Om Namasivaya nama:
After achieving all prescribed qualifications, especially understanding the reality of Bakthi, the seeker should consider a Pragnana Guru.
A constant en-query in to the real nature of one's own self is called Bakthi according to learned ones, in other words deep rooted love towards Athma; such seeker should serve a good teacher (Guru) to attain Moksha that is nothing but comes out of birth and death cycle known as samsara wheel.
please click the below link to download full discourse.
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R V Venkiteswaran (Venky)
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R V Venkiteswaran (Venky)
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Saturday, December 28, 2013
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Om Namasivaya nama:
Today Bhagawathpadar explains further on Grace of Guru and innocent bakthi along with strong determination:
Sloka 29:
Calmness and other good practices will definitely bear the fruits only to the person who has intense design for liberation.
Sloka 30:
Those who don't have the desire for liberation and virakthi it make no sense to simply follow something or the other such as weak determination for not achieving goal.
Sloka 31:
Among the instruments and conditions available for liberation, devotion/bakthi alone is supreme. Knowing oneself and a great and deep realization along called Bakthi. Constant attempt to realize ones own nature is very important to give a life for Bakthi.
please click the link to download full discourse.
Today Bhagawathpadar explains further on Grace of Guru and innocent bakthi along with strong determination:
Sloka 29:
Calmness and other good practices will definitely bear the fruits only to the person who has intense design for liberation.
Sloka 30:
Those who don't have the desire for liberation and virakthi it make no sense to simply follow something or the other such as weak determination for not achieving goal.
Sloka 31:
Among the instruments and conditions available for liberation, devotion/bakthi alone is supreme. Knowing oneself and a great and deep realization along called Bakthi. Constant attempt to realize ones own nature is very important to give a life for Bakthi.
please click the link to download full discourse.
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Om Namasivaya nama:
Sri Adi Sankara says that even if you are not 100% perfect, never mind. However, if you have the determination, calmness and eagerness for moksha along with grace of Guru, your wish will be full filled due course, in other words it can bear the fruits.
please the link below for listening full discourse.
Sri Adi Sankara says that even if you are not 100% perfect, never mind. However, if you have the determination, calmness and eagerness for moksha along with grace of Guru, your wish will be full filled due course, in other words it can bear the fruits.
please the link below for listening full discourse.
Friday, December 6, 2013
Om Namasivaya nama:
Sri Adi Sankara said: Samaadhana (Tranquillity) it is a condition whereby the mind is constantly engaged in the total contemplation of the Supreme Reality; and it is not gained through any amount of intellectual oscillation. Self commitment to stay in Reality which none other than Brahman. In other words Ekagratha of Mind in the absolute brahman.
Mumukshuthwa is the highest burning desire to release onself; from the Samsara, by realizing the Real nature of One's Self. This realization is from all bondages from Egoism to the Body. These are created by the ignorance (agnaanam). In sequence it start from Ahamkara-Anandamaya kosa-vignaanamaya kosan-manomayakosam-pranamayakosam-annamayakosam. The Real (life or jeeva or aathma) is residing inside this couch.
please click the link to download full discourse.
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Om Namasivaya nama:
Dear Listeners,
Please have some patience while listening to today's recording as I had encountered some issues while recording.
Today Sri Adi Sankara explained Sradha and Samaadhanam among the Shatka Sampathi. One should have full faith in Sasasthraas and Guru vachanam only by doing self inquiry and conviction. One should always collect all good knowledge from these sources then realize the truth in it through your own analysis with the help of brain (budhi). When you get convinced about the truth, such truth is called Sradha.
Whatever knowledge and discipline we acquired and understood, one must realize the truth and always stick the mind in that absolute truth in other words keep the mind always in ever lasting and undestroyable Brahman.
Please click the link for detailed discussion.
Dear Listeners,
Please have some patience while listening to today's recording as I had encountered some issues while recording.
Today Sri Adi Sankara explained Sradha and Samaadhanam among the Shatka Sampathi. One should have full faith in Sasasthraas and Guru vachanam only by doing self inquiry and conviction. One should always collect all good knowledge from these sources then realize the truth in it through your own analysis with the help of brain (budhi). When you get convinced about the truth, such truth is called Sradha.
Whatever knowledge and discipline we acquired and understood, one must realize the truth and always stick the mind in that absolute truth in other words keep the mind always in ever lasting and undestroyable Brahman.
Please click the link for detailed discussion.
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Om Namasivaya nama:
Bhagawathpadar says, steering both kinds of sense organs such as knowledge and action (5 Gnanedriyas and 5 Karmendriyas) and placing them in their respective places to take fruitful benefits rather than driving towards tasting bad senses called Dhama in other words "Self Control". Basically control over Gnanedriyas and Karmendriyas and their boss "Mana". Also do "Self Withdrawal" called Uparathi. Swadharmanushtanam will help in achieving self withdrawal.
Please note this recording is incomplete due to some technical issues, i will try to catch up last portion of missed recording in our next satsangh.
please click the link for detailed discourse.
Bhagawathpadar says, steering both kinds of sense organs such as knowledge and action (5 Gnanedriyas and 5 Karmendriyas) and placing them in their respective places to take fruitful benefits rather than driving towards tasting bad senses called Dhama in other words "Self Control". Basically control over Gnanedriyas and Karmendriyas and their boss "Mana". Also do "Self Withdrawal" called Uparathi. Swadharmanushtanam will help in achieving self withdrawal.
Please note this recording is incomplete due to some technical issues, i will try to catch up last portion of missed recording in our next satsangh.
please click the link for detailed discourse.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Om Namasivaya nama:
Bagavathpadar further explains the 6 Gunas known as Samadi Shadga Sampathy. Control and calmness of the mind through a peaceful state of mind through constant reminders to detach from sense objects by way of process of continuous observation of its bad effects. In other words completely knowingly stay away from sense objects by way of sabdha, sparsa, roopa, rasa & gandha (sound, touch, form, taste and smell).
please click the link for detailed discourse.
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Om Namasivaya nama:
Sri Sankara Bagawathpadar says that a conviction must be made within us that Brahman alone is real and the rest all un-real in other words illusions. Also note this must be done only through a proper discrimination analysis.
That desire to give up all transitory enjoyments gained through seeing, hearing and experiencing through mortal body is called real detachment and this is applicable for human to Brahma.
please click the link below to listen full story.
Sri Sankara Bagawathpadar says that a conviction must be made within us that Brahman alone is real and the rest all un-real in other words illusions. Also note this must be done only through a proper discrimination analysis.
That desire to give up all transitory enjoyments gained through seeing, hearing and experiencing through mortal body is called real detachment and this is applicable for human to Brahma.
please click the link below to listen full story.
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Om Namasivaya nama:
Sadhana Chathushtayam: The Four Qualifications for student of vedantha, a new sub chapter:
Bagavath Padar says; Success in realization of Brahman is possible only when a seeker possess the 4 important qualifications such as - Vivekam, Vairaghyam, Mumukshuthwam and Samadhi Shatka-sampathy. These are the opinions of most of the great Rishis.
Samadhi Shatka-sampathy are : Sama, Dhama, Uparathi, Thitheeksha, Sradha, Saamadhaanam. These shad gunas will enumerate burning desire for liberation.
please click the link for detailed discourse.
Sadhana Chathushtayam: The Four Qualifications for student of vedantha, a new sub chapter:
Bagavath Padar says; Success in realization of Brahman is possible only when a seeker possess the 4 important qualifications such as - Vivekam, Vairaghyam, Mumukshuthwam and Samadhi Shatka-sampathy. These are the opinions of most of the great Rishis.
