Om Namasivaya Nama:
The Bondage explained: A true picture:
Sloka 137 - God alone is Athma (Self) rest all Anaathma (not-Self) especially the bodies of beings. Bondage will make the Jeeva to repeat life cycles and ignorance is the main cause for bondage.
Sloka 138 - False notion is dangerous. Mistaking the not-Self for the Self (un-real as real). Therefore, true discrimination a must to progress further in spiritual life.
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R V Venkiteswaran (Venky)
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Saturday, December 27, 2014
Saturday, December 20, 2014
Om Namasivaya Nama:
Sloka 136:
Self and Mind Control to realize Paramathma Chaithanyam:
With a regulated mind and a purified intellect (Budhi), one should realize the Self while in this body (before death of the body). Acharya says, one should identify yourself with it because That is what you are!. This will help you in crossing the shore-less ocean of birth and death cycle (Samsara). Such birth and deaths are considered as waves of the ocean. Be blessed by getting established firmly with Brahman because that is what your own essence. Controlled mind means purified intellects (Sudha Sathwam, not general Sathwa). As we know the quadruple principle viz Mana, Budhi, Ahankara and Chitham supplement each other to function day to day life, in reality they are one and the same. One can control or regulate the mind by doing Upasana and Meditation. First to start with Upasana and then practice Meditation is the easy way of establish knowledge of Brahman.
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Sloka 136:
Self and Mind Control to realize Paramathma Chaithanyam:
With a regulated mind and a purified intellect (Budhi), one should realize the Self while in this body (before death of the body). Acharya says, one should identify yourself with it because That is what you are!. This will help you in crossing the shore-less ocean of birth and death cycle (Samsara). Such birth and deaths are considered as waves of the ocean. Be blessed by getting established firmly with Brahman because that is what your own essence. Controlled mind means purified intellects (Sudha Sathwam, not general Sathwa). As we know the quadruple principle viz Mana, Budhi, Ahankara and Chitham supplement each other to function day to day life, in reality they are one and the same. One can control or regulate the mind by doing Upasana and Meditation. First to start with Upasana and then practice Meditation is the easy way of establish knowledge of Brahman.
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Saturday, December 13, 2014
Om Namasivaya Nama:
Sloka 130:
Know that, because of the presence of this Supreme Self in us, everything includes the Ego, the Body, the Sense Objects, and their pleasures etc are known to us as clearly as Jar. The experience and experiences are illuminated due to the presence of I, the Self. The is the nature of the eternal knowledge.
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Sloka 130:
Know that, because of the presence of this Supreme Self in us, everything includes the Ego, the Body, the Sense Objects, and their pleasures etc are known to us as clearly as Jar. The experience and experiences are illuminated due to the presence of I, the Self. The is the nature of the eternal knowledge.
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Om Namasivaya Nama:
Sloka 131:
Know that, this great truth is the inner most Self / Athma. It is known as ancient Purusha who is revealed as constant infinite Bless which is the ever the same irrespective of time and place. It dwells in the subtle body at the same time ever pervading. It constantly get reflected / influenced in different stages of mental modifications and actions. This is the power which commands all Indriyas, Karanas and Pranaas to do their duty / functions without any personal effects on it.
Sloka 132:
Such a Supreme Self residing in this very body in a mind full of Satwa Guna; even though it exists every where but to name specifically it is shining in the secret cave/chamber (Hrudayakasa) of intellects such place is known as "Atmosphere of the Un-manifest". It has the captivating glory and shines like the Sun in the sky to illuminate entire universe. So with the help of Pure and Quite Mind one can search that Paramathma Chaithanyam within us!
Sloka 133:
The Self does not change nor act in the least irrespective of situations that is the beauty of the Self. The knower of the modifications of mind, ego and activities of body, sense organs and the Pranaas which apparently take their form like the fire ball of Iron changing its shape according due to heat. The fire has no shape but it appears as if it has. Another example Sun light has no shape but it appears to be having shape due to the device passing sun light through it. Therefore, the Consciousness illuminates the experiences of the mind but it is not involved in anything, it may appears to be involved, that is sheer ignorance as said by Acharya.
Sloka 134:
Such Athma, neither it is born nor does it dies, neither grow nor decay being eternal it does not undergo any change, Even when this body is destroyed it does not cease to exits. It is like the Space in the Jar that is broken. It is independent of the Jar. Space was existent whether there was a Jar or not however the shape of space was witnessed when the Jar was existent. The Self does not perish even if the body gets destroyed.''
Sloka 135:
Please note that the The Supreme Self is different from the Prakruthi and its modifications. Consciousness is the illuminator of all what we can see in the form of Gross or Subtle this universe.It is absolute and directly manifest the entire gross and subtle universe as the very essence of this steady sense of egoism. It manifest itself as the witness of Intellect, the determining faculty of human. Therefore this Paramathma / Consciousness always express itself as I, I, I but never get involved in the happenings around.
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Sloka 131:
Know that, this great truth is the inner most Self / Athma. It is known as ancient Purusha who is revealed as constant infinite Bless which is the ever the same irrespective of time and place. It dwells in the subtle body at the same time ever pervading. It constantly get reflected / influenced in different stages of mental modifications and actions. This is the power which commands all Indriyas, Karanas and Pranaas to do their duty / functions without any personal effects on it.
Sloka 132:
Such a Supreme Self residing in this very body in a mind full of Satwa Guna; even though it exists every where but to name specifically it is shining in the secret cave/chamber (Hrudayakasa) of intellects such place is known as "Atmosphere of the Un-manifest". It has the captivating glory and shines like the Sun in the sky to illuminate entire universe. So with the help of Pure and Quite Mind one can search that Paramathma Chaithanyam within us!
Sloka 133:
The Self does not change nor act in the least irrespective of situations that is the beauty of the Self. The knower of the modifications of mind, ego and activities of body, sense organs and the Pranaas which apparently take their form like the fire ball of Iron changing its shape according due to heat. The fire has no shape but it appears as if it has. Another example Sun light has no shape but it appears to be having shape due to the device passing sun light through it. Therefore, the Consciousness illuminates the experiences of the mind but it is not involved in anything, it may appears to be involved, that is sheer ignorance as said by Acharya.
Sloka 134:
Such Athma, neither it is born nor does it dies, neither grow nor decay being eternal it does not undergo any change, Even when this body is destroyed it does not cease to exits. It is like the Space in the Jar that is broken. It is independent of the Jar. Space was existent whether there was a Jar or not however the shape of space was witnessed when the Jar was existent. The Self does not perish even if the body gets destroyed.''
Sloka 135:
Please note that the The Supreme Self is different from the Prakruthi and its modifications. Consciousness is the illuminator of all what we can see in the form of Gross or Subtle this universe.It is absolute and directly manifest the entire gross and subtle universe as the very essence of this steady sense of egoism. It manifest itself as the witness of Intellect, the determining faculty of human. Therefore this Paramathma / Consciousness always express itself as I, I, I but never get involved in the happenings around.
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Monday, December 1, 2014
Om Namasivaya Nama:
Sloka 126:
That (Supreme Power / Absolute Brahman / Atman / Consciousness / Self) which knows everything that is happens during waking, dream and deep sleep states, That which knows the presence or absence of the Mind and its functions, That which is the essence behind ego and its functions, Be aware That is This Brahman.
Sloka 127:
That which sees everything but which no one can see. That which illuminate the intellect etc...but which they cannot illuminate That is This (the Brahman). One must know this, That consciousness cannot to known through any of these equipments. This world is illuminated with This power.
Sloka 128:
That by which this universe is pervaded, but which is not pervaded by anything, when it shines the entire universe shine due to its reflection, That is This Self. It is so close to us but we don't realize this and look for everywhere!
Sloka 129:
That by whose very presence makes everything work like a servant to his Master. The body, sense organs, mind and intellect performs its duty like a team of servant to the Master.The Om / The Atma is the factor that makes everything work! without this nothing exists.
Sloka 130:
That, because of which everything (ego, body, sense objects and its pleasures) comes to existence and known clearly as crystal, Because, this the this is the nature of Eternal Knowledge. This is the truth of truth.
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Sloka 126:
That (Supreme Power / Absolute Brahman / Atman / Consciousness / Self) which knows everything that is happens during waking, dream and deep sleep states, That which knows the presence or absence of the Mind and its functions, That which is the essence behind ego and its functions, Be aware That is This Brahman.
Sloka 127:
That which sees everything but which no one can see. That which illuminate the intellect etc...but which they cannot illuminate That is This (the Brahman). One must know this, That consciousness cannot to known through any of these equipments. This world is illuminated with This power.
Sloka 128:
That by which this universe is pervaded, but which is not pervaded by anything, when it shines the entire universe shine due to its reflection, That is This Self. It is so close to us but we don't realize this and look for everywhere!
Sloka 129:
That by whose very presence makes everything work like a servant to his Master. The body, sense organs, mind and intellect performs its duty like a team of servant to the Master.The Om / The Atma is the factor that makes everything work! without this nothing exists.
Sloka 130:
That, because of which everything (ego, body, sense objects and its pleasures) comes to existence and known clearly as crystal, Because, this the this is the nature of Eternal Knowledge. This is the truth of truth.
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Saturday, November 22, 2014
Om Namasivaya Nama:
Sloka 122:
Not-Self / Anaathma - Description:
Basically everything that constitute in this universe is Anaathma / Not-Self. Namely, The body, sense organs, Prana (Life energy), mind and ego and its modifications/changes etc,,Sense objects and organs and its pleasures etc.., the gross elements such as Pancha Boothas (ether, air, fire, water & earth), and the whole universe upto the Un-manifest, these constitute the Not-Self (Anaathma). In other words everything what we see and touch are Anathma
Sloka 123:
Everything is due to the effect of Maya (Avidya/Ignorance), from Mahat down to the gross body. Please note these as well the Maya itself not Self therefore these are un-real just like the mirage-water in the desert. We simply imagine due to illusion without the absolute understanding of real and truth. Therefore to know the Reality one must reject all un-real in other words Anaathman (Not-Self).
