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R V Venkiteswaran (Venky)


Saturday, December 28, 2019


Om Namasivaya Nama:

Narada Bakthi Suthram - Chapter 03 - BakthisAdhanAni:

Sutram 34:

ThasyAha SAdhanAni GAyandhyAchAryAha!

ThasyAha = Therefore, that Parabakthi, SAdhanAni = various types of devotional practices, AcharyAha = Teachers/Masters, GAyanthi = Recommended or propagated.

Meaning: To achieve Parabakthi, teachers are recommending various types of devotional practices in the Sastras itself. Sadhanas are very important and unavoidable to realize the Parabakthi hidden in us. This is being Bakthi Sutram, more importance is given as a guide to purifying our mind and sensual weakness since that is our inherited properties in us. Only through innocent deep devotion in God alone can nullify our ignorance and sensual weakness.

Deva Rishi again emphasising that Aparabakthi is the best remedy for gaining Parabakthi. Bakthi Sadhana is fundamentally divided into two parts viz. “Sadhakam or Sadhakan and Bhadhakam or Bhadhakan (Practice and Reward). Narada Rishi is considering only those teachers learnings who have realized the truth. As we know Acharyan means a person who practised and achieved the object or realized.

According to Sanathkumars’ for the prosperous life, the aspirant (devotee) must give up or renounce all AnAthmavasthus (material properties) and keep a strong relationship with Aathma (Soul) who is nirguna and nirupadhi (formless and non-attributable absolute!). Through Badhaka-Sadhaka-Sadhana, the aspirant will become the eligible candidate for God’s compassionate grace.

Sutram 35:

Thath Thu VishayathyaghAth SangathyaghAth Cha!

Thath Thu = That Parabakthi is achieved, VishyathyaghAth = By sacrificing or renouncing sensual pleasures, SanghathyaghAth Cha = By sacrificing or renouncing company.

Meaning: That Paramaprema (innocent devotion) is achievable only by sacrificing sensual pleasures and attachments. During the initial stage of Sadhana, the aspirant must stay away from anything that will prompt sensual thrust. Though it is difficult to renounce pleasure-giving activities yet one should know that such activities are untrue and it won't support the ultimate goal of Parabakthi. 

To be continued...

To listen to the full discourse you may please watch from the link.


Saturday, December 21, 2019


Om Namasivaya Nama:

Narada Bakthi Suthram -  Chapter 02 - Para Bhathi Mahathwam:

Sutram 29:


AnyonyAsrayathwam = Mutual dependence, Ithi-Anye = Opinion of other scholars.

Meaning: All Upasanas, especially Ghnaana and Kriya are supplementing Bakthi Upasana. Without knowledge, there cannot be any desire (Ichha) that promote Kriya Yoga. Unless one realizes Ghnaana through Kriya Yogam that Ghnaana will have no fruits.

Lord Krisha said to Udhava that you must know me first through knowledge (Ghnaanam) and then practice Vignaana along with Ghnaanam, this is the best practice. All Rishis (Saints) who earned Sastra Ghnaan and realized me. Those realized souls came to the conclusion that Anthakaranaas (Manas-Budhi-Chitham-Ahamkaram) are indivisible for the practice of Ghnaana -Kriya-Bakthi Yogam, in fact, they supplement each other to gain the ultimate "Para-Bakthi".  

Sutram 30:

Swayam Phalaroopathethi Brahmakumara:!

Swayam Phalaroopatha Ithi = Bakthi is its own fruit, Brahmakumara: = According to Sage Narada.

Meaning: According to Sage Narada, the rewards for the practice of Bakthi is itself. Since Bakthi is so precious, therefore, if one can get Bakthi there is nothing he/she needs to be achieved in life. Bakthi itself can get a person Mokham. Bakthi is also a "Swayam Prakasam" (self illuminates in every being). According to God, when a person leads his/her life without any material desires or dependance will eventually get the cream of Bakthi in me.    

Paramabakthi is permanent, joyful and self-sustained in every being. Everyone must work hard to realise this truth. 

Sutram 31:

Raja-Gruha-Bhojanadishu Thadhaiva DrushtathwAth:!

Raja-Gruha-Bhojanadishu = King, Home and Eating Food, Thadhaiva = and the like, as it is, DrushtathwAth = Seen.

