care of plants or do agriculture activities (this is still better than Maam-Saa-Aahara).


2918. Why do you get sin when you do unholy or unacceptable acts towards a thing?

Ans. Because the God element is in everything including oneself, therefore the God element in oneself (you) is getting disturbed or hurt or destroyed when you harm others. Such discomfort will produce hell or sorrowful event in current life and if it is not fully squared off then it will get carried forwarded to the next life.


2917. What are the hierarchy in spiritual worship practices?

Ans. Higher than mere worship is JAPA, higher than Japa is MEDITATION, higher than Meditation is BHAAVA, higher than Bhaava is MAHA BHAAV and PREMA. According to Sastra and accomplished Sadhakaas Japa (chanting) alone is enough to attain God. One should not forget that in Kaliyug Japa stands easy and primary source of worship.


2916. Why do Maya (illusion/ignorance) look real?

Ans. It is due to its Samskaraas (culture), inborn tendencies, repeated births in this world, Maya makes one believe that May is real.


2915. What was the reason for Devaki and Vasudeva’s grief?

Ans. Lord Sri Krishna revealed to them about their previous birth secrets where he narrated that Devaki’s previous birth was Kaikeyi (wife of King Dasaratha) and Vasudeva was Dasarath. Both could not live with their son for 14 years, because Kakayi sent Lord Rama to forest for 14 years. Foster mother Yasoda was Kousalya. Everyone must undergo their Karma deeds even if the God’s God comes as son or daughter. Karma deeds have no partiality nor spare anyone even if he or she is God incarnation.


2914. What is the real purpose of all learnings and knowledge (Vidhya)?

Ans. To know and realize God! God realization is not to get detached from the love of Easwara, in fact it should shorten the gap between Human and God understanding. There is no use of any knowledge if the person is not getting more closer to God.  


2913. What can you get from the Adhyatmikam (Practicing spiritualism)?

Ans. One can get discipline, humility and compassion towards co-living species. There is no point in trying to accomplish anything in life without having these 3 exemplary qualities in a person. Therefore, the spiritual practisers can achieve these precious qualities by following spiritual conducts. Doing worship in an idol or just praying is not the end of spiritualism, one must train and practice those qualities is the topmost goals of spiritualism. 

2912. What is the indication of getting Devatha Darsanam (site of divine personality) to a mantra Sadhaka/Devotee?

Ans. A Saadhana achieved its Saadhyam. A devotee usually keeps in touch with God through a Mantra (the pass key). Therefore, the Sadhaka keep chanting mantra and involve himself to his mundane duties. However, when God accepted his/her devotion, as an accomplishment reward, God reveals his/her form to him/her known as divine vision. In other words, when the Sadhaka got the physical form Darsan of the respective deity, he can conclude that his Mantra has attained its peak, and he/she got Sidhi. Therefore, God gives his physical form Darsan only to his true devotees. There is no point in arguments or suspicious debates whether God is having form or formless! What cannot be done by the God? If God can create this world, creating a form to please his devotee is an impossible task? Basic sense is more than sufficient to understand these phenomena. God can be physical as well as subtle, we are too small to judge that almighty power. Let’s not show our intelligence over supreme! A student is always a student in front of his teacher. A student can be an innovative, achiever and popular than the teacher but don’t forget teacher’s overall knowledge on the subject will be always higher volume than the student.


2911. Why do you see God is not unconditionally helping everyone?

Ans. The simple answer is “who deserves he will get it”. Why should non eligible people to receive free blessings or grace? If people want to be partial, then God can also be partial to that extent. Is it making sense know. The truth is God does not take entire responsibility for a devotee unless the devotee is completely intoxicated with ecstatic love for God. If someone give partial love to God, then his grace also will be partial to this original contribution. An example if you are a business partner with 40% share holding of a business, then you should only expect and responsible to the extent of profit or loss! Like wise if we offer truly 100 percent innocent devotion to God then we can expect 100 percentage support from God. You deserve only to the extent you are exposed/involved!


2910. What is the justification of a true Hindu to this identity?

Ans. When he/she understands sastra and practices Sampradhaayas (divine principles and practices). Sastras are objects and Sampradhaayas are containers which contains sastra principles or objects. Both compliment each other. Sampradhaayam is a practice to realize the truth of principles/doctrines set in the Veda & sastra. Sometime sastras will act as condensed form and to understand its principles one may dilute in the form of simple activities. Following Sampradhaayaas are not superstitious if it is practiced carefully according to Desa and Kaala (Place, time and environment).   


2909. What are the principles of Paapa Kshayam/Naasam (evaporating sins)?

Ans. The wrong deeds/rewards and its actions gained from other casual places will disappear/vanish the moment that sinner visits Punya Kshethram (Holy Places). Whereas if he/she commits any wrongdoing in the Holy Places, its rewards cannot be nullified in any places, and it becomes as strong as Dimond (Vajra Thulyam). The satra pramaanam says “Anya kshethre krutham Paapam, punya kshethre vinasyathi. Punya kshethre krutham Paapam vajra Roopam bhavishyathi”. In our current era how many people are fearlessly committing hundreds of sins on daily basis within the vicinity of Punya Kshethram? How and when these monstrous sins are going to be eradicated. Even Gods mercy cannot help the situation. That is why we are seeing more and more sinners with demonic characters are being born as children. They carry the destroying mind set or Vaasanaas from their previous birth. They mishandle own family and try to destroy divine values in the society. Such people are the real burden for the good ones. This is how the earthly life is becoming more and more challenging and disgusting. To some extent false religious leaders are to be blamed for grooming such sinners (Nishidha Guru) in this Earth.


2908. What is knowledge and ignorance?

Ans. A person is ignorant so long as he feels that God is far away from him/her. He has knowledge when he knows that God is here and everywhere.


2907. What qualifications need to be a true devotee?

Ans. A devotee must develop true innocent love for God. There is no need of any types of justification, comparison, judgment or reasoning to that pure love (Kaarya Kaarana Nirmuktham). The devotee must make only one prayer that Dear God please bestow me purest love on you. Please make me your adorable lover just like the child and its mother. I should not forget you even for a second. I should be mad of you. I should be inseparable from you. I should be always under your aspect.


2906. What is the beginning and end of Sadhana and Saadhyam?

Ans. Saadhyam is a thing/element and Saadhana is its container. Sadhana means Prayathnam (efforts/actions) and Saadhyam means rewards of accomplishment, achieved results and perfect. During the Saadhana period the Saadhakan follows duality i.e. he/she sees the world, God and himself are different elements. Whereas, upon realization of the truth, he concludes that God is everything whether movable or immovable. The ultimate truth is God is becoming everything (Parinaamam) for each one’s sake according to their need and desires out of compassion.


2905. Who are the divine consorts of Lord Sani (God in-charge of planet Saturn)?

Ans. Neelima Devi and Dhaamini Devi. Neelima was born out of Lord Brahma’s fifth head and Dhaami is daughter of Daksha Prajapathi. Sani got a son from Dhaamini named Gulukan or Maandhi. Very ferocious character and leader of goblins (Demigods, Bootha, Pretha & Pisachas).


2904. What is the view of a Hindu (Sanathanee) in terms of heaven and hell?

Ans. Unlike the other religious belief system, Hindus get multiple choices to rectify his/her mistakes and purify themselves for salvation by the help of cleansing system called transmigration (birth and death cycle). He/She does not need to wait until the final judgement day and imprisoned in the hell. Belief system cannot supersede the absolute truth! If God is merciful and compassionate, then He must give often chances to rectify the error and lead a perfect life to achieve salvation, otherwise how can you call the God merciful? This is the greatest, error free and incomparable doctrine of Hinduism versus other religious system in this Earth! Therefore, Hindus as luckier than others.


2903. Should you keep the Book/Grandh open while chanting mantras or not?

Ans. If a Sloka, Sthothra or Namavali contains more than 1000 stanzas or mantras or words then you must read the contents by the help of book while rendering, even if you know byheart. This is the sastra Vidhi. 

2902. What are the significances of Akshaya Thrithiya?

Ans. Akshaya Thrithiya will fall on the Sukla Paksha Thrithiya day of Vaisakha Maasa (during Mid-May to Mid-Jun). Akshaya means never vanishing, ever-lasting, recurring prosperity, potential without scarcity etc… Some of the important events took place in this day to become more auspicious. They are 1. Birthday of lord Parasurama, 2. Maiden fall of celestial Ganga River on earth, 3. Kubera Deva got back his lost wealth, 4. Sage Vyasa started to compose Mahabharatha Epic, 5. Baktha Kuchela met Lord Sri Krishna, 6. Incarnation of Goddess Annapoorani to offer alms to Lord Siva, 7. Pandavas got Akshya Pathram from Lord Soorya Deva, 8. Kritha and Thretha Yuga began, 9. Sri Adi Sankarachaarya compiled Kanaka Dhaara stothram, besides these there any many uncounted good things had happened on this day.  The main purpose of this auspicious day is to give alms to others (Best day for Dhaana and Dharma). This was mis-interpreted by the commercial businessmen and try to lure the money from people. If you buy some valuable assets and keep it for yourself, this action will backfire instead of benefits.


2901. How many stars are having influence on Human beings based on Veda and Jyothi sastra?

Ans. According to Yajur Veda it considers 28 stars including Abhijith-21 (this star is placed in between Uthrashada 20th and Sravana 21st). The first star is Krithika and the last is Bharani. Whereas the Jyothi sastra (Astrology) considers only 27 stars, starting from Aswini and ends with Revathy.


2900. How humans came into existence in this Earth?

Ans. There are 3 ways human begins came into existence. 1. Creator Lord Brahma created a human couple to make people, 2. Divine personalities came from celestial worlds and mixed with human personalities in Earth to create humans, 3. Humans created Humans through biological process from animal to finally humans. These are the 3 convincing routes from our sastras. However, Sanathana Sastra theory is different from Scientific theory. Science says from an Atom cell through progression made to Human (Homo Gene 96%) story. Whereas Veda says humans were created as human itself (Hiranya Gene 100%) from Atoms by Lord Brahma. However, as the Yuga (time and space) keeps growing, 100% Hiranya gene started depleting to different level due to cross sexual behaviour. However, it is difficult to ascertain the current percentage value of its purity, modern science discovered that 96% to 98% is still lives with human genes. Today all humans are not behaving like real human though they look like, we can easily understand from their behaviour patterns that some animal stings are still there in human’s DNA! As we know most of the people does not use six senses! Kindly note science is not enemy of spiritual sastra! We have 3 types of humans viz. divine qualities, demon qualities and human qualities. We will find humans mixed with demon and human qualities; such people are probably progressed from alps, whereas divine qualities people are the generation of divine intervention. We, need to understand the formula through a mathematic conviction. Sum of 2 odd numbers is always even number and sum of 2 even numbers are also always even number. Now let’s value this principle with sastra. Odd (Ojam) represents Deva/Divine personality and Even (Yugma) represent Human/Manushya personality. Hence, Deva (Bheeja or Yoni) + Manushya (Yoni or Bheeja) = Human birth and Manushya (Bheeja) + Manushya (Yoni) = Human birth. Basically, when God wants to create humans in Earth (whether male or female or transgender), he descended or sent one of his divine personalities to create a particular human generation in earth. We have plenty of stories available in Puranaas for reference. Divine personalities have elevated and enlightened physique whereas Human personalities having abnormal physique. Humans cannot create Devas, but Devas can create humans through human elements. Hiranya Gene represents Brahma Srushti. Initially Brahma created Saptha Rishis and Prajapathis to generate humans in this Earth, thereafter humans started producing humans. In this Universe everything is divine however due to our lack of divine knowledge, devotion and the influence of ignorance we started messing up things and complicating the life by ourselves, that is how we are today! So the conclusion is Lord Brahma created humans as human itself not by accident or progression from animal to human theory.  


2899. How to know when divine mother is (Goddess Parasakthi) exercising her different powers (3-sakthi) from Planet’s motion?

Ans. If Paraskthi is using her ICHA SAKTHI means planets are in retro-Gration mode, if GHYAANA SAKTHI then planets are in stationary position and finally if the Planets are in forward motion, means she is using her KRIYA SAKTHI. Kindly note Sun and Moon has only forward motion hence they are always under her Kriya Sakthi aspect hence Sun and Moon we do everything for our survival. Formula stands as 3:2:1 (Kriya:Icha:Ghyna).   


2898. What is the unique significance of Holy Mount Kailasa?

Ans. Its placement itself a mystery. The holy mount kailasa is situated in a peculiar angle. 6666 KM from North Pole and 6666x2 (13,332) KM from South Pole (axis)! This Mount is the heart of Earth according to Sanathana Dharma having 22,000 feet above the sea level. That single rock piece is having approximately 108 feet (32.6 meters) hight from surface level.  


2897. What is the source of Vedas?

Ans. Vedas are Apourusheyam (not having any form or created by few people or a religious leader). Vedas comes out of Lord Siva’s breath (especially Niswasa – exhale) in the form of Mantras and spread in the air across the space. When Maharshi’s or a competent seeker sit for meditation (thapass) it enters through their nostrils (as Swaasa - Inhale) and spread in their body. The vital energy such as Pranaa will collect all those information and take it Kudalini at Mooladhaara Chakram where Parasakthi is residing in every human body. She filters the knowledge and ascend towards upper Chakraas (centres) and throw it through mouth. This process is known as Para-Pasyanthi-Madyama & Vaikhari (this Vaikhari is the sound with clear syllables). This method of delivering Ghyaan (Knowledge) is passed generation after generation as Guru-Sishya Siksha known as Upanishad. This is how the Vedas are travelling across the Universe. The method of teaching is listening and repeating the contents from a Guru particularly in the Veda Paadasaala (Vedic schools). Therefore, there is no beginning nor ending to gain this knowledge since Lord Siva is very living and he keeps discharging the breath and we will be bestowed with uninterrupted knowledge. To receive this divine knowledge, the seeker must possess Niayama and Nishta which is rarest in this era therefore, its frequency will not be sequenced and synchronized! No new Vedas are created since there is no such honourable Maharshis (Saints) are living within our vicinity. Therefore, all divine knowledge is getting deposited in the space and non-divine knowledge is swiftly raising among people. This is the reason people are more interested in learning material science knowledge. From the gross knowledge one must utilize the filtering technology to segregate spiritual and material contents. Unfortunately, we are lacking such divine personalities now. From the gross knowledge we can segregate them in three faces viz. Ghnaanam (wisdom/divine knowledge), Vighnaanam (scientific experienced knowledge), Maighnaanam or Sathya Ghnaanam (knowledge of absolute truth). Ghnaanam is spiritual contents, Vighnaanam is material contents and Sathyaghnaanam is Absolute truth. Composing lyrics, stories etc… also one way of Vedas only (it can be spiritual or material).


2896. What are the 4 important weapons mentioned in Sanathana Maha Puranaas?

Ans. 1. Brahma Dhandam (held by Maharshi Vasishta) this weapon will defend all odds received under the creation of Lord Brahma, 2. Chandrahaasam (a sword given by Lord Siva to Ravanasur – if it is misused, it will come back to Lord Siva), 3. Vajrayudham (held by Lord Indra, created by Lord Viswakarma from the bones of Dadhichi Maharshi), 4. Vidhyu-Dhabhi/Parasu (held by Lord Parasurama given by Lord Siva. Later handed over to Lord Ganesa by Parasurama).


2895. When the Upaadi and limitations will perish from a person?

Ans. When a Sadhak/Devotee/Seeker through penance and Upasana attains Ghnaanam (absolute knowledge), automatically the Upaadi (object or body) and its limitations will perish. Accordingly, he/she will attain Mukthi (salvation/liberation).


2894. Who need sensual pleasures among human beings?

Ans. Ancient great sages researched and identified that the Aathmas getting first time human birth will be more interested in enjoying all types of sensual pleasures. Philosophically all first-time experiences are the real enjoyment, there after it is only a function. In other words, those who have a human body for the first time need the experience of sensual enjoyments. Ideally once it is experienced it should look forward to another better experience. The next level experience is spiritual enlightenment. Therefore, spiritual consciousness is not awakened unless certain duties have been performed by the Aathma after getting human body. Human beings alone can climb the ladder of multiple Aasramaas such as Brahmacharyam, Gruhastham, Vaanaprastham and finally Sanyaasam. God has given all four types of enjoyments while in one perishable body itself. This is the reason humans are considered to be the best creation of God. Every human being must assume that this is their first and last mortal birth, hereafter renounce body, mind and experiences then to merge with Brahman.


2893. What is Anaadhi (endless, infinite, source less)?

Ans. Anaadhi means no beginning no end. Ever living primordial energy. Mainly 4 energies are known to human existence as Anaadhi. They are 1. Aathma, 2. Easwara, 3. Prakruthi, 4. Veda. However, all these energies transformed (Parinayam or Avirbhavam) itself in different form to make the tangible world. In Sruthi (Veda) an explanation is given as when the Aathma Energy enters the body it will be called as Janma (birth), Easwara as Avatharam (Incarnation), Vedam as Sruthi and Prakruthi as Srushti. Another example of Vedam when it transforms it be known as Sruthi then Aamnaayam then Chhandhass etc…Name and form is only for understanding purposes.


2892. What makes Hindus united (Sanathanees)?

Ans. Those who were born in Bharatha Varsha (currently within India, unlike earlier Aarsha Bharatha Varsham – the total Indian Subcontinent) are Sanathanees or Hindus (name derived from Indus Riverbank Area) irrespective of their religions. VEDAs are the primary source that unit all Sanathathana Hindus as one way of life (currently known as religion). In the absence of Veda there won’t be any cordial relationship between each Hindu sects. All disciplines, school of thoughts, customs, propagandas, scriptures etc were derived from Vedas only. Veda will supersede all orders, opinions, instructions, verdicts and stand as shield. Vedas are the final authority and universal knowledge to uplift human race and other living beings. Veda learned and practiced across Bharatha Varsha remain same and intact except little bit of variations in applicability according to the region.


2891. How many Bhaava (aspects or features) are there for Devi and Devas?

Ans. 64 Bhaavas. Therefore, a divine personality can have 64 types of features. They will consider of them and take incarnation (Avataaram). Why 64 because there are only 64 Kalaas (arts) hence all living beings must be within these 64 Bhavaas only exists. Some examples Moorthy or Amoorthy Bhavam, Anger, Pleasant, Vishnu, Devi Bhavam etc…

2890. Whose Kula Daivam (family God/deity) to be worshiped?

Ans. Both, paternal and material Kula Daivas to be worshiped by the children because both contributed to getting our body and life, therefore we are indebted to both their family deities. In other words, equal importance must be given. If a specific deity or God is not known, at-least that Bhava alone is enough. For example, male or female or Vishnu or Devi etc…


2889. What are the qualities or qualifications one must possess to realize God?

Ans. Through 3 approaches viz. 1. Discrimination (ability to understand right and wrong / good and bad), 2. Renunciation (ability to detach from everything), 3. Yearning for God (highest love or anxious for seeing God).


2888. Do we need to worship all Avathaara Gods/Purushaas (incarnated)?

Ans. No. Generally, people are 5 types of viz. Gjnaani, Agjnaani, Baktha, Abaktha and Vibaktha. Out of these God incarnate only for the sake of devotee (Baktha) therefore, incarnation of God or doing external worship has nothing to do with a Ghnaani (known) moreover, the Ghnaani always worship his/her own Aathma (Soul) as God and get satisfied with it. Of-course this rule is applicable only to real Ghnaani. In the meanwhile, he/she will never criticise those who do external idol worship. All paths lead to the same destination! The Veda says “Veda Sasthraath Param Naasthi, Tha-dhaivam Kesavaath Param”.


2887. What are the ways one realizes the God?

Ans. There are innumerable ways. However, some of the important ones are: 1. Nithya Sidha (through daily practicing any spiritual discipline and become eternally perfect), 2. Sadhana Sidha (through spiritual discipline), 3. Kripa Sidha (suddenly attained God’s vision by the grace of God), 4. Swapna Sidha (vision of God in the dream). Sidha means accomplisher.  


2886. Which God will swiftly appear in front of devotees and grand boons during Kali Yuga (Iron Age)?

Ans. Ganapathy and Chandika Devi. The Veda says that “Kalou Chandi-Vinaayakou”.


2885. What is the first aspect of Brahman?

Ans. Dharma or Aadhisakthi. This is the reason if a person is not following the Dharma (virtue) he/she cannot realize Brahman or God. This is the only foundation for realization of truth.


2884. What are the names of Ashtadik Gajaas (8 quarters divine celestial elephants)?

Ans. 1. Airavatham, 2. Pundareekam, 3. Vaamanam, 4. Kumudham, 5. Anjanam, 6. Pushpadhantham, 7. Saarvabhowmam, 8. Supradheekam. According to Vedic texts it is revealed that these 8 celestial elephants are holding the Earth from all 8 quarters.


2883. What are the prevailing important Kaulamaarga Bhaava Aradhana systems?

Ans. Kaula Maaragam mainly concentrates in conducting Kaali Pooja. The important 4 Sampradhayaas (systems or methods) are 1. Ruruchith, 2. Dhakshachith, 3. Dhaarikachith, 4. Mahishachith. In Kerala state most of the Kaali temple worship is based on Ruruchith system followed in Kashmir Tantra school. The prefix of Chith represent the demon who was slayed by Kaali and to calm her, devotees worshiped her in a specific manner, later such practice become popular with those demons’ names. These 4 demons were real monsters therefore Parasakthi had to invoke Kaali to finish them off from this Earth.


2882. What is the best brain healing technique?

Ans. Listen to Sound waves (preferably Omkaaram).


2881. What is the capacity of human brain?

Ans. 3 million hours of audio/video content (30 lakhs hours of AV contents) however, we occupy only between 2 to 8 percentage maximum.


2880. What is the strongest enemy in the world?

Ans. Meditation i.e. Dhyaana, why because it is not easy to do Dhyaanam.


2879. What is the core teaching of Veda and Aagama?

Ans. Vedas stating that the Aathma (Soul) is the Brahman. Whereas Aagamaas instruct and guide in leading the Soul towards its union with the Absolute Being. Vedas are for realization and Aagamaas are for experiencing. Vedas are in Sanskrit (Samskrutham) and Aagamaas are in Tamil language. Both are the contribution of Easwara himself.


2878. What is the central or core teaching or theme of Bagavad Gita and Yoga Vaasishtam?

Ans. One must realize God in and through the world.


2877. What one should conquest in this Universe?

Ans. The Mind (Manass). Conquest of the mind is the greatest conquest. If a person conquers the mind, he/she already conquered the whole world.


2876. What are the 3 important consciousness (Bhodhaas)?

Ans. 1. Vasthu Bhodha (knowledge of articles/goods), 2. Thathva Bhodha (knowledge of truth), 3. Aathma Bhodha (knowledge of Aathma/Soul). This 3 consciousness are the foundation for all types of Bhodhas. A human must slowly and sturdily ascend from Vasthu to Thathva to Aathma Bhodha and finally attain and merge in the Sarva Bhodha (Sarva Ghnaanam or cosmic knowledge) called Moksha Padham. This is ultimate and always truthful path.  


2875. What is called Krama Mukthi (ladders in achieving liberation)?

Ans. Progressive process of liberation of the Aathma (Soul) is known as Krama (step by step) Mukthi. The Jeevathma must ascend step by step through various process is Krama Mukthi. Those steps (ladders) are Sathya Karma (good conducts) and Sathya Sankalpa (true determination).


2874. What is the definition of Moksha or Mukthi?

Ans. Liberation (Moksha) means that highest knowledge of God!


