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R V Venkiteswaran (Venky)


Saturday, December 29, 2018


Om Namasivaya Nama:

Chapter 13 - Vibhudhi Visthara Marga Bhedha Samarasyam (Continued)
Naama Manthram:  533-988 (455 Mantras)

Vasinyaadhi Vaagdevis said! Those who receive the grace of the divine mother, even the least lucky person's luck would gradually grow as he/she completes more and more chanting of Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam. This supersedes even the Vedas because Vedas will work or provide results only when you chant as prescribed by Vyakarana and Chhandhass Sasthras. Whereas chanting of Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam does not require any phonetical rules and regulations to be followed. Moreover, in the long run, all sort of sickness also get disappeared from the body. 

Her power to create, sustain or withdraw is unexplainable. She can withdraw this universe as if having a ball of rice. The entire universe is waiting for Her order to implement. Moola Prakruthi, the Nature Mother is born first and thereafter all creations were created. To save Her creations, She had to undergo severe penance so that Her companion/consort Lord Siva would agree with Her to implement everything as per their Maya Plans. She accepted the name given by Her devotees as Chamundi after eradicating Chanda and Munda demons who were a constant troublemaker for innocent devotees and good people. 

Those who worship Her with Holy Names (Akshara as) will be blessed for a better life and at the right time, they would get the opportunity to merge with Her. The ideal way of knowing Her within our body is to follow the Praana Vaayu Sancharam from Mooladhara through Aagnaa Chakram. The Praana Vaayu begin its journey from censor point Amritha Devi (A) to the last censor point Kshamavathy (Ksha) in Aagna Chakram. Once you act on this inner awakening exercise the entire Universe and its Creator would be on you!


To be continued...  

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Saturday, December 22, 2018


Om Namasivaya Nama:

Chapter 13 - Vibhudhi Visthara Marga Bhedha Samarasyam (Continued)
Naama Manthram:  533-988 (455 Mantras)

Vasinyaadhi Vaagdevis praising Sri Lalilthambika that She is the ultimate end and those who chant Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam devotedly and embrace Her through Manasa-Vacha-Karmana, they will finally attain the Moksha Padham. 

Mithya means impermanent/changeable. Jagath means the life energy get into a body and leave the body once it decides. Likewise the entire Universe itself in a platform of Change! (Forming as well Dissolving). Except Her nothing is permanent, everything changes its size, position, colour, name, character etc.. that is why it is called Jagath (Ja = means birth, Gath = Ultimate end or death). Only when Jeeva starts realizing that it is nothing but Aathma itself, then enjoys the Aathmanandham, why because Aathma is full of Anandham only. Jeeva has good and bad, happiness and sorrow whereas the Aathma is full of Joy alone. 

Humans have 4 stages of Anthakarana Anubhoothi (Invisible subtle inner experiences) i.e. understanding or realizing its functions of Mana, Bhudhi, Chitha & Ahamkara. In this context, She like all Her children to enjoy the beauty of Chitha Avastha (State). Only during the Chitha Sudhi process, the ultimate realization of Ahamkara is achieved known as Mokha or Layam (Dissolved into the Supreme being). She likes Laya Aavastha (like every mother is very happy when their children go to sleep after all the naughty plays are over. Until the child gets up next day morning and smile at Mother, the child is in dissolution mode). This mundane activity is the reminder or small level experience for the living beings so that they can prepare themselves for the long sleep and longer time dissolution. In the Music world, performance will be perfect only when the Thala, Nruthya, Geetham and Sruthi are equal and match with Sruthi. Likewise, our Anthakaranas must align each other to realize Ahamkara (Mana-Bhudhi-Chitha-Ahamkara).

When Her children (Creatures) gets into sorrows and trouble in life (quite often it happens without any exceptions) She bestows Her grace like a fan during the hot season. Moreover, in the forest, often wildfire takes place and plants get destroyed, but with a chill rain, all lost plants would get back their life. Likewise, even Her children fall back due to ignorance or illusionary effects, She still tries and gives chances to overcome this Maya being Divine Mother.    

She will ensure and turn around the unlucky person to be the luckiest. Here the Dhaubhagyam (Unluck) means Prarabdha Karma. All these unfortunates things to change as fortunate, devotees must try to be as close as possible with Divine Mother and seek her grace.

To be continued...