Meaning: The effect of Prama Prema (innocent devotion) is not because of efforts, it is in us by nature, just like quoting an example of King, Home and Food. When the Prince got back to his kingdom, when the person returned to his own home after an interval and when hunger gets his food, all of them enjoyed the end results not because they were not having the fundamental base, it is already in them only the circumstances created the atmosphere. When hindrances go off one will enjoy the real happiness in them because Joy is the fundamental character of the Soul (Aathma), it is getting hindered only because of falls ego.

When the Jeevan (Soul) hears glories of God while it is in the body, those holy names enter through ears and reaches to the heart where God is living and make him realize the existence of Absolute Truth - Para Brahman. 

Sutram 32:

Na Thena Raja Parithosha: KshuchhandhirvA!

Thena = Therefore, Raja = King, Parithosha: = Happiness, Kshuchhandhi = Quenching hunger, Na = Not seen.

Meaning: King did not become King just because he came to know about it, he was King even before this knowledge reached to him likewise others. In other words, the fundamental elements (Bakti) already exist in us however due to circumstance we deviate from that and get confused. Therefore with these three examples, Sage Narada established the principle that "Parama Prema Roopa Bakthi is not a reward of any sadhana, however, it is in us naturally since it is full of joy and ever permanent element" in this Universe.

Sutram 33:

ThasmAth Saiva GrAhyA Mumukshubhi:!

ThasmAth = Therefore, Saiva = That Parabakthi, GrAhyA = Acceptable, Mumukshubhi: = Those realized souls.

Meaning: Therefore, Parabakthi is the best method to be adopted for those who are seeking liberation from transmigration. Parabakthi itself the Paramapadham (the world of liberation). 

===== Second Chapther Over =====

Sivoham... to be continued...

You may hear the full discourse from the link:

Monday, December 16, 2019


Om Namasivaya nama:

On behalf of Parasakthi Family, I am pleased to share with you our (Sri Lalitha Sahasranama Satsang) Char Dham Trip Video for your viewing pleasure

Let us pray to God for another big one like this in the near future.

Please click the link to download/view the file.



Saturday, December 14, 2019


Om Namasivaya Nama:

Narada Bakthi Suthram -  Chapter 02 - Para Bhathi Mahathwam:

Sutram 25:

SA Thu Karma-GhnAna-YOgebhyO-ApyadhikatharA!

SA Thu  = Such type of Para Bakthi, Karma-GhnAna-YOgebhya = Better than Karma, GhnAna, Yoga sadhanAs, AdhikatharA = Superior.

Meaning: Para Bakthi is much more superior to all other important types of worships (SadhanAs). Because is harmless to practice and fewer efforts are needed to realize God compare to other practices. 

Lord Sri Krishna said to his close devotee and minister Udhava that there are plenty of options available for aspirants to reach me, however,  nothing is so easy to attract me other than Bakthi Upasana. Some of the other types are Yoga, Sankhya, Dharmic Sadhana, Sadhwayam, Thapass, ThyAg etc also can be practised to reach me but only innocent devotion alone makes the devotee very pure. Without Bakthi even if one has the possession of Dharma, Sathya-sElam, Dhaya, Vidhya and Thapass it can't make the devotee purest.

Sutram 26:


PhalaroopathAwath  = It is the highest reward for realizing God.

Meaning: Bakthi is the ultimate approach in spiritual practices because it is the Rewards given by God. The goal is most important than the approach to achieve the task. Bakthi is also the experience of NithyAnand (Everlasting joy). Praise the glories of God and get rewarded the benefits of doing all Sadhanaas of the spiritual world. In other words, Bakthi is the nature of the fruits of all other spiritual practices.

Sutram 27:

EaswarasyApi AbhimAna-dhweshithwAth DhainyapriyathwAth Cha!  

EaswarasyApi  = Even to God, AbhimAna-dhweshithwAth = Hates egotism, Cha = And,  DhainyapriyathwAth = Loves humility.