2873. Why do the Kaama (desires) and Karma (action) get rested or filtered in the Jeeva? But not in Easwara?

Ans. Jeeva has Avidhya (ignorance/illusion) in it whereas Easwara has only Vidhya hence Kaama and Karma do not afflict Easwara.


2872. Jeevanmukthi has any connection with Physical body?

Ans. The state of Jeevanmukthi has no connection with the physical body, since it is a state of consciousness. Therefore, it can be experienced even when the physical body is dropped. This means that the Jeevanmukthi can be achieved even after death!


2871. Source of happiness or sorrows are permanent.?

Ans. No. Source of happiness is not permanent. It will change whether happiness or sorrows. The source will keep change from time to time. In other words, if there is high then there will be a down, life goes on!


2870. What is Samsara? (bonded life)?

Ans. The relationship between Knower (Jnaathru), Knowledge (Gjnaanam) and Known (Jneeyam) is Samsara. These three collectively known as Thriputi Samskaram.


2869. What is Brahman? (the supreme self)?

Ans. That which is not anything, but not nothing. That which is everything, and knows nothing but itself, that is Brahman. It exists in all time even beyond space and time. Human’s primary duty is to know this ever-existing existence!


2868. What is Moksham (Liberation)?

Ans. Jnana of existence is Moksham (permanent escape from transmigration / knowing the existence)! Or to be That is Moksha. It is to realize one’s Self, to be oneself is to be the All. Moksha is the highest exaltation of the Self in its pristine nature of Supreme Perfection this means that the Soul (Aathma) undergoes lots of experience and cleansing work before it attains Moksha. Therefore, Moksha is neither a mass of consciousness nor Self-consciousness. It is the very life and order of the Universe, ever-present, and unchanging existence.


2867. What is truth according to Vedant?

Ans. Truth is the union of the cosmic thinker and the cosmic thinking! Rest all untruth or unreal in this universe.


2866. What is the real experience or truth in Jagratha Avastha (awakened) and Swapana Avastha (dream)?

Ans. During Jagratha Avastha desires arise/act along with the body whereas in Swapna Avastha it acts through the mind (Manass). In JA mind experiences everything through Indriyas (sensual organs) whereas in SA mind alone experiencing everything. The truth is that both experiences are unreal because dynamic desires are controlling factor or ruling in both situations.  


2865. Who are the topmost Ghnaanis among the 7 types?

Ans. Although all Ghnaanees are having one pointed consciousness (Eakathva Aathma Bhodaham) yet the most important sects are two viz. 1. Samaadhi Ghnaanees (Bhoomika 6 & 7), 2. Vyavahaara Ghnaani (Bhoomika 4 & 5). The difference between them is just like, Vyavahaara Ghnaanees are like something written on the surface of water whereas the Samadhi Ghnaanees are just like something written on sand/soil. Vyavahara Ghnaani will still undergo the experience of 6 shortcomings of Jeeva whereas, Samadhi Ghnaani has already crossed all the fetters and reached the Maha Jyothis stage.


2864. Whether God is active in Dwaitha or Adwaitha?

And. Easwara works or active in Dwaitha Bhodha until Brahmanda Prayalam. Only during Cosmic Prayala, God has pure Nirvikalpa Consciousness that is Advaitham. Till such time double consciousness is a must to run the divine play. There is no life without duality, this is inevitable as long as any activities to be held in this Earth.


2863. What are the rewards of constant devotion towards God?

Ans. Bakthi (devotion) will lead to Sattvic Bhava and Bhava will lead to Pure Chitha. Pure Chitha is everything about Paramatma. The Sattvic Bhavas are 8 types viz. 1. Stamba (paralysis), 2. Sveda (Perspiration), 3. Romancha (Horripilation), 4. Svarabhanga (hoarseness of the voice), 5. Vepathu (trembling), 6. Vaivarnya (change of colour), 7. Asru (tears), 8. Pralaya (loss of consciousness).


2862. Which Ghnaani will be able to uplift the society?

Ans. A Ghnaani who can work towards uplifting the society and raise as many people as possible from mundane life should attain the stage/bhoomika 4 or 5 (Sathwapatthi -Mind becomes pure/sattvic) and Asamsakthi (detached).


2861. What are the steps/ladders of a Ghnaani of Ghnaanam (Accomplisher / Absolute Knowledge)?

Ans. There are 7 steps/ladders/stages to cross so that the Aathma will merge with Paramatma. 1. Subecha, 2. Vichaarana, 3. Thanumaanasi, 4. Sathwapatthi, 5. Asamsakthi, 6. Padhaartha Bhaavana, 7. Thurya. According to Veda these are called Bhoomika. The Yogi who attained 7th step will leave his/her mortal body within 14 days’ time. This is the maximum period he/she will be able to hold the body. The one to renounce the body and this world must step into the 7th stage.


2860. What are two important Pooja Vidhis (Rules/Methods) in Saiva Sidhantham?

Ans. 1. Aathmaartha Pooja (Maansa Pooja/Internal), 2. Paramaartha Pooja (Temlple and other Vigraha Pooja/External).


2859. Who is Aadhi Saivaits?

Ans. Lord Sada Siva is known as Anaadi Saivait. From Sada Siva’s 5 faces 5 Maharshis were born known as Aadhi Saivaits. They are also known as Saiv Brahmanas and Dwijaas, only these Maharshies or the members of their clan is allowed to touch the Siva Lingas and do Abhisheka (Absolution) and Alankaram (dressing). There are many other types of Saivaits co-exists but these 5 Gothra Saivates are the heads, they hold the position of Lord Siva himself. They are 1. Kausika Maharshi, 2. Kaasyapa Maharshi, 3. Bharadwaaj Maharshi, 4. Gouthama Maharshi and 5. Agasthya Maharshi.  


2858. What are the decorations or parts of a good speech?

Ans. 8 performance indicators are described for a good speech or talk. They are a person must keep these facts in mind while talking. 1. Truth, 2. Deliver benefits, 3. Love and affection, 4. Humility, 5. Sweet, 6. Deep meaning, 7. Suitable to situation, 8. Suitable to the audience.


2857. What are the 36 Thathwas according to Saiva Sidhantham?

Ans. It is a combination of 5 Siva Thathwaas, 7 Vidhya Thathwaas and 24 Aathma Thathwaas makes 36 Thathwaas. Thathwam means element principle. Aathma is none of these 36 Thathwaas but Kevala Sivoham.


2856. Does the Aathma has independence?

Ans. According to Saiva Sidhantham the Aathma does not have independence until it merges with Siva Yogam and then becoming Sivoham. Therefore, until it merges 100 percent through Siva Bhogam, no freedom for it and anytime it may be pulled by the Karmic cycle and undergo re-birth.


2855. What is known as Sathya Nishtaa or Dasa Kaaryaas in Saiva Sidhanth?

Ans. The Jeevathma undertake these 10 routes to merge with Sada Siva the Paramathma. Those 10 practices are 1. Thathwa Roopam, 2. Thathwa Darsanam, 3. Thathwa suddhi, 4. Aathma Roopam, 5. Aathma Darsanam, 6. Aathma suddhi, 7. Siva Roopam, 8. Siva Darsanam, 9. Siva Yogam and 10. Siva Bhogam. The Aathma (Self) is undergoing these practices and accepts the realization part by part and finally completely merging into Siva Bhogam and nothing exists except Sivam. This is the journey of an Aathma’s ascending path towards Sivam and becoming Sivoham.


2854. What is the Yardstick of spiritual growth in a person?

Ans. Spiritual progress is not measured by Siddhis or Powers. Its real Yardstick is the depth of your bliss during meditation


2853. What are the names of 5 Villages asked by Lord Sri Krishna for Pandavaas?

Ans. 1. Indraprastha (Delhi), 2. Thilprastha (Faridabad), 3. Sonprastha (Sonipath), 4. Panprastha (Panipath), 5. Gajaprastha (Ghaziabad). All the names have been changed by the Mugals during their occupied Bharat. Unfortunately, our shameless political administration happy to retain these painful name changes with hidden agenda.


2852. What are the resistance or boundaries for the Body, Mind and Aathma or Brain (Budhi)?

Ans. Body can be anchored in Yoga, Aathma and Budhi in Gnaanam whereas anchoring or controlling Mind (Manass) is a difficult task therefore, one to try to fix the Mind in Mantras. Mantra alone can bind the mind since Mantra is born to Mind itself, they are like Mother and Child.    


2851. What will make one perfection in Yoga?

Ans. Purity of mind leads to perfection in Yoga.


2850. What are the symptoms of Kundalini being raised or not?

Ans. There are multiple symptoms are seen in a person who practices Kundalini Yoga Abhyaasa. Out of many these are the most important heads. 1. During meditation you behold divine visions, smell, taste, touch and sounds in Anahata Chakra (basically all 5 sub-elements will start producing its divine effects), 2. You will receive instructions from God. These are the top two indications!


2849. What is the drawback or pitfall of language?

Ans. Language is finite and imperfect. I.e. Many limitations.


2848. Yogis are how many types/classes?

Ans. 4 class. 1. Prathama Kalpika (Beginner having 25% awareness of Self i.e. just seeing the light), 2. Madhu Bhumika/Mathi (Nirvitarka Samadhi having 50% close to Self-realization, i.e. start getting intuition), 3. Prajna Jyothis (75% mastered 5 elements and senses – Madhu Pratika), 4. Atikranta Bhavaniya (100% knowledge or full independence since Self realized).


2847. What is the drawback of Sidhis (Accomplishments or mystic powers)?

Ans. Sidhis can cause positive hindrance to wisdom or the attainment of Self-realization.


2846. What is the purpose of Samadhi (oneness)?

Ans. To bring a change that is the purpose of the progress of his/her outer consciousness. A true person who attained Samadhi will show the change in his inner and outer consciousness.


2845. What can lead or help to Self-Realization?

Ans. Perfect Vairaghya (Determination) and intense spiritual Sadhana (Practices) alone can lead to realization.


2844. Ware the clans of Chera, Chola and Pandiya kings of Bharat?

Ans. Chera dynasty derived from Agni Deva, Chola dynasty from Soorya Deva and Pandya dynasty from Chandra Deva.


2843. What is the highest fruit of Yoga?

Ans. Samadhi


2842. What is the right approach to realization?

Ans. Identify yourself with the Brahman. Means, when a person practices with a understanding or intention that He/She is the Brahman itself and continuously conduct all duties accordingly (Vruthi) will lift him/her to be a realized.


2841. What are the 6 faces or aspects of Gnaana Yoga Samadhi?

Ans. 1. Andhar Drusyaanuvidh (Savikalpam), 2. Andhar Sabdhaanuvidh (Savikalpam), 3. Andhar Nirvikalpam, 4. Baahya Dhrusyaanuvidh (Savikalpam), 5. Baahya Sabdhaanuvidh, 6. Bahya Nirvikalpam. These are the six faces of Gnaana Yoga Samadhi.


2840. What is Prapancham (Nature)?

Ans. Prapancham means a typical proportionate 5 natural elements. It is also known as Prakruthi. One of the names of Aathma is Prakruthi. Those 5 elements are Sath, Chith, Ananda, Naamam and Roopam.


2839. What is the importance and limitation of Saiva Sidhantha concepts?

Ans. Saiva Sidhantha’s 4 pillars are Charya, Kriya, Yogam and Gnaanam. Charya’s limitation or boundary is Kriya, Kriya’s boundary is Yogam, Yoga’s boundary is Ghnaanam, whereas Ghnaanam has no boundaries. It is wide open just like the hall of a big house. In a house to enter inside we need to climb steps and finally reach the huge hall.


2838. What is the benefit of getting birth in a pious Brahmin Kulam?

Ans. Only by birth itself qualify the person to learn Vedas and conduct Pooja in a Vedic manner. For others it is not possible unless they make severe efforts to become a pious person then to learn and conduct Poojas probably in non-Vedic manner. Therefore, Brahmins (by birth) must cherish their birth right and uphold the Dharmic customs. Unfortunately, Brahmins have no idea of their own power to withstand the illusionary effects of current Era. 

2837. How Yakshis (female ghosts) were born, or which act can trigger their birth?

Ans. Yakshis are spirts with destroying attitude. They are very dangerous especially for human beings. They can afflict most of the living beings and take control of their body’s activities. When someone pollutes Pancha Bhoothaas (5 elements viz. Space, Air, Fire, Water and Earth) they take birth from that polluted atmosphere and start troubling the person who involved in pollution. The effects of trouble could vary from light to unbearable. It all depends on their past Karma and strength.


2836. How many types of Snaanam (Bath) is recommended in Vedas and Siva Aagamam?

Ans. 8 types viz. 1. Vaarunam (taking bath in normal water), 2. Aagneyam (Applying Vibhoothi or sacred ash that represent Fire/Agni), 3. Manthram (Chanting Mantras and purifying the body), 4. Maanadham (Pranava Mantra Dhyaana Snaanam), 5. Divya Mahendram (Bath in rain water while Sun light - walk 7 steps towards East quarter), 6. Maarutham / Vaayavyam (Adoring the sand dust flow of Cow walking path), 7. Paarthivam (Smearing the dust of holy rivers or a Siva temple mixing with water and apply in the body), 8. Gauravam (Bath or Sprinkle or Intake – Guru/Aacharya’s Paada Theertham). Basically these 8 types of Snaan (Bath) will fall under 2 categories viz. Nithyam between 1 and 4, and Naimithikam between 5 and 8. Superiority will descend from 8 to 1.


2835. Do you really need to search for Sath, Chith and Anandam in Aathma?

Ans. NO, because Aathma itself is Sath, Chith and Anandam. Mortal body lives in Aathma. When the Aathma itself is Sath, Chith and Anandam then how can the Aathma itself search or look for it. At the same time Manass (Mind) is everything to confirm and re-confirm since such searches are usually done through meditation and for meditation the Manass (Mind) is topmost element. However, the Manass has no supremacy over Aathna hence it cannot confirm the status of Sath, Chith and Ananada swaroopam of Aathma. Though, the mind alone is very closer to Aathma and through its influential one can realize Aathma (Aathma Sakshaathkaram). Due to these reasons the conclusion is that Aathma does not need to search for the qualities of Aathma that is Sath, Chith and Anandam. Unless the body awareness disappears, it is difficult to proceed the path of Aathma Realization.


2834. What is the definition of Sath, Chith and Anandam?

Ans. These 3 states are the elements of Brahman (Supreme Self). Sath means Existence Absolute, Chith means Knowledge Absolute and Aanandam means Bliss Absolute. Only Aathma has these 3 qualities.


2833. What is Sanyasis (renounced) primary Dharma?

Ans. Ahimsa is the vow a Sanyasi must follow in every stage of life. However, in Kali Yug one can exercise defence mechanisms either by oneself or praying to God.


2832. What is the significance of 108 Navamali Archana (offerings to God through Hymns) being conducted in a Temple or at house?

Ans. 108 number has so much importance in spiritual life and it represent many auspicious things. When we chant 108 holy names of God in a temple or during daily Pooja at home it involves 108 elements. This is applicable to the entire humanity as well as any living being took birth in this Earth irrespective of its class and creed. Let’s understand how it works. We all know that all of us were born on a particular day and that day represented by year, month, day, and star (represents a particular planet). Now let us allocate the numbers that represents viz. 1. 60 Tamil Years, 2. 27 Stars, 3. 12 Months and 4. Nava Graha (Planets) i.e. 60+27+12+9 = 108. Therefore, when we chant God’s 108 names and offer the Archana/Pooja to God it will give the rewards to all living beings in this Earth because everyone must be born only on this principle. Hence 108 Namavali confirms that Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavanthu concept of Sanathani. This is one of the main reasons why Ashtotharasatha (108) Namavali is very important in any Pooja than other worships.


2831. Which Samadhi (meditation) can assure liberation (Moksham)?

Ans. Asampragna or Nirbhija or Nirvikalpa Samadhi alone can eradicate transmigration. This is the only Yogic approach will ensure liberation and rest all practices cannot guarantee. 

2830. What are the 5 afflications on Aathma?
Ans. When Aathma enters the body it will be known as Jeevathma (soul) or Jeeva that survives the help of Praana (vital life energy). It will be under the affliction or influence of Karma. They are 1. Avidhya (Ignorance), 2. Asmita (egoism), 3. Raaga (Love), 4. Dwesha (Hatredness), 5. Abhinivesa (clinging to life). 

2829. How does the Vidhi (Fate) gets implimented in one's life?
Ans. In 4 ways it is getting implimented in life. 1. Karma (Action), 2. Karmi (The one who does the Karma), 3. Karma Phalam (Rewards of Karma) and 4. Karma Phala Dhatha (The God who bestow the rewards for the Karma). Vidhi plays its role and implement its force through these 4 ways. 

2828. What are the fearful teeth (Ratham) of Lord Yama Dharma?
Ans. Here the teeth represent the catch of Lord Yama by those who conduct sinful acts. These 4 teeth are very dangerous and once the victim falls there is no escape for Jeevan (Aathma). Those teeth are known as 1. Ugra Ratham, 2. Rudra Ratham, 3. Bheema Ratham and 4. Vijaya Ratham. To escape from his clutch people conduct Videeha Prayaschitham known as Ugra Ratha Saanthi at the age of 59, Rudra Ratha Saanthi at the age of 69, Bheema Ratha Saanthi at the age of 70 and finally Vijaya Ratha Saanthi at the age of 75. Knowing these clutches Vasinyaadi Vaag Devis and Vyasa Bagawan have recommended the people conduct 4 Navarathri Vruthams (Falls in Makara Sukla Paksham Maha Navarathri, Meena Sukla Paksham Vasantha Navarathri, Mithuna Sukla Paksham Aashaada Navarathri and the 4th Kanya Sukla Paksha Sarada Navarathri. For those who observe these 4 Navarathrees Yama's wrath will never fall on them.  

2827. What is Mouna Vrutham (vow of silence)?
Ans. Keeping silent by shutting the mouth is not the real Mouna Vrutham. It means controlling or regulating the feelings that arise in the mind the the real Mouna Vrutham. No desires should arise from the mind.

2826. In Sangeetha Sasthram (music art) how much respect is earned by Sruthi and Layam?
Ans. Sruthi is considered as Matha (Mother) and Layam is considered as Pitha (Father) 

2825. What is known as Nirbhija Samadhi?

Ans. There are multiple types of Samadhis are practised by the seeker under a learned spiritual master. The highest one is Nirvikalpa Samadhi. In Nirvikalpa Samadhi, the Ego and mind melt and fuse in Brahman. Therefore, the pure mind assumes the form of Brahman itself. This is known as Nirbheeja Samadhi. In this situation the Bheeja will cease to exist i.e. the desire to be born or lacking the power to take any form/birth, hence it is called Nir-Bhija.


2824. What is Samaadhi (super consciousness)?

Ans. Separating the mind from the body and uniting it with the Supreme Self is called Samadhi. Along with the mind (Manass), all senses and intellect will cease to exist/function therefore the knowledge of existence is evaporated from all senses. Sama means equal and Aadhi means beginning or desires or lacking to understand the reasons. When these qualities are equalized then self-existence is forgotten. This status is also known as Moksham (liberation).


2823. How are the Asurathwam (Demonic qualities) born among humans?

Ans. Asurathwam is nothing but the status of an uncontrollable mind. Mind alone made humans as social animals otherwise humans are not different from other species. Humans are only one among 8.4 million species in this Earth. When humans cannot control or regulate their minds (Manass) according to civil society norms they will start developing Aasuric qualities (Asurathwam) in them. People who are not bothered about the well-being of all creatures are already a kind of demon only, when it explodes beyond anyone’s control it will become not only Asura but also becomes Rakshas (Monster).


2822. Why do people misunderstand that the mortal body is Aathma?

Ans. There cannot be a living body without the presence of Jeeva (life energy) in it and the Jeeva belongs to Easwara. However, because Easwara’s effulgence (Chaithanyam) is reflected in the Jeeva (life energy) due to which the Jeeva conducts its function through the mortal body, because of this reason everyone thinks that the body is Aathma itself. Of course, this is common among all unless one is initiated to understand the concept of Easwara (Brahman), Aathma (Soul), Jeeva (Life energy), Manass (Mind) Sareera (mortal body) etc. Try to learn the secrets of our own origin rather than wasting time experimenting on useless topics.


2821. What are the Nava-Doshas in Jyothi Sasthram (Astrology)?

Ans. They are 1. Gulikan, 2. Vishti, 3. Gannadham, 4. Visham, 5. Ushnam, 6. Eakaargalam, 7. Saarpasirassu, 8. Laadam, 9. Vaidhrutham. Every moment in our life has some combination of Muhoortham that could be a good one or bad. Those bad Muhoorthams are known as Doshas (blemishes/unfavourable results). Out of many Doshas, these nine are the most dangerous. There is a remedy for every problem according to Sanathana Dharma sastras. The simplest one is to Chant God’s name and conduct the event if it is unavoidable otherwise avoid these bad ones. God’s holy names (mantras) will act as shields (Kavach) and protect the person. Monsters and demons are usually born only during these Dosha Muhoorthams.


2820. Why did God give Bhoga-Sukham (sensual enjoyment) to all his creatures without any partiality?

Ans. It is our birthright to enjoy everything available in this world provided it must be within each one’s Dharma. Bhogha Sukham are 2 types viz. Perishable / moments and Non-Perishable / ever living. We need to understand that this perishable Bhogha Sukham (sensual pleasure and enjoyment) is only a sample or a teaser to look forward to the real long-lasting joy to be received by the Aathma (Soul). The Sthoola Sareeram (material body) is made up of 7 Dhathus (ingredients) whereas the Sookshma Sareeram (subtle body) is made up of 17 Dhathus. Living beings use the mortal body to enjoy the perishable Sukham whereas the subtle body (Sookshma Sareeram) is used for enjoying the Non-perishable Sukham. We know, that when the Sthoola Sareera enjoyment itself is incomparable and unexplainable now you can imagine what could be the impact of the enjoyment through the subtle body (that is Jeevathma and Paramathma Yogam done through meditation)? In other words, God wants to give a small taste of the pleasure (through sensual organs) so that one can get prepared to taste the everlasting undividable joy when the Jeeva-Brahma Aikhya Yogam takes place. Yoga Sadhana is done outwardly as well as inwardly. Among these Upasanaas, outward Upasana will cease when inward Upasana begins. So, God is kind enough to give a chance for all beings to accomplish Yoga Sadhana as the ultimate goal of life and merge in Paramathma.   


2819. What is the difference between a Modern science fan and a spiritual devotee?

Ans. Modern science believer first needs scientific proof thereafter he/she will start believing in it, whereas a spiritual devotee will first believe in it and thereafter do the research to find out the truth. The absolute truth is deeply hidden and finding it is quite impossible to some extent especially depending on the five sensitive organs. We all know in this world; Bharat alone had the privilege to receive innumerable wisemen (Mahathmaas) as well as God’s incarnation on this soil while capering other parts of the earth. Even those wisemen have the opinion that “we are still searching for the ultimate truth” and whatever we find is being passed it on to our disciples as Upanishad. Now you must search and identify the truth. They are telling us to do research and find the truth. They dedicated their entire life to the upliftment of the human race.


2818. What is the food for Manass (Mind)? How does it live?

Ans. Raag (desires/passion/feelings etc) and Dvesh (hates/aversion) are the main food for Manass. It grows only with these two foods. When it dies Manass also will die accordingly this material world and imagery world will disappear.


