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R V Venkiteswaran (Venky)
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Saturday, December 22, 2018
Om Namasivaya Nama:
Chapter 13 - Vibhudhi Visthara Marga Bhedha Samarasyam (Continued)
Naama Manthram: 533-988 (455 Mantras)
Vasinyaadhi Vaagdevis praising Sri Lalilthambika that She is the ultimate end and those who chant Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam devotedly and embrace Her through Manasa-Vacha-Karmana, they will finally attain the Moksha Padham.
Mithya means impermanent/changeable. Jagath means the life energy get into a body and leave the body once it decides. Likewise the entire Universe itself in a platform of Change! (Forming as well Dissolving). Except Her nothing is permanent, everything changes its size, position, colour, name, character etc.. that is why it is called Jagath (Ja = means birth, Gath = Ultimate end or death). Only when Jeeva starts realizing that it is nothing but Aathma itself, then enjoys the Aathmanandham, why because Aathma is full of Anandham only. Jeeva has good and bad, happiness and sorrow whereas the Aathma is full of Joy alone.
Humans have 4 stages of Anthakarana Anubhoothi (Invisible subtle inner experiences) i.e. understanding or realizing its functions of Mana, Bhudhi, Chitha & Ahamkara. In this context, She like all Her children to enjoy the beauty of Chitha Avastha (State). Only during the Chitha Sudhi process, the ultimate realization of Ahamkara is achieved known as Mokha or Layam (Dissolved into the Supreme being). She likes Laya Aavastha (like every mother is very happy when their children go to sleep after all the naughty plays are over. Until the child gets up next day morning and smile at Mother, the child is in dissolution mode). This mundane activity is the reminder or small level experience for the living beings so that they can prepare themselves for the long sleep and longer time dissolution. In the Music world, performance will be perfect only when the Thala, Nruthya, Geetham and Sruthi are equal and match with Sruthi. Likewise, our Anthakaranas must align each other to realize Ahamkara (Mana-Bhudhi-Chitha-Ahamkara).
When Her children (Creatures) gets into sorrows and trouble in life (quite often it happens without any exceptions) She bestows Her grace like a fan during the hot season. Moreover, in the forest, often wildfire takes place and plants get destroyed, but with a chill rain, all lost plants would get back their life. Likewise, even Her children fall back due to ignorance or illusionary effects, She still tries and gives chances to overcome this Maya being Divine Mother.
She will ensure and turn around the unlucky person to be the luckiest. Here the Dhaubhagyam (Unluck) means Prarabdha Karma. All these unfortunates things to change as fortunate, devotees must try to be as close as possible with Divine Mother and seek her grace.
To be continued...
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