Sloka 124:
The Self (Athman) and its Nature:
Now Acharya says, i will tell you the Athman (The Supreme Self), knowing this. man will be freed from the bondage or life cycles (personality) created by his own un-intelligent ideas and attain liberation (Kaivalya Mukthi - Un-afflicted witness-er / motionless observer) for ever.
Sloka 125:
I, is the changeless common factor or consciousness as Individuality in us. This I is everywhere mainly the three states of consciousness such as waking, dream and deep sleep and also beyond the control of subtle 5 sheaths (Kosas - Annamaya/Food, Pranamaya/Vital-Air, Manomaya/Mind, Vignaanamaya/Intellectual and Anandamaya/Bliss). I is the one which is experiencing everything whichever stage the body is.Something that exists in the name of "Absolute Entity" The reason for the existence of eternal substratum is for the very awareness of the Ego, It is the witness of three states and it is distinct from the 5 Sheaths. However, these 3 states and 5 sheaths too are blocking or hindering us from realizing that Chaithanyam (Supreme Self).
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Sloka 122:
Not-Self / Anaathma - Description:
Basically everything that constitute in this universe is Anaathma / Not-Self. Namely, The body, sense organs, Prana (Life energy), mind and ego and its modifications/changes etc,,Sense objects and organs and its pleasures etc.., the gross elements such as Pancha Boothas (ether, air, fire, water & earth), and the whole universe upto the Un-manifest, these constitute the Not-Self (Anaathma). In other words everything what we see and touch are Anathma
Sloka 123:
Everything is due to the effect of Maya (Avidya/Ignorance), from Mahat down to the gross body. Please note these as well the Maya itself not Self therefore these are un-real just like the mirage-water in the desert. We simply imagine due to illusion without the absolute understanding of real and truth. Therefore to know the Reality one must reject all un-real in other words Anaathman (Not-Self).
Sloka 124:
The Self (Athman) and its Nature:
Now Acharya says, i will tell you the Athman (The Supreme Self), knowing this. man will be freed from the bondage or life cycles (personality) created by his own un-intelligent ideas and attain liberation (Kaivalya Mukthi - Un-afflicted witness-er / motionless observer) for ever.
Sloka 125:
I, is the changeless common factor or consciousness as Individuality in us. This I is everywhere mainly the three states of consciousness such as waking, dream and deep sleep and also beyond the control of subtle 5 sheaths (Kosas - Annamaya/Food, Pranamaya/Vital-Air, Manomaya/Mind, Vignaanamaya/Intellectual and Anandamaya/Bliss). I is the one which is experiencing everything whichever stage the body is.Something that exists in the name of "Absolute Entity" The reason for the existence of eternal substratum is for the very awareness of the Ego, It is the witness of three states and it is distinct from the 5 Sheaths. However, these 3 states and 5 sheaths too are blocking or hindering us from realizing that Chaithanyam (Supreme Self).
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Saturday, November 15, 2014
Om Namasivaya nama:
Karana Sarira (Casual Body): Discribed:
Sloka 120:
This Unmanifest is the combination of all Three-Gunas is the Casual body of the every individual and its special state is "Deep Sleep" where the functions of mind-intellect and sense organs all completely disconnected and no particular functions exists. It is also known as Avidya. You should know that in this Sushupthi-stage one enjoys the non existence that is the ultimate peace...and soonya avastha.
Sloka 121:
The Mind remains in the form of subtle seed in this stage. Which is the stage of complete withdrawal from all kind of perceptions and imaginations, In fact the universal experience in this state is "I don't know anything" because i was non existent. This is the stage of complete ignorance and total non apprehensions is the Casual Body state.
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Karana Sarira (Casual Body): Discribed:
Sloka 120:
This Unmanifest is the combination of all Three-Gunas is the Casual body of the every individual and its special state is "Deep Sleep" where the functions of mind-intellect and sense organs all completely disconnected and no particular functions exists. It is also known as Avidya. You should know that in this Sushupthi-stage one enjoys the non existence that is the ultimate peace...and soonya avastha.
Sloka 121:
The Mind remains in the form of subtle seed in this stage. Which is the stage of complete withdrawal from all kind of perceptions and imaginations, In fact the universal experience in this state is "I don't know anything" because i was non existent. This is the stage of complete ignorance and total non apprehensions is the Casual Body state.
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Saturday, November 8, 2014
Om Namasivaya nama:
Sathwa Guna - Nature and its effects:
Sloka 117:
Sathwa Guna (Absolute Pure Quality) is explained in 2 stages by Acharya. He says, Pure Satwa is like a crystal clear water however, when it mixed with Rajas and Thamas qualities it produce the transmigration effect. But when the light of Self (Athma Bodham) get reflected in Sathwa Guna alone we get to see the real matter just like when the sun light touches the matter that reveals the properties of the world. In other words every one have these three qualities viz: Sathwa, Rajas & Thamas however the Athma bodham should kindle only the Sathwa quality then he/she will be illuminated just like Self.
Sloka 118:
In this sloka Acharya says, even the mixed Sathwa have some important eight good qualities such as : Athmabhhi-maana / Amanithaa (Pride less / ego less attitude), Niyama (Rules for practice - Neatness, Happiness, Penance, Self study and faith in God), Yama (Regulation - Non violence, Truthful, Renunciation, Celibacy and lack of interest in accumulating wealth) , Sradha (eagerness and concentration towards Master's advice and faith in Sasthraas), Bhakthi (Devotion), Mumukshuthwam (Yearning for liberation), Dhaiva-sampathi (Divine tendencies) and Asannavruthi (Natural turning away from everything unreal). Any one who practice these qualities being possessed with better Sathwa than the normal person who is maximum afflicted with Rajas and Thamas.
Sloka 119;
Here the Pure Sathwa is being explained. Some of the top class good qualities are its merit. They are - Santhosha (Cheerfulness, Happiness), Swaathmaanu-bhoothi (Experience of one's own Self), Kavalya Santhi (Ultimate peace of mind), Poorna Samthrupthi (Contentment), Anandha (Bliss and Paramaathmanu-bhoothi (Constant devotion to the Supreme Self / Non apprehension of Reality), by being practiced or witnessed by these qualities a person comes to enjoy the ultimate and ever lasting bliss.
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Sathwa Guna - Nature and its effects:
Sloka 117:
Sathwa Guna (Absolute Pure Quality) is explained in 2 stages by Acharya. He says, Pure Satwa is like a crystal clear water however, when it mixed with Rajas and Thamas qualities it produce the transmigration effect. But when the light of Self (Athma Bodham) get reflected in Sathwa Guna alone we get to see the real matter just like when the sun light touches the matter that reveals the properties of the world. In other words every one have these three qualities viz: Sathwa, Rajas & Thamas however the Athma bodham should kindle only the Sathwa quality then he/she will be illuminated just like Self.
Sloka 118:
In this sloka Acharya says, even the mixed Sathwa have some important eight good qualities such as : Athmabhhi-maana / Amanithaa (Pride less / ego less attitude), Niyama (Rules for practice - Neatness, Happiness, Penance, Self study and faith in God), Yama (Regulation - Non violence, Truthful, Renunciation, Celibacy and lack of interest in accumulating wealth) , Sradha (eagerness and concentration towards Master's advice and faith in Sasthraas), Bhakthi (Devotion), Mumukshuthwam (Yearning for liberation), Dhaiva-sampathi (Divine tendencies) and Asannavruthi (Natural turning away from everything unreal). Any one who practice these qualities being possessed with better Sathwa than the normal person who is maximum afflicted with Rajas and Thamas.
Sloka 119;
Here the Pure Sathwa is being explained. Some of the top class good qualities are its merit. They are - Santhosha (Cheerfulness, Happiness), Swaathmaanu-bhoothi (Experience of one's own Self), Kavalya Santhi (Ultimate peace of mind), Poorna Samthrupthi (Contentment), Anandha (Bliss and Paramaathmanu-bhoothi (Constant devotion to the Supreme Self / Non apprehension of Reality), by being practiced or witnessed by these qualities a person comes to enjoy the ultimate and ever lasting bliss.
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Saturday, November 1, 2014
Om Namasivaya nama:
Thamo Guna Continued....
Sloka 114:
Even the wise and learned, proficient in the vision of the highest subtle meaning of the scriptures are over powered by the Thamo Guna/Effects and difficult comprehend the truth, even though it is explicitly explained in detail. Even such learned one will be trapped due to its veil power (Avarana Sakthi) and consider as truth what is simply superimposed by delusion and get into the attachment issues and get stuck. This is the super power of the Thamas (veil). Therefore, even after possessing all superior achievements in life it is difficult to over the Thamo Guna, may be, if one possess the highest level of "Discrimination" power can make some change to it, whereas others don't even go near to free themselves from this Avarana Sakthi.
Sloka 115:
Thamo power is connecting with us through these four important strings/actions viz; Abavana, Vipareetha-Bhavana, Asambavana and Viprathipathi. The effects of them are : Absence of right judgement (Abaavana), Contrary judgement (Vipareetha Bhavana), Lack of belief (Asambavana) and Doubts (Viprathipathi). It is very difficult for any one to conquer the effects of these and come out clean. These effects follow through Vikhepasathi of Rajoguna to Avarana sakthi of Thamo Guna and control the entire universe and its living beings. This gives endless pain and sorrows to the body and life whereas realization of Athma or its vichara (seeking) alone gives nithya ananda (ever blissfulness).