2817. Who knows Dharmam i.e. who is realizing the Dharma (Virtue)?

Ans. Those who keep learning and understanding the principles of Vedas and Smruthis and sastras that are in favour of Vedas (anything against Veda must be outrightly rejected) can only know the subtle beauty of Dharma. God created human beings from a portion of Dharma only therefore he/she is accountable to Dharma.


2816. How many types of Vaideeha Karmas exist?

Ans. There are 2 types of Vaideeha Karmas. They are known as 1. Pravruttham (to acquire material comforts), 2. Nivruttham (to acquire spiritual comforts). Pravruttham will offer Iha-Para Sukha-Bhogam whereas Nivruttham is Mukthi-dhaayakam (liberation/salvation).


2815. What is the inner or subtle meaning of Moksham (Liberation)?

Ans. It is a state or an experience of self-illuminating Brahman without any duality. One should be able to see the Soul in everything (all creatures) as well as vice versa.   


2814. What is Thapass?

Ans. Thapass (Penance) has 5 pillars. When a person practices all these 5 principles in life they are very important to cultivate purity. They are 1. Brahmacharyam (celibacy), 2. Swadhyayam (self-study), 3. Homa (Havanam/fire ritual), 4. Mitha Aahaaram (limited food intake at an appropriate time), 5. Raga-dwesha-lobha-Abhaavam (Free from sensitive and ill thinking or bad habits).


2813. What are the capabilities of Thapass (Penance/Meditation)? Can it be a remedy or overcome strategy or substitute for something that is difficult to achieve otherwise?

Ans. Yes. Thapass can offer benefits 11 greatest rewards. They are 1. Oushadha Sidhi (Master of medicine and treatment), 2. Arogyam (Health), 3. Veda Vidhya (acquiring divine knowledge/Vedas), 4. Swarga Prapthi (Ascending to divine world/paradise), 5. Roga samanam (cure or heal of decease), 6. Brahma Ghnaanam (knowledge of Brahman), 7. Meru Prushtaa-rohanam (raising Kundalini or benefits of pilgrimage), 8. Prachoora Godhaanam (donating cows to deserving people), 9. Paapa Parihaaram (eliminating sins/bad deeds), 10. Punya Laabham (earning enormous holy credits), 11. Moksham (Liberation).


2812. What is the topmost Prayaschitham?

Ans. Acquiring Paramathma Ghyaan (knowing supreme Brahman) is the No.1 Prayaschitham for all types of sin. Once all good and bad, holly credits and debits (Punyam and Paapam) will disappear accordingly the person is relieved from accountability.


2811. What is Prayaschitham (spiritual remedies)?

Ans. Prayaha means Thapas (Penance) and Chhitha means firm conviction or resolution. Therefore, conducting Thapas with a deep conviction and determination that ask pardon from God or the victim for the already committed sinful act and take a resolution that I will not repeat such sinful activities hereafter. Because of this, continue to do Thapass (meditation and reconciliation to oneself in the name of God) as much as possible. This is the actual Prayaschitham and not making animal sacrifices or lavishly spending money for the sake of Prayaschith. Only Thapass is the real Prayaschitham. God does not want any of our special poojas or cash or kind articles. This has been made up in recent years by some half-cooked experts to make money and seek livelihood from such activities. Chanting Mantras and asking for repeated pardon is the best Prayaschitham. Please remember Karma is an extraordinary subtle smart!


2810. Why do you say Siva Siva twice or Krishna Krishna?

Ans. When you consciously say Siva once your entire Paapa (sins) will be evaporated from your account and saying second time will ensure that your Aathma (life energy/soul) gets liberated upon leaving your mortal body (Moksham). Therefore, practice saying such holy names often because we knowingly or unknowingly keep committing sins therefore till the last breath we should keep saying Siva Siva or Krishna Krishna or Ram Ram.


2809. What is the concept of saying Ram Ram when you greet others?

Ans. According to Kadapayadhi Sastra, every phonetic syllable has a number value, based on this Ram or Rama is accounted for No.54. For Sanathanee no 108 is auspicious and Moksha Kaaraka value. Therefore 54x2 = 108. So, saying twice it is as good as chanting 108 times of Lord Rama’s mantra.


2808. Who is Soodra Purohitha?

Ans. A Brahman who collects/receive financial assistance from the Soodras and conducts Agnihothram (fire rituals) is considered a Soodra Purohithan. Please don’t misunderstand that Vedas are prohibited from helping the Soodras by Brahmins. The actual meaning of this clause is that Brahmins should seek alms from the poor Soodraas and put them in an awkward situation. Vedas are prohibited not to conducting Agnihothram or any other type of rituals based on the Vedic method. One can very well help all humans by conducting such activities know non-Vedic systems such as Poojas to God etc. Sometimes some uncompassionate Brahmins will scare the Soodras and capture their petty savings. To avoid such practices and respect various strict guidelines such strict rules are laid down by ancient Maharshees. If you notice in the current era, we can see non-brahmins are the richest people therefore their involvement and financial assistance are unavoidable. Those who respect the Chathurvarnyam, ideally should donate only to God’s temple fund and from that fund one can conduct Agnihothram because the money belongs to God is not any individual’s assets. Once offered to God it belongs to Almighty!  This way all humans can respect the Vedic principles at the same time conduct the right rituals for the welfare of devotees.    


2807. How Paapakshayam can take place?

Ans. Paapam means unholy deeds and Kshayam is depreciation or elimination. Two types of Paapam get accrued in human life. One is received by the act of unknown (unaware) and the other is knowingly (fully aware and purposely done). Unknown bad deeds will be over by chanting God’s holy names and Veda Abhyaasam (learning and practising Vedas). Known bad deeds can be over only by doing the equal level of Prayaschitham (Remedy) and seeking pardon from the Almighty.   


2806. What is the difference between Yasass and Keerthi (Name and Fame)?

Ans. Both are famous, yet it has a difference. The fame or popularity received while living is Yasass whereas the popularity remains intact or grows multitude after death is Keerthi. During the auspicious occasions when children prostrate in front of elders, they bless them with Yasaswee Bhava, whereas when they come to seek the blessings while going to war or in any adventurous situations the elders bless them as Keerthimaan Bhava.


2805. How each Varnees should face or overcome or handle the emergency situations?

And. Life is full of action, without actions, it is difficult to live in any Universe. Even the Universe keeps expanding is the fact! Good and Bad time keeps coming into everyone’s life including Gods (refer to 1000s of Puranic stories). So, Brahmins should face the difficult times by conducting Japa and Homas (Chanting and Havan), Kshathriyas should make use of their military power, and Vaisyaas and Soodraas should face through the power of finance, trade, and skills.


2804. What is Aapath Dharma (Law of Emergency)?

Ans. Viswedevaas, Sadhyaas, Brahmanaas, Maharshees, and all other Humans are supposed to follow virtuous / rituals etc… across life as per their Varna. Whereas that may not be possible during the period of emergency. Therefore, whatever minimum needs to be followed is known as Aapth Dharma. Each class of individuals have the separate Aapth Dharmas to be followed. Once the emergency situation changed one could do Prayaschitha Kriya and get back to normalcy.  

2803. Why is our Sastra saying that one should first offer the food Devas and Pithrus before consumption?

Ans. Durbhojanam (consuming non-consumable food) is the biggest sin. It leads to so many troubles in life since food controls the mind. Humans are not allowed to eat every type of food. Durbhojanam will eventually push the people to conduct wrong acts. However, if we consume the food after offering to Mahathmas (wisemen), Gods, and Pithrus then its blemishes are removed through their Divyathwam (holiness). They have the subtle power to remove the bad effects of the food. They don’t physically eat but their look (aspect) is enough to nullify the bad effects of the food. After their consumption, the remaining food will be known as Prasadham. Also, note the Gods have the power to change its effects for the good and sufficiently protect the consumer. They are doing this to reciprocate.  


2802. What is the name of the Veenas owned by Saraswathi Devi, Lakshmi Devi, and Parvathy Devi?

Ans. Veena is a divine string instrument played during auspicious occasions. Saraswathi Devi’s Veena has 1 string, and it is called Swaravidhya Veena, Lakshmi Devi’s Veena has 5 strings, and it is called Veena and Parvathi Devi’s Veena has 7 strings and it is called Vipanchi.


2801. What are the important Dharmas (Virtues) of all four Varnees?

Ans. The Jaathi (Caste) was recently introduced by Westerners. According to Manusmriti, it is known as Varnees (Quality and Profession) among the categories of human skills. Varnees are grouped based on their inherited skills. There is a total of 5 Varnees viz. Brahmana (Veda Adhyayanam - Learning Vedas and advising people), Kshathriyas (Praja Sam Rakshanam – taking care of citizens), Vaisyas (Commerce – Vanijyam), 4. Soothira (Sahayak – Helper), Sangara (Nonclassified people, mostly tribes who live in the forest).  


2800. What are the core Dharma (virtue) of Vaisyaas (Traders)?

Ans. Out of many 3 are very important. 1. Adhyayanam (Learning commerce), 2. Yajanam (Sacrifice), 3. Dhaanam (giving gifts to others).


2799. What are the core Dharma (Virtue) of Kshathriya (Rulers)?

Ans. Out of many 3 are very important. 1. Dhanur Veda Adhyayanam (learning archery), 2. Yajanam (Sacrifice), 3. Dhaanam (Giving gifts to others). Kindly note all publicly elected leaders are not Kshathriyas, however, they are conducting Kshathriya Dharma that’s all.


2798. What brings material and spiritual prosperity in life and what is the right conduct to achieve that?

Ans. Each one’s goal to achieve certain values and desires is different from the other. However, everyone welcomes overall prosperity without any denial. To achieve the goal, one must do only the favourable legitimate conduct that will eventually bring prosperity.


2797. Why Goddess Parasakthi is the absolute supreme and above all Gods and Goddess even beyond time and space?

Ans. We all know in this living world, a mother is the most honourable and worshipped or respected personality in everyone’s life including other living beings such as animals. The reason for this adorable status is because of her unconditional compassionate love towards her creation and the creation that helps to survive everyone. Therefore, according to wisemen Goddess Parasakthi alone is primordial absolute Brahman and always first to receive worship. A mother whether divine or non-divine should be considered as Prime.  


2796. What is the justification for Lord Ram ruling his kingdom for 12000 years?

Ans. In divine play there is no need for anyone’s justification or certificate, however, during the Kali Yug (black/iron era) it is better to understand the concept behind such facts. According to the epic Ramayan, Lord Rama ruled the kingdom after returning from the Lanka war for 30.6 years. He left for the forest at the age of 25 and was in exile for 14 years. He gave up his mortal body in the holy river Sarayu at the age of 70. Therefore, he ruled for only 30.6 years whereas the Epic recorded as he ruled for 11,000 years. According to Dharma Sastra, if a true king who lived following Dharma his 1 day is equal to 1 year of normal people's life, this means, a great ruler’s achievement of a day will equalize 365 ¼ days achievements of normal people. Keeping this clause in mind, in the Mahabharat Epic sage Vyasa explained the formula behind it. Therefore, 30.6 years X 365 ¼ years is equal to 11,176 days. This is how Sage Vyasa revealed the formula that came into existence during the period of Dwapara Yuga. Sage Vyas has the power to materialize and de-materialize his body, he can appear and disappear anywhere at any time that is the yogic power in his possession.


2795. Who are the deities being invoked and installed in the 18 divine steps of Sabarimala?

Ans. 1. Sooryan, 2. Paramasivan, 3. Chandran, 4. Parasakthi, 5. Mangal, 6. Subramanian, 7. Budan, 8. Mahavishnu, 9. Dakshinamoorthy/Bruhaspathi, 10. Brahma, 11. Sukran, 12. Ranganathan, 13. Sani, 14. Yaman, 15. Rahu, 16. Kaali, 17. Kethu, and 18. Ganapathy. Besides these 18 Mala Daivangal (forest and mountain Gods, 18 Thatvas, 18 Vidyas etc also represented.


2794. What are the important Dharmas of all Chathur Varnees (all sects of people)?

Ans. 1. Practice Ahimsa, 2. Practice Sathya Kathanam, 3. Anyayena Paradhanam Grahya, 4. Maintain Bahya Abhyanthara Sudhi, 5. Practice Indriya Samyamanam.  When someone practices these five principles in life, rest assured, that they will have a valuable worthy life.


2793. What is to be done for a person to live healthy, wealthy, and happy?

Ans. According to Dharma Sastras and Smruthis, one must strictly follow or regulate 5 golden practices. 1. Moderate Diet (Mitha Aaharam), 2. Moderate Physical Activities (Vyayamam), 3. Moderate Exertion (Pravruthi/duty), 4. Moderate sleep (Sukha Nidra), 5. Moderate Wakefulness (Jagratha).


2792. Why God’s names and forms are so important for Sanathanee?

Ans. It is a divine medicine for them (Naamam/Names). This medicine cures the mundane life hurdles (Samsara Prarabdha deceases) as well as rescues them from transmigration to permanent abode such as God’s lotus feet or liberate (Forms).


2791. What is the relationship between Dharma Sastha (Ayyappan) and Shad Chakras?

Ans. Sri Dharma Sastha is the God of Deva Lokam (celestial world) his incarnation through Lord Siva and Vishnu to destroy the demon Mahishi was the plan of Niyathi (Nature – divine play). Therefore, to do so he needs extraordinary power that matches her boon, especially strict celibacy must be followed and accomplished Ashtama Sidhi. To achieve that one must practice Kundalini Yogam. Kundalini Yogam is practised within the body and incarnated Gods will place or restore its rewards/power in some specific places within the Earth because they don’t need anything after completing the Avatara Task since they are above time and space. However, the hard-earned holy merits and energy cannot be destroyed at the same time it can be useful to normal people to achieve higher goals. Therefore, Lord Ayyappa left his powers in specific places that became divine and energetic. Those places become temples for worship by the devotees later. According to this system when a devotee puts Mala (rosary) up the resolution to visit Lord Ayyappa at his final destination “the holy Sabarimala” he must visit these places by priority and finally reach Maha Sannidhanam, Sri Sabarimala. These places on the Earth represent the Shada-dhaara Chakram (energy points) for Ayyapa Darsanam. The first Chakam indicates birth (Srushti) and the last Chakram indicates Liberation (Anugraham/Moksham). They are 1. Mooladhara Chakram – Lord Sori Muthayyan Mahalinga Swamy – Mundhunthurai Forest Tirunelveli, 2. Swadhishtana Chakram – Lord Achhan Kovil Ayyan – Kollam Kerala, 3.  Mannipoora Chakram – Lord Aaryankaavu Ayyan – Kollam Kerala, 4. Anahatha Chakram – Lord Kulathurppuzha Balan – Kollam Kerala, 5. Visudhi Chakram – Lord Erumeli Sri Dharma Saastha – Kollam Kerala, 6. Aagnaa Chakram – Lord Sri Sabarimala Ayyappan – Sabarimala Kerala.


2790. What is the Prathama Karthavyam (first duty) of Brahmin?

Ans. Among humans, Brahmins are on the top just like a crown due to the true knowledge they possess. Their first and primordial duty is to give direction and strategy to live in the Dharmic way (Disa Bodham) to the society including rulers of the land. Even incarnated Gods seek their opinion and wisdom.


2789. What are the qualifications of a Sidha?

Ans. Sidhar means the person who accomplished or realized God and developed a direct link between self and God who can materialize and dematerialize things including his/her own mortal body. The Prana (vital air) controls everything in the body especially the mind of (Manass) human beings and is activated as per its fate. Therefore, a Sidhar will first take control of Prana and Mind through Pranayama (breath control) and become master over Prana and Mind. Only such accomplishers can become Sidhan. According to Yogic principles, Prana, and Mind both are the same. The mind cannot survive without Prana, but Prana can live even without the Mind, the only issue the body will be a simple Jadam (inactive body).    


2788. What is the existence of Prapancha (nature)?

Ans. Bodham (Consciousness).


2787. How many Siva Sidhantha Sastras were revealed to us?

Ans. 14.


2786. What is Mukthi according to the Budha Religion?

Ans. Detaching oneself from Pancha Bhoothaas (5 element principles) is called Mukthi. According to Hinduism, this is practically impossible or nonsense. Nirvanam is the biggest status in the Budha religion once Nirvana is achieved then their existence cannot be traced, whereas all Budha practisers believe that Budha keeps coming to this Earth.  Not to blame anyone’s belief it all depends on the fate of each Jeevathma.


2785. How many Gods or Aacharyaas are there in the Budha Religion?

Ans. 24. It starts with Aadhi Budhan and the last one is Gauthama Budha.  The Hnidus has nothing to do with Budhas since they parted from Hinduism and acted against Hindu values or worship and rituals.


2784. What is required for the Jeeva (Life energy) to attain Moksham (Liberation)?

Ans. Maya Malam (ignorance blemished) must be fully eradicated from its outer and inner space then only Easwara will grant Moksham to that Jeevathma.


2783. What is indicated, or the message revealed by Lord Nataraja form?

Ans. Lord Nataraja Swaroopam is indicating God’s five fundamental duties. They are 1. Srushti = Damaru/Hand Drum, 2. Sthithi = Abhaya Mudra (Protecting symbol), 3. Samharam = Agni Paathram (Fire pot), 4. Thirodhanam = Demon Mayalavan being stabled with his right leg, 5. Anugraham = Vaama Padham (Lifted left leg).


2782. Who is Saadhu or Sanyaasi (Renounced)?

Ans. A person who took shelter in God i.e., after giving up (renouncing) his/her belongings along with himself/herself to God and living the life as it directs is a Saadhu.


2781. What are the Pramanaas (Proof/evidence/source)?

Ans. 10 types out of these 3 are very important. They are 1. Prathyaksha Pramanam (tangible evidence), 2. Anumaana Pramanam (estimated or assumed), 3. Anubhava Pramanam (Real experience).


2780. What is Siva Ghyaanam (realization of Lord Siva)?

Ans. Lord Siva is Easwara and Param Porul (ultimate and infinite) therefore, whatever he shows/reveals to a devotee is called the Anubhava Ghyaanam (spiritual experience) that is the real Siva Ghnaanam (knowledge or Lord Siva).


2779. What is real Anandham (ecstasy)?

Ans. Instead of seeing things through outer space (Baahya Drushti) when one sees things within that is inner space (inner eyes or mind) that experience is the real the real joy or Anandham. We get happiness or joy in two ways one is from seeing things through outside and the other is inside. The outer one is only a sample inner one is real. Ideally, see things from outside and store them inside to enjoy for a longer period.


2778. Lord Siva can be seen or witnessed with naked eyes?

Ans. Yes, however, the route is not easy. Few extraordinary conditions are to be met to achieve this rarest opportunity. According to Sastras, humans are 3 types based the knowledge (awareness). They are 1. Pasu Ghyaan, 2. Paasa Ghyaan, 3. Pathi Ghyaan. Out of these Pasu and Paasa Ghyaan, people will not be able to see God, only the Pathi Ghyaan people will be able to see Lod Siva in person. However, if God wishes and grants his mercy on them then every type of Ghyan (Knowledge) is sufficient to see God. Exceptions are always there in our universe.


2777. How many Avatars or forms were revealed by Lord Siva?

Ans. Though it is innumerable and unable to explain the Smruthis revealed to us that 64 forms or Avatars.


2766. When did the Lingayath (religious cult out of Hinduism) sect get established in Bharath?

Ans. The founder of this cult is Sri. Baswa in 12th century AD in Karnataka, Bharat. Those who opposed some of the principles of Hinduism have gathered and created this cult or organization under the leadership of Sri. Baswa. They claim they are the devotees of Lord Siva.


2765. What are the benefits provided by the Pancha Angaas (5 limbs of nature)?

Ans. Pancha (five) Angam (limbs/parts) of the universe. The measurement of these limbs is the combinations of Sun and Moon. All Yogas are born out of the various combinations of Navagrahas (celestial planets) in our sky/space. Therefore, every birth has a purpose and rewards. So, 1. Thidhi provides Prosperity, 2. Vaaram (Days) = Longevity, 3. Nakshathram (star) = Remove sins, 4. Yogam = Overcoming diseases and finally 5. Karanam = Success in undertaking/work.


2764. Are these Hindus (Sanathana Dharmees) really worshipping Idols? (Vigraha Aradhana)?

Ans. NO, According to Sanathana Dharma the Idol is just a dole only, nothing more than that and these Idols are not worshipped in a temple or prayer venues. The worshipping (Aradhana) Moorthy (device) is known as Vigraha. Divine energy is being invoked from nature and superimposed on a device (8 types are available) hence it is called Vigraha, in other words, manifested in the physical form of THAT. Vigraha means, that attracts power to it.


2763. At what speed does the mind travel and its existence?

Ans. The authentic practice to find the power of mind is Akashite/Akasthik Records. According to AR, in one minute the mind gets distracted for 40 seconds. The mind rotating speed is 50 seconds per 1 minute time i.e., frequency of rotation is 50 seconds.


2762. Why does nature create sexual experiences?

Ans. This concept acts for two purposes. First to create progeny and the second is sexual/sensual enjoyment. All beings born on this Earth are allowed to taste sexual pleasure. God says I have given this chance to all beings especially humans as a sample of real pleasure. Such pleasure is short-lived however if a Sadhak practices the bliss of Brahman who is above time and space, he/she can enjoy this everlasting pleasure multiplied by a million times to the short-lived casual sexual pleasure. Yogis who attained Samadhi and conquered Manass (Mind) are enjoying this pleasure without any interruption and the climax is never ended. Now imagine how powerful that life will be? This is one of the reasons why in Sanathana Dharma after Brahmacharya a person undertakes Gruhasthasrama followed by Vanaprastham and Sanyasi life, so he/she can differentiate the short-lived pleasure versus everlasting divine pleasure. Casual sexual pleasure multiplied by millions is the real divine pleasure experienced while meditating. Therefore, enjoy the sexual taste legitimately and thereafter look for permanent everlasting pleasure. The first one is looking for opportunities with another person whereas the second one is sheer practice within.


2761. What does Pashanam mean (Chemical stones) and how many are they?

Ans. There are a total of 63 types of Pashanams are there. Pashanam means special mystic chemical combination stones or stones made from a mix of extraordinary medicinal chemicals (Rasayanaas). Such stones will have supernatural power to heal humans of all types of illnesses. Sidhar Bogar made Lord Dhandayutha Paani Murugan statue (Virgraham) from 9 Pashanams. Everyone knows the magic power of the Abhisheka Theertham of lord Vigraham.  


2760. How many Tamil divine poets (Kavis/Lyricists) existed during the ancient time (Sanga Kaalam)?

Ans. Estimated to be a total of 1,466 poets. They are known as 1. Aadhya Pulavar (549), 2. Secondary Pulavar (449) and 3. Thirdly Pulavar (468). All of them composed divine lyrics praising Gods and Godly personalities.  


2759. Who is the custodian and administrator of Siva Temples?

Ans. Swamy Sri Chandeswar. He is the only authority who can receive all left-over (Nirmalyam) articles of Lord Siva Pooja. He is the son of Lord Siva. He controls all activities of Lord Siva temple including maintaining the attendance register of all devotees and accounts book. He knows all the encroachments taking place nowadays in Bharat, a day will come when loses his patience and starts attacking all those swindlers. Since Sanathana Dharma strongly follows Karma & Dharma theory, eventually everyone must pay back for their good and bad deeds. Gods’ have to have the highest amount of patience since humans are their own children and they pardon many times, but once they lose patience then only wrath will befall.