Meaning: Though God does not discriminate people, yet he loves those who practice Para Bakthi and shows anger to who behave with egotism. It is difficult to practice all other spiritual practices without self-efforts and those who put self-efforts in achieving something will eventually fall into the pit of Ego because it is self depended. Only a true devotee can realize that God lives in his/her heart. Anything that is part of one's own body he/she became the owner of that object, with this approach the devotee consumes the power of God in him/her and enjoy everlasting God-hood. Moreover, only through Bakthi sadhana one can do Aatma Samarpanam, whereas all other practices needed or dependent of self-ego and self-efforts.

Unless one completely eradicate the Ego, it is not possible to achieve God's grace and compassion. For a devotee, getting God's grace and compassion is ultimate and even greater than ascending to paradise! 

Sutram 28:

ThasyAha GhnAnameva SAdhanamithyeke!  

ThasyAha = For the pure devotion/Para Bakthi, GhnAnameva = Knowledge alone, SAdhanamithyeke = The only option available for the devotee.

Meaning: Some scholars are opinions that Ghyaan (true Knowledge) alone is the only option for the aspirant to realize God. Yes, maybe true in Vedanthik practices whereas, in the Bakthi Practice it has less importance because Bakthi is the easiest and more secure approach in the realization of God. 

As we know Easwara and God are bit different. Easwara is Nirguna Prabrahman whereas Bhagawan/God is Saguna brahman who is derived from Nirguna Parabrahman itself, hence both of them have no difference in reality except in the deep subtle form. Therefore, the opinion of some AcharyAs could be correct but not an easy approach to all. On another occasion, God himself revealed to Udhava that what one can achieve (Sidhi) through the practice of GhnAna cannot be achieved through pilgrimage (Theerthadan), chanting (Japa), charity (DhAn) and other good conducts (Pavithra KarmAs).  

Therefore, the argument of GhAna alone is the best practice have no supremacy over Bakthi because God loves Bakthi than other approaches in reaching him.

Sivoham...To be continued...

You may listen to full discourse from the link.


Saturday, December 7, 2019


Om Namasivaya Nama:

Narada Bakthi Suthram -  Chapter 01 - Para Bhathi Swaroopam:

Sutram 20:


Asthyevamevam  = Such types of examples exist to know the Bakthi Yogam. Especially those Pooja, Kadha Sravanam, Aathma Dhyanam and Total surrendering to personal God.

To enrich the Bakthi in a person, one should adopt and follow these super divine qualities such as Swadharmanushtanam along with Sradha, Himsa-Mukta Pooja (Not to harm any being on account of doing Pooja), Touching and seeing the God in his/her various forms, Seeing God's presence in every being, be brave, determination, Respecting elders and devotees, Showing compassion towards poor and needy, Friendship with other devotees, strictly and slowly detach from sensual pleasure-giving activities, Practicing meditation, chanting God's glories, Showing interest in learning about the true knowledge, having wise people company, Self-less and Ego free lifestyle can easily take the aspirant's soul to God.

The best example sighted by Sage Narada was Vrindavan Gopis who could reach God even without having the knowledge of Vedas, Sastras, proper Guru or even Thapass (Penance). The medium they followed was sheer innocent Bakthi. Wow! what an easy formula to realize God within and outside. 

Sutram 21:

Yadha Vraja GopikAnAm!  

Yadha = How and whichever way, Vraja = Residents of Vrindavan / Gokulam, GopikAnAm = Gopis.

Meaning: Sage Narada considered the Vraja Gopis are the apt example for the Para Bakthi because they gave up everything for the sake of Sri Krishna and did total surrendering to him. They are the embodiment of "Sheer Innocent Bakthi".

Udhava says that he salutes wholeheartedly the Charanaas (feet of) Vraja Gopis because they are so pure and unmatchable devotion towards Lord Krishna). 

Sutram 22:

ThathrApi Na MAhAthmya GhnAna-Vismruthyapa-VAdha:!

ThathrApi = Even there, Mahathmyaghn, MAhAthmya GhnAna-Vismruthyapa-VAdha: = Can't say there is a blemish for sighting Gopis as the best example since they approached Sri Krishna without the recognition of divine glory.

Meaning: Some may ask is it wise to refer Gopis are the right example for Para Bakthi? Did not they approach Krishna to quench their sensual pleasure? In fact, this question was raised by Parikshith Maharaja himself who is considered to be one of the supreme devotees of Lord Vishnu.

