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R V Venkiteswaran (Venky)
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Saturday, December 1, 2018
Om Namasivaya Nama:
Chapter 13 - Vibhudhi Visthara Marga Bhedha Samarasyam (Continued)
Naama Manthram: 533-988 (455 Mantras)
Now Vasinyadi Devis telling us that Divine Mother is very happy to bestow any amount of boons or grace to devotees based on their eligibility. Why God is looking to eligibility is because God's grace is rare and it should be respected and nurtured in an appropriate way, many demons received God's grace but most of them misused and ended up with destruction! (Though they are the demon, yet Gods gave them lots of boons even more than Divine could get!; this shows, being a Divine Mother/Father, they don't discriminate between good and bad devotees).
Lord Siva is Jeeva (Life Energy/Aathma/Soul) and the King of Kings. "Rajya" represent our own human body more than a place or the country. The Jeeva comfortably moving around in our body means in Parasakthi Element the Life Energy Siva is roaming. Once a devotee gets divine mother's blessings what could stand as boundaries...!
Since She is the owner of Pancha Kosa (Five Subtle Sheaths) viz Annamaya, Pranamaya, Manomaya, Vignaanamaya & Anandhamaya and She uses the subtle Chathuranga Sena (4 types of Army) known as Dharma, Artha, Kama & Moksha as well as Manas, Bhudhi, Chitha and Ahamkaram to protect Aathma. Another approach to this is the life stages of humans known as Baalyam, Kaumaram, Youvanam and Vardhakhya. In practical life, a king is usually surrounded and protected by these 4 Senas known as Elephants, Horses, Soldiers and Chariots, likewise, the Jeeva residing inside the 5 Sheats are supported by these Senas. Only by winning these Senas one can reach Aathma who is none other than Siva (Sivoham-Sivoham-Sivoham).
She is also known as Dhikshitha (the one who removes all sins from a person and convert him to be a true devotee or disciple by giving Manthopadesam). She gives opportunities to all beings to enjoy and learn the truth from Dharma, Artha, Kama & Moksha so that the purpose of life is fulfilled. Everything has a limit and the devotee must travel through the path of these 4 steps to realize ultimate truth known as "Sachidhanadham". Whether he/she is a good or bad person, everyone will get an opportunity to enjoy and learn from these steps in different degrees. Unfortunately, due to the influence of Kali, people excersice their privileges as below. {Please refer Kali Yuga in this context to make this statement meaningful because all these are needed in Kali Yuga more than other Yugas}.
Dharma = 25% people follow or respect or access or known
Artha = 99.99% people follow or respect or access or known
Kaama = 99.99% people follow or respect or access or known
Moksha = 5% people follow or respect or access or known
One must be really lucky enough to get Manthropadesam from a Dikshithar or Maha Purushas to practice certain types of Upasanas. Upon achieving Sakshthkara (Realization) through Sadhana (Practice) finally his/her Aathma will ascend to Savithru Mandalam and become God itself. Thereafter "Nothingness" will remain. For such personalities, no boundaries, caste, creed, pride, religions, colours, local customs, race, rules and regulations etc will apply. "That" attracts everyone and bound to no one. This stage is called "Independent" or Swathanthra.
Thereafrer, She emerges as Goddess Saraswathy (Continues flow of knowledge & creator of scriptures) to teach and set the path as to how to realize Pra Brahman! (The one and the only absolute truth) through the form of Sasthras (Scriptures) and also headed by various forms of Gurus. Knowing the existence of Brahman is the biggest secret in this universe. She rejects all narrow and shortcuts to understand this truth, sheer Tapas (Penance) can take the person to enjoy that Anandham (Ultimate Ecstacy). The body always needs Jeeva (life energy) likewise Jeeva always need Body, both are complimenting each other and inter related. Both are unreal unless they are joined together that is the meaning of Sadhasiva Pativrata. She (Body) will never stay out of He (Jeeva) i.e. Sakthi is inactive without Siva and likewise!
To be continued...
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