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R V Venkiteswaran (Venky)
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Friday, December 7, 2018
Om Namasivaya Nama:
Chapter 13 - Vibhudhi Visthara Marga Bhedha Samarasyam (Continued)
Naama Manthram: 533-988 (455 Mantras)
Vasinyaadi Vag Devis further explained to the creation that She is beyond all Indriyas and the source for creating MAYA (MA means End and YA means Beginning). She is up above all, therefore, no beginning nor ends for Her. Trying to know Her through words is just a waste of time, why because She created the Maya effects and through Maya She control Her creations including Gods and Goddess.
To know a little bit about Maya that "creating misunderstanding about an object is the main goal of Maya". For example, a belief will be created within the human brains about an object that "It does not exist but we feel it is very much there" and when it is very much there but we will feel that it does not exist" in other words, a real thing will look like unreal and vice versa.
Generally, most of the Samsaris (family people) will be hooked on to this Maya Bandhan, therefore, it is highly recommended for them to worship Her. The worship is meant for rescuing from the Maya Bandhan and show a clear picture of the truth.
She is the mother of Lord Ganapathy as well all Ganas of the Universe. We all know, the entire material world is nothing but Ganas (Particles). One must worship Her in solitude to realize Her existence within our heart of deep silence. To teach this worship techniques She created innumerable Gurus, Messengers, Great Devotees etc and She loves them because they are helping the ignorant people to come out of ignorance.
A Jeeva (Soul/Aathma) is not really having freedom. If it is in the body it is under the influence of Maya and Passions, if it leaves body then wandering around in the atmosphere to get a body to fulfil its desires. Unless the entire Vaasanaas and all types Karma Deeds evaporate from our account, it will not enjoy the Freedom (Swathanthra). The Jeeva has three main objectives to achieve that is why it is entering into a mortal body viz. Aadharam (Seating), Anandham (Enjoyment) and Akhanda Bodham (Becoming Sivam). Now everyone must do their own homework to find out in which stage Am I?. In Saiva Sidhantham of Tamil version says "Pathi-Pasu-Paasam" (Paramathma-Jeevathma-Bandhan). To teach these secrets She became Lord Dakshinamoorthy who face South direction and shows Chin-Mudra (Symbol of Sathyam Eva, that is Truth is One i.e. Jeevathma must unite with Paramathma). When He faces South direction (Nothing is applicable to Siva = Na Sivaya) we will face North direction while looking at him. The secret truth is that we need to travel towards North (His Aboard) not South (Which is Hell and Low level), that is why when someone dies we keep their head in South and legs facing North. The Jeeva who left the body must ascend towards North (Scientifically the pulling will be towards North instead of other quarters, the north has more stability and firmness like ice, see the technology behind Compass).
One of the topmost creation of Brahma were Sanaka-Sanandha-Sanathana-Sanathkumara Rishis. These Celibates become the first disciples of Sri Dakshinamoorthy. This relationship of Guru and Sishyas taught a lesson to the entire universe that Jeevas four stages (Jagrath-Swapna-Sushuptha-Thurya) represented by these four Rishis and Thuryaa-theetha state of Paramathma, who is Dakshinamoorthy to be united forever! This is the real "Siva-Ghnaanam". Hereafter She created the Guru Parampara (Guru Clan System), in Bharata Khandam (India) and spread the message to all humankind. We have 10 Guru Parampara Sampradhayam (Universities) in Bharat.
To be continued...
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