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R V Venkiteswaran (Venky)


Saturday, October 6, 2018


Om Namasivaya Nama:

Chapter 13 - Vibhudhi Visthara Marga Bhedha Samarasyam (Continued)
Naama Manthram:  533-988 (455 Mantras)

Vasinyadhi Vagdevis continued their praising of Sri Lalithambika. 

To see God in person, one must have those four important Vasanaas in him/her. If it is not by birth (due to Poorva Janma Vasanaas) then try to acquire and practice to develop such precious great qualities. Those 4 Vasanas are abundant in Parasakthi, therefore the devotee who pray divine mother will be bestowed with such qualities. They are Mythri, Karuna, Santhosha and Upeksha. 

At the time of Maha Pralayam (once in 311.04 Trillion Human Years), this is also happening in human life every day for about 3.1104 hours (Deepest Sleep...no idea about living or dead! out of recommended 8 hours of sleep a day) She alone awake at this time to compassionately watch, take care and protect the life (Aathma) of individuals. How can we knowingly ignore or forget to pray to show our gratitude towards the divine mother!. During the Pralaya season, everything in this Jagath (Those was born or created or derived from Para Brahman) will have to return back to its origin that includes even Gods except Sadhasivan who is nothing but our Aathma or Praanan or Jeevan itself as Chaithanya Swaroopan. All those Gods are in us and at the time of deepest sleep, all our activities (represented by different Gods viz 33 crores of Devas in the body travel through 72,000 nerve system as path) will have to cease and merge with Moola Prakruthi. She is Moola Prakruthi who alone stays to witness the Aathma (Siva) without any Karma or Deeds left out. In other words, the universe still exists but all the creations were withdrawn therefore barren or absolute nothingness exists.  

The biggest and the greatest Manthram in Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam is "Parasakthi". This Manthra is also considered as a Dhathu. There are 5 Sakshi Moolaka Dhathu and 4 Siva Moolaka Dhathu and the 10th one is Parasakthi without which nothing can be visualized or realized by any being in these 14 worlds. 

To understand the concept and how God works in this universe, one must possess "Nishta" that is absolute Adhvaitha Discipline. 

We communicate everything that is designed in the Mind by external mouth or through Karmendriyas. All of these arrived through 51 model alphabets sidhantham. Every life will communicate one way or the other basically to understand other's feelings or requirements and for that one need a primordial communication language that is called Mathruka Varnam. 

Eventually, every devotee can witness or realize that the Sadha Sivan is residing in the Mahaa Kailasasam which is far more superior than the Prakrutha Kailasam Holy Mountain. This place is denoted in Bindhu Roopam of Sri Meru or Sri Chakram. A model of the same is available in our own centre of Head. She accompanies this Sadha Sivan as Maha Ragni his indivisible consort. In other words, Life has respect only when it has a body irrespective of its Aavastha in any world!

Sadha Sivan himself is the teacher as well disciple to practice Aathma Vidhya, Maha Vidha & Sri Vidhya. The biggest secret topic they revealed to us due to their compassionate love on their Srushti/Creation. 

Aathma Vidhya = Hamsa Soham (Aathma itself is Brahman or Aathma none other than Brahman itself).
Maha Vidhya = Soham Hamsa (Brahman itself is Aathma or Brahman none other than Aathma itself).
Sri Vidhya = Combination of both Aathma and Maha Vidhya is Sri Vidhya. 

To understand the secret worship of Sri Vidhya, Vag-Devis and Vedas recommending Four (4) practice known as:
1) Yagna Vidhya (Knowledge to do Yagnam - all types of Yagnas mainly Five) 
2) Maha Vidhya (Knowledge for realizing Aathma)
3) Ghuhya Vidhya* (Knowledge of Secret Worship, especially for Sri Vidhya Practice)
4) Sri Vidhya (Knowledge to understand Aathma and Paramathma both are same)

* A true/genuine Sri Devi Upasika will never ever tell anyone that He/She is a Devi Upasaka. They propagate Vaishnava Leela outside and worship Sri Adi Parasakthi inside. This is also called secret worship. Because looking within you makes you greatest power (Para Sakthi) whereas looking outside will project you, good person or protector. Please note Parasakthi itself Maha Vishnu and vice versa. 

To be continued...


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