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Friday, December 14, 2018


Om Namasivaya Nama:

Chapter 13 - Vibhudhi Visthara Marga Bhedha Samarasyam (Continued)
Naama Manthram:  533-988 (455 Mantras)

Vaag Devis said, that our divine mother is revealed herself as a part and parcel of Brahman itself to all her true devotees. Though the Nirguna Brahman has no qualities yet our great Saints identified three qualities to know a little bit about Saguna Brahman. They are known as Sath, Chith and Aanandha. Chith is nothing but the Sakthi (Force) that prompt the Bhudhi (Brain) to follow a thing where the light ends and stay on it. In other words, the Bhudhi remain constant and fixed in one object is called Chitha. She kept the Sath, Chith and Ananda elements in our life energy (Jeeva/Soul/Aathma) so that the Sadhaka (Seeker) can kindle and further develop to realize it during the course of Sadhana. There is no easy route to understand this process except rigorous Sadhana (efforts). May God Bless!

Kala (Chaithanya Amsam / Portion of Divine Energy) is having 16 stages/portions. It can have multiple approach to understand it. I would like to give 2 important way of understanding this secret.

Approach one: a) Sath, Chitha Ananda (3 Qualities of Brahman), b) Brahma, Vishnu, Rudra, Saraswathi, Lakshmi, Durga (6 Shad Sakthis), c) Brahmana, Kshathriya, Vaisya, Soodra (4 Chathurasramam), d) Deva, Asura, Manusha (3 Thri Ganaas) = 16 Energies.

Approach two: 12 parts of the human body plus 1 right side, 1 left side, 1 top side, 1 bottom side = 16 Energies. When a human stand or walk all these 16 energies are following us, in fact because of these energies Human is able to move.

A Saadhak must enhance the good qualities of these elements and make his Jeeva/Aathma shine like a brilliant Sun. According to Sasthras, only Lord Siva has achieved all these qualities to the highest level, therefore, He is known as Kaladharan.

She gets happiness when She hear the chanting of Her true devotees. Naama Parayanam is a formula based chanting. One Naama Parayan equals (1 Akara Sabdam and 35 Kakara Sabdam = 36 Mamsaksharams). Each Aksharam has 16 Swaras, therefore one Moola Manthravruthi makes 36x16 = 576 x 36 = 20,736. This is known as Naama Parayanam or Shad Parayanam. However, without any such formalities and complications, just by chanting Sri Lalitha Sahasranaamam one gets the full benefits of it, because the minute when you say Naama Prayana Preetha...She bless the devotee. 


To be continued...

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Friday, December 7, 2018


Om Namasivaya Nama:

Chapter 13 - Vibhudhi Visthara Marga Bhedha Samarasyam (Continued)
Naama Manthram:  533-988 (455 Mantras)

Vasinyaadi Vag Devis further explained to the creation that She is beyond all Indriyas and the source for creating MAYA (MA means End and YA means Beginning). She is up above all, therefore, no beginning nor ends for Her. Trying to know Her through words is just a waste of time, why because She created the Maya effects and through Maya She control Her creations including Gods and Goddess.

To know a little bit about Maya that "creating misunderstanding about an object is the main goal of Maya". For example, a belief will be created within the human brains about an object that "It does not exist but we feel it is very much there" and when it is very much there but we will feel that it does not exist" in other words, a real thing will look like unreal and vice versa.

Generally, most of the Samsaris (family people) will be hooked on to this Maya Bandhan, therefore, it is highly recommended for them to worship Her. The worship is meant for rescuing from the Maya Bandhan and show a clear picture of the truth.

She is the mother of Lord Ganapathy as well all Ganas of the Universe. We all know, the entire material world is nothing but Ganas (Particles). One must worship Her in solitude to realize Her existence within our heart of deep silence. To teach this worship techniques She created innumerable Gurus, Messengers, Great Devotees etc and She loves them because they are helping the ignorant people to come out of ignorance.

A Jeeva (Soul/Aathma) is not really having freedom. If it is in the body it is under the influence of Maya and Passions, if it leaves body then wandering around in the atmosphere to get a body to fulfil its desires. Unless the entire Vaasanaas and all types Karma Deeds evaporate from our account, it will not enjoy the Freedom (Swathanthra). The Jeeva has three main objectives to achieve that is why it is entering into a mortal body viz. Aadharam (Seating), Anandham (Enjoyment) and Akhanda Bodham (Becoming Sivam). Now everyone must do their own homework to find out in which stage Am I?. In Saiva Sidhantham of Tamil version says "Pathi-Pasu-Paasam" (Paramathma-Jeevathma-Bandhan). To teach these secrets She became Lord Dakshinamoorthy who face South direction and shows Chin-Mudra (Symbol of Sathyam Eva, that is Truth is One i.e. Jeevathma must unite with Paramathma). When He faces South direction (Nothing is applicable to Siva = Na Sivaya) we will face North direction while looking at him. The secret truth is that we need to travel towards North (His Aboard) not South (Which is Hell and Low level), that is why when someone dies we keep their head in South and legs facing North. The Jeeva who left the body must ascend towards North (Scientifically the pulling will be towards North instead of other quarters, the north has more stability and firmness like ice, see the technology behind Compass).