Samadhi Shatka-sampathy are : Sama, Dhama, Uparathi, Thitheeksha, Sradha, Saamadhaanam. These shad gunas will enumerate burning desire for liberation.
please click the link for detailed discourse.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Om Namasivaya nama:
Today Bhagawathpadar explains further as how a seer should lead his life, so that he could be a most competent Vedanthi.
The Seer should have keen memory with enough knowledge of the world outside and inside too. Who should be able to handle the questions raised out of mind on account of scriptures. With these qualities he can be eligible for Aathma vidhya.
Unless you have the qualities of discrimination, detachment, calmness and burning desire for liberation, one cannot realize the supreme reality.
please click the link for detailed story listening.
Today Bhagawathpadar explains further as how a seer should lead his life, so that he could be a most competent Vedanthi.
The Seer should have keen memory with enough knowledge of the world outside and inside too. Who should be able to handle the questions raised out of mind on account of scriptures. With these qualities he can be eligible for Aathma vidhya.
Unless you have the qualities of discrimination, detachment, calmness and burning desire for liberation, one cannot realize the supreme reality.
please click the link for detailed story listening.
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Om Namasivaya nama:
Today we discussed Adhikari Niroopanam: Bagavath Padar says, ultimate success in spiritual en-devours depends upon the degree of fundamental qualifications in the Seeker. Time and place is not everything it is only secondary support for the seeker to attain spiritual success. The seeker's fundamental duty is to search for the right Guru and seek his instruction and follow.
Therefore, a true seeker of the self should learn to inquire and meditate after duly approaching a Guru who is already experienced the self. Such Guru should be an ocean of kindness and compassionate towards all his disciple irrespective of their caste and creed or class.
Please listen to a full narration by clicking the link.
Today we discussed Adhikari Niroopanam: Bagavath Padar says, ultimate success in spiritual en-devours depends upon the degree of fundamental qualifications in the Seeker. Time and place is not everything it is only secondary support for the seeker to attain spiritual success. The seeker's fundamental duty is to search for the right Guru and seek his instruction and follow.
Therefore, a true seeker of the self should learn to inquire and meditate after duly approaching a Guru who is already experienced the self. Such Guru should be an ocean of kindness and compassionate towards all his disciple irrespective of their caste and creed or class.
Please listen to a full narration by clicking the link.
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Om Namasivaya nama:
Today, Bhagath padar explains the delusory effects on some one who is afflicted with un real as real. The fear and sorrow created by an un-real object due to mis-understanding and poor discrimination power on the subject. To understand the real, one must think hard and inquire with learned persons and discriminate within our own conscious. In other words balanced thinking a must.
Also said, neither sacred bath nor charity nor 100s of prayanamas can give us the true knowledge of our own Self unless one experience the nature of the Self can be gained by way of raising questions within oneself and strictly follow the salutary advises of the wise.
Please click the link for detailed discourse.
Today, Bhagath padar explains the delusory effects on some one who is afflicted with un real as real. The fear and sorrow created by an un-real object due to mis-understanding and poor discrimination power on the subject. To understand the real, one must think hard and inquire with learned persons and discriminate within our own conscious. In other words balanced thinking a must.
Also said, neither sacred bath nor charity nor 100s of prayanamas can give us the true knowledge of our own Self unless one experience the nature of the Self can be gained by way of raising questions within oneself and strictly follow the salutary advises of the wise.
Please click the link for detailed discourse.
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Om Namasivaya nama:
Today we discussed the importance of sloka 10 that, Self less work and charitable acts will help in purifying the mind especially work without any expectations (nish kamya karma). However, they do not contribute the perception of reality. The discovery of the Self is only possible through discriminative analysis and never by any number of actions (Karma) even if you do it for crores of birth. Self is not produced nor knowledge as a result of finite actions. Self is divine, noble and swayamboo.
Listen to full story:
Today we discussed the importance of sloka 10 that, Self less work and charitable acts will help in purifying the mind especially work without any expectations (nish kamya karma). However, they do not contribute the perception of reality. The discovery of the Self is only possible through discriminative analysis and never by any number of actions (Karma) even if you do it for crores of birth. Self is not produced nor knowledge as a result of finite actions. Self is divine, noble and swayamboo.
Listen to full story:
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Om Namasivaya nama:
Bagawadpadar says : one should thrive to escape from the cycle of birth and death by their own efforts. Approach and accept Guru advise and give up mundane duties slowly. Train your mind to be in the thought of Brahman.
Please click link to down load full discourse.
Bagawadpadar says : one should thrive to escape from the cycle of birth and death by their own efforts. Approach and accept Guru advise and give up mundane duties slowly. Train your mind to be in the thought of Brahman.
Please click link to down load full discourse.
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Om Namasivaya nama:
Sri Bhagawat Padar says, to attain Moksh (liberation) neither children, wealth nor karma (actions) would help. True and absolute knowledge of Brahman alone will be useful. To get Ghyan (true knowledge), one should seek a genuine Guru who will only talk about Moksh and guide the seeker with necessary guidance.
Please click the link to listen full story.
Sri Bhagawat Padar says, to attain Moksh (liberation) neither children, wealth nor karma (actions) would help. True and absolute knowledge of Brahman alone will be useful. To get Ghyan (true knowledge), one should seek a genuine Guru who will only talk about Moksh and guide the seeker with necessary guidance.
Please click the link to listen full story.
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Om Namasivaya nama:
Even after getting a good human birth, one cannot take care of himself to attain Mukthi, he should be called as fool or a walking dead person. The ultimate attainment of the soul is Moksh. No point in doing any activities including pooja and yagna; whether it is learning or working it all have to be done with a conviction that i am (Athma) is in every one, Athma is in every one's body (Aathma Bhodha), Athma alone having full freedom etc..
Please click the link for full story.
Note: My apologies for making a wrong statement such as Agasthya star can be seen on 9th Sept north east/north west. Kindly note it will be on 8th September and star can be spotted in the sky of South or South East zone during night time. So, you don't need to look at the sky and see Moon during Vinayaka Chathurthi day being on 9th Sept. Benefits of this star rise purifies the entire water in the earth. Sage Agasthya is one among Saptha Rishis and greatest among Sidhaas.
Om Namasivaya nama:
Even after getting a good human birth, one cannot take care of himself to attain Mukthi, he should be called as fool or a walking dead person. The ultimate attainment of the soul is Moksh. No point in doing any activities including pooja and yagna; whether it is learning or working it all have to be done with a conviction that i am (Athma) is in every one, Athma is in every one's body (Aathma Bhodha), Athma alone having full freedom etc..
Please click the link for full story.
Note: My apologies for making a wrong statement such as Agasthya star can be seen on 9th Sept north east/north west. Kindly note it will be on 8th September and star can be spotted in the sky of South or South East zone during night time. So, you don't need to look at the sky and see Moon during Vinayaka Chathurthi day being on 9th Sept. Benefits of this star rise purifies the entire water in the earth. Sage Agasthya is one among Saptha Rishis and greatest among Sidhaas.
Om Namasivaya nama:
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Om Namasivaya nama:
Today we discussed about sloka 3 & 4 where Bagawadpader says that one should (Jeevaathma) have the holy credit to get human birth, desires for moksham and earnest love to depend on genuine guru.
Please click the below link to listen full story.
Today we discussed about sloka 3 & 4 where Bagawadpader says that one should (Jeevaathma) have the holy credit to get human birth, desires for moksham and earnest love to depend on genuine guru.