2758. Why do people who have faith in astrology believe in the previous and future birth?

Ans. Jyothisham (astrology) reveals a soul’s (Aathma) journey from the past, and present to the future. If you want to believe in Astrology, then you must have faith in Poorva and Punar Janma along with paapa and punya facts. (Previous and future birth / Holy credits and demerits).


2757. What is the importance of calling brothers Anna and sisters Akka in Bharat?

Ans. Anna and Akka's names are designations due to their extraordinary strength, leadership, and valor to protect society and family. Therefore, if anyone possesses such qualities even if they are youngsters still people can call them Anna and Akka (Elder brother and elder sister).


2756. What is one fundamental difference between God and human behaviour?

Ans. Gods establish law and order systems and strictly follow while when they come down to earth as incarnations. Though all such systems were created and implemented by Gods only for the sake of humans and their upliftment, unfortunately, humans do not respect or follow any such laws and orders. This is the difference between God and Humans. We need to know that Gods’ are supernatural and above all rules and regulations of Earth yet accept and respect them. 

2755. What is the real Yagam/Yagnam?

Ans. Renouncing the most liked belongings (items) in the name of God is the actual Yaagam or Yagnam. Whatever is derived from wherever is to be sent back to its original source (Samarpanam). We are allowed to use everything only to the purpose within limits and not to stock anything. When we came to Earth, we did not bring anything with us except thirst and hunger! Everything was given by either Mother Earth or nature. One may justify nothing came free and everything was earned out of own hard work. Never mind, still, it was only earned from within Earth!


2754. How did Yajurvedam derive from where?

Ans. Yajur Vedam was born out of Rig Vedam. From the Rig Vedam, selective Mantras and Kriyas were separated to conduct Yaga/Yagnaas only. This is the reason Yajur Veda Yagams are highly elaborative as compared to Rig Veda Kriya.


2753. Which colour represents the beginning of any situation or activity?

Ans. Red colour (Aruna/Raktha Varnam). The red colour is the genesis of all colours.


2752. What are the beneficial best combinations of Vaaram and Thidhis?

Ans. Some combinations of day and this confluence bring the most auspicious Muhoortham (auspicious/elective time) that provides the holy merits (Maha Punyam) equal to the holy time of Soorya Grahana Muhoortham (solar eclipse time). Eclipse timing is very good for conducting spiritual and dharmic activities according to Sanathana Dharma, which is why a Solar eclipse was referred here more than a lunar eclipse. Such combinations are: 1. Soma Vaar and Amavasya, 2. Ravi Vaar and Sapthami, 3. Mangala Vaar and Chathurthi, 4. Budha Vaar and Ashtami.  


2751. What is creativity (Prathibha or Srujana)?

Ans. Presenting a concept that was unknown or non-existent but revealed to people as if it is very well known or existed to a person, at the same time, a known concept is being projected as if unknown to him/her, such an act is called creativity. The experienced Saints (Maharshis’) compare the same characteristics and understanding with Brahman in this same manner. In fact, the Maya (illusion or ignorance) too having the same characteristics that is a truly existing phenomenon can be projected as if it does not exist at the same time a non-existent can be projected as if it exists.  


2750. What is the custom followed by lyricists when they narrate about male and female divine personalities in their lyrics?

Ans. It is an unwritten law that whenever lyricist (Kavi) tries to portray or narrate a Male God they narrate from Padhaadhi-Kasam (from feet to head/bottom to top) whereas for Female Gods, they narrate from Kesaadi-Padham (from head to feet). This custom has been followed by all Bharatheeya Kavis from time immemorial.  


2749. When did the untouchability come into practice or gained more popularity?

Ans. Ever since Budha Matha Pracharanam came into existence. They are the ones who spread this venom in society for them to propagate their religion. At a later stage, the Western invaders took advantage of it and divided the people and societies.


2748. Among Panchendriyas (five senses) which one has the highest good qualities (Sathwa Gunaas)?

Ans. Eyes (Nethras) are having the highest Sathwic quality. Why because eyes alone go and seek things at the same time see whatever things come near to them. Whereas the remaining 4 Indriyaas will accept or identify things only when the objects come closer to them.


2747. What is known as Puram (Place)?

Ans. Puram means a place, where there are 3 things together to make a Puram. They are 1. Ruling Administrative building (Fort), 2. Fencing or drench surrounded by the administration office, 3. Rajadhani (Palace).


2746. What are the criteria for a country (Rajyam)?

Ans. A Rajyam is considered when 7 things get together. They are 1. Raja (King), 2. Amathyan (Minister), 3. Rajadhani (Palace), 4. Desam (Place/community), 5. Bhandaram (Treasury), 6. Chathuranga Sena (Defence Systems), 7. Suhruth Rajyam (Friendly neighbour states).


2745. What is God’s Paadhas (Feet) represent?

Ans. One foot represents Ghyaan Sakthi (Knowledge) and the second foot represents Kriya Sakthi (Action).


2744. What is the difference between Chith and Chitha?

Ans. Chith means Pure and absolute Consciousness (Para brahman) and Chitha is Subconsciousness. Subconsciousness carries all Samskaras reflected through the surface of the mind as Vasana.


2743. Who is Nirguna and Saguna Brahman?

Ans. Brahman is an absolute Paramathma who is neither He nor She. There is only one Brahman that exists Nirguna Brahman (a formless, infinite, unexplainable energy, etc.) However, for the sake of meditation and worship, Wisemen designated the opposite of Nirguna as Saguna to devotees (Bakthaas).


2742. What are the types of consciousness (Prajna = awareness) that we experience?

Ans. 5 types of consciousness. 1. Physical Consciousness. 2. Mental Consciousness, 3. Sub-consciousness, 4. Superconsciousness, 5. Double consciousness. Much consciousness is there depending on the school of philosophy. However, these five are the primary and all other consciousness will be a sub-section of one of the above.


2741. How one can identify that a person is a Mahatma or Holyman?

Ans. The moment you look at such a person or hear their voice immediately if your spiritual energy shoots up, experience peace of mind, raise inner awakening, or feel like there is a sense or truth to their talk, you can consider that such a person belongs to higher spiritual energy world. 


2740. Which are the best days to conduct Srardham (Pithru Karma) whereby abundant blessings will be received from Pithrus?

Ans. All 365 days one can conduct Pithru Srardham yet, usually, Pithru Karmas are conducted on their death anniversary day (Thidhi is important for Death and Nakshathra is important for Birth), hence choices are limited. However, when an occasion arises during the pilgrimage or Mahalaya Paksham etc… it is wise to select these days for extra benefits. 1. To fulfill all genuine desires (Sarvaabhilaasha Sidhyartham) one should conduct on a Krishna Paksha Dwitheeya (2), Chathurthi (4), Bharani and Rohini star days. 2. To get fortunate, wealthy, and glorious children, one should conduct on a Krishna Paksha Prathma (1), Thritheeya (3), and Aswini, Krithika stars. Overall Krishna Paksham is very good and Aparahnam time (close to the afternoon) is any time better than Poorvahnam (early morning).


2739. How can a genuine couple get a blessed child from their Pithrus?

Ans. If a Pathivrutha wife (Dharma Pathni) has superior good qualities such as devotion to conduct Srardham and eagerness to conceive a child should participate in conducting Srardham (Pithru Pooja, Thidhi, Ancestors rites) along with her husband should consume the Middle Pindam as Prasadam (belongs to Pithamahan/grandfather) after completion of the Srardham. If she eats this Pindam, she will be surely blessed with a good child within a year. This Srardha Madhya Pindam is to be consumed only from the 2nd year onwards. Otherwise, usually, these Pindas are offered to crows, and cows or melted in the water and poured under a coconut tree.  


2738. Who is Pathivrutha (virtuous wife)?

Ans. Sanathana Dharmam recommends four activities for all human beings for their realization viz. Dharma, Artha, Kaama, and Moksham. In these series, a virtuous wife (woman) follows her husband during the first three activities by way of Manasa, Vacha, and Karmana, such woman is called Pathivrutha. Always considers her husband to be as good as God and following his path is her only ritual.  


2737. Who is Nasthikan (atheist no believer)?

Ans. A person who does not believe in Paralokam (a celestial world or future world or another life) and reject or disrespects Vedas are a Nasthik.


2736. What are the types of Sthree Dhanam (Common English = Dowry)?

Ans. Sthree Dhanam (wealth of a woman) does not have a direct English word, but we must live with common life English. In Sanathana Dharma (Hindu Samskram) a wedded girl does not go to her husband’s family with an empty hand. She carries lots of wealth along with her for her survival husband’s home. This wealth is given to her on different occasions by her parents and relatives. She is a bigger wealth to a man, yet commercially viable wealth makes life much better. Unless a girl renounces her parental house and decides to join a man and expand his family no man in this world would have had peace of mind nor the expansion of humanity would have survived to this extent. Sastras recommended many good things for the welfare of humans however humans capitalized on everything for selfish gain. That is why we are facing so much of difficulties in our mundane lives. 6 types of Sthree Dhanaas were given to her viz 1. Adhyagni Sthree Dhanam (wealth given during the marriage in front of Agni (Fire God), 2. Adhyaavahnikam (wealth given when she makes her first visit to her husband’s house), 3. Uthsava Dhanam (wealth given during auspicious celebrations or happy memorable events), 4. Braatha Paarithoshika Dhanam (wealth given by her brother), 5. Matha Paarithoshika Dhanam (wealth given by her mother – A month by default can give her good samskara as as the biggest gift – unfortunately today people want only money not samskaras), 6. Pitha Paarithoshika Dhanam ( wealth given by her father to show his deep love for her). According to Sanathana Dharma Sthree Dhanam means a legitimate portion of parental wealth as her birthright, if the children will take care of parents during their old age. 7. Anwadheya Dhanam (wealth received post-marriage). All Sthree Dhanams are enjoyed by her children only after her death, the husband has no right to Sthree Dhanam, and if she does not have children then the wealth goes to her husband (whereas today’s practice is different). Sthree Dhams are to be given only if the marriage takes place in 5 methods out of 8. They are Brahmam, Dhaivam, Aarsham, Gaandharvam and Prajapathyam.    


2735. Which are the Devaas (celestial divine personalities) who protect Kanya Sthrees (virgin female children)?

Ans. 3 Devas and 1 Human protect and take care of all virgin girls viz. 1 to 5 years old Soma Devan, 5 to 10 years old Gandharvan and 10 to 15 Agni Devan and from the day of marriage her Husband (Human). Therefore, if anyone tries to trouble them Manasa, Vacha, and Karmana, the troublemaker will have to undergo the wrath and punishments of the designated Devas. We can clearly see such Dosha (blemishes) in their horoscopes.


2734. What is the specialty of Samskrutham Bhasha padhams (Sanskrit words)?

Ans. All Samskrutha words are having 3 meanings viz. 1. Sabdartham (literal meaning of the word), 2. Bhavartham (its contextual meaning or real message), 3. Lakshyartham (its goal or effective or inner meaning).


2733. What are the common qualities of all Planets (Grahas)?

Ans. Similar to God’s activities, all Planets have 3 qualities (Gunas) such as Creation (Srushti), Sustenance (Sthithi), and Withdrawal (Samharam). If you notice the planet’s behaviour, we can conclude that Planets only give everything to people, making them enjoy the fruits of their past Karma and they only withdraw from people. This happens only on a rotation basis.  


2732. Why God is not physically visible or seen eating the food we offer to Him / Her?

Ans. Because God is always in the subtle form in front of the devotee. Whereas most of the human beings are not capable of seeing the subtle forms with the naked eye. If we practice seeing things through our inner eyes (Mind) and develop a deep relationship with God, humans can see the real form of God in person. An example, Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa used to physically see the divine mother and they ate food together, etc. Subtle things are to be understood only in a subtle way whereas gross things can be seen through the limbs of the gross body is it not? It is all a matter of how much one is mature enough in the field of spiritual life. Therefore, no point in raising questions or complaints that where God is and showing to me, that such arguments will not work. God is not that much cheap! Those who really want to see God have seen within the end of their life. Genuine earnest calls are always answered by divine personalities.  


2731. What is the real beauty of the body?

Ans. When we look at other beings, if we get compassion towards them then that is the real beauty of the body.

2730. How many types of children (sons) are there?

Ans. 10+1+1 = 12 types of children. According to priority, I will list down from most important to least. 1. Ourasa Puthran = Own child born to a legitimate wedded wife as per the Dharmic system of the same caste., 2. Kshethraja Puthran = A child born to own wife as per the Niyoga Vidhi (with mutual consent of another eligible person giving Garbha Dhaanam) due to the absence (death) of husband, impotent husband, lost potency due to sickness., 3. Datthu Puthran (Adopted child)  = knowingly one of the own children is being given to another couple of the same caste as per Udhaka (pouring water) Kriya system., 4. Krithrima Puthran (Artificial child) = A child being adopted based on certain conditions such as own caste, intelligence, owing to good qualities, eligibility to serve as an own son., 5. Gudothpanna Puthran = Within the family, a child is secretly born to their own wife without knowing whose child is he., 6. Apavidha Puthran = A child whose parents renounced him/her as their child., 7. Kaaneena Puthran = A woman who secretly delivered the child while she was in her paternal home before marriage (example Karnan)., 8. Sahoda Puthran = Child born to an already pregnant woman before formal marriage (for example Thodas tribe in Ooty)., 9. Krithakan Puthran = A child was purchased by paying money to some couple, 10. Paunarbhavan Puthran = A child born to a widow or divorcee after another marriage., 11. Swayam Datthu Puthran = An orphan whose parents died or renounced their child then the child voluntarily asks somebody to adopt him as their child., 12. Paarasavan Puthran = A Brahmin’s child born to a Soodra Sthree (a non-brahmin) out of the result of his lust or uncontrollable sexual desire.  


2729. When did Lord Sri Krishna begin his journey as messenger or ambassador to Kaurava Sabha?

Ans. During Krithika Month (Dec-Jan), on a day of Revathy Star, early morning he left for Hasthinapura.


2728. What are the two-core principle Virtuous in Maha Bharatam?

Ans. 1. Dharmo Rakshathi Rakshitha: - The one who follows and upkeep the Dharma will be protected by the same Dharma itself. Simply follow Dharma in everything and as a reward, Dharma will protect you. 2. Yathra Akrutham Bhaveth Sathyam, Sathyam Athra Krutham Bhaveth! – When an unacceptable action becomes the truth due to its conduct, in a particular situation that action will become the truth.


2727. What are the facts that make manmade religions scared of?

Ans. As people get more and more educated, being knowledgeable, raising the knowledge level through their own hard work and analysis, independent thinking, and knowing the real truth of God, Man, and Life, makes those religious leaders uncomfortable. Most of the leading religions in this world were made through dictatorship with some hidden agenda by individuals or like-minded bodies who were protecting their interests so far. However, make growth of the internet across the universe and modern education giving everyone free access to truthful content makes untrue religions panic. This is their biggest worry as of now. We have been seeing more and more people becoming non-religious or quitting the dictating religions and adopting a soft and smooth way of life such as Sanathana Dharma etc… Kindly note that Sanathana Dharma or Hindu is not a religion (it is a Western narrative for a purpose), it is a way of divine Vedic life – no compulsion for anything. It offers the highest freedom to pick and choose what convinced you!


2726. What are the four Sakthis (extended spiritual energies) of Lord Siva?

Ans. 4. 1. Arul Sakthi (Blessing nature) = Parvathy Devi, 2. Yudha Sakthi (Battling nature) = Dhurga Devi, 3. Kopa Sakthi (Anger nature) = Kaali Devi, 4. Purusha Sakthi (Masculine nature) = Sri Maha Vishnu.


2725. Lord Siva has Avathar? How many?

Ans. Lord Siva is an epithet of Sada Siva or Maha Rudran. According to Purana Vachan, he had taken 64 Avatars to establish Dharma and eradicate Adharma.


2724. Who are the four children of Lord Parameswara?

Ans. They are four children viz. 1. Ganapathy, Bhairavan, Veera Badran and Mukugan.


2723. Who is Dharma Puthran (Righteous son)?

Ans. Whichever son will uplift and pay back the debts of ancestors (Pithrus) while living as well as post death and earnestly work towards getting them (Pithrus) the liberation (Mukthi) is a Dharmic Son. Rest all children are considered Kaama Sandhadhi (non-righteous children).


2722. What is the value of truth (Sathyam)?

Ans. Truth is 100% equal to truth itself hence it is difficult to commit a tangible value for it. No one can teach or make others understand about truth. Truth alone can make others understand its value and teach them its existence. Truth will never die, and it will find its course to raise and announce its presence.


2721. What is the caste system (varna) followed in Europe, the Arabian Middle East, and the Bharat region?

Ans. EUROPE: 1. Patricians = Upper class born, leaders, rulers, etc., 2. Plebeians = People who were born to middle-class workers, 3. Slaves = Living under master’s mercy, 4. Cagots = Untouchable people. ARABIA: 1. Ashraf = Upper class born, 2. Ajlaf = Lower caste born and converted people of other countries, 3. Arzal = Untouchable, 4. Milk-Al-Yamin = Slaves, 5. Dhimmis = People who refused to accept Islam being isolated from society, they can simply live until die that’s all, no rights for anything, 6. Jesiya = People who pay tax to the rulers. BHARAT: 1. Brahmins = Upper caste born who possess Vedic knowledge, Purohit, and teachers, 2. Kshathriyas = Rulers who protect their motherland and people from foreign invaders, 3. Vaisyas = People who do business and contribute to the economy, 4. Soodras = Labours, not involved in other 3 Varnees activities. Bharat does not have slaves or an untouchable category, however, some over-smart people treat this class of people just like slaves, by birth, they don’t belong to Slaves. Many Soodras were teachers, leaders, and rulers of many regions within Bharat itself. 


2720. When a King (Ruler) or Judge punishes the guilty will he receive sin?

Ans. No, because when they diminish unrighteousness (Adharma) it automatically benefits the righteous (Dharmic) people and protects them from harm, due to this reason Kings are always exempted from such sin. An example quoted in the Smruthis that the Dwijaas (Brahmanaas) get purified only by conducting Yagna (Vedi sacrifice) likewise, when a King/Ruler establishes good ruling or administration in the country he too gets purified.


2719. How many different Vidhyas (Knowledge) are being revealed in Vedas?

Ans. 32 Vidhyas.


2718. What are the designated names of Vedic Purohithaas in 4 Vedas?

Ans. The head priest or the officiating Priest is known as Purohith. The literal meaning of Purohit is the one who always wishes and thinks of others' welfare (Puro+Hith). For each Veda, the designated name is different however their responsibilities and functions remain common. For Rig Veda Purohithan is known as HOTHAV (Hothri), Yajur Veda Purohithan is known as ADHWARYU (Advaryu), Sama Veda known as UDHGATHAV (Udgathri) and the Atharvana Veda known as BRAHMAN.


2717. Why do most humans refuse to follow the enlightened/wise men’s advice?

Ans. Because our fate wants to win its agenda. We were born to neutralize our Karma deeds/debts through this life. Whereas, if we listen to the great divine advice or pray to God and change our lifestyle then there is a high chance of disrupting our fate’s master plan by interfering in its activities done through Yogi and Avayogi as per our horoscope. Therefore, fate will take the help of Maya to disobey all spiritual teachings and undergo Karma deeds (Prarabdha Karma Deeds).


2716. What are Sangeetha Jyothisham and Navagrahaa's involvement in this system?

Ans. Jyothisham (cosmic celestial energies) is involved in creating Swara-sthanas in Sangeetham (Music) hence it is called Sangeetha Jyothisham. Swaras are two kinds viz Bhedha Swaras and Abhedha Swaras, in these series, Bhedha Swaras are represented by Kuja (Mars), Budhan (Mercury), Bruhaspathi (Jupiter), Sukran (Venus) and Sani (Saturn) whereas, Abhedha Swaras are belonging to Soorya (Sun) and Chandra (Moon). Sa (Shadjam) = Sooryan, Ri (Rishabam) = Budhan, Ga (Gandharam) = Sukran, Ma (Madhyamam) = Kujan, Pa (Panchamam) = Chandran, Dha (Dhaivatham) = Bruhaspathi, Ni (Nishadham) = Sani.


2715. What are the face of Lord Siva and what it represents?

Ans. 1. Easanam (Upper Space) = Ghnaanam, 2. Thathpurasham (East) = Fortunes, 3. Vamadevam (North) = Wealth, 4. Sathyojatham (West) = Mukthi (liberation from life cycle), 5. Aghoram (South) = Paasa Mukthi (liberation from bondage). Therefore, worshipping Lord Pasu-Pathi Naath itself will completely fulfill all desires of life including liberation.


2714. According to Siva Sidhanth, how many bodies are referred to?

Ans. 5 bodies that include perishable (physical) and non-perishable (subtle). 1. Kaarana Sareeram, 2. Kanjuka Sareeram, 3. Guna Sareeram, 4. Ishtika Sareeram, 5. Sthoola Sareeram. The superiority of these Sareerams is respectively.


2713. Who are the slaves (spiritual term) and properties of God?

Ans. Jeeva (life energy or soul) is the slave of God, and all types of perishable bodies of every being are his properties/assets.


2712. In the human brain, where is Aadhyathmic/Spiritual power located?

Ans. The Human brain has three main divisions (for men 1.4 Kg and for females 1.350 Kg is the brain weight/size) known as the Cerebrum, Cerebellum, and Medulla Brain Stem. In these, Cerebrum occupies a large portion approximately 850/800 Grams. The right side of the Cerebellum has a small portion called Para Cerebellum, this is where the human’s spiritual memories live including devotion, faith in God, supernatural consciousness, Soul (Aathma), etc… over all these symptoms are known as ESP – extrasensory perception. Medical anatomy has different names for its 5 divisions that include these 3 main portions.


2711. Who is controlling the Karma Gathi (Kaala Chakram – wheel filled with deeds) of every being?

Ans. God (Easwar) in the name of Vidhi (Fate). God alone rotates the wheel of Karma's deeds and offers the fruits of past actions. Kala Chakram is the vehicle (Vaahanam) of God.


2710. How big one’s prayers must be?

Ans. Short and simple from one’s genuine feelings, earnestly. Again and again, one should not repeat the same requests to God because is generally very serious about everything, unlike humans. We should not try to compare our habits and characteristics with God’s behavior.   


2709. Who’s responsibility is to take care of living beings?

Ans. God, because He created all beings in this universe, and it was His wish to create all types of living beings, therefore, He is responsible for taking care and He does without fail. One should have faith and patience.


2708. What are the types of Prarthana (prayers) or requests one does?

Ans. 3 ways people look for help or assistance in life. 1. When a person seeks help or makes requests to an unknown person it will be considered as good as begging (Yachana), 2. When the same request is made to his/her relatives or friends it will become supplication (Abhyarthana/Apeksha), 3. When the supplication is extended to God then it will become a Prarthana (Prayer). The fundamental differences between each are that during Yachana the giver should show Sahathapam (mercy), during Abhyarthana the giver should show Dhaya (kindness) whereas during Prarthana God shows divine compassion (Kaarunyam) without any expectations. Therefore, ideally, one should rely on God’s help and move forward. With God no obligations whereas with others there is an obligation.


2707. How and when does God give the rewards of one’s prayers (Prarthana)?

Ans. God gives rewards in 2 ways, one as per Karma Deeds and the other bypassing all Karma Deeds. 1. When a devotee prays for his/her own welfare or desires, God will accept the prayer and verify with their Karma deeds and then decide how much and when they obtain the rewards. 2. When a devotee prays for the welfare of all God bypasses all rules and regulations controlled by Karma's deeds and offers him immediate rewards.