According to Sage Narada, even if they approached Krishna in that manner, still they would achieve liberation (Moksha). An example is referred here is that whether knowingly or unknowingly if you touch the fire won't it burn your skin? likewise, whichever medium it is, as long as once a person established his relationship with God, eventually, his/her final destination is the abode of God only. Moreover, Narada explained to re-confirm that though they initially, may be attracted by Krishna's charming nature, but after knowing him in deep, they lost their sensual mindset and got converted to the pure ocean of divine consciousness. This is the reality even in today's life. 

In the end, Gopis made only one request to Krishna that please give us a seat in your lotus feet not his full body or heart where his permanent companion Sri Maha Lakshmi (Rukmini) resides. 

Sutram 23:

Thadh VihEnam JArAnAmiva!

Thadh = That extraordinary divineness, VihEnam = without, JArAnAmiva = The love shown to adultereres.

Meaning: If that divineness was laking in them, then they would have shown the love of a Kulada (Prostitute) showing her untrue love and affection towards her temporary sexual partner (Adulterers). Whereas the divine love of Gopis and permanent nature of their affection shown to Krishna indicating that their love for Krishna was even more than their life itself. 

Sutram 24:

NAsthyeva Thasmin Thath Sukha Sukhithvam!

NAsthyeva = Never, Thasmin = In that, Thath Sukha Sukhithvam = Happiness in others joy.

Meaning: There is no exchange of joy or happiness between them because both of them are very subjective involvement when both achieve what they want then their relationship ends. 

Lord Krishna said to Gopis that, you were so divine now and you broke all the hurdles and obstacles that normally one would face in their journey of spiritual life. Therefore, you are in me and I am in you (Merger of JEvAthma and ParamAthma). I would like to grant you a reward. Your divine activities will remain the rewards of the activity itself (Sukrutham). Because, in reality, I won't be able to reciprocate even if I had one Ayus of Devas (approximately 12.96 million years / 12 crores 96 lakhs of human years) for the unafflicted love and affection you have shown to me. You are greater than the greatest! Hereafter I will be your life energy (PrAn) and all of you are in Me. The Upanishads reminds us that "The basis and ultimate abode of every innocent divine love (Prema) is the realization of Soul (Aathma) which Aanantha Swaroopa (the ocean of happiness).

First Chapter (AdhyAya) completed here.

Sivoham...To be continued...
You may watch full discourse from the link:

Saturday, November 30, 2019


Om Namasivaya Nama:

Narada Bakthi Suthram -  Chapter 01 - Para Bhathi Swaroopam:

Sutram 15:

Thallakshanaani Vaachyanthe Nana Mathbhedhaathu!

Thallakshanaani  = Significance of those devotional acts, Vaachyanthe = Said, Nana = By various, Mathbhedhaathu = difference of opinion.

Meaning: Definitions of this Bakthi is propagated or stated by various scholars are in different views. However, the Bakthi remains pure and the respect for Sastras are beyond everything for a true aspirant or devotee, since the Sastras are considered to be the word of God. 

According to Sage Narada, it is difficult to explain the beauty of the spiritual experiences, yet it is laid down for the sake of disciples and future generations as clarification. The explanation is possible depends upon the velocity of one's brainpower but the real experience is beyond that.

Narada Rishi is quoting Sri Prahladan's nine types of Bakthi (Devotion) Lakshana (Significance) are one of the best approaches to the practice of Bakthi Sadhana. They are namely, Sravanam, Keerthanam, Smaranam, Padasevanam, Archanam, Vandanam, Dhaasyam, Sakhyam and Aathma Nivedhanam. 

Sutram 16:

Poojaadhiswanuraaga Ethi Paaraasarya:!

Poojadhishu = Doing Pooja etc..., Anuragaha = Interest, Ithi = by that Bakthi, Paaraasaryaha = Son of Parasara Maharshi Sri Veda Vyasa.

Meaning: According to Sri Veda Vyaasa Maharshi, when a person gets an interest to do Pooja for his/her God means he/she is in the path of devotion (Bakthi Marg). 

Sage Narada has carefully picked up 3 important Rishis' concepts as the best and pillars of Bakthi Sadhana and quoted their wisdom in his Sutras. They are Kaarmikam, Vaachikam and Maanasikam (Karmana/Action, Vacha/Speech and Manasa/Mind) as devotional practices.