Please click the below link to listen full story.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Om Namasivaya Nama:
By the grace of God, we had an opportunity to visit these holy places. In fact it was a sudden trip. We would like to share our experience briefly with you so that one of you decides to visit these places, such information may be handy and useful to you. This area is known as Prabhasa Patan having 109 acres of holy land adjoining towards Arabian Sea (almost like Mahalakshmi temple at Mumbai).
Sukla Paksha - Siva Aradhana
Aug 17 : Saturday : Dubai to Ahmedabad by Air. From Ahmedabad we started our journey towards Somnath by Car, approximately 380 KM, it takes around 8+ hours by road. After reaching Somnath, we rushed to part take evening Aarathi between 1900-1930 hrs. What a temple and its environment on the Arabian Sea shore! Please note this temple of worship existed since 7.95+ crores of years to date! This is the place where Lord Soma (chandra) does worship to Shiva to get reliever from the curse given by Daksha. Being pleased with Soma's penance., Lord Shiva relieves him from the curse and adores him in His hair. Thus the place got its name as SOMANATHAM.
Aug 18 : Sunday : Had Somnath Jyothir Lingeswar morning darsan followed by few important temples in and around Somnath. The original and old Jyothir Lingam is situated close to the new temple towards east side of new Somnath temple outside premises. By late after noon we visited Triveni Sangam (Confluence of Hiranya+Kapila+Saraswathi) merging with Arabian Sea. On the way we can see Sage Parasurama's Thapo Bhoomi and his Yagna kund. Adjacent to Parasuraman's hermitage you will come across Maha Kali temple one of the 108 Sakthi Peedam. Here, devi's chin part fell. Opposite Triveni ghat you can see Saradha mutt. Next to that Soorya Temple where Pancha Pandavas stayed during their Van-vaas and obtained Akshya pathram from Lord Soorya and Hingla Devi cave (Gufa) temple. please note it is very difficult to enter the cave. On the river bank you will come across many Ghats dedicated for our great Rishis. A Siva temple known as Mangeswar situated towards south zone of the river. This Siva lingam was consecrated by Great Markandeya Rishi and the belief is that every day Markandeya Rishi visit this temple in Sookshma roopa to offer his prayers to Lord Siva. This place is known as Prabhasa River Bank. A great narration is available in Sri Madh Bhagavatham, Mahabarathan, Skanda Puran and many other Puran.
Aug 19 : Monday : Usual morning visit to Somnath temple, visited Geeta Mandir close to Hiranya River bank at Prabhasa Ghat, Triveni Road. Close to this temple you can see Aadi Sesha/Naga temple and Sri Krishna's Paduka known as Dehostarga Sthal in other words Golokha Prapthi. The importance of this place is un-explainable. This Hiranya river banks also witnessed Sri Krishna and his elder brother Balaram renouncing their mortal human forms and their last rites were performed here. Another importance is that all Yadhavas completely gave up their human form in this river bank and Chandra Vamsam got vanished in this place. Sri Krishna himself performed Pithru Karma for his ancestors in this Ghat. Every one allowed to do the Pithru Karma in this Ghat. As Lord Krishna belongs to Chandravamsa he choose Somnath to leave his mortal remains.
Aug 20 : Tuesday : Sravana Poornima - Today is most auspicious day for Vipras., I mean Avani Avittam Upakarma day. I had the blessings to do my this year Upakarma at Triveni Ghat. From Madhyahnikam, Brahma Yagnam, Deva tharpanam, Rishi tharpanam, Pithru tharpanam, Maha Sankalpam, Yagnopaveetha Dharanam and finally Kaanda Rishi Tharpanam were performed peacefully. After this function we went to see Sri Somnath to conclude Upa Karma. By evening we left for visiting Sasi Bhooshan Mahadev temple and Balka Theerth at Veraval (from here the Hunter/Poacher {who was Bali in Thredhayug}aimed his arrow at Krishna's feet by mistaking mouth of a deer) at Balka Theerth where Sri Krishna was taking rest under a Pee-pal tree. It is believed that Krishna gave his last darshan to the poacher at Balkha teerth. After the arrow stuck Sri Krishna came to Hiranya river bank and gave up his mortal body (approximately 7 KM distance). Sri Krishna's great devotee Sri Vallabhacharya Maha Prabhu's baithak also exists in this compound. Chaithanya Maha Prabhu also got Sri Krishna's darsan in the same place. There is another important Siva's open temple in Somnath, in the sea known as Bannganga Mahadev / Beed Bhanjan Mahadev. Here you can give ablution to Lord Parameswar taking water from the sea. During high tide this Siva Lingam will be inside the sea water.
Krishna Paksha - Sri Krishna Aradhana
Aug 21 : Wednesday: Today another important day for Virapas - 1008 Gayathri Maha Manthra Japam to ward off one full year dosha prayaschitham. I had the blessings of Lord Parameswara to conduct this Karma inside the premises of Somnath temple. After Gayathri Japa, had a good darshan of Somnath then visited Old Jyothirlinga Siva temple. Out of no choice said bye.. to Somnath and left for Dwaraka by road covering 364 KM. On the way we visited Sri Krishna's great devotee Sri Sudhama and his wife Suseela Devi's temple. Also visited Mool Dwaraka (history says this is where originally Sri Krishna and Yadhavas lived initially). Finally reached main Dwaraka temple at 1945 hrs just before Aarathi. Had one of the superior darsan of Dwarakadhipathi Lord Sri Krishna without any rush and push. 1000+ eyes are required to see that beautiful Sri Krishna vigraham (swayamboo idol, received from Sathyavathy well, 5000+ years old). Godavari river known as Gomathy in Dwaraka meets the Arabian Sea by touching lotus feet of Lord Sri Krishna. It originates from Gomukh at Thrayambakeswar (Siva's head) and reach Sri Krishna's lotus feet at Dwaraka. We did prokshana snan over here.
Aug 22 : Thursday : After morning darsan of Dwarakadipathi, we left for another Jyothir Lingam darsan "Nageswara at Dharuka Van". We believe this is a bonus given to us by God. It will take 20 minutes drive from Dwaraka. Then left for visiting Rukmini Sri Krishna Vivaha Mandir. After receiving excellent darsan we moved to Gopi Thalaab where Sri Krishna had his mystical play with Gopikaas. The pond is still in tact and happy to re collect all Bhagavatha stories. Visited many temples including 5000+ years old Gopala krishna mandir, Thirupathi Balaji temple, Rukmani mandir; Radha Mandir in and around. Purchased Gopi Chandan and also got raw Gopi Chandan stones. According to Sri Krishna's promise to Gopis, in this particular land any where you dig below 3 feet you will get Gopi Chandran stones. You can also see many Sidhaas Samadhis in this holy land. On the way to Bed Dwaraka an Island (remaining part of the Dwaraka after Pralaya - please note oldest Golden Dwaraka is under the sea at around 60-70 foot under neath and the remaining portion is known as Bed Dwaraka). They say Rukmini Devi personally made this Sri Krishna Vigraham for worship). To reach this place you have to go by boat. This is one of the riskiest boat journey due to poor boat management system. After darshan returned to Dwaraka for night Aarathi. Visited Sankarachaarya Dwaraka Peetham and offered prayers to Chandramouleeswara Mahadev (Siva Lingas made in 9 precious gem stones are worshiped here along with Prarasakthi).