2706. Who are the Devi and Deva of Panchangas?

Ans. Thidhi = Durga Devi, Vaaram = Sooryan, Nakshathram = Rudran, Yogam = Maha Vishnu and Karanam = Ganapathy.


2705. How does Astrology see why humans are experiencing sorrows and happiness in their life and who signifies and its reason?

Ans. In Astrology something called “Kaarakathvam” for each Bhavam & Plant. They are known as Aatma Karakan (Self and Kingship), Amaatya Karakan (Work and Minister), Brathu Karakan (Knowledge and Guru), Maathru Karakan (Mother and Land), Pithru Karakan (Father and religion), Puthra Karakan (Children and Lineage), Jnaati Karakan (Family, relative and Varnam), Dara Karakan (spouse and society). In a person’s natal horoscope, from the position of Aathma Kaarakan’s raasi (The highest longitude of a planet in the natal horoscope is called Aathma Kaarakan), the 6th 8th, and 12th houses (dukkha Raasis) and its Bhavadhipaas (owner planet) are the one who causes/promote sorrows (Dukham). Whereas 1,2,4,5,7,9 and 11 (Sukha Raasis) houses and their lords from Aathma Karakan’s position will promote happiness, health, and wealth. Easily one can know which planet will be beneficial in one’s horoscope.    


2704. Which are the animals that have the bigger size brain?

Ans. Whales = 8 KG in size, Elephant 4.6 KG, Dolphine fish 1.8 KG. For humans, God gave 1.4 KG (male) and 1.3 KG (female) size.


2703. Which are the colors that give maximum peace of mind and happiness to the Manass (Mind)?

Ans. Blue and Green colors. Because of this reason, Easwara gave (reflected) a blue color to the sky/space and a green color to earth. God wants to give happiness and peace of mind to his creation, especially human beings. It is a shame that human beings are not contributing anything great to this universe (except a few) instead spoiling and polluting to the maximum possible. High time for people to wake up and do justice to their actions.


2702. What was the understanding, opinion, or conclusion raised by Tamil Vighnanees about Budhi (Brain)?

Ans. They refer to and named Budhi in three parts such as Manam, Nenjam, and Ullam. Manam means Manass or Mind = This force is always moving tirelessly with a complexion of dark form, and it is in blue color. Whereas Nenjam keep producing all kinds of Vikaaraas (hostilities/transformation) during its action and it has a green colour. The third definition of Budhi is Ullam, it does not move (static) it is always in a pure (Sudham) state and it has a white complexion. When all these three colours mix (Blue+Green+White = Turquoise) it comes out just like the watercolour of Manasarovar in other words even the Budhi has a color according to its activities. Imagine how great our Sages are!  


2701. Who is creating Ksheera (Milk) in the body of a cow?

Ans. Lord Devendra (The king of all divine and celestial personalities, who is also in charge of this Earth) is creating milk in the cow’s body, unlike other animals’ milk, cow milk is very special in terms of its contents. The same Milk will be transformed into Curd by Lord Soorya Narayana, thereafter the butter and its melted form of ghee are created by Lord Agni Deva according to Rigveda. Logically we know it is not acceptable to modern educated people because we know the the chemistry and molecule involvement in it except the bonding. However, Sanathana Dharma Sastram does not claim the outer effects but emphasizes the inner subtle activities. To cite an example everyone knows the honeybees are producing honey but no one knows the formula as to how it is becoming honey. In our subject, Lord Indra formulates one portion of the eaten grass to milk that too plenty and nutritious followed by Sun and Agni Lord’s contributing their part to make it further derivaties of the curd. I remember in Australia some scientists spent almost 6 billion Ausi $ to make milk from grass through a machine, and after spending money and time for about 12+ years finally dropped the research.  


2700. What is Bhodham (Consciousness) and its characteristics?

And. Jeevan (Soul) is another name for Brahman (Absolute Supreme – Pramanam: Jeevo Bhrammaiva NaPara), yet the modern world considers it as just an element (device or object or seen) to understand the outer world (what a silly understanding!). However, our Sanathana Sages have realized and concluded that the “I” in it (the one who is seeing) is an embodiment of spirituality (Adhyathmikam). Whereas seeing a person’s innermost consciousness undergo certain experiences and understandings about what it saw is considered as Jeeva (Soul) according to psychology. Anyway, the subject is debatable until living beings exist in this universe.


2699. How do they know or identify the Parama Purusha Ghyaanam?

Ans. Through 3 steps to identify, realize, and conclude viz. 1. Bootham (all beings – moving and unmoving), 2. Prakruthi (nature), 3. Purushan (soul).


2698. Who requires the help of Jyothisham (Astrology)?

Ans. If the mind (Manass) depends on its Jeevan (Soul) such people require the help of Jyothisham. Also, people who believe in previous and reincarnation will eventually trust Jyothisham likewise if you believe in Jyothisham then you must accept past, present, and future births. Another angle, if you have realized the Mind and Soul then you don’t need the help of Jyothisham or any such Sastras to help you.


2697. What are the 3 important truths (Sathyam)?

Ans. Our Sastras always demand Pramanam for all elements to prove their existence. Three truths are 1. Parama Sathyam (Sun), 2. Apekshika Sathyam (Moon) and 3. Vyaavahaarika Sathyam (all living beings and their existence).


2696. Who is Jeevan (Soul) and its identity?

Ans. An element (Thathvam) that makes you believe that the body is Me! (I am the body), it is an awareness or consciousness though the perception is wrong, yet it does due to its blimpishness (Karma Malam, Maya Malam & Ahamkara Malam). Planet Moon is the significator (Karakathvam) or custodian of “Me” and “I”. Another reason is the body is derived from the Moon’s involvement with other celestial bodies contribution.


2695. Who were the ancestors of Lord Sri Ram’s clan?

Ans. 1. Lord Brahma, 2. Sage Mareechi, 3. Sage Kasyapa, 4. King Vivaswan, 5. Manu, 6. Ishwahu, 7. Kukushi, 8. Vikukshi, 9. Bhaanan, 10. Ananranyan, 11. Prithu, 12. Thrisanku, 13. Dhumdhumaaran, 14. Yuvanaaswan, 15. Mamdhaatha, 16. Sunandhi, 17. Druvasanthi, 18. Bharathan, 19. Asithan, 20. Sagaran, 21. Asamanjan, 22. Amsumaan, 23. Dikeepan, 24. Bhageerathan, 25. Kukuthsan, 26. Raghu, 27. Pravrudhan, 28. Sankanan, 29. Sudharsan, 30. Agnivarnan, 31. Seegraghan, 32. Maru, 33. Prasusruk, 34. Ambareeshan, 35. Nahushan, 36. Yayathi, 37. Naabhaaghan, 38. Ajan, 39. Sararathan, 40. Sri Raman, Bharathan, Lakshmanan and Sathrughnan


2694. What was Lord Ram’s history of the clan?

Ans. Lord Sri Ram was born in the Ishwahu clan as Brahma’s 40th lineage. Sri Ram, Bharatha, Lakshmana and Sathrugna. Every child has a 1-year gap between them, and some epics mentioned that 1-day gap between each brother.


2693. How to get rid of 5 debts (Panchamaha Rinnam) that come along with each person’s birth?

Ans. 1. Rishi-RiNa = When you sincerely try to attain Ghyaan (the true knowledge) or when you worship Lord Siva these debts will be nullified, 2.  Deva-RiNa = By doing Dhaanam and Yagnam or worship Lord Maha Vishnu Bhajan can nullify, 3. Pithru RiNa = By making legitimate babies or worshipping Lord Brahma, 4. Athidhi-RiNa = By hosting guests or helping others, 5. Bhootha/Manushya RiNa = Offering food and water to all living beings within means and abstaining from polluting the atmosphere/nature. By exercising these practices one can eradicate these debts and attain Moksha Prapthi (opportunity to liberate oneself).  


2692. What is the thing that makes sound without the help of another object?

Ans. It is none other than Pranavaksharam “AUM”. To get sound 2 objects must clash with each other whereas the sound AUM does not produce out of two objects clash.


2691. What is the meaning of Aksharam (syllable)?

Ans. A non-perishable element is called Aksharam (Na Ksharam = the one that does not have an end or ever living). That truth is “Brahman” alone, rest will perish one day or the other.


2690. Please describe Vidhyarambam, Aksharaarambam, and Anwarambam?

Ans. Once a child attains age 5, he/she should be initiated to Vidhyarambam (meant for survival or breadwinning education). Aksharaarambam must be done during one of the 4 Navarathri preferably Sarada Navarathri (Sep-Oct) of Vijaya Dasami day (meant for learning spiritual and wisdom-oriented education) and finally Anwarambam to be done on the 2nd day of Vidhyarambam (repeating what was taught on the Vidhyarambam day by Guru). The child should face West, and the Guru should face East quarter while giving initiation. Out of 18 Vidhyaas, whatever the child like to learn should be taught (one can seek the help of Jaathi/Matha or Paramparya Vyavastha or the astrological position of the pupil). Those 18 Vidyas are 4 Vedas, 6 Sastras, 8 Mimaamsa, and Nyayam, Smruthi, Puranam, Ayurvedam, Dhanurvedham, Gandharvavedham, Arthasastram.


2689. What is the foundation of all Ghyaan (Knowledge)?

Ans. Anubhavam (Experience) alone. Knowledge with experience alone is actual Ghyaanam (True knowledge).


2688. To see God in person one should have educational qualifications?

Ans. NO. There is no need for material/commercial education required, however, if God appears in front of someone in some form or the other, one should be able to recognize him now? for that purpose Sastra Ghnaanam (Spiritual education) is required. For example, if God appears and says I am the God no one will accept or trust him, whereas if one possesses discrimination power (Viveka Budhi), and ghyaan (Wisdom knowledge) then he/she will be able to recognize.  


2687. What are the divisions in Sidhaas (Accomplished/Attained)?

Ans. Sidhars are highly compassionate in nature and highly helpful to casual people. They avoid publicity and maintain the secrecy of their personal life. They are self-accomplished human beings. Some Siddars can materialize as well as de-materialize their mortal body. They can travel in the air and suddenly disappear into the space. Generally unpredictable personalities. They are categorized into 5 divisions viz. 1. Nithya Sidhars (Eternally perfect), 2. Sadhana Sidhars (Spiritual discipline), 3. Kripa Sidhars (divine grace), 4. Hatthaath Sidhars (Suddenly attain God’s vision), 5. Swapna Sidhars (receiving God’s vision while in a dream).


2686. What is the relationship between Pancha Bhoothas and Pancha Angaas?

Ans. Basically, the Pancha Bhoothaas represent Pancha Angaas and vice versa. PB resides in our Prakruthi as space (Atmosphere) and PA indicates the time. As we all know our life is nothing but between space and time! PB – Aakasam = Yogam, Vaayu = Nakshathram, Agni = Vaaram, Jalam = Thidhi, Prithvi = Karanam (27 + 27 + 7 + 1 + 15 + 11 = 88 elements is running our atmosphere).  

2685. Why it is so important to pray to God by facing North and East?

Ans. North = The one who faces North while praying will be bestowed with 90% of the total star’s rays of this Brahmanda (Galaxy) and will be directly connected with the prayer’s brain. East = The one who faces East will get Sun rays on his/her body which will nourish and keep the devotee healthy and knowledgeable. According to the Sanathana system, the Sun God is one of the topmost Jagath Gurus, especially for Ashtama Sidhi.     


2684. Who are all not eligible to get Udhaga Kriya after the funeral (after death) in a Vedic way?

Ans. According to Manusmruthi Manu Maharshi in Chapter 5:89:90 the following persons are not eligible to receive Udaga (Water) Kriya (Offering). However, non-vedic practices can be done and satisfied by the Jeevathma and his/her relatives since he/she did not follow the Vedic Dharma while living. Manu Maharshi has every right to come up with such rules and regulations because he was entrusted with the right by Lord Brahma (creator) to humans. So don’t ask me who gave him the right to decide on such things. In fact, Lord Brahma only incarnated as Manu Maharshi. Nine types of people are banned from Udaga Kriya 1. The one who knowingly renounced his own Dharma (Swa-dharma), 2. Sangara Jaathar (a Brahmin lady delivering a non- Brahmin’s child), 3. A person who took up Sanyasam (Renouncer) as per Vedic procedure (please note before taking up Sanyasam he must offer Udaga Kriya to himself and all his ancestors, therefore hereafter he is a dead man walking until the Jeevathma Exit, hence no need of further Udaga Kriya), 4. The one who committed suicide, 5. The one who embraced the anti-vedic system, a kind of conversion to other religious systems, 6. Kaama Chaarinees (a prostitute who shared her bed with many men), 7. The one who killed the fetus/baby i.e. aborted, 8. Barthru-ghastliness (one who killed her husband), 9. The one who consumed alcohol for intoxication and entertainment.


2683. What are the highest duties of a Brahmin?

Ans. Thri-karthavyam. 1. Chanting Pranava Mantram at an appropriate interval, 2. Chanting Savithri Gayathri, 3. Chanting Vedas. These chanting must be done affectionately without fail.


2682. What are the systems to be practised knowing previous birth histories (Poorva Janma Smarana)?

Ans. Sastras recommend Chathuraabhyaasa (4 practices). They are 1. Veda Abhyasam (learn true knowledge), 2. Bahyaanthara Sudhi (maintain in and outer neatness/purity), 3. Indriya Nigraham (conquer sensual pleasure), 4. Praanipeeda Varjanam (Ahimsa/not to kill any living beings). By practicing these religiously one can automatically get to know their past in the Bodha Mandalam (consciousness state).  


2681. What are the core aspects/divisions of Pathanjali Yoga Suthram?

Ans. They are 4. 1. Samaadhi Paadham (synchronizing or equalizing path), 2. Sadhana Paadham (searching or practising or dwelling or realization), 3. Vibhoothi Paadham (achievement or accomplishment of search), 4. Kaivalya Paadham (one and the only oneness – nonduality or merged with Brahman).


2680. What is Shad Mathaas (Six cults or ways of life or religion) and its corresponding Navagraha Devathas?

Ans. In other words, Navagraha Devathaas are prominent and denote their power to cause certain issues in human beings’ lives. Please note, it is not the mistake of Navagrahaas, it is our own Karma deeds that dragged them to posit in such a manner whereby we will be appropriately rewarded (whether fortune or misfortune). Again, the ignorant people simply blame Navagrahaas and suggest either Pariharam or hatred ness towards such deities. Ignorance will only cause more problems and sins. Therefore, learn the system properly adopt the rewards, and fulfill our own commitment. Unless punishment is accepted for the mistake done, the Jeevathma will never be able to attain Moksham. Let the punishment be adored in this Naralok (Earth) itself instead of Narakalok (Hell) so that one can qualify to ascend to Divyalok (Heaven) and later attain Moksham (Liberation). We know our Sanathana system lists 6 Mathaas viz. 1. Saktham deals with Mars, Raahu, and Venus, 2. Saivam deal with Moon and Raahu, 3. Vaishnavam deals with the Sun and Mercury, 4. Souram/Saankyam deal with Mercury, Sun, and Jupiter, 5. Ganaapathyam deal with Kethu and Mars, 6. Kaarthikeyam deals with Mars and Raahu. If you notice here, Mars and Raahu are dominating the club. Mars has material benefits and Raahu has spiritual benefits.


2679. How many types of Santhi Pariharams are described in the Sastras?

Ans. 3 types viz. 1. Utthamam, 2. Madhyamam, 3. Adhamam. All Pariharams are to be usually followed in 4 methods viz. 1. Japam, 2. Tharpanam, 3. Homam, 4. Dhaanam respectively. 10 per cent of the first one to be followed by the 2nd one. This means if Japam was prescribed say 1000 times then the Tharpanam will be 100 times and 10 Homam then finally 1 Dhaanam in this manner. Maximum harmless is Utthamam, moderate is Madhyamam, and harmful is Adhamam categories. Japam = Moola Mantram or general names of a deity can be recited, Tharpanam is offering water as Arghyam or Abhishekam (ablution) to the deity and Homam is Havana in the holy fire, finally offer the objects/kind or money to the needy in an easiest possible way. No need to kill or harm anyone to ask for a favour from the true God. The sacrifice of any living being is not acceptable to the true God. If at all any God’s form asking for someone’s life, then it is not a true God but a demon (satan) in the name of God. True God is highly compassionate and never accepts someone’s life. If at all the Sastra says so, that means such animalistic character in us to be sacrificed no other way. Ignorant people misunderstand the true meaning of Sastras in any religion. People with Aasuric qualities will never understand this concept therefore can be only violent.


2678. How one should conduct the Santhi Pariharam (remedy for the cause)?

Ans. The Pariharams (Remedies) are prescribed in Jyothi Sasthram for the adverse placement of Navagraha. However, any such Pariharam must be advised or conducted in keeping with Dharmic rules (Dharma Sastram) set by the universal system without which it won’t produce successful results. In other words, no compromise to the righteous (Dharmam) for the sake of remedy. Nowadays many things are going wrong because Pariharams are simply suggested for commercial gains whereby more problems are encountered.


2677. Which language was used to communicate Jyothi Sasthram?

Ans. Samadhi Bhasha (Language). Samadhi Bhasha has 4 angles for every word. The first one is a direct meaning of the word, besides those 3 types of substitute or alternative meanings to it therefore it is called Samadhi Bhasha (it is a strategic name), the actual language could be Sanskrit, but it is known as Samadhi Bhasha.


2676. What is the relationship that cannot be detached between God and Humans?

Ans. God creates humans whereas, humans create God in Vigrahas (idols) and Pictures (Chithram) to worship him/her on that.


2675. What is the core difference between Mahathmaas (Great personalities) and casual people?

Ans. Mahatma listens to their Aathma (Soul) and leads their life, whereas casual people listen to their mind (Manass) and move forward.


2674. What are the types of debates (Vaadham)?

Ans. 3 types. 1. Vaadham (Artha Niroopana Samvadham – Debate to prove the real meaning of a subject), 2. Jalpam (Just for the sake of arguing without any sense), 3. Vidhanda-Vaadham (Just to defeat the opponent arguing without any strategy or goal or meaning).


2673. What is Dharmam in general terms?

Ans. To achieve something in a legitimate (righteous) way (Ishta Praapthi) and remove the obstacles (Anishta Parihaaram) through a spiritual (Aloukika Maargam) strategy or path is Dharmam. It is also said in the Sastra that giving up a selfish attitude is also Dharmam. 


2672. What are the 6 duties of a Brahmana/Brahmin?

Ans. 1. Veda Adhyayanam (Practicing Vedic rituals), 2. Veda Adhyaapanam (Teaching Vedas), 3. Yajanam (conducting self-spiritual sacrifices), 4. Yaajanam (doing spiritual sacrifices for others), 5. Dhaanam (giving in charity), 6. Prathigraham (receiving alms/charity).


2671. Who is Iyer?

Ans. The one who conquered the Panchendriyas (sensories), almost equal to God and eligible to receive worship is known as Iyer. Lord Siva was called Iyer in many Tamil scripts. In Bharat, south Indian Brahmins are called Iyer as their surname (at least for name’s sake). In Sanskrit, it is known as Sarma. 


2670. What should be given to the newborn child as its first food?

Ans. A mix of pure organic honey + desi cow ghee + gold scratched on it should be given first even before giving breast milk. It is considered a natural vaccination for the newborn according to Ayurveda. Nowadays finding pure ingredients is a talk therefore be careful. Of course, modern medical doctors will not allow or agree to this practice; therefore, it is in your hands as to how you want to handle the ancient practice.


2669. Does the Pithrus have the power to grandchildren (Santhana Anugraha Sakthi) to Kartha?

Ans. Yes. It is very much mentioned in Rigveda and Sukla-Yajurvedam that on the Prathyabdika Srardham day (Every year occurring Srardha Thidhi) when the Kartha offers Pinda Pradhanam to all his 3 pairs of Pithrus (Pitha-Pithamahan & Prapithamahan plus Matha-Pithamahi & Prapithamahi) as part of Pithru Yagnam (Ritual), after performing the ritual, Kartha (appx 30%) and his devoted wife (appx 70%) should consume (eat) the Pindam offered to Pithamahan (Grandfather). Surely, within 3 years she will get pregnant from her husband. The mantra says “Ah Dattha Pitharo Garbham Kumaaram Pushkaraskajam”. Please note I have tested this with one couple who could not get children post 7+ years of marriage, now she is on her way to deliver the baby. This has happened within 2 years. Bakti, Sradha, and Karma are needed to achieve accomplishment. Usually, these 3+3 Pindas are given to cows or buried inside the soil.


2668. A married woman will always be a wife?

Ans. No. When she gives birth to a child through her husband, she will automatically become the mother of her husband. Because children are known as Aathmajan/Aathmaja i.e., those children are part of the husband’s own Aathma (Soul) hence husband is in the form of children. Though it is a fundamental truth in practical life it is not possible. This is one of the main reasons our celestial gods (Brahma/Vishnu/Maheswara) did not produce biological children through their consorts. Whereas when they take incarnation as human beings, produce biological children or non-biological children.  


2667. What was Lord Vishnu’s Asura Avaratham (Incarnation as a demon)?

Ans. Sanka Choodan as Asura Samrat and Sri Mahalakshmi as Thulasi.


2666. How many types of Anandam (Joy) a human body will undergo?

Ans. 3 types, 1. Samsara Sukha-Bhogam (happiness from family related events), 2. Prarthana Sukham (happiness from prayers and worship), 3. Dhaiva Drushti Sukham (seeing God in everything or physically by divine grace).


2665. Will the Prarabdha Karma will end after getting the vision of the divine God?

Ans. No. Prarabdham will continue but it will not make any impact on the body. It will be a silent object.


2664. Whom did Lord Mahavishnu bless or select his Parants in his 4 important Avathaaras (incarnation)?

Ans. Suthapass (Father) was a great Vishnu Devotee and his wife Prasni / Prishni (Mother). They were parents from Pathma Kalpam to Varaaha Kalpam (4 Avatharas). Sathya Yugam = Suthapass and Prasni – Avathara Purushan Prashnigarbhan, Thretha Yugam = Kasyapa/Adhithi – Avathara Purushan Vamanan, again Thretha Yugam = Dasarathan/Kousalya – Avathara Purushan Sri Raman, Dwapara Yugam = Vasudevan/Devaki – Avathara Purushan Sri Krishnan.


2663. Where does Navagrahaas’s placement or influence see in human body parts?

Ans. Mooladharam = Sun, Swadhishtanam = Moon, Manipoorakam = Mars, Anahatha = Mercury, Visudhi = Jupiter, Aagnaa = Venus, Sahasraaram = Saturn, Rahu, Kethu and Gulika/Maandhi occupies all nerve system and 32 Vital points or sensitive centres (Marma Sthala).


2662. What are the relative planets (Grahaas) of Nava Grahaas and how many are they?

Ans. Sun has 1000+ following Grahas, Moon has 892+, Mars has 500+, Mercury has 600+, Jupiter has 700+, Venus has 800+, and Saturn has 300+. These Navagrahas establish their relationship with these Grahas who are surrounded by Navagrahaas.


2661. Why Rishis (Sages) and Gou (Cows) are very precious in this world,?

Ans. Rishis through their Mantra power and Cows through their medicinal valuable produce serve and save all living beings on this Earth. Therefore, they are also called Jeeva Naadees of living beings. Our responsibility is to protect and nurture them.


2660. What is Avadhaana Kala?

Ans. Ability or skill to write using both hands simultaneously. Same way they can write from right to left and vice versa. Also, up, and down together. Ability to do different works at the same time (multiple concentrations). 