One of the topmost creation of Brahma were Sanaka-Sanandha-Sanathana-Sanathkumara Rishis. These Celibates become the first disciples of Sri Dakshinamoorthy. This relationship of Guru and Sishyas taught a lesson to the entire universe that Jeevas four stages (Jagrath-Swapna-Sushuptha-Thurya) represented by these four Rishis and Thuryaa-theetha state of Paramathma, who is Dakshinamoorthy to be united forever! This is the real "Siva-Ghnaanam". Hereafter She created the Guru Parampara (Guru Clan System), in Bharata Khandam (India) and spread the message to all humankind. We have 10 Guru Parampara Sampradhayam (Universities) in Bharat.

To be continued...


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Saturday, December 1, 2018


Om Namasivaya Nama:

Chapter 13 - Vibhudhi Visthara Marga Bhedha Samarasyam (Continued)
Naama Manthram:  533-988 (455 Mantras)

Now Vasinyadi Devis telling us that Divine Mother is very happy to bestow any amount of boons or grace to devotees based on their eligibility. Why God is looking to eligibility is because God's grace is rare and it should be respected and nurtured in an appropriate way, many demons received God's grace but most of them misused and ended up with destruction! (Though they are the demon, yet Gods gave them lots of boons even more than Divine could get!; this shows, being a Divine Mother/Father, they don't discriminate between good and bad devotees).

Lord Siva is Jeeva (Life Energy/Aathma/Soul) and the King of Kings. "Rajya" represent our own human body more than a place or the country. The Jeeva comfortably moving around in our body means in Parasakthi Element the Life Energy Siva is roaming. Once a devotee gets divine mother's blessings what could stand as boundaries...!

Since She is the owner of Pancha Kosa (Five Subtle Sheaths) viz Annamaya, Pranamaya, Manomaya, Vignaanamaya & Anandhamaya and She uses the subtle Chathuranga Sena (4 types of Army) known as Dharma, Artha, Kama & Moksha as well as Manas, Bhudhi, Chitha and Ahamkaram to protect Aathma. Another approach to this is the life stages of humans known as Baalyam, Kaumaram, Youvanam and Vardhakhya. In practical life, a king is usually surrounded and protected by these 4 Senas known as Elephants, Horses, Soldiers and Chariots, likewise, the Jeeva residing inside the 5 Sheats are supported by these Senas. Only by winning these Senas one can reach Aathma who is none other than Siva (Sivoham-Sivoham-Sivoham).

She is also known as Dhikshitha (the one who removes all sins from a person and convert him to be a true devotee or disciple by giving Manthopadesam). She gives opportunities to all beings to enjoy and learn the truth from Dharma, Artha, Kama & Moksha so that the purpose of life is fulfilled. Everything has a limit and the devotee must travel through the path of these 4 steps to realize ultimate truth known as "Sachidhanadham". Whether he/she is a good or bad person, everyone will get an opportunity to enjoy and learn from these steps in different degrees. Unfortunately, due to the influence of Kali, people excersice their privileges as below. {Please refer Kali Yuga in this context to make this statement meaningful because all these are needed in Kali Yuga more than other Yugas}.

Dharma = 25% people follow or respect or access or known
Artha = 99.99% people follow or respect or access or known
Kaama = 99.99% people follow or respect or access or known
Moksha = 5% people follow or respect or access or known

One must be really lucky enough to get Manthropadesam from a Dikshithar or Maha Purushas to practice certain types of Upasanas. Upon achieving Sakshthkara (Realization) through Sadhana (Practice) finally his/her Aathma will ascend to Savithru Mandalam and become God itself. Thereafter "Nothingness" will remain.  For such personalities, no boundaries, caste, creed, pride, religions, colours, local customs, race, rules and regulations etc will apply. "That" attracts everyone and bound to no one. This stage is called "Independent" or Swathanthra.

Thereafrer, She emerges as Goddess Saraswathy (Continues flow of knowledge & creator of scriptures) to teach and set the path as to how to realize Pra Brahman! (The one and the only absolute truth) through the form of Sasthras (Scriptures) and also headed by various forms of Gurus. Knowing the existence of Brahman is the biggest secret in this universe.  She rejects all narrow and shortcuts to understand this truth, sheer Tapas (Penance) can take the person to enjoy that Anandham (Ultimate Ecstacy). The body always needs Jeeva (life energy) likewise Jeeva always need Body, both are complimenting each other and inter related. Both are unreal unless they are joined together that is the meaning of Sadhasiva Pativrata. She (Body) will never stay out of He (Jeeva) i.e. Sakthi is inactive without Siva and likewise!

To be continued...


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