Sloka 116:
In this sloka, Acharya gives the 6 attributes of Thamo Guna viz: Agnaanam (Ignorance), Aalasyam (Laziness), Jadathwam (Dullness), Nidra (Sleep), Pramadham (Inadvertance/Carelessness), Moodathwam (Foolishness/Stupidity etc). One is in the influence of these cannot comprehend anything not only that one remains like asleep always or block of stone or stump of wood or like an Idol. So, those who posses these qualities are under the influence of Thamo Guna. Be careful and make efforts to over come these even though it is very difficult.
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Thamo Guna Continued....
Sloka 114:
Even the wise and learned, proficient in the vision of the highest subtle meaning of the scriptures are over powered by the Thamo Guna/Effects and difficult comprehend the truth, even though it is explicitly explained in detail. Even such learned one will be trapped due to its veil power (Avarana Sakthi) and consider as truth what is simply superimposed by delusion and get into the attachment issues and get stuck. This is the super power of the Thamas (veil). Therefore, even after possessing all superior achievements in life it is difficult to over the Thamo Guna, may be, if one possess the highest level of "Discrimination" power can make some change to it, whereas others don't even go near to free themselves from this Avarana Sakthi.
Sloka 115:
Thamo power is connecting with us through these four important strings/actions viz; Abavana, Vipareetha-Bhavana, Asambavana and Viprathipathi. The effects of them are : Absence of right judgement (Abaavana), Contrary judgement (Vipareetha Bhavana), Lack of belief (Asambavana) and Doubts (Viprathipathi). It is very difficult for any one to conquer the effects of these and come out clean. These effects follow through Vikhepasathi of Rajoguna to Avarana sakthi of Thamo Guna and control the entire universe and its living beings. This gives endless pain and sorrows to the body and life whereas realization of Athma or its vichara (seeking) alone gives nithya ananda (ever blissfulness).
Sloka 116:
In this sloka, Acharya gives the 6 attributes of Thamo Guna viz: Agnaanam (Ignorance), Aalasyam (Laziness), Jadathwam (Dullness), Nidra (Sleep), Pramadham (Inadvertance/Carelessness), Moodathwam (Foolishness/Stupidity etc). One is in the influence of these cannot comprehend anything not only that one remains like asleep always or block of stone or stump of wood or like an Idol. So, those who posses these qualities are under the influence of Thamo Guna. Be careful and make efforts to over come these even though it is very difficult.
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Saturday, October 25, 2014
Om Namasivaya nama:
Title : Thamo Guna Nature and Effects (Lethargic stage)
Sloka 113
The Veiling power (Avruthi or Avarana) is the greatest string of Thamo Guna, which is nothing but make things appear to be other than what it actually are; a kind of illusionary projection in one's own mind. It creates repeated transmigration and initiate the action of the projecting power known as Vikshepa sakthi. Rajas will grow and take the position Thamas in other words Rajas will create agitation in mind and Thamas will veil the reality these are the two important plays of Maya (Rajas-Vikshepa/Projecting and Thamas-Avarana/Veil). Therefore the student of Vedantha must understand the power of these Gunas and apply discrimination accordingly to over come Gunas (Qualities).
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Title : Thamo Guna Nature and Effects (Lethargic stage)
Sloka 113
The Veiling power (Avruthi or Avarana) is the greatest string of Thamo Guna, which is nothing but make things appear to be other than what it actually are; a kind of illusionary projection in one's own mind. It creates repeated transmigration and initiate the action of the projecting power known as Vikshepa sakthi. Rajas will grow and take the position Thamas in other words Rajas will create agitation in mind and Thamas will veil the reality these are the two important plays of Maya (Rajas-Vikshepa/Projecting and Thamas-Avarana/Veil). Therefore the student of Vedantha must understand the power of these Gunas and apply discrimination accordingly to over come Gunas (Qualities).
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Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Om Namasivaya nama:
Sloka 110:
Only by realizing the Brahman, the non dual state, Maya can be removed from our mind or intellects, just as the illusion of the snake is removed by the discriminative knowledge or direct experience of the rope. Because the Gunas (qualities) of the Maya is a mix of Rajas, Thamas and Satwa, distinguished by their respective functions.
Rajo Guna - Its Nature and Effects :
Sloka 111:
Rajas has projecting power (Vikshepa-sakthi). Alert and activities are its natural functions, Initial activities are originated from Rajo Guna. Part of an important function, modifications such as grief and happiness are produced continuously. Rajo Guna will be active only while waking stage. Rajas is the reason for mind's agitation towards everything.
Sloka 112:
The dreadful attributes of Rajo Gunas are mainly 8 important effects viz: Desire, Anger, Greed, Hypocrisy, Arrogance, Jealousy, Egoism and Envy, from which the the worldly tendencies of man are produced. Therefore, Rajas is the reason for bondage in life. Those who realize and win over the cause of reason could over come Rajas effects.
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Sloka 110:
Only by realizing the Brahman, the non dual state, Maya can be removed from our mind or intellects, just as the illusion of the snake is removed by the discriminative knowledge or direct experience of the rope. Because the Gunas (qualities) of the Maya is a mix of Rajas, Thamas and Satwa, distinguished by their respective functions.
Rajo Guna - Its Nature and Effects :
Sloka 111:
Rajas has projecting power (Vikshepa-sakthi). Alert and activities are its natural functions, Initial activities are originated from Rajo Guna. Part of an important function, modifications such as grief and happiness are produced continuously. Rajo Guna will be active only while waking stage. Rajas is the reason for mind's agitation towards everything.
Sloka 112:
The dreadful attributes of Rajo Gunas are mainly 8 important effects viz: Desire, Anger, Greed, Hypocrisy, Arrogance, Jealousy, Egoism and Envy, from which the the worldly tendencies of man are produced. Therefore, Rajas is the reason for bondage in life. Those who realize and win over the cause of reason could over come Rajas effects.
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Saturday, October 11, 2014
Om Namasivaya nama:
MAYA / AVIDHYA (Delusion, Ignorance, Casual body etc) - Revealed
Sloka 108:
Nescience (Avidhya or Maya) is Maya and it is the "Un-manifested Gross Energy" in other words the secret power of God. It is without beginning and consists of three Gunas (Qualities) and also superior to its effects too (Gunaa-thee-tha). It can be known or understand by only an intelligent with absolute discrimination power. The effect of this Maya is the projection of universe. You can also call it that i has everything in it at the same time nothingness. It is neither a form nor formless. This Omnipotent is also known as Parameswara who dwell in it. In total, It exercise its duty through three forces such as Jnaana sakthi (Power to Discriminate), Icha sakthi (Power to Desire) and Kriya sakthi (Power to Strive). Maya is nothing but Brahman or God.
Sloka 109:
It is neither existent nor non existent; nor both. Neither same or different nor both; Neither made up of parts (angas) nor whole or both; Most wonderful it is and it is beyond description and words. The best way to describe is that is is non describable by words or imaginations! (Anirvachaneeya!) It is WOW (wonders of wonder). Even with all limitations of human brain it can be realized through absolute discrimination but can;t be explained in any manner, therefore it is there as well here. In other words it is every where like within us. God created this universe and its activities through this Maya Sakthi.
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Saturday, October 4, 2014
Om Namasivaya nama:
Infinite Love for Self / Athma:
Sloka 106:
Sense objects are giving pleasure only because of the involvement of Self who manifest through them not independently due to its un-attached nature. At the same time every one love Self because Self is every blissful (Sadananda) and never suffer or undergo sorrows or misery. Sense objects are pleasurable only when it is illuminated by the Athman. Self has only absolutely and every lasting happiness therefore every loves Self/Athman.
Sloka 107:
We experience the blissful Athman during the deep sleep stage (Sushupthi Avastha). There it is absolutely free and independent and not involved in any of the Vishayas (Sense objects). Do you know who says this Pramaanaas (proof of source) viz: Sruthi (Spiritual declarations / Vedas), Prathyaksham (Direct experience), Itheehyam (Tradition and customs), Anumanam (Inference) that Athman is Anandaswaroopan (blissful).
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Infinite Love for Self / Athma:
Sloka 106:
Sense objects are giving pleasure only because of the involvement of Self who manifest through them not independently due to its un-attached nature. At the same time every one love Self because Self is every blissful (Sadananda) and never suffer or undergo sorrows or misery. Sense objects are pleasurable only when it is illuminated by the Athman. Self has only absolutely and every lasting happiness therefore every loves Self/Athman.
Sloka 107:
We experience the blissful Athman during the deep sleep stage (Sushupthi Avastha). There it is absolutely free and independent and not involved in any of the Vishayas (Sense objects). Do you know who says this Pramaanaas (proof of source) viz: Sruthi (Spiritual declarations / Vedas), Prathyaksham (Direct experience), Itheehyam (Tradition and customs), Anumanam (Inference) that Athman is Anandaswaroopan (blissful).
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Saturday, September 27, 2014
Om Namasivaya nama:
Sloka 103:
The Ego - Ahamkara
Actually reflection of the Atman on the sense organs is what expressing everything in us. It is known as "Aabhasa-Thejas",. When this Aabhasa-Thejas reflected through the Antha-Karanas (Viz Mana, Budhi, Ahamkara & Chitham) it is known as Jeeva / Life Energy (Absolute conscious). Therefore, with the presence of Jeeva, all those Antha Karanas becoming active and doing its functions by taking the pride of I and ME through Pancha Karmendriyas and Gjaanendriyas and its subtle functions such as sound, touch, see, taste and smell, and we say I am seeing, I am enjoying, I am touching etc.. this means the Ego who is responding through devises (Upadhi).
Sloka 104:
Know that it is the Ego that identifying with the body and becomes the doer and experiencer. The same Ego is experiencing the three Avasthas such as Jagrath (Active), Swapna (Dream) & Sushupthi (Deep sleep). When Rajo guna is active, at the time, Ego enjoys Waking stage, during Sathwa, dream stage and while Thamo guna it enjoys deep sleep stage. Therefore, without Ego nothing exists nor you can identify something happening.