Doing Pooja is considered as Karmik activities or Karma Yogam according to Sage Veda Vyasa. Doing such Karma (Pooja) will finally reward the aspirant/devotee Moksham (LIberation). The only condition one should do Pooja without any expectations. Besides doing Pooja, when a devotee gets involved in the construction of a temple and installed an idol of God in a temple is also considered to be an act of devotion. 

Sutram 17:

Kadhadhi-shwathi Garga:!  

Kadhadhi-Shu = Listening to divine stories, Garga: = According to Acharaya Garaga Maharshi. Ithi = Bakthi Sadhana.

Meaning: According to Garga Maha Rishi, getting interested in listening to the glories/divine stories of God is considred to be the signification of devotion!

Sutram 18:

Aathmarathya-Virodhenethi Sandilya:!  

Aathmarathya-Virodhena = Any act that is not opposing to enjoy the realization of Self, Sandilya: = According to Sandilya Maharishi.

Meaning: As long as any devotional activities that do not disturb or create obstacles in the practice of self-realization is considered to be a sign of devotion. 

Sutram 19:

Naaradhasthu Thadharppithakhilaachaarathaa Thadh  Vismarena Paramavyakulathethi Cha!  

Naradhasthu = According to Narada, Thadharppithakhilaachaarathaa = Surrendering everything to the lotus feet of God, Thadh-Viswmarane = If one forget that supreme God, Paramavyakulatha Cha = Gets highly disturbed.

Meaning: According to Sage Narada, when an aspirant/devotee surrenders all his activities to the lotus feet of God, the devotee gets into the highest feeling of oneness. At the same time, it happens to face separation then he/she cannot bear the pain of such separation is considered to be the significance of Para Bakthi.  

1. Vyaasa Maharshi = Pooja = Karmana
2. Garga Maharshi = Kadha Sravanam = Vaachikam
3. Sandilya Maharshi = Aathmanandam = Manasikam
4. Narada Maharshi = Sarva Samarpanam = Total surrenderance to God.

Sivoham - To be continued.
You may watch full discourse from the link:


Saturday, November 23, 2019


Om Namasivaya Nama:

Narada Bakthi Suthram -  Chapter 01 - Para Bhathi Swaroopam:

Sutram 13:

Anyadhaa Paathithya Sankha!

Anyadhaa  = Otherwise, maybe, Paathithya Sankha = apprehension of fail

Meaning: If the established or accomplished personality did not follow the Sastras, there could be a chance of falling into the Maya flow and lose his/her achievement. Because the Maya is so powerful it can shake anyone in this Universe.

Sage Narada says, as long as the mortal body and mind exists, there is a possibility of meeting the danger of Maya. Until a person who absolutely unites with the ocean of Advaita, he/she must follow the Sastra because it is needed to sustain every second of life. Those who are discriminative and intellects should not trust the mind because it may deceive you anytime Deva Rishi even siting Lord Siva as an example by connecting with Mohini Avatar. 

By following Sastras nothing to lose, there is only gain for self as well as others.

Sutram 14:

Lokopi Thaavadeva, Bhojanaadhi-Vyaaparasthu Aasareera-dhaaraavadhi !

Lokopi = Customs, rules and regulations of mundane (ordinary) life or material world physical activities, Thaavath Eva = As long as it exists, Bhojanaadhi-Vyaapaaraha: = Eating habits and desires, Aasareera-Dhaaraavadhi = As long as the body is active.

Meaning: As long as the devotee or acharya is acting as a model for self as well as others, he/she should follow the customs of the material world. Also, one should take care of the required level of food until the body has its life in it. 

Narada Rishi says an accomplished person's body is an instrument belongs to God. His/Her body is very much needed to re-establish virtues for future generations. Therefore, even though he/she is already enlightened or accomplished (Siddha), maintaining a body which will help them to move around and spread the message of God. Such a person can always ask for food to maintain the body from the like-minded or from the devoted people. If he/she gets the food it is OK if not still OK. A true devotee will give credit to his/her Prarabdha instead of blaming or praising God or Doners. 