Aug 23 : Friday : Visited Thupni village where one can see Charan Ganga Kund. This well water is sweet and is always on the ground level irrespective of the season. This was created by Lord Sri Krishna with his foot thump finger to quench Rukmini Devi's thirst for water. Sri Krishna and Rukmini devi were pulling the chariot seated by their Kula Guru Dhurvasa Maharshi, ever since Rukmani devi want to drink water, out of no other way Sri Krishna invoked Gaga water for devi, this caused the angry mood for Maharshi and he cursed the newly married couple. Curse 1 = both of you will not stay together next 12 years and Curse 2 = the entire Dwaraka will not have sweet water (except this well water). Maharshi's asramam was located at Pindara Kshethram, approximately 35 KM from Rukmani Devi Mandir and Charan Ganga is around 24 KM. Came back to see Drawakadipa evening Aarathi. Since it is a Friday we chanted Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam at Dwaraka Peedam at Chandramouleeswarar &Parasakthi Sannidhi. After saying goodnight to Lord Sri Krishna returned to hotel.
Aug 24 : Saturday : As usual, after morning darsan said good bye to our little Sri Krishna and left for Ahmedabad by road covering 400 KM.
Aug 25 : Sunday : Visited Sabarmathi lake and Akshar Dham Swami Narayan temple.
Aug 26 : Monday : Left for Ambaji Mandir (one of the 108 Sakthi Peedam) darsan. First, had darsan of Devi at Gebber mountain top; to reach top we can use winch or climb 1025+ steps (originally Sakthi Peedam was located here, just a ghee lamp is worshiped here like our Sri Lalitha Sahasranama pooja). Then left for Khed-Brahma where almost all Gods Mandir located in this temple. Lord Brahma created this temple and worshiped Chamunda Devi from here. By late evening returned from Kheth Brahma to Ambaji for Aarathi darshan. What an ambiance of the temple premises and attractive Devi Vigraham. Poornima days are very important like our South India Giri-valam (Arunachalam) and 5+ lakhs of devotees visit this Sakthi Peedam.
Aug 27 : Tuesday : After taking rest till afternoon, by evening we left for Thirupathi Venkatachalapathy Temple in Ahmedabad main high way. Excellent darsan followed by Pacha Karpoora Theertham and few Thulasi leafs and Laddus as prasad.
Sarvam Krishnaarpanamasthu. This un planned temple visit reminded us that Lord Narayana want us to submit all our Karma balas at his feet then leave for Dubai. We believe that this is the beginning of our spiritual journey rather than saying we completed the pilgrimage.
Some important information:
1. Nothing is allowed to be carried with you including leather belt, phones and electronics devises etc while entering the premises of Somnath, Dwaraka, Ambaji and Swami Narayan Temples. You can only go empty hand.
2. Food and shelter both are costly affair.
3. At Somnath - Sukh Sagar hotel is good for stay as well food.
4. At Dwaraka - Excellent food available at Maamika-mess just opposite Dwaraka temple in a small compound.
4. Somanath has 3 Aarathi 0700/1200/1900 hrs whereas Dwarakadeesan has 4 Aarathi 0600/1200/1945/2045 hrs. Lord Krishna was fed Raj Bhog 11 times a day. Any devotee can contribute for his Amrita Bhojan.
5. In and around Somnatha/Prabhasa River bank they have more than 76 temples and Prabhasa Subarban area 11+ temples.
We wish all of you should get such good darsan of our beloved Lord!
Om Namasivaya nama:
Venky, Lakshmi and Arun
By the grace of God, we had an opportunity to visit these holy places. In fact it was a sudden trip. We would like to share our experience briefly with you so that one of you decides to visit these places, such information may be handy and useful to you. This area is known as Prabhasa Patan having 109 acres of holy land adjoining towards Arabian Sea (almost like Mahalakshmi temple at Mumbai).
Sukla Paksha - Siva Aradhana
Aug 17 : Saturday : Dubai to Ahmedabad by Air. From Ahmedabad we started our journey towards Somnath by Car, approximately 380 KM, it takes around 8+ hours by road. After reaching Somnath, we rushed to part take evening Aarathi between 1900-1930 hrs. What a temple and its environment on the Arabian Sea shore! Please note this temple of worship existed since 7.95+ crores of years to date! This is the place where Lord Soma (chandra) does worship to Shiva to get reliever from the curse given by Daksha. Being pleased with Soma's penance., Lord Shiva relieves him from the curse and adores him in His hair. Thus the place got its name as SOMANATHAM.
Aug 18 : Sunday : Had Somnath Jyothir Lingeswar morning darsan followed by few important temples in and around Somnath. The original and old Jyothir Lingam is situated close to the new temple towards east side of new Somnath temple outside premises. By late after noon we visited Triveni Sangam (Confluence of Hiranya+Kapila+Saraswathi) merging with Arabian Sea. On the way we can see Sage Parasurama's Thapo Bhoomi and his Yagna kund. Adjacent to Parasuraman's hermitage you will come across Maha Kali temple one of the 108 Sakthi Peedam. Here, devi's chin part fell. Opposite Triveni ghat you can see Saradha mutt. Next to that Soorya Temple where Pancha Pandavas stayed during their Van-vaas and obtained Akshya pathram from Lord Soorya and Hingla Devi cave (Gufa) temple. please note it is very difficult to enter the cave. On the river bank you will come across many Ghats dedicated for our great Rishis. A Siva temple known as Mangeswar situated towards south zone of the river. This Siva lingam was consecrated by Great Markandeya Rishi and the belief is that every day Markandeya Rishi visit this temple in Sookshma roopa to offer his prayers to Lord Siva. This place is known as Prabhasa River Bank. A great narration is available in Sri Madh Bhagavatham, Mahabarathan, Skanda Puran and many other Puran.
Aug 19 : Monday : Usual morning visit to Somnath temple, visited Geeta Mandir close to Hiranya River bank at Prabhasa Ghat, Triveni Road. Close to this temple you can see Aadi Sesha/Naga temple and Sri Krishna's Paduka known as Dehostarga Sthal in other words Golokha Prapthi. The importance of this place is un-explainable. This Hiranya river banks also witnessed Sri Krishna and his elder brother Balaram renouncing their mortal human forms and their last rites were performed here. Another importance is that all Yadhavas completely gave up their human form in this river bank and Chandra Vamsam got vanished in this place. Sri Krishna himself performed Pithru Karma for his ancestors in this Ghat. Every one allowed to do the Pithru Karma in this Ghat. As Lord Krishna belongs to Chandravamsa he choose Somnath to leave his mortal remains.
Aug 20 : Tuesday : Sravana Poornima - Today is most auspicious day for Vipras., I mean Avani Avittam Upakarma day. I had the blessings to do my this year Upakarma at Triveni Ghat. From Madhyahnikam, Brahma Yagnam, Deva tharpanam, Rishi tharpanam, Pithru tharpanam, Maha Sankalpam, Yagnopaveetha Dharanam and finally Kaanda Rishi Tharpanam were performed peacefully. After this function we went to see Sri Somnath to conclude Upa Karma. By evening we left for visiting Sasi Bhooshan Mahadev temple and Balka Theerth at Veraval (from here the Hunter/Poacher {who was Bali in Thredhayug}aimed his arrow at Krishna's feet by mistaking mouth of a deer) at Balka Theerth where Sri Krishna was taking rest under a Pee-pal tree. It is believed that Krishna gave his last darshan to the poacher at Balkha teerth. After the arrow stuck Sri Krishna came to Hiranya river bank and gave up his mortal body (approximately 7 KM distance). Sri Krishna's great devotee Sri Vallabhacharya Maha Prabhu's baithak also exists in this compound. Chaithanya Maha Prabhu also got Sri Krishna's darsan in the same place. There is another important Siva's open temple in Somnath, in the sea known as Bannganga Mahadev / Beed Bhanjan Mahadev. Here you can give ablution to Lord Parameswar taking water from the sea. During high tide this Siva Lingam will be inside the sea water.