Sloka 105:
When the sense objects are contributing favorable situations we are happy and non favorable situation lead to unhappy and sorrowful. Happiness and miseries are the Dharma of Ego and do not belong to the Atman which is always blissful and never attached to anything. Ever living happiness to be enjoyed only by realizing Atma and its un-attached existence.
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Saturday, September 20, 2014
Om Namasivaya nama:
Sloka 100
Please note subtle body is the instrument for doing all activities of Atma which is knowledge absolute (pure Gjnaana /consciousnesses). Like a carpenter use instruments to complete his job the Atma uses subtle body to complete its vaasana related karma and completely un-attached to all activities. For example if any damage happens to the instruments of carpenter, the carpenter himself does not get damaged because the damage happened to the instruments at the same time without those he can;t complete his work! like wise Atman and its subtle body work together however un-attached.
Sloka 101
Another set of explanation to differentiate subtle body and limbs of the gross body. Example Blindness, weakness, keenness are the conditions of the eyes. Like wise, deafness, dumbness, hearing well are the duties of the ears. The gross imperfection of the organs belongs to the respective parts of the gross body and it will not any manner effect the Atma, which is absolute consciousness in its nature.
Sloka 102
FUNCTIONS OF PRANA (Manifested Life Energy) - The bridge between Subtle body and Paramatma.
According to the advise of Mahathmas 7 important functions are allocated to Praana, (Psychological activities such as - inhalation & exhalation, yawning, sneezing, sweating / secretion and belching). (Functional activities such as - hunger and thirst) are the most important 7 functions / Dharmas of Praana. Since Atma is changeless awareness non of these function would affect Atma. Therefore, all functions are helping the gross body as well as subtle body only whereas any damage to any of those limbs or function would not effect absolute Atma.
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Sloka 100
Please note subtle body is the instrument for doing all activities of Atma which is knowledge absolute (pure Gjnaana /consciousnesses). Like a carpenter use instruments to complete his job the Atma uses subtle body to complete its vaasana related karma and completely un-attached to all activities. For example if any damage happens to the instruments of carpenter, the carpenter himself does not get damaged because the damage happened to the instruments at the same time without those he can;t complete his work! like wise Atman and its subtle body work together however un-attached.
Sloka 101
Another set of explanation to differentiate subtle body and limbs of the gross body. Example Blindness, weakness, keenness are the conditions of the eyes. Like wise, deafness, dumbness, hearing well are the duties of the ears. The gross imperfection of the organs belongs to the respective parts of the gross body and it will not any manner effect the Atma, which is absolute consciousness in its nature.
Sloka 102
FUNCTIONS OF PRANA (Manifested Life Energy) - The bridge between Subtle body and Paramatma.
According to the advise of Mahathmas 7 important functions are allocated to Praana, (Psychological activities such as - inhalation & exhalation, yawning, sneezing, sweating / secretion and belching). (Functional activities such as - hunger and thirst) are the most important 7 functions / Dharmas of Praana. Since Atma is changeless awareness non of these function would affect Atma. Therefore, all functions are helping the gross body as well as subtle body only whereas any damage to any of those limbs or function would not effect absolute Atma.
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Saturday, September 13, 2014
Om Namasivaya nama:
Sloka 97:
Listen carefully! This subtle body is also called Linga Sariram. This Sarira is made out of subtle elements of possessed out of inclinations (Vaasanaas) and it causes the individual body to experience the fruits of past deeds / actions (Fruits of Karma). It is the state of beginningless state on the Self due to its on ignorance (Agnaana). In other words there is no beginning nor end to this Self because time does not exists at the time of its beginning.
Sloka 98 & 99:
Further to the Gross body explanation (where this can be realized while on Awaken state / Jagradavastha) now Acharya explain the state of Subtle Body (Sookshma Sariram). Easy way to see the subtle body is during the Swapna (Dream state) avastha, it will be distinctively expressed in its own. Intellectual (Budhi of Anktakarana) is the agent for these experiences gathered during waking state. In this condition / situation the Supreme Self witness the happening and shine its own glory as unattached to the experience undergone by intellectual. Since it is un-attached it is not getting tamed by any action that it apparent conditioning may perform. The Paramatman is absolutely unattached and only witness as onlooker neither it get involved in joy nor sad. The link for Atma to the Jeeva which lives inside the body (actually body lives in Atma..just like a tree live inside the small seed, may be in real life difficult to believe) is through its Intellectual.
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Sloka 97:
Listen carefully! This subtle body is also called Linga Sariram. This Sarira is made out of subtle elements of possessed out of inclinations (Vaasanaas) and it causes the individual body to experience the fruits of past deeds / actions (Fruits of Karma). It is the state of beginningless state on the Self due to its on ignorance (Agnaana). In other words there is no beginning nor end to this Self because time does not exists at the time of its beginning.
Sloka 98 & 99:
Further to the Gross body explanation (where this can be realized while on Awaken state / Jagradavastha) now Acharya explain the state of Subtle Body (Sookshma Sariram). Easy way to see the subtle body is during the Swapna (Dream state) avastha, it will be distinctively expressed in its own. Intellectual (Budhi of Anktakarana) is the agent for these experiences gathered during waking state. In this condition / situation the Supreme Self witness the happening and shine its own glory as unattached to the experience undergone by intellectual. Since it is un-attached it is not getting tamed by any action that it apparent conditioning may perform. The Paramatman is absolutely unattached and only witness as onlooker neither it get involved in joy nor sad. The link for Atma to the Jeeva which lives inside the body (actually body lives in Atma..just like a tree live inside the small seed, may be in real life difficult to believe) is through its Intellectual.
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Sunday, September 7, 2014
Om Namasivaya Nama:
Sloka 95
The Five Pranaas (Manifested Life Energy)
One the same Prana becomes Prana, Apana, Vyana, Samana & Udhana due to its functions and modifications internally just like gold, water etc..
Sloka 96
Subtle Body effects: Sookshma Sareera or Linga Sareera
The constitution of subtle body is being explained in this sloka. They are known as Purya-shtakam, this means combination of 8 cities or places makes this sookshma sareera (subtle body) out of Thanmathras. They are coined by 5 Karmendriyas, 5 Gjnanedriyas, 5 Boothas, 5 Pranaas, 4 Antha-karana, 1 Avidhya, 1 Kaama and 1 Karma makes 27 in Thathwas and create Subtle body.
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Sloka 95
The Five Pranaas (Manifested Life Energy)
One the same Prana becomes Prana, Apana, Vyana, Samana & Udhana due to its functions and modifications internally just like gold, water etc..
Sloka 96
Subtle Body effects: Sookshma Sareera or Linga Sareera
The constitution of subtle body is being explained in this sloka. They are known as Purya-shtakam, this means combination of 8 cities or places makes this sookshma sareera (subtle body) out of Thanmathras. They are coined by 5 Karmendriyas, 5 Gjnanedriyas, 5 Boothas, 5 Pranaas, 4 Antha-karana, 1 Avidhya, 1 Kaama and 1 Karma makes 27 in Thathwas and create Subtle body.
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Saturday, August 30, 2014
Om Namasivaya nama:
Happy Vinayaka Chathurthi : May Lord Ganesa bless us.
ORGANS of perception and its action:
Sloka 92:
Five most important organs functions in our physical gross body to help us in gaining knowledge. They are ears, eyes, nose, tongue and skin. They help us to gain knowledge such as Sabda (Speech), Roopa (See), Gandha (smell), Rasa (Taste) and Sparsa (Touch). These organs are known as Jnanendriyas. The other set of Indriyas are known as Karmendriyas (action objects) such as Speech, Hands, Legs, The Anus and the Genital Organ. Since their nature is only action oriented they are called Karmendriyas. Please note our knowledge and connections are directly controlled by these organs therefore understanding them and act wisely makes one good.
Sloka 93 & 94:
Inner Organs / Instruments (Antha:Karanam)
There are 4 inner organs called Mana (Mind), Intellect (Budhi), Ego/Self (Ahamkara) and Unconditional Pure State (Chitham). Due to their different functions, the same Mind is getting different names. Functions of these 4 are: MIND - approaching doubts and hesitation, in other words Sankalpa-Vikalpa; imagination and emptiness, INTELLECT - determining the truth of a thing after analysis, EGO - identification of both Mind and Intellect, true realization, PURE STATE/CHITHAM - when constantly be with the most interested things in its pure nature (innocent subtle devotion).
How man can make many plans and commitment without the full functions of these!
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Happy Vinayaka Chathurthi : May Lord Ganesa bless us.
ORGANS of perception and its action:
Sloka 92:
Five most important organs functions in our physical gross body to help us in gaining knowledge. They are ears, eyes, nose, tongue and skin. They help us to gain knowledge such as Sabda (Speech), Roopa (See), Gandha (smell), Rasa (Taste) and Sparsa (Touch). These organs are known as Jnanendriyas. The other set of Indriyas are known as Karmendriyas (action objects) such as Speech, Hands, Legs, The Anus and the Genital Organ. Since their nature is only action oriented they are called Karmendriyas. Please note our knowledge and connections are directly controlled by these organs therefore understanding them and act wisely makes one good.
Sloka 93 & 94:
Inner Organs / Instruments (Antha:Karanam)
There are 4 inner organs called Mana (Mind), Intellect (Budhi), Ego/Self (Ahamkara) and Unconditional Pure State (Chitham). Due to their different functions, the same Mind is getting different names. Functions of these 4 are: MIND - approaching doubts and hesitation, in other words Sankalpa-Vikalpa; imagination and emptiness, INTELLECT - determining the truth of a thing after analysis, EGO - identification of both Mind and Intellect, true realization, PURE STATE/CHITHAM - when constantly be with the most interested things in its pure nature (innocent subtle devotion).
How man can make many plans and commitment without the full functions of these!