Another reason why one should take care of the body is that as long as the body is in good condition he/she can do Thathwa-vichara (meditating or contemplating on the cause of Aathma) through which he/she can attain true knowledge (Ghyaan) that will guarantee Mokha (Liberation).

Such devotees need to enjoy the luxury of food, shelter and comforts. A very minimal that is required to sustain the body is more than sufficient. So that humility and devotion still grew in them.

To be continued...
You may watch full discourse from the link:


Saturday, November 16, 2019


Om Namasivaya Nama:

Narada Bakthi Suthram -  Chapter 01 - Para Bhathi Swaroopam:

Sutram 10:

Anyaasrayaanaam Thyago-Ananyatha!

Anyaasrayaanaam  = Abandoning all other support, Thyago = Renouncing, Ananyatha = Other than Bhakti. 

Meaning: Once a devotee surrender himself/herself to Lord Vishnu (or other Upasanamoorthy) as an exclusive devotion, he/she attains God by itself. Such devotees never depend on anything other than the grace of God. 

Sage explains further that only through Bakthi every one including Gopikas, Cows, Trees, Snakes and Animals etc were attained God-hood, therefore, why not others could try to experience it. Since God is in the pure heart of devotees and devotees are in the purest heart of God, they always think about each other. God said once that he does not know anything other than his devotees and he is so busy taking care of devotees welfare.

Sutram 11:

Loka Vedeshu Thadhanukoola Charanam  Thadhwirodhishu Udhaseenatha!

Lokavedeshu = Whether ordinary life or Vedic life, Thadhanukoola-Charanam = Follow that is favourable to Bakthi, Thadhwirodhishu = Stay away from non-favourable, Udhaseenatha = Indifferent / Rejection.

Meaning: Any undertakings, whether Manasa, Vacha or Karmana, that creates obstacles to the progress of devotion must be outrightly rejected by the devotees. Whether the action belongs to worldly or spiritual matter. 

Deva Rishi is giving a warning signal to those who are trying to practice Bakthi Yogam. Devotees must surrender to God and do everything for the sake of God only.

Sutram 12:

Bhavathu Nischayadhaar-dyaa Dhoordwam Sastra-Rakshanam!
Bhavathu = Let it be, Nischayadhaar-dyaa Dhoordwam = Those who attained the divine-hood or firm establishment made in devotion or after realization of God, Sastra-Rakshanam = Must protect rules and regulations of Sastra (Scriptures/Doctrines of spiritual conclusions). 

Meaning: Even after realization, the devotee must respect and follow the discipline set by the various Sastras.

Narada Rishi says; though after abandoning all resources the Aspirant (Devotee) will become a realized divine personality. Yet, even such realized souls must respect and follow Sastras to set examples for future followers. All activities in line with Bakthi Marg are to be regularly practised for everyone's welfare. If this is the instruction for realized persons then what about casual people!


To be continued.
You may listen to full discourse from the link:

Saturday, November 9, 2019


Om Namasivaya Nama:

Narada Bakthi Suthram -  Chapter 01 - Para Bhathi Swaroopam:

Sutram 07:

Sa Na Kaamayamaanaa Nirodharoopathwaath!

Sa = That Paramaprema Roopam (The supreme devotion), Na Kaamayamaanaa = Not lustful nor worldly desires, Nirodha-roopathwaath = In fact, it is the nature of suppression (Thyaagam). 

Meaning: Those who attaining Para Bakthi, will not have worldly desires or lustful view towards God. Moreover, they consider whatever they have to sacrifice to gain genuine Bakthi as their sacrifice or natural suppression for achievement. 

Prema (Devotion) is constantly moving towards God whereas the Kaama (Desires) is the mind's constant approach towards Vishaya (sensual pleasures). They are exactly opposite to each other like North and South poles. Those who always think of God will eventually receive the vision of God whereas, those who think of Vishaya will lead them to achieve Vishya Sukha only. Yath Bhavam Thath Bhavathi. Just like practice makes perfect.  

Human's interest in Aadhyathmikam (Spiritual) is also natural, however, it needs the right circumstances and practice to develop. Achieving Aadhyathmic Ecstacy is the ultimate goal of human beings. Lord Sri Krishna said those who surrender their mind to him need not worry about anything in life, thereafter it is his job to take care of them. 