Krishna Paksha - Sri Krishna Aradhana
Aug 21 : Wednesday: Today another important day for Virapas - 1008 Gayathri Maha Manthra Japam to ward off one full year dosha prayaschitham. I had the blessings of Lord Parameswara to conduct this Karma inside the premises of Somnath temple. After Gayathri Japa, had a good darshan of Somnath then visited Old Jyothirlinga Siva temple. Out of no choice said bye.. to Somnath and left for Dwaraka by road covering 364 KM. On the way we visited Sri Krishna's great devotee Sri Sudhama and his wife Suseela Devi's temple. Also visited Mool Dwaraka (history says this is where originally Sri Krishna and Yadhavas lived initially). Finally reached main Dwaraka temple at 1945 hrs just before Aarathi. Had one of the superior darsan of Dwarakadhipathi Lord Sri Krishna without any rush and push. 1000+ eyes are required to see that beautiful Sri Krishna vigraham (swayamboo idol, received from Sathyavathy well, 5000+ years old). Godavari river known as Gomathy in Dwaraka meets the Arabian Sea by touching lotus feet of Lord Sri Krishna. It originates from Gomukh at Thrayambakeswar (Siva's head) and reach Sri Krishna's lotus feet at Dwaraka. We did prokshana snan over here.
Aug 22 : Thursday : After morning darsan of Dwarakadipathi, we left for another Jyothir Lingam darsan "Nageswara at Dharuka Van". We believe this is a bonus given to us by God. It will take 20 minutes drive from Dwaraka. Then left for visiting Rukmini Sri Krishna Vivaha Mandir. After receiving excellent darsan we moved to Gopi Thalaab where Sri Krishna had his mystical play with Gopikaas. The pond is still in tact and happy to re collect all Bhagavatha stories. Visited many temples including 5000+ years old Gopala krishna mandir, Thirupathi Balaji temple, Rukmani mandir; Radha Mandir in and around. Purchased Gopi Chandan and also got raw Gopi Chandan stones. According to Sri Krishna's promise to Gopis, in this particular land any where you dig below 3 feet you will get Gopi Chandran stones. You can also see many Sidhaas Samadhis in this holy land. On the way to Bed Dwaraka an Island (remaining part of the Dwaraka after Pralaya - please note oldest Golden Dwaraka is under the sea at around 60-70 foot under neath and the remaining portion is known as Bed Dwaraka). They say Rukmini Devi personally made this Sri Krishna Vigraham for worship). To reach this place you have to go by boat. This is one of the riskiest boat journey due to poor boat management system. After darshan returned to Dwaraka for night Aarathi. Visited Sankarachaarya Dwaraka Peetham and offered prayers to Chandramouleeswara Mahadev (Siva Lingas made in 9 precious gem stones are worshiped here along with Prarasakthi).
Aug 23 : Friday : Visited Thupni village where one can see Charan Ganga Kund. This well water is sweet and is always on the ground level irrespective of the season. This was created by Lord Sri Krishna with his foot thump finger to quench Rukmini Devi's thirst for water. Sri Krishna and Rukmini devi were pulling the chariot seated by their Kula Guru Dhurvasa Maharshi, ever since Rukmani devi want to drink water, out of no other way Sri Krishna invoked Gaga water for devi, this caused the angry mood for Maharshi and he cursed the newly married couple. Curse 1 = both of you will not stay together next 12 years and Curse 2 = the entire Dwaraka will not have sweet water (except this well water). Maharshi's asramam was located at Pindara Kshethram, approximately 35 KM from Rukmani Devi Mandir and Charan Ganga is around 24 KM. Came back to see Drawakadipa evening Aarathi. Since it is a Friday we chanted Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam at Dwaraka Peedam at Chandramouleeswarar &Parasakthi Sannidhi. After saying goodnight to Lord Sri Krishna returned to hotel.
Aug 24 : Saturday : As usual, after morning darsan said good bye to our little Sri Krishna and left for Ahmedabad by road covering 400 KM.
Aug 25 : Sunday : Visited Sabarmathi lake and Akshar Dham Swami Narayan temple.
Aug 26 : Monday : Left for Ambaji Mandir (one of the 108 Sakthi Peedam) darsan. First, had darsan of Devi at Gebber mountain top; to reach top we can use winch or climb 1025+ steps (originally Sakthi Peedam was located here, just a ghee lamp is worshiped here like our Sri Lalitha Sahasranama pooja). Then left for Khed-Brahma where almost all Gods Mandir located in this temple. Lord Brahma created this temple and worshiped Chamunda Devi from here. By late evening returned from Kheth Brahma to Ambaji for Aarathi darshan. What an ambiance of the temple premises and attractive Devi Vigraham. Poornima days are very important like our South India Giri-valam (Arunachalam) and 5+ lakhs of devotees visit this Sakthi Peedam.
Aug 27 : Tuesday : After taking rest till afternoon, by evening we left for Thirupathi Venkatachalapathy Temple in Ahmedabad main high way. Excellent darsan followed by Pacha Karpoora Theertham and few Thulasi leafs and Laddus as prasad.
Sarvam Krishnaarpanamasthu. This un planned temple visit reminded us that Lord Narayana want us to submit all our Karma balas at his feet then leave for Dubai. We believe that this is the beginning of our spiritual journey rather than saying we completed the pilgrimage.
Some important information:
1. Nothing is allowed to be carried with you including leather belt, phones and electronics devises etc while entering the premises of Somnath, Dwaraka, Ambaji and Swami Narayan Temples. You can only go empty hand.
2. Food and shelter both are costly affair.
3. At Somnath - Sukh Sagar hotel is good for stay as well food.
4. At Dwaraka - Excellent food available at Maamika-mess just opposite Dwaraka temple in a small compound.
4. Somanath has 3 Aarathi 0700/1200/1900 hrs whereas Dwarakadeesan has 4 Aarathi 0600/1200/1945/2045 hrs. Lord Krishna was fed Raj Bhog 11 times a day. Any devotee can contribute for his Amrita Bhojan.
5. In and around Somnatha/Prabhasa River bank they have more than 76 temples and Prabhasa Subarban area 11+ temples.
We wish all of you should get such good darsan of our beloved Lord!
Om Namasivaya nama:
Venky, Lakshmi and Arun
Friday, August 16, 2013
Om Namasivaya nama:
please click the link to listen full story.
please click the link to listen full story.
Friday, August 9, 2013
Om Namasivaya nama:
Today we discussed first sloka whereby Sri Adi Sankara Bhagavathpadar giving his humblest Pranam to his Guru Dev Sri Govinda Gurupadar.
Please click the link to listen full discourse.
Today we discussed first sloka whereby Sri Adi Sankara Bhagavathpadar giving his humblest Pranam to his Guru Dev Sri Govinda Gurupadar.
Please click the link to listen full discourse.
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Om Namasivaya nama:
Today we revised Sadhana Chathushtayam (Viveka, Vairaghyam, Mumukshuthwam, Shadka Sampathy), Shadka Sampathy (Sama, Dhaama, Uparathy, Thitheeksha, Sradha and Saamadhaanam) followed by Dos and Don'ts (Niyamas and Yamas):
All Vedanthik students must practice these 10 commandments without fail to understand and practice Vedik Life. These qualities are the foundations of Sanathana Dharma.