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Saturday, August 23, 2014
Om Namasivaya nama:
Sloka 89:
The individualized ego is what identifying itself with this body by way of enjoying gross objects such as garlands, sandal paste, women etc.,to satisfy body's comforts through sense organs. Therefore, this body has the highest role to play while waking state (Jagrada-avastha). Bagawad Padar want to high light the importance of the body at the same time giving warning that it is purely in terms of gross body and not the subtle body.
Sloka 90:
How a house is important to a householder the same way this gross body is the Shelter for the individual to conduct all his day-to-day dealings with outside world.
Sloka 91:
Birth, decay and death are the essential properties of the gross body. Like wise other acts such as status, childhood to old age conditions, varna asrama (caste and orders of life) such as soodra, vaisya, kshathriya and brahmin etc; it is also subject to variety of diseases, it is the same body that witness treatment such as worship, hardship, dis honor and honor etc..
Bagawadhpadar wants to teach his students, full knowledge about physical body the abode of ego and seat of all experience.
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Sloka 89:
The individualized ego is what identifying itself with this body by way of enjoying gross objects such as garlands, sandal paste, women etc.,to satisfy body's comforts through sense organs. Therefore, this body has the highest role to play while waking state (Jagrada-avastha). Bagawad Padar want to high light the importance of the body at the same time giving warning that it is purely in terms of gross body and not the subtle body.
Sloka 90:
How a house is important to a householder the same way this gross body is the Shelter for the individual to conduct all his day-to-day dealings with outside world.
Sloka 91:
Birth, decay and death are the essential properties of the gross body. Like wise other acts such as status, childhood to old age conditions, varna asrama (caste and orders of life) such as soodra, vaisya, kshathriya and brahmin etc; it is also subject to variety of diseases, it is the same body that witness treatment such as worship, hardship, dis honor and honor etc..
Bagawadhpadar wants to teach his students, full knowledge about physical body the abode of ego and seat of all experience.
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Note: Here on-wards i would to use Google Drive so that you can log in through your email accounts to listen. Please do let me know in case you face any problems.
Saturday, July 19, 2014
Om Namasivaya nama:
Gross Body Explained as condemned :
Sloka 87:
The constitution of our physical body is considered to be the most offensive due to its composition made out of Skin, Flesh, Blood vessels, Fat, Marrow, Bones (7 ingredients / Saptha Dhathu) and also it is ever filled with Urine and other discharged matter. Therefore don't be too much proud of your body to exploit by seeking worldly pleasure. This body is mainly meant for realizing the Athman than pleasure seeking activities.
Sloka 88:
This physical body is the seat of experience for the Self / Athma rather than anything else. Please note the this body is made up of gross 5 elements and its subtle elements based to the result of past Karma (actions of good and bad) to conduct day to day affairs purely to gain right experience to realize Brahman. The state in which it perceives gross objects is its waking condition (Jagrada-avastha. The next stages are Swapna-avastha, Sushupta-avastha, Thurya-avasatha beyond which Thurya-theetha-avastha). Past actions are the reason for this birth, such Karma is known as Sanchitha & Prarabdha.
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Gross Body Explained as condemned :
Sloka 87:
The constitution of our physical body is considered to be the most offensive due to its composition made out of Skin, Flesh, Blood vessels, Fat, Marrow, Bones (7 ingredients / Saptha Dhathu) and also it is ever filled with Urine and other discharged matter. Therefore don't be too much proud of your body to exploit by seeking worldly pleasure. This body is mainly meant for realizing the Athman than pleasure seeking activities.
Sloka 88:
This physical body is the seat of experience for the Self / Athma rather than anything else. Please note the this body is made up of gross 5 elements and its subtle elements based to the result of past Karma (actions of good and bad) to conduct day to day affairs purely to gain right experience to realize Brahman. The state in which it perceives gross objects is its waking condition (Jagrada-avastha. The next stages are Swapna-avastha, Sushupta-avastha, Thurya-avasatha beyond which Thurya-theetha-avastha). Past actions are the reason for this birth, such Karma is known as Sanchitha & Prarabdha.
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Saturday, July 12, 2014
Om Namasivaya nama:
Today is the first anniversary day of Viveka Choodamani discourse! to coincide with Vyasa Poornima.
Fascination for human body being criticized in this sub-chapter:
Sloka 83:
Today is the first anniversary day of Viveka Choodamani discourse! to coincide with Vyasa Poornima.
Fascination for human body being criticized in this sub-chapter:
Sloka 83:
God has given this body to realize Him (Paramatma), instead of doing that if one keep nourishing the body for the sake of accomplishing material comfort and pleasures will never get a chance to realize God. Besides, that ignorance will keep increasing and eventually dooms his own life. Nobody will come to rescue once you fall into the web of false pride that I and Mine. Many other religion and beliefs promoting that the body itself is everything and nothing beyond that...this is where Sanathana Dharma reminds human beings that something beyond our naked eye.
Sloka 84:
Whoever is making an attempt to realize the Self by not sacrificing the pleasure and comfort will not attain the ultimate realization, in fact it is being compared to just like a person decides to cross the river, by holding the shark/crocodile which one has mistaken for a log of wood. Eventually he will be killed on the way because these sharks the by product of our ignorance and illusions.
Sloka 85:
For a student seeking liberation, infatuation with the body is the main tragic death (Maha Mruthyu). Those who totally conquered this attachment deserves the state of liberation. These Maha Mruthyus are in and around us in the name of Vasanas and some of our accumulations. They are mainly known as Six in numbers. Own Body, Spouse, Children, House, Family and Wealth. One of this would kill a person if too much bonding or attachment is kept with any one of them. So, be careful and use your vivekam to handle these comforts.
Sloka 86:
Conquering these infatuations for body, childre etc i.e Maha Mruthyus, the Muni/Maharsthis attained the Supreme state of Lord Vishnu. In other words one can become God himself by practicing virtues (Godliness) and get rid of vicious help to achieve Godly-hood. The one who control the mind and over come desires and meditate are called Muni/Rishi.
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Sloka 84:
Whoever is making an attempt to realize the Self by not sacrificing the pleasure and comfort will not attain the ultimate realization, in fact it is being compared to just like a person decides to cross the river, by holding the shark/crocodile which one has mistaken for a log of wood. Eventually he will be killed on the way because these sharks the by product of our ignorance and illusions.
Sloka 85:
For a student seeking liberation, infatuation with the body is the main tragic death (Maha Mruthyu). Those who totally conquered this attachment deserves the state of liberation. These Maha Mruthyus are in and around us in the name of Vasanas and some of our accumulations. They are mainly known as Six in numbers. Own Body, Spouse, Children, House, Family and Wealth. One of this would kill a person if too much bonding or attachment is kept with any one of them. So, be careful and use your vivekam to handle these comforts.
Sloka 86:
Conquering these infatuations for body, childre etc i.e Maha Mruthyus, the Muni/Maharsthis attained the Supreme state of Lord Vishnu. In other words one can become God himself by practicing virtues (Godliness) and get rid of vicious help to achieve Godly-hood. The one who control the mind and over come desires and meditate are called Muni/Rishi.
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Saturday, July 5, 2014
Om Namasivaya nama:
Sloka 80
The one who has destroyed the shark of Sense Objects with the sword of mature and discrimination alone crosses the ocean of change (Samsara) without any hindrance. Many others do not cross the Samsara due to false discrimination / vairaghyam. Where Viveka is steady and firm there desires can't attack and succeed.
Sloka 81
Mortality will over take the person who is succumbed to desires and sense objects i.e. Yama Dhama follow him/her.Whereas the one stick to the path of Divinity, listening to well wishers, noble Gurus constantly walk the path of divine (Dharma) and helped by his own reasoning faculty (self inquiry) will eventually meet the end i.e. Moksha. My dear disciple, please listen to this carefully that this is the truth.
Sloka 82
If you have indeed a craving for Liberation (Mokha), avoid sense objects from distance, just as you avoid things known as poison and with most respect, cultivate six important virtues (Amrutham) viz: Contentment, Forgiveness, Patience, Straightforwardness, Calmness and Self Control from sense objects so that achieving Mukthi will be an easy task.
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Om Namasivaya nama:
We had a graceful Aasha Navarathri Villku Pooja this morning by invoking the power of Divine Mothers' Saraswathi, Lakshmi and Durga devis on Pancha Mukha Deepam (5 faced lamp), As usual, prior to pooja we had this discourse explaining the importance of Aasha Navarathri and Sapthami Thidhi Devi - Sambavi!
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We had a graceful Aasha Navarathri Villku Pooja this morning by invoking the power of Divine Mothers' Saraswathi, Lakshmi and Durga devis on Pancha Mukha Deepam (5 faced lamp), As usual, prior to pooja we had this discourse explaining the importance of Aasha Navarathri and Sapthami Thidhi Devi - Sambavi!
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Saturday, June 28, 2014
Om Namasivaya nama:
Sloka 79
Those who have dispassion to desires/senses can only cross the ocean of change / Samsara otherwise the shark of desires will catch the throat and drag the person to the middle of the ocean and drown him. False Vairaghya will not help the situation therefore it is advised to have a firm discrimination power through Viveka to overcome desires.
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Sloka 79
Those who have dispassion to desires/senses can only cross the ocean of change / Samsara otherwise the shark of desires will catch the throat and drag the person to the middle of the ocean and drown him. False Vairaghya will not help the situation therefore it is advised to have a firm discrimination power through Viveka to overcome desires.
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Saturday, June 21, 2014
Om Namasivaya nama:
Sloka 77
Sense objects are more poisonous than the real venomous of kobra. Snake poison will effect only when you consume physically whereas the sense objects will kill/destroy our spiritual progress even by a look. Therefore be careful while dancing according to the noise of sense objects.