Sutram 08:

Nirodhasthu Loka-Veda-Vyaapaaranyaasa:!

Nirodhasthu = Those who suppressed the desires, Loka-Veda-Vyaapaaranyaasa: = Abandoning all Worldly and Vedic activities.

Meaning: Once a devotee became genuine, then all his/her suppressed desires will become a sacrifice. Such activities could be from worldly matters or even Vedic desires. Everything is surrendered towards their personal God. 

Deva Rishi says that humans activities are prompted by the basic desire called "Kaama", the activation takes place through body, sensors and Mind (Sareera-Indriya-Manas). This could be for worldly living or the purpose of spiritual realization. Irrespective of anything, everything must be surrendered to God and work. 

Vaideeka Karmas are divided into two groups viz Pravruthi Dharma and the other Nivruthi Dharma. Pravruthi Dharma is for achieving worldly belongings and Nivruthi Dharma is for the liberation from transmigration system. 

A devotee must give up all Pravruthi Dharmas and follow Nivruthi Dharma. Once he/she realizes the Aathma Thathwam, he/she need not follow any type of Dharma. They are free from everything. Everything is needed only up to see me, once those who received my vision (Darsan) they are above all mundane rules, regulations and customs.  

Sutram 09:

Thasmin Ananyatha Thath Virodhishu Udhaseenatha Cha!

Thasmin = In that exclusive devotion, Ananyatha = Indifference (Bedhabhava), Thath Virodhishu = Obstacles, Udhaseenatha Cha = Free from affection.

Meaning: Once the devotee made up his/her decision to stick to one God concept (surrendered to him), thereafter, he/she will not entertain any other approaches to change his/her mind. In other words, all other messages that may occur as obstacles. However, the devotee need not disrespect other conviction or belief.  

Sage Narada emphasizing this part because there are plenty of books and message that criticise devotees and their trusted holy books. A true devotee will not fight or quarrel with them because of his/her conviction strong towards his/her God.

To be continued...


You may listen to full discourse from the link:

Saturday, November 2, 2019


Om Namasivaya Nama:

Narada Bakthi Suthram -  Chapter 01 - Para Bhathi Swaroopam:

Sutram 05:

Yath Praapya Na Kinjith Vaanchathi, Na Sochathi, Na Dweshti, Na Ramathe, Nothsaahi Bhavathi!

Yath Praapya = Those who attained or obtained, Kinjith Na Vaanchathi = Has no desire for anything, Na Sochathi = No Sorrows, Na Dweshti = No anger, Na Ramathe = Not interested in the sensual and pleasurable activities / No Joy, Uthsaahi Na Bhavathi = No feeling to act for anything self.

Meaning: Once a Sadhaka achieves devotion towards God, then he/she is not expecting anything in life except being with God itself. Never feel the sorrows of mundane life, never get angry with anyone, never get excited to enjoy the material life and never work towards self-gain. 

A real devotee will never allow his mind to wander around in this sorrowful world. He/She has a firm conviction that there is nothing to be achieved other than realizing God in himself/herself. 

Sage Narada explains certain facts and its characteristics of this material life that people usually come across. Once a person aware of its qualities and symptoms then he/she can be vigilant to defend its attack on him/her. It is not easy to become a "True Devotee". Those facts are 1. Sokha  (The loss of our favourites will create a big bad impact on our Chitha/Mind is called Sokha (Sorrows). In other words, all material comforts and enjoyments will eventually end up in sorrows. 2. Dwesha (A person or item that can create sorrows will produce Dwesha/Anger), 3.  Raaga (Those who either a person or an item that can provide happiness or joy is called Raaga), and 4. Rathi (Fulfilment of a favourable situation or a person or an item that creates a transformation of his/her mind is called Rathi). When a person gets the Rathi Sukha from the material or worldly activities that will not last for a long. Therefore, Narada Rishi says, put your mind and soul in God so that such Rathi Sukha will last forever until one achieves Mokha. This activity is also known as "Aathmarama Kreeda". Do all imaginations and joyful moments with your own Aathma/Soul. The Aathma is none other the God itself.

A true devotee will always say that "He/She would like to happily accept whatever be the rewards of Prarabdha Karma and practice spiritual activities. 