2659. Who is the author of Kaama Sastram?

Ans. Kaama Sastram was initially received by Dharma Devatha Lord Nandikeswar (Siva Vaahan) from Lord Brahma’s first 100,000 versus Sasthram. However, for normal human beings, it was propagated by sage Vathsyaanan. He made 7 chapters in his Kaama Sasthra Grandh. They are 1. Sadha Thathva Nirdhesaka (General Rules), 2. Saamprayogikaas (multiple sensual postures and plays), 3. Kanya Samprayuktha (Vivaham and Rithu Darsanam), 4. Bhaaryaadhikaarika (Bharya Vivaranam – description of wife), 5. Paraadhika (other’s wife’s information), 6. Vaishika (information about prostitutes), 7. Oupamishaadhika (treatment to enhance sexual thirst).


2658. What are the ingredients in Soma Rasam (Soma Juice)?

Ans. According to Rigveda (3:4:52): 5 ingredients are mixed in this juice to satisfy the quench of Devas (Divine personalities). 1. Yava Misra (Yava Rice), 2. Dhadhi (Curd), 3. Malar (stuffed rice), 4. Purolaasam (rice-powder), 5. Soma Latha (Soma leaf). All these were mixed and ground to make the liquid juice. What nonsense was propagated by the Western and leftists across the world about it? According to them, it is an intoxicating alcoholic drink! While preparing this Soma Rasam the makers must chant certain Mantras to purify the properties included in it. It is highly a divine cause and output, not it being narrated by the ignorants. 


2657. Who are the mothers’ according to Veda Samskaram (Vedic Civilization)?

Ans. 7 mothers are referred. 1. Birth is given to the biological mother, 2. Guru Pathni, 3. Brahmani (Priest’s wife), 4. Ratni (Queen), 5. Pasu (Cow), 6. Susrushaka (Nurse), 7. Prithvi (Earth).


2656. What is the logic behind the scientific method (Vignaana Visakalanam)?

Ans. 5 important contests are required to accept a fact or outcome as scientific. They are 1. Theory, 2. Explanation/evidence, 3. Objective testing, 4. Prediction, 5. Background Knowledge about the subject.


2655. Who is the author of Soorya Sidhanth?

Ans. Mayasura (Mayan). Estimated period 3000+ BC


2654. Which path is most suitable and used to understand the intensity of Advaitha Vedantham?

Ans. Prakriyas (Reactions/Superiority). It includes results/rewards (Phalam) and sensitivity (Vishayaas).


2653. What were Swami Vivekananda’s paths (Margam)?

Ans. Neo Vedanta. For a person to attain liberation (Mukthi/Moksham) either of one path must be accepted and realized was his sole conclusion. There are plenty of ways/paths (Maaragas) prescribed in our Veda Sastra, yet the 4 paths are the primary ones. 1 Ghnaana Margam/Yogam (Path of Knowledge), 2. Bakthi Margam/Yogam (Path of devotion), 3. Karma Margam/Yogam (Path of Selfless services), 4. Raja Margam/Yogam (Path of meditation).


2652. What are the three revelations of Vedantam?

Ans. 1. Jagradhavastha (Awakening stage/empirical), 2. Swapnavastha (Dream stage/Projected), 3. Sushupthavastha (Deep sleep/Asbsolute). These are the three truths that were revealed by Vedantam.


2651. What are the three pillars of Advaitha Vedantam?

Ans. 1. Sruthi (Vedam), 2. Yukthi (Reasoning), 3. Anubhavam (Experience).


2650. What are the indications of the day of birth?

Ans. Based on the day of birth we get to enjoy certain incidents in life. These rewards are effective throughout life from time to time. If you were born on a Sunday = Plenty of travel, Monday = Delicious food, Tuesday = Fear afraid of fire and sickness, Wednesday = Virtuous deeds, Thursday = would have beautiful clothes, Friday = Comfort, and peace, and Saturday = of sorrow.


2649. Which planet represents/indicates the previous life (Mu-Jjanmam)?

Ans. Basically, we want to know whether the life energy (Jeevathma) came from which world to Earth. According to Jyothi Sasthram, it is the 5th Lord who indicates from where this Jeevathma arrived on this Earth. Alternatively, another option to give that is Drekana Adhipathy. Here some astrological knowledge is required to understand these conditions. First, we need to ascertain whether the Sun or Moon is stronger in a particular horoscope. Thereafter, we need to see whether the strongest (between the Sun and Moon) Drekanadipathyam (in charge of Drekana) belongs to the Sun or Moon. If the Sun or Moon occupies Jupiter raasi (Guru – Dhanu & Meena Raasi lord) then the Jevathma came from Devalokam, if it is Moon or Venus (Kataka, Rishaba & Thula raasi lord) then it descended from Pithru Lokam, finally, if it is Saturn or Mercury (Makara, Kumbam, Mithuna & Kanya Raasi lord) then it came from Naraka Lokam. Drekanam has 3 parts (Aadhi, Madhya & Andhya Drekanas @ 10 degrees of the planet’s longitude). Drekana is a status of the planet among the important 16 divisions in Astrology charts. Mars and Sun are not involved in this calculation, hence if the Drekanam happens to be Mesha/Vruschiga/Simha then no idea from where this Jeevathma came into Earth. We may have to logically conclude that if it belongs to the Sun, then it may be from Soorya Lokam, and if Mars then may be from within Earth itself. In this way, the 5th house lord posited in said planet’s houses then the results to considered accordingly. Between Drekana and the 5th house, whichever is good, let us consider we belong to that world to have peace of mind. We cannot control the past and to some extent present but surely future is in our hands. Hence let’s do maximum good and live within the Ahimsa system for superior future life.


2648. What are the greatest worship methods (Aaradhana Maargam)?

Ans. 2 paths. 1. Paravidhya (Ghnaana Yoga Upasana Maargam), 2. Sri Vidhya (Bakthi, Upasana, Saguna Aaradhana Maargam).


2647. What are the best days for Abhyanga Snaanam (full body oil bath)?

Ans. For men, it is Wednesdays and Saturdays. For women, it is Tuesdays and Fridays. For both Dasami Thidhi is commonly good. If the Dasami Thidi falls on other days than We, Sa, Te, Fr then adding little Ghee would bring many more benefits. Amavasya and Poornima, everyone should avoid taking oil baths.


2646. What is the secret in Hari Sri Ganapathaye Nama?

Ans. This mantra is getting initiated to all Children who are ready to learn Vidhya. As per Sanskrit and Malayalam, almost 51 syllables (Aksharam) are to be learned and it makes the speciality of such languages. So, to teach the tiny kids, it must be short, and it must cover all letters (Lipis) at once. Our great Sages identified the easiest method based on the KADAPAYADHI Sastram which is Om “Hari Sri Ganapathaye” Nama. Kadapayadhi Sastram teaches us the value of the alphabet that is how it tallied the 51 letters at once, in other words, it is as good as writing all the letters individually. The values of alphabets are Hari (28), Sri (2), Ga (3), Na (5), Pa (1), Tha (6), Ye (1), Na (0), Ma (5) = Total 51. 


2645. What is the speciality of Karnatic Sangeetham (Music)?

Ans. They are 2. 1. Art Value (Respecting the Music Sastram), 2. Bakthi Value (Importance of devotion).


2644. Who are the Ashta Vasus?

Ans. Ashta Vasu means eight wealthy Gods. 1. Dhaaram (Prithvi), 2. Analan (Agni), 3. Anilan (Vaayu), 4. Aapa: (Varunan), 5. Prathyusha (Sooryan), 6. Prabhaasa (Aakasam), 7. Soman (Chandran), 8. Dhruvan (Nakshthram).


2643. Who are the divine personalities that represent each star in Astrology?

Ans. 1. Krithika = Agni, 2. Rohini = Prajapathi, 3. Mrugaseersham = Soman, 4. Arudra = Rudran, 5. Punarvasu = Adhithi, 6. Pushyam = Bruhaspathi, 7. Aslesha = Sarpam, 8. Makam = Pithara, 9. Poorva Phalghuni = Aaryama, 10. Uthara Phalghuni = Bhagan, 11. Hastham = Savitha, 12. Chithra = Thwashta, 13. Swathi = Vaayu, 14. Visakham = Indragni, 15. Anuradha = Mithran, 16. Jyeshta = Indran, 17. Moolam = Prajapathi, 18. Poorvashadam = Aapa (Jalam), 19. Uthrashadam = Viswedeva, 20. Abhijith = Brahma, 21. Sravanam = Vishnu, 22. Sravishta = Vasava, 23. Sathabhishak = Varunan, 24. Poorvabadra Paadha = Aja-Eka-Padha, 25. Utharabadra Paadha = Ahirbudhniya, 26. Revathi = Poosha, 27. Aswini = Aswnidevas, 28. Bharani = Yama.


2642. What are the Veda Nakshathras and Jyothi Sastra Nakshathras?

Ans. According to Yajur Vedam, there are 28 stars (stellar) to be considered including Abhijith Star risen between Uthrashada at 20 degrees and Sravana at 22 degrees. According to Vedam the first star is Krithika (Kaarthika) and ends in Apabharani (Bharani) star. Whereas, as per Jyothi Sasthram, it considers only 27 stars leaving Abhjith star. It starts with Aswini (Aswathi) and ends with Revathi. In Jyothi Sasthram (Astrology) Abhijit is a small star hence it is not considered for the rest of the calculation purposes however it recognizes the Abhijith star.

2641. How to identify Devas (Divine) and Humans (Mix of everything) through numbers?

Ans. As we know numbers have two types, odd numbers, and Even numbers. Here Odd numbers are considered as Divine (Oja Sankya) Bheejam (Seed) and Even numbers are Human (Yugma Sankya) Bheejam (Seed). Now let us learn the technicality of number effects. The sum of two odd numbers is always an even number (say 17+19=36). Whereas 2 even numbers are always even (say 10+10=20) only. The secret is that Deva + Human = Human and Human + Human = Human. This Sastra is applicable to know that through Devamsam (Deva Bheejam) only humans got created, then later human to human-created another human. We can also see some people having a more divine nature though they are humans (here we need to know that some divine interference was involved in his/her birth). This also indicates to us that when God created this Earth for us, he created one man and one woman (equal numbers), thereafter due to many wrong things now we are trying to bridge the gap, but it is not happening. Whom to blame for this situation – our own wrong path is it not? The current global index shows males are more by 1.016 (in 2023 estimate) than women numbers.  


2640. Who are the prominent Gandharvaas of the celestial world?

Ans. 12 members. 1. Thumburu, 2. Narada, 3. Haha, 4. Huhu, 5. Viswavasu, 6. Ugrasena, 7. Surughi, 8. Paravasu, 9. Chitrasena, 10. Oornnayu, 11. Dhrudharashtra, 12. Sooryavarchass.


2639. What is very important for doing Pooja (Worship)?

Ans. 1. Love (Sneha) towards God/Deity, 2. Aachaaram (discipline, custom and purity).


2638. Which Sastram describes the way to convert Iron to Gold?

Ans. There is a medicinal stone called “Parisavedhi”. If you place this stone on top of the Iron, it will convert the Iron into Gold. This is a claim from Puranas and some of our sages owned this stone and did it for some Kings when there was a huge, shortage of wealth. Even during British India, there was an incident recorded somewhere. Of course, those Yogis who achieved Ashtamasidhi can easily do this.


2637. What is the way out to know the power or effect of Mantra Japam?

Ans. If a Sadhak chants a mantra before Sunrise, they will immediately feel the effect on their body.


2636. Which method will bring down the physical stress that was scientifically proved in line with Sanathana values?

Ans. Through prayers one can bring down the stress by 58%, when prayers along with Purana Parayanam (narrating dharmic stories) will bring the stress level to 67%, along with prayers and purana Parayan if one can add Vruthams (fasting) it can increase to 80%, thereafter if one can also add Dhyanam and Yogam it will touch the ceiling of 100% stress-free. To reduce physical and mental stress practicing this ancient methodology works perfectly.


2635. What is Mananam / Manan (Thinking)?

Ans. Through the practice of Sadhaka (practice), Bhaadhaka (impact), and Yukthi (discrimination), a person knowing or realizes the meaning of life is Manan. In fact simply thinking about past, present, and future. The results achievable through Mananam are 1. Matham (ideology or religion or principles), 2. Ghnaanam (refined knowledge).


2634. Who are the Navarathma Mahatmas of Legendary King Vikramaditya Maha Sabha (Court)?

Ans. 1. Amara Simhan (Mantra Sastram-Amarakosam), 2. Dhanvanthari (Ayurvedam), 3. Ghatakarapaalan (Tharka Sastram), 4. Kaali Dasan (Sahithyam), 5. Kshaaparakan (Vedanta Sastram), 6. Sanku (Sankya Sastram), 7. Varahamihiran (Jyothi Sastram), 8. Vararuchi (Vyakarana Sastram), 9. Vethala Bhattan (Thanthra Sastram). These 9 members are the authors or inventors or fathers of special Vidhyas (Knowledge). Vikramadithya is a title for emperors’ therefore many Vikramadithyaas have existed. The Ujjaini Vikramaditya had the fortune of these nine great personalities in his cabinet. Genuine evidence is lacking to support each person’s association with a particular Vikramadityan except Kaalidasan. However, the same name for many people is common in our Earth therefore, we may have to assume that the father of such sastras was present in his cabinet.  


2633. How many Dhaiveega and Paisaachika Yoga postures (Aasanaas) are mentioned in our Sastras?

And. Dhaiveeha (divine) Yoga Aasanaas are 108 types and Paisaachika Yoga Aasanaas are 24 Vidhyaas (knowledge). All these 24 Aasanaas are called Thri-doshas. Therefore, each Aasana consists of a set of Kapha-Pitha-Vaadha. This means the total activation is 24 x 3 = 96 types of Thathvas making the body function as long as alive. These 96 elements only make a person function, and it is preloaded along with birth.


2632. What is Kaaya Kalpam?

Ans. Kaayam means mortal body, and Kalpam means immortal or live longer. This is a Vidhya (secret knowledge) to keep the body healthy for a longer time. One primary requirement to practice this Vidhya is Kundalini Abhyaasam. When one practices Kundalini Abhyasam it will clean and nature 32 Marmasthanaas (vital sensitive centers inside our body) cure all kinds of ailments and keep the body intact for many years. Besides this, all types of Ayurveda Chikitsa (Pre and post) can help keep the body healthy. No other medical system can stand before Ayurveda because all of them depend on using manual, synthetically, and chemically made drugs and not direct natural extracts of plants and herbs. Nowadays modern pharmacology started using plants and their derivative extracts for making drug medicines. Unfortunately, such medicines will be costlier and available only to rich people in developed nations.


2631. What are the Pancha Varna systems of ancient Bharatham?

Ans. This is known as Pancha Varnaasrama Padhathi/Krama. Good olden days Prajapathees grouped people based on their knowledge and skills. The knowledge and Skills are either by birth rights (hereditary system) or learned under a competent master. Such a system will help the King to make his ruling impartially and fairly. They are 1. Brahmanyam (one who possesses doubtless true Knowledge), 2. Kshaithryan (one who possesses ruling, fighting, protecting, and administration skills), 3. Vaisyan (one who possesses knowledge of farming, commerce, business, and trade), 4. Soothran/Soodran (one who is a Master of Engineering, skilful, able to undertake tasks, labour, planner, constructor, etc.), 5. Panchameeyan (one who possesses any type of skills to do every type of work either by self or instructed by the supervisors of own or other Varnees). We need to know that even though their job is fixed and a kind of birthright if anyone from the designated section is not capable of delivering their job, other competent persons will be recruited to complete the task. It is not mandatory that only the same Varnee must do the reserved job. In the event of a lack of experts’ other experts’ can fulfill the task. This Varnaasrama system has nothing to do with the caste system designed by the foreign invaders with their hidden agenda. I want the younger generations of India should learn this fact clearly and move forward to build a prosperous Bharatham. Unfortunately, with our corrupted political system we are finding it very difficult to overcome our past glories. It is the fate of Bharat. God bless the nation!


2630. How many types of Vidhya (curriculum) are taught in the ancient Gurukula system?

Ans. 7 ways. 1. Dhakshina Moortham (Thapo Vidya – Techniques to do penance), 2. Guru Varadha Raajam (Vyavasaya Cha Kraya-Vikrayam – Teachings of business and cultivation), 3. Brahma Sakthi/Sathyam (Sastra-Gjnaanam – Learning spiritual and material subjects followed by realizing absolute truth), 4. Soundarya Parvatham (Learnings of anatomy, precaution, life, and health), 5. Subrahmanyam (Learning of knowledge – spiritual and material), 6. Sukracharyam (Learning of Military, weapons, archery, war tactics), 7. Brahaspathim (Learning of administration, sustainability, and overall event management including crisis).


2629. What is Upadesam (Advise)?

Ans. The realized or experienced facts and information sharing with another is called Upadesam. One thing is clear a person must be experienced with the fact before advising others.


2628. Who controls Bhootha, Pretha and Pisachaas?

Ans. Bhootha, Pretha, and Pisachaas are negative energies in Sookshma Roopam (subtle form just like black smoke). These statuses were given to departed Jeevathmas (souls) who committed unpardonable cruel sins while living. However, they have been controlled and guided by Thrimoorthees. Bhootha Yonis are under the control and guidance of Siva, Pretha Yonis by Vishnu, and Pisacha Yonis by Sakthi. A particular deity’s mantras and rituals are practiced in controlling respective Bhaadhaas (afflictions).    


2627. Who controls the north and south poles of Earth?

Ans. North is connected to Druva Star and South is connected to Agasthya Star. They never leave their seat due to the assignment given by God. These stars can tilt (axis angle) by around 23 degrees sideways. They are also known as Pole stars according to modern science.


2625. Who and how was Swasthi / Swatic Pathmam/Chakram got created by whom?

Ans. When Saptharishis direct their vision towards the Druva Star during 4 Rithus (out of six seasons) this symbolic aspect will be created in the space. Their aspects come from different corners therefore such symbolic form got created. This Swasthi Pathmam is highly auspicious just like Jupiter/Guru’s aspect in astrology. This symbol will emit prosperity and all sorts of comforts to those who worship or concentrate on it. Kindly note it has nothing to do with the Nazis of Germany. This symbolic form has been formed ever since the birth of Saptha Rishis. Maybe Hitler might have adopted this symbol after knowing its benefits. Please note anyone who misuses spiritual symbols will eventually witness their destruction in life.   


2624. Whom a Brahmachari must worship daily?

Ans. 4 Gods viz. 1. Brahmadev, 2. Indradev, 3. Agnidev and 4. Manthropadesa Guru.


2623. How does the Aathma attain Mukthi / Moksham (Liberation)?

Ans. Aathma (Soul) resides in three types of bodies viz. Sthoolam, Sookshmam, Param. In this set, the Sanchitha and Prarabdha Karma deeds follow the Sookshma Sareeram (subtle body). Therefore, if one is detached from the Sanchitha Karama he/she will automatically get the Jeevan Mukthi/Moksham.


2622. What is the size of Paramaanu (Atom)?

Ans. In modern science, it is called Atom and its size is estimated to be 0.0016 mg.


2621. How many chapters were included in the first Sastra Grandham of the first Prajapathi?

Ans. Pancha Siras Brahma was the first Prajapathi. It has 100,000 (one lakh) chapters and has all types of Sastras in it. From this cloud, Swayambu Manu Maharshi picked the Dharma Sastras and made the first Manusmruthi (Law Book). Kindly note that Manusmruthi was recomposed by later Manus by incorporating the prevailing living systems. Therefore, it may project as if it has lots of unacceptable inhuman laws for modern society. In my opinion, we should ignore and reject what is not practical and consider only the most appropriate laws. Law is always meant to change according to new problems faced by lawmakers since it is a Smruthi. Sage Bruhaspathi took the points of wealth and asset creation to make Artha Sastra / Barhaspathya Sasthram (Asset law), then, Lord Nandikeswara took all types of points that prompt desires (Kaama) and made Kaama Sastram (sensual relationship between male and female including animals and other creatures). The Kaama Sastram has 1000 chapters. Only Siva and Sakthi will be able to practice all acts mentioned in these 1000 chapters. The same Barhaspathya Artha Sasthram was later propagated by our ancient Acharya Chanakya in Kali Yugam. Likewise, the Kaama Sastram was propagated by Sage Vaathsyanan.


2620. Why one should follow Sasthram rather than Vignaanam?

Ans. Sasthram teaches us values and civil sense in life. Without Sasthram we would not have reached today’s level. Unfortunately, the greedy demon is destroying everyone in every field. Unless one identifies this demon further progress is doubtful. Evil forces will push the commercial mindset of scientists to invent and reinvent things to kindle the desires of human beings. Once there is a thirst it must be quenched! This is the starting point of every problem in this modern world.


2619. What are the important elements that will bring happiness and make one’s life wonderful?

Ans. These 4 elements supplement each other to make one’s life wonderful. They are 1. For Budhi, Dharma is needed and for Dharma, Budhi is needed, 2. For Aathma Sakthi, Moksham (Liberation) is needed and for Moksham, Aathma Sakthi is needed, 3. For the happiness of Mind, Kaamam (desires) are needed and for Kaamam, the Manass (Mind) is needed, 4. For Sareera Pushti (well-being), Dhanam/Artham/Wealth is needed and for Dhanam, Sareeram (Body) is needed. In other words, Chathurvida Purushaartham (Dharma-Artha-Kaama-Moksham) completely enveloped our bodies and lifestyle. Once upon a time, every Sanathana Hindu practised these four quality elements, and their life was simply superior to today’s life. This was the curriculum of Vedic life. Now we are too distanced from these realities. To get a chance to practice these four principles in life itself is the biggest blessing. 


2618. Total how many Chhandhas are there?

Ans. 26. Out of these 6 are the most important and maximum used in framing Mantras.


2617. What are the four important Langanam (skip, passing over, or fasting)?

Ans. 1. Food (fasting), 2. Breath (Pranayamam-Swasa-Uchaaswam), 3. Talk, 4. Move (simply sit quietly). It is known as Langanam in Samskrutham, it is also considered the absolute medicine for good health. At least to be observed occasionally or from time to time.


2616. What is the structure of the Unified field?

Ans. The inner side is filled with deep silence, and the outer side is projected with multiple colorful rays, constant change daily, its creations are visible to the naked eye. However, its inner side silence is filled with seed particles (Bheeja Ganaas) known as SivaSakthi. This means Infinite inside silence is Purusha/Siva and Infinite Dynamism is Prakruthi/Sakthi.


2615. What is the unified field?

Ans. Vedam / Veda


2614. What is the highest point of reach/achievement in modern science?

Ans. Unified field or superstring field. A few steps below Sanathana Dharma Rishi’s achievements.


2613. What are the historical dynasties/rulers of Bharat (India)?

Ans. 1. Pallava (600 years), 2. Gupta (400 years), 3. Chandela (400 years), 4. Pandya (800 years), 5. Chola (1000 years), 6. Satavahana (500 years), 7. Chalukya (600 years), 8. Ahom (650 years), 9. Maurya (500 years), 10. Mughal (800 years), 11. Chera Perumal (300 years), 12. British (200 years).


2612. What are the most important 4 duties of Man?

Ans. 1. Pay back the debt of parents (Mathru-Pithru Runam), 2. Do Dharma (righteous – especially parting the wealth with sisters and brothers), 3. Fulfil the duty to the wife (to ensure his wife is financially well protected), 4. Invest in children during their childhood so that they will give a big hand during their retired life.