Sloka 78
Unless one is fully liberated from the bonds of desires can only escape this Samsara and permanent liberation; in other words even he is a scholar of all Hindu philosophy (6 school of philosophy : Yogam, Sankhyam, Vedantham, Vaiseshikam, Nyayam & Mimamsa + Charvaka, Budha & Jaina).Therefore, make a sincere attempt to renounce all types of desires and just live for the time with a deep involvement on divine power, Enrich dispassion for desires. Since you know the human body is constituted and its functions, therefore no need of any brahmam!
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Sloka 77
Sense objects are more poisonous than the real venomous of kobra. Snake poison will effect only when you consume physically whereas the sense objects will kill/destroy our spiritual progress even by a look. Therefore be careful while dancing according to the noise of sense objects.
Sloka 78
Unless one is fully liberated from the bonds of desires can only escape this Samsara and permanent liberation; in other words even he is a scholar of all Hindu philosophy (6 school of philosophy : Yogam, Sankhyam, Vedantham, Vaiseshikam, Nyayam & Mimamsa + Charvaka, Budha & Jaina).Therefore, make a sincere attempt to renounce all types of desires and just live for the time with a deep involvement on divine power, Enrich dispassion for desires. Since you know the human body is constituted and its functions, therefore no need of any brahmam!
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Saturday, June 14, 2014
Om Namasivaya nama:
Sloka 76
The deer, the elephant, the moth, the fish and the honey bees these five are destroyed or killed by one its weakness of the sense viz: Sabda, Sparsa, Roopa, Rasa & Gandha due to their slavery attachment to this sense, whereas human beings are attached to all these five senses, imagine the condition of human beings? Therefore, be careful and use your discriminative power while enjoying these five senses (Thanmathraas).
Please download full discourse from the below link.
Saturday, June 7, 2014
Om Namasivaya Nama:
Sloka No 75
Sense objects are innocent, however man's gross body was created out of these pancha boothas and its thanmathras, it is naturally attracted to bonding pleasures. However, through viveka one realizes this effects, he/she can protect from the after effect of the same. Usually all human beings are under the influence of these sense objects due to which and representing Karma, birth will come and go, ups and downs all due to the reactions (fruits) of past Karma. Therefore, understand the reality and move forward so that nothing will bind you. This is the truth.
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Sloka No 75
Sense objects are innocent, however man's gross body was created out of these pancha boothas and its thanmathras, it is naturally attracted to bonding pleasures. However, through viveka one realizes this effects, he/she can protect from the after effect of the same. Usually all human beings are under the influence of these sense objects due to which and representing Karma, birth will come and go, ups and downs all due to the reactions (fruits) of past Karma. Therefore, understand the reality and move forward so that nothing will bind you. This is the truth.
To listen full discourse, please click the down load link.
Saturday, May 31, 2014
Om Namasivaya nama:
Sloka 73 - Further explained then
Sloka 74
After the unified process the joints make gross body. This is how the gross body is created by the God. In other words the gross body is made out of main five elements such as Space, Air, Fire, Water and Earth and its subtle elements known as Sense objects/Thanmathras viz Sound, Touch, Form, Taste and Smell. In fact these contributes the enjoyer to experience by individual ego. Such activities known as Pancheekrutham. The formula is Half of Half + One eighth portion of each elements. For example Space + 1 8th portion of Air + Fire + Water + Earth like wise repeat for all the other four elements. In other words how much care taken by the God for humans to make their life so joyful or sad!!
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Sloka 73 - Further explained then
Sloka 74
After the unified process the joints make gross body. This is how the gross body is created by the God. In other words the gross body is made out of main five elements such as Space, Air, Fire, Water and Earth and its subtle elements known as Sense objects/Thanmathras viz Sound, Touch, Form, Taste and Smell. In fact these contributes the enjoyer to experience by individual ego. Such activities known as Pancheekrutham. The formula is Half of Half + One eighth portion of each elements. For example Space + 1 8th portion of Air + Fire + Water + Earth like wise repeat for all the other four elements. In other words how much care taken by the God for humans to make their life so joyful or sad!!
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Saturday, May 24, 2014
Om Namasivaya nama:
Sloka 71
My dear disciple, now i will explain the discrimination between Self and Not Self elaborately, listen to this attentively, it was you ought to know. Whatever you learned grab it in your mind and more forward to receive further from me.
Sloka 72
The body is composed with Seven ingredients (Dhathus), subtle to big viz: marrow, bones, fat, flush, blood, dermis and epidermis that consisting of legs, thighs, chest, arms, back and the head.
Sloka 73
This body, the seat of delusion, expression in terms of I and Mine, is termed by sages and learned men as called Gross body. The body also consists of Space/Sky, Air, Fire, Water and Earth are the subtle elements. The body is dancing due to its ego and ignoring its divine nature.
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Sloka 71
My dear disciple, now i will explain the discrimination between Self and Not Self elaborately, listen to this attentively, it was you ought to know. Whatever you learned grab it in your mind and more forward to receive further from me.
Sloka 72
The body is composed with Seven ingredients (Dhathus), subtle to big viz: marrow, bones, fat, flush, blood, dermis and epidermis that consisting of legs, thighs, chest, arms, back and the head.
Sloka 73
This body, the seat of delusion, expression in terms of I and Mine, is termed by sages and learned men as called Gross body. The body also consists of Space/Sky, Air, Fire, Water and Earth are the subtle elements. The body is dancing due to its ego and ignoring its divine nature.
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Saturday, May 17, 2014
Om Namasivaya nama:
Sloka 70:
Thereafter, the seeker should listen to Guru's upadesa then reflect the same inside Mind followed by deep meditation on the understanding of Truth. This must be continued for every day by increasing frequency and length, eventually attain Supreme Nirvikala Samadhi/State. This way of realizing the truth is the real life. Before entering into Nirvikalpa samadhi, one will enter through Samaadhi then Savikalpa Samadhi to Nirvikalpa Samadhi.
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Sloka 70:
Thereafter, the seeker should listen to Guru's upadesa then reflect the same inside Mind followed by deep meditation on the understanding of Truth. This must be continued for every day by increasing frequency and length, eventually attain Supreme Nirvikala Samadhi/State. This way of realizing the truth is the real life. Before entering into Nirvikalpa samadhi, one will enter through Samaadhi then Savikalpa Samadhi to Nirvikalpa Samadhi.
Please download full discourse from the below link.
Saturday, May 10, 2014
Om Namasivaya nama:
Sloka 69
For Liberation, the first step is to attain complete detachment from the finite objects and sensual satisfaction. Then follow calmness, self control, forbearance, and complete renunciation of all of selfish action. Knowingly and intentionally start refusing to desires calls (slowly and steadily) which will eventually open the door for realization.
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Sloka 69
For Liberation, the first step is to attain complete detachment from the finite objects and sensual satisfaction. Then follow calmness, self control, forbearance, and complete renunciation of all of selfish action. Knowingly and intentionally start refusing to desires calls (slowly and steadily) which will eventually open the door for realization.
Please click the link below and download full discourse.
Saturday, May 3, 2014
Om Namasivaya nama:
Clarifications and discussion on the Questions asked:
Sloka 67:
The questions you have asked are excellent, accepted by those well versed in Sastraas, aphoristic, full of hidden meaning and such that they are fit to be known by all seekers. Instead of answering your questions directly, i would like to give you an exhaustive discourse to make yourself comfortable to so that you attain Mukthi by listening to the points correctly and follow the steps behind in receiving the knowledge from an experienced Guru.
Sloka 68:
Listen at-tentatively, on learned one (al though he is a Sishya, yet called him you are a learned one...since the Sishya raised rare questions to attain liberation...that is why the Guru addressed him as learned one!. Wow, what a compassion of Adi Sankara Guru) to what i shall tell you now. By listening to this itself, you will attain liberation from all your bondage / samsara. All i need from you to carefully listening to this (not hear but listen!).
Please follow the given link to download full discourse.
Clarifications and discussion on the Questions asked:
Sloka 67:
The questions you have asked are excellent, accepted by those well versed in Sastraas, aphoristic, full of hidden meaning and such that they are fit to be known by all seekers. Instead of answering your questions directly, i would like to give you an exhaustive discourse to make yourself comfortable to so that you attain Mukthi by listening to the points correctly and follow the steps behind in receiving the knowledge from an experienced Guru.
Sloka 68:
Listen at-tentatively, on learned one (al though he is a Sishya, yet called him you are a learned one...since the Sishya raised rare questions to attain liberation...that is why the Guru addressed him as learned one!. Wow, what a compassion of Adi Sankara Guru) to what i shall tell you now. By listening to this itself, you will attain liberation from all your bondage / samsara. All i need from you to carefully listening to this (not hear but listen!).
Please follow the given link to download full discourse.
Saturday, April 26, 2014
Om Namasivaya nama:
Sloka 65:
A treasure hidden inside the earth can be found only when one know the exact location of the same. That too after removing so much of mud, stones etc..Never can it come out merely by calling its name. Similarly the Self which is hidden inside the delusion can be found only by listening to a knower of Brahman followed by reflection and meditation. But never can the Self emerge manifest itself by the repeating its name through various books. In the other words self effort is a must rather than simply uttering its name.
Sloka 66:
Therefore, an intelligent seeker should make sincere practice to realize Brahman rather than other way around like a patient must under go the treatment designed by his/her doctor the get rid of the sickness. Sheer discussion after discussion will not produce revelation.
Please download full discourse from the below link.
Saturday, April 19, 2014
Om Namasivaya nama:
Without achieving the truthfulness of the Real Nature of Self, no point in crushed between pluralistic and exclusionary world in other words simply saying the name Brahman will not make one realize the Absolute Truth and achieve absolute liberation. Such talk will not produce any truth full result or achievement .Only through direct experience will make one Brahma Gyaani.
Sloka 64:
Without eliminating his enemies and conquer the entire land of enemies and attach to his kingdom, what is use of just by saying "i am the emperor" will it make any sense? In other words, Acharya says that winning over enemies means "Kama Krodh Lobha Moha Madha Mathsarya" are the enemies and winning over Landed properties means realizing our own inner good qualities. Once someone achieve these, then he is definitely an Emperor among the wandering around human world.