Niyamas: (Dos)
1. Saucham (Purity in all respects)
2. Santhosha (Peace of mind in all respects)
3. Thapas (Meditating, fasting and self enquiry)
4. Sadhyayanam (Spiritual Study)
5. Iswara Pramidhanam (Surrender to God)
1. Himsa (No voilance manasa/vaacha/karmana)
2. Asathyam (avoidance of lie)
3. Stheyam (avoidance of robing and cheating)
4. Maidhunam (No excessive sexual activities)
5. Parigraham (No over possession of wealth and accumulation)
Please click below link to listen full story. I suggest every listener take a print out of these and place it on the wall to follow and get reminded.
Today we revised Sadhana Chathushtayam (Viveka, Vairaghyam, Mumukshuthwam, Shadka Sampathy), Shadka Sampathy (Sama, Dhaama, Uparathy, Thitheeksha, Sradha and Saamadhaanam) followed by Dos and Don'ts (Niyamas and Yamas):
All Vedanthik students must practice these 10 commandments without fail to understand and practice Vedik Life. These qualities are the foundations of Sanathana Dharma.
Niyamas: (Dos)
1. Saucham (Purity in all respects)
2. Santhosha (Peace of mind in all respects)
3. Thapas (Meditating, fasting and self enquiry)
4. Sadhyayanam (Spiritual Study)
5. Iswara Pramidhanam (Surrender to God)
1. Himsa (No voilance manasa/vaacha/karmana)
2. Asathyam (avoidance of lie)
3. Stheyam (avoidance of robing and cheating)
4. Maidhunam (No excessive sexual activities)
5. Parigraham (No over possession of wealth and accumulation)
Please click below link to listen full story. I suggest every listener take a print out of these and place it on the wall to follow and get reminded.
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Om Namasivaya nama:
Today we discussed about introduction part, where the topic was Shad Sampathy besides Viveka, Vairaghya, Mumukshuthwam. Those 6 qualities or wealth of human were : Sama (Control over mind), Dhama (Control over sensory organs), Uparathi (Following own duties/swadharma), Thitheksha (Control over Cold and Hot and Happiness and Sorrows), Sradha (Faith in Guru's advise and scriptures) & Saamdhanam (Concentration or sound meditation).
please click the link for detailed discussion.
Today we discussed about introduction part, where the topic was Shad Sampathy besides Viveka, Vairaghya, Mumukshuthwam. Those 6 qualities or wealth of human were : Sama (Control over mind), Dhama (Control over sensory organs), Uparathi (Following own duties/swadharma), Thitheksha (Control over Cold and Hot and Happiness and Sorrows), Sradha (Faith in Guru's advise and scriptures) & Saamdhanam (Concentration or sound meditation).
please click the link for detailed discussion.
Saturday, July 20, 2013
Om Namasivaya Nama:
It is advisable to understand the qualifications required to learn and master Vedantha Thathwams. Therefore Sadguru recommend the student of vendatha to acquire the knowledge of Thathwa Bodham, Athma Bodham and Athma Jgnanam before entering in to the ocean of Vedantha Philosophy. Therefore first we will learn Thathwa Bodham. The foundation of Thathwa Bodam structured as Saadhana Chathushtayam. They are:
1. Viveka (Disrimination) - control over mind
2. Vairaghyam (Dispassion) - control over sensory
3. Mumukshuthwam (Desires) - freedom from worldly affairs in other words mukthi for aathma
4. Shadga-sambathy (Discipline) - Those 6 wealth/sambath are: Sama, Dhama, Uparathi, Thitheeksha, Sradha and Saamadhanam.
Please click this link to listen full discourse.
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Om Namasivaya Nama
Today being one of the most auspicious day Aashaada Navarathri, divine mother blessed us to start Viveka
Choodamani pravachanam. My humble salutations to Guru Mandalam. What is Vivekam is explained as the power of discrimination between real and unreal.
Please click the link to listen fully story.
Today being one of the most auspicious day Aashaada Navarathri, divine mother blessed us to start Viveka
Choodamani pravachanam. My humble salutations to Guru Mandalam. What is Vivekam is explained as the power of discrimination between real and unreal.
Please click the link to listen fully story.
Saturday, July 6, 2013
Om Namasivaya nama:
Today we talked about the remaining Saptha Rishis vis: Pulasthyan, Pulahan, Kruthu & Vasishtan:
Pulasthyan represents as Karma Devathas in other words intelligence in our body system.
Pulahan represents as Superior Karma Devathas in other words higher intelligence in our body
Kruthu represents as Upa Manasika Devatha or Intelligence in other words sub conscious or lower mind.
Vasishta represents as Unnatha Mansika Devatha or Super intelligence in other words super conscious or higher mind.
All the 7 Rishis put together every human body has 33% Sathwa Guna and 33% Rajo Guna and 33% Thamasik Guna. Therefore it is our duty to ensure and thrive to increase Sathwa guna by decreasing Rajo and Thamo Guna by sheer hard work.
To listen full story, please download the link.
Today we talked about the remaining Saptha Rishis vis: Pulasthyan, Pulahan, Kruthu & Vasishtan:
Pulasthyan represents as Karma Devathas in other words intelligence in our body system.
Pulahan represents as Superior Karma Devathas in other words higher intelligence in our body
Kruthu represents as Upa Manasika Devatha or Intelligence in other words sub conscious or lower mind.
Vasishta represents as Unnatha Mansika Devatha or Super intelligence in other words super conscious or higher mind.
All the 7 Rishis put together every human body has 33% Sathwa Guna and 33% Rajo Guna and 33% Thamasik Guna. Therefore it is our duty to ensure and thrive to increase Sathwa guna by decreasing Rajo and Thamo Guna by sheer hard work.
To listen full story, please download the link.
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Om Namasivaya nama:
Today, we talked about Saptha Rishis in our body and also their signification and portfolio. Please click the link to listen full story.
Today, we talked about Saptha Rishis in our body and also their signification and portfolio. Please click the link to listen full story.
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Om Namasivaya Nama:
Today, we discussed about the reason for Saptha Rishis and their families. More over how they are represented within our body.
To listen the full story please click and download the file.
Today, we discussed about the reason for Saptha Rishis and their families. More over how they are represented within our body.
To listen the full story please click and download the file.
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Om Namasivaya nama:
Today we discussed about Pulaha and Kruthu Maharshi.
Pulahan Maharshi:
One among Saptha rishis and mind born child of Lord Brahma. Wedded to Kshama daughter of Daksha Prajapathi. His important children are: Kardam, Arvaaveera & Sahishnu from Kshama. Under his gothram Arudra, Hastham, Pooradam & Uthrattathi stars resides. Another story explains that he got married to Gyathi daughter of Karshama Prajapathi and Devahoothi and had children namely Karmasreshta, Vareeyamsu and Sahishnu.
His Asram located in Haridwar and on the bank of Ghantaki River near Nepal. Jata Bharatha stayed in his Asram. Pulasthya, Pulahan and Atri together created the Thri-Ghiri Sarovar/lake of Ninetal. Due to his unhappy life with children he adopted a child of Sage Agasthya named Dhrudhaasya.
Kruthu Maharshi:
One among Saptha rishis and mind born child of Lord Brahma. Wedded to Sannati daughter of Daksha Prajapathi. He had 60,000 children known as Baalakhilyas (Pigmy sages). They are the size of a thumb. Under his gothram Punartham/Punarpoosam, Chithra, Uthradam & Revathy stars resides. He also adopted a child of Sage Agasthya named Idmavaaha. Kruthu is not highly popular in Hindu mythology.
Please click the link and down load to hear full story.
Today we discussed about Pulaha and Kruthu Maharshi.