Sutram 06:

Yaghnaathwaa Mattho Bhavathi, Sthabdho Bhavathi, Aathmaa-Raamo Bhavathi!

Yaghnaathwaa = After known, Mattho Bhavathi = Became spiritous or intoxicated, Sthabdho Bhavathi = Become like a strong pillar, Aathma-Raamo Bhavathi =  Becoming a realized/rejoicing one's self or in the supreme spirit.  

Meaning: Those who achieved or realized Prama Prema (Highest pure devotion towards God) will act like an intoxicated person, not bound by local customs, he/she does not lose his/her conviction, in other words, stand like a strong pillar and defend any types of odds that may come in life and became a realized soul or rejoice one's self just like supreme spirit. 

So a true devotee during his/her sadhana period, achieves the most important rewards stage by stage viz.  "Labdhwa" (Received from God), "Praapyaa" (Achieved through self-efforts) and "Ghnaathwa" (Accomplished or Attained).    

To be continued.

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Saturday, October 19, 2019


Om Namasivaya Nama:

Narada Bakthi Suthram -  Chapter 01 - Para Bhathi Swaroopam:

Sutram 03:

Amrutha Swaroopa Cha!
Cha = And, Saa = That, Bakthi = Devotion, Amrutha = Nectar itself, Swaroopa = In the form of.

Meaning: Bakthi is not only unconditional love (Prema Swaroopa), but it also Amruta itself. Those who consume Amruta will attain Amarathwam, means they will be escaped from the transmigration system forever and merge into Paramathman itself. 

Sage Narada says, Bakthi's Prema Swaroopam is external (Bahyam) whereas the Amrutha Swaroopam is subtle and internal (Antharam) results of the Bakthi Upasana. Our ancient sages referred to Swarga (Paradise) and Bhog (Entertainment and Enjoyment) is mainly to attract humans to respect holy path. Through Bakthi one can attain the ultimate joy (Ananda) in his current and future life. A true devotee will never ask for Mukthi, whereas God gives him out of compassion as the reward to his/her devotion. 

One attains Bakthi and purity of mind (Manas) only through his/her Thyaga (Sacrificing sensual pleasure and comforts), Yoga (Selfless spiritual practices) and Vyakulatha (Restless), as a result, or satisfied by the God, grant him/her with pure Bakthi. The outcome of this practice suggests that the devotee does self-efforts (Swa-Prayathnam) and God showers compassion known as Upaya (Approach) whereas the end reward (Upeyam) for this effort is Moakshanandam (Liberation).   

Sutram 04:

Yellabdwa Poomaan Sidho Bhavathi, Amrutho Bhavathi, Thruptho Bhavathi!
Yellabdwa = When one gets this type of Bakthi, Poomaan = Human/DevoteeSidha: = Accomplished, Bhavathi = Become/Happen, Amrutha = Nectar, Thruptha: = Fully satisfied / Contentment.

Meaning: When a person becomes the owner of Amrutha Swaroopa Bakthi, he/she shall become Poornagnan (Fully accomplished person), Amaran (conqueror of transmigration system) as well as Thrupthan (Fully satisfied or contented). 

Deva Rishi Narada says that the goal of human birth itself is to enjoy the beauty of Bakthi (Devotion), consume the Nectar and then attain Moksham (Liberation). A true devotee need not work hard to earn Mukthi as oppose to Bakthi. God will eventually reward him/her with Mukthi without fail. 

Sage Narada is also providing some easy methods/tips to the devotees for attaining God's blessings as Moksham. They are:

1. Detachment from Bhogam to develop Bakthi in God
2. Detachment from Vishaya Sakthi (Sensual pleasure) and intention to entertain oneself.
3. Un-interrupted innocent prayers. This is the only one Upaya (Remedy) to receive Bakthi in God. 
4. Walk towards God, don't look back and hesitate
5. Even when you are engaged in the worldly activities, listen to holy names, glories and spread his grace/message among living beings.
6. Earn the compassion and blessings of other devotees as well Maha Purushas, Gurus etc.
7. Live in the company of Sathsangees, though it is difficult to get it but one must make an effort.
8. One must melt the minute he/she gets a chance to think of God.

To be continued...

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