Please download full discourse from the below link.
Sloka 63:
Without achieving the truthfulness of the Real Nature of Self, no point in crushed between pluralistic and exclusionary world in other words simply saying the name Brahman will not make one realize the Absolute Truth and achieve absolute liberation. Such talk will not produce any truth full result or achievement .Only through direct experience will make one Brahma Gyaani.
Sloka 64:
Without eliminating his enemies and conquer the entire land of enemies and attach to his kingdom, what is use of just by saying "i am the emperor" will it make any sense? In other words, Acharya says that winning over enemies means "Kama Krodh Lobha Moha Madha Mathsarya" are the enemies and winning over Landed properties means realizing our own inner good qualities. Once someone achieve these, then he is definitely an Emperor among the wandering around human world.
Please download full discourse from the below link.
Saturday, April 12, 2014
Om Namasivaya nama:
Direct Experience / Conditions for Liberation:
Sloka 62:
A disease is not cured by just merely repeating the name of the medicine, one has to consume the medicine to cure disease like wise innumerable time of repeating "Brahman" will not make one realize the Real Brahman. One must try to realize through self experience.
Please click below link to download and listen to full discourse.
Direct Experience / Conditions for Liberation:
Sloka 62:
A disease is not cured by just merely repeating the name of the medicine, one has to consume the medicine to cure disease like wise innumerable time of repeating "Brahman" will not make one realize the Real Brahman. One must try to realize through self experience.
Please click below link to download and listen to full discourse.
Saturday, April 5, 2014
Om Namasivaya nama:
Sloka 59:
Without knowing the Supreme Reality, study of Sasthras are no use at the same time having known the Supreme Reality, styding the Sasthras are no use. In other words, once your realize the Supreme Brahman no need to follow rules and regulations laid down for the normal people. However, please once you realized the Brahman anyway you will not show interest to learn anything further because everything is Brahan and nothing exists other than Brahman, this is the conclusion one is going to realize.
Sloka 60:
Simply following commentaries and philosophies one's mind get lost in the jungle of books and knowledge in its own delusion. Therefore true seekers of Brahman should concentrate to experience the true nature of Self than just going through books after the other. None of this would help in realizing Brahman other than Self inquiry
Sloka 61:
For him who has been bitten by the snake of ignorance could get treated only through the knowledge of Brahman. For him what use of the Vedas, Scriptures, Manthras and Medicines to such a victim of poison. There is no remedy for the ignorant other than treating through true knowledge.
Kindly click the link to listen full discourse.
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Om Namasivaya nama:
Sloka 58
A loud speech and sweet talk, the command over the language especially pertains to Sastraas, erudition, the speaker get only little joyous and material satisfaction being scholar, but it will not liberate him completely. Every word comes out of our mouth passes 4 stages viz: Para, Pasyanthi, Madhyama and Vaikhari.
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Sunday, March 23, 2014
Om Namasivaya nama:
Further explained on Sloka 56 then moved to Sloka 57
Sloka : 57
The beauty of the Veena and its playing may please the audience; but they do not, by themselves, ever prove sufficient to confer full sovereignty. In other words, by playing Veena the player could win and capture the attention of listener due to his efficiency in playing and become king of the music world for the time being but that does not mean that he is the real king of it. Various schools of philosophy are intellectual entertainment and no doubt about it, but the seeker cannot attain God hood by simply talking philosophy; this means self efforts to think deep a must (Vichaara!).
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Further explained on Sloka 56 then moved to Sloka 57
Sloka : 57
The beauty of the Veena and its playing may please the audience; but they do not, by themselves, ever prove sufficient to confer full sovereignty. In other words, by playing Veena the player could win and capture the attention of listener due to his efficiency in playing and become king of the music world for the time being but that does not mean that he is the real king of it. Various schools of philosophy are intellectual entertainment and no doubt about it, but the seeker cannot attain God hood by simply talking philosophy; this means self efforts to think deep a must (Vichaara!).
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Saturday, March 8, 2014
Om Namasivaya nama:
Sloka 56:
Continuation of last week discourse.
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Sloka 56:
Continuation of last week discourse.
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Saturday, March 1, 2014
Om Namasivaya nama:
Sloka 56:
Neither by Yoga nor Sankhya, nor by Ritual nor by Learning is liberation possible. Acharya says Only by the realization of the one's Self identity with Brahman liberation is possible. not by any other means. Whatever we do, at the end of the day, our goal should be "i must realize brahman for which i need to put forward efforts and achieve the goal" should be the slogan in life.
Acharya specifically pointing out here that Yoga mean Hatha Yoga although all Yoga will lead to the same goal through different approach. In Indian philosophy we have 6 main school of thought which was dated back to 6000+ years and later 3 philosophies (Darsanas) were added by the modern generation having an age of around 2000 years old. They are:
1. Yoga (By Pathanjali Maharshi - Ashtanga Yoga Soothram. Basically practical methods for direct experience of the eternal center of consciousness.
2. Sankhya (by Sage Kapila Maharshi - basically Gnana Yogam). Framework of all types of manifestation / Revealing Prakruthi and Purusha conjoined with 23 elements. From smallest to biggest manifestations.
3. Vedantha (revealed mainly through Upanishads) They say more 1008+ upanishads were existed then later shrink to 108 and now confined to mainly 10 commentated by Sri Adhi Sankaracharyar. This is also known as Uthara Meemasa. Contemplative methods of self inquiry.
4. Vaiseshikam (By Sage Prasashtapaada) - Physical sciences especially Chemistry, exploring Pancha Bhoothas, time, mind and soul etc.
5. Nyaya (By Sage Gautama) - exploring everything through Logic/Reasoning.
6. Mimaamsa : (By Sage Jaimini) - Free through action. It tackle ritual, worship and ethical conduct etc,
7. Buadha (By Sage Budha) -
8. Jaina (By Sage Mahavir)
9. Charvaka (By Sage Charvaka) - An atheist approach!
Indian philosophers tried to realize Brahman through these practices then later shared with everyone through their disciples.
Please click the download link for full discourse:
Sloka 56:
Neither by Yoga nor Sankhya, nor by Ritual nor by Learning is liberation possible. Acharya says Only by the realization of the one's Self identity with Brahman liberation is possible. not by any other means. Whatever we do, at the end of the day, our goal should be "i must realize brahman for which i need to put forward efforts and achieve the goal" should be the slogan in life.
Acharya specifically pointing out here that Yoga mean Hatha Yoga although all Yoga will lead to the same goal through different approach. In Indian philosophy we have 6 main school of thought which was dated back to 6000+ years and later 3 philosophies (Darsanas) were added by the modern generation having an age of around 2000 years old. They are:
1. Yoga (By Pathanjali Maharshi - Ashtanga Yoga Soothram. Basically practical methods for direct experience of the eternal center of consciousness.
2. Sankhya (by Sage Kapila Maharshi - basically Gnana Yogam). Framework of all types of manifestation / Revealing Prakruthi and Purusha conjoined with 23 elements. From smallest to biggest manifestations.
3. Vedantha (revealed mainly through Upanishads) They say more 1008+ upanishads were existed then later shrink to 108 and now confined to mainly 10 commentated by Sri Adhi Sankaracharyar. This is also known as Uthara Meemasa. Contemplative methods of self inquiry.
4. Vaiseshikam (By Sage Prasashtapaada) - Physical sciences especially Chemistry, exploring Pancha Bhoothas, time, mind and soul etc.
5. Nyaya (By Sage Gautama) - exploring everything through Logic/Reasoning.
6. Mimaamsa : (By Sage Jaimini) - Free through action. It tackle ritual, worship and ethical conduct etc,
7. Buadha (By Sage Budha) -
8. Jaina (By Sage Mahavir)
9. Charvaka (By Sage Charvaka) - An atheist approach!
Indian philosophers tried to realize Brahman through these practices then later shared with everyone through their disciples.
Please click the download link for full discourse:
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Om Namasivaya nama:
Sloka 53:
The patient who faithfully takes the medicine will only eventually recover from illness. No one will recover because another person undergoes treatment. This sloka also emphasis that the person who is seeking for liberation must act himself and no other go.
Sloka 54:
The actuality of the subject will be clearly known to one who actually undergo the first hand personal experience and not through a report of learned one. The beauty of the moon is be realized by his own eyes than narrated or described by another.
Please down full discourse from the below link.
Sloka 53:
The patient who faithfully takes the medicine will only eventually recover from illness. No one will recover because another person undergoes treatment. This sloka also emphasis that the person who is seeking for liberation must act himself and no other go.
Sloka 54:
The actuality of the subject will be clearly known to one who actually undergo the first hand personal experience and not through a report of learned one. The beauty of the moon is be realized by his own eyes than narrated or described by another.
Please down full discourse from the below link.
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Om Namasivaya nama:
Sloka: 50
Sishya Prasamsa / Appreciation for Intelligent Disciple:
Guru Said; Blessed you are, you wish to attain the absolute brahman by freeing yourself from the bondage of ignorance due to this act you are full filled your life and glorified your clan.
Sloka: 51
Glory of Self Effort:
Guru is sighting 3 important examples as a reminder, although he has full confidence in his disciple:
A father has his sons and others to save him from financial burdens, but to redeem himself from the delusions one has to work himself in other words no one other than himself to rescue.
Sloka: 52
Exhaustion and fatigue caused by carrying heavy load on his head can be relieved by the help of others. Whereas one's hunger can be relieved only by having food by oneself, others eating on behalf of self wont remove his hunger.
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Sloka: 50
Sishya Prasamsa / Appreciation for Intelligent Disciple:
Guru Said; Blessed you are, you wish to attain the absolute brahman by freeing yourself from the bondage of ignorance due to this act you are full filled your life and glorified your clan.