Pulahan Maharshi:
One among Saptha rishis and mind born child of Lord Brahma. Wedded to Kshama daughter of Daksha Prajapathi. His important children are: Kardam, Arvaaveera & Sahishnu from Kshama. Under his gothram Arudra, Hastham, Pooradam & Uthrattathi stars resides. Another story explains that he got married to Gyathi daughter of Karshama Prajapathi and Devahoothi and had children namely Karmasreshta, Vareeyamsu and Sahishnu.
His Asram located in Haridwar and on the bank of Ghantaki River near Nepal. Jata Bharatha stayed in his Asram. Pulasthya, Pulahan and Atri together created the Thri-Ghiri Sarovar/lake of Ninetal. Due to his unhappy life with children he adopted a child of Sage Agasthya named Dhrudhaasya.
Kruthu Maharshi:
One among Saptha rishis and mind born child of Lord Brahma. Wedded to Sannati daughter of Daksha Prajapathi. He had 60,000 children known as Baalakhilyas (Pigmy sages). They are the size of a thumb. Under his gothram Punartham/Punarpoosam, Chithra, Uthradam & Revathy stars resides. He also adopted a child of Sage Agasthya named Idmavaaha. Kruthu is not highly popular in Hindu mythology.
Please click the link and down load to hear full story.
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Om Namasivaya Nama:
Dear Friends,
Please click the link to download Yajurveda Sandhya Vandhanam's 2nd edition English book pdf version that contains details of Mantras, Meaning, Ritual/Action and its importance. I am sure this rendering would be useful to you and spiritually enlighten our lives.
May God bless us.
download now
Dear Friends,
Please click the link to download Yajurveda Sandhya Vandhanam's 2nd edition English book pdf version that contains details of Mantras, Meaning, Ritual/Action and its importance. I am sure this rendering would be useful to you and spiritually enlighten our lives.
May God bless us.
download now
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Om Namasivaya nama:
Today we discussed Pulasthya gothram in details. Pulasthya was born to Lord Brahma as part of his mind born children, also known as Saptha Rishi.
His clan is not popular unlike his other Saptharishi brothers. Howevever some important information is available such as:
Pulasthya rishi got married to daughter of Kardhama Prajapathi & Devahoothi, her name is Havirbhoo. Some other version also mentioned that he got married to daughter of Daksha Prajapathi and her name is Prithi.
Children are: 1) Visravas, father of Ravana, Kumbakarna and Vibheeshana
2) Agasthya (Another version of story tell us that Agasthya was also born to Urvashi and Mithra & Varuna.
3) Daharagni (who died while infancy) but reborn as Agri Deva Sambootha to Mitra Varuna as Kumba Sambava Agasthya.
Pulasthya got settled in Himalaya foothils. Parasara Maharshi was blessed by Pulasthya for listening to elders especially Sage Vasishta being his grand father. Parasara was engaged in killing all types of Rakshas to take revenge on Demons on account of killing his father Sage Sakthi. Sage Sakthi cursed king Kalmasha Pada to become a demon since he hammered Sage Sakti. When Kalmasha became demon first he killed Sage Sakti and all children of Sage Vasishta.
Please click the link for full story:
Today we discussed Pulasthya gothram in details. Pulasthya was born to Lord Brahma as part of his mind born children, also known as Saptha Rishi.
His clan is not popular unlike his other Saptharishi brothers. Howevever some important information is available such as:
Pulasthya rishi got married to daughter of Kardhama Prajapathi & Devahoothi, her name is Havirbhoo. Some other version also mentioned that he got married to daughter of Daksha Prajapathi and her name is Prithi.
Children are: 1) Visravas, father of Ravana, Kumbakarna and Vibheeshana
2) Agasthya (Another version of story tell us that Agasthya was also born to Urvashi and Mithra & Varuna.
3) Daharagni (who died while infancy) but reborn as Agri Deva Sambootha to Mitra Varuna as Kumba Sambava Agasthya.
Pulasthya got settled in Himalaya foothils. Parasara Maharshi was blessed by Pulasthya for listening to elders especially Sage Vasishta being his grand father. Parasara was engaged in killing all types of Rakshas to take revenge on Demons on account of killing his father Sage Sakthi. Sage Sakthi cursed king Kalmasha Pada to become a demon since he hammered Sage Sakti. When Kalmasha became demon first he killed Sage Sakti and all children of Sage Vasishta.
Please click the link for full story:
Saturday, June 1, 2013
Om Namasivaya nama:
Today, we discussed about Athreya Gothra Rishi and his saha dharmani Anasooya Devi, daughter of Kardhamena Prajapathi. Brahmasri Athri Maharshi is one of the important Saptha Rishi mandalam, son of Lord Brahma as manasa puthra. Athri Maharshi is reffered in the 5th Mandala of Rig Veda. He and his children contributed lots of manthrams to Veda. Most popular children are: Soma, Dattathreya and Durvasa.
Athri Maharshi hold control of stars as such as : Rohini, Pooram (poorva phalghuni), Kettai (Jyeshta) and Chathayam (Sathabishak). His lineage consists 13 Rishis, having 3 pravaras under each Maharshi. They are:
1. Aathreya
2. Mauthgalya
3. Athri
4. Uthaalaka
5. Muthkala
6. Gauriveetha
7. Dattathreya
8. Dhananjaya
9. Dhaksha (Dakshi)
10. Bhaaleya
11. Pathanjali
12. Bheejaavaaba
13. Unknown (please let me know if some one know)
To listen full story please click the link.
Monday, May 27, 2013
Om Namasivaya Nama:
Today we discussed Vasishta Gotrham. Under his lineage there are 13 descenders. Visishta's dharma pathni (wife) is Rishika Arundhadhi Devi, who is known for her chaste and good work. Even in his Gothram there are 2 and 3 Rishis as pravaraas. Their names are:
1. Kaundinya
2. Parasara
3. Vaasishta
4. Vasishta (2 pravaraas)
5. Haritha (2 pravaraas)
6. Aachvalaayana
7. Upamanyu
8. Kaanva
9. Jaadhookarnya
10. Bhodhayana (he is a Soothra Karaka too)
11. Mithravaruna
12. Mauthgala
13. Vasida
Please click the link to listen fully story.
Today we discussed Vasishta Gotrham. Under his lineage there are 13 descenders. Visishta's dharma pathni (wife) is Rishika Arundhadhi Devi, who is known for her chaste and good work. Even in his Gothram there are 2 and 3 Rishis as pravaraas. Their names are:
1. Kaundinya
2. Parasara
3. Vaasishta
4. Vasishta (2 pravaraas)
5. Haritha (2 pravaraas)
6. Aachvalaayana
7. Upamanyu
8. Kaanva
9. Jaadhookarnya
10. Bhodhayana (he is a Soothra Karaka too)
11. Mithravaruna
12. Mauthgala
13. Vasida
Please click the link to listen fully story.
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Om Namasivaya nama:
Today we discussed about Brahma Rishi Angiras Maharshi Gothram. His descenders consists 27 great Rishis. 26 Rishis having 3 pravaraas and 1 with 5 pravaraas. Angiras Rishi got married to Smriti daughter of Prasuti. Prasuti was daughter of Satharoopa sister of Saptha Rishis including Angiras Maharshi.
Angiras and Smriti had 6 children; 5 girls and 1 boy. The girls are Sini, Vali, Kuhu, Raka, Anumathi and the boy was Bruhaspathi (Deva Guru). Angiras contributed manthras (hymns) for Rigveda and the 6th Mandala is his episode. Angiras and Atharvan were good companions and contributors of Atharva Vedam. Lord Budha (Sidhaartha) is one of the clan of Angiras.
Please download this file through the following link to listen full story.