2611. What is the view of Sanathana Hindu Philosophy on the Islamic Quran?

Ans. According to Sanathana Hindu Dharma and Bhavishyath Puran (Professes of Future) the Quran is mentioned as Allahupanishadh or Mlechopanishad. It has 6666 Sookthas in 114 chapters consisting of their spiritual narratives. The first 7 Sookthaas are very important ones. According to their belief, there were 125,000 Prophets existed before Prophet Muhammad was introduced as the messenger of only one God Allah and he is the last Prophet. It reveals 99+1 names of Allah. (They don’t want to even call it God except by using the name Allah). The last name to be searched by the individual seeker/believer. {I would like to add a few more understandings about this religion. Its language is Arabic, and no one has the right to transcribe the original Arabic texts of the Quran, but commentaries can be made in different languages subject to the approval of concerned head priests. No religion is meant for the whole universe. All manmade religions are territory bound i.e., regional level. Forcing others to adopt and practice other religions is not fair. Religion will not get you liberation it can only teach some ways to realize the relationship between God and Man.  The custodian of this religion is Saudi Arabia royal family and Mecca is their religious center. Though Islam is proclaiming that they don’t worship idols/altars or an entity according to Hindu view any smart person can understand that their claim is wrong. They are worshipping God or an entity (Nirakaaram/Nirgunam) in form since they have an established house of God, and every Muslim must face the West quarter direction during their Namas (Namaskar). This ideology itself proves that they too consider a form, place, and direction hence any educated person can logically think and conclude that they too fall under idol/form of God worship. The black stone in Kaaba is known as Hajral Asvath. The Muslims who circle the Kaaba anti-clockwise would like to touch and kiss this black stone though they call it themselves non-idol worship and formless! It is not only illogical but also says that the preaching and practice have no relevance according to Sanatana Dharma. They throw stones during their performance of Hajj (Pilgrimage) in Saudi Arabia. According to them, they are stone pelting Satan (Jinn) seeing that Satan is in these three stone statues at 49 stones since Abraham did. There are 3 reasons for stone pelting – 1. Detaching Hajra, 2. Ismail raised a difference of opinion, 3. Satan tried to dissuade him from obeying God’s order so as not to kill the child Ismail.}


2610. What is the difference between God and Easwara?

Ans. God is made from Panchabhootha Prakruthi and acts within this network system, whereas Easwara is above Pranchabhootha and Prakruthi. Easwara creates, nurtures, and withdraws Gods, Panchabhoothas, and Prakruthi according to its wish. Man can become God but not Easwara. There is only one Easwara (Absolute Supreme Brahman) across the universe. There is only one Easwara. In some religions, they mix Easwara and God and call it the ultimate God. That is why difference of opinion arises among people and fight for no valuable reason. Even many Sanatha Hindus don’t know about this difference and hence unnecessarily fight for nothing. In the spiritual world, Sanathana Hindus are far superior to other religious belief systems and they are the elder brothers and sisters of all other living beings, therefore it is their duty to accommodate, advise, and pardon if youngsters try to fight. Sanathanam will not expire irrespective of the time and space trouble. Sanathanama system is not man-made. It is a self-born entity.


2609. How children should behave and treat their own mothers?

Ans. A mother may cry during the time of delivery on account of labour pain, but children should not make their mother cry just because she delivered them. The children must behave in a good manner with their parents (the mother cries externally but the father cries internally). They have been misguided by the Western baseless philosophies. Children are under the cusp of these demonic education systems by criticizing and calling it a mythology about all our doctrines, philosophies, learnings, schools of thought, ethics in life, civilization, discoveries, inventions, etc. as simply a myth? Because of their aggressive nature, encroachment, money, and political power, our children are tortured/brainwashed by this power, especially in the education system. School-going children are easy to convince because of their tender age. They have been spoiled with gadgets and unnecessary entertainment programs. Please note once you lose Samskaram no one will be able to rescue you and bring peace of mind to your life!


2608. Who sent Swami Vivekananda to the World Religious Summit?

Ans. An invitation was received by Sri. Ramanathapuram Bhaskara Sethupathy handed over the invitation to Swami Vivekananda and asked him to participate.


2607. What are the important Dharma Soothraas of Krishna Yajurvedam?

Ans. 3. They are 1. Bhodhayana Dharma Soothram, 2. Aapasthamba Soothram, 3. Hiranyakesin Soothram.


2606. What are the Vedas and their important Soothras?

Ans. 1. Rigvedam = 3 (Aswalaayana Soothram, Sankhyaayana Soothram, Sounaka Soothram), 2. Yajurvedam = 8 (Maanava, Bharadwaaja, Vaadhuna, Vaikhanasa, Loughakshi, Maithra, Katha, Vaaraaha Soothram), Samavedam = 5 (Lathyaayana, Dhrahyaayana, Nidhana, Pushpa, Anusthothra Soothram), Atharvanaveda = 1 (Kaushikha Soothram).


2605. What are the Pancha-Ratna topics in Mahabharatha Kaavyam?

Ans. 1. Srimath Bhagavath Gita, 2. Yaksha Prasnam (having 124 questions), 3. Sri Vishnu Sahasranaamam, 4. Vidura Neethi, 5. Sanath Sujatheeyam.


2604. Name a few ancient Hindu temples in foreign countries?

Ans. Many ancient temples were discovered during the time of the excavation process. However, many will not be disclosed due to the different faiths of those countries. Yet 3 temples are well known 1. In Turkey there is a 12,000-year-old temple was found, 2. In Lebanon, there is a temple called Baalbek having 4000 years old, 3. In Iraq, one Lord Ram Mandit is having a 4500-year-old temple found.


2603. What are the eligibilities to learn Sasthram (religious/spiritual doctrine)?

Ans. 5 qualities needed. 1. Aarthithwam (Desire to learn), 2. Samarthyam (Intelligence and smartness), 3. Granthaartha Grahana Medha Sakthi (To understand the remember the meaning and usage of versus), 4. Poorva Paada Parichayam (previous learning experience), 5. Satra cha Guruvachana Viswasam (faith in Sasthram and Guru’s instructions).


2602. What the 5 marriages and mangalya dhaaranam of a Brahmana Sumangali?

Ans. Here it is specifically mentioned Brahmana Sumangali because she alone nowadays conducts such vedic sanathana Samskaram (in the current era only a few are there as Sumangali in old age). She has been given the Sumangali Mangala Soothram (Thali) at 5 functions in her life. 1. During the time of first marriage, 2. During the 60th birthday celebration (Shasthiabda Poorthi), 3. During the 70th birthday celebration (Bheesh/Bheema-ratha Santhi), 4. During the 80th birthday celebration (Sathabhishekam), 5. During the 96th birthday celebration (Kanakaabhisheka Muhoortham). Please note these birthdays are of her only husband and not her birthdays. The Manglaya Soothram can be given only by her Dharmic husband.  


2601. Who can be free from sadness/sorrow in life?

Ans. Only an Aathmajnan can achieve this status. The person who realized the Aathma (Jeevan Mukthan).


2600. How many chapters and verses contain Brahmanda Puranam?

Ans. It has 65 Chapters and 4500 verses.


2599. What are the 30 names of Kalpam referred to in the Mathsya Puranam?

Ans. Mathsya Puranam is referring to Lord Vishnu’s first incarnation. They are referring to 30 names of forthcoming Kalpam. 720 Kalpam period makes 1 year of Lord Brahma and during his whole life (100 years) it will complete 72,000 Kalpams. They are 1. Swetha, 2. Neela-lolita, 3. Vamadeva, 4. Rathanthara, 5. Rourava, 6. Deva, 7. Vruhath, 8. Kandharpa, 9. Sadhya, 10. Easana, 11. Tamah, 12. Saaraswatha, 13. Udhaana, 14. Gaaruda, 15. Koorma, 16. Naarasimha, 17. Samaana, 18. Aaghneya, 19. Soma, 20. Maanava, 21. Thathpumaan, 22. Vaikunda, 23. Lakshmi, 24. Savithri, 25. Aghora, 26. Varaaha, 27. Vairaaja, 28. Gowri, 29. Maheswara, 30. Pithru.


2598. How to know a person is a sinner (Paapi)?

Ans. A sinner always possesses and exercises 3 bad qualities. They are 1. Kaamam (excessive and unrightfully desires), 2. Krodham (excessive anger and lacking self-control, 3. Dhayaheenatha (Non-compassionate with other living beings).


2597. What is the qualification for a Vedanta=ghjaani?

Ans. He/She must be strictly following the Sadhana-Chathushtayam to become a Vedanta Ghjnaani. Sheer book knowledge will not help the seeker to be a Vedanta Ghjaani. It should be practised till the last breath.


2596. What qualities are needed for Bakthi Sadhana (the path of devotion)?

Ans. 2 qualities are needed or possessed by a seeker viz. 1. Faith in God’s grace (Easwara Anugraham), 2. Liberation from mundane life is needed (Samsara Mochanam).


2595. Which knowledge will produce the absolute benefits or success in life?

Ans. Learning from a well-experienced genuine master (Guru) will eventually bring success in the task of learning, especially spiritual subjects.


2594. What is the benefit of doing Penance (Thapas)?

Ans. Through Penance, the Yogi (devotee) conquers/climbs all 7 Thathvams (ladders) and finally achieves the Jeeva-Brahmaikhyam. This is the benefit of doing Tapass. They are realizing and overcoming the stages viz. 1. Jeeva, 2. Maya, 3. Budhi, 4. Kaalam, 5. Sastram, 6. Mukthi & Moksham, 7. Brahmam.  


2593. What are the benefits received when a person visits 12 Jyothir Lingas. What do they represent or promote in this world?

Ans. 1. Somnath = Bakthi, 2. Mallikarjunam = Love of mother (Mathru Sneham), 3. Mahakaleswar = Unconditional love and duty (Niswartha Sneham and Karthavyam), 4. Ghrushmeswar = Faith (Viswasam), 5. Omkareswar = Pleasant/Gracious (Bhavyatha), 6. Nageswar = Prosperity of women (Sthrijana Unnathy), 7. Bhimasankar = Faith and Firmness (Viswasam cha Dhrudanischayam), 8. Thryambakeswar = Purity/Unafflicted (Sudhi), 9. Kedaranatham = Taking care of / protecting the environment (Prakruthi Samrakshanam), 10. Vaidhyanatham = Cleverness or brain power (Budhi Chaathuryam), 11. Rameswaram = Sacrifice/surrender / Renounce (Bali), 12. Kasasinatham = Liberation (Mukthi/Moksham).


2592. Who is Kumari or Kanyaka?

Ans. A tender stage of human girls. The exact meaning is that She is not ready or eligible for sexual intercourse. She is yet to attain the age. The next stage is Rajaswala, the one who attained puberty.


2591. According to Aagna Bodham (Sastram), what are the stages of Jeeva?

Ans. It has 3 states viz. 1. Aadharam (existence), 2. Aanandham (Happiness/Joy), 3. Akhandabodham (uninterrupted absolute consciousness).


2590. How were the 54 letters (syllables) allocated in our system?

Ans. AUM = 1, A to Sha = 50 letters, Ksha = 1, Yithra = 1, Jna = 1 Total 54. A to Ksha is being spread in our body from Moola Dhaara Chakram to Agna Chakram. The other 3 placed in Siva+Sakthi+Parasakthi. (In the Sahasradhala Chakram).


2589. What are the conditions or eligibilities to undergo Naishtika Brahmacharya?

Ans. 8 types of Maidhunam to be strictly prohibited without any excuse. They are 1. A prohibition from sexual intercourse (Maidhuna Varjyam) or seeking any type of sensual pleasure, 2. Abstain from female or female-related interactions in every manner that including even own mother.


2588. How many types of Brahmacharya are prescribed in the sastras?

Ans. 4 types. 1. Aasrami, 2. Vruthhi, 3. Naishtiki, 4. Youkari.


2587. What is the difference in brain power between humans and other beings?

Ans. Humans have 2 types of Budhi – 1. Samaanya Budhi (Casual), 2. Visesha Budhi (Discriminative special). Whereas the other beings have only 1 Budhi called Samaanya Budhi.


2586. How does the Vidhi (Fate) get birth?

Ans. Emotions create fate i.e. (Vasana Vikaraas generate Vidhi).


2585. What is the reason for Loka Srushti (Creation of living beings)?

Ans. Desires/Expectations (Ichha). After the dissolution when the whole universe was simply roaming in its own self-ignition power (Chinmayananda Bhavam), divine mother Parasakthi got the desire to create her children (all walks of life – mainly classified into 7 sets of beings in 8.4 million Yonis, from grass to human to divine personalities) and approached her consort Lord Sadha Siva accordingly Ghyaana Sakthi and Kriya Sakthi were born. Thereafter all creatures started taking birth on Earth. Every individual has their own world as per the understanding of life and experience.


2584. What is sin (Paapam)?

Ans. Staying away from one’s own duty/responsibility is the bigger sin.


2583. Which is the biggest sin according to Lord Sri Krishna?

Ans. Not doing Swadharmam create a huge amount of sin. Everyone expected to do their duties without any expectations.


2582.  What is the taste of Soma Rasam?

Ans. Sweet. It is an herbal drink specifically prepared for celestial bodies to consume. It is not made from alcohol; however, it can intoxicate the consumer.


2581. What was the first action/conduct of Ghjaanis?

Ans. After dissolution, for a very long period, there will be no activities on Earth. However, when the creation starts all living beings will emerge one by one. After full set up the great humans will be born. God also supplies Ghnaanis to Earth by recruiting from different worlds such extra supernatural powerful human beings are called Maharshis/Rishi/Sages/Saint etc. So, their first act was “Yagnam” (spiritual sacrifices to attain a peaceful life).


2580. What are the types of Vaani/Dhwani (sound) exist in this world?

Ans. 5 types, out of these 3 are subtle/invisible and 1 is a commonly used voice by Humans and 1 is divine. Humans can talk and deliver this particular sound. Such sound passes through 3 stages and the fourth stage will become audible. This process is called Para, Pasyanthi, Madhyama, and finally, Vaikhari then Naadham, which starts from Manipooraka chakram and is spelt out after crossing Visudhi Chakram through the mouth. The final deep subtle Dhwani is called Naadham.    


2579. How are mantras being created?

Ans. Lord Parameswara created the holy hymns called Mantra through Gayathri Chhandhas, then it was nurtured inside the Manass (Mind). The main component in the Mantra is Gayathri Chhandhas in other words with the help of Gayathri Chhandhas God created the Mantras and then impregnated them in the minds of deserving genuine Sages to pronounce and activate. From Gayathri Chhandas, Mantras got created and from Mantra Saama Veda emerged.  From Thrushtup Chhandhas Yajur Veda Vaakhyams got created. From Aksharams (alphabets) Chhandhas got created. With the help of Jagathi-Chhandhas, he created water in the sky (atmosphere). The chronology is first Aksharam to Chhandhas to Mantras to Sama Veda to Water in the Sky. With the help of sweet water poured into Earth all living beings started growing.  


2578. How does the Pithrus attain Amarathvam?

Ans. Amarathvam means immortal and ever-living bliss. Pithrus will attain Amarathvam when a Kartha (legitimate blood relative with maximum DNA of the deceased) offer Anna Pindam (Raw cooked rice), Thil (Sesame black seeds) and Sudha Jalam initiated with Swadha Devi Mantra (Swadha Prithribhya:), they will consume this food and in due course attain Amarathvam. Thereafter they don’t take birth in Mruthyu Lok Prithvi (Earth).


2577. What is the gender of Sun rays?

Ans. According to Vedas, all Sun rays are considered female (Sthree Roopam) with the strength of male (Purusha Sakthi).


2576. Which are the 3 important Chhandhas and their centres of residence?

Ans. 1. Gayathri Chhandhas (most of the Mantras are composed in this Chhandhas) resides on Earth (Prithvi), 2. Thrishtup Chhandhas = reside in the atmosphere (Anthareeksham/Prakruthi), 3. Jagathi Chhandhas = resides in the open sky/space (Aakasam).


2575. How many members live in Soorya Mandalam?

Ans. Sun’s family size is 720 members. Everyone lives there in the form of a Son/Child.


2574. Which tree got the name Brahma Vruksham (Brahma Asthi)?

Ans. Moringa tree (Horseradish/Oleifera). The tree every part is a medicine for all deceases in this world. Its fruit is a drumstick (Moringa Kaai). Irrespective of the situation the leaf of Moringa preserves its vitality whether fresh or dry.


2573. How many types of diseases/ailments exist in this world, according to Ayurveda & Siddha?

Ans. 4,448 decease and there is a remedy for all these ailments. 4000 will affect humans and 448 will affect animals.


2572. Which are the five important Kailasas on this earth?

Ans. It is known as Pancha Kailasa Sthala where Lord Siva resides or considers his home. Unlike other Gods of Sanathana Dharma, Lord Siva opted to live on this Earth and take care of all living beings. This is one of the greatest and most compassionate natures of Lord Siva. For all other religions, God is somewhere in the upper world, whereas Lord Siva is everywhere especially available on this Earth. 1. Sri Kailasam (Tibet), 2. Aadi Kailasam (Utharakand), 3. Sri Kanda Mahadeva Kailasam (Kullu Himachal Pradesh), 4. Kinnar Kailasam (Himachal Pradesh), 5. Mani Mahesh Kailsam (Himachal Pradesh).


2571. In which situations a man will become a father or equal to his own father?

Ans. 5 situations/ways. 1. The one who gave birth/life, 2. Upanayana Aacharyan (Initiator), 3. School Teacher or Master (Educator), 4. The one who protected or rescued them from death, 5. The one who provides food and shelter.


2570. What are the 5 faces of Lord Hanuman?

Ans. 1. Varaaha Moorthy (North face), 2. Narasimha Moorthy (South face), 3. Garudan (West face), 4. Swamukham/own face (East face) and 5. Hayagreevan (Space).


2569. What are the ways or proficiency adopted in learning and reproducing Veda chanting?

Ans. There are 8 ways Vedas can be recited. 1. Jada, 2. Maala, 3. Sikha, 4. Rekha, 5. Dhwaja, 6. Dhanda, 7. Ratha, 8. Ghana.


2568. How to put off the enemy?

Ans. Sasthra recommends two approaches viz. 1. Through retaliation (Pathisodh), 2. Through showing Mithra Bhavam (True friendship).


2567. Who are the Veda Kartha Devathas?

Ans. Rigvedam = Agni Devan, Yajurvedam = Vaayu Devan, Saamavedam = Soorya Devan, Atharvanavedam = Angiras Rishi.


2566. What are the Saptha Swaraas and its Bheeja Devathas?

Ans. Sa = Agni Devan, Ri = Brahma, Ga = Saraswathi, Ma = Sivan, Pa = Vishnu, Dha = Ganapathy, Ni = Subramanian.


2565. What is the significance of the Sanathana Hindu Temple (Kshethram)?

Ans. There are 3 important and fundamental Thathvams and meanings involved in Kshethram (Temple). 1. A place that uplifts a person from decay or depreciation (Kshayam)., 2. It is like an agricultural field (Krishi Bhoomi) - you sow (worship) and get yield (grace)., 3. The human body itself is a Kshethram.


2564. Which is the biggest Thathvam?

Ans. The topmost Thathvam is Siva Thathvam. One can be with Siva Thathvam or go beyond and lose existence that stage is called “Chinmayi”. This is achieved only through absolute Yoga Samadhi. In this Prakruthi (environment) two types of Samadhi exist, they are, 1. Sam Pragjna Samadhi = The Upasak go beyond Siva Thathvam, 2. Asam Pragjna Samadhi = After realizing Siva Thathvam the Upasak remains in the Siva Thathvam stage. Both Samadhis are felt in the form of light.


2563. What is Thathvam?

Ans. The code of conduct is Thathvam. In other words, the principles of Brahman (That!) all human beings to tirelessly search for that absolute truth. Moreover, it is also known as principles or objects or subjects or revealed or realized, etc. Therefore, such absolute truth is seen or felt or exists from the beginning of the creation (Srushti) till the end of dissolution (Pralayam) such truth can be enjoyed or experienced by every being is called Thathvam. This means almost everything is Thathvam except mortal bodies.


2562. What is Kaashta in the spiritual field?

Ans. The destination or realization of Vedanta is called Kaashta. Whether one can see it or not, whether it exists or not, the final word is Lord Paramasiva himself in other words Kaashta means Parameswara himself. 


2561. What is the definition of Pranavam?

Ans. Pranavam means the primordial sound. 1. Pra means Para-brahman, Navam means Sthuthi (Praising). The divine primordial sound keeps praising the Para-Brahman hence it is called Pranavam., 2. To realize the Para-Brahman this divine sound will be handy hence it is called Pranavam.


2560. What are the 43 Thathvaas of Goddess Parasakthi?

Ans. 9 Chakra-easwarees, 10 Indriyas, 5 Praanaas, 5 Bhoothaas, 10 Vishayaas, 4 Anthakaranaas, total of 43 elements. All these 43 elements are residing in the human body itself.


2559. How many triangles make one Sri Chakram?

Ans. A Sri Chakram (the King of the divine wheel) contains 43 Thrikonaas (Triangles) plus 1 Bindhu. The Bindu represents Siva & Sakthi (Kameswara and Kameswari but the ruling God is Kameswara). Though this Chakra is known as Parasakthi but is represented by Kameswaran since they are indivisible powers.


2558. Who are the custodians (God or Rulers or Nayakaas) of Brahmadam?

Ans. They are 4 Brahmans viz. 1. Hiranya Garbhan, 2. Vaiswanaran, 3. Easwaran, 4. Viraad.


2557. What is Brahmandam (Universe)?

Ans. A space that accommodates all the refined or defined (Pancheekarana Andams = causing anything to contain all the 5 elements) objects floating freely in it is known as Brahmandam (Brahmandam contains innumerable Andams).


2556. What is Ghnaana Yagnam?

Ans. A person who obtains the experiences through the organ of sensation (Jnaanendriyas) and the Ghnaanam together offered to Universal Divine Mother Parasakthi is known as Ghnaana Yagnam (Offering the knowledge). 

2555. What are the items considered “Soubaaghyam”?

Ans. Soubaaghya Dhravyams/Vasthus are considered as 1+8 = 9 items. Basically, they are divided into two sections (1 person non-dhravyam and 8 dhrayvams) viz. 1. Chara Soubaghyam = 1 (Suvasinees), 2. Achara Soubaghyam = 8 (Sugar cane, Aswattha/Bhodhi/Peepal Tree, Sprouted Cumin seeds, Coriander, Desi Cow Milk and its derived byproducts such as curd and butter, yellow colour cloth, Flowers, and Salt.   


2554. When does the Jeevan become Brahman?

Ans. According to the school of Advaitham, when ignorance (Maya) disappears from the Jeevan through the path of true knowledge (Ghnaana Maargam) the Jeevan will become Brahman (absolute truth). The Vedantha says “Jeevo Brahmaiva Na Para”. Jeevan itself is Brahman if one realises.


2553. What is the speciality of syllable E in the Sanskrit language?

Ans. E represents feminine (Sthrilingam). This letter also denotes a man’s (Purusha) mother, wife, sister, or daughter. It is also known as Sakthi Thathvam or Bhijakshari.


2552. What are the divisions in SAktha Sidhantham?

Ans. SAktha Sidhantham is a constitution of 36 Thathvams. Mainly Sivam and Sakthi however both shares certain attributes viz. Sthoola Sareeram or Aathma Thathvam or Asudha Thathvam = 24 components power. Sookshma Sareeram or Vidhya Thathvam having Sudha/Asudha and Misra Thathvaas with 7 components and finally, Kaarana Sareeram or Para Sareeram or Siva Thathvam or Sudha Thathvam = 5 components, having a total of 24+7+5 = 36 Thathvaas.  