Sloka: 51
Glory of Self Effort:
Guru is sighting 3 important examples as a reminder, although he has full confidence in his disciple:
A father has his sons and others to save him from financial burdens, but to redeem himself from the delusions one has to work himself in other words no one other than himself to rescue.
Sloka: 52
Exhaustion and fatigue caused by carrying heavy load on his head can be relieved by the help of others. Whereas one's hunger can be relieved only by having food by oneself, others eating on behalf of self wont remove his hunger.
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Saturday, February 8, 2014
Om Namasivaya nama:
Sloka 45:
One can get highest knowledge by care full study of Vendantha, through which one can get the know how to get rid of Samsara dukham. By this knowledge one can achieve the rarest Mukthi.
Sloka 46:
Faith, devotion and practice of meditation are three main factors i.e. direction given in the Sruthis for the seeker to get liberation. Due to his/her ignorance he/she thinks that the body is everything and it is infinite!, it is a sheer ignorance and the clarify will be achieved by way of practice.
Sloka 47:
Due to its constant contact with ignorance, one forget that he himself the Paramatman, in other words experience yourselves to be under the bondage of the not Self. Due to this misunderstanding one is repeated forced to death and birth cycle. By realizing Supreme Knowledge the root and branches of ignorance is being burned off, which arises from the discrimination (Viveka) of Self and not Self.
Sloka 48:
Sishya Said!
Oh Guru, kindly listen, the questions i am going to raise and your answers to that will surely remove me from ignorance, i shall entirely satisfied with your response.
Sloka 49:
What is bondage? How has it come?, How does it continue to exists?, How can one get out of it completely, What is the not-Self and what is the Supreme Self, What is the process of discrimination between these two such as not Self and Self. Please explain to me all these questions one by one.
Kindly click the below link for detailed discourse.
Sloka 45:
One can get highest knowledge by care full study of Vendantha, through which one can get the know how to get rid of Samsara dukham. By this knowledge one can achieve the rarest Mukthi.
Sloka 46:
Faith, devotion and practice of meditation are three main factors i.e. direction given in the Sruthis for the seeker to get liberation. Due to his/her ignorance he/she thinks that the body is everything and it is infinite!, it is a sheer ignorance and the clarify will be achieved by way of practice.
Sloka 47:
Due to its constant contact with ignorance, one forget that he himself the Paramatman, in other words experience yourselves to be under the bondage of the not Self. Due to this misunderstanding one is repeated forced to death and birth cycle. By realizing Supreme Knowledge the root and branches of ignorance is being burned off, which arises from the discrimination (Viveka) of Self and not Self.
Sloka 48:
Sishya Said!
Oh Guru, kindly listen, the questions i am going to raise and your answers to that will surely remove me from ignorance, i shall entirely satisfied with your response.
Sloka 49:
What is bondage? How has it come?, How does it continue to exists?, How can one get out of it completely, What is the not-Self and what is the Supreme Self, What is the process of discrimination between these two such as not Self and Self. Please explain to me all these questions one by one.
Kindly click the below link for detailed discourse.
Saturday, February 1, 2014
Om Namasivaya nama:
Guru Upadesa Vidhi: Loving and affectionate advise of a Guru towards his disciple:
Sloka 41:
As he speaks, afflicted by and seeking protection from Samsara fire, the noble teacher looks at him and shows pity on him through his compassionate look. Also give him spontaneous protection from fear.
Sloka 42:
To the disciple, showing his anxiety for liberation, as sought the protection of Teacher, who abides by scriptural injunctions, who has a serene mindset, who is endowed with tranquility will automatically pour the blessings and knowledge with utmost kindness towards its seeker
Sloka 43:
Guru Said: Fear not, oh learned one! No danger will come to you. There is a way to cross over this ocean of change. I shall instruct you in the very path by which our ancient Rishis crossed over this ocean of change!
Sloka 44:
There is a supreme means/method by which you can put an end to the fear of this existence, with this route you will cross over Samsaar, this is nothing but carefully learning and practice of Upanishad.
please client below link to listen full discourse.
Guru Upadesa Vidhi: Loving and affectionate advise of a Guru towards his disciple:
Sloka 41:
As he speaks, afflicted by and seeking protection from Samsara fire, the noble teacher looks at him and shows pity on him through his compassionate look. Also give him spontaneous protection from fear.
Sloka 42:
To the disciple, showing his anxiety for liberation, as sought the protection of Teacher, who abides by scriptural injunctions, who has a serene mindset, who is endowed with tranquility will automatically pour the blessings and knowledge with utmost kindness towards its seeker
Sloka 43:
Guru Said: Fear not, oh learned one! No danger will come to you. There is a way to cross over this ocean of change. I shall instruct you in the very path by which our ancient Rishis crossed over this ocean of change!
Sloka 44:
There is a supreme means/method by which you can put an end to the fear of this existence, with this route you will cross over Samsaar, this is nothing but carefully learning and practice of Upanishad.
please client below link to listen full discourse.
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Om Namasivaya nama:
Sloka 38:
I know to the extend that, it is the nature of the Mahathmaas to help the needy and remove their trouble without anyone's recommendation just like the moon cools the earth from scorching flaming rays of the sun. Please help to overcome this Samsara forest.
Sloka 39:
Oh Lord, your nectarine speech, honeyed by the bliss of Brahman, pure, cooling, issuing in streams from your lips as from a water jug and pleasing to ear, please shower your compassionate look upon me who is tormented from the earthly afflictions. Blessed are those who have received even a passing glance of your eyes and accepting them under your protection.
Sloka 40:
How to cross this ocean of relative existence? You alone capable of advise me as what is to be my ultimate destination, Which of the many means should i accept and follow to reach the ultimate sorrow less destination. Oh Lord, please save me and advise me to end the misery of life and samsara chakra. I know no one is capable than you. I surrender to you!
please click the link below to listen full discourse.
Sloka 38:
I know to the extend that, it is the nature of the Mahathmaas to help the needy and remove their trouble without anyone's recommendation just like the moon cools the earth from scorching flaming rays of the sun. Please help to overcome this Samsara forest.
Sloka 39:
Oh Lord, your nectarine speech, honeyed by the bliss of Brahman, pure, cooling, issuing in streams from your lips as from a water jug and pleasing to ear, please shower your compassionate look upon me who is tormented from the earthly afflictions. Blessed are those who have received even a passing glance of your eyes and accepting them under your protection.
Sloka 40:
How to cross this ocean of relative existence? You alone capable of advise me as what is to be my ultimate destination, Which of the many means should i accept and follow to reach the ultimate sorrow less destination. Oh Lord, please save me and advise me to end the misery of life and samsara chakra. I know no one is capable than you. I surrender to you!
please click the link below to listen full discourse.
Saturday, January 11, 2014
Om Namasivaya nama:
Sloka: 36
The seeker humbly submit his supplication to his Guru that, i am being roasted in the blazing fire of Samsara (again and again born and dead), on top of that to add the flame my bad karma comes as wind to increase the flame! due to which i am very much scared of this life. Therefore please help me to over the fear of death and save me. When i surrendered to you, i am sure you will receive me due to your compassionate nature. Oh Guru i have no one other than you to surrender.
Athma Gnanam gets polluted due to Agjaana and eventually meet its death therefore Agnaana itself is death. As a realized soul you alone can give absolute Gnanam to me and remove all illusion around me.
Sloka: 37
There are peaceful and magnanimous saints who live like/cherish like spring season for the benefit of humanity and to their credit they have already achieved the task of crossing the Samsara chakra (Wheel) because of this reason they also help others to cross the dreadful samsara chakra, keeping this in mind i am requesting you to shower your blessings on me.
Please note today's recording was incomplete due to some technical errors. Please excuse me for that.
Please click the below link for downloading discourse.
Saturday, January 4, 2014
Om Namasivaya nama:
Guru Lakshnana - Qualifications of a true Guru.
Sloka 33: A Guru must be well versed in Vedas and also a true follower of Vedanthic life, besides those qualities he should be sinless, unafflicted by human desires, achiever of supreme knowledge and wisdom, full knower of Supreme Brahman, retired into the Supreme, calm as the fire that has burnt up its fuel, who is a boundless ocean of mercy that needs no cause for its expression, and who is an intimate friend to those who have surrendered unto him.
Sloka 34: The seeker must worship such Guru and please him with your devoted service to him. When he is pleased and ready to shower his blessings, you need to ask him what you need to know about spiritual related questions.
Sloka 35: Oh Master, my God i bow to your lotus feet, a good friend of those who reverentially surrender to you, please save me from this ocean of samsara, a direct glance of yours which rain nectarine grace of Supreme will surely uplift me from where i am today.
Please click the link for download full discourse.
Guru Lakshnana - Qualifications of a true Guru.
Sloka 33: A Guru must be well versed in Vedas and also a true follower of Vedanthic life, besides those qualities he should be sinless, unafflicted by human desires, achiever of supreme knowledge and wisdom, full knower of Supreme Brahman, retired into the Supreme, calm as the fire that has burnt up its fuel, who is a boundless ocean of mercy that needs no cause for its expression, and who is an intimate friend to those who have surrendered unto him.
Sloka 34: The seeker must worship such Guru and please him with your devoted service to him. When he is pleased and ready to shower his blessings, you need to ask him what you need to know about spiritual related questions.
Sloka 35: Oh Master, my God i bow to your lotus feet, a good friend of those who reverentially surrender to you, please save me from this ocean of samsara, a direct glance of yours which rain nectarine grace of Supreme will surely uplift me from where i am today.
Please click the link for download full discourse.
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Om Namasivaya nama:
Wish you all Happy and Prosperous New Year 2014 : May God bless us with true spiritual life by not denouncing human comforts!
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Om Namasivaya nama:
Wish you all Happy and Prosperous New Year 2014 : May God bless us with true spiritual life by not denouncing human comforts!
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Om Namasivaya nama:
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