27 descenders are:
1. Uthasatha (Uthathya)
2. Kamyaangirasa
3. Gaargeya
4. Gaargeya (5 pravaras - Aangirasa, Bhaarhaspathya, Bharatheevaja, Sainya, Gargya - Pancharsheya pravaranvitha:)
5. Gauthama
6. Paurukuthsa
7. Paatharayana (Baadharayanan)
8. Mauthgalya
9. Bharadwaja
10. Mauthgalya
11. Ratheethara
12. Vishnavrutha
13. Shatamarshana
14. Sankruthi
15. Sankruthi
16. Haritha
17. Aabasthamban
18. Aayaasya
19. Kanva
20. Kanva
21. Kabila
22. Garga
23. Kuthsa
24. Kuthsa
25. Kaudinya
26. Paurukuthsa
27. Lohitha
Saturday, May 11, 2013
GOTHRAM = MAREECHI Lineage : MAY 10-2013
Om Namasivaya nama:
Today we discussed about Viswamithra Gothra parampara then Mareechi Maharshi and his lineage. Mareechi was mind born sun of Brahma. Along with him other 6 Rishis put together Saptha (7) Rishis were present to this universe to spread the progeny/clan. The following Rishis were lineage of Viswamithra Rishi and Mareechi Maharshi as per Rigveda and puran:
Viswamithra gothra lineage:
1. Kausikan
2. Lohita
3. Viswamithran
4. Saalaavatha
5. Kadhaka
6. Aagamarshana
7. Gatha
8. Kaathaayana
9. Kamakaayana
10. Kaalava
11. Kausika
12. Jabhala (Jabaali)
13. Devaraatha
Please note each Rishi will have different Pravara Rishis @ 3 each.
1. Mareechi
2. Kaasyapa
3. Vibahandakan
4. Rishisringan
5. Kapilan
6. Kardam
7. Sandilyan
Mareechi Maharshi got married to Sage Kardam & Devahuti's daughter Kala and gave birth to a male child Kasyapa and a female child Poornima. Poornima gave birth to two male children Viraja and Vishvaga plus a female child named Devakulya (Ganges river).
On the other hand Kasyapa became father of 13 female children. Kasyapa gave all 13 daughters to Daksha Prajapathi. Later Daksha Prajapathi got 27+1 = 28 female children. 27 girls were married by Moon and 1 girl named Sati wedded to Lord Siva.
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Today we discussed about Viswamithra Gothra parampara then Mareechi Maharshi and his lineage. Mareechi was mind born sun of Brahma. Along with him other 6 Rishis put together Saptha (7) Rishis were present to this universe to spread the progeny/clan. The following Rishis were lineage of Viswamithra Rishi and Mareechi Maharshi as per Rigveda and puran:
Viswamithra gothra lineage:
1. Kausikan
2. Lohita
3. Viswamithran
4. Saalaavatha
5. Kadhaka
6. Aagamarshana
7. Gatha
8. Kaathaayana
9. Kamakaayana
10. Kaalava
11. Kausika
12. Jabhala (Jabaali)
13. Devaraatha
Please note each Rishi will have different Pravara Rishis @ 3 each.
1. Mareechi
2. Kaasyapa
3. Vibahandakan
4. Rishisringan
5. Kapilan
6. Kardam
7. Sandilyan
Mareechi Maharshi got married to Sage Kardam & Devahuti's daughter Kala and gave birth to a male child Kasyapa and a female child Poornima. Poornima gave birth to two male children Viraja and Vishvaga plus a female child named Devakulya (Ganges river).
On the other hand Kasyapa became father of 13 female children. Kasyapa gave all 13 daughters to Daksha Prajapathi. Later Daksha Prajapathi got 27+1 = 28 female children. 27 girls were married by Moon and 1 girl named Sati wedded to Lord Siva.
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Saturday, May 4, 2013
Om Namasivaya nama:
Today we spoke about the race of Viswamithra/Kausika Gothram and his birth and austerity to achieve title such as Rishi to Raja Rishi then Brahma Rishi. Kausika Gothram is one of the biggest Gothram in today's life spread across many Indian states. Importance of Nakshthra Gothra Rishi in marriage life.
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Today we spoke about the race of Viswamithra/Kausika Gothram and his birth and austerity to achieve title such as Rishi to Raja Rishi then Brahma Rishi. Kausika Gothram is one of the biggest Gothram in today's life spread across many Indian states. Importance of Nakshthra Gothra Rishi in marriage life.
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Saturday, April 27, 2013
Om Namasivaya nama:
By the grace of Divine Mother Parasakthi, today we talked about Gothram, the reason and DNA support of Gothram upto 7 races/clan. Also discussed the difference between Pravara Gothram and the origin of Gothram as per Jyothi Sasthram (Astrology). Given below the original gothra based on astrology. Every human must offer pure water to his/her Gothra Rishi everyday and to remember him too. This will enable us to realize our origin and clan head. Please note this based on first Saptha Rishis, also note that every Manvantharam Saptha Rishis pattern would change.
MARICHI RISHI = Aswathi, Pushyam, Swathi & Abhijith (a divine star between Uthrashadam and Thiruvonam - Start Lord Brahma)
VASISHTA = Bharani, Ayilyam, Visakham & Thiruvonam
ANGIRAS = Krithika, Makha, Anusham & Avittam
ATHRI = Rohini, Pooram, Ketta & Chathayam
PULASTHYAN = Makeeram, Uthram, Moolam & Poorottathi
PULAHAN = Thiruvathira, Hastham, Pooradam & Uthrattathi
KRUTHU = Punartham, Chithra, Uthradam & Revathy
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By the grace of Divine Mother Parasakthi, today we talked about Gothram, the reason and DNA support of Gothram upto 7 races/clan. Also discussed the difference between Pravara Gothram and the origin of Gothram as per Jyothi Sasthram (Astrology). Given below the original gothra based on astrology. Every human must offer pure water to his/her Gothra Rishi everyday and to remember him too. This will enable us to realize our origin and clan head. Please note this based on first Saptha Rishis, also note that every Manvantharam Saptha Rishis pattern would change.
MARICHI RISHI = Aswathi, Pushyam, Swathi & Abhijith (a divine star between Uthrashadam and Thiruvonam - Start Lord Brahma)
VASISHTA = Bharani, Ayilyam, Visakham & Thiruvonam
ANGIRAS = Krithika, Makha, Anusham & Avittam
ATHRI = Rohini, Pooram, Ketta & Chathayam
PULASTHYAN = Makeeram, Uthram, Moolam & Poorottathi
PULAHAN = Thiruvathira, Hastham, Pooradam & Uthrattathi
KRUTHU = Punartham, Chithra, Uthradam & Revathy
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Saturday, April 20, 2013
Om Namasivaya nama:
Today's topic was how to enlighten our knowledge in terms of spiritual practices.
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Today's topic was how to enlighten our knowledge in terms of spiritual practices.
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Saturday, April 13, 2013
Om Namasivaya nama:
Today we discussed the formation and importance of OM (the pranava manthram), types of Karma etc.
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Today we discussed the formation and importance of OM (the pranava manthram), types of Karma etc.
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Saturday, April 6, 2013
Om Namasivaya nama:
Today, we begin a new in road to spiritual knowledge. Soon we will start with on the popular topic, until such time i would like to talk about Sakthi Mahathmyam with lots of dharma thathwam.
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Today, we begin a new in road to spiritual knowledge. Soon we will start with on the popular topic, until such time i would like to talk about Sakthi Mahathmyam with lots of dharma thathwam.
Please click to down load and listen.
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