2551. How many vital elements make one human body and its quantification?

Ans. Total 25 elements viz. 1. Oxygen (65%), 2. Carbon (18.5%), 3. Hydrogen (9.5%), 4. Nitrogen (9.5%), 5. Calcium (1.5%), 6. Phosphor (1%), 7. Potassium (0.4%), 8. Sulfur, 9. Sodium, 10. Chlorine, 11. Magnesium, 12. Boron, 13. Chromium, 14. Cobalt, 15. Copper, 16. Fluorine, 17. Iodine, 18. Iron, 19. Manganese, 20. Molybdenum, 21. Selenium, 22. Silicon, 23. Tin, 24. Vanadium, 25. Zinc. According to Sanathana Dharma, these are represented through 25 Thathvams viz. 5 Praanas, 5 Karmendriyas, 5 Ghnaanendriyas, 5 Bhoothaas, Manass, Budhi, Chitham, Ahamkaram, and Aathma.


2550. Which are the important religions as of this era in 2023?

Ans. There are 4+12 = 16 religions that exist now. Religions may or may not continue their terms. Although Sanathana Dharma is not a religion considering today’s understanding Sanathana Dharma had to accept the religion status name given to Sanathana Dharma by Westerners. Those 16 important religions are 1. Christianity, 2. Islam, 3. Hinduism, 4. Buddhism (These are the most popular religions), 5. Taoism, 6. Shinto, 7. Falun Gong, 8. Sikhism, 9. Judaism, 10. Korean Shamanism, 12. Caodaism, 13. Bahaifaith, 14. Tenriism, 14. Jainism, 15. Cheondoism 15. Hoahaoism.


2549. What are the fundamental differences between Paramathma (Easwaran) and Aathma (Jeevan)?

Ans. Easwaran is Brahma Chaithanyam who reflects in Maya (Illusion) whereas Jeevan is an Athma Chaithanyam who reflects in Avidhya (Ignorance).


2548. When to conduct Eaka Vargam and Dhwi Vargam Tharpanam (Oblation)?

Ans. Only on the day of the annual srardham (PrathyAbdeega Thidhi) Eaka Varga Tharpanam (the deceased person’s clan), rest all other occasions one must do for both vargas (Ubhaya/Dhwi Vargam – Paternal and Maternal Grothra Prithrus).


2547. Can the relatives perform the Apara Kriya (final rites) for a suicide death?

Ans. The first six months are not allowed. After 6 months, Kartha (Aurasa Puthran or designated heir) must conduct Kruscha Charanam followed by Naraya Bali (Vedic sacrifice for Lord Maha Vishnu) then all Apara Kriya from the cremation till 12th-day Apara Kriya (Provided married person). Accident death is not equal to suicide hence with Prayaschitha Karma they can perform the final rites and other days Apara Kriya (Pithru Karma is called Apara Kriya).


2546. Approximately how many litres of water are required for Amavasya Tharpanam?

Ans. 3 litres of water. 3 Pithru Vargam, 3 Mathru Vargam, 1 Sarva Vargam = 7 times Tharpanam must be conducted. Therefore, sufficient water is required. The total number of Sesame seeds (Yellu) is 210 (63+21+7+7+7 + 63+21+7+7) only for Tharpanam. Thereafter Avahanam (Invoking/Inviting), Upacharam for both Vargam around 28 Seeds and the leftover for Sarva Varga Tharpanam, all put together 250 seeds is required.


2545. How many Sesame seeds (Yellu) are to be used while doing Pithru Tharpanam (oblation to ancestors)?

Ans. Exactly 7 seeds must be used not more or less while pourim along with water. If by mistake the number of seeds exceeds 10+ then 10 Brahmanaas are to be fed as Prayaschitham (Remedy).  


2544. How many rays (kala) do each of these mandalas produce viz. Agni, Soorya, Chandra in the human body?

Ans. Agni = 10 Kalas, Soorya = 12 Kalas, Chandran = 16 Kalas, Total 38 Kalas. Probably our body temperature of 37 to 38 degrees could be derived from this Sidhanth.  


2543. How an Ayurvedic treatment must be conducted?

Ans. The ailments caused due to Sakthi Moolaka Dhaathu (Pindaandam) must be treated with Sakthimoolaka way, the same way if the ailments are caused due to Siva Moolaka Dhaathu (Brahmandam), they must be treated by Siva Moolakam. The Vaidhyan or Aacharyan must learn the heat or healing power of the Agni-Soorya-Chandra mandala of the patient’s body and give treatment accordingly. This way you can even identify whether the male or female Vaidhyan (modern-day Doctor) treats the person for the right results.


2542. Who is considered Sudran/Soothiran?

Ans. The one who learns prohibited/unacceptable knowledge or education system is called Soodran. 64 recognized Dharmic Vidyas exist among wise men. (As a compiler – I am not for it. I am unable to accept or digest these types of divisions, but this is how the creator devised the social system to upgrade one by one based on their credible profession and Dharmic activities. There are plenty of Duraathmaas and when they get the chance to take human birth the Creator must give them only such status in society because of their bad karma of the past). Whether you like it or not this is the system to be followed if want to be in a Dharmic lifestyle.


2541. How a Guru should be?

Ans. A Guru must be a living person and should be able to talk/converse with his/her disciple. Whereas the other 3 Gurus do not need this condition to be met. They can be communicated through Maanasika Path.


2541. Who are the Param-Para Gurus?

Ans. A minimum of 4 Gurus must be there to recognize. They are 1. Guru, 2. Parathpara Guru, 3. Parama Guru, 4. Parameshti Guru.  


2540. When the family is called Param-Para?

Ans. If, continuously (without break) 7 clans (generations) continued then this family system is called Param-Para (Topmost Paran - Oldest father) and Topmost Parai - Oldest mother). According to Sastra, it says a minimum of 4 continuous lineage is enough to call it Param-Para.


2539. What are the secrets of Ashtakshara Maha Mantram of Lord Vishnu?

Ans. Om Namo Narayana Ya Nama is the Ashtaksharam maha mantram. Nara = Life/Jeevan, Naara = Cloud of Lives/Jeeva, Ayana = Travel/Move. When you say Narayana means the Jeeva and Jeeva Samooha to move towards reaching Paramathma Sthana. Name: = Nothing is mine but all yours God! (Na: Mama), Aaya = The entire Jeevathmaas, the life energy system belonging to Lord Narayana, are the conviction and resolution. Hence it is an unbiased and highly rewarding non-selfish Mantram.   


2538. How many Dravida Bhasha existed?

Ans. Dravida Bhasha means South Indian language. Dravid means a land shore that meets three Seas. They had 23 languages but now it may be less than 5!


2537. What is Sath-Sangam?

Ans. An individual or a group of people who would like to learn, realize, or find the ultimate truth and share among like-minded is Satsangam. All are like-minded people (generally devotees without any bias). All of them try to reach a common goal through spiritual practices with less importance to religion. Unfortunately, unity will happen only among religious people.


2536. When human will become God or Godman/Godwoman?

Ans. According to Sanathana Dharma Sastram, every individual can become God or Godman/Godwoman because our Jeevathma is a direct descendant of Paramathma (The Absolute Brahman). The problem is it is not an easy task. Rigorous attempts to be made and correct life from every corner. When a human rectifies his/her shortcomings and tries to become perfect and pure the person will become God. The Sastra says, “Man made perfect is God”.


2535. How many Amsa (Portions/divisions) has Kaalam (Time)?

Ans. According to Rigvedam (2.155) Kaalam has 94 Amsas. Imagine just a time that has so many divisions then how about space and matter etc.


2534. What are the 5 independences of humans?

Ans. 1. Independence of Maathru Bhoomi, 2. Desa and Samudhaayam (social and community) Independence, 3. Independence of women (Sthree Swathanthryam), 4. Independence of Samudhaaya Bhasha (Social and community language), 5. Independence of Soul (Aathma Swathanthryam). If any one of these is lacking in society, then one can expect fumes, anger, and unrest among people. It is our duty (mankind) to achieve these five good qualities of independence. Unfortunately, these 5 will not exist in any one country therefore it will be only in Sastra Grandh! And we keep trying to fix it.


2533. What is the fundamental difference between Sruithi and Smruthi?

Ans. Sruthi means Vedas and Smruthi means Sastras and Sutras. Sruti is constant and non-changeable in any Yugam whereas Smruthi is variant and changeable from time to time. The theme could be the same, but the application can change. In fact, Smruthi needs to be modified according to time otherwise it won’t make any sense to follow.


2532. Who are the Nava Durga Devis and their respective Chakras?

Ans. 1. Saila Puthri/Parvathi = Mooladharam – 4 petals chakra, 2. Brahmachaarini = Swadhishtanam – 6 petals chakra, 3. Chandraghanda = Manipoorakam – 10 petals chakra, 4. Kusmanda = Anahatham – 12 petals chakra, 5. Skandhamatha = Visudham – 16 petals chakra, 6. Kaarthyayani Devi = Aagna – 2 petals chakra, 7. Kaalarathri Devi = Sahasraara Pathmam – 1000+ petals chakra, 8. Durga Devi = Aakasa – innumerable chakras, 9. Sidhi-dhathri Devi – Parakaasam – Unimaginable chakras. 

2531. Which is Mind’s favorite residence?

Ans. Aagna Chakram (between two eyebrows – a place of the subtle third eye). Mind is also residing above Pancha Bhoothaas (5 elements principles).


2530. What are the 3 important Pralaya Raathris?

Ans. Pralaya means natural dissolution and Rathri means night or enveloped by acute darkness (no presence of the Sun is felt on this Earth at that period). They are known as 1. Kaala Rathri (Kalpantha Pralayam – end of half day of creator Brahma, 4.32 billion years), 2. Maha Rathri (Brahma Pralayam – end of one full day of Brahma), 3. Moha Rathri (Maha Pralayam – the disappearance of everything including ruling Gods).


2529. Where do the Dharma and Vidhya reside?

As. According to Dharma Sasthram, it resides in 14 places or in objects where these invaluable graces are residing. They are in 1. Puranaas (18+18), 2. Nyaaya / Aphoristic Sasthram (5 Granthas and 528 Sutras), 3. Meemaamsa (2 Uthara and Poorva), 4. Dharma Sasthams (100+), 5. Chathur Vedas (Rig, Yajur, Sama, Atharvana), 6. Six Vedangas (Siksha, Vyakaranam, Kalpam, Niruktham, Chhandhas, Jyothisham). So total 1+1+1+1+4+6 = 14 celestial power pillars.


2528. Why conduct Upanayanam?

Ans. Upa Nayanam means adoring sacred thread for the eligibility in conducting Yaagam, Yagnam, and Nithya Karmanushtanam for self and others. Upa means Near, and Nayanam is moving towards. A Vatu (Brahmachari Child) is being ascended or moved towards realizing the Brahman. It is an initiation process seeking eligibility. Upa-veetham is the blessings or grace of Upa-Nayanam. It has many benefits however, the main one is to remove the Poorva Janma Samskaram since the child had 9+ months of life inside a woman’s uterus/womb. Therefore, until Upanayanam the child lives in its Poorva Janma Samsakaram. Whereas, when the Upanayanam is conducted from there new Vedic Life will begin in his tenure. In other words, 2nd birth while living and the child will be known as Dvija (2nd birth) and add Sarma or Varma or Gupta to his existing name and new birth name according to his Varna (Brahma-Kshathriya-Vaisya). Soothras do not need this samskara formality. For Soothras/Sudras, serving these 3 Varnies will automatically get refined life post-death. There is a reason for everything. Maybe arguable based on current era norms. Divisions and Classifications have always there from the first of earth till today in different forms. It cannot be eradicated from this Earth whoever tries. For example, white & black, Good and Bad, Rich and Poor, A religion and B religion, etc...


2527. What are the families of Kalpaka Vruksham?

Ans. Kalpaka Vruksham (wishes fulfilling tree) is a celestial tree that lives forever. Mostly seen in Deva Lok. However, it descends its beneficial aura to other living and non-living beings. Its family trees are known as 1. Santhanam, 2. Harichandanam, 3. Mandharam, 4. Paarijaatham, 5. Kadhambam. Their grace is also seen even on our Earth. What we get to see here on earth is a name’s sake portion (Amsam) of the actual celestial trees.  


2526. What are the identities of all creation?

Ans. Whatever was birth or created by the divine power in this Universe will have 5 identities of its own. They are 1. Aasthi (The knowledge or I/Me), 2. Bhaathi (Whatever is revealed under the influence of knowledge), 3. Premam (Every life loves itself), 4. Naamam (Everything has a name by itself, or someone gives it), 5. Roopam (Aakruthi - shape or form or space).


2525. What is the advantage of standing barefoot?

Ans. When we stand barefoot, the foot can absorb/pull earthly energy up to 9 feet underneath and supply the energy back to Sahasraara Chakram. Just by simply standing we relate to 27 celestial bodies (stars) besides many other bodies. For example, 9 feet down, 12 feet above the head (aura spreading), and our height (supposed to be) 6 feet equals 9+6+12 = 27 - stars connection. Our life energy is everliving it has no expiry. In Sanathana Sasthram everliving means “Amruth” or “Ambrosia” which is the custodial property of Moon or the provided by the Moon, having these 27 stars are his consorts. All beings born on this earth in any one of the Stars! This means our life energy is travelling from somewhere to our body to reconnect with celestial bodies.  


2524. In which region are most of the nerve’s sensitive points in the human body?

Ans. 3 important places viz. 1. Navel portion, 2. Anal mouth, 3. Foot. Of course, most of them will have transactions with Heart are blood suppliers.   


2523. What are the 5 bodies (Sareeraas) of human beings?

Ans. 1. Physical Body (Sthoola Sareeram), 2. Subtle inner body (Sookshma Sareeram), Eternal/Etheric Body (Para Sareeram), 4. Emotional Body (Artificially developed Sareeram), 5. Mental Body (Maanasa Sareeram). Out of these 5 bodies, we will be able to see only the first Physical body rest cannot be seen with our naked eyes.


2522. What is the easiest way to earn Punyam?

Ans. There is no direct translation in English for Punyam, yet it can be compared with holy credit, merits, good deeds, happiness in life, etc. The easiest way to earn Punyam is to do Paropakaaram (whatever you know whether knowledge, wisdom, skills, techniques, wealth, Manasa-Vacha-Karmana healing capabilities, etc can be shared with others without any expectations or commercial benefits). For example, if you are good at Mathematics just simply teach children. If you have sufficient wealth, please share it with the poor and the needy. Likewise, whatever specialty we possess you can share it with others. Even the smallest way will produce a huge amount of Punyam. We cannot carry any of our honours or awards to Paralokam when we depart the mortal body. Simply digitalize everything as demanded by the current era. Convert everything into Punyam and that will automatically go with your Jeevathma (Soul). Please do as much as possible free of cost otherwise it won’t earn Punyam.   


2521. How many types of Parakaaya Pravesam are exercised by Yogis?

Ans. Parakaaya Pravesam means (Para = other’s and Kaaya = body) through Yogic power a Yogi’s Jeevathma will exit from his/her living body and enter a dead body to give life for the expired person or any dead being as per his/her wish. This is a Yogic practice. Everybody cannot do so, also it is a dangerous act. It is done in 3 ways. 1. One’s own Jeeva Sakthi to be split into many particles and enter the desired body, this is done through the power of the mind (Maanasika Pravruthi)., 2. The Jeevan (life energy) leaves its own body and enters the other., 3. From our 5 bodies, the one which has the power to travel in the form of light and appear somewhere else. Such Para Kaayam has good and bad options. Who practices and what purpose makes its purity. As we all know all sensual pleasures and sorrows are enjoyed or reflected only in the Dasa Indriyas owned body witnessed by the Jeeva Aathma (Soul). The Aathma cannot physically enjoy any sensual activities, but it can get the experience of the act since it is witnessing (for example Adi Sankara entering the body of a King to know the Bhoga Sukham / fruits of Kaama Keli (sexual play) to win a debate (Sarasavani), whereas Lord Sri Krishna multiplies his presence among all Gopis, every Gopi had the pleasure of being with Krishna on an individual basis. Maha Yogis leave their body in a cave and travel to different lokas to find out what is there, likewise, they travel across the universe and get knowledge of the different world and their atmosphere, later they come to their own body and give the knowledge (Ghyaan) to his/her disciples. That is how we got lots of celestial world knowledge. We are always indebted to our great Rishis, Munis, and Yogis for their compassionate works for the upliftment of the human race.  


2520. How do humans get happiness/joy and what it's the reason?

Ans. In our body, 4 important hormones (chemicals) are produced by the life system that makes a happy mood. They are 1. Serotonin, 2. Dopamine, 3. Endorphins, 4. Oxytocin. In our ancient scriptures, these four are achieved through the acts of Dharma, Artha, Kaama, and Mokha. When someone practices these four virtues automatically, he/she will get the activation energy to produce those 4 chemicals in the body without any hiccups. Serotonin can be stimulated through social activities and charities, Dopamine can be stimulated by having richness, wealth, and health, Endorphins can be achieved by doing exercises and physical activities, and Oxytocin can be stimulated by having social contentment and self-satisfaction.


2519. How many dimensions are there in our universe?

Ans. According to scientists’ opinion 10+1 (10 Spaces/Matter and 1 Time) dimensions.


2518. How many dimensions can be seen by humans on this Earth?

Ans. 3D (Three dimensions) 1. Front, 2. Right & Left, 3. Up and Down.


2517. How does the Prarabdham accumulate or take birth in human life?

Ans. Each action will contribute to the Prarabdham account (accumulated matured Karma deeds).


2516. How many genes is common between male and female children of parents?

Ans. 6500 common genes could be seen among children.


2515. What is the capacity of 1 Gram of DNA (Modern science revealings)?

Ans. 1 Gram of DNA can store 215 Peta bytes (i.e., 215 million gigabytes of data). Our body has approximately 3.2 billion pairs of DNA (320 crores). We generally use/functional only 8% of it.


2514. What is the importance of Brahma Muhoortham (auspicious elective time)?

Ans. It is an auspicious time to avail the best aura for our growth in all respects. An aura that has the healing power colours in the form of divine light that descends from Brahmandam (galaxy) to Earth in a specific manner from the east quarter. Early morning (dawn) between 4 and 5 am the blue color rays appear, thereafter between 5 and 6 am the red color rays appear. When both these colors mix a third color Violet (ultra) will be born. This colour has the healing power to fix all impurities of the body and cleanse the subtle sensitive 6 Chakras (Mooladhara, Swadhishtana, Manipoora, Anahatha, Visudhi, Aagna). Our body has 112 sensitive aura points out of which these 6 points are very important.    


2513. How many types of hunger do human beings experience in their life?

Ans. 3 types. 1. Stomach/Liver (normal food and satisfy its needs), 2. Body (comforts and sensual pleasure to be provided), 3. Knowledge (to be gathered and achieved). 


2512. How the fetus is developing its limbs or stages of growth inside the womb?

Ans. It needs 9 months to be fully grown. 1. The first month is just like small chickpeas, 2nd month = Head, 3rd month = Legs, 4th month = Nose, 5th month = Tongue, Eyes, and Ears, 6th month = Nails, 7th month = Nevers and Bones, Lungs, Urine bladder, Heart, 8th month = Full body, 9th month = Further growth of all limbs and ready to be out.


2511. What are the qualities of food that we consume daily?

Ans. Great people among human beings after continuous research could conclude segregating consumable foods into three categories. They are 1. Sathwik food (vegetables and fruits), Rajasik food (edible oil, cooked with masala and other ingredients), and Thamasik food (old, expired, polluted, meat and degenerated). All foods are not suitable for everyone. We must be choosy while eating food. Our body is made up of our food (Annamaya Kosam). The body will act as per the food we have eaten.   


2510. How does the mind make work Jeevakaantha Sakthi and lose its energy?

Ans. 5 ways it brings down (waste) our Jeevakaantha Sakthi viz. 1. While eating, 2. While sleeping, 3. While hardworking, 4. While intercourse (Bhogam), 5. While thinking based on good and bad topics. The deterioration is happening to our Jeevakaantha Sakthi by priority of said activities.  


2509. What are the important forces (Sakthi) that continuously work inside our body?

Ans. 1. Autonomous Nerve System (ANS – Anthara Pravruthi), 2. Mind Function Nerve System (MFNS = The functions of Mind). These systems automatically do their duty if alive.


2508. What are the stages the eaten food undergoes or is absorbed inside the stomach?

Ans. The eaten food will undergo 7 stages naturally as a bi-product of Prakruthi (atmosphere). Food will become Anna Rasam (extracts from food) then Blood to Flesh to Fat to Bone to Marrow then finally Sperm (Suklam or Sronitham). For men it is Sronitham and for women, it is Srenitham or Naadham.


2507. What are Aakasa Thathvam and its significance?

Ans. Aakasam (Space) is full of Atoms (Anu). From Atom Cells are derived and then modified to Molecule thereafter Tissues then Structure (Prakruthi). One of the important subtle elements in the human body is Aaksam. Human bodies are created from Moola Prakruthi (Primordial space) by refining (Pancheekrutham) the Moola Prakruthi.  

2506. How many eyes are there in this universe?

Ans. 4 types of eyes. 1. Naked eyes of the mortal body, 2. Eyes of Mind, 3. Eyes of Praan/Jeevan, 4. Eyes of God. Therefore, we cannot estimate or conclude our opinions on everything. Two eyes beyond our control cannot be seen by casual humans. It needs special spiritual power to navigate.


2505. How to know whether the Ghyaan (True Knowledge) attained its fullness (Poornathvam)?

Ans. When we look at the creatures, if we get a compassionate mind towards all beings naturally (without any return expectations) we can conclude that our Ghyaan has achieved its fullness.


2504. How to obtain Dhaiva Karunyam (Mercy or Grace of God)?

Ans. They are revealed in 4 Thathvams. 1. Natural Ignorance/Illusion (Aghyaan/Darkness), 2. The Darkness of Mind (Aghyaanam in Manass), 3. Ghyaan, 4. Compassion (Dhaya/Arul). One should overcome natural ignorance through spiritual efforts, which will lead to removing the ignorance of the Mind. Once the ignorance of the mind is evaporated then the Ghyaan (Wisdom Knowledge) will take birth. Upon attainment of the Poornathvam (fullness) of Ghyaan automatically Compassion/grace will sprout in life. One Thathvam will help the other to attain perfectness.


2503. What are the 3 important and quick ways to eliminate sins (Paapam)?

Ans. When you realise that you committed a sin, immediately, 1. Do the Prayaschitham (Remedy) immediately, 2. Superimpose good thoughts over bad thoughts, 3. Do the Anthardhyaana Thapass (Deep penance and meditation).


2502. Humans are constrained to 5 mega forces, what are they?

Ans. Humans are under the strict control of 5 energy forces. They are 1. Physical Body (Sareeram), 2. Semen/Sperm (Vindh-Male and Naadham-Female), 3. Life Force/Energy (Jeevan), 4. Bio-Magnetism (Jeeva-Kaantha Sakthi), 5. Mind (Manass).


2501. How many items (Samagri) can be used for conducting Pooja in a temple?

Ans. 71 items can be used. The only condition is that every item must be gathered/secured from the Prakruthi (environment) as a natural product. Synthetic, unnatural, duplicate, artificial, plastics, impure items, etc should be strictly